markantonys · 9 months
book 1: mat goes on a homoerotic roadtrip with rand
book 2: mat goes on a second homoerotic roadtrip with rand
book 3: mat goes on a heteroerotic roadtrip to save elayne's life, whilst having occasional homoerotic thoughts about rand
book 4: mat goes on a third homoerotic roadtrip with rand
book 5: mat finishes up his third homoerotic roadtrip with rand
book 6: mat prepares for a polyerotic roadtrip with rand's girlfriends, at rand's request
book 7: mat goes on a polyerotic roadtrip with rand's girlfriends
conclusion: Put Mat In The Polycule, So Help Me God
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soloskatemag · 3 months
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Ebou Sanyang, the guest editor for our latest issue, took Roman Gonzalez, Tolya Titaev, Felipe Bartolome, Tania Cruz, Adrian Fuentes, Carolina Gamboa, Eddie Cernicky, Juan Virues, Javi de Pedro, Joscha Aicher & Sergi Marqués Roig to Valencia. Here’s the video.
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Félix Eboué Square Paris
French vintage postcard
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Having some Thoughts about the WOT books.
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wot-tidbits · 2 years
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The Shining Walls of Tar Valon
Updated Tar Valon
The Tower Gardens
Tar Valon map
Chapter icon for the White Tower
Ebou Dar 1
Swovan Night
Ebou Dar 2
 The Tarasin Palace in Ebou Dar
Part 2
All art by aedart (wot.fanart)
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sporkkles-irl · 2 years
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how to advertise fangan ?
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mashithamel · 2 years
I love a good Nynaeve POV chapter!
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A Crown of Swords, Chapters 23 & 24
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rogue-rook · 1 year
wheel takes podcast threw a little party this week when they found out what tylin's sole singular appearance in crossroads of twilight is, ya know, robby j's apology to us for subjecting mat to that storyline, so now I'm chewing my fingers off with anxiety over not knowing if the show is gonna do that whole mess or just cut it
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wheelwheelwheel · 2 years
Ebou Dari women would love those titty window sweaters
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monstersandmaw · 2 years
after not sleeping at all last night (yay insomnia and anxiety), I might have spent most of today writing a good chunk of a Wheel of Time universe fic with two Aes Sedai lovers (a Grey and a Green) and how one of them (Green) ‘accidentally??’ acquired two warders in the Borderlands, and how they became a chilled out polycule before the events of Rand’s life/Eye of the World kick off. It’s set in the timeline of New Spring and is a canon adjacent AU, for the 0.00000001 people who will know what this means and are even interested.
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markantonys · 7 months
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killldeer · 2 years
rereading in need of a bellfounder is either going to fix me or make me worse and i’m very excited to find out which
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toastandjamie · 5 months
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Or Mat’s internal monologue throughout books 6-9
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butterflydm · 5 months
I was skimming the books for fic-research reasons and just had to be baffled all over again at how the Seanchan invasion gets treated CoT-onward. The Kin were the spine of the Wise Women of Ebou Dar, who are, like THE people who are respected by everyone in the city. They all had to try to flee the area because of the Seanchan and any who didn't successfully flee but were Kin (and thus could channel) would have been instantly enslaved by the Seanchan. And yet we have that fucking weirdness in Mat's (fucking weird overall) first chapter in A Memory of Light where the Ebou Dari people are all "lol, why would a brutal invasion bother us in the slightest; we're too super-casual for an invasion to bother us".
I mean, that's all tied into the logistics problems that plagued all things Seanchan-related in the later books (they have infinite soldiers and infinite food & supplies and generally don't have to abide by the economics & logistics that Rand's side is required to follow) but it just really stood out to me because I was reading about how respected the Wise Women are (even in places like the Rahad) -- but the Seanchan's coming would have completely gutted them as a society and that should have an impact on how the Ebou Dari feel about the Seanchan. And it just ties into my overall feeling that Jordan stopped treating the Seanchan realistically starting in CoT and then Sanderson continued the trend when he took over the writing of the books.
But, yeah, one of the big things that I hope for from the prime show is that the Seanchan get treated with narrative consistency and we don't get an abrupt 180 on how the narrative treats them at the two-thirds point. Because what the Ebou Dari should be feeling (and what they were feeling in Winter's Heart!) is a lot of fear and paranoia and the desire to rebel, because the Seanchan are Always Watching and will Randomly Steal and Enslave People for reasons that the non-Seanchan people are not going to understand!
I am really curious about how much Seanchan Presence we're going to have in s3, because s2 made some bold choices in where it went with the Seanchan storyline and I am intensely curious about what kind of follow-up we'll have in s3. I've said a lot in the past that Tuon needs to be introduced sooner than she was in the books (Jordan waited way too late to introduce her! He should also have introduced her while she was still in Seanchan, imo, so that we actually could have seen her interacting with the rest of the Imperial family so that we would have a baseline of Seanchan Imperial Behavior to potentially contrast her against later -- but Tuon feels like another case where Jordan valued the surprise of the wham! line over giving a lot of detail and background) and I would absolutely be a fan of her being introduced in s3.
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wafflelovingbatgirl · 2 years
Valan Luca will know no peace if he decides to stop in capitols on his touring circuit.
In Ebou Dar, he gets a look at the Empress, may she live forever, who is now his patron. Rescuing that strange woman with the boar-horse really had payed off. And it’s…that bald girl from the first time he left Ebou Dar, who used to torment Mat by calling him Toy. And her shadow. And Mat is there too, and the cheeky little scamp winks his remaining eye.
In Camelyn, he bows before the Queen- and seated on the throne is Morelin, his errant tightrope walker. She seems to find the look on his face funny. A few careful questions with servants reveals that the archer who had worked with the circus and left with her was Birgitte Silverbow herself, just as the woman had always claimed.
Eventually he ends up in Malkier, still rebuilding to a new height of glory. He stands at the center of the tent and in the booth reserved for the King and Queen he hears a familiar sniff. He turns to look and there she is, the beautiful, judgmental Nana. Woman of his dreams. Queen of the country, judging by her crown and holding hands with a solid looking man in the hadori, her familiar disapproving look in place.
He is never going to tour in a city again.
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soloskatemag · 3 months
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Tolya Titaev – 180 fakie 5-0
From the “Ebou Allstars” Valencia trip.
Check the video
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