#eddie diaz theses will be flying
Babe, I think I’m gonna cry.
im so new to tumblr and don’t really know how to work it yet. And then I ended up in the wrong side of tumblr. And people are literally trying to manifest Eddie’s death and are calling Ryan’s acting sh*t and it’s. I’m not gonna go there again, but I’m just- I’m digging myself into a really bad hole, cause I’m already in a bad place mentally right now.
I mean, I know it’s not in the job description but can you… I don’t know. Is there any way to comfort me a little?🥺
Omg Nonnie, I'm coming!!!! Please don't cry!!!!
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First of all, how dare people try to manifest Eddie's death? That's truly horrible. I hope they don't mind me manifesting my foot kicking them where the sun don't shine because that's about to happen if I see any of that crap anywhere on this hellsite.
Secondly, while it's their opinion of Ryan's supposed "shitty acting" I beg to differ:
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Above is Eddie's non-heart eyes, a somewhat restrained smile though he's attentive to what Ana is saying and politely engaged, but he obviously has something on his mind (even if we didn't know what was coming)
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Above is Eddie's performative smile, wide but tight in some areas, still slightly restrained
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Above is Eddie's sneaky (or thinks he's being sneaky anyway) heart eyes
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Above is Eddie's unrestrained, happy and full of enjoyment smile (hard to see from the side but it's there) as he laughs
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Above is where Chim's words hit Eddie and he realizes this may be the end for Shannon (this to me is one of my favorite scenes of Ryan's in season 2 - he absolutely did this beautifully, you can see the tears increasing in his eyes, it was that good)
And all of these examples are Ryan. This is his performance as Eddie Diaz. He said it himself, he understands the character. I'll admit that before I saw the show, I didn't know anything really about Ryan's career. I had only seen him in The Boy Next Door with Jennifer Lopez and if I'm being honest, I wasn't impressed. That's why I figured I never heard of him again in any more mainstream movies. But then when I watched this show, he absolutely took me by surprise and blew me away. I not only fell in love with the character but also his portrayal of the character. My opinion of his acting abilities only grew the more and more layers I saw that he was bringing to Eddie. Not only that but he seemed to understand Eddie in a way that made me appreciate him as an actor and wanting to see him in other roles. (same for Oliver who I had never heard of before until I saw 911, same for Aisha Hinds and Kenneth Choi and Peter Krause) Ryan has the acting chops. He may not be in an Oscar worthy role at the moment, breaking ground and starving himself to drop 50 pounds (or stuffing himself to gain them) to have this big transformation onscreen that we've seen other actors do over the years, but that doesn't take away from the role he performs or the job he does every single day on set, and does it well. Same goes for Oliver.
So for anyone to sit there and crap on Ryan's acting, again, it's their prerogative but they're wrong in saying that the man can't act. He very clearly can.
Honestly, Nonnie, I think what you came across, if I had to guess, is more of the Ryan hate that's been going around since last year. (other nonnies and I discussed this and how some people on here perceive Ryan and his views on Buddie further here & here) That it has more to do with their dislike of him based on what he said a year ago than it is his acting or the character/his story itself. I had no idea what occurred last year since I wasn't in the fandom then, but when I did finally hear of it this year, I was shocked to discover that people demanded his firing and even started petitions to have Eddie recast (which obviously didn't go anywhere). And all I could think was, I get why people are pissed, I really do, but #1) people make mistakes and they often forget to include the context of him reacting to people sending death threats to his pregnant wife at the time (not excusing what he said but like any other case, we have to take all the facts into consideration), #2) he did apologize at some point after being called out publicly by his co-workers including Oliver (so that definitely means there was a conversation between him and his people and the network/show), and #3) that recasting would be an absolute mistake and it would ring the death knell for the show. I'm not saying 911 is all about Buddie, it's definitely not, it's an ensemble cast, but if anyone thinks that one of the main draws for people to continue watching every week isn't Buddie, then they're only kidding themselves. But thankfully, the network/show seems to have worked it out. And I will say this, after 4x14, I don't see them killing Eddie off. I think if Ryan ever left the show, of his own volition or not, killing Eddie would also ring one death knell for the show. While a lot of people love Buck and Chim and the other characters, a lot of people do love Eddie's character and Christopher. Even if Buck took over as legal guardian for Christopher (to keep him in the show), whether Eddie left or died, there would always be a negative space in the scenes of Buck and Christopher, meaning no matter how hard the show might try to draw the audience's attention away from that, it wouldn't work. Who is missing from that scenario would be too loud. And Tim isn't an idiot, he knows this. So, Nonnie, don't worry. I don't see Eddie being killed off and those chuckleheads on the wrong side of Tumblr can manifest all they want, it's not happening. The only time the show could have gotten away with it (and I say this loosely and hypothetically) was when Eddie was shot in 4x13. And the show chose not to do that. Because it doesn't make sense to the story they're telling, just as a general rule of good story telling. So good luck manifesting that, idiots.
As far as Tumblr goes, I've been right where you are and I too am still trying to learn the ropes here. I've been very fortunate that 96% of my asks have been very positive and I've found some amazing and supportive mutuals on here for all of my main fandoms I've been in and out of. If I can give you some advice, Nonnie, one thing I've definitely learned, though, is you need to curate your experience as best as you can. Meaning, if you need to block a blog, do it. Don't feel bad and don't worry about that blogger might think. I can't tell you how liberal I've been with the block button lately. Anything that is going to upset you or not make you feel good, when you come on here to enjoy the things you love, block it. If you don't want to see something specific in the tags, go to your account settings:
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Then scroll down to the filters part:
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You can see some tags in both screenshots I've added here. Click on the edit button:
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And just add things like "anti eddie diaz" or "anti ryan guzman" or "ryan guzman hate" or anything you don't want to see. Tumblr will filter it for you. And as you move through the site more and find some blogs to follow, you'll see posts pop up on your dash that will be greyed out and will tell you that's it blocked due to the filter and you can still see it if you want to but they won't show it to you unless you click on it.
And one thing I definitely recommend that I tend to do 98% of my time on this site is scroll right past the stuff I don't want to see. For example, one of my tags is anti Buddie but when I go into the Eddie Diaz tag I always saw posts that hated on the ship and its shippers and was pro Eddie/Ana (until recently anyways). I just kind of rolled my eyes and scrolled past all that bs. Even when they brought it into my inbox, I just laughed it off and was like "sure, Jan, sure". (and I'm not showing you that to bring more negativity to your doorstep, that's the last thing you or anyone needs, but to show you that this is just some of the ridiculousness you'll come across on this site and you just kind of have to go "okay, sure, right", give them the one finger salute, and then go hunt down the content you're looking for) There will always be that special brand of fucknut negativity on here but the good thing, the positive usually outweighs the bad. For example, I love Destiel and Dean. That fandom experience, to me, was one of the harshest and still continues to be. Not so much that I got hit with a lot of hate myself, but I watched other people get hit with it and I really learned from how they handled themselves. They didn't stop posting what they wanted and basically took the attitude of "I'm gonna love Destiel and Dean harder". And thanks to them, I was able to curate my own experience in the Destiel and Dean tags, find my mutuals to follow, and navigate the fandom. I knew not to go into the "Sam" tag for example, not because I don't love Sam, but a lot of the hate tends to reside in that tag. But the mutuals I followed do post Sam content from time to time and so it's a win-win for me.
I don't know if any of this helps you, Nonnie. I hope it does and I hope I was able to bring you a little bit of comfort. I know what it was like starting out on this site and a lot of it was frankly overwhelming. But now I enjoy my experience with it and all of my different fandom travels. And I only hope you will start to have that soon, too. I think doing the filter blockage will definitely help. =) And I'm sorry, Nonnie, I've been there and the last thing you need is any kind of negativity or seeing things that upset you. So only look at things that make you feel happy and that you truly enjoy. I wish I could give you a hug, Nonnie, but for now this will have to do: 🫂 And if you need any recs on positive blogs to follow or some cheering up in the future for anything you come across that may be negative in nature, hit me up. I'm always here, Nonnie, and I will always provide comfort where I can. =) Sending you kisses, love, and all the good thoughts I can!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
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