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gearinsitu Β· 5 years ago
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Yellow there! πŸ‘‹πŸ» You can call me mellow yellow! Joke: πŸ˜„ What do you call a fly that wears a black and yellow striped sweater? ... πŸ₯ A wannabee. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ βž– πŸ“·: @gearinsitu βž– Comment 🀳🏻, Like πŸ’“ & Follow πŸ‘† for more Gear In Situ! βž– #pundemic accomplished In keeping the trend alive after @carrotcake20 tagged me for the @edccooperative #coopcolourchallenge I'm tagging @everymansedc @plethora.of.edc @mrs_swiss_knife_4_edc (might med to steel some of Chris' stuff) keep it going + lets see some Canadian EDC Also, my 3rd entry in my EDC Mug series. #edccooperative #edccoop #walkies #edccommunity #myvictorinox #sak4edc #SAKarmy #sakallday #motorola #Yellow #rescuetool #victorinoxranger #edcmug #pokkapen #picquic #multique #EDC #spyderco #spydercosalt #evogrip18 #spydercodragonfly #spydercocaribbean https://www.instagram.com/p/B-e0QCmDrXD/?igshid=1oddhncv39hsf
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gearinsitu Β· 5 years ago
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I hope you don't consider the following jokes violetly offensive. C'mon purple, work with me. Make sure to lilac, comment and share please. . Son: What rhymes with purple? Dad: No it doesn’t! . What's purple and has a queen? Grape Britain πŸ‡πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ . Why is the Kool-Aid Man red instead of purple? Because with grape powder comes great responsibility. . #pundemic πŸ… accomplished anyone one else feel like my jokes are more like a PUNishment than a treat? πŸ–πŸ»πŸŽ€ I might be punstoppable! βž– πŸ“·: @gearinsitu βž– Comment 🀳🏻, Like πŸ’“ & Follow πŸ‘† for more Gear In Situ! βž– My 6th entry in my EDC Mug series. Also, In keeping the trend alive after @carrotcake20 tagged me for the @edccooperative #coopcolourchallenge I'm tagging @thepokeyfactor @nigelthesmith @everydaygary keep it going + lets see some Canadian EDC #edccooperative #edccoop #kershawlink #edccommunity #myvictorinox #sak4edc #SAKarmy #sakallday #spyderco #Manix # #victorinoxalox #edcmug #multitool #EDC #Kershaw #gshock #customknife #olight #leathermanjuice #juiceXE6 #snife #wengerknife #antigearco #fenix #fenixld02 #blurple #spydercomanix2 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-mfuiZj3ub/?igshid=1w508n20wjnb
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gearinsitu Β· 5 years ago
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Chafe the blues away with a bike ride. Ride till you're black and blue. 😷 🀒😬 #pundemic πŸ… accomplished anyone one else feel like my jokes are more like a PUNishment than a treat? πŸ–πŸ»πŸŽ€ βž– πŸ“·: @gearinsitu βž– Comment 🀳🏻, Like πŸ’“ & Follow πŸ‘† for more Gear In Situ! βž– My 5th entry in my EDC Mug series. Also, In keeping the trend alive after @carrotcake20 tagged me for the @edccooperative #coopcolourchallenge I'm tagging @jamesmtledc @204knifeguy @prairie.carry keep it going + lets see some Canadian EDC #edccooperative #edccoop #benchmade #edccommunity #myvictorinox #sak4edc #SAKarmy #sakallday #benchmade #bugout #victorinoxskipper #edcmug #picquic #multitool #EDC #spyderco #gshock #teenyturner #gshockcarbon #customknife #ColdSteel #coldsteelkhan #minigriptilian #benchmadebugout #minigrip #olight #olightbatonpro #leathermanjuice #leathermansquirt https://www.instagram.com/p/B-jwZwCjRIm/?igshid=709168aelqpz
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gearinsitu Β· 5 years ago
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An Electrifying Monday morning to you all. Let's hope this raw weather Coperates. Otherwise this rain is going to tarnish my mood. Have a great day. C u L8r evry1. Stay brassy! βž– πŸ“·: @gearinsitu βž– Comment 🀳🏻, Like πŸ’“ & Follow πŸ‘† for more Gear In Situ! βž– #Kershaw #natrix #copperwash #copper #coppernatrix #crktpilar #spyderco #cu #spydercopingo #carandache #olight #higonokami #retro1951tornado #zippo #retro1951 #svord #micropeasant #edcmug #edcgear #EDC #victorinox #sak4edc #sakallday #CRKT #SAKarmy #swissbianco #copperscales https://www.instagram.com/p/B-7BasfDqns/?igshid=18x5p21l9peed
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gearinsitu Β· 5 years ago
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Now for a bit of a pallet cleanser. What's white and looks like a horse? ... An albino zebra. βž– πŸ“·: @gearinsitu βž– Comment 🀳🏻, Like πŸ’“ & Follow πŸ‘† for more Gear In Situ! βž– My 7th entry in my EDC Mug series. Also, #coopcolourchallenge #edccommunity #myvictorinox #sak4edc #SAKarmy #EDC #sakallday #OntarioR2D2 #OntarioRat2 #victorinoxtranslucent #edcmug #casio #multitool #EDC #gshock #customknife #edcgear #yesvictorinox #dadjokes https://www.instagram.com/p/B-pEUHEj44N/?igshid=1wbac3cleg8a8
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gearinsitu Β· 5 years ago
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Make sure to eat your greens 🌡 to keep the Rona 🦠 away. They are chalk full of iron 🧲, or so they say. And if you've got a green thumb🦎, it means you haven't washed your hands properlyπŸ‘πŸ». So please, make me green with envy, with how clean your hands can beπŸ™ŒπŸ». 😷 🀒😬 #pundemic πŸ… accomplished anyone one else feel like my jokes are more like a PUNishment than a treat? πŸ–πŸ»πŸŽ€ βž– πŸ“·: @gearinsitu βž– Comment 🀳🏻, Like πŸ’“ & Follow πŸ‘† for more Gear In Situ! βž– My 4th entry in my EDC Mug series. Also, In keeping the trend alive after @carrotcake20 tagged me for the @edccooperative #coopcolourchallenge I'm tagging @the_last_canadian_boyscout @canuckknifeknut @maritimespook keep it going + lets see some Canadian EDC #edccooperative #edccoop #edccommunity #myvictorinox #sak4edc #SAKarmy #sakallday #benchmade #zhunter #trekker #onehandedtrekker #rescuetools #victorinoxranger #edcmug #carandache #picquic #multique #EDC #spyderco #gshock #carandachenespresso #teenyturner #osborne940 #ga2110su #gshockcarbon #opinel #customknife #crktminimalist https://www.instagram.com/p/B-hgZNWjzcP/?igshid=11c5jpkseeif9
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gearinsitu Β· 5 years ago
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I'm taking a break from the orange puns for a bit. If I keep things up at this pace I'm gonna run out of juice fast. #pundemic βž– πŸ“·: @gearinsitu βž– Comment 🀳🏻, Like πŸ’“ & Follow πŸ‘† for more Gear In Situ! βž–I was tagged by @carrotcake20 for the @edccooperative #Orange #coopcolourchallenge Tagging @adamduval_ @edcinvancouver @buzz_northgear Keep it going + lets see some Canadian EDC Also, my second entry in my EDC Mug series. βž– πŸ“·: @gearinsitu βž– Comment 🀳🏻, Like πŸ’“ & Follow πŸ‘† for more Gear In Situ! βž– #edccooperative #edccoop #edccommunity #myvictorinox #sak4edc #SAKarmy #leatherman #leathermanjuice #sakallday #casio #victorinoxranger #alox #rangergrip #edcmug #EDC #picquic #swiza #Kershaw #svord #svordpeasant #LAMY #lamypico #spyderco #byrd #spydercodragonfly #byrdcaracara2 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-cFtqlDliV/?igshid=hk5am8q1xdxk
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gearinsitu Β· 5 years ago
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I was tagged by @carrotcake20 for the @edccooperative red #coopcolourchallenge Tagging @swiss_knife_4_edc @canadiancanuck11 @canadiancarry Keep it going + lets see some Canadian EDC Also, a good start to my EDC Mug series. βž– πŸ“·: @gearinsitu βž– Comment 🀳🏻, Like πŸ’“ & Follow πŸ‘† for more Gear In Situ! βž– #edccooperative #edccarry #edccoop #edccommunity #swissarmyknife #sak #myvictorinox #moddedsak #sak4edc #moddedswissarmyknife #leatherman #leathermanskeletool #tufflite #sakallday #gshock #antigearco #leathermanmicra #skeletoolrx #victorinoxranger #alox #rangergrip #silkysaw #edcmug #EDC @antigearco #manker #ColdSteel @mankerlight_official @coldsteel (at At home) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ZnlDmj3Tc/?igshid=1s6ev3ykxb1e5
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gearinsitu Β· 5 years ago
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I can see clearly now the rain has ... Started. Ok, full transparency here, I'm struggling to come up with some good word play. Things are just not jelling in my mind. I need a glass of water to wake me up. That should bring some clarity of mind. Which will help me see through the gloom of these days. Like crystal! When choosing between transparent and opaque. Transparent is the clear choice. βž– πŸ“·: @gearinsitu βž– Comment 🀳🏻, Like πŸ’“ & Follow πŸ‘† for more Gear In Situ! βž– #edccooperative #edcCommunity #purell #handsanitizer #gshock #gshocksquare #bokergriploc #bokerknives #bokerplus #svord #svordpeasant #polycarbonate #kaweco #victorinox #silvertech #suunto #MyVictorinox #SAKarmy #sak4edc #sakallday #knifelife #edc #edcmug #sphero #kawecosport #transparent #griploc #gavinhawk https://www.instagram.com/p/B-w02iqjnl7/?igshid=52rleq1fcfgy
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gearinsitu Β· 5 years ago
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I'm feeling greyT about today's post. I didn't need to use too much grey matter to come up with such a great post. Plus it's such a beautiful day, I might catch some greys later on as a treat. Be that as it grey,... I hope you all have a wonderful grey, come what grey! There I'm done, I'll be forever greytful if your like, comment and share. Now I'm done. Thank you greytly! #greyscale #pundemic more like apuncalypse. βž– πŸ“·: @gearinsitu βž– Comment 🀳🏻, Like πŸ’“ & Follow πŸ‘† for more Gear In Situ! βž– @northern_edc_gear #coopcolourchallenge #grahamrazel #crktrazel #foldingrazel #20cv #benchmade #griptilian #kershawchive #kershawscallion #benchmadegriptilian #leatherman #leathermanblast #victorinox #victorinoxtranslucent #sak4edc #SAKarmy #sakallday #sakwithme #opinelno8 #opinel #timexironman #timexexpedition #timex #EDC #edcCommunity #edcwatchshot #edcmug https://www.instagram.com/p/B-rso9xDLLs/?igshid=mp7bzoam50ba
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