#eben franckewitz x reader
5sos-seavey · 5 years
Just a Little Secret - Eben Franckewitz
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Eben Franckewitz Imagine
Request: from @caswinchester2000 / @zachheroin - the reader is in wdw and she’s dating eben, but no ones knows. one of the boys catches them doing stuff in the tour bus one day and that’s how they find out.!
Warning(s): none
Word Count: 1250
Tags: @kvd963, @peachybeachyqueeny, @bessonbear, @0totally-tubular0 , @katie-avery, @tigerreece, @jonahmaraisstuff, @blissfulblake, @danielseaveyismyworld, @caswinchester2000
A/N: this is the first time ive written for eben so let me know if yall like it :)
You’re in Why Don’t We and right now, you’re on tour with Eben, but the thing is, is that you and Eben are dating, and none of the boys know. You’ve actually been waiting since right before the 8 Letters Tour started, so you’re kind of surprised that the boys haven’t caught you yet. It’s not that you and Eben don’t want to tell them, you just wanted to make sure that what was happening was gonna stick and was real, and now that it is, you’re not too sure when you want to tell them. In all honestly, you’re scared to tell them, so is Eben; they’re yours and Eben’s best friends, so you don’t want a bad reaction from them. So for the past few months on tour, when you guys all booked hotel rooms if you were staying somewhere longer than usual, one of you would sneak into the other’s room. Usually it was Eben sneaking into your room since the boys were typically the ones to share rooms.
One night though, Eben was the one that had his own room and you were sharing a room with Daniel. Unfortunate for you and Eben though, was that whenever you and Daniel shared a room he’d wanna stay up and talk or watch tv or something. You loved Daniel of course, you two have actually been friends since before Why Don’t We, but you loved your boyfriend too and it wasn’t often that you two got to spend time alone. So your phone kept buzzing with texts and calls from Eben wondering where you were since you planned on sneaking to his room once Daniel was asleep. And you couldn’t answer or else Daniel would think something, so you ignored the calls and texts. Then 15 minutes had passed and you and Daniel were still watching tv, but then there was a soft knock on the door, “I’ll get it,” Daniel said getting off the bed. You stayed your bed, but scooted to the end to peak so you could see who was at the door. “Oh hey Eben!” “Daniel? Hey! Did I wake you guys? I just wanted to hang before I went to sleep,” you heard Eben say as a way to cover. “No, no, Y/N and I are just watching tv and talking. Come in,” Daniel told your boyfriend.
That happens more often than either of you would like, whether it was you sharing a room with one of the boys or if it’s Eben. But neither of you wanna ask if you two could share a room for once because that’d be quite suspicious. So another way you both get to be together without the rest of the boys is on the tourbus at night. When Daniel, Jack, Corbyn, Jonah and Zach say they’re heading to bed, you and Eben will usually say you’re staying up to play more video games or to watch more netflix, most of the time the boys don’t stay so they can play more. And then once the boys leave you’re able to just lay together on the small couch cuddled up, sometimes in silence and sometimes talking about anything. But you’re both always sure to not fall asleep because then you’d definitely get caught by the boys.
Tonight though, the boys went out to a milkshake place a fan told them about, but you and Eben said you were good and wanted to stay on the bus. The second the boys left, you both went to the back lounge and laid there together holding each other, there might’ve been some kissing and making out as well, along with the occasional conversation, “hey babe, I kinda wanna tell the boys soon. I feel bad lying to them and sneaking around.” “Yeah, I feel the same.” “Plus we know that we’re in a good, stable place where we both love each other and want to stay together,” Eben said rubbing your hand he’s been holding onto. You smiled at him, you knew he loved you, and he knew you loved him, but him saying that about your relationship just made you really happy, “I love you so much, you know that?” Eben smiles back at you and leaned you down and half laid on top of you to kiss you. Then a minute later you heard the lounge door open and Eben immediately removed himself from you and you both scooted away from each other, but it was too late. Jack was standing in the doorway and saw what was happening. He just stared for a few seconds and then turned around running and screaming for the rest of the boys’ attention. “Well they got back sooner than I thought,” Eben said before he chased after Jack. You quickly got up after Eben to follow him into the rest of the bus where Jack had gone running for the boys. Once you and Eben get to the front of the bus right behind Jack where the boys were, Jack turned you the two of you and pointed at you both, “explain!”
You and Eben were kind of surprised by Jack, and looked at each other questioningly before Eben spoke up, “so uh, Y/N and I have kind of, uh, been dating since the tour started.” He was speaking kind of quietly, scared of the boys’ reactions so you moved closer to him and kissed his arm while grabbing his hand. He looked down at you and smiled, feeling safe where he was now. “I mean yeah, I figured something was happening, you guys aren’t as sneaking as you think,” Corbyn said laughing a little. “What?! I didn’t know this was happening! And I just walked into the lounge thinking they were back there playing a game and wanted to join, but then was surprised by them doing stuff,” Jack explained, clearly still shaken seeing two of his best friends together. It was your turn to talk, “sorry Jack, and sorry boys. We were gonna tell you soon, we actually talked about it earlier. We didn’t wanna hide it from you, but we wanted to make sure it was real.” Jonah stepped forward, “and I’m assuming that it is?” “Yes, very real,” Eben said smiling down at you, which you returned. “Well I’m happy for you guys, you know I love you, no matter what,” Zach said and he shook Eben’s hand and hugged you, kissing you on the check. The rest of the boys did the same and headed back to the lounge, except for Daniel. “I love you bro, but if you do anything to her, you have me to deal with,” Daniel said in a serious tone. “What if she does something to me,” Eben jokingly said laughing, not getting a reaction from Daniel. “Eben. I’m serious.” “I know. I don’t plan on hurting her or doing anything to hurt her.” “Good. Love you dude.” Eben laughed at Daniel and brought him into a hug, “love you too man.” Then Daniel came up to you and hugged you tightly and whispered, “I love you more than I love him don’t worry.” You let out a loud laugh, then controlled yourself, “I love you too, thank you.” Daniel let go of you and kissed your forehead and walked to the lounge. “Well that went better than I thought,” you told Eben laughing. “I love you, Y/N.” “Love you too, Eben,” you responded as he pulled you into a hug.
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tempus-ut-luceant · 5 years
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eben and y/n teasing fans about their relationship
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5sos-seavey · 5 years
You Don’t Have to Worry - Corbyn Besson
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Corbyn Besson Imagine
Request: from anon - angst corbyn would include maybe him being jealous
Warning(s): some swearing
Word Count: 3314
Tags: @kvd963, @peachybeachyqueeny, @bessonbear (if you want to be tagged in all future fics let me know)
A/N: this is the longest one ive ever written so i hope yall like it :)
You and Corbyn haven’t been going out long, he had just asked you to be his girlfriend three months ago. So your relationship was still very new and you were still getting to know each other on deeper levels. You had actually just gotten out of a relationship a few months before you met Corbyn, and it didn’t end well. Turns out that he had been cheating on you with one of his ex’s. When you found out, you were heartbroken and ended it immediately. And when you met Corbyn it was like a light had come back into your life. You of course told him all about your ex and everything that happened, and that you haven’t spoken to him since the night you ended it. Even though you and Corbyn hasn’t been together long, you felt something different with him, something you hadn’t felt with any of your previous boyfriends, and you shared that with Corbyn nervous of how he’d react to that, but he told you he felt the same.
Today, you were in your apartment watching Netflix, just having a relaxing day since you had it off from work. And then Corbyn texted you;
Corbyn🥰: hey babe, what are your plans today Y/N: hii :) i was planning on just sitting at home all day watching Netflix or something, wanna join? Corbyn🥰: HELL YEAH i’ll leave now, see you soon!!!
You haven’t seen Corbyn in a few days because you were both busy working and it seemed like today would be a great day since neither of you had anything to do so you could just be together doing nothing.
Then you got a text, and thinking it was Corbyn you went to grab your phone quick. But boy were you ever mistaken. When you unlocked your phone you saw that it was your ex-boyfriend, Marcus. Wondering what he could possibly want, you unlocked your phone while rolling your eyes; Marcus: I think this has gone on long enough, don’t you??
There was no way you were responding, and even if you were, you would wait for Corbyn to get to your place and tell him. You know that if you responded you would just go off on him, so a level-headed Corbyn decision was something you could really use, even though you could already assume he would say to ignore it. And just like that, there was a knock on your door. You ran to go get it, and the second you opened the door you latched onto him and kissed his face all over, “well hello to you to Y/N, this is quite the way to be greeted, might have to request this for every time we see each other,” Corbyn laughed. Then you pulled away and smiled at him, “hi.” You’re both laughing now, and Corbyn holds your face between his hands and says “you missed a spot,” before he kisses you on the lips. “You gonna let me in or what?” You reached for his hand and pulled him into your apartment. “Do you want any snacks or a drink?” “What do you think I brought in my bag?”
You and Corbyn have been laying in your bed for about three hours just watching Netflix going back and forth between different shows either of you wanted to watch. Sometimes you’d have to pause it so he could go get more snacks or another drink. It was now just after 1pm and Corbyn said he wanted to order pizza which you did not object to, so you were waiting for it to arrive.
After watching an episode of How I Met Your Mother, there was a knock on the door, “must be the pizza, I’ll go get it,” you told Corbyn.
Corbyn’s POV
When Y/N got up to get the pizza, I paused our show and went to the kitchen to go get us plates and napkins. But before I left the room I heard one of our phones going off. Thinking it was my phone I went to grab it but soon realized that it was Y/N’s so I was going to go bring it to her. I wasn’t trying to snoop, but I took a look at who was trying to contact her so I could tell her, and that’s when I saw Marcus’ name. It said there were 6 text messages (because she has it so she can’t see the messages unless she unlocks her phone) and 3 missed calls. The worst started going through my head. I know that I should trust her, and I do, but after everything she’s told me about Marcus, I know how he can be. He cheated on her with his ex and now I’m scared he came back to Y/N and after everything they’ve been through, I can’t help but think she took him back. Thinking about all of this is making me upset and I don’t want Y/N to know. So I think I’m gonna have to leave soon.
I walked out to the kitchen now and got us plates while she was closing the door after talking to the person who delivered the pizza. I’m just gonna tell her now, “hey, I just got a call and said that I need to come do something as soon as I can, so I’m gonna have to go after we eat.” “Oh, that’s uh, that’s fine. What do you have to do?” Shit, I probably sounded so weird not giving her any information, but I guess I gotta stick with it, “uh they didn’t really say. Just that I needed to come back for something.” “Okay, well if you have to go, I can just pack you up some slices so you can lea–“ “No! I uh, I mean, it’s fine, I can stay to eat while we watch another episode of something, but then I’m gonna have to go.” “Okay, that’s fine.” Y/N’s being a little, I don’t know, but that’s probably because I’m acting super weird and suspicious, but I can’t help it.
After we ate, I headed back home and found all the boys watching a movie on the couch. “Hey guys,” I said catching their attention. Jack grabbed the remote and paused the movie as Jonah, Zach, Daniel and Eben said their hellos, but Jack spoke up, “what are you doing here? I thought you were spending the day with Y/N.” “Well that plan changed,” I started getting more upset about the situation. “What? Why,” Eben questioned. “She’s talking to her ex, Marcus, and I think they might be back together.” “Woah, that’s a pretty big accusation. What made you think that,” Jonah pushed. “I saw her phone, I wasn’t trying to do anything, I just heard it ring, and I was gonna bring it to her and then I saw that he was texting and calling her like crazy,” I was getting more and more frustrated as we kept talking about this. Jonah asked again, “well did you talk to her?” “No, I just said I needed to leave after we ate because you guys called me to do work on something.” “And what if she finds out you–“ Jack was cut off by Daniel, “she’s calling me. Do I have to lie to her with the excuse you used?” “Yes please, I don’t wanna deal with this right now.”
Your POV
“Hello?” “Hi Daniel.” “Hey what’s up?” “Corbyn was acting kinda weird when he told me he had to leave and the rest of the time he was here. Is everything okay, did he actually have to leave?” You were concerned and knew that Daniel was the person you could most turn to; you’re friends with all the boys, but you and Daniel are the closest, you have this brother/sister relationship and knew you could trust him. “Yeah yeah he’s fine. He just got here a few minutes ago and we were about to start working.” “So he’s good? Everything’s good?” “Yes Y/N,” Daniel laughed, “everything’s good. I’ll talk to you later, I gotta go.” “Okay bye Daniel.” “Bye Y/N.”
You felt a little better after that conversation. But you still couldn’t help but feel that something was off. You thought to yourself and think that the best thing to do if something is wrong, is to just leave it alone, and when Corbyn wants to talk, he’ll tell you. But letting him know you’re here to talk is always good, so you text him.
Corbyn’s POV
“Well what’d she say,” I asked Daniel. “Just if you were okay and wondered if you actually had to leave. Dude I think you should just tell her what you saw and ask her about it. I’m sure you’re just overreacting and that it’s nothing.” “You don’t know that! If what I think is happening, then that’s exactly what he did to her and I don’t want it happening to me!” “That’s exactly why you should talk to her as soon as possible,” Zach finally said. Then a phone went off, and it was mine, “she texted me.”
Y/N💕: hey, you seemed a little off earlier. i hope you’re okay, and that you know you can talk to be if anything is wrong. i’ll see you soon😌😘
I read the text aloud to the boys, “see dude, you’re the one being weird, I really don’t think anything is going on with her ex,” Eben told me. “I don’t know, I think I’m gonna need a few days to cool down.” “Are you gonna say anything to her though,” Daniel questioned. “No, because then she’s gonna be able to get it out of me,” I tell them honestly. “Dude, that’s not fair to her,” Jack responds. “Well if what I think is happening, it’s not fair to me.”
Then Daniel raises his voice, clearly getting mad at me, “but you don’t know if it’s happening so why are you gonna punish Y/N when you don’t even know the truth!” I know how close they are and how this puts him in an awkward situation, it puts all of them in an awkward situation, but I’m not ready to face this yet. But I raise my voice back at him, “because this is what’s gonna help me calm down! And you yelling at me definitely is not doing that, Daniel!” “Okay guys, we don’t need to have a screaming match, just talk calmly and reasonably,” Jonah stops us to say. “I don’t have anything left to say,” Daniel says and gets up to, what I though would be to walk upstairs, but he walks out the front door and leaves.
Daniel’s POV
I know Corbyn is gonna be upset if/when he finds out I came to Y/N’s, but I needed to talk to her. When I get to her door I knock a couple times and almost right away she answers, “hi– oh Daniel, hey, what are you doing here? I thought you guys had work to do?” “We do,” I say keeping up with the lie Corbyn told, even though I don’t know why, “I was just getting frustrated and wanted to come see you, we haven’t seen each other in a while. Can I come in?” “Yes, of course,” she says and let’s me come in and we sit on her couch. “Why are you frustrated? What happened?” “Corbyn.” “What? I thought you said he was fine? What’s wrong? Is he okay? Did something happen? Did he do something,” she bombards me with questions, which makes me laugh a little bit. “It’s only what he’s doing to himself, but it made me upset, and I needed to come tell you,” I say to her. “Daniel, you’re worrying me, what’s wrong with him?” “I think you need to talk to him. I don’t wanna get more involved than I already have made myself,” I tell her honestly. “Well is this something that should be done in person? Where is he?” “He’s at his house, I can take you, that’s where I just came from.” ���Yes, please, let’s go.”
Your POV
You left your apartment with Daniel to go see Corbyn and for some reason you were quite nervous, “what should I be expecting? Is it bad?” “Kind of? Maybe? I don’t know exactly how to describe it.” “You’re making me more nervous than I already was Daniel. Why can’t you just tell me what’s happening?” “Because we’re at his house now and you should talk to him yourself,” Daniel said as he pulled into the driveway of Corbyn, Jonah and Eben’s house. As you were about to get out of the car, you noticed Daniel hadn’t even unbuckled his seatbelt yet, “aren’t you coming?” “I’ll come in a few minutes after you do. Corbyn and I were arguing and that’s why I came to you, I don’t want him to be more upset if he sees you come in with me, it’s bad enough he’s gonna find out I told you to talk to you when he wanted a few days to cool off.” That caught your attention and made you close the car door, “you never said anything about him wanting to cool off. What the hell happened to make him so upset, Daniel.” Now you were just irritated at whatever was going on. “Just go in and talk to him and work it out.” “Work what out though! I don’t know what’s wrong!” “He’ll tell you if you ask, he said if you came to him and asked if something was wrong you’d be able to get it out of him.” “Fine, whatever. I guess I’m about to find out anyways. See you in a few?” “Yeah, good luck, Y/N.”
And with that you walked out of the car and knocked on the door with Eben answering it quite quickly, “oh hey Y/N! Come in! You here to see Corbyn?” When you walked through the door you hugged Eben and replied, “yeah I am. How’ve you been though?” “Been good, yeah, thanks. It’s good you’re here, we told Corbyn he needed to talk to you.” “So he talked to you all about what’s wrong?” “Yeah he did,” he replied shyly. “Alright then,” you said a little annoyed now as well, “is he in his room?” “He went up there a few minutes ago, yeah.” “Okay thanks Eben,” you started walking up the stairs and remembered, “oh uh, Daniel’s in his car, he was worried that Corb would be more upset with him if he saw that Daniel came to get me to talk to him.” Eben laughed, “okay I’ll go get him.” “Thanks.”
When you got to Corbyn’s door you knocked lightly and he spoke up on the other side, “Jonah I don’t wanna hear it anymore just leave me alone.” “It’s not Jonah.” There was no response and then the door opened, “what are you doing here?” “Now couldn’t I ask you the same thing,” you said in a joking tone, “I was told I needed to come and talk to you.” “Let me guess, Daniel came to get you.” “Yes. But you can’t be upset with him, he wanted us to talk about whatever’s wrong even though everyone seems to know what it is but me.” “Wait, Daniel didn’t tell you?” You shook your head to say no. “Wow, I’m surprised.” “Well. Do you wanna tell me what everyone’s saying the issue is?” “Well I didn’t want to for a few days, I was actually gonna avoid you,” he admitted. “That’s what Daniel told me. But why? Corbyn what’s wrong?” “I saw your phone,” he finally said. You looked at him confused, “hun I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said honestly. “Please don’t make this worse than than it is and make me feel even worse too.” “Corbyn I genuinely don’t know what you’re talking about, can’t you just tell me.” “Marcus.” It took you a second to realize until it hit you, “oh.” “Yeah. Oh. Now isn’t there something you need to tell me now?” You spoke softly now and went to hold his hands, “babe, it’s not what you think. I was going to tell you, but we were just having a relaxing day and it completely left my mind. He texted me before you got to my place, I don’t even remember what he said, but I didn’t respond, I wasn’t planning on it. I wasn’t planning on ever responding or talking to him again.” You could see on his face that he felt bad, “oh. I’m so sorry, Y/N. I should’ve talked to you, I should’ve known you wouldn’t ever do that. I’m sorry.” He brought you into his chest, kissed your forehead and wrapped his arms around you, and you wrapping yours around his torso. “It’s okay, I should’ve remembered to tell you,” you say leaning upwards to kiss his jaw.
Corbyn took a step back from you and smiled, you returned it but laughed a little, “what?” He laughed back, “I just wanted to say that, uh,” he took a moment to pause, “I love you, Y/N. I think that’s probably why I was so scared and upset earlier and why I left your place. I had these feelings and I thought you were doubting it or didn’t even have any kind of feelings towards me anymore.” You were shocked. That was the first time he said that. “Y/N?” You realized that you were just staring blankly at him, so you laughed at yourself. “What’s so funny,” Corbyn said with a little bit of a joking tone. “Nothing,” you laughed, and then you stopped so you could speak again, “I love you too, Corbyn.” That’s when the biggest smile broke out onto his face, which made you mimic it. Then took a step towards you and kissed you. That’s when you heard whisper voices on the other side of the door, so you whispered to Corbyn, “do you hear that?” He laughed, “yeah for the last couple minutes.” “I wanna scare them and bang on the door.” Corbyn laughed again, “yes oh my god, let’s go.” You both walked closer to the door and Corbyn counted down from three on his fingers. And then you both slammed your hands on the door, earning screams from the other side. Then you opened the door and revealed the five idiots you and Corbyn claimed as friends. You and Corbyn were hunched over laughing when Zach finally spoke, “thank god he’s not mad anymore at least, angry Corbyn is my least favourite Corbyn.” This made you and the rest of the boys laugh even harder, except for Corbyn who acted like he was annoyed, but you could see he was hold in his laugh. “Are we done now? Because I’d like to spend time with my girlfriend,” Corbyn said to the boys. “Yeah, yeah, fine. Have fun,” Daniel said. And when they were on their way down the stairs Jack yelled back to you two, “but not too much fun!”
For the rest of the day you and Corbyn just laid in his bed watching movies and tv shows, with him just holding you, with the occasional kiss to the head and whispering of “I love you” between the two of you. Once it was late, you asked Corbyn for a ride home since Daniel was the one who drove you here. “No, you’re gonna stay here tonight Y/N,” he said to you and his grip tightened around you, scared that you were gonna get up and leave. You softly laughed, “okay Corb, I’ll stay.” You closed your eyes and then felt soft kisses to your head and Corbyn whispering more of “I love you.” And that night you both fell asleep peacefully and happy that the day ended better than he had began.
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tempus-ut-luceant · 5 years
y’all ready for a cute little eben fake social media post?
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