#ec puzzle hunt
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our team has reached the stage of ecph2 where the puzzles truly resemble late-game mit mystery hunt bullshit oh boy. now the grind really begins
it waits to be seen if they will have a puzzle to rival 5d barred diagramless with multiverse time travel or jigsaw slitherlink
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EC Puzzle Hunt 2: Enchanted Castle
Street View Hunt - Solo-solved, including identifying 6/8 of the street view images
Trelawney - 90% solo-solved, up to the last step of figuring out which game had a Baron and which game had a Poisoner
Dichotomous Key - Figured out the method for filling out the "numerical" tree, including that nodes were inconsistent about which side 0 and 1 were on
Musical Numbers - Filled out roughly a third of the crossnumber puzzle - Found the contradictions in the crossnumber puzzle that were causing the team to use the wrong folk song for extraction - Solved the cluephrase SPRING THAT SENDS OUT WATER and figured out the final puzzle answer
Taskmaster - Provided 4/5 submissions that enabled us to solve the puzzle the slow and steady way - Received 5/5 points on task 3, with a bonus "holy shit"
Character Classes - Figured out that the missing letters were spelling out the names of Nethack monsters and that we needed to convert each monster into their in-game symbol/class
On-Site Only — Sorry! - Almost solo-solved, including figuring out the latitude of the on-site location through examining the astrolabe, figuring out the azimuth and altitude of Arcturus, using Wolfram Alpha to identify the on-site location based on that information. (Needed help to figure out extraction involved layering the three sets of letters and reading them interleaved)
The Lexicographer - Figured out the name of each enemy was an anagram of a famous author's name
The Great Hall [Meta] - Identified the Wyoming and Colorado locations clued by the feeder answers (save for the locations clued by Ziggurats, which we had not solved yet, and the locations clued by PREMIER LEAGUE TEAMS because sports)
Solution: Meta Bingo - Solo-solved the Training subpuzzle by coding a Python script to run through all possible bigram combinations
Duality - Helped to unravel and solve some of the entangled crossword clues, including: + "Clock change in excelsis _ inits" DST/DEO + "TLD for martial artist Jet Spain" - ES/LI + "HTML action symbolized by a red circle companion (abbr.)" CSS/REC
First You Go Down Broadway + Identified the productions, venues, and production dates up through step 33/37 post-hunt
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Stay Golden Sunday: Job Hunting
Rose loses her job at the grief center and faces ageism when she searches for a new one. Blanche tries to lose three pounds.
Picture It...
Blanche is cutting vegetables while singing “Sleep, Kentucky Babe.” Sophia comes in (not wearing her glasses, for some reason) and is upset to see there’s no pepperoni in the fridge. She rejects both Blanche’s offer of celery stuffed with cottage cheese and Dorothy’s offer of chicken, as both repeat on her. Blanche, meanwhile, is trying to lose three extra pounds she’s gained.
Rose comes in, distraught (Sophia is, once again, indifferent), and tells the Girls that they’ve closed her grief counseling center. Blanche and Dorothy are immediately concerned that Rose has lost her job, but Rose is more worried about the fact that her former patients won’t have anyone to counsel them anymore. She says she plans to help them find other places to go, and then she’ll focus on finding a job. Dorothy is skeptical.
ROSE: I’m dependable, friendly, loyal, eager. *leaves the kitchen* DOROTHY: That’s great. If she learns to catch a frisbee in her teeth, she can get work as a Golden Retriever.
Later, Dorothy goes out to the lanai to read, and finds a strange man sitting there. He introduces himself as Milton, and Rose arrives to say that Milton is one of her former patients from the center, and even tells Dorothy his whole life story right in front of him. She sends him off and tells him to call her anytime, day or night -- the last three words sending Dorothy into a panic.
Dorothy confronts Rose about her job hunt and Rose says she hasn’t started looking, too preoccupied with helping the center’s patients. Sophia passes her phone messages from the patients and Dorothy gets one from an old high school acquaintance she had a crush on named Barry Glick. He’s visiting Miami and wants to get together, which sends Dorothy over the moon. Rose is drowning in her patients’ despair off to the side.
BLANCHE: I hate phone calls in the middle of the night! Now I’ll never get back to sleep. I’m as jumpy as a virgin at a prison rodeo. DOROTHY: Boy, that’s … pretty jumpy.
Dorothy bangs on Rose’s door that night to wake her, as Milton is calling in the wee hours. Blanche and Dorothy, irritated, retreat to the living room, where Sophia is sitting in the dark, and grouse about the situation -- Blanche has already lost one pound and doesn’t want to eat her insomnia, while Dorothy wants to look good for Barry. They decide to confront Rose, and sit her down when she comes out and tell her she needs to focus on finding a job. Rose tearfully confesses she has been trying to find one, but she’s been rejected after several interviews for her age. Distraught, she runs to her room and slams the door.
Dorothy and Blanche follow Rose to her room to talk to her about the situation. Dorothy tells her she’s recovered from a major life change once, after her husband died and left her as a housewife with no work experience. Rose says she’s older now, and Dorothy offers to help her figure out what she’s doing wrong in the interviews. Rose says she’s got one in the morning for a Hospital Administrator job, and Dorothy reviews her resume -- which stinks. She and Blanche find ways to pad the resume out, giving Rose some more confidence. Unable to fall back asleep, all three go to the kitchen for a snack.
BLANCHE: Oh I can’t fall asleep now. DOROTHY: Still at the rodeo, Blanche? ROSE: I can’t sleep either. Why don’t I make us all some warm milk? After I drink milk, I go right to sleep. BLANCHE: I can think of something else after which I go right to sleep. Huh, Dorothy? DOROTHY: … during.
In the kitchen, they somehow justify getting a three-course meal on the table, including our very first shared cheesecake (and Sophia’s precious pepperoni). Dorothy talks about her date with Barry, and how she wanted him to be her first lover. This leads into a lengthy discussion about their first lovers -- Stan was Dorothy’s, Charlie was Rose’s, and Someone-Whose-Name-Starts-With-B was Blanche’s. Rose’s first time was her wedding night, and she was appalled because she’d never seen a naked man before. Stan convinced Dorothy he was being shipped to Korea and “it would mean so much” and nine months later she gave birth. Rose not-so-subtly hints it took years for her to orgasm during sex, and Blanche is completely baffled, as her Southern heat gave her urges. The Girls transition from a full dinner to a full breakfast.
The next day, Blanche flirts with Milton on the lanai. He tells her to abandon her diet and they agree to a date later. Sophia comes out on the lanai, followed shortly by Dorothy, who says her date with Barry went very well. Blanche wants to know if he lives up to her high school fantasies, but Dorothy replies in the negative: Barry is gay. Sophia claims she’s always known that. Dorothy says at least no other woman can have him either.
SOPHIA: *about Milton* I thought he belonged to the other one. BLANCHE: Well I’m sure Rose won’t mind one bit. SOPHIA: He’s a man. It’s not like sharing a yogurt.
Rose joins them, all smiles. She didn’t get the hospital admin job, but she did find a job when she was out for a float after her failed interview: She’s now a waitress at a coffee shop. It’s not the job Blanche and Dorothy wanted for her, but at least she’ll be working and earning money. They congratulate her. Blanche asks Rose about Milton, and Rose says he’s just her client -- she could never date him, as he’s only interested in fat woman. The episode ends on Blanche’s furious face.
“Hell, if I’m gonna have cookies, I’m gonna have cheesecake!”
Usually, I’m on board with a Golden Girls Very Special Episode when it tackles relevant issues, but something about this episode -- ostensibly one about ageism in the job market -- just doesn’t land particularly well. I didn’t really love it as a child, and I don’t really love it as an adult, but I think it’s for entirely different reasons. I suspect there was some behind-the-scenes drama about this episode I haven’t been able to fully investigate, but suffice to say this episode is a throwback to the beginning of the season, when the show was much less certain of itself. That said, it’s saved from two-slice infamy by some very good lines and gags.
BLANCHE: You probably haven’t noticed it, but I’ve put on three pounds. SOPHIA: On each side.
I’m still not sure why I didn’t like it as a kid -- I think the fact that Sophia, who was my favorite, is in so little of the episode was part of it. Sophia’s role in this episode is basically to make weird remarks and hover on the periphery -- literally in the case of the living room and lanai scenes -- of the episode and make the occasional bon mot. She’s not in the extended kitchen scene where the Girls eat their way through a three-course meal (we’ll get back to that scene in a minute), so I think I was puzzled why this episode forgot about her.
As an adult, I can pinpoint a few more concrete reasons I’m not in love. Keep in mind I’m biased, as I was recently laid off and back on the job market, but I suspect that Rose’s problem might not be ageism. I’m not trying to be mean here, but the problem might be that Rose is trying to find a job with a community college degree and a 32-year gap in work history, and the fact that the episode doesn’t really seem to understand that is a little disconcerting.
ROSE: They closed the center. BLANCHE: Not your grief counseling center? DOROTHY: No, the Kennedy Space Center. She wanted to be the first Lutheran on the Moon.
I don’t plan to fully talk about the episode before the official SGS, but I think it’s necessary to fully give context here: Rose will get another episode based around age discrimination in the job market in Season 5 called “Rose Fights Back.” Suffice to say I think it’s much better than this one, because at least in that episode it makes it clear that the only reason Rose is having problems is because of people’s reaction to her age. But this episode is much less clear, and in fact, based on the one job we see Rose actually applying for, I think she may be aiming a little high here.
To be clear, you can do alright with a Home-Ec degree and business training. There are a lot of jobs you can reasonably get with those qualifications. “Hospital Administrator” isn’t one of them, and Dorothy’s attempts to fluff up Rose’s resume don’t do anything but draw attention to the huge gaps in her work history. “32 years with the same employer?” There is not an interviewer in the world who won’t ask which employer that is, and who is Rose supposed to say? Her husband?
I know I wasn’t alive in the 80s, but I refuse to believe it was so alien a time that someone with Rose’s qualifications would be able to get that job. Heck, if she lived in the modern day, getting a job at the Fountain Rock coffee shop would be a coup.
There are also a few continuity errors in this episode: For starters, Charlie goes from having died 15 years ago to 5 years ago. Rose will later get be a grief counselor with no explanation. I guess it’s possible that she could have gotten another job in the same field, but it’s still jarring that she’s a waitress for all of five minutes.
DOROTHY: I am so glad that my date with Barry is tomorrow. The fat won’t have time to show. ROSE: It won’t? DOROTHY: No, it always takes a few days before it shows. ROSE: Where does it go in the meantime? DOROTHY: To Connecticut! How do I know where it goes? BLANCHE: With me, the minute it goes in my mouth, I balloon up. I can go out to dinner, and in the middle of the meal, my pants are cutting off my circulation so bad my feet are turning blue.
I don’t want to be a Negative Nancy, so I’ll add that everything in this episode is saved by the excellent jokes and lines. Some of the most iconic lines and exchanges happen in this episode, so it’s memorable for that reason alone. The best parts are probably Blanche’s enraged reaction faces, as seen in the image at the top. Also, when I discovered that this was actually the second episode filmed, that explained an awful lot -- for example, why this episode doesn’t balance all four actresses well, why the writing doesn’t feel as concise, and all the continuity errors. Even the way the episode looks makes sense after learning that little tidbit.
As much as I like that scene in the kitchen where the Girls talk about their romantic history -- and also eat their first cheesecake together! -- it really has very little to do with the rest of the episode, and it takes up quite a chunk of time. I guess that’s why I don’t consider this a Very Special Episode: The tone is just a bit too inconsistent. Five minutes after Rose is lamenting that she can’t find a job because of her age, and she’s talking about how it took her five years to have an orgasm with her husband. A different kind of tragedy, to be sure.
BLANCHE: You know, in the South, we mature faster. I think it’s the heat. DOROTHY: I think it’s the gin.
I can’t be certain, but I think there was some behind-the-scenes drama with director Paul Bogart, who was fired shortly after this episode was shot. I can only find a couple of references to this episode in Golden Girls Forever, one of which calls it “troubled.” Don’t take my word as gospel, but it’s what I suspect happened. Bogart was liked by Rue McClanahan and Bea Arthur, but didn’t direct Rose’s character very well, according to Betty White. He wanted her to yell and scream during her big moment, which wasn’t very Rose, but she tried until Jay Sandrich, director of the pilot, took her aside and told her to do it how she felt comfortable. Bogart apparently told the staff (including the writers): “Just give me the show in the beginning of the week, and by the end of the week, you’ll have an Emmy winner.” That boast did not go over well, especially since he didn’t really include the writers or the hands-on producers, and he only directed four episodes.
One last thing: The kitchen scene in this episode was expanded and adapted for the 1988 Royal Variety Performance. In adapting this, they got smart and gave Estelle Getty lines to say. Not only do you get to hear Sophia tell the very posh emcee, “Let’s find a pub and get drunk,” you also get to hear Blanche make her usual joke about watching the changing of the guard. I’ve heard it was the Queen Mother who requested them, as she was a fan. Not only can you see her meeting the Girls backstage, but Sophia even references her when leaving the stage: “Hey, just because you’re over 80 doesn’t mean you can’t go out on the town at night. Just ask that fine-looking lady up there in the expensive seats.”
Episode rating: 🍰🍰🍰 (three cheesecake slices out of five)
Favorite part of the episode:
Sophia’s line, which I’ve quoted more times than I can count:
DOROTHY: Ma, would you get Rose some water? SOPHIA: What is she gonna do with water? Has water ever made you feel better when you were upset? Have you ever heard anyone say, “Thank God, the water’s here?”
#golden girls#stay golden#rose nylund#blanche devereaux#dorothy zbornak#sophia petrillo#stay golden sunday#s01e22#picture it#job hunting
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Long Post
I am thinking about quitting Howrse. I just haven’t had much fun in the past few years, and coming online and playing with my horses or doing stuff in my EC feels more like a chore than anything else.
I noticed that my fun has been declining ever since Ubisoft took over. It’s just plain obvious that all they think about is making money -- which, in and of itself, isn’t a bad thing. Companies want to make money, understandably, that’s just how it is. Employees want to be paid for their work, server costs have to be covered, and so on. But the way Ubisoft does it really rubs me the wrong way.
Every single weekend, there’s a divine horse in the Titan’s Challenge or Golden Fleece. But the chances to actually win a divine horse seem to have been lowered. Similar thing with events: we get one event after another, without a break in between. (No, two or three days are not a proper break, imho.) But to win the divine horse, you have to invest more and more money.
Just take the New Zealand Cards, for example: there were eight diamond cards you had to collect to complete the puzzles and thus win the Maori horse. In previous events, there had only been six diamond cards. Now, diamond cards are incredibly rare. You have to have a lot of luck to win them in your normal gameplay, or you have to buy cards packs (or joker packs) to get the missing cards -- but even then you need to be lucky to get a diamond card.
Now to get to the point: they added two extra diamond cards to the puzzles. At the same time, people noticed that chances to actually get a diamond card seem to have been lowered. They had to buy more cards packs to complete the puzzles to win the divine horse. More cards packs had to be bought to get all diamond cards = more passes had to be spent = more passes had to be bought using real money. I think that’s the philosophy behind it. It’s also noticable in other events, too, where you have to rely on luck to get the divine horse; you have to spend more money (in-game or real) to win the first prize.
But it’s not only increased costs that upset me. It’s also the bad atmosphere in the forums that wants me to stay as far away as possible. There are people who talk other players down just because they can, and who then get incredibly defensive and play victim if the same thing happens to them. They don’t give a damn about other people. They are right and the others are wrong, and they will show this attitude. If you don’t have the same playstyle as them, they will see you as stupid or lazy or incompetent or whatever else comes to their minds. If you’re not with them, you’re against them, and deserve to be treated as some kind of second-class player/human.
Another thing is that staff doesn’t really enforce their own rules. Heck, even some staff members break the rules and nothing happens! There is a practice where people “earn” more than 30 free passes per month by sending a horse to heaven. Put short: player A asks player B to send horses to heaven to get the 10 passes. But player B only gets to keep 2 or 3 passes as “reward for their service”, the other passes go to player A. So player A “earns” more free passes than intended. I doubt the Terms of Use allow such behaviour, and yet there are more than enough players -- mods included! -- who still take part in it.
And the bug using. Sometimes bugs happen, they can’t be predicted and they’re nobody’s fault. But if there’s a bug, players must not use it to their personal gain. If they do, they will be punished. Technically. Thing is, there have been several instances where people exploited bugs and staff did absolutely nothing against it. Even worse, people have knowingly broken the rules and staff said it’s okay.
Like during the Treasure Hunt event where you had to find hidden objects. The quickest player who found all 11 items got a BMI as reward (I think it was medusa’s blood?). What did people start doing? Correct, they got their iPads out, gathered family and friends around them, and started mindlessly tapping the screen to find the 11 items. This way, they found all items in less than 3 seconds and won the BMI. Of course other people were not happy about this. They pointed out that, according to the ToU, you’re not allowed to let other people play on your account and that even a single click is seen as “playing”. If you let another person play on your account, you’ll get punished. So, logically, using the help of other people (letting them tap the iPad screen to find the hidden objects) should have had consequences. But here’s the bummer: a staff member said that this was not only okay to do, they actually encouraged people to use this method. Even though it says in the ToU that something like that is forbidden.
Or the creation space. Last time I voted in it, there were a lot of rule-breaking coats in there: coats with lots of gore on them, coats that obviously used a photo as reference, coats that just break the general rules of the black pearl. I reported them all, even send proof for traced art, and yet these coats kept appearing month after month.
Players broke the rules and got reported for their behaviour, but staff did nothing. And it keeps happening.
I just... why do I keep up with this shit?
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Learning Toys for Toddlers Must Buy in 2019
Toddlers are constantly learning and growing, which is why learning toys are so popular for this age group. Learning toys are the perfect way for parents to keep their little ones entertained while teaching them new skills like walking, counting, and writing. It’s definitely a win-win when playtime is educational, and that’s why learning toys for toddlers are a great gift.
Here are some of the best Education supplies and toys for childcare that make playtime a learning experience, from activity desks to walkers, blocks, tablets, and more!
The Solid-Wooden Blocks are perfect for kids ages 3 to 5, but we suspect older kids would like them, as well! Regardless of who is playing with them, the blocks are a fun way to teach young children organizational skills, sequential skills, and spatial relations while encouraging them to use their imagination.
In addition to picking up core preschool skills, kids will improve their spatial reasoning and hand-eye coordination while playing with the Board games. It’s also a great way to get kids away from the TV and incorporate some screen-free time into their routine!
Learning tools are all designed to teach kids ages 18 months to 3 year-olds skills such as the alphabet, shapes, colors, numbers and more. From hand-eye coordination to fine motor skills, spatial reasoning and more, the tools teach a ton while kids are just having fun.
Tablet boasts a color-changing screen, alphabet buttons, and a piano keyboard, all of which teach different skills. There are 12 learning activities about letters, counting, matching, math, music, and more, all of which will keep toddlers entertained with cute animations and sound effects.
ECE Resources includes flashcards, puzzles, posters, and board books to keep things fun and interesting for young children. In addition to picking up core preschool skills, kids will improve their spatial reasoning and hand-eye coordination while playing with the kit.
If you’re on the hunt for an exciting learning toy for the child in your life, you’ll want to choose something that’s durable and engaging, yet still fun and educational.
#Learning resources#Education supplies and toys for childcare#ECE Resources#Learning toys#ECE toys#Education resources / childcare resources#Learning tools#retend play toys#Kindergarten equipment
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ec puzzle hunt 2
ecph2 write-up time! spoilers a-plenty - avert your eyes if you care, keep reading if you dare
for those out of the loop: the enchanted castle puzzle hunt, or ecph2, or ecph2024, was a very hard, decently long puzzle hunt featuring 45 puzzles at or near the difficulty of mit mystery hunt. i solved this with my group of friends on huh?, but we merged with a subteam of the mathemagicians for extra firepower (and to see what solving with them was like!). this turned out to be a very good decision
i thoroughly enjoyed this hunt and thought the puzzles were all written very elegantly, although some of them are definitely not for the faint of heart. there was enough tough, grindy, deduction-y, research-y stuff in the hunt for me to say that it's not really small team material, at least at my skill/knowledge level - so i'm glad we tag teamed for this.
what puzzles did i do/like?
anyway, let's talk specifics! here's the list puzzles that i personally made a major contribution to:
artifacts (game id + what to do)
oil and water (logic + extraction)
choose your own permutation (black box behavior)
sauce code (figuring out everything)
dichotomous key (fitting things into the second key)
musical numbers (logic)
ziggurats (coding the whole solution)
no clue matchmaker (first two extractions)
solution: meta bingo (4/5 of the subpuzzles)
music of the spheres (grunt work)
take me home, country roads (logic)
the escape artist (routes for both parts)
the tower meta (mapping + what to do)
chanel (solving for the variables)
quentin (finding the real solution)
escape the castle (this was just a big team effort at the end)
and the puzzles that i specifically admired for how stupidly hard they looked were:
a very long integer (lots of tough steps, esp for the second round)
the library meta (really tricky mechanic for the second round)
musical numbers (really difficult-to-track number theory logic)
on-site only - sorry! (astronomy knowledge check)
take me home, country roads (geoguessr knowledge check)
piece by piece (insane modern tetris logic)
THE BEAST (insane cursed scrabble logic)
there's plenty else i could name for other reasons, but let's just stick with that!
some images from the journey
rainy's taskmaster submission for "transform a work of art in the great hall in the most unexpected manner":
while thinking about the armoury meta, i spent 15 minutes creating a joke while a teammate was availlessly trying to get my attention in vc:
niv made the prisms for duality, which imo look way better than the prisms on the solution page for this puzzle
on piece by piece, david had an incredulity moment from having never seen a t-spin before
we heard teams found lots of ways to map out the tower meta, which took place in hyperbolic geometry, on google sheets - niv and i decided to tackle this by taking an image of the geometry and drawing arrows showing in what direction all the puzzles were. no spreadsheet necessary! this worked great for us
my miscellaneous solving stories
on the armoury navigation, right when we unlocked the ability to submit lists of states, the first thing i randomly tried (for no reason in particular) was sending in all-white followed by all-black in front of the sign that said 0, 63. this serendipitously turned out to be the exact thing you needed to do to solve it. you cannot imagine how i felt upon realizing that after doing it
another thing that happened: i cranked out the work for the first part of the escape artist, but i was having trouble parsing our extracted phrase FOES S WAS B-WARDS. i thought about it for like a full day and then it dawned on me while i was in the shower what this was actually supposed to say and what the second step was. i finished showering asap and we cranked out the second part before i had to leave for work that morning
THE BEAST was luny's biggest win during the hunt. we found some of the part-two answers (most notably STRYCHNINE) fairly early into solving, and we were having a hard time believing that there was a second, less good answer also hiding in there somewhere. we were eventually convinced after figuring out the hidden pawn promotion mechanic, which i can only describe as a monumental team aha effort given that we didn't have the armoury meta solved at the time! it looked like:
luny notices that every board has a p
...and that the p can be removed and the board still works
i notice that STRYCHNINE would work if there was an extra b on the board
i suggest changing the p to one of b/n/q/r, like in chess
david sees that the b spot is vertically above the p
david takes the p on each board, promotes it to the top, and starts finding working alternate solutions
we profit
okay, now about that final meta
this solving story is long enough to get its own header!
i think a lot of teams didn't notice that the answers to the metas in each round could be applied to their corresponding ghost puzzle until they solved everything and unlocked the hunt finale. so there were teams who were stuck on the last puzzle for a while because they essentially had to solve five brand new puzzles to get five brand new answers. we had the fortune to see this early!
for our team, we didn't crack any of the ghosts until quite late in the hunt - so we have a 106 hour solve time on chanel, and a 133 hour solve time on trelawney. the first ghost we managed to solve legit was midway through the fifth round, when we finally took down quentin. immediately after we solved it, david was thinking about all the state and element abbreviations we saw, and made a connection
we didn't know what to do with it yet, but it was obvious that this was related. the other two meta answers we had at the time, ENLIGHTEN ME and LIBRARIAN GETS ZIP, would obviously work for re-interpreting chanel and trelawney specifically - even if we didn't know how to solve those yet.
our first moment of actually getting both solves was on THE BEAST, where as i previously described, we found something that worked (crazily!) as the secret mechanic. we worked out what both answers would be, and we made sure to enter the second one first to see what would happen. sure enough:
unlocking the final puzzle requires all 5 metas and all 5 ghosts solved. the last of these to fall was the tower meta, and by the time we did this, we already had four of the alternate ghost answers written in our sheet - the only one we didn't know was ☄, for which we had just gotten the answer MAXED IT OUT. so we knew that we had a decent shot of completing this meta extremely quickly - we just had to speedrun the alternate ☄ solve, and then figure out what to do next.
luckily, niv knew exactly what to do with this answer, and the final meta we unlocked after locking in all 5 ghosts was straightforward for us. we ended up finishing the whole thing in just over 30 minutes, and when the hunt ended, that was the fastest solve time for the finale!
so we're all pretty happy with how that went, even though the ordinary answers for the ghosts took us such a long time :)
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galactic puzzle hunt 2024 was amazing
our team (huh?) got 128th place with 360-ish (!!!) puzzles solved. in the end there were over 400 but it would've taken a lot more of our team to keep up with them
i'll keep this post relatively spoiler free - mainly wanted to write something because there's a looooot of puzzles here and i wanted to highlight the ones that really stood out to me, because really they were all really good but there were a few that struck me extra hard. even then, i can tell i'm going to run into tumblr's image limit with the number of puzzles i want to talk about, so this won't even be all of them
all of the puzzles that i will discuss here are available to solve at https://2024.galacticpuzzlehunt.com/ btw - and the puzzles that i will name are all pretty small and self-contained, so you could attempt them on their own without having to commit to a full hunt solve
anyway with that said, i'll split these into a few categories:
gimmicks i enjoyed a lot
get home!: i recognized what this was referencing very quickly and then confused the living daylights out of luny trying to explain it to him. the solution page for this puzzle is pretty s-tier
riddling: this was such a clever setup and i wish i thought of the answer sooner!
needle in a haystack: the gimmick of this puzzle should be pretty self-evident :)
i wrote a crossword clue like this but it wasn't nearly as long. i knew from that experience that i would have to actually parse all of it, so when i did i'm glad that i saw it the first time through
the hope pool: interesting mechanic...
what's this hercip?: there's a bit of hunt meta that makes this puzzle funny, but to team constellation prize: well played.
waiver and release of liability for trial by combat: niv got the aha here. impressive commitment to the bit from team "by occupying the leaderboard spot above or below this team, your team hereby agrees to enter trial by combat with the other team adjacent to this one. if we are in first place please disregard", and props for making the answer really cool out of something you couldn't directly control
angkor what: this puzzle speaks for itself really
stuff that's just so god damn elegant for no reason
towers ii: one of those puzzles where it feels like the answer was made for this idea! this came after a puzzle called "towers i", but you don't need context from that to solve this one.
generational gifts: this puzzle seemed pretty unassuming to me, but after finding the aha i thought it was clever!
unnamed star 22: the "22" was a different number for everyone, but the puzzle looked like the above - it's not hard, but i thought the idea was super cute
obligatory wordle puzzle: wordle puzzles are a drag sometimes, but this was such a nice idea and i love the simple aha in it and the way it's clued
morse code: the fact that this puzzle works at all is insane. mad props to the genius on galactic (presumably the author chris jones) who saw that this could be done
xxcxxxxxx: sneaky! "i'm thinking of a word" puzzles can be made arbitrarily hard, but this one is actually extremely gettable if you think of the right idea
countries (4): i didn't catch who on our team actually solved this, but i tried it and although i knew what it was going to be, i couldn't find it. knowing the answer, though, i do concede that it's clever and fitting
three crosses: i really liked this idea, and i love that none of the points on any of the three crosses are unused - very satisfying!
edge case: a wonderful, wonderful gimmicked mini sent in from the insane minds at ecs of r/picturegame. (i'm very looking forward to y'all's hunt next)
unnamed star 34: and this one from team not a hunter was clean and pretty as well!
oki! write centred letters, capeesh?? tnx: lmao so there's nothing particularly clever about this puzzle because they clearly cheated a lot in the title, but the moana screenshot makes it work anyway. thanks team shower pomelo 🍈
team-specific shenanigans
unicode puzzle: this gave me a huge "god damn it" moment when niv gave his guess for what this would be and i confirmed it in a unicode table.
our team submitted an amogus ("ඞ") for our first guess, followed by "i hope somebody at gph hq was mildly amused"
unnamed star 28: so for context, luny and i have a mutual friend who always claims as a bit (?) that the best three note melody is <the answer to this puzzle>, so in a stroke of extreme luck our initial guess based solely on the fact that there's three notes missing was exactly right! then we back-solved what was actually going on here.
unnamed star 40: our team is collectively ashamed that we didn't figure this out without a hint
short answer: musical intuition: this puzzle made the rounds in a music server i'm in that has nothing to do with puzzling! how it worked is you had to submit a long-form response that they then grade and hand back to you. i love the amount of nuance that this question has
our team scored 4/10 points, for the record
c/r/o/s/s/w/o/r/d: my teammates told me that this seems like something i would do. i agree
eth rodwhistm: nothing super crazy here, i'm just a bit peeved because i had the central aha for this, but i couldn't close out the solution because when i tried extracting it just wasn't working. then niv looked at it and noticed a miniscule detail that i had overlooked >:( dang it man
and if you look to the right...: the story here is that luny, our team's resident geoguessr expert, identified where this is, looked to the right, and saw an answer that fits the enumeration but is completely wrong. i have no idea if that was an intentional move or not lol but that gave me a window of time to zoom out a bit further and snipe the solve from them :) sorry luny
and finally, some stuff that was genuinely kinda hard
three-by-three: this was a meta puzzle for a group of puzzles all titled "five-by-five". i had a lot of fun solving the individual five-by-fives, and i think this meta tied it all together really well! if all of them were bundled into a single puzzle i could see it succeeding in a conventional format - but i liked this presentation all the same!
unnamed star 15: this minecraft puzzle was crazy, it had so many pieces to juggle and you had to know mechanics pretty well to get everything. we spent a buuuunch of time on this only to have it get backsolved later lol
the most ambitious crossover in the history of cheryl's birthday riddles: our entire team collectively and silently decided to nope out of this one lol - it combines hard "common knowledge" logic with media research, and none of us are super into both of those things
maybe i would have found it fun if i tried it though! it was just late in the hunt (ie after we finished it) and i didn't feel up for it
big branch: we had so much fun with this celestial puzzle, but it was hard! the mettle required to piece together each cell on the tree one by one, as well as the complexity of the extraction mechanics at the end, all felt like the sort of thing you'd see in a proper mit mystery hunt level puzzle. very cool
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