#eboni vs heather
keirnytee · 3 years
Leah Like A Hurricane
Leah Like A Hurricane
bravotv.com On episode 6 of RHONY we begin where we left off with Eboni being asked to leave Lu’s home. Lu mentions again that she didn’t bring up Eboni’s race and would never but she still feels right in her feelings. She asks the same question many have on their lips and minds. If I can’t say angry, what can I say? Victoria, Lu’s daughter quips, using the word upset (which is actually…
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scriptflorist · 6 years
Name: Braynan Garcia
Nickname: Bray
Birthday: Jan 12 2013 (he’s a teenager in my story)
Birthplace: Miami
Dwelling place: Miami
How do they live: Braynan was very much an anti-social loner and used to stay at his “homes” because he has rich parents who own a chain of luxury hotels and a beachfront mansion home. He causes a lot of fuss making every hotel his “home” by demanding unbooked rooms for himself. He gets his room, services, meals “free” when in reality everything goes through his parents to handle so they always know exactly where he’s been and what he does. His lifestyle literally blows up when a bomb goes off in his room, intended for the next customer, Alissa Keets, a famous writer, who is very grateful but horrified for her life being saved that way. She gets in touch with Braynan, pays for all his medical bills, even though his parents are richer. Braynan no longer stays at his parents’ hotels because he is now in a wheelchair and stays in his parents’ home. Jazan has his brother Galan help with work so he can often stay home to take care of and repair his relationship with his son. Cala starts visiting often as well, shocked at almost losing her only biological son and realizes she actually cares. Lustor comes over when possible as well. Basically the entire story is balance between work and family and biological family vs adopted family and they realize all family is important, so in the end, they all live as one big happy family. Oh, and Alissa and Cala start dating in the end as well (they’re about the same age).
Appearance: Braynan always wears expensive name brand clothes. His hair is neat and gelled up and wears a couple expensive bracelets.
What’s in their bag/pockets: Cash, credit card, phone. He actually brings a huge suitcase with his clothes and belongings every time he used to stay at his parents’ hotels.
Species: Human
Name of parents: Jazan and Lustor (Biological parents are Jazan and Cala, Cala is the surrogate mother and friends with Jazan.)
Others next of kin: Galan (Uncle)
Not-in-blood-but-in-bond-family: Alissa Keets
Family history: Braynan’s family is multicultural, immigrants (including illegal before becoming a citizen) to America from various countries around the world.
Favourite colour: Black, Grey.
Favourite book: Silenced (a story about a country devastated after war, and the nameless victims) ([My character, Alissa’s book]
Favourite genre: Action, fantasy, drama
Favourite food: Exotic foods and fine dining
Personality: Originally a messed up teenager whose parents rarely see him and he thinks everything his parents’ own is his. He was loud-mouthed, demanding, cold-hearted, rude, spontaneous and very anti-social. He becomes more friendly, warm, kind, loving, as well as feels ashamed and sorry for his previous bad behavior. He’s neat though, so he’s never trashed the hotel rooms he’s been nor damages stuff. He doesn’t smoke or take drugs but sometimes drinks but is sensible enough to never get drunk. Oh, but he does swear, but not too much.
Misc: Note that my story takes place in the future. First of all, my character is a teenager yet I mentioned him drinking. The drinking age becomes 16 in the future, so he’s legal. Secondly, I never mentioned my character going to school. School is online so he can physically be anywhere he wants and has no classmates to talk to. I’m barely writing about his school life, but he is a good student. Thirdly, the parents are actually two men, thus the need for a surrogate. I probably used male pronouns for them but in case it slipped through because if you search ‘Jazan’ it will show up as a female name. 
Hey Tak,
No problem, I've added it to the rest of your submission! Just in case it hasn't been apparent with the previous character submissions, I base the flowers I pick on the information given in each section that you filled out. In your case, this means it may have gone a little off topic occasionally with the overall headline of the section.
Birthplace: Miami
Miami is located in Florida, which has two state flowers! Orange blossom and tickseed. Tickseed, better known as Coreopsis perhaps, is stated to be a wildflower, so I guess the orange trees are domesticated.
orange blossom – your purity equals your loveliness, chastity, innocence, eternal love, marriage, fruitfulness
coreopsis – always cheerful
coreopsis (arkansa) – love at first sight
Based on how they live
acacia – friendship, platonic love, secret love
agave – security
agrimony – thankfulness, gratitude
ash mountain – prudence, with me you are safe
aspen – lamentation, fear, groan, excessive sensibility
balm of gilead – healing, cure, relief, I am cured, time
basil (sweet) – good wishes
bee ophrys – error
bee orchis – error, industry
bell flower – gratitude, indiscretion, acknowledgement
bell flower (white, small) – gratitude
broom-rape – union
calycanthus – benevolence
cardamine – paternal error
chestnut – justice, do me justice
cinquefoil – maternal affection, beloved daughter/child
citronella – homosexual love
coltsfoot (sweet-scented) – maternal care, justice, justice shall be done, we will do you justice
cowslip – healing, youth, pensiveness, winning grace, rusticity, early joys, native grace
daffodil – sunshine, respect, regard, unrequited love, new beginnings, self-love, chivalry, deceitful hopes
flax – I feel your kindness, benefactor, domestic industry, domestic symbol, fate, I am sensible of your kindness
fly orchis – error
freesia – lasting friendship, innocence, trust
geranium – true friend, stupidity, folly, envy, gentility
geranium (oak-leaved) – true friendship, friendship, lady deign to smile
glycine – your friendship is pleasing and agreeable to me
goat's rue – reason
heath – solitude
heather (lavender) – solitude, admiration
ivy – friendship, matrimony, I have found one true heart, constancy, fidelity, marriage, wedded love, affection
lichen – solitude, confidence, dejection
moss – maternal love, recluse, charity
narcissus – selfishness, self-love, egotism, formality, stay as sweet as you are
palm – victory
pussy willow – motherhood
sundew (round-leaved) – surprise
sunflower (dwarf) – your devout adorer, adoration
sunflower (tall) – pride, haughtiness, false riches, lofty and pure thoughts, smile on me still
verbena (pink) – family union
virginia creeper – I cling to you both in sunshine and in shade
wood sorrel – maternal tenderness, joy
For info about violets and lesbians go here.
Based on appearance (also fits the contents of his bag & pockets)
chrysanthemum – wealth, abundance, cheerfulness, you're a wonderful friend, loveliness
corn – riches
grape vine – abundance, intoxication
lily (tiger) – wealth, pride, prosperity
poppy (yellow) – wealth, success
Favourite colour: Black
black bryony – support, be my support
blackberry – envy
ebony – blackness
laburnum – blackness, pensive beauty, forsaken
mulberry (black) – I shall not survive you, devotedness
poplar (black) – courage
Favourite book: Silenced (a story about a country devastated after war, and the nameless victims) ([My character, Alissa’s book]
achillea millefolia – war
aloe – grief, bitterness, religious superstition
aloes (parrot bill) – grief
cypress – despair, mourning, death, disappointed hopes
dragonwort – horror
greek valerian – rupture
handflower tree – warning
harebell – grief, submission, humility
hop – injustice
indian cress – warlike trophy, resignation
marigold – grief, cruelty, inquietude, contempt, chagrin, pain, pretty love, sacred affection, caress, sorrow, trouble
milfoil – war
monkshood – beware, danger is near, chivalry, knight-errantry, a deadly foe I near
nasturtium – a warlike trophy, patriotism, resignation, conquest, victory in battle
oleander – beware(!), caution
rhododendron – danger, beware, I am dangerous
rudbeckia – justice
tussilage (sweet-scented) – justice shall be done you, you shall have justice
yarrow – war, to cure, a cure for the heartache, cure for a broken heart, cure for heartache
Based on personality
agnus castus – coldness, indifference
bladder nut tree – frivolous amusement, frivolity, amusement
blue bell – kindness, constancy, sorrowful regret, humility, gratitude
borage – rudeness, bluntness
broom – neatness, humility, ardour,
bur – rudeness, you weary me
cactus – warmth, maternal love, ardent love, endurance, my heart burns with love
chaste tree – coldness
clotness – rudeness, pertinacity
copihue – there is no unalloyed good
crocus (spring) – youthful gladness
darnel – vice
dodder – meanness, baseness
feverfew – warmth
fig marigold – coldness, idleness
geranium (night smelling) – melancholy spirit
geranium (scarlet) – thou art changed, folly, stupidity, comforting, consolation, melancholy
hortensia – you are cold, carelessness
hydrangea – you are cold, (a) boaster, heartlessness, dispassion, thank you for understanding, frigidity
hyssop – cleanliness
ladies' bedstraw – rudeness
lettuce – cold-hearted, cold-heartedness, coldness
marsh mallow – kindness, beneficence
peppermint – warmth of feeling, cordiality
pimpernel – change, assignation, the weather-glass
pink (indian double) – always lovely
saffron – beware of excess, abuse, do not deceive yourself
rose (striped) – warmth of heart
rye grass – changeable disposition
spearmint – warmth of sentiment, warm sentiment
spotted arum – warmth
xanthium – rudeness, pertinacity
- Mod Jana
This blog is intended as writing advice only. This blog and its mods are not responsible for accidents, injuries or other consequences of using this advice for real world situations or in any way that said advice was not intended.
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keirnytee · 3 years
RHONY's Eboni and LuAnn: A Tale of Mishearing and Bruised Egos
RHONY’s Eboni and LuAnn: A Tale of Mishearing and Bruised Egos
Hey all, I have never covered The Real Housewives of New York City (RHONY) on my blog or podcast before but I decided to share my opinion on the most recent episode from season 13. Let’s go! bravotv.com Some 13 years ago BravoTv added RHONY to its roster, making it the second show in the real housewives franchise. We met five women living in the city who were working, running charities, taking…
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