ok, at 91 pages into Lungbarrow my review is: pretty good! a little slow to pick up and mildly confusing for those of us who have read approximately Zero of the rest of the VNAs and watched only Slightly more classic who. there’s a shocking amount of Gallifreyan Politicking in it, which i appreciate, but also again feels a little like i’m being thrown into the deep end.
i AM going to lose my mind abt the Godawful Formatting of EVERY ebook version that exists of this fucking book. I am going to edit my own damn copy just to make it Readable and then release it as an epub as well, just bc i’m cool like that (hopefully)
i’m excited to get to the Actual Murder Mystery bit. also curious to see how the two plotlines will tie into each other
i think my biggest Gripe is (spoilers) the fact we learn a few chapters in that Apparently the doctor (SPOILERS) murdered the kithriarch of Lungbarrow. which, like, if there isn’t a more OBVIOUS setup for a “well ACTUALLY it was THIS OTHER PERSON, ALL ALONG” reveal at the end, then i’ll eat my hat. i’m toying with the idea that he Did actually do the “murder” (not Actually a murder, btw, the guy is just in stasis, and he Was gonna die anyway, But Still) and even if he DID it’s like... i’ll put even odds on whether it was like On Purpose or if he was Compelled by some other force.
also waiting to learn (more spoilers!) what the fuck actually Happened To The House. like. damn, it really did just get Buried huh
oh and the Other part of my review is: it’s a good book but you don’t actually like... have to read it to get the Info from it that’s relevant to Current Fan Theories - if you know the “the Other, looming, genetic recurrence” bits you’re probably good
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my desire to understand who tf august van der holt is and what his deal is vs my exhaustion with Extremely Sexualized Women In Comics: fight
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now THIS is some quality Tacky Alien Design!
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“for that, at least, i thank you.
in all other respects, i conclude this report with my usual sign-off request
that you all go to hell.”
vinder my Beloved
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intro scene cgi. great
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all right i’m gonna (finally) watch the new dw ep so just. go ahead and block #dwlb if you don’t wanna see it lol
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supernatural fans got NOTHING on comics fans in terms of “this Could be good but it Really Really Isn’t”
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i am READING lungbarrow.... do i Understand it? maybe
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hm. well. that was a lot of set-up i think
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i.... i do NOT understand what’s going on
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ok dan IS iconic....
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“i think very deeply about it... more deeply than you could possibly know”
well THAT’S not ominous at all
also the “random tunnels” in general is giving me very tma smirke vibes
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