#ecu repairs london
finchmotors · 2 years
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Saturday 26 May 1838
12 ¼
fine morning F61 ½° at 8 ½ am A- went to the cathedral about 8 or after to sketch the interior and returned at 9 35 – I sat writing till 10 – then breakfast – changed our room – from the small one to the next adjoining a large very good room and breakfasting and moving our things till 12 – our garçon Paul Voisin a nice civil good countenanced unmarried aetatis 31 man from Lyons – does not like here – would be glad to be in a private house again – would be glad to go with us – lived 15 years with la marquise de Montague – was then in the army – then not getting a good place at Lyons came to Paris and from there here – in bed at 12 or 2 and up at 4 – so hard a place, nobody could stay long – he makes 800fr. a year – but would rather have less in a different place – had 350 fr. a year with the marquise de M- and livery – she lived in the r. de la université, but is not now in Paris – lives in the country – A- and I out at 12 35 – took a commissionaire to shew us the way, and then sent him home – Mr. Mumm or somebody, a very civil young man, protestant it seemed, and speaking English very fairly – a German shewed us over the cellars, and afterwards shewed us into a large good salon, and gave us champagne and biscuits – the wine Mousseux and very fair but not so good as Moets’ of Epernay in 1833. should I have as good of Moet at 3/. a bottle? ordered a dozen of his 1ere qualité at 4/50 per bottle to be sent off on Monday and would be in Paris on Tuesday or Wednesday to my address rue St. Victor n° 27 à Paris – thought we might get this dozen over to England for Lady Stuart – en petite cadeau – about an hour at the cellars (at Mr. Mumms’) underground and above – 3 stories of cellars to the depth of 36 to 40 ft. ventilated by grates communicating from the bottom cellar to the top – each story divided into separate vaults perhaps the loftiest 7 or 8ft. high in the centre – perhaps 4 or 5 yards wide and 20+ long – in the lowest story 3 men corking – one filling up the bottles – another putting in the cork, and driving it down with a machine (has only had it about 15 months) on the principle of a corn or button-stamping machine, and the 3rd man tying down the corks, (the tightness gained by a small steel thing round which the string is turned and held fast while the other end is pulled tight) – It is not long since everybody left off gaudon (rosin) and covered the corks with lead-paper – a great improvement
Monday 28 May 1838. no good wine in champagne says our landlord of the Ecu at Epernay since the year 1834.
asked for champagne tranquille – cannot have it now – not till next year – not ripe enough now – that of 1834 will not be ripe till next year – taken with the double-incline clearing racks  the bottles ranged in an angle = about 25°? require turning twice a day for 2 or 3 weeks till all the sediment has sunk down to the cork – then the cork taken out (a difficult operation saw it done) and with the cork out gushes the sediment in the froth that escapes and the bottle being refilled is immediately re-corked – vintage in October – wine remains in cash till April May or June – about 6 months – Mr. Mumm has no vineyards of his own – buys the grapes – shewed us his great ton = 19,000 bottles = 70 such casks as we saw lying about – sends wine to America in boxes containing 12 bottles and 50 ditto has a house in London, Francfort and Cologne – Inquired respecting the ventilation of cellars – he said wine should have good pure air – Madeira should be kept warm and may do without air, but good air cannot do it any harm if the temperature be attended to – the breakage of champagne = 50p.c. the time of year now coming on – best to order champagne for a years’ consumption – should not be kept too long – he owned that the Bordeaux wines (Claret) for the English market were mixed with hermitage and brandy – on leaving Mr. Mumms’ at 1 55 sauntered in the little Jardin des Plantes – nothing particular in it – 2 or 3 little  serres, not much in them – then to the Cours the very nice shaded promenades – then Champs Elysées of Rheims – very pretty cool and pleasant (hot and very fine sun today) sat there writing in pencil in my rough note book all the above of today till now 2 ¾ - and then to the cemetery close by – i.e. close by the Porte de Mars leading to Flanders (the gate by which we entered yesterday) and the ‘Mission’ i.e. croix de la mission erected in 1825, and now turned to a monument to the memory of the brave who died fighting for the liberty of France (viz. the revolutions of the 3 days of July 1830) – sometime in the cemetery spite of boiling sun – among the tombeaux and epitaphs one of the latter by a father to the memory of his daughter, Marie Antoniette Sophie l’Inglois decêdée Thursday 5 December 1822 dans sa 21me année – after 10 foregoing lines ends thus
‘ô mon chere enfant, attends en paix
ce père malheureux ! attends-le sous cette terre
Qui d’après un homme religieux et sensible,
‘n’est que la cendre des morts pétrie avec les larmes
de vivans’ pretty idea  
not aware at this moment that the ancien porte de Mars (arc de triomphe of the Romans) was so near
from the cemetery thro’ the streets and marché to the palais archiépiscopale
the archbishop M. le cardinal de Couci set off to Paris a day or 2 before the outburst of the revolution of July 1830, and has never been here since – at Goritz with the ex-royal family – the bishop of Numidie does the duties of the archbishop – the archbishop much regretted – a very good man – did a great deal of good –the palais worth seeing the grande salle surrounded by the pictures of the king crowned here from Clavis downwards very handsome – pity that damp is spoiling some of the pictures e.g. Louis XVI. at the end of  the salle – Charles X. taken away – the picture still in the palais but his place in the salle vacant, and several fleurs de lis here and there defaced – (as also the fleurs de lis on the shield of Louis 15 in the Place royale – how puerile!) – the grande salle 130x36 pieds and height = about 36 pieds up to the square – ceiling domed – large poutres (beams) across the room partly gilt with 2 rings in each beam towards the side of the room for suspending 2 chandeliers – 4 windows on each side the great entrance door by flight of steps from without – 4 doors on the opposite side of the room – the great fire-place at the end of the room and over it St. Remy crowning Clovis – shewn into what Charles x intended turning into the chapel – the painted glass windows put in – but all stopt by the revolution – this place was the palais de justice after the revolution of 1789 and 3 stories of prisonniers were in this very spot – the duke of Orelans was lately at our hotel (the Lyon d’or) but did not see the Palace – no! said I, he is still a Bourbon, and the sight could not be agreeable – from here went home at 4 ½ for A- to have wine and biscuit and then out again at 4 52 and off to the church of St. Remy – a 20 minutes walk and there at 5 ¼ - under repair – expected to be done in 2 years from this time – very curious old church – the whole of the nave boarded off – had been new roofed and now full of workmen – 2 stories of double aisle round the apsis and choir and a narrow gallery above the upper story immediately under the painted windows – do not remember to have seen this sort of 2 storied double-aisle – went up to the upper story – same dimensions apparently even as high as the story below – the vitreaux – (painted glass) – very ancient – date not known – supposed to be as old as the church – evidently very ancient – all the ceilings of aisles and choir stone-work plastered and painted in imitation of brick-work – the new vaulting (new roof of the nave) done in wood – the old stone roof too heavy on the walls – the 2 stories of double aisle run all round the nave too – see as we return, that the new roof is not quite so steep as the old one – as seen from the old walls of the town the eves are all in one line but the ridge of the old roof of the choir is about 3ft. higher than the ridge of the new roof of the nave – just peeped into the nave after having seen the high altar and chasse containing the relies of St. Remy – the chasse of solid silver before the revolution of 1789 – now of cuivre argenté – the relies exposed to the faithful
for 9 days in October every year – the figures round the high altar not finished sculptured at the back because stood originally against a wall – done under the orders of a cardinal of Lorraine 300 or 400 years ago – interesting as representing in marble statues the 6 ecclesiastical and 6 lay paises de France and their officers who assisted at the sacres (coronations) of the kings of France – looking towards the altar
the left
‘Duke de Bourgogne’ holding the crown
D. de Normandie – a standard
D. de Aquitaine – a standard
Comte ‘de champagne’ – a standard
C. de Flandre – the sword
C. de Toulouse – the spurs
the right
archduke de Rheims holding sa croix
Ev. duke de Laon – a crosier et l’ampoule
Ev. d. de Langres – a crosier et containing the oil and sceptre
Ev. comte de Beauvais – a crosier
Ev. c. de Chalons – a crosier and the ring
Ev. c. de Noyon – a crosier et la selle the kings’s saddle
immediately at the back of the altar in the space between the last Evêque and last court is a St. Remy seated in his archiepiscopal robes and mitre teaching Clovis kneeling at his feel and a Diacre or assistant holding the cosier and an open book – Left the church (much interested) at 6 20 – sauntered back along the  boulevard very lately planted with young elms – cart road in the middle and 2 allées (promenades) (old rampart) the Vesle river running close along its foot on the other side the old wall – on our right towards the town, great deal of garden ground – pépinières and sale vegetable gardens – delighted with our walk back – nowhere such good views of the exterior of the cathedral – too short – too lumping as a whole – wants the lantern tower the lengthiness of York minster, and its freedom from flying buttresses at the east end which look like steps to graduate the high roof gently down to the ground – the effect of this is bad – as if the building could not support its height at that end – never travel without a view of York minster – take it all in all, has it an equal in the world? when very near our hotel at 7 the light so beautiful on the cathedral turned into a courtyard for a better view – the gentleman of the house civilly asked us in and the wife shewed us in the garden – she said the effect would be still better in about an hour – she regretted the great numeros of pigeons jackdaws, crows etc that inhabited the exterior of the building – to us these birds give life to the scene and improve the picturesque – she said the crows assembled on the wire all along the ridge of the roof so as sometimes to form an almost continuous line from end to end, and all regularly flew away to les champs at 9pm – as good as a clock for 9pm we inquired about Mr. Mumm as to the street in which he lived – she did not know the name – supposed we had seen the cellars of Mr. Muller or Mr. Roeder (a German we said he spoke English well and was a protestant) – asked who was really the most renommé négociant en vins in Reims – Madame Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin- I said the town was full of dyers – yes! but only 6 or 7 great dyers in the town – It turned out her husband was a dyer and also a wine merchant – she said we ought to see les filatures en laine (woollen spinning mills) – it seems they have power looms here – she says trade has been very bad, but is now reviving or revived and pretty goof again – Had ordered dinner at 7 – not in till 7 ½ - dinner immediately but the lateness an excuse for a bad dinner – no épinards – nothing left – I sent for one mutton cutlet for I had literally nothing but cold fish not eating the bit of beef or the little redone overdone poulet or asparagus – sat over dinner and dessert till 10 – then wrote till 11 – very fine day – F67° at 11 pm
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Auto Electrician, Car Diagnostic Test, ECU No Communication, Wiring Repair, CAN Bus Repair, ECU Repair, ECU Testing, Cloning and Programming, ABS Repair, DPF Regeneration, OBDII Faults Codes, Throttle Body Repair, Immobiliser Repair, Air Conditioning Repair, Central Locking Repair, Audio-Video System, Navigation System, Actuator Repair
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carkeysremotes1 · 4 years
#Damaged ecu pin - REPAIRED 👏🏼 🚗🔑 CAR KEYS SUPPLIED & CUT WITH PROGRAMMING... LOST KEYS 🤷🏼‍♂️ 👨🏻‍🔧 - Remote Repairs Carkeysremotes are pleased to offer SPARE/ REPLACEMENT CAR REMOTE KEYS TO YOUR HOME, WORK, GYM.. # Is your Car Remote Key damaged - not functional as it once was - we can recase/repair buttons & make like new at your vehicle roadside location 🤩 ☑️ - Same Day Service *Proximity Keys - *Transponder Keys - *Immobilser Programming - *Central Locking Remote Fobs - *Steering Lock Issue - *Ignition Barrels - *Door Lock - *Alarms - 🏎 - 🚖 - 🚍 - 🚛 🔑# Cars - Vans - Trucks - Lorries #🔑 ☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️ 🚨 👋🏼 Autolocksmith’s of ESSEX-LONDON-KENT & Surrounding Areas.. #Brentwood #Basildon #Laindon #Benfleet #Rayleigh #Billericay #Romford #Grays #Chelmsford #Hutton #Dartford Message for FREE QOUTES 👨🏻‍🔧🚗🔑
from Carkeysremotes Autolocksmiths - Posts | Facebook https://rss.app/articles/862477a672d6712ebf10d2bcc95a65caef1ab54004ff0f650a29d7e24201db9b5dbe8312966f3eaa942cb3c0881758e70813a31391988cb310e312ed6635
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chengottosen8-blog · 6 years
Motorkeys Car Locksmiths.
We offer a full bundle of providing and setting your replacement car key. Unlike with using tinfoil hats, there's a major reason: it can block thieves utilizing radio gadgets to 'read' your car key from outdoors your home. The locksmith professional got here within 25 minutes and managed to get into cars and truck without any damage. First for a locked vehicle car key replacement without any way to obtain in, we need to acquire entry to the vehicle. We have know-how in every type of vehicle, whether it's a Mercedes or BMW, we understand ways to repair it. From smaller sized automobiles to the greatest made cars and trucks, we deal in everything, and absolutely no damage is caused to the car. Our mobile car locksmiths are available at all the crucial areas of London. At our workshop, we can replace lost automobile secrets, supply and code new push-button controls, supply spare or brand-new car car key replacement keys and fix broken keys. We offer a very fast, damage free cars and truck entry service, when you need It. We are professionals at car lock picking and entry so when your captured out, we can let you in. DS Cars has actually unveiled the UK's first integrated contactless payment vehicle secret on the new DS 3 Connected Chic. Our locksmith professionals have handled a model like yours and they will offer car key copy you comfort the moment you delegate your cars and truck to us. Contact us for Peugeot automobile essential replacement, transponder programing or lost secrets solutions today. As security has actually become more advanced throughout the years locking your keys in the automobile is still an issue. No matter what time of day or night this might occur to you, we offer automotive locksmith how to Copy Car Key services in Waco Texas that you can count on. You may have lost an entire set of keys, or you may have been the victim of theft. When it is left ignored, constantly eliminate secrets and lock a car. Whether your issue is broken, stolen or lost cars and truck secrets, or you just require an extra, Glasgow's Vehicle Key Centre will get you back into your car and on the road. Get a quote from our West London cars and car key replacement truck locksmith professionals now by calling 07739 383344 and talking to Mark. Dont stress We use expert equipment to select and decode your locks to allow us to cut your brand-new key with accuracy. If you haven't currently as replicate car are cheaper and much simpler to produce, we recommend that you get spare secrets. We are also professionals on pre cut secrets for windows and car key replacement suitcases and the replacement of lost vehicle keys, even those with immobiliser chips or transponders. We pride ourselves on offering a competitively priced, high-quality automobile locksmith professional service with exceptional after care. Approximately three days hire of a vehicle with a maximum expense of ₤ 40 each day, if your cars and truck is unusable due to lost or stolen secrets. The internet has lots of videos and short articles that show car key replacement If you have actually left your secrets inside your car, and tell you how to break in. Our look for an option brought us to keytags with a service to deliver secrets back to you in case of a loss. All our cars and truck keys are cut by a highly skilled car locksmith professional with the latest in essential cutting and programs devices. Cars and truck security company Tracker stated these sort of thefts represented 66 per cent of all stolen vehicles it examined car key replacement in 2015 - and there's basic methods to stop it taking place to you. If you don't have any of your car keys and your cars and truck has remote locking or other comparable features, it will likely have a code that will have to be reprogrammed, and it's possible that your car will need a new ECU. If your vehicle has been around since the 90's then your lorry works with a standard vehicle secret that doesn't included any included security features making it relatively easy to duplicate. have a peek at this web-site will in some cases be listed as transponder keys car key replacement or blank secrets and they are the primary step to getting your vehicle back on the roadway. We have been dealing with trade garages in West London for well over 4 years and have an excellent credibility in the location for our replacement vehicle crucial service. The Smart Remote Programmer operates automatically via the user-friendly SRP software and uses the NFC (Near Field Communication) innovation, a Silca patented application, to write the data onto the Remote Automobile car key replacement Key. Panther Locksmith professionals Peterborough supplies a wide range of automobile locksmith options beyond the regular replacement of lost car secrets Peterborough.
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ramialkarmi · 7 years
TRANSPORTATION AND LOGISTICS BRIEFING: Daimler updates mobility and R&D efforts — Boeing invests in startup working on self-flying taxis — OTA updates will cut into auto dealers' revenue
Welcome to Transportation & Logistics Briefing, a new morning email providing the latest news, data, and insight on how digital technology is disrupting transportation and delivery, produced by BI Intelligence.
Get the free Top 5 Disruptive Trends Shaping Transportation & Logistics report and start receiving our brand new Transportation & Logistics newsletter.
Have feedback? We'd like to hear from you. Write me at: [email protected].
DAIMLER UPDATES MOBLITY, R&D EFFORTS: German auto giant Daimler released its Q3 2017 earnings, and reported that it grew spending on research and development (R&D) efforts to 2.3 billion euros ($2.7 billion), up from 1.9 billion euros ($2.2 billion) in Q3 2016. 
The company expects its R&D spending in 2017 to be significantly higher than last year’s record of 7.9 billion euros ($9.3 billion), according to Bloomberg. That’s being driven by a number of initiatives. The company is accelerating investments in electric vehicles as demand for diesel vehicles drops in Europe. Some large European cities are considering banning diesel-powered vehicles altogether over air quality concerns. In Germany, sales of diesel vehicles fell 21% during the month of September, according to the country’s motor vehicle department. 
The auto giant is also investing heavily in connected and autonomous technologies across its car and truck businesses. Last week, Daimler demonstrated its Arocs autonomous trucks that can drive autonomously in pre-defined areas, such as a college campus or airport. It also confirmed that it will be splitting up its car and truck units into separate businesses to give them more flexibility in pursuing new technologies, partnerships, and business models.
Daimler provided updates on its portfolio of mobility services, which increased their total users by 116% YoY to 15.9 million.
Daimler’s Moovel Group, which houses all of its mobility services, counted 16.4 million transactions across its various apps in Q3, up from 10 million in Q2. 
Car-sharing service Car2Go, the largest car-sharing service in the world, grew its user base to 2.8 million in Q3, up from 2.6 million in Q2. The automaker said that it is continuing to invest in deploying new models to Car2Go’s fleet to give users more choices, as it transitions the fleet from two-seater Smart cars in favor of Mercedes sedans and SUVs.
Additionally, Daimler’s MyTaxi ride-hailing app increased its user base from “more than 8 million” at the end of Q2 to 9.7 million by the end of September, and is testing a ride-sharing service, called MyTaxi Match, similar to UberPOOL.
Daimler also invested in US ride-sharing service Via, and plans to bring Via’s app to Europe, starting in London.
Daimler hopes all of these mobility investments will help shield its business from shifts in car ownership rates over the coming decades, as mobility services take an increasing share of auto industry profits at the expense of new car sales to consumers. Shared mobility services will grow to account for 20% of the auto industry's annual profits by 2030, while the share of industry profits resulting from new car sales will drop from 41% in 2015 to 29% in 2030, according to PwC and Strategy&.
BOEING INVESTS IN AUTONOMOUS FLYING STARTUP: Boeing’s HorizonX venture arm has invested an undisclosed amount in Pittsburgh-based aerospace startup Near Earth Autonomy, Bloomberg reports. HorizonX typically “makes investments that span the single millions up to the low double-digit millions, and this investment is at the higher end of that range," a Boeing spokesperson told GeekWire. As part of the investment, Boeing VP of Research & Technology Charles Toups will join the company’s board. 
Near Earth Autonomy is developing software and sensors to enable drones and other aircraft to fly themselves autonomously. The company was founded by a handful of former members of Carnegie Mellon’s robotics institute back in 2011. Shortly thereafter, it worked with the US Army to develop and trial one of the world’s first full-size, self-flying helicopters.
The investment will allow the 50-person company to move into a larger facility, make about a dozen new hires, and explore potential new products and technologies, CEO Sanjiv Singh told The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. In addition, Singh noted that it will help the company accelerate its time frame for getting the products it’s currently working on to market.
This deal is part of Boeing’s larger multi-pronged approach to exploring the autonomous flight space. The aerospace giant purchased Aurora Flight Services, the company working with Uber to develop autonomous flying taxis, earlier this month. In addition, HorizonX invested in Zunum Aero, a startup working on electric and autonomous plane technologies, and Spark Cognition, which is building artificial intelligence (AI) solutions that could be used in such aircraft. Autonomous aircraft could open up new business opportunities for Boeing, including selling autonomous flight systems to aircraft operators and providing new transportation services like flying taxis.
OTA UPDATES WILL HURT CAR DEALERS’ BOTTOM LINES: Tesla has pioneered over-the-air (OTA) software updates in the auto industry, and other legacy automakers and suppliers are starting to incorporate them into their own software capabilities. That trend will cut into the revenue auto dealerships collect from performing software fixes, according to Bloomberg.
OTA updates that fix software bugs with a simple download will become more prevalent across the auto industry in the next few years. GM has said that it will enable OTA updates for its infotainment and electronics systems by 2020, and major auto supplier Delphi is integrating them into its own electronics products as well.
Increasing use of OTA updates will result in less visits to auto dealerships by automating software fixes. That will lead to a decline in the amount automakers pay auto dealers to cover the costs of fixes under warranty. About half of the $40-50 billion per year that auto manufacturers spend on warranty costs stems from software bugs, according to Delphi. This year, OTA updates will save automakers $7 billion, mostly from reduced labor costs associated with repairs, according to IHS Markit projections cited by Bloomberg.   
However, it will take a long time for OTA updates to become prevalent throughout the industry. For now, auto OTA updates are mostly limited to infotainment systems. Eventually, a major shift will happen when OTA updates are integrated into cars’ electronic control units (ECUs) — mini-computers that control individual car components like airbags and windows. Only 0.17% of cars have OTA-enabled ECUs right now, but that figure is projected to rise to 19% by 2023, according to IHS Markit. As that percentage climbs, it will lead to steeper cuts in auto dealers’ revenue and greater warranty savings for auto manufacturers. While auto dealers will still be needed for repairs to physical car components that wear down over time — like tires and shock absorbers — adoption of OTA updates will gradually erode auto dealers’ parts and services businesses.
In other news…
FedEx announced that it has acquired inventory research and management provider Northwest Research for an undisclosed sum. The company, which was founded in 1996 and is based in Salt Lake City, provides inventory management services to logistics companies like UPS, and had a prior relationship with FedEx. The company will integrate Northwest's technologies and services into its own operations to improve its logistics offerings.
Tesla has registered about 1,000 Model 3 VINs with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), hinting that it may be starting to overcome its recent production bottlenecks, according to Electrek. The automaker has received hundreds of thousands of pre-orders for the sedan, but thus far has only delivered 260 of the cars that have been ordered. While VIN registrations are an imperfect measurement of how soon vehicles will ultimately get into the hands of consumers, this may suggest that Tesla is preparing to increase Model 3 deliveries soon.
XPO Logistics, a Connecticut-based logistics service provider that specializes in transporting heavy goods, will hire about six thousand new employees ahead of the busy US holiday shopping season, according to Reuters. This is about 20% more employees than it hired last year for the same period, which starts a day after Thanksgiving and runs through early January. The company hopes this will help it meet the expected rise in purchase volume this holiday season, which could reach $1.5 trillion in total brick-and-mortar and online retail sales, according to Deloitte.
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
TRANSPORTATION AND LOGISTICS BRIEFING: Daimler updates mobility and R&D efforts — Boeing invests in startup working on self-flying taxis — OTA updates will cut into auto dealers' revenue
Welcome to Transportation & Logistics Briefing, a new morning email providing the latest news, data, and insight on how digital technology is disrupting transportation and delivery, produced by BI Intelligence.
Get the free Top 5 Disruptive Trends Shaping Transportation & Logistics report and start receiving our brand new Transportation & Logistics newsletter.
Have feedback? We'd like to hear from you. Write me at: [email protected].
DAIMLER UPDATES MOBLITY, R&D EFFORTS: German auto giant Daimler released its Q3 2017 earnings, and reported that it grew spending on research and development (R&D) efforts to 2.3 billion euros ($2.7 billion), up from 1.9 billion euros ($2.2 billion) in Q3 2016. 
The company expects its R&D spending in 2017 to be significantly higher than last year’s record of 7.9 billion euros ($9.3 billion), according to Bloomberg. That’s being driven by a number of initiatives. The company is accelerating investments in electric vehicles as demand for diesel vehicles drops in Europe. Some large European cities are considering banning diesel-powered vehicles altogether over air quality concerns. In Germany, sales of diesel vehicles fell 21% during the month of September, according to the country’s motor vehicle department. 
The auto giant is also investing heavily in connected and autonomous technologies across its car and truck businesses. Last week, Daimler demonstrated its Arocs autonomous trucks that can drive autonomously in pre-defined areas, such as a college campus or airport. It also confirmed that it will be splitting up its car and truck units into separate businesses to give them more flexibility in pursuing new technologies, partnerships, and business models.
Daimler provided updates on its portfolio of mobility services, which increased their total users by 116% YoY to 15.9 million.
Daimler’s Moovel Group, which houses all of its mobility services, counted 16.4 million transactions across its various apps in Q3, up from 10 million in Q2. 
Car-sharing service Car2Go, the largest car-sharing service in the world, grew its user base to 2.8 million in Q3, up from 2.6 million in Q2. The automaker said that it is continuing to invest in deploying new models to Car2Go’s fleet to give users more choices, as it transitions the fleet from two-seater Smart cars in favor of Mercedes sedans and SUVs.
Additionally, Daimler’s MyTaxi ride-hailing app increased its user base from “more than 8 million” at the end of Q2 to 9.7 million by the end of September, and is testing a ride-sharing service, called MyTaxi Match, similar to UberPOOL.
Daimler also invested in US ride-sharing service Via, and plans to bring Via’s app to Europe, starting in London.
Daimler hopes all of these mobility investments will help shield its business from shifts in car ownership rates over the coming decades, as mobility services take an increasing share of auto industry profits at the expense of new car sales to consumers. Shared mobility services will grow to account for 20% of the auto industry's annual profits by 2030, while the share of industry profits resulting from new car sales will drop from 41% in 2015 to 29% in 2030, according to PwC and Strategy&.
BI Intelligence
BOEING INVESTS IN AUTONOMOUS FLYING STARTUP: Boeing’s HorizonX venture arm has invested an undisclosed amount in Pittsburgh-based aerospace startup Near Earth Autonomy, Bloomberg reports. HorizonX typically “makes investments that span the single millions up to the low double-digit millions, and this investment is at the higher end of that range," a Boeing spokesperson told GeekWire. As part of the investment, Boeing VP of Research & Technology Charles Toups will join the company’s board. 
Near Earth Autonomy is developing software and sensors to enable drones and other aircraft to fly themselves autonomously. The company was founded by a handful of former members of Carnegie Mellon’s robotics institute back in 2011. Shortly thereafter, it worked with the US Army to develop and trial one of the world’s first full-size, self-flying helicopters.
The investment will allow the 50-person company to move into a larger facility, make about a dozen new hires, and explore potential new products and technologies, CEO Sanjiv Singh told The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. In addition, Singh noted that it will help the company accelerate its time frame for getting the products it’s currently working on to market.
This deal is part of Boeing’s larger multi-pronged approach to exploring the autonomous flight space. The aerospace giant purchased Aurora Flight Services, the company working with Uber to develop autonomous flying taxis, earlier this month. In addition, HorizonX invested in Zunum Aero, a startup working on electric and autonomous plane technologies, and Spark Cognition, which is building artificial intelligence (AI) solutions that could be used in such aircraft. Autonomous aircraft could open up new business opportunities for Boeing, including selling autonomous flight systems to aircraft operators and providing new transportation services like flying taxis.
OTA UPDATES WILL HURT CAR DEALERS’ BOTTOM LINES: Tesla has pioneered over-the-air (OTA) software updates in the auto industry, and other legacy automakers and suppliers are starting to incorporate them into their own software capabilities. That trend will cut into the revenue auto dealerships collect from performing software fixes, according to Bloomberg.
OTA updates that fix software bugs with a simple download will become more prevalent across the auto industry in the next few years. GM has said that it will enable OTA updates for its infotainment and electronics systems by 2020, and major auto supplier Delphi is integrating them into its own electronics products as well.
Increasing use of OTA updates will result in less visits to auto dealerships by automating software fixes. That will lead to a decline in the amount automakers pay auto dealers to cover the costs of fixes under warranty. About half of the $40-50 billion per year that auto manufacturers spend on warranty costs stems from software bugs, according to Delphi. This year, OTA updates will save automakers $7 billion, mostly from reduced labor costs associated with repairs, according to IHS Markit projections cited by Bloomberg.   
However, it will take a long time for OTA updates to become prevalent throughout the industry. For now, auto OTA updates are mostly limited to infotainment systems. Eventually, a major shift will happen when OTA updates are integrated into cars’ electronic control units (ECUs) — mini-computers that control individual car components like airbags and windows. Only 0.17% of cars have OTA-enabled ECUs right now, but that figure is projected to rise to 19% by 2023, according to IHS Markit. As that percentage climbs, it will lead to steeper cuts in auto dealers’ revenue and greater warranty savings for auto manufacturers. While auto dealers will still be needed for repairs to physical car components that wear down over time — like tires and shock absorbers — adoption of OTA updates will gradually erode auto dealers’ parts and services businesses.
In other news…
FedEx announced that it has acquired inventory research and management provider Northwest Research for an undisclosed sum. The company, which was founded in 1996 and is based in Salt Lake City, provides inventory management services to logistics companies like UPS, and had a prior relationship with FedEx. The company will integrate Northwest's technologies and services into its own operations to improve its logistics offerings.
Tesla has registered about 1,000 Model 3 VINs with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), hinting that it may be starting to overcome its recent production bottlenecks, according to Electrek. The automaker has received hundreds of thousands of pre-orders for the sedan, but thus far has only delivered 260 of the cars that have been ordered. While VIN registrations are an imperfect measurement of how soon vehicles will ultimately get into the hands of consumers, this may suggest that Tesla is preparing to increase Model 3 deliveries soon.
XPO Logistics, a Connecticut-based logistics service provider that specializes in transporting heavy goods, will hire about six thousand new employees ahead of the busy US holiday shopping season, according to Reuters. This is about 20% more employees than it hired last year for the same period, which starts a day after Thanksgiving and runs through early January. The company hopes this will help it meet the expected rise in purchase volume this holiday season, which could reach $1.5 trillion in total brick-and-mortar and online retail sales, according to Deloitte.
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brownsam-blog1 · 9 years
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Best Ecu Repairs London Services @ http://goo.gl/oFBPNW.
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finchmotors · 2 years
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Wednesday 2 July 1834
No kiss see last night -very fine morning - F70° at 6 10 - A- and I out at 6 40 sauntered along the rue de Rhone §  [to the Toporama to see Godot’s fine model of Switzerland – not the one I saw in 1827 – only ½ the size but containing more extract  of country i.e. the Tyrol, Italian lakes, part of the Piemont and the whole Switzerland – on sale – for not less than 24000 fr. French – would see the other (the large and old one) for 900 fr. -  a model in hand like the 24000 fr. one, reduced from about 15 by 9 ft French to about 3 ft by 2 ½ ft French at 500 fr. to be sent to Sweden to Baron Müller – had made several on this scale and sent them to England - to Lord Grey – Lord Monson et aliis - made one of the Mont Blanc mountains only,  on a very large scale for the Ecole des mines à Paris – said I should like a scale between the big and the little and he agreed to make me (in 6 months and send via Paris and Calais to London there to be paid on its arrival) a model taking in all the country – all the étendre of the large at 24000 fr. for 15000 fr. – said I should be back again from Chamouni [Chamonix] soon and would let him know about it  - Miss W- shockingly tired of standing so long – about an hour there] – put in the post en passant my letter to my aunt ‘Shibden Hall Halifax Yorkshire Angleterre’ and A-‘s letter to her aunt Cliff Hill and sister and Washington – vid. yesterday - home at 8 ¾ - breakfast at 9 to 10 �� - having George up 2 or 3 times to give him instructions in French.
§ went into the rue de la cité and paid for plan of Geneva that came at 6 ½ this morning etc and staid there sometime – the man very civil gave me 4 addresses for pensions (thought of leaving Eugenie at one) and gave me the relative value of Geneva money compared with French
sols de Geneva         Francs cents
pices of
½ =                                0.2
1 =                                 0.4
3 =                                 0.12
1 5=                               0.58
21 =                              0.80
1 florin de Geneva = 12 sols de Geneva
26 sols de Geneva = 1 Franc  de France
1 Ecu de 5fr. (French) vant florin 10.10s
2fr. ---------------------------------------- 4.4.
1fr. -----------------------------------------2.2
                        then Chez Joan [Soupation], place du bourg du four, for little silk shawl for A- had not one, but good shop for Swiss Muslins and linen etc - they sent us to Louis Pernin fils au bas de la cité n°51 and got a ficher - home at 8 ¾ - breakfast etc (the 12 lines with in brackets belong to after breakfast) - from 11 ¾ to 1 ¾ when A- and I out again – had had a porter after breakfast – said there were 240 rooms in the house of which 160 de maitre - 34 chambres de maitre sur chaque des 5 étages - price of a country house for the season (6 months 3,000 to 4,000 fr. - Coligny) that Lord Byron had 4,000 fr. -Had inquired at the police – Miss Pickford had not been here of 3 years - A- had lain down – had ordered a carriage at 2 – she and I out in it at 2 ¾ and took Eugenie with us – went to the bank (H. Hentsch and c°) on the quai almost opposite to our hotel des Bergues - from £25 circular n° 4096, received 11 double napoleons + 9 singular ditto = 620 fr. for which paid (agio on the gold) 7/50? and for gold now cost 15 fr. per thousand and this not considered dear - a month hence  would be 20/ agio per thousand - forgot to ask for an account of what I received - supposed I paid 7/55 agio this would make 620+7/55+(5sols de Genève taken at sols French) ./20 = 627 fr. 75 cents = exchange at 25fr. 11 cents- from the bank to the Grand Chemin des Philosophes, chez Madame [Bacle] for pension for Eugenie - would take her (giving her 2 ground floors rooms) for 175fr. per month so that we could sleep a night or 2 there if we liked - but for our own living to pay 10fr. a day - happening to inquire about Miss Pickford found she and Miss Maitland were chez Madame Palis –a house or two distant – went there – waited 20 minutes till 4 5 then sat with them till 4 1/2 . Miss P- said nothing but seemed surprised – was she not nervous? Looked well  - told her of her letter record in Paris last July - They are going to England on Tuesday -  Paris via Dijon by voiturin, the one from here they have had at Naples, and everywhere - Miss Maitland a very tall, large woman – asked me to stay and dine with them at their public table! – Miss P- said nothing – she probably knew me better – declined very civilly on account of much to do and going to Chamouni [Chamonix] tomorrow - Miss P- hardly seemed at ease - true she lost much (‘pretty well’) by Miss Threlfall who died 2 years ago - might have recovered it, but it would cost more than it was worth - the musé [musée] under repair could not be seen perhaps may be a fortnight hence - 20 minutes in the botanic garden  goes up to Mr. Eynards’ nice house and gardens - the garden arranged on the natural system - very ill kept - the Serres full of workmen - then to the cathedral - full of workmen preparing for the Grand Helvetic concert on the 28th inst. - neat, clean, handsome gothic pile - du temps de Charlemagne the woman said - 3 fine painted glass windows in the apsis - Charlemagne, in that on the right - home at 5 ½ - dinner at 5 40 - had just the loueur of the carriage - called the distance to Sallenche [Sallanches]  15 lieues (instead of 12 or in truth 11) and asked 48/. - tho’ he had agreed with the porter for 36/. - said people gave the cocher 3/. a day - 30/. + 4/. for cocher would have been enough the porter owned had it been last year - now forage dear and 36/. fair - offered to get me another carriage - no! said I would go en poste - poste arranged as in France 36 sols per cheval and 1 extra cheval not put on for us at 20 sols - so I shall leave the carriage at Sallenche [Sallanches] and Eugenie too - sat long over dinner and dessert – dawdling talking – from 10 ¼ to 11 20 wrote the above of today – fine day till lowering at 5 ½ and between 6 and 7 (and long afterwards flashes of lighting at intervals much thunder) heavy rain and a thunder storm – lightning very vivid and much thunder 1 peal so near the house seemed coming down. F72 ½° now at 11 20 pm - Miss W- owns she has had whites again (had them years ago and since) these last two or three days burn her in making water said she had rather affected me on Monday night.
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carrepairkingston · 4 years
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remap and tuning services Kingston
Are you looking for remap and tuning services in Kingston? Prymus Car Repair Kingston is also giving car ECU repair service in London to make sharper throttle and more power. Visit now !!
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FREE ECU Pinout Data.
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dpflondonuk-blog · 9 years
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Engine Remapping Services in London.
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dpflondon-blog · 9 years
Advantages of Car Remapping London
ECU engine remapping, brief for Engine Control Unit which allows drivers to get better efficiency from their cars and often better fuel economy. There are many advantages to getting an engine remapping done on a car, such as greater efficiency at a more cost-effective amount than purchasing a product new car.
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1. For many car entrepreneurs, ECU remapping is a choice that is increasing in reputation. They have a car they really like, but they wish that was more cost-effective or went quicker. This is where engine remapping comes in. An experienced specialist will connect the car up to a laptop and modify the engine.
2. The quantity of enhancement in the engine's efficiency relies on the kind of car that is getting remapping done. Turbocharged cars get the best outcomes. This is because more air is injected in, compared with aspirated engines where there is the requirement for tuning.
3. If the manufacturer provides editions of a car's engine with greater power results, then, this is an excellent indication that the specialists will be able to improve the exhaust. If car entrepreneurs have the most highly effective version of an engine, then, there is less to perform with but benefits can still be created.
4. The price of remapping is often balanced out by the enhancement obtained in fuel economy. This is usually a complication of enhancing efficiency, especially on diesel fuel turbo cars. However, many individuals go into a remapping store just seeking a better fuel economy for their car, which can also be obtained with an Best ECU Remapping.
5. Performance technology developments can bring drivers a fuel economy saving up to seven percent on diesel fuel designs. There are also fuel economy developments available on petrol cars. Some remapping centers focus on performance and can give more fuel economy developments. There are an efficiency developments which utilize ECU factors that are similar to those found in eco-special car designs provided by producers.
These are some advantages of Car Remapping London such as higher performance at a more cost-effective quantity than buying a brand new car.
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