tanadrin · 7 months
If you were sent back in time to inhabit the body of Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985, I wonder if there’s any course of action you could take to avert the collapse of the Soviet Union while successfully revitalizing its econonomy, or if it was already doomed by then.
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wmarximoff · 2 years
𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐚 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 | 𝐰. 𝐦𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐟𝐟
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summary: no one needs to know that the president of the most admired sorority on campus has a crush on you.
warnings (18+): a brief smut, Wanda cussing like a mean girl, R being a little shit, slight corruption if you squint. MINORS DNI.
pairing: sorority!Wanda x dirtbag!reader
word count: 3k
A/N: this is definitely not my best work by far, but I'm testing the tone of sorority!Wanda until I can write her in a way I like, so whoever reads this will be my test subjects lol
A pale and motley patch of white sunbeams smearing the glass of a nearby window was what captured your attention for a few bits of seconds that, together, would complete more than the whole of a minute. The window opened to the blue sky outside, to the large green trees rooted there near the building in a healthy lawn, with brownish and thick trunks spaced by stripes of daylight that sent a forest air to that specific region of the campus, which used to be well ventilated.
A deep yawn was stifled by a mouth just behind your head, both your elbows raised across the face of the hard plastic table. In the middle of that spring semester, the white-painted walls of the tapering classroom, which inclined down in steps from student seats that sloped toward Professor Harkness's rectangular desk, into a lesser concavity when pitted against the chairs of the students, they looked chubbier and sunnier than usual, which is why you had to wear light clothing with few layers to make it through that class until the end of the term without sweating to the point of dehydration.
“Shit...” was the tiniest curse uttered under your breath.
The friction caused by the tip of your pen across the paper ended up writing an inexact word in your fast informal handwriting, which you, annoyed, tried to cover up with an eager flick of the wrist towards the right. A wide thin line had slipped above the dashed letters in dark blue ink – because you saw yourself viscerally unhappy about your succinct spelling error (since it is written “economy”, and never “econonomy”). Several other students eagerly tapped their fingers on laptop keyboards (clatter of keys pounding across the classroom), but something nostalgic in you preferred to stick with good old paper and ink.
After scribbling such inaccuracy into your handwritten notes, you resumed your transcripts of what was taught by your teacher, trying to record the minimum necessary. You chewed gum with a cinnamon-synthesized flavor, a customary practice. A pen rolled and clattered to the floor, and then someone reached down to pick it up.
Your committed gaze, therefore, migrated from the articulated writings in your notebook to the professor's figure in front of the rest of the room, leaning with her hip against her long and low table, facing a certain handful of vivacious and diligent students. Agatha Harkness kind of reminded you of the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz – maybe it was her long, thin nose, or the exotic mannerism of her hands.
“So, ladies and gentlemen, to fully understand Austen's novels it’s first important to understand the finer points about economics and mid-nineteenth-century class relations that are portrayed in the relationships between characters in several of her works.”
Blustered Miss Harkness with her thick chestnut locks, her cashmere waistcoat looking more violet than usual on this hot sunny day, her arms clasped close to her ribcage, her cream-colored button-up shirt with the sleeves perched up to her elbows.
“It's not just about dating and marriage or strong female characters that this work is about, however that is what some uninformed people out there might assume. Of course, female empowerment is a crucial part of these novels, but it’s actually important for us to recognize the irrefutable fact that Austen has always dealt with social classes in her works, and because of this she is full of important economic themes that can be pointed out by the reader. Does anyone know what I'm talking about, people? Somebody? Anybody?”
You kind of chortled to yourself, reaching into your chair for a more comfortable position than had ever been found. You could well respond to such an inquiry, so much so that you could presage the formulation of the words that climbed your throat and lodged at the tip of your tongue, prepared to be pronounced in front of the rest of the class. But you just knew there was someone else who would be frothing to answer that question.
The right hand raised in the air, greedy for the intellectual realms of the demanded explanation, had not been yours at all. And silently, just an unimportant listener, you waited for the well-known answer to come, never exposing yourself any further than was necessary like a withdrawn, flowing animal of self-preservation and self-doubt, a silly little smile forming the outline of your lips.
“Yes, Miss Maximoff ?” Agatha pointed with her chin at a few tables behind yours, two steps up from where you were. Her neck craned back, and air seized her lungs in anticipation.
Wanda Maximoff, self-absorbed and with a shrewd, focused countenance, could be found just a tiny amount of meters uphill from where you were located. She was liked, adored and revered, a name passed around campus with airs of admiration, high in the social hierarchy of sororities and fraternities around the university. She had kind green eyes, but the kind of kindness that shouldn't be confused with naivete, something Wanda didn't have at all.
She was a president, the most prudent of them all, appealing even to the eyes of the university who were excluding or not adept at the Greek way of life, known for leading the chapter where some of the girls who turned heads around resided. She was a necessity, a public figure among other young people her age. And, in front of her, you smiled small. She was the most beautiful girl you would ever meet in your life.
Among your many other classmates scattered throughout the classroom, she was the only one wearing high black stockings under a pleated skirt checked in a gray fabric, highlighting the soft skin of her legs so strictly stunning and painstaking.
The long, dark locks were thus partially held back from covering her stunning face, tucked behind the shells of her ears. Fingers with polished black enamel nails, pale extensions adorned with silver rings of the most variegated shapes and sizes, parked the digits over a keyboard of a small portable computer placed right in front of her.
Her wardrobe always looked like a venustic mix of Cher Horowitz clothes and Nancy Downs accessories, choosing to constantly alternate between the two extremes of preppy and dark, usually finding herself somewhere in the middle of the two.
“Most of Austen's characters can be classified as belonging to the middle class of society, and she has never had a problem portraying the inequality between them and members of other social classes, both lower and higher,” irises jadish seethed in a well-educated glow, since it came as no surprise to anyone just how enthusiast of Jane Austen literature Wanda Maximoff could be.
“In fact, Austen's novels portray various socio-economic factors in 19th century Britain, specifically in matters of wealth and poverty and the values of coins at the time, as well as how much capital these people could have even at that time. It was never just about love and marriage.”
Wanda finished off in superb mastery by flashing an exultant little smile, scrunching a patch of skin from her nose like a fluffy little bunny, exuding airs of quite self-satisfaction. When her emerald gaze engaged yours across that sea of heads, you offered her a funny wink with your right eye, to which Wanda only chuckled and shook her head provocatively.
“You are absolutely correct, Miss Maximoff,” Professor Harkness greeted the student proudly from the front of the students as she stood, “I couldn't have said it myself in better words than that.”
You just rolled your eyes in their sockets playfully, resting your chin in the palm of your right hand whose elbow was supplanted by the face of the table. Someday Agatha would still end up adopting Wanda if she could.
“Oh fuck , Y/n!” The lascivious voice growled, reverberating, like a breath of apex, through the walls of the second-floor women's restroom of the university's Languages and Literature building.
“Just like that baby, oh–!” Wanda trapped her bottom lip with her own incisors, confining a moan to the deepest core of her being, her two inner thighs constricting her ears almost deafeningly.
Even that same morning after the classroom, with the emptiness there, a faucet dripping, only the linoleum floor could hear the hums uttered by a breathless Wanda, with her mouth tightened and her face burning in red embers like a peach in her sharp cheekbones, feeling just as satisfied as you prolonged her peak smearing your entire face in erratic movements of her taut hips.
You rubbed her swollen clit against your upper lip, that little knot of nerves squirming blindly in search of prolonging that sensation of pleasure that seeped into her bones, the plaid skirt sharply bunched below her navel. The two of you were squeezed into a bathroom stall, you on your knees and she sprawled all over the sides of that tight little space.
“Fuck,” Wanda gasped in a blink of slow eyelids, very sparingly holding your head against her pussy with the open palm of her right hand, “Fuck, baby…”
Ring-wrapped fingers found themselves fondling between the roots of your hair, the other girl's head hunched back, her lip gloss smudged. When you, as serene as you could be in the face of the beautiful sight of her orgasm, sank your teeth into a light open bite on her inner thigh just to make fun of her, Wanda moaned sensitively and increased her grip of deferred fingers against the roots of your hair.
“N-no,” she squealed in a breathless fashion, her brow creased like someone in pain, “No more, please, I can't take any more.”
“Okay, fine,” you smiled before gracing the bite mark with a slightly swashbuckling chaste kiss, a silent apology so close to her abused cunt dripping in a hangover of pleasure, “I want you to walk out of here with your own legs.”
You, kneeling down to her level, turned your face away from the gap between Wanda's opalescent crotch, still pulsing on your tongue the vigorous taste of the juice coming from her pulsing vagina – the skin down your chin and around your mouth completely burnished in a brilliant radiance from the president's overwhelming orgasm just above your head, chest heavy into her thin fabric blouse, uneven breathing and vaguely wobbly knees.
You scrambled to your feet, stretching your knees inside your baggy jeans, not much to say after accomplishing your mission but offering the sorority girl a smug crooked smile, bringing your knuckles up to sweep away the wetness out of your face. Wanda looked even prettier being panting and flushed after you wrung an orgasm out of her guts.
“My God, pretty girl,” you bit back a smile at the commission of your glossy lips by her cum in a brief tone of astonishment, “You really made a whole mess of my face, huh–”
“Shut your pretty fucking mouth, you're pissing me off.”
Before you could even entertain the idea of cleaning yourself with soap and water, however, a hand pressed the skin on the back of your neck and, in a reckless way, pulled you into a rough kiss, Wanda going forward toward your face sipping from her own orgasm built up by your mouth. And then, a tongue emerged between the pulps of her lips, dragging itself through the commission of your mouth, so much more ecstatic after an extravagant orgasm.
As you parted when oxygen was needed in your burning lungs, you blinked slightly foolishly, so that both your noses were almost touching in midair as Wanda smiled voluptuously at your lethargic blinks, her upper lip pressing lightly on her rosy, somewhat puffy lower lip.
The dark gazes screwed into an invisible line, the verdant darkness taking pleasure in your goofy silence, amused by your silliness. Wanda smiled catlike, the soft fingers of digits stroking the skin from the nape of your neck just below your hairline.
“Well,” you lisped somewhat not knowing what to say under your breath, “Maybe you don't need to walk out of here on your own two legs exactly…”
And your mischievous right hand threatened to touch her again, making your way to the center of her thighs, but as overstimulated as she was, she was firm in preventing you from squeezing her one more time before your fingers crossed the hem of her skirt.
“Don't you even dare to start,” the girl finally walked away, barely managing to unfold the skirt from her upper thighs and smooth the creased fabric with her fingertips before pushing the laminate door out, her lacy panties vaguely forgotten inside the back pocket of your jeans.
“I need to study for a test because you know, unlike you I really care about my grades. We value our good academic performance at Omega Mu Zeta and I am their president, so I–”
“You need to set a good example, yeah, I know.”
Wanda, however, just threw you a glare over her shoulder, as flippant as could be, “You're annoying.”
You rolled your eyes out of their sockets dazedly before following Wanda's sweetly woody scent out of the bathroom stall. That girl was your personal glory, but she would be your undoing at some point in the near future.
“C’mon pretty girl, my grades are pretty good, if you really wanna know,” you propped your hips low beside the pale china sink she was standing in front of, taking in your own appearance reflected in that rectangular mirror on the wall.
“Not being a teacher's pet doesn't necessarily mean I'm a bad student, y’know? That's a very bad impression you have of me, it's almost even offensive.”
“Fuck you,” she stared at her own reflection in the mirror, fixing, with the tips of her fingernails painted in dark nail polish, the cherry gloss on her lips, “I'm not a teacher's pet, I just work hard in understanding the subject. Unlike you.”
You smiled, scrutinizing the sight of the emerald-eyed girl reflected in the mirror – and how beautiful she was, Wanda Maximoff with her cherry lip gloss.
“I certainly have not the talent which some people possess, of converting easily with those I have never seen before,” you recited aloud, your gaze never letting go of hers which, by the reflection in the mirror, turned all emerald attention to her figure with arms crossed before her chest.
“I cannot catch their tone of the conversation, or appear interested in their concerns, as I often see done.”
Wanda then turned her face towards him, and one dark brow creased mockingly towards the middle of her forehead. The makeup was very little, accentuating her natural beauty by her cheekbones and jawline curved around the edges, and the dark eyeliner was always sharp, done with exquisite mastery over the almond-shaped eyelids.
“Did you just recite a line from Pride and Prejudice to me just to prove you know what you're talking about?” she smiled a little at your boldness.
“Maybe,” you shrugged smugly.
“That doesn't prove shit.”
“Proves that I’ve read the book,” you offered her a mocking brow lift.
“How old are you, you idiot, five?”
“Six actually,” you kind of chuckled in return, “But then, did it work? Did I impress you?”
Wanda looked at you for a studious half second, scrutinizing your figure with smart green eyes shimmering the color of summer grass.
“I hate you, you little shit.”
With intensity similar to the magnetic pull of a magnet, Wanda stepped forward with her white boot and took your face from the sides with both hands, merging your lips in a rhythmic kiss in harmonic cadence, which quickly made you whimper in dizzying contentment sharpened through your veins. Lovingly, you allowed yourself a smile at the corner of her pink lips, your heart pounding in the right side of your chest as her forearms laced tightly around the outline of your neck.
The kiss deepened into a need, their tongues twining until they were both panting softly, wet foreheads touching each other. You smiled mischievously against the commission of Wanda's swollen lips.
“My room on Friday after school?” you breathed in front of her face, “Darcy is going out with someone, so... I'll have the room all to myself.”
“Y/n,” Wanda whistled your name, her frown creasing slightly at your not-so-innocent suggestion, “I really have to study for that test, you know Mr. Pym is a real dictator in his classes–”
“And who says we are going to do anything other than study?” you smiled complacently, “Geez, Wanda, that perverted mind of yours goes everywhere, doesn't it? And here I thought you were a good girl, who knew you had that in you?”
“Stupid,” she twirled with her eyes comical, bent wrists resting above your shoulders, “Seriously, I need to keep my grades up—”
But the phrase died in her throat when voices could be heard in loud laughter pouring through the bathroom's main entrance, away from the secluded area of prying eyes where you belonged together. And at that notion something shriveled and deflated inside your chest. You actually looked forward as little as you could to those moments out of situations where you could rob her of the rest of the outside world, because that meant the fantasy was coming to an end.
Wanda was the respected president of Omega Mu Zeta, she was a social figure, she was anything she could be, except being yours. She was nobody's, indeed, but that also said she wasn't yours. But when she threatened to draw her body heat away from your torso, you kept your solemn grip firm on her hips through the fabric of her gray skirt, pinning her in place.
“Y/n,” she tried, hands squeezing your shoulders, a warning that reality was piercing sharply into that little bubble that encompassed you and her.
"Friday night? C'mon pretty girl, please? We'll just study, I promise. Girl Scout word.”
A brief shadow of conflict seemed to glide through the swirls of emerald irises, deepening that clear hue of her eyes, before Wanda tipped her chin back over her left shoulder covered by a blazer with a matching print and skirt, searching for an onlooker who wasn't there, only then to turn to your face and, in such a way, sigh a lame sigh before your expectant gaze. You always brought down all the resistance she seemed to want to lift.
“Okay,” Wanda relented, her shoulders slumping into the plaid blazer, “Okay, Friday after school. But as long as it's for us to actually study, you hear me? And I mean it.”
“Sure,” you muttered in jovial good humor, “We'll study, trust me.”
“Seriously, Y/n, no jokes,” a pair of glossy velvety lips pressed against the contour of your jawbone, right next to your pierced earlobe, “Or you're going to regret this,” Wanda it whispered on a warm breath, before there it plunged a painful bite into your epidermis.
A tiny squeak of pain piped out of your throat, shrugging your shoulder closer to your jaw and away from the other girl's half-open mouth, “Ouch Wanda, what the hell, what did you do that for?!”
“For you to remember to behave yourself,” she smiled with a darkly mischievous gleam, “Now I really have to go, baby. I text you on Friday.”
And then Wanda walked away, and with her went the enticing aroma of woody perfume mixed with strawberry dry shampoo, a fragrance that couldn't be described in any other way than just scarlet, closed, imposing and absolutely sexy in the right dosage. But the next person who squealed in pain was the president herself, whereupon you playfully raised your right forearm to deliver a slap of stiff, splayed fingers against the smooth skin of her panty-less ass beneath her pleated skirt, rocking the fabric of the short garment.
When Wanda tipped her chin back to curse you under her breath “Asshole,” the tops of both her cheeks gleaming in a caustic blush, you just grinned mischievously with your tongue sticking out between your teeth. And so, you knew that on that Friday, she would pay a visit to your room. After all, you didn't need more than that.
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sweetkoalastarfish · 5 months
The Banana Industry in the Philippines: Opportunities and Challenges
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Bananas are one of the most widely produced and consumed fruits worldwide. The Philippines is a significant producer and exporter of bananas, with a substantial market both domestically and Internationally. Let's explore the following aspects of bananas in the Philippines: import/export, cultivation, advantages and disadvantages, impact on environment and society, government support, and health, cosmetic benefits.
Importing and Exporting Bananas
Export: The Philippines is one of the largest exporters of bananas, primarily exporting to Japan, China, South Korea, and the Middle East, and other Asian countries. The primary export varieties include the Cavendish and Lacatan. The banana export Industry play a crucial role in the Philipine econonomy, contributing to export revenue and providing employment.
Import: While the Philippines is a major banana exporter, it generally does not import banana due to its robust domestic production. Local production meets domestic demand, and the surplus is exported.
Banana Cultivation and Planting
. Climate and Soil requirements: Bananas thrive in tropical climates with consistent warmth and humidity. They require well-drained soil and ample water to grow. Bananas can be grown at sea level to 1,200 meters.
. Planting and Cultivation: Bananas are typically grown from suckers (young shoots that emerge from the base of a banana plant) or tissue-cultured plantlets. They require spacing to allow for proper growing and air circulation. Proper care includes regular watering, fertilization, and pest management. Pruning and removing excess suckers help ensure healthy growth.
Advantages: Bananas are a high-yield crop, providing consistent production once established. They are a valuable cash crop for farmers, with a well-established market for both local and export sales. Bananas can be used in various ways-fresh, processed (banana chips, banana bread) or used as animal feed.
Disadvantages: Bananas are susceptible to diseases like Panama disease and Black Sigatoka, which can devastate crops. The Industry can be resource-intensive, requiring significant water and chemical inputs for pest and disease control. Market fluctuations and global trade dynamics can Impact banana prices and demand.
Impact on Environment and Society
. Environmental Impact: Large scale banana plantations can lead to deforestation, soil degradation, and biodiversity loss. Intensive chemical use for pest and disease control can also have environmental repercussions. Sustainable practices such as agroforestry and organic farming, can help mitigate these impacts.
. Societal Impact: Banana farming provides employment and Income for many communties in the Philippines, supporting local economies. The Industry can face labor-related challenges, including working conditions and fair wages. Efforts to Improve labor standard are essential for sustainable growth.
Government Support for Banana Farmers
. Government Initiatives: The Philippine government supports banana farmers through programs that provide training, subsidies and research into disease-resistant banana varieties. Organizations like the Department of Agriculture and government-affiliated research Institutions work to promote sustainable banana farming practices and market access.
. Challenges: Despite government support, banana farmers can face challenges in accessibile resources, dealing with land tenure issues, and managing market fluctuations. Government programs aim to address these issues but require ongoing attention to be effective.
Health and Cosmetic Benefits
. Nutritional Value: Bananas are rich in essential nutrients like potassium, vitamin C, and vit. B6. They are also a good source of dietary fiber.
. Health Benefits: Bananas are known for supporting heart health due to their high potassium content. They are also beneficial for digestion and can help regulate blood pressure. The natural sugars in bananas provide a quick source of energy, making them a popular snack for athletes and active Individuals.
In Cosmetics: Bananas contain a variety of nutrients, antioxidants, and natural compunds that make them valuable for skincare and haircare products. Here's how banans are used in cosmetics.
. Moisturizing Properties: Bananas are rich in potassium and natural oils, which help moisturize and soften skin. They can be used in face masks, body scrubs, and cream to hydrate dry skin.
. Anti-Aging Benefits: The antioxidant in bananas, like vitamin C and vitamin E, may help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. This makes bananas a popular Ingredient in anti-aging products.
. Soothing and Healing: Banana peels contain compunds that can soothe skin Irritation and promote healing. Some skincare products use banana extracts or banana peel extracts for their calming effects.
. Haircare: Bananas can nourish hair, providing moisture and improving elasticity. They are often used in hair masks and conditioners to repair damaged hair and promote shine.
. Natural and Organic Cosmetics: As consumers Increasingly seek natural and organic products, bananas and banana-based Ingredients fit well into this trend. Many DIY skincare and haircare recipes use bananas as a key ingredient.
Bananas as Organic Fertilizers
Bananas, particularly their peels and other waste products, can be used as organic fertilizers. Here's how they contribute to soil health and plant growth:
. Rich in Nutrients: Banana peels contain essential nutrients like potassium, phosphorous, and calcium, which are beneficial for plant growth. When used as fertilizer, they can help promote healthy roots, flowering, and fruiting.
. Composting: Banana peels and other organic Banana waste can be added to compost piles, contributing to rich, nutrient-dense compost. This compost can then be used to fertilize garden and crops.
. Banana Tea Fertilizer: A common DIY method involves soaking banana peels in water to create a nutrient-rich "banana tea". This liquid can be used to water plants, providing an organic boost to their growth.
. Reduce Waste: Using banana waste as fertilizer helps reduce organic waste, contributing to sustainability. It provides an eco-friendly alternative to chemical fertilizers.
Overall, banana are a crucial crop for the Philippines, with significant economic, societal and health-related benefits. Bananas and their by-products offer diverse applications beyond food, finding uses in cosmetics and organic fertilizers. Their natural compounds make them valuable in skincare and health products, while their nutrient-rich peels serve as an excellent source of organic fertilizer. These applications contribute to sustainability and align with the growing trend toward natural and eco-friendly products.
While there are challenges, ongoing government support and sustainable practices can help ensure the industry's continued success.
Thank you for reading. Until next time, salamat and see you soon!
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honconsul · 10 months
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Accompanying UK Ambassador to Mexico Corin Robertson on her first visit to Oaxaca state and getting a briefing on the initiatives of the UK Government in Mexico and the UK Embassy and more widely.
Thereafter facilitating meetings to promote opportunities for Mexican counterparts in Education and Econonomy to become involved in international programmes. We had a great series of discussions covering the energy sector, creative industries, manufacturing space and many other topics to establish new ways for Mexican companies to collaborate and benefit from working with their UK counterparts.
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You aren't poor because another poor person came to your country. You're poor because rich people exploit your labor.
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निलयाआयकॅट्स तर्फे आमच्या सर्व यशस्वी विद्यार्थ्याचे नामवंत कंपनी मध्ये प्लेसमेंट झाल्याबद्दल खुप अभिनंदन. तुमची प्रगती हेच आमचा यश. हुशार व होतकरू विद्यार्थ्याना चांगली नोकरीची संधी मिळावी हेच आमचं उद्दिष्ट. गर्व वाटतो आम्हाला आमच्या सर्व विद्यार्थ्यांचा. आमचे आशिर्वाद नेहमीचं तुमच्या सोबत असतील. #nilayaeducationgroup #nilayagroupofeducation #nibe #icats #finance #econonomy #accounts #professinalaccountants #worldkindnessday #nilayaplacements #nilayaalumnis #pune #puneinstistutes #commercestudies #puneaccounts #indianeconomy #moneymatters https://www.instagram.com/p/B9rVbPipGfY/?igshid=m8d57suv6k9i
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newscountryindia · 4 years
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PM’s First Major Address On Economy After Unlock1: Highlights This is PM Modi's first speech after government's Unlock1 announcement on Saturday. (File) New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the annual session of the top industrial body - the Confederation of Indian Industry - this morning, his first major speech on multiple aspects relating to the economy since the government announced a phased plan to reopen India after two months of lockdown to tackle coronavirus.
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cool-magazineznews · 4 years
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PM Stresses On 5 “I”s For Self-Reliant India: Highlights This is PM Modi's first speech after government's Unlock1 announcement on Saturday. (File) New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi is addressing the annual session of  top industrial body - the Confederation of Indian Industry - this morning, his first speech on aspects relating to the economy since the government announced a phased plan to re-open the country after two months of lockdown to tackle the spread of coronavirus. 
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todaynewsadda · 4 years
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PM’s First Major Address On Economy After Unlock1: Highlights This is PM Modi's first speech after government's Unlock1 announcement on Saturday. (File) New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi is addressing the annual session of  top industrial body - the Confederation of Indian Industry - this morning,  his first major speech on aspects relating to the economy since the government announced a phased plan to re-open the country after two months of lockdown to tackle the spread of coronavirus. 
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drwilda · 7 years
University of California Irvine study: Neighborhood affluence linked to positive birth outcomes
University of California Irvine study: Neighborhood affluence linked to positive birth outcomes
Moi blogs about education issues so the reader could be perplexed sometimes because moi often writes about other things like nutrition, families, and personal responsibility issues. Why? The reader might ask? Children will have the most success in school if they are ready to learn. Ready to learn includes proper nutrition for a healthy body and the optimum situation for children is a healthy…
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salt-blog · 6 years
just had a really good insight into the econonomy lads. give me a fucking PhD
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sailorbrazil · 6 years
Claudia how did the world cup in Brazil affected your countries' econonomy, I'm a not an affluent mexican and I'm worried we're gonna host the next one
it was mostly positive according to my brother. theres a huge investment in stadiums and whatnot but it also brings in a lot of money too!
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rollercoaster59 · 4 years
Econonomy honfs, ,check,
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निलयाआयकॅट्स तर्फे आमच्या सर्व यशस्वी विद्यार्थ्याचे नामवंत कंपनी मध्ये प्लेसमेंट झाल्याबद्दल खुप अभिनंदन. तुमची प्रगती हेच आमचा यश. हुशार व होतकरू विद्यार्थ्याना चांगली नोकरीची संधी मिळावी हेच आमचं उद्दिष्ट. गर्व वाटतो आम्हाला आमच्या सर्व विद्यार्थ्यांचा. आमचे आशिर्वाद नेहमीचं तुमच्या सोबत असतील. #nilayaeducationgroup #nilayagroupofeducation #nibe #icats #finance #econonomy #accounts #professinalaccountants #worldkindnessday #nilayaplacements #nilayaalumnis #pune #puneinstistutes #commercestudies #puneaccounts #indianeconomy #moneymatters https://www.instagram.com/p/B9HXCe6pqhN/?igshid=1ryxswjd9a18c
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stiri-noi · 4 years
Florin Cîțu: ”În plină criza economică globală volumul cifrei de afaceri pentru comerțul cu amănuntul A CRESCUT”
”Revenirea în "V" a economiei - încă o dovadă!
Am luat cele mai bune masuri pentru econonomie în cel mai dificil context economic din ultima sută de ani.
Economia a răspuns pozitiv la aceste masuri și acum avem primele dovezi.
În plina criza economică globală volumul cifrei de afaceri pentru comerțul cu amănuntul A CRESCUT fata de aceeași perioadă a anului precedent. 
Din primul moment am căutat masuri care să reducă efectele șocului negativ al pandemiei asupra economiei noastre și până acum am reușit.
Pregătim economia pentru o explozie a creșterii economice în 2021”, a scris Florin Cîțu pe Facebook.
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elanorx · 5 years
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I did @odnatamyara challenge and took the opportunity to remember: breathe! It's a difficult time for everyone, and all the world is taking a hit (health, econonomy, social interaction... everything is hit because of covid-19) and I think it's a good moment to breathe and take a moment... After all we live in such a fast moving world this forces us to stay still. I do think we could use a bit of staying still and thinking before acting and talking, specially not falling prey to panic and distributing fake news or any illness due to it; I hope this gives us as a world society a moment to think about how we can make it better for us and for those to come, no matter where we live. And specially, I hope everyone stays healthy, and those who got sick can get better soon! #odnatamyara80k #illustragram #drawthisinyourstyle #dtiys #art #artist #drawing #draweveryday #painting #digitalart #digitalpainting #illustration #illustrator #illustrationart #artistsoninstagram #artwork #instaart #instaartist #artoftheday #artchallenge #artstagram #illust #illustrator #digitalillustration #illustragram #illustrated #illustrationoftheday #illo #dailyart #illustrationdaily #picoftheday #digitalart #digitalpainting #characterart https://www.instagram.com/p/B9xknI2D56j/?igshid=jtrontfdh3rq
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