#eddie horniman x original female character
scarlet-doll-13 · 6 months
Dulce Periculum - Danger Is Sweet
Lizzie Glass has been running from her family and their empire for many years. Upon hearing her baby brother was in a coma and the world has gone to shit, Bobby Glass drags her back into the chaos once more.
Edward was surprised to see a woman with Bobby Glass in the birdcage. She looked a little like Susie from the back, with the same dark hair. But as he approached closer, he could tell the difference. This woman was of similar height but much broader across the shoulders, dressed in ripped jeans and a leather jacket Susie would never be caught dead in. 
“You got some bollocks, ain’t ya? Coming here. Giving my money to the man who battered my son?” Bobby feeds his pigeons. 
Eddie sighs, “I’m sorry about Jack.”
Bobby scoffs; Eddie was toeing a little close to the line in the sand.
“That had nothing to do with me. But I wanted out, so I went to Henry Collins, and that’s why I’ve gone to Mr. Stanley Johnston.”
That little fact intrigued Bobby, “To do what?”
Eddie stands relaxed, hands in his pockets. “To help him acquire your business by obtaining the names of the other lords in your stable so he can take them over. Whoever holds that list holds the keys to the kingdom.”
Bobby turns to face the Eddie, “So you’ve come here to tell me you’ve fucked me twice?”
Eddie tries and fails to hide the brazen look on his face, “Not exactly.”
Bobby turns, gesturing to the woman in the corner. “Eddie. This is my eldest, Lizzie.”
“Susie never said she had a sister.” Eddie held his hand out to shake. 
Lizzie took his hand, shaking with a firm grip. “Technically, I’m dead. But I heard about Jack, and Dad called me back.”
Bobby directed them outside to the table, “Now, tell me your plan.” 
Lizzie was impressed by the speech the Duke had given. After some pause and thought, Bobby Glass had agreed to Eddie’s plan. Now the pair stood outside the prison. The clouds parted, and the spring sunshine shone down. Eddie couldn’t help but watch how Lizzie’s hair shone copper in the light. 
He watched her pull a cigarette from the carton with her teeth. “What you’re about to do could be accused of treason in Susie’s eyes. Do you know what you’re doing?”
“I do.” 
She lights her cigarette with an aged Zippo, and Eddie catches a hint of menthol. She takes a deep breath, savouring the rush of nicotine, before exhaling. 
“Well, good luck, your grace.” Lizzie hands him a folded piece of paper, pulled from her jacket pocket, “my number if shit hits the fan.”
Just his luck, shit did hit the fan. Susie was far from amused to hear Eddie was dealing with Henry Collins. One phone call was all it took for his stroke of bad luck to start snowballing out of his control.
You can also find it on A03: Dulce Periculum - Danger Is Sweet
A.N. - If anyone can help this old gal with story formatting, would be gladly appreciated. It's been awhile since I've posted on here.
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The Lady - 6
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Character: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader, Eddie Horniman x Female Reader
Summary: After fifteen years away, a step-daughter returns for her Duke step-father's funeral, only to inherit a staggering 8 million pound debt and strike a risky deal with a criminal underworld figure.
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Chap 1, Chap 2, Chap 3 , Chap 4 , Chap 5 , Chap 6 , Chap 7.
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You shot a glare at Bucky, who only chuckled in response.
Linking his arm with yours, Bucky suggested, "Let's go meet them together."
Rosie was taken aback when she spotted Bucky.
"I woke up today and still don't see the other half, Princess," Bucky quipped.
Maintaining her composure, Rosie replied, "You're too impatient. My assistant just delivered it to your club."
"Ooh, then I hope you like the service," Bucky retorted with a smirk.
"Impeccable," Rosie replied smoothly, before turning her gaze to you. She tilted her head slightly and added, "I always sensed that you're an adventurous person. I admire your work. I felt comfortable when I found out you're part of this."
You hadn't expected such a compliment from her. While you had met Rosie a few times before, you always felt a sense of superiority from her.
Surrounded by Eddie and Freddie, you never felt out of place. But when Rosie, with her royal blood as a princess, joined the group, the dynamic shifted, and the boys seemed to adopt a more regal demeanor.
Despite your ability to keep up with them, there were times during the summer when you preferred to retreat to Rupert's empty mansion.
You leaned in closer to Rosie and whispered, "Why did you do it?"
Rosie leaned in, her voice barely audible as she replied, "That man doesn't fit to be the future King. It wasn't me who wants him dead. I only lent a hand."
As Rosie spoke, you realized that the relationships within the royal family were even more intricate than you had imagined.
"Some people like your work," Rosie continued. "And I think you will get another client."
Bucky puffed out his chest proudly upon hearing this, nudging your shoulder. "You hear that? Encore."
However, you didn't share Bucky's excitement. While the client may have admired your work, you couldn't find any pride in the situation.
Excusing yourself, you stated, "I need to see my mom and Charlotte."
Once you were at a distance, you pulled out your phone and dialed the family lawyer, Cedric. "Cedric, we need to meet."
Back at the Evergreen Estate.
Cedric informed you, "The debt you have to pay is 3 million." You requested him to find out everything about the debt, unwilling to rely solely on Bucky, as you suspected he wasn't giving you the complete picture.
Lighting a cigar, you took a few puffs in silence as Cedric continued. "The first 4 million already got paid with the building that Bucky used as his club."
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. "That place used to be Rupert's?" Bucky's mention of Rupert profiting suddenly made sense.
Cedric confirmed with a nod. "With 5 jobs done with Barnes, you have completed 2. That means only 3 are left."
Leaning back in your leather chair, you tapped your fingers thoughtfully. "I don't want to finish the rest. I'll just give him the money. But I also don't want to use the money from savings."
Understanding your dilemma, Cedric pondered briefly before suggesting, "Selling the assets will take a while since the deadline to pay the debts is near. What about selling an artwork?"
His suggestion lightened your burden slightly. Exhaling a cloud of smoke, you inquired, "What artwork does Rupert have?"
Cedric's response was impressive. "One of a kind. One original artworks by DaVinci, Monet, and Van Gogh. One painting is worth more than 1 million pounds."
You nodded in agreement. "Good. Sell those. But will the transaction be quick?"
Confidently, Cedric nodded. "I know some people."
"Then, get all you need. You can have 10% from each artwork," you decided, showing trust in his abilities.
Cedric hesitated, "Your Grace, are you sure you want to let go of the paintings?"
You shrugged, unaffected. "I do explosions for a living, Cedric. I don't have the sentiment to admire a painting."
With a bow of his head, Cedric accepted your decision and left.
As you watched him depart, you felt a weight lift from your shoulders. At least tonight, you could block any calls from Bucky.
For two days, you relished in the tranquility of the countryside, finally having the chance to appreciate the simple joys of life. Breakfast with tea, a luxury you never had time for in your military days, now became a cherished routine as the head of the household.
But your peace was shattered when your mother, Susan, entered with a gloomy expression. “I saw some paintings taken down from the wall. Do you know the reason why, my dear?”
You remained focused on your newspaper, not bothering to look up. “I sold them.”
Susan’s eyes widened in disbelief. “What? Why would you do that? Those masterpieces have adorned this house for years.”
Without lifting your gaze, you replied curtly, “So you’re more concerned about the paintings than paying off our debt?”
A heavy silence filled the room.
Flipping the newspaper page, you continued, “I’m the head of this household now, and I have full rights to do as I please, Mother. I refuse to be burdened by debts while you stand idly by.”
You added, a hint of frustration in your tone, “It’s better to sell the paintings than to risk losing the house, don’t you think?”
Susan gasped, taken aback by your audacity. She turned on her heels and stormed out of the room.
The tension lingered in the air, but you remained resolute in your decision, knowing it was necessary for your family's survival.
While the butler of the house remained stoic, devoid of any emotion like you, he asked, “Do you want a cup of coffee, Your Grace?”
You replied, “Yes, please. That would be great.”
The bitterness of the coffee offered a temporary escape from the turmoil caused by your childish mother.
But it seemed the universe had other plans, denying you the chance to find peace. You heard a familiar voice, the harbinger of your nightmares. “Make it two, please.”
Bucky entered with his usual high energy, greeting, “Good morning.”
Without awaiting your permission, he took a seat beside you. “So, last night someone came to my club and brought a briefcase with 3 million pounds inside. It's to pay off Rupert’s debt.”
You took a sip of the coffee. “Yes, that means our association has ended.”
Bucky's expression softened. “First of all, thank you for settling the debt on time. But it pains me to lose a friend.”
You retorted, “Find another one.”
Bucky sighed. “Don't want to. You're one of a kind.”
You acknowledged his compliment but remained firm. “I appreciate your words, but I have no desire to utilize my expertise in such a manner again.”
Bucky nodded understandingly. “Alright, I understand. But I don't want our friendship to end. And we're also business partners.”
He raised his coffee cup, proposing a toast. “To our new beginning.”
You pushed aside your coffee cup, the porcelain clinking against the saucer, echoing the heavy tension in the room. Every visit from Bucky seemed to herald trouble, and today was no exception. "Every time you come here, you bring bad news."
Bucky shrugged nonchalantly, but there was an underlying tension in his posture, a sense of unease that matched your own. "Not this time," he insisted, but his words did little to assuage the growing apprehension in the air.
"Hmm." Your response was clipped, your mind already racing with dread-filled possibilities.
'Ring.' It was Eddie.
The sudden intrusion of the ringing phone shattered the fragile calm, jolting you and Bucky out of your uneasy silence. You answered, your hand trembling ever so slightly. "Hello?"
"I've got bad news."
The words from Eddie on the other end of the line felt like a confirmation of your worst fears. The room seemed to constrict around you, the air growing heavy with tension.
"What is it?" Your voice wavered slightly, betraying the anxiety that clenched at your chest.
"Charles. He got into a problem with the wrong people."
Your heart sank. The implications of Eddie's words hit you like a physical blow, sending a shiver of fear down your spine.
"How bad is it?" You struggled to maintain composure, but the panic threatened to overwhelm you.
"He's tangled up with a cocaine syndicate."
"Oh no." The words escaped your lips in a hushed whisper, laden with fear and dread.
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