#ecto amore
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suzukiblu · 2 months ago
WIP excerpt for Marina; Tucker is having a normal one. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
So yeah, definitely coffee, Tucker decides. Sam'll catch up, again. Which–also again, right now they're probably the ones who need to catch up to her, considering. Her and the Fenton Anti-Creep Stick, specifically. Tucker always misses the Fenton Anti-Creep Stick when it’s not on deck, but he seriously misses it when it’s not on deck in situations like these. 
“So yeah, fyi, while we’re doing the running thing we gotta find my backup, she’s somewhere in the hall out there being a badass,” Tucker informs his hopeful weekend plans, pointing towards the door. “And possibly also our other friend, who she and I were looking for when we found you. So like, it’s very interesting, actually, that they were keeping you where they would’ve kept him, all things considered.” 
Very interesting. And probably concerning? Like, considering? 
. . . also possibly hot, though, Tucker realizes. Like, he’s very into situations like Sam going full anti-creep stick on the GIW and Jazz yelling down murderous ghosts and literally everything Val has ever done in her entire life, so if he’s more bisexual than previously assumed and this dude is, like, some kind of terrifying badass ecto-experiment with weird ghost powers or whatever, statistically speaking, Tucker is probably gonna be into that. And like, given the batshit sedative doses Tucker pulled and how quick the guy woke up and also the whole, like, literal flying thing, “weird ghost powers” seems pretty likely at this point. 
Well, forewarned is forearmed, he guesses. At least if Allegedly-Alive Amor is secretly some kind of dangerous anti-ghost weapon, Tucker’s gonna get to enjoy the experience of watching him get beat down by Danny. Like, as soon as they find Danny, he means. And also–
. . . actually, is it weirder that Tucker kinda wants to see this guy get a little messed up, now that he’s thinking about it? Like just in a minimally violent but definitively rumpled kind of way, maybe, or like, maybe kinda flushed and sweaty and out of breath and–
They should find Ecto-Babe some pants, Tucker decides privately, patting the guy’s chest in an attempt to distract himself and doing the actual exact literal opposite of distracting himself. 
Yeah, pants would be a good idea right now. 
Pants, fortunately–unfortunately, Tucker means–do not actually happen, because what actually happens is the guy takes off and zips out into the hall with Tucker all bridal style/princess carry in his wet, naked arms, and Tucker really needs to have a moment about that but definitely does not have the time to. Another reason to rip the security footage later, though, he figures as he types furiously at his PDA, making sure all his programs are still running in the GIW’s systems and showing the agents all the fake ghosts a Fenton could shake an anti-creep stick at. 
Probably he doesn’t actually need to check that, though, since they don’t make it through thirty yards of this surprisingly comfy high-speed flying experience before they’re coasting quick and easy over the heads of a hallway full of yelling and screaming agents who’re shooting each other more than any of the ghosts said agents think they’re seeing. 
That’s really unfortunate for them, gee. Tucker will have to send ‘em a “get well never, you xenophobic assholes” card. Maybe a fruit basket. One with nothing but cantaloupe in it, because the GIW deserves nothing but cantaloupe. Old cantaloupe, even. Like just old enough they’ll feel like they have to eat it before it spoils outright, but also the texture’ll be weird and–
“Uh, should we be worried about all that back there?” New Ecto-Boo asks, looking skeptically back at the GIW agents they’ve already passed–and also looking really fucking hot, still.
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ratsoh-writes · 5 months ago
What are their special abilities?
Esther: she has gentle shield. It’s when she blocks a physical attack, the force of the attack gently disappears instead of blowing outward from the point of contact
Feller: his is what he calls “chunk”. His ecto stretches more than normal so he can eat a lot more than the average monster his size. (Or fit more ;)))).
Middlemist: she’s named after her ability! From her torso she secretes a mist when she’s startled, excited or uh, amorous. It’s just water vapor, so really just normal mist
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444namesplus · 16 days ago
A Abe Abi Abia Abian Abie Abienn Abin Abith Abl Ablit Abrer Abric Abrici Abrie Abriel Abrin Ac Acaren Acdonal Achae Acharyabbot Ache Achec Acia Acint Acitu Acki Ackso Acksonvill Aco Acob Acobso Acque Acquelin Acquely Acrament Acrinu Acund Ad Adde Addo Ade Adelein Adelin Adi Adill Adin Adisla Adislau Adiso Adria Adriqu Aell Aeta Aetiti Afae Afael Afayett Ag Agal Agdalen Aggi Agma Agne Agnu Agober Ah Aile Aim Aimund Aine Aintpau Air Airfiel Ais Ait Ajoria Ake Akelan Akersfiel Akewoo Aklan Al Ala Alaza Alb Albinu Alde Aldero Aldonad Aldwel Aldwi Ale Aleig Alen Alenci Alenti Alentin Alentinia Alenzuel Aleri Aleria Aleriu Alhou Aligul Alil Alina Alixt Alke All Alla Allac Allaghe Allaha Allahasse Allar Alle Allego Allej Allienu Allowa Almba Almdal Alme Alomo Alon Alp Als Alt Alte Alter Altimor Altlakecit Alto Alvado Alvi Alvin Am Amach Amanth Amar Amas Amber Ambl Ambridg Ame Amel Amero Ami Amia Amie Amil Amill Amilto Amir Amire Amm Ammon Amo Amon Amor Amp Ampbel Ampo Ampso Ampto Amse Amue An Anagu Anantoni Anc Ancaste Anch Anche Ancheste Anchocucamong Ancoc Ancouve And Andac Andal Ande Ander Andic Andid Andieg Andolp Andova Andr Andrin Andyspring Ane Anes Aness Anfor Anfrancisc Angle Ani Anic Anie Aniel Aniell Anin Ank Anmate Ann Anna Anne Annelor Anni Annic Annin Anno Ano Ansascit Anse Ansin Anso Ant Antaan Antaclar Antaclarit Antamari Antan Antaros Antiag Anto Antrel Anue Anuel Anut Any Aom Apecora Apervill Aphae Aptist Aqu Aque Ar Ara Aracall Aral Arbar Arbe Arce Arcel Arcelin Arcell Arci Arcia Arcis Arco Arcu Ard Ardena Ardi Ardin Ardne Are Ared Arg Arga Argare Argaret Argarit Argen Argi Arguerit Ari Aria Arian Ariann Aribe Arida Ariechristin Arieclaud Arietheres Arily Arin Arinu Ario Aritz Ariu Arjori Ark Arke Arl Arlan Arle Arlen Arlhein Arlo Arlot Arlsba Arlso Arme Armo Arne Arnet Aro Arol Arolin Aroly Arpe Arpente Arque Arr Arre Arrel Arrer Arret Arri Arrie Arrill Arringto Arris Arriso Arro Arrol Arrollto Arry Ars Arse Arsh Arshal Arso Arson Arste Art Arte Arth Arti Artin Artine Artlet Artma Arto Artolom Aru Arve Arvi Ary Aryan Arz As Asaden Asca Ascal Ascruce Ascua Ascual Ase Ash Ashingto Ashvill Asi Asili Asiliscu Asimir Asmin Asmusse Aso Asque Assandr Asse Astaned Astia Astill Astr Asvega At Ata Atali Atalin Atash Ate Ater Aterbur Aterso Atfiel Ath Atha Athali Athanie Athe Atherin Athew Athi Athie Athild Athlee Athry Ati Atia Atild Ativida Atj Atkin Atlif Ato Atonroug Atoy Atri Atric Atrici Atrin Ats Atso Att Atterso Atthe Atthew Atthia Atthie Atti Attl Atto Aty Au Aue Aufma Augh Augha Aughert Aul Aulett Aulin Aulit Aulkne Aunder Aur Aure Auree Auren Aurenc Auri Auric Av Avag Avarr Avenpor Avern Avi Avidso Avie Avier Aw Awkin Awrenc Awso Awye Axentiu Axim Aximia Aximilia Aximinu Axin Axte Axwel Ay Ayan Ayde Aye Ayetan Ayl Aylo Aymon Aymond Ayn Aynar Ayne Ayt Ayto Aze Azque
Bab Bigai Bilen Bon Braha Brie Bsalo Bundi
Calle Cbrid Ccal Ccart Ccarth Cclai Cclur Cco Cconnel Ccormic Ccra Cculloug Cdanie Cdonal Cdowel Cean Ceansid Ceved Cfadde Cfarlan Cge Cgowa Cguir Chede Chmid Chneide Cho Chroede Chult Chwart Cintos Cintyr Cka Cke Ckenzi Ckinne Cknigh Claughli Clea Cleo Cmaho Cmilla Cnei Conno Cost Cot Cottsdal Cpherso
D Da Dalbert Dam Ddi Del Delaid Delhei Deli Dett Dga Dgard Dil Diso Disod Dit Dkin Dmun Dmund Dn Do Dol Dolf Donnel Dria Drian Drienn Duard Dwar Dward Dwi
E Ea Eac Eadow Eagen Eanclaud Eandr Eanett Eanfrancoi Eanloui Eanlu Eanmar Eanmari Eanmiche Eann Eannett Eanni Eannin Eanpau Eanpierr Ear Earlan Earso Easle Eat Eathe Eatri Eatric Eattl Eaumon Eave Eb Ebastia Ebastie Ebbi Ebe Ebec Ebecc Ebeh Eber Ebhar Eblan Ebor Ebora Ebr Ebste Ec Eceli Eci Ecil Ecili Eck Ecke Ecto Ed Edar Ederic Edin Edr Edri Ee Eek Ees Eeve Ef Effer Efferso Effre Eg Ega Egg Egha Egi Egin Eginal Egon Egund Ei Eid Eidemari Eig Eill Ein Eine Einhar Einhol Einra Einric Eir Eis Eit Ejesu Eji El Elacru Elane Elani Elasque Elay Elazque Elb Elc Ele Elen Elende Eleo Elg Elgad Eli Elici Elician Elicida Elin Elind Elip Elis Eliss Ell Elle Eller Ellevu Elli Ellmut Elm Elmu Elmut Elod Elore Elphin Elso Elto Eltra Elvi Em Embrokepine Emecul Emedio Emp Emphi En Enar Enat End Ende Enderso Endoz Endr Endri Endrick Ene Enedik Enehar Enev Eneviev Eni Enis Enit Enjami Enkin Enn Enned Ennet Enni Ennife Enning Enningto Enoi Enr Enriett Ense Ensle Enso Entennia Entle Ento Entr Enve Enze Eo Eodor Eofil Eon Eonar Eonard Eono Eontio Eopold Eor Eorg Eorge Eorgett Eorgi Eori Eptimiu Er Eracliu Erafin Eraklona Eral Eraldin Erar Erber Ercad Erce Ercede Erdinan Ere Eredit Erem Eres Erg Erge Ergi Erguso Erhard Erkele Erkin Erma Ermain Erman Ermi Ermin Ern Erna Ernadett Ernand Ernande Ernar Ernard Ernardin Erne Ernhe Ernic Erno Ero Erom Eronic Eroniqu Erqu Err Erran Erranc Errand Errel Errenc Errer Erric Erril Errin Errit Erseycit Ersh Ersti Ert Erth Ertina Ertra Ertran Ertrud Erv Ervante Erwi Es Esa Esamparado Eseni Esire Esle Esli Espasia Esquit Ess Essi Essic Este Estjorda Estminste Estpalmbeac Estvalleycit Esu Et Ete Eter Eterse Eterso Ethan Etici Etrani Etroi Etroniu Ets Ett Etti Eula Ev Everi Everin Everl Everu Evi Evin Ewi Ewisvill Ewit Ewma Eworlean Ewportnew Ewto Ewyor Exingto Exto Eye Eyer Eynold
Feli Fre Fric
Gapit Gidi Gnaci Gne Gued Guila Guirr Gustin Guye
Ha Haffe Hamber Han Handle Hane Hanno Hanta Hapma Har Harle Harlen Harlesto Harli Harlott Haro Harp Has Hattanoog Have Haw Hawn Haxirax He Heele Heil Heli Hell Helle Helm Help Helse Helto Hem Heodor Heodosio Heodosiu Heophilo Hepar Hepher Heppar Her Heres Herma Herr Hery Hesapeak Heste Hiar Hicag Hield Hierr Hiladelphi Hili Hilip Hilipp Hilippiko Hilli Hillip Hirle Hislain Hit Hitake Hitehea Hitfiel Hitle Hitne Hlo Hoca Hode Hoeni Homa Hompso Hond Hor Hornto Hri Hrist Hriste Hristell Hristense Hristi Hristia Hristian Hristin Hristo Hristoph Hristophe Hulavist Hurc Hylli
I Ia Ialt Iam Iamigarden Ian Iank Iann Iar Ibb Iberiu Ibiu Ibso Ic Icael Icard Icent Ichae Ichael Ichar Ichard Ichardso Iche Ichea Ichel Ichelin Ichell Ichenz Ichit Ichitfall Ichmon Ichol Ichola Icholso Iciniu Ick Ickae Ickerso Icket Icki Ickma Ickso Icol Icola Icolau Icto Ictori Ictorvill Id Iddl Iddleto Ide Idi Idie Idiu Idlan Idne Iebk Ieda Iedric Ieg Iegfrie Ield Ielse Ierc Ierr Ierrett Ies Iete Ieteric Ietric Ieve Iffan Igg Iggin Igismun Igmun Igue Iguel Iguero Ik Ikephoro Ikol Il Ila Ilagro Ilber Ilbert Ilco Ild Ilde Ildegar Ildre Ile Ilee Ilhar Ilhel Ilhelmin Ili Ilian Ilkerso Ilkin Ilkinso Ill Illar Illarrea Ille Illee Illespi Illi Illia Illiam Illiamso Illing Illma Illo Illsbor Ilm Ilmingto Ilmor Ilomen Ilso Ilto Iltru Ilv Ilvi Ilwauke Im Ima Imberl Imen Imene Imivalle Imm Immermanadrie Immi Immon Imo Imon Imote Imoth Impso In Inar Inc Incen Incinnat Incol Ind Indsa Indse Ine Inebr Inett Infrie Inge Ingleto Inho Inifre Inle Inn Inne Inneapoli Inni Inso Instonsale Inter Into Io Iocletia Iol Iole Iolet Ione Ionisi Iouxfall Ipolit Ir Irand Irb Irc Irei Ireill Irell Irey Irgi Irgini Irginiabeac Iria Irja Irk Irklan Is Isbet Ische Isel Iselhe Ishe Isho Ist It Itchel Itelliu Itlal Ito Itt Ittl Ittleroc Ittma Ittsburg Itu Itzgeral Itzpatric Iva Ivald Iver Iversid Ivia Ivingsto Ixi Ixo
Kinne Kkehar Klahomacit Kro
La Lac Lackbur Lackwel Lady Lagabalu Lai Lain Lair Lak Lan Lanc Lanch Lanchar Lankenshi Lar Larenc Lark Larksvill Las Late Lath Lau Laud Laudi Laudin Laudiu Laus-pete Lavi Layto Lb Lban Lber Lbert Lbuquerqu Ld Le Leano Learwate Lei Lejandr Lemen Lemenc Lement Lemin Lemon Len Lend Lendal Letche Levelan Levin Lexande Lexandr Lexandri Lexi Lexio Lfons Lfor Lfre Lfred Lfried Lg Lgi Lia Lian Lic Lici Liffor Lifto Lin Linto Lis Lisabet Lise Liso Liv Live Livi Livie Lizabet Lk Lkgrov Ll Lla Lle Llentow Lli Lliot Lliso Lm Lma Lme Lmont Lmu Lmuden Lo Loa Lodi Loi Lois Lon Londr Lor Lore Loren Lorenc Lorenci Lori Loria Lotild Love Lovi Lower Loy Lric Lrik Ls Lse Lsi Lso Lsto Ltagraci Lvar Lvarad Lvare Lvi Lvir Lwi Lybriu Lyceriu Lyd Lyn Lyss
M Mah Mal Mali Mand Mandin Manue Marill May Mbe Meld Meli Merso Mi Mil Mili Mit Mm Mmanue Mmanuell Mmeric Mpar
N Na Nahei Nak Nap Nastasio Nastasiu Ncarnacio Nchorag Nd Ndependenc Nderso Nderwoo Ndianapoli Ndr Ndre Ndrea Ndrew Ndroniko Ne Nea Nei Neil Ng Nge Ngel Ngele Ngelic Ngelik Ngelin Ngeliqu Ngi Nglan Nglewoo Nglis Ngra Ngri Niba Nicet Nide Nig Nigh Nit Nk Nmaculad Nn Nnalies Nnarbo Nnelies Nnelis Nnemari Nnett Nni Nnic No Nowle Noxvill Nriqu Nriquet Nsga Ntari Nter Nthemiu Nthon Ntioc Nto Ntoin Ntoinett Ntoni Ntoniet Ntoninu Nyde Nz
O Oa Oac Oachi Oan Oann Oanne Oaqui Oaquin Ob Obb Obbi Obbin Ober Oberso Obert Obertso Obi Obia Obil Obinso Obl Oble Obur Oby Oc Ocelyn Och Ochell Ochra Oci Ockfor Od Odest Odg Odge Odger Odne Odolf Odrig Odrigue Odrique Odso Oe Oeaaro Oeli Oell Oem Oemi Of Offe Offma Ofi Oga Oge Ogeli Oger Oh Ohame Ohan Ohann Ohanne Ohe Ohn Ohnn Ohnni Ohnso Ohnsto Oi Ois Oise Oja Ol Ola Olan Oland Olang Olb Olcom Olde Ole Oled Oleda Olema Olett Olf Olfgan Olge Oli Olie Olin Oll Ollan Ollar Ollee Ollegestatio Ollie Ollin Ollowa Ollrat Ollywoo Olma Olme Olo Olomo Olore Olto Olumbi Olumbu Oma Omai Omano Omas Omb Ome Omer Oming Omingue Ominiqu Omitia Omm Ommodu Omon Ompanobeac Ompto Omulu On Ona Onal Onaldso Onatha Oncepcio Oncor One Ongbeac Oni Onic Onifaci Onik Oniqu Onj Onkersaaro Onle Onn Onne Onni Onolul Onoriu Onova Onra Onro Onsolacio Onstan Onstanc Onstantin Onstantiu Onsuel Ontgomer Ontoy Ontrera Ontserra Onwa Ony Onzal Onzale Oo Ood Oodar Oodbridg Oodma Oodwar Oodwi Ook Ooke Ool Oole Oon Oone Oope Oor Oot Oote Oove Op Ope Opek Opelan Ophi Opkin Oppe Or Ora Orale Orali Oray Orbe Orda Ordia Ordo Ore Oree Orema Oren Orent Orenz Orett Orfol Org Orga Organ Orgelin Ori Orin Orinn Orit Orkma Orm Orma Orn Orneli Oron Orote Oroth Orpuschrist Orrain Orranc Orre Orri Orriso Orro Ors Orse Ortcollin Orte Ortensi Orthcharlesto Orthlasvega Ortlan Ortlauderdal Orto Ortwayn Ortwort Orwal Os Osale Osali Osangele Osari Ose Osef Osefin Osemar Osemari Osep Osephin Osett Oshu Osi Osin Osle Ostames Oste Ostilia Osto Osu Ot Otha Otso Ott Otte Ottfrie Ottlie Otto Ottschal Ouell Ougla Oui Ouis Oul Oulde Oun Oundroc Ourde Ourtne Ous Ousto Outhben Ov Ovadong Ovia Ow Owar Owe Owel Ower Owlan Owle Owma Own Owne Ownsen Oxan Oxann Oy Oyc Oye Oyl Oyne
Pa Park Pear Penc Pence Pri Pringfiel
R Ra Rac Race Racel Raciel Rad Radfor Radle Radsha Raf Raha Rai Raja Rak Rame Ran Ranc Rance Ranci Rancin Rancisc Rancoi Rancois Rand Rando Randprairi Randrapid Rang Rank Rankli Rantx Rat Ratia Rauk Rauli Rave Ravi Rawfor Razie Rcadiu Rdon Re Rebonianu Red Reddi Rederi Rederic Redri Ree Reema Reen Reenba Reensbor Regor Regori Remon Ren Renc Rend Rene Renna Resha Resn Resto Ret Retche Rete Revin Rewe Rhar Ri Ria Rian Ric Rici Rickso Rid Ridge Ridgepor Rie Riedeman Riedric Riffi Riffit Rigg Righ Rigitt Rik Rime Rinc Rinida Rio Risc Riscill Rist Rista Riste Risti Ristin Ristoba Rit Rittan Rland Rlen Rlett Rm Rmand Rmi Rmstron Rnau Rnd Rnes Rnest Rnestin Rnol Ro Robu Roc Roil Roila Roilan Rokenarro Rook Ros Rosb Rovidenc Row Rownin Rownsvill Rsul Rtabasdo Rteg Rthu Rti Rtru Rtur Ru Ruc Ruit Rujill Run Runild Rvad Rvin Rwi Ry Rya Ryan Ryst Rysta
S Saa Sabe Sabell Sbor Sborn Sca Scensio Shle Sidor Sidr Smae Speranz Spinoz Ssi Stanisla Ste Steba Stefani Stel Stell Sthe Strad Stri Suncio Swald
T Tac Tace Taffor Tahis Tamfor Tanle Tanto Tar Taurakio Teel Tefani Tei Tell Tephan Tephani Tephe Tephen Tephenso Tev Teve Teven Tevenso Tewar Th The Then Thma Tienn Tkin Tkinso Tlant Tockto Toke Ton Tou Tricklan Tron Tt Ttoma Tuar
U Ua Uadalup Uan Uanc Uanfra Uanit Uare Ub Ubbar Ubboc Ube Uber Uc Uca Uchana Uci Ucian Ucie Ucienn Ucill Uciu Ucke Ucket Uckle Uckne Ucso Ud Udit Udle Udolp Udovi Udre Udso Udwi Uebl Uelle Uente Uenti Uerr Uerrer Uf Ufemi Uff Uffal Uffma Ug Ugen Ugeni Ughe Uguett Ugus Ugust Ugusti Ugustu Ui Uid Uillaum Uillerm Uillermin Uin Uintillu Uis Uk Uka Ul Ulali Ulbert Ulc Uli Ulia Ulian Ulie Uliet Uliett Uliu Ulle Ullerto Ullin Ulliva Ulloc Ulm Uls Ulto Umbert Umeria Ummer Umming Umphre Un Unca Une Unic Unla Unningha Unnyval Uno Unte Unthe Untingtonbeac Untsvill Up Upienu Ur Ura Urban Urc Ureli Urelia Urelie Urfreesbor Urge Urges Urha Uri Uric Urie Urificacio Urill Urk Urle Urn Urne Urnet Uror Urph Urpris Urr Urra Urri Urriet Urs Urti Urto Us Usa Usan Usann Usi Uss Ussel Ust Ustav Usti Ustic Ustin Ustinia Ut Utchinso Uthri Utierre Utle Utledg Utol Utt Utto Uzann Uzma
V Va Van Vansvill Ve Vely Velyneachi Venj Ver Veret Verlandpar Vett Vetteaemilia Vil Vitu Vonn
W Wal Wanso Wayn We Wee Weene Wen Wendoly Wigh Win
Ya Yal Yat Yd Ydi Ye Yer Yke Yl Yla Yle Ylvai Ylveste Ylvi Yn Ync Ynd Ynett Ynn Ynthi Yon Yr Yracus Yri Yria Yro Yron Yrtl Yso
Zequie Zucen
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idontcaboose · 6 months ago
Bat Rules of Universal Travel that is written on every emergency ration the bat kids have:
If in an alternate line, find yourself and establish contact if friendly. If not friendly, establish contact with the next best person. (Usually their enemies)
If in a completely new universe where you do not exist, enact plan Cryptid. Use mythical and magical like methods to gain the attention of a sorcerer or magician (preferably one in a positive standing).
Don't get captured.
Don't break any morally sound laws.
If funds are needed, steal from criminal empires or amoral rich people.
IF Needed, start a cult to get home.
Don't do anything that would disappoint Alfred or Danny, gods knows you purposefully disappoint me.
Come back in one piece, and preferably the place you got sent to stays in one piece.
I like the tag where this Gotham is so ecto-infused that they don't realize they ARE Cryptids when placed in other universes and dimensions. Imagine a Cryptid trying to pretend to be Bigfoot or something. In reality, they are like wendigos and changelings that have zero clue that they are already creepy.
Meme Prompt 11
A three-way crossover this time
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eyepulp · 8 years ago
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đŸ•¶ I went to see cabaret yesterday and lost these glasses đŸ•¶ (he/they pronouns)
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dyresthlm · 2 years ago
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Dyre, character by Ecto
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Kcn crew 25 years
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Asma, Gorilla, Mint, character by Ecto.
character by Ecto, Dyre, Mkis, Each, character by Amor.
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princess-of-the-corner · 3 years ago
Personally, I think after all the fiascos that happened on their watch, the GIW got demoted to support and investigation roles only. As in, the government cut their funding and took away all their fun toys because the White House has never seen so many lawsuits from one town before.
Danny usually rubs it in their faces because they aren't allowed to have ecto weaponss anymore.
(I never liked the GIW, which I guess was kinda the point)
Oh yeah definitely. I have.... a lot of headcanons surrounding this in my vaguely-rewrite.
The GIW are supposed to be government agents researching the Supernatural. But from a.... very hands-off way. Observe. Protect citizens if necessary, but stay back.
Some of them are a little too amoral for their own good.
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angryraptor13 · 1 year ago
With the Fentons being dealt with legally, maybe the Guys in White kick off a war against the Bat Clan by targeting Jason, who is very ecto-contaminated from being dumped in the Lazarus Pits? NOBODY gets to hurt Jason again on Batman's watch!
Also, maybe the GIW are another Secret Government Project similar to the Ultimen/CADMUS? They strike me as having a similar level of competence & amorality- who the heck decides it's better/easier to just replace an entire team of metahumans with clones every 6 months & hope no one notices, instead of either fixing the cloning process or just writing the whole thing off as a failure? (Any excuse to arrest Amanda Waller is a good one IMO.)
My brain won't leave this alone. Do X Dc After Phantom gets given a grave in Amity by the people he's saved before the reveal.
One day one of the batboys(Ideally Jason, Tim or Damian) is walking the graveyard and spot a black haired blue eyed kid eating the offerings off a grave. They assume he's a desperate homeless kid and go to talk to him. Offer him some fast food instead and to replace the offering for him. Only for Danny to say in a creepy child voice with a ghostly undertone "But they left it for me" pointing to the grave. When the Batfam member turns to look at the grave Danny turns invisible and floats off. So that when the Batfam member turns back only the half eaten offering remains. Danny has pulled this prank quite a few times already and hasn't stopped laughing at it.
@piedpiperart and @hdgnj I think this sounds like your kind of prompt
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phantoms-lair · 4 years ago
The Ghost Town Job Snippet 4
(Not much Leverage Crew in this. Also I planned for this to take place right before Kindred Spirits, before I remembered Lancer bringing up Vlad’s becoming mayor in part one. So for the sake of this fic, Kindred spirits happened after Eye for an Eye)
"So," Valerie’s voice was no less threatening than usual. "If you knew Vlad was scum the whole time, why didn't you tell anyone?" 
Phantom looked at her in disbelief. "Are you kidding me? I think I've made it pretty clear since before he landed in Amity Park I hated him." 
"Yeah, and most ghosts hate the living. Why not share the details you obviously had?" Valerie folded her arms at him. 
"First off, that's not true. Second, I didn't know about that until we found her today, Third..." Phantom trailed off and looked away. For a moment Valerie though he wasn't going to finish. "...My mom." 
"Nice try. Ghosts don't have Moms." Valerie charged her weapons in threat. 
But Phantom looked more unimpressed than threatened. "You do realize I used to be a normal human, right?" 
It felt like a punch in the gut, because no she very much did not. It was easy to fall into the thought pattern of ghosts being these malevolent alien beings she'd somehow forgotten they were people that had died. "What does you Mom have to do with anything?" she hoped she didn't sound as shaken as she felt. 
"Vlad's obsessed with her. He currently thinks he can slime his way into her heart through his money and good image. If he loses that-" Phantom seemed to shrink in on himself. "He might go for being more direct, like not letting her have a say." 
Oh. Oh &$*) Valerie switched her weapons off and flopped down. This was too much in way too short a time. Her mentor she'd been trying to make proud was an amoral madman creating half-ghost clones in the basement of his manor, Phantom was a teen like her who had died, and was trying to protect his mom. And this wasn't even starting on the thief who'd broken into Vlad's house. "Anything else You want to tell me to shatter my world." 
“'Want' is a strong word." Phantom grumbled. 
 Valerie groaned. "What is it?" 
Phantom looked like he really didn't want to continue. "The reason he's trying to create a half ghost kid is, okay, you need to promise you're not going to do something stupid." He started pacing midair. "What am I saying, of course you're going to do something stupid. You've been manipulated and lied to and of course you want to hurt him, I want to hurt him." 
"But when you find out you can, you'll go after him and he's in public and be exposed, and then he won't have any reason to hold back." 
"He's gonna kill Dad. It's easy enough to stop his covert plans, but if he goes brute force full power I can't stop him, I-" 
"Danny!" She didn't like using his first name, not when he shared it with someone she actually liked, but she hoped it would be enough to snap him out of the spiral he was heading into. Sure enough, he head snapped up and his eyes looked, for lack of a better word, haunted. "I don't just hunt for revenge, I do it to protect people. No matter how much I want his head on a pike, I won't put someone else in danger. Including you family." The thought that he had one still made her stomach twist, but she had to get past it.
He took a deep breath (why did he need to breath???) and let it out slowly. "Vlad's half ghost." 
That made no sense, which actually helped her keep what little calm she had left. "You want to break that down for me?" 
"There was an accident in college and- actually better example. Remember that Ghost flu thing? Where everyone seemed to be getting random ghost powers?” “I remember,” Valerie said dryly. She almost destroyed so much of her things through accidental ecto-blasts. At least it gave her practice for controlling the cube lasers in her upgraded suit.
“Like that, but more powers and permanent. And he’s got 20 years to get those powers under his control. In addition he has alliances with a lot of ghosts like Skulker, so minions too." 
"So all this is trying to create someone like him?” It didn’t excuse what she saw, the failed clones, the dissections, but it was at least understandable.” 
"Not just anyone, he's trying to recreate me. My mother's child who would share something with him, something one no else would. He's trying to recreate me as their child."
Valerie suddenly understood why Phantom had thrown up when the got out of the house, she could feel her stomach twisting. "Her human DNA?" God she hoped the answer wasn't what she thought. 
"Probably mine too." 
"Fuck." Because what else was there to say. “We have to save her.”
“I know.” There had been such a temptation to just grab her and get out, but he’d overheard the same conversation between the intruder and whoever she was talking to. The girl wasn’t stable yet and removing her from the pod would kill her. “Maybe we should help the lady who broke into Vlad’s.”
Valerie gave him a look. “You want us to work with a random thief?”
“One, she is a very good thief to get through all of Vlad’s defense. Two, she wanted to save the girl as much as we did, and was stopped for the same reason. Three," Danny threw his arms up. "What could we do next? She's half human. She's going to need food, clothes, a safe place to sleep at night. I can't supply any of that for her. If thief lady is an adult who'd care for her, she can give her a much better life than I could." "What about your family? Wouldn't they be happy to have a part of you that's still alive?" Phantom winced and Valerie realized how cruel a statement that was. But before she could apologize (no matter how much is galled her) Phantom spoke first. "I want to believe that. I want to so badly. But I don't know. Mom and Dad...they don't like ghosts. They think we're all monsters. And while I want to think they could look past the half ghost thing and see her as a person I'm not sure." There was a lot to unpack there, and for the most part Valerie didn't care to. Too many paradigm shifts in one day, she wasn't going to start feeling sympathy for the ghost who ruined her life. "I miss this morning, when my only concern was whether I could blast you out of the sky." 
Phantom snorted. "And I miss thinking you were so low on the danger scale you needed Kwan to beat people up for you. Disabused me of that real fast." 
Valerie sat up, studying the ghost who hadn't seemed to think he'd said anything unusual. But when he had described was when she'd been one of the popular kids, a status she lost before becoming the Huntress. A time in her life Phantom had no reason to know anything about. Unless... "Did we know each other? Before you died?" 
Phantom winced, though whether it was from the mention of his death or the detail of his former life he'd accidentally brought up she couldn't say. "I wouldn't say we knew each other. Like I knew of you 'cause you were one of the A-list kids, but it's not like we ever spoke before the accident." 
He'd attended Casper High before dying in an accident. His parents were anti-ghost. And Valerie realized she filing away clues in her mind. Somewhere in this horrible day she'd discovered Phantom had been a person like her. And if she needed a diversion to keep her from lighting up the mayor, uncovering the mystery of who Phantom has been was a hell of a distraction.
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homestuckexamination · 4 years ago
Did you say that a Sburb session can only be started on the backs of ecto babies? It might have been someone else, but I still have questions I want your opinion on. Does that mean that FedoraFreak and the numerous children that started sessions on Beta(?) Earth were also ecto babies made by themselves in their personal session? Or can those amorously bred start a session, if not complete it? Can they complete it? What do you think would make it different from our favorite ecto babies' sessions?
Anyone can start a SBURB Session if they find a copy of the game, or code it themselves from the Frog Temple. However, SBURB ensures its own existence by creating a ‘main’ set of Players. By having One Session where the players are made through Ectobiology, the game forces them to play, and as such ensure the Meteors will be sent back in time, and the Frog Temple with it. Even then, nothing says that Players other than the Ectobabies couldn’t be in the same Session, and with something like Skaianet’s Global Release, literally everyone on Earth got a chance to try and escape the Meteors despite being born naturally.
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shatterflowerdemon · 4 years ago
Undertale works in posting order
Undertale works in update order:
Meet n greet in the summer heat (Gen. UF Frisk, UF Paps, UF Sans, UF MK & Reader)
Royal (UF Papyrus/GN? Reader. Royal AU.)
I Don't Like You (UF Sans/GN Reader ft. UF Paps. Soulmate AU. Comedy.)
I Found (GN Reader. Ink, Error, UT Sans, and UT Paps. Ft. Gaster. Crack. No warnings.)
Unprompted (HT Sans/GN Reader/UT Sans ft. Bad sanses. No warnings.)
Souperb, You Kingly Demon. (UF Demon Sans/Reader. Fluff. No warnings.)
Touching me: Touching you (Sans/ Reader. Temporary character death. Angst. Soulmate AU.)
Backbone (GN reader/ UF Papyrus. UF Sans. No warnings)
Catatonic (GN Necromancer!Skeleton! Reader. Underfell Sans/ Reader. Underfell Papyrus & Reader. Tags may change. Death mentioned.)
Surprise Motherfucker (Say Hello To My Little Friend): (Violence. Minor character death. Graphic. HT Sans/ Reader & HT Papyrus. Guns.)
Library (No warnings. GN Reader. Swapfell Papyrus & Swapfell Sans.)
Farmers Almanac (Various. Prompt fill. No warnings nor graphic content)
Redemption is in your embrace (Papyrus/GN Reader. Referenced minor character death, Hurt/Comfort, mentions of Yandere behavior, OOC, Dark themes treated lightly.)
Papyrus keeps his promises (Papyrus/GN Reader. Suggestive, referenced ecto genitalia, consensual, referenced minor character death, mentions of Yandere behavior, OOC, Dark themes treated lightly.)
Oops II (Papyrus/GN Reader. Referenced Yandere behavior, OOC, Murder cleanup offscreen, Suggestive themes, Dark themes treated lightly.)
Oops (Papyrus/GN Reader. Yandere behavior, OOC, Offscreen murder, Suggestive themes, Dark themes treated lightly. Blood. Non-graphic violence.)
Secret Admirer (Sans/GN Monster! Reader. No warnings. Courting behavior, gift giving, King Sans.)
Bejeezus (Sans/GN Reader. Suggestive themes, tentacles, Among us crossover, Fake Sci-fi, UST)
Neighborly (Mobfell! Sans/GN Reader. Implied violence if you squint. Slight paranoia. Fluff.)
Heebie-Jeebies (Sans/GN Reader, tentacles, Among us crossover, Fake Sci-fi, Fear.)
I'm From Out of Town (UF! Sans/GN Reader. Possesive behavior but gentle. Canon divergence. Implied/referenced character death. King Papyrus.)
Pie (Farmtale! Sans/GN Reader/HT! Sans. Consensual, safe and sane Polyamory. Fluff. Major character death referenced.)
My Dear Stalker (Dusttale! Sans/ Reader. Invasion of privacy. Dark themes treated lightly. Turns consensual.
Honey, I'm home! (Horrorswap Papyrus/ AFAB Reader. NSFW.)
Mirror me (Sans/GN Reader. Angst. Hurt/Comfort.)
See me (Sans/ GN Reader + Sans & Reader. Angst. Hurt/ Comfort.)
H is for Hot Dogs (Sans/GN Reader. Fluff. A/B/O if you squint.)
Bodies Are Weird (UF! Papyrus/GN Reader but open to interpretation. Fluff.)
Your friends are the Freaking best (Sans & GN Reader. Papyrus & GN Reader. Pre-slash. Fluff. Pining. Horrortale AU.)
Cum on (Sans/ AFAB Reader. NSFW.)
Freakshow (HT Sans & Paps + GN Reader. Mild Hurt/Comfort. Horrortale.)
Phosphorus (Nightmare/GN? Reader Ft. Bad Sanses. Fantasy AU)
A Human and A Monster Walk Into Electrical... (SF Paps/GN Reader. Among us AU. NSFW.)
Red 2021 (UF Sans/ Reader. Shrek AU.)
ANIME IS REAL (Sans/ Reader Papyrus/ Reader. Foul language. Angst if you blink.)
Skeletal Snippets (Sans/ Reader + Papyrus/ Reader. Ratings per chapter.)
Permafrost and Snow Poffs (Sans/ Reader + Papyrus/ Reader. Diety AU. No warnings apply.)
The Count (UF! Papyrus/GN Reader. Royalty AU. Offscreen character death. Supernatural elements.)
Undead Tenants (Sans/ GN Reader + Papyrus/ Reader. Swearing. Hate speech. Bad cop.)
Chompers, Boss and The Internet Addict (HF Sans/GN Reader + HF Papyrus/ Reader. Non-graphic violence. Soulmate AU. Implied cannibalism. Famine.)
The Artifact (Lamia UF! Sans/ AFAB Reader. Soulmate AU. Fantasy AU. Minor character death.)
Out of the rain (Mobfell! Sans/ Reader. Foul language. Canon typical violence.)
Busy Beans Cafe (Sans Undertale/Reader. Alphys/Undyne. Established relationship. No warnings apply. Fluff.)
My Best friend, the Yandere (May be added to)
Reader inserts (Ongoing)
Tales of an amorous imposter (Ongoing)
Perception (May be added to)
The Freak 'Verse (May be added to)
6666k Celebration (Complete)
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threewaysdivided · 6 years ago
Idea for an Age-swap AU
We’ve recently seen some age-swap and role-swap AUs floating around the DP fandom.  The most common of these are the direct reversals, where Vlad is the teenage protagonist and Danny is the adult villain.   Now, I’m not the hugest fan of the straight-swap versions because it’s not particularly interesting or in-keeping with the canon characters.  If Danny becomes the amoral villain and Vlad the plucky protagonist then you basically just have the original Danny Phantom again, except with the characters wearing each other’s skins.
However, a version of the age-swap that keeps the characters closer to their canon personalities has great comedy potential.
Imagine this:
Young!Vlad is a disaffected but highly intelligent freshman whose ‘genius’ is seemingly unrecognised by everyone in town.  Pretty much everything sucks for him - he’s bored at home because his parents are always away on work, he’s bored in class because he finds the material too easy, the school’s head jock and posse make a policy of ruining his day, the student body president is ‘inept’, and - despite Vlad’s intelligence and apparent ability to analyse people - he never seems to make it into the spheres of the influential or popular classmates.    He’s aloof and vaguely disdainful towards everyone around him, except for his two best friends; the naive and eccentric but occasionally brilliant Young!Jack, and the beautiful and sharply intelligent Young!Maddie.  He hangs out with them partly due to their mutual interest in the paranormal, but also because Maddie is the only person in town he sees as an equal and he really wants to date her (too bad she’s always making eyes at Jack).   [If you’re looking for a reference he’s basically a cross between Sue Townsend’s Adrian Mole and Velma Dinkley from Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated]
Like in the original series, the three of them attempt to build a proto-ghost portal as a step in their research.  This one goes even worse (after all, it was built by teenagers) and Jack rushing to activate it gets Vlad blasted with way more ectoplasm than in canon.  Just like the original it lands him in hospital for a bit - but in this case only a few months.  On coming back to school he is very resentful (mostly towards Jack though he’s a bit miffed that Maddie didn’t come to visit his room while he was awake) both for the accident and the Danny-like power-problems he’s experiencing.  Although in Vlad’s case he hides them from his friends and outwardly acts like everything’s been forgiven.
As he gains controls of his powers, Vlad decides to put them to use ‘correcting’ some of the ‘wrongs’ in his life; serving disproportionate comeuppance to the jocks, subtly embarrassing Jack in from of Maddie, scheming and manipulating his way through the school’s systems, and generally messing with people to alleviate his boredom.
It basically turns into a Deathnote-like moral situation, in which Vlad is a nominal ‘hero’ on the best days and an entitled, arrogant person at worst.  He may be the protagonist but he’s sure not the ‘good guy’ of this story. (He still makes himself a vampire-style suit and goes by Plasmius in ghost-mode because despite being highly intelligent he’s also a dumb 14-year-old who unironically thinks it looks cool.)
How does Danny get involved?
While Vlad is still in the nominally-heroic part of the story (dishing out retributions to people who actually had it coming, chasing away some minor ghosts that were attracted by the portal explosion, manipulating outcomes that fix genuine problems etc.) he starts to notice an older person hanging around and following him. At first Vlad’s concerned - has someone caught on?  Is it an enemy ghost?  A rival trying to take out the competition? - until Phantom introduces himself.  Danny’s a lot of things but subtle is not one of them.
Older!Danny is in his early 30s.  His parents were some of the first modern ecto-scientists and successfully built a working portal (the source of the accident that gave him his powers) but because the hauntings stayed localised near the portal (never spreading beyond his own hometown) their ecto-research didn’t reach mainstream science beyond a few ‘professional ghost-hunters’, paranormal aficionados and an obscure branch of government that mostly just makes messes bigger in their attempts to ‘contain and study all unauthorised ectoplasmic entities’.
Despite his unease, Danny is honestly happy to meet another half-ghost. He might have reservations about actual teaching (“I’ve got an Engineering degree, not a Dip. Ed.”) but he genuinely wants to help this new kid through what he remembers being a tough period of power-adjustment and guide him to use his abilities productively.   Unfortunately, Vlad is having none of it - who is this condescending fool to tell him what to do?  In his eyes Phantom is either trying to recruit him so that he can use his power (after all, that’s what Vlad would do) or he’s an idiot for wasting such potential. Actually, he must be an idiot either way because who else would try to manipulate someone of Vlad’s intelligence?
Eventually this devolves into a cat-and-mouse game in which Young!Vlad uses his brains and abilities in attempts to manipulate his way into Maddie’s affections, positions of influence and possession of powerful items, with Phantom having to step in and ‘defeat Plasmius’ before someone gets hurt.  Unlike in canon, where Vlad mostly toys with Danny to demonstrate his superiority, Young!Vlad learning techniques from their fights is intentional on Older!Phantom’s part. Phantom really wants to give this kid a chance to turn things around, and figures that letting Plasmius experiment with his powers in a relatively safe space might help Vlad get under control and avoid the temptation to do something truly stupid.  Unfortunately, all this actually does is teach his accidental-arch-rival to be a more competent villain.
Shenanigans ensue:
Vlad deliberately creating dangerous situations so that he can impress Maddie by ‘dramatically rescuing’ her from the ‘evil Plasmius’.  What he forgets is that, under her pretty face, Maddie is a top-tier asskicker - at least a third of the time the love of his life hands his ecto-hide to him long before Phantom can intervene. He’d find it attractive if it wasn’t so humiliating.
Jack also proves disturbingly competent with his ‘anti-creep stick’.  It’s literally just a baseball bat with a cross-stitched handle and the club logo sprayed on the side but Vlad still makes a point of stealing and destroying them whenever Jack makes a new one.
Maddie concludes that Plasmius and Phantom are both evil and working together.  
Vlad: “Of course, but as the older and stronger, Phantom is clearly in charge.  If we get rid of him then surely Plasmius will leave.”
This results in Vlad doing a very careful dance whenever he and Danny are in ghost mode while Maddie and/or Jack can see them.
In attempt to ‘eliminate the competition’ Vlad considers alerting the Guys in White to Phantom’s status.
Danny: “Look, kid. Vlad. If you go to them with that intel they’re going to wonder how you got it.  I might survive - my company holds the patents for a lot of their tech - but you’re a high-schooler.  You really want to risk outing both of us?”
This is one of the few things they eventually agree on: Under no circumstances is anyone to intentionally involve the GIW.
Vlad tries to recruit other ghosts in attempt to keep Phantom distracted.
This mostly consists of him failing to intimidate Skulker with his scrawny teen stature, then flattering him into it because “surely as the first and strongest of his kind Phantom would be a much worthier prize for such a skilled hunter.”
He has more luck with the resentful Yiddish vultures, although they can’t do much beyond being a nuisance.
The Box Ghost offers his services.  Repeatedly.
Vlad travels to Amity Park in attempt to steal ecto-tech from Fentonworks.  On arrival he is horrified to see just how haunted the town is due to its permanently active portal.  He beats a fast retreat after getting cornered and resolves to come back with better plans.
Vlad returns to Amity Park in attempt to recruit more minions from the thronging masses. This is somewhat successful, but a few rogue ghosts follow him home - forcing him to try to contain the situation while hiding it from Maddie and Jack.
Youngblood starts messing with Vlad’s schoolmates (interfering with some of his social schemes in the process).  As an adult Danny is incapable of seeing him, and Maddie and Vlad’s tendency to act older than their age means that Jack is the only one with a real handle on the situation.  Eventually (to his intense horror) Vlad has to do things Jack’s way to solve the problem
Jack: “You know what V-Man, I’m glad to have you back.  You’ve been so serious these last few months, I was worried you’d forgotten how to have fun!”
Vlad: *audible teeth-grinding*
Vlad refuses to swear because he thinks it’s a sign of inferior intellect and therefore beneath him.  Danny doesn’t swear because he’s desperately trying not to teach this kid any more bad habits.
Vlad makes a deal with Technus to steal some software for use in a financial scheme. Too bad that they make this arrangement in the same week that local Information Technology rising-star Tucker Foley is invited to speak at the school’s career day.
Vlad’s plans failing because his ‘superior intellect’ leads him to over-engineer excessively complex schemes.
Danny: “You know you could just have done this, right?”
Plasmius later tries Phantom’s suggestion and Danny is kicking himself because darn it I was trying to get him to knock it off, not give him pointers.
Vlad attempting subtler social schemes (e.g. overshadowing staff and student council members to make changes).  These sometimes work but other times Jack messes up the plan with his overenthusiastic support for his ‘best friend’.
Danny eventually recruiting one of Vlad’s classmates Red-Huntress-style because look, I’m running my parents company, volunteering at the observatory and trying to keep the ghosts under control.  I can’t be constantly flying to another town to make sure Plasmius isn’t bringing on the ecto-apocalypse.
Out of respect for Vlad’s privacy Danny doesn’t reveal the secret identity thing. Instead he asks them to keep Plasmius under control and also look out for Vlad Masters because the ghost might be interested in him.
What Danny didn’t notice was that this kid really doesn’t like Masters and has a pretty big grudge against Plasmius after being on the receiving end of one of his schemes.  What should have been a simple recon job instead ends up with them aggressively pursuing an intense rivalry with both of Vlad’s halves.  They also get overzealous in their ecto-hunter task and start going after Phantom as well.  So now Danny has two problems.
Jazz Fenton (a qualified and practicing psychologist in this AU) takes a job as the school’s councillor.
While there she works to convince Vlad of the benefits of altruism, tries to wheedle him into confessing his connection to Plasmius (Danny told her everything) and attempts to foil his social manipulations.  The first two aren’t met with much success but she does get in the way of the third a few times.
For his part Vlad tries different schemes to get her fired or make her leave so that he can continue plotting without interference.
Vlad sneaks into the Ghost Zone in attempt to steal a powerful item (Ring of Rage, Pandora’s box, the Fright Knights Soul Shredder etc.).  This goes about as badly you’d expect.  Unlike in canon, where Vlad bails and makes Danny deal with it, Older!Phantom drags Young!Plasmius back by the ear because you made this mess so now you’re going to help clean it up.
Phantom: “So, did we learn anything today?”
Plasmius: “I should do more research before handling powerful objects.”
Phantom: *aggrieved sigh* “You know kid, I honestly thought you were smarter than this.”
Whether Young!Vlad eventually learns his lesson or keeps spiralling until he becomes a canon!Vlad level criminal chessmaster is something that could go either way.  
What I’m getting at is:  Can someone please do a version of the age-swap AU where Vlad Masters/Plasmius is an intellectually snobbish, overly theatrical, entitled adolescent ‘mastermind’ (who isn’t quite as bright as he thinks) and Danny Fenton/Phantom is the well-intentioned and experienced adult hero (but poor teacher) who really wants to give this kid a second chance but is getting more and more done with all the villainy nonsense.
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finger-lakes-ghostbusters · 2 years ago
"Eva, dios mio, watch the road, watch the ROAD, that was a pedestrian you just narrowly avoided--"
"She's in the street, Damien, for fuck's sake, she knows the risk she's taking--" Rolling her eyes, Eva practically slammed on the brakes to bring their Ecto-1 down to a reasonable speed, ignoring Damien's muffled Spanish expletives. "Happy?"
"I'll be happy if you don't kill us both on the way there. We've been through enough the past couple of days," Damien grumbled out, visibly sagging down in the seat a second later. "If I'm going to do this, I want to be in one piece for it."
"Are you still sure you want to do this?" Stopped at a red light as they were, Eva was able to twist around in the driver's seat to look at Damien then, her words coming soft and caring for the millionth time in as many days. "We can turn right back around and go back to the boathouse if this is too big of a step right now."
"No. No, I...." Damien trailed off, fiddling with a stray thread on his shirt for a moment and pointedly avoiding meeting Eva's gaze. "I....I need to do this. I need to....to know what they think of me. Once and for all. I need to properly say goodbye."
"Just know that I'll be there. If it gets to be too much."
"And it's appreciated, Eva. Really. Now please just focus on the road."
It felt like eons passed in silence before they finally arrived at the cemetery. Putting one hand out to hold onto Damien's arm as his steps visibly faltered, Eva and the older man walked side by side up to the worn tombstone, displaying Craig and Marvin's names along with their birth and death years. A sob rising in his throat before he could stop it, Damien sank onto his knees in front of the stone, not even reacting when Eva squeezed his shoulder in a comforting gesture. "They deserved better than this. Dios, they....they deserve to be in a beautiful garden somewhere, surrounded by flores. Or....they shouldn't be here. In this cold, dark...."
"We can bring flowers, if you want to come back another time. I promise, Damien." Eva nudged him politely then, jerking her head towards the stone. "Talk to them."
A shaky inhale, and then Damien reached forward and laid his hand upon the stone, seeming to concentrate deeply as his words came out in a barely audible, trembling voice. "H-hi, Craig. Marv. I know it's....been a while. Ay. More than a while. I don't know if...if you've been watching. At all, really, but....I have a new team. A....a new family, I guess you could say, because I sure as hell wouldn't call my own parents family. A lot has happened. I....I think I'm. Doing better now, though. Trying to make up for things. I'm-" His voice broke off with a slight sniff, and he had to visibly collect himself before continuing. "I'm sorry. For everything. I'm sorry that I didn't visit, I'm sorry for what happened, I'm sorry that I....that I failed you so badly. Marv, mi amor, mi sol y estrellas, I'm sorry that my love couldn't save you. I'm sorry that we.....couldn't have more time together, a-and---"
More of the same silent, shaking sobs rushed through Damien as he knelt there, Eva frozen in indecision over whether she should go to his side or not. "Lo siento. Lo siento, lo siento. Please, I just....I just need to see you two again. You can hate me all you want, just....I need to know that you two are okay. That you actually....."
Eva and Damien both froze then, as translucent hands seemed to materialize out of the darkness of the evening and wrap around Damien in a loving, caring embrace. Hot tears still coursing down his face with every passing second, Damien lifted his head in shock, watching as the barely visible forms of Craig and Marvin emerged from thin air to look him in the eyes.
we're here, damien
we both are
we forgive you
we love you
Eva had to strain to hear the words, as quiet and fragmented as they were--almost like a rush of wind going by than actual speech. But they had an immediate effect on Damien, who bowed his head again, words coming out even more choked with tears. "I killed both of you. I led you right into danger. This never would have happened if I'd--"
you can't blame yourself
not for something that was beyond your control
we know it was HER all along
it wasn't you, dames
A muffled sob escaped Damien's throat at the old pet name, tears building in his eyes again as he finally raised his head. "I needed to make this right. Like I didn't all those years ago. PerdĂłname. I never should have left you here alone for all this time. I was a coward. I was such a coward."
no you weren't
you weren't, dames
you were brave
you were so brave
we forgave you a long time ago
you have to forgive YOURSELF now
"I don't know how to do that anymore."
then let your new team help you
they're good eggs, dames
you have to move on
you have to let us go
we know it hurts
but you can't let grief eat you up forever, love
"I'll.....I'll try. I'll really try to be better. I promise," Damien said, still sniffling a bit. "They helped me when no one else would. I.....I just. I miss both of you so much, I-" He broke off as their arms enveloped him again--for just a split second before they pulled back, smiling softly down at him.
you're allowed to miss us
just don't let it consume you
you're allowed to have new friends and new happiness
you're even allowed to love again, if you find it, promise me that much, dames
"I will. I will. I love you. So much. I always will." Damien broke off as their forms started to fade away back into mist again, reaching out towards Marvin's ghostly form almost in a panic. "No. No, wait, don't leave me again. Please. Don't go where I can't see you. Please."
you'll always be able to see us
we'll always be with you
you're never alone, remember that
you're loved, you're SO loved
The ghostly form of Marvin looked towards Eva then, seeming to nod his head slightly towards her.
take care of him
A wordless nod was all she could give in that moment. A minute later, they were gone, leaving Damien to grasp at thin air before sagging slightly. For the span of several minutes more, there was only silence, only the two of them quietly contemplating what they had both seen and heard. And then Eva was stepping up alongside Damien, squeezing his shoulder again in an attempt to ground him. "You okay, bossman?"
Damien continued to stare at the stone for a minute more, emotions flickering across his face far too quickly for her to put a name to them--and then he twisted to look up at Eva, a soft and wavering smile pinned to his lips. "No. Not really. But I'm starting to learn that that's okay." He let Eva pull him to his feet, casting one last wistful glance back towards the stone before nodding towards her. "Let's go home."
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katecon2006 · 7 years ago
Hijo de una canalizadora médium: Testimonio de ex sacerdote satånico ,ex médium brujo y santero #Katecon2006
Se trata del testimonio de Wilmer RodrĂ­guez quien es un venezolano que ahora es pastor cristiano y comparte su historia para que las personas conozcan cĂłmo funciona la estructura satĂĄnica invisible a nuestros ojos y pueda desligarse de esas fuerzas oscuras que se disfrazan de benevolentes y serviciales.  Hago el resumen porque en muchos post que tenemos youtube ha terminado borrando los videos o los canales y se pierde el material. Desde muy pequeño y desde antes de nacer ya estaba predestinado a servir al ocultismo, ya que su madre era una canalizadora mĂ©dium que invocaba espĂ­ritus que dejaba entrar en su cuerpo aĂșn estando en embarazo de sus hijos, incluso durante el embarazo de Wilmer para “ayudar” a solucionar los problemas diversos de las personas que llegaban a su negocio espiritual. Es decir que desde antes de nacer Wilmer ya estaba en contacto con espĂ­ritus y predestinado a servirles!
Cuenta que su infancia fuĂ© un infierno debido a los constantes problemas que habĂ­an en el hogar, no habĂ­a un dĂ­a de calma o de armonĂ­a y todo llegĂł a un momento en que la convivencia familiar era tan insoportable que sus padres tuvieron que separarse, asĂ­ es como Wilmer tuvo que vivir con su papĂĄ durante un largo tiempo y sin poder ver a su mamĂĄ por los tĂ©rminos poco amistosos en que se terminĂł el matrimonio de sus padres.   Tiempo despuĂ©s Wilmer podrĂ­a estar con su mamĂĄ y durante ese tiempo, ella ya estaba aĂșn mĂĄs metida en otras ramas de  la brujerĂ­a y es cuando un dĂ­a lleva a Wilmer consigo a Yaracuy a la montaña del sorte para iniciarlo como brujo.   Mucha gente no sabe que asĂ­ es como obtienen esos poderes para adivinar, entregando a su propia sangre o entregando sacrificios, estamos hablando de pactos que se hacen con entidades para que les den poderes. En esa montaña como en muchos otros lugares, son sitios con gran energia electromagnĂ©tica con capacidad para abrir portales dimensionales, en esa montaña es el lugar donde se puede tener contacto con una entidad espiritual, una diosa conocida como Maria Lionza quien reina con diversas entidades en una especie de ejĂ©rcito donde ella es la que los comanda.
montaña del sorte donde se hace pactos satånicos lugar de avistamientos ovni
A esa “diosa” suele acompañarla el cacique Guaicaipuro y el Negro Felipe que forman la trinidad que son parte de la jerarquĂ­a satĂĄnica que controla ademĂĄs Corte Celestial (los santos catĂłlicos); la Corte IndĂ­gena (caciques indianos); la Corte Negra (esclavos y brujos negros); la Corte Libertadora (los que lucharon contra la corona española, entre ellos, el propio SimĂłn BolĂ­var); la Corte Malandra (delincuentes conocidos como la chama Isabel o Luis SĂĄnchez); la Corte MĂ©dica (encabezada por JosĂ© Gregorio HernĂĄndez y otros galenos conocidos en el paĂ­s); la Corte de las Ánimas (compuesta por ĂĄnimas milagrosas venezolanas); la Corte Chamarrera (surtida de brujos de diferente orden); la Corte de los Juanes (del folclore venezolano, como Don Juan del Tabaco o Don Juan de las Cruces), y una infinidad de cortes de menor rango como la Egipcia, la Bruja, etc. Legiones de unos 10 mil espĂ­ritus conforma cada corte demonĂ­aca Entidades que incluso pueden devorar y hacer desaparecer personas que llegan allĂ­ sin compañía de un brujo o sacerdote de alto rango, recordĂĄndonos lo que les contaba hace 3 dĂ­as de los indĂ­genas australianos y los dioses reptilianos en el monte uluru. Wilmer tenĂ­a apenas 4 años y esta mĂ©dium canalizadora y bruja, lo entregĂł a esas entidades que le habĂ­an dado poderes adivinatorios, para que sirviera en el mundo ocultista.
El pequeño no tenĂ­a manera de dicernir entre el bien y el mal y sĂłlo seguĂ­a las Ăłrdenes de su madre, asĂ­ terminarĂ­a acostumbrĂĄndose  a su condiciĂłn de brujo. A la edad de 7 años ya iniciaba su ministerio espiritual recibiendo espĂ­ritus, a tan corta edad era un mĂ©dium poderoso, a los 13 ya era un sacerdote reconocido que llevaba a cabo ceremonias en diversos altares de brujerĂ­a. OcurriĂł que empezĂł a no sentirse bien y a dejar de ser el niño, para convertirse interiormente en un adulto, en un ser lleno de oscuridad que mantenĂ­a lleno de rabia y de odio, ademĂĄs porque veĂ­a la maldad en las personas, que siempre llegaban para pedir controlar y dañar a otros por medio de la brujerĂ­a, por eso para Ă©l la gente era como objetos desechables, llegaban, pagaban por su servicio y Ă©l luego los desechaba, asĂ­ lentamente crecĂ­a en Ă©l lentamente la avaricia de tener y cobrar mĂĄs dinero como fuera posible por sus poderosos trabajos. Hoy reconoce que esa rabia, odio y avaricia no eran suyos de su propiedad sino que eso era por los espĂ­ritus que habitaban en Ă©l, cosa que empeorĂł cuando decidiĂł decirle a su mamĂĄ que querĂ­a hacer lo mismo que ella y los otros hechiceros mĂ©diums con que ella ahora se rodeaba, que no eran otra cosa que santeros que invocaban orishas!
.es asĂ­ como lo llevaron de nuevo a la montaña y quedĂł totalmente poseĂ­do.   El dice, me convertĂ­ en un diablo Su interĂ©s en escalar en posiciĂłn en el rango espiritual, lo llevĂł a querer convertirse en el primero, el mĂĄs poderoso. Para Ă©l era una aparente familia de santeros donde habĂ­a aparente unidad y todos cuidaban de todos pero donde realmente todos se destruyen entre todos, expuestos a posesiones demonĂ­acas, una peor que la otra, llenos de odio hacia los demĂĄs pero aparentando amor incondicional y deseos de ayudarte con tus problemas.  Un engaño del que muchos que acuden a esas cosas ni siquiera se imaginan, ya que algunos creen que canalizaciones, espiritismo y brujerĂ­a son cosas diferentes. Wilmer en realidad llegĂł a sentirse como un dios! todo lo que pedĂ­a le llegaba a voluntad, si querĂ­a dinero le llegaba dinero, cosas materiales, todo, es asĂ­ como decide que su poder deberĂ­a llevarlo a autoridades de mĂĄs alto rango y se convierte en asesor espiritual de algunas figuras de la polĂ­tica, ya no querĂ­a solo para atender gente comĂșn y corriente sino mostrar realmente hasta dĂłnde llegaba su poder, se sentĂ­a poderoso ya que ademĂĄs comandaba literalmente ejĂ©rcitos de brujos, unos 1500 que estaban por debajo de Ă©l y que le debĂ­an obediencia ya que Ă©l era uno de los brujos mĂĄs potentes. Es asĂ­ como por intermedio de un personaje que pretendĂ­a un puesto en la polĂ­tica venezolana, lo llevaron a Cuba para coronarle santo, los brujos cubanos vieron el poder que Ă©l tenĂ­a ya dentro de sĂ­ y dijeron que Ă©l no estaba para coronarle santo que Ă©l estaba para cosas mĂĄs grandes y poderosas y es como deciden enviarlo a HaitĂ­ para otro tipo de coronaciĂłn y convertirlo en un brujo de brujos. Una vez allĂ­ en HaitĂ­ le dijeron que para su coronaciĂłn debĂ­a dormir 3 noches en una tumba de una persona fallecida hacĂ­a tiempo, es decir soportando la pestilencia y junto al muerto con sus carnes desechas.  Wilmer en ese momento pensĂł que eso era para locos! y pidiĂł un poco de tiempo para “prepararse”, volviendo a Venezuela. Una vez en Venezuela tuvo muchas dudas acerca de ese gran paso que los brujos mayores le habĂ­an propuesto para coronarlo como brujo de los brujos y entrĂł en controversia, es como acude a donde una persona evangĂ©lica para hacerle preguntas porque ya desde ese momento le quedĂł claro que eso no era de Dios.   Debo comentar que esa ceremonia de dormir en un ataud sea solo o con muerto, tiene el objetivo literalmente de matar a la persona y convertirla en hospedero de legiones de demonios, una ceremonia que incluso es llevada a cabo en la masonerĂ­a y donde la persona queda ya controlada por entidades demonĂ­acas ContactĂł a una evangĂ©lica y le dijo que querĂ­a retomar el rumbo de su vida, que habĂ­a hecho  muchas cosas malas y que cĂłmo hacĂ­a para volverse cristiano y ser perdonado, pero por las cosas que Ă©l le contĂł (no que era brujo sino que no querĂ­a a sus padres y que los odiaba), ella le dijo que nunca podĂ­a ser cristiano que Ă©l era del diablo. Es asĂ­ como Wilmer siente aĂșn mĂĄs odio, herido y frustrado y dice bien, sino puedo recuperarme para el bien, ahora me entregarĂ© entonces para el mal y decide irse para HaitĂ­, como todo le “salĂ­a a pedir de boca”, dijo que necesitaba quiĂ©n lo llevara y es como aparecen contactos relacionados con las mafias narcotraficantes que valga la aclaraciĂłn, estĂĄn muy de lleno en el ocultismo y son ellos quienes le facilitan el viaje a HaitĂ­. Una vez en HaitĂ­ asesorado de los altos brujos, estos le explican el ritual y el posible resultado el cual era, o bien terminar en zombie o terminar convertido en un gran poderoso brujo.  Se mete entonces en la tumba, a Ă©l ya lo habĂ­an sellado  y lo enterraron junto con una botellita de agua que serĂ­a lo Ășnico que lo alimentarĂ­a durante esos tres largos dĂ­as con sus noches.   En su mente SatanĂĄs le dijo mira, transpĂłrtate fuera de tu cuerpo para que puedas sobrevivir y Ă©l salĂ­a por horas y volvĂ­a a entrar en su cuerpo, asĂ­ el tiempo pasaba con mayor rapidez y no le daba tiempo para sentir miedo o estrĂ©s dentro de la tumba, cuando regresaba a su cuerpo bebĂ­a algo de agua, su cuerpo empezĂł a ser atacado por los insectos que habĂ­an en la tumba y su piel a ser desgarrada como en el rostro.   A los 3 dĂ­as saliĂł de la tumba, y los brujos tenĂ­an claro que si no salĂ­a asustado o trastornado es porque habĂ­a sido elegido y estaba destinado a ser un alto sacerdote porque tenĂ­a el control de su propia mente.   Wilmer reconoce que habĂ­a tenido un hijo por el que nunca respondiĂł, que bebĂ­a alcohol durante dĂ­as enteros, siempre con todo tipo de mujeres incluso prostitutas, a pesar que recibĂ­a montones de dinero, ese dinero se le desaparecĂ­a y prĂĄcticamente apenas le quedaba para sobrevivir. En una ocasiĂłn se fuĂ© con un amigo y dos prostitutas y por 3 dĂ­as estuvieron bebiendo y “disfrutando”, y Wilmer tuvo la idea de irse a un rĂ­o cuya orilla la conocen todos como la playa
 allĂ­ en la playa las dos prostitutas se desnudaron y se fueron al rĂ­o y tras de ellas se fuĂ© Wilmer, pero al otro lado habĂ­an unos pescadores en una lancha que viendo aquel espectĂĄculo quisieron ir a ver de cerca aquel gran espectĂĄculo porno y gratis.  Es asĂ­ como esos pescadores  se acercaron tanto que con las aspas del motor cortaron a Wilmer, lo hirieron de tal manera que solo habĂ­a sangre rodeĂĄndolo en medio del agua pero en el momento pierde el conocimiento y empieza a hundirse en el agua,  le entrĂł un momento de conciencia y supo que le habĂ­a llegado la hora, perdiĂł tanta sangre que los que estaban allĂ­ solo gritaban estĂĄ muerto estĂĄ muerto pero no iban a ayudarlo, y es cuando se da una experiencia sobrenatural proveniente del fondo del agua. Wilmer dice que un chorro de fuego saliĂł del fondo del rĂ­o y lo rodeĂł, era un fuego que no generaba calor y en medio del fuego habĂ­a algo con figura de hombre pero muy grande y es cuando la figura emite como un viento que le movĂ­a sus cabellos que eran blancos  dorados y el cual le dijo que a partir de ese momento liderarĂ­a un ministerio y que muchos serĂ­an guiados por Ă©l.  El fuego desaparece pero en Ă©l queda un sentimiento de tranquilidad que nunca habĂ­a vivido ya que creciĂł lleno de odio y aversiĂłn hacia todo y todos, algo fuĂ© seguro para Ă©l y es que no habĂ­a muerto y le sorprendiĂł que nadie de quienes estaban allĂ­ ni los lancheros ni las prostitutas fueron a auxiliarlo. Èl se habĂ­a sumergido en el agua pero quienes estaban allĂ­ podĂ­an observar cĂłmo salĂ­a sangre en gran cantidad, luego de esa experiencia su cuerpo sale a la superficie y es como arrastrado a la orilla aĂșn inconsciente y a Ă©l no tenĂ­a conciencia de nada. Wilmer dice que estĂĄ seguro que fuĂ© ese fuego el que lo empujĂł y quienes estaban allĂ­ dijeron que estaba muerto, sin embargo lo llevaron al hospital donde confirmarĂ­an lo mismo.  Dice Wilmer que al parecer ya lo habĂ­an pasado a la morgue donde iban a abrirle el pecho para sacar sus Ăłrganos y cuando lo iban a perforar, la persona encargada siente que su corazĂłn emitió  latidos y es como toma una ambulancia y lleva de nuevo a Wilmer al hospital, un hecho que provocĂł que esa persona perdiera su trabajo, sin embargo esa persona dijo que sintiĂł un gran impulso por ayudarlo e intentar salvarle la vida y pensĂł en ese momento que hacĂ­a lo correcto y que su deber era salvarle la vida y procediĂł como moralmente debiĂł haber actuado. La recuperaciĂłn de Wilmer fuĂ© lenta y durĂł un tiempo sin poder caminar ni moverse, igualmente esa calma que experimentĂł bajo las aguas se habĂ­a esfumado, solo sentĂ­a odio a la gente y cuando lo iban a visitar, Ă©l solo atinaba a echarlos con malas palabras porque no querĂ­a que lo vieran asĂ­ y menos gente por la que sentĂ­a tanto desprecio y odio y con la que hablaba poco como sus padres y familia, con los que apenas se veĂ­a una vez al año si a mucho y en tĂ©rminos poco amigables.
Entre esos visitantes que con odio Wilmer echaba de la habitaciĂłn, estaba un pastor que de buena gana iba para acompañarle y orar por su sanaciĂłn, sin embargo sĂłlo obtenĂ­a malas palabras y Wilmer lo echaba fuera lleno de odio y resentimiento.   Fueron unas doce veces en que el pastor intentĂł visitarlo y ya en ese Ășltimo intento es que Wilmer accede a que entre a verlo, y cuando el pastor entrĂł a verlo empezĂł a reprender las entidades que estaban en el cuerpo de Wilmer y este ex brujo dice que fuĂ© tremendo para Ă©l ver cĂłmo su cuerpo empezĂł a sacudirse de una manera brutal y a ver cĂłmo de su cuerpo salĂ­an una cantidad de entidades demonĂ­acas en forma de humo y es cuando siente paz por primera vez en su alma, como si se le hubiera quitado un peso de encima.  Eso cierta mente permitiĂł que Wilmer viera la realidad de los poderes que le permitĂ­an adivinar y hacer trabajos de magia, que no era Ă©l sino Ă©l actuando como intermediario de demonios. En vista de aquella horrenda escena, en la noche empezĂł a orar y a reflexionar sobre cada una de las escenas de su vida y a pedir perdĂłn por cada cosa mala que hizo y es como luego en las horas de la madrugada ocurre un milagro de sanaciĂłn que se puso de manifiesto a travĂ©s de un sueño, y es que Wilmer de tanto orar se quedĂł dormido y al rato empieza a soñar que tiene ganas de ir a orinar y es como en su sueño fuĂ© a orinar pero cual serĂ­a su sorpresa que abriĂł los ojos y estaba en el baño del hospital parado de pie y con las piernas temblorosas, comprobando con sus ojos que ya podĂ­a moverse y caminar. DespuĂ©s de aquello se sentĂ­a realmente feliz por primera vez en tantos años de vida que estuvieron marcados por una amargura y odios que no le pertenecĂ­an, emociones que fueron puestos en su corazĂłn por entidades demonĂ­acas.  Su promesa para con Dios por aquella sanaciĂłn fĂ­sica y espiritual fuĂ© la de ofrecerse a ser uno de sus servidores, de aconsejar a las personas hacia las cosas sanas y espirituales, aconsejando a las personas del mundo para que dejen todo aquello que los aleja de Dios. Este parece un testimonio sincero y por eso lo comparto, de igual manera nunca deben poner su confianza en los hombres nada mĂĄs que en el altĂ­simo, estas personas nos sirven de ejemplo y de testimonio de la existencia de ese mundo espiritual que es invisible para muchos pero real, dejando de manifiesto cĂłmo estos antiguos espĂ­ritus, divinidades paganas, nos alejan de Dios y su amor, llenando de odio, rencor, amargura y destrucciĂłn todo lo que tocan, muchos acuden a canalizadores, adivinos, tarotistas, brujos, guĂ­as, etc, pero desconociendo que esas capacidades que ellos tienen, les han sido dadas por entidades del mundo espiritual para desviarlos.  Que este testimonio sirva a muchos que estĂĄn en la senda del ocultismo para reaccionar, aĂșn hay tiempo.
via Blogger http://nuevoordenmundialreptiliano.blogspot.com/2018/04/hijo-de-una-canalizadora-medium.html
from Hijo de una canalizadora médium: Testimonio de ex sacerdote satånico ,ex médium brujo y santero #Katecon2006
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eyepulp · 8 years ago
The ghost drama is so fucking wild to watch go down I'm not even siding with anyone I'm just watching in awe
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eyepulp · 8 years ago
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My dog could be a model
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