unfoldingmoments · 1 year
When People let you down, Christ in Crisis
No Pain quite like people pain? What do you do when the heaviness / heartache to the people you love? How do you get over? 
The more you get to someone, the more potential increase, the deeper the disappointment.
The closer I get to you, the potential increase you can hurt me in a deeper way. 
Distant distort the truths. The further away the distance - the less I can see
The closer you get, you can discover the blemishes, the dent, etc.
The closer I get, the more I see the details.
Details matter, details create an ID, details tells a story.
We serve God who are up in the details, you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
He knows every hair In your head. No blade of grass , no soft flakes are same w another.
Everyone is unique, different thumbprint and everyone on earth leave an imprint.
Details matter but I will never discover details in the distance. The Distance doesn’t show me the details, it distorts the truth.
Quit wasting time judging people you don’t know.
You got no biz w people you’re not in proximities with, cos you don’t know, just don’t know.
Stop being overly impress with people in distant.
Not against inspired people from a distance
But the moment begin to cost you, your very own insecurities, because you compare your life with someone fake life in a distance, it is not worth it.
Distance distort the truth.
The expression: Never meet your heroes, it’s because times its true, if you get close enough, they’re as broken as you are. I thought you had it all together, I saw it on IG, that’s call a distance. That’s why you’re wasting your time by looking at people on IG.
If you only want to take a moment, maybe your heart will be broken, some people we think they got all together, you only know the whore what they’ve been going through, to offer you up the projection of their reality. Your heart will break. in relationship pain, proximity plays a massive part.
Sin done in the distance doesn’t feel the same with the sin that done in near to me.
ie. Someone Affair
It will be difficult if that person is your own husband.
It will be difficult if the critics is your own father.
The abandonment of your very own mother.
The integrity of a pastor that you’ve been following their teaching in the past 10 years, they themselves couldn’t live up to the words they said.
We live long enough to know
People always living, hang around, flow, leaving.
If you can’t live my life then let them leave
If they’re not walking with you today They’re not part of your future that God has design and plan/ promise for you.
Thank God for its providence, its plan, He is making a way, we live long enough, people always come and going. 
The Closer the proximity level , the deeper the heartache.
That’s why some people choose isolation.
Due to the bad relationship, So hurtful to trust again. 
The flea experiments: They take a can and put fleas inside a can, put a lid on the can. The flea bounce up and barrier of the jar- they can’t get enough/ free from the jar til they give up, til the scientist took the jar open, the flea never leave the jar because they don’t believe.
The fleas in the jar story is a great analogy for how we create paradigms in our lives and end up limiting our potential. If you don't know it already, the story goes something like this...
When fleas are placed in a jar, they try to jump out – but after the lid is placed on, the fleas stop attempting the escape – as they learn the boundaries of the new environment they’re in. Even when the lid is removed, the fleas never jump out. Their thinking has created the ‘lid’ as the boundary, so has conditioned them to limit their jumping. We're all a bit like those fleas -  our thinking conditions us. It creates imaginary boundaries and limited ways of thinking that keeps us stuck in a certain way of operating.
Conditioned the flea to leave the prison, that has been done to the pain to many of us.
Many of us live on necessary barrier, what happened to us in the past, we are conditioned to trap in our offence, bitterness, forgiveness. Never step in to what God has store in us. This is how you have relationship trap.
Examples: - if you know my dad, you’ll hardly trust any men ever again.
-If you’re married my wife, I am not sure if you ever want to get again
- if you have my kids, you’ll reconsider becoming a parent.
- if you’re my friend you’ll have difficult time to be vulnerable as well.
- if you grow up in my church, you’ll be questioning about Jc 
I learnt my lesson , Let me never have that close again
So with my Self-defence, isolation and seclusion - let me isolate because I’m trying to protect myself to being hurt. There’s another thing to be introverted, there’s another thing to be isolated. 
Being introverted is a personality type.
Case study no 1: 
Dawn Chere Wilkerson though she loves and serving people. she is an introvert - Retreat to solitude- so she may be restore and rejuvenate. Rich is an extrovert.
On the contrary, isolation is not rejuvenation.  about perseveration, because you’re trying on your own to preserved. Get away, so afraid and tired of people. I don’t trust people, I don’t want to be around people. People just don’t understand. Isolation is about suffering not refreshing. Isolation is Suffering in silence.
You don’t need to suffer in silence, because you have God in heaven, he knows your pain. Jc knows all about relationship pain. 
3 categories of love relationship pain that JC face: 1. pain with his family
Jc know all the fam drama
As we’ve read/ seen in the bible.
John 7 Even his own brothers doesn’t believe in him.
Jc must increase, I must decrease Jc was God in a flesh, 
He knows what if feels like to be criticise, how he was misinterpreted and rejected by his own fam members
Fam is an interesting thing should be our safe heaven, you can have real vulnerability. 
In fact, Our deepest trauma and worst pain occur in the very wall of your own family. lies, manipulation, abuse, betrayal, abandonment, and the list goes on.
I cut some fam members off. They handed me scissors etc. They hurt me and still in my life today.
Back to you, Jc understand fam pain.
2. pain with His friends
His disciples/ friends- when he need the most, they’re not there.
Supernatural anxiety attack. 
Jc in the garden sweating drops of blood.
The disciple is sleeping instead of praying.
Mat 26 - All his close friend and every single of them deserted him and fled
When I needed you the most.
If felt that my friend sleep through my pain.
Ive been there before- Jc.
Some people think I valued this friendship than
Judas put a price tag on the friendship= 30 pcs of silver- what does it feels like?
I lay down my heart.
Jc was sold , Jc has enemies all different walk of life, but some of his worst enemies are the pharmacies and sadducees. we too have enemies. People who aims to hurt us, tactics to destroy you, etc.
Jc was jewish
note: The Pharisees' Judaism is what we practice today, as we can't make sacrifices at the Temple and instead we worship in synagogues. The Sadducees were the wealthy upper class, who were involved with the priesthood. They completely rejected oral law, and unlike the Pharisees, their lives revolved around the Temple.
Pharisies were men of God, living a zealous life, life of discipline, restriction, know the torah backwards onwards, they live in life walk in purity, for a young boy like JC someone we admire to. But this is the very man that we plot to kill him. 
I expected to have enemies/ oppositions/ foes/ enemy against my calling. He/ God forecast that for you. The real shock is I never got the shot in the back, I thought I see it coming. I didn’t expect for others to against me etc. 
Christianity is the only movement that kills its wounded, but Jc understand that tight oppositions. What JC do w the enemies?
If you follow me ,the world will hate you.
If the world love you all the time, maybe you’re not doing it right.
His response was to remain silent- God’s fav tactics.
You can’t reason w tiger when it’s head in His mouth.
We tried to win over the enemies, opponent etc. 
Sometimes we need a wisdom from JC- let the Lord fight the battle for me.
JC & the gov, accused by leaders Do you not hear how many they against you
Not even a single charge because JC is remain silent
The gov was greatly amazed.
God tell me when I should speak, when I should respond, how I should answer the critics/ accusations. I don’t want to waste time w foes, etc 
God understand how people let you down.
Q is simply what will we do w the pain/ hurt/ trials Brought by fam, friends and foes? SIMPLY SAID F YOU. I FORGIVE YOU. 
What do we do when people hurt us/ slander/ betrayed/ abused us etc?
Forgiveness is about setting the captives free, only you become a prisoner all this time. You know why it hurts? its hurts, because it mattered because u love them, because yu gave yourself to them, because you shouldn’t be treated that way. No daughter should talk to her daughter that way, no mother should leave their son in that predicament, it hurts because no husband should leave wife that way, it hurts because they should life longer but they die, it hurts because it matters.
And if you can’t feel it, you certainly can’t healed it. 
If we’re not Some glossy,  cliched, deal w surface kind of church. I forgive you by not acknowledging what happens. 
Acknowledging what happens vitals for your healing.
Offense is an event. Offended is a decision. - Steven Furtick
Forgivenes is an action.
Its the act of releasing, letting go, letting God.
Venengance is mine- God is about to bring Justice
Our job is to forgive / let go.
Forgiveness doesn’t mean the hurt never happens but it means The pain no longer controls me.
1 Peter 5-6
Therefore Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you.
Real forgiveness takes real humility.
I am going to absorb this blow, I am going to face this pain, I am going to deal w the emotional, I am going to Deal with the collateral, I am acknowledge it, I feel it, and if I can’t feel it, I will never be able to heal it. 
I am going to humble myself Underneath the hand of God in due time. Not my time, your time, in due time. 
Casting all your cares upon him for he cares for you.
I am Casting my care but I am clinging to Christ. 
Turn out God give you two hands to hold the only one thing. And you can’t cling to your care and cling to Christ at the same time. You can’t hold both. There’s something in life that these 2 hands can only hold one thing. I can’t hold mercy and avenges, I can’t hold both grace and offense, I can’t hold forgiveness and unforgiveness. I can’t hold God and bitterness. It doesn’t work that way. I can’t hold to my bitterness and Cling to the Cross. I can only hold one. 
And what I choose to let go is enable me to what I can pick up. I gotta release something in order to receive something. I gotta let go bitterness so I can pick up peace. I gotta let go of anger so I can pick up joy, I gotta let go of avenges so I can pick up reconciliation. 
Unless I can release it, I can’t receive what God has for me. 
Pick of salvation, let go and release my sin, shame, so I can receive forgiveness and 
You gotta release in order to receive. Gotta let something to go, in order to pick up something new. 
I feel down I hear you today, but you’re not out.
Down is the perfect place for God to reach and pick you up in due time.
I am due.
I am let go and I am gonna let God.
Joy and sorrow co-exist, but Joy and bitterness cannot
Forgiveness is not about just freeing your presence, but about forgene the path into the bright future, removing the invisible lid of pain that conditioned you, to a prison to a small world in in a shape of a jar, you are meant to live free. 
But I am not strong enough to forgive, I wish I can forgive but too much happen/ transpired/ I’ve been through too much and impossible to forgive. 
Boston Marathon on TV- watching a marathon just like watching Crosby
Unless you understand the difficulty of what they’re doing, you won’t appreciate their victory. Unless you have run before, you won’t appreciate 26 miles finish in 2 hours 5 mins, for 40 pace. 
Englishman Roger Banister, 1954, change the trajectory of runner after them - its impossible to run 1 miles under 4 mins. He finished in 3 min 59.4 sec. Sight of relieve even in the opponent’s Somebody broke the barrier, barrier breakers. 
Just 46 days later, on 21 June 1954, Bannister's record was broken by his rival, John Landy, in Turku, Finland, with a time of 3 minutes 57.9 seconds, which the IAAF ratified as 3 minutes 58.0 seconds due to the rounding rules then in effect.[22]
John Landy, a scholarly Australian who became the second man, after Roger Bannister of England, to run the mile in under four minutes, and who later dueled Bannister in a race that became known as the Mile of the Century, died on Thursday at his home in Castlemaine, Victoria, Australia. He was 91
1954 British Empire and Commonwealth Games[edit]
On 7 August, at the 1954 British Empire and Commonwealth Games in Vancouver, B.C., Bannister, running for England, competed against Landy for the first time in a race billed as "The Miracle Mile". They were the only two men in the world to have broken the 4-minute barrier, with Landy still holding the world record.
Landy led for most of the race, building a lead of 10 yards in the third lap (of four), but was overtaken on the last bend, and Bannister won in 3 min 58.8 s, with Landy 0.8 s behind in 3 min 59.6 s.[13][28] Bannister and Landy have both pointed out that the crucial moment of the race was that at the moment when Bannister decided to try to pass Landy, Landy looked over his left shoulder to gauge Bannister's position and Bannister burst past him on the right, never relinquishing the lead.
Bannister: Everest on the Track, The Roger Bannister Story is a 2016 TV documentary about his childhood and youth in WWII and postwar Britain and the breaking of the 4-minute mile barrier, with interviews of participants and witnesses to the 1954 race, and later runners inspired by Bannister and his achievement, including Phil Knight who says that Roger Bannister inspired him to start Nike.[46]
In a year, 5 different men broke the barriers, they are called the barrier brokers.
Something that feels / seems impossible is actually possible.
I didn’t know what was possible until the barrier was broken. 
I needed somebody that show me that the lead that has been conditioning my life, turns out to be invisible, turn out to be there’s no lead, rather my faith, my trust in God gives me the power to forgive. God unlocked our capacity to forgive. You choose, but God empowers you to do so. 
Forgiveness takes work and commitment. I have to choose, but If I choose I have a God’s in heaven who empowers me. Forgiveness is not all up to you. You can’t forgive with your own power/ capacity, you start telling me about the abuse etc.. don’t bother it’s impossible. Stay offended, stay bitter, get angry, boiled w that anger, gossip about that person and let everybody knows you’ve been wronged, you’re a victim you didn’t deserve that, get justice. 
But the good news is  that we don’t have to forgive on our own. There’s a barrier breaker, his name is Jesus. He who knew no sin that’s what the Hebrew said. He never let everybody down, he never betrayed anybody, never gossip/ abused, never lie/ cheat/ lust, walk in generosity - he who knew no sin. If there’s a candidate..
From the Cross, 
There they crucified Him w the criminals.
This is what the sin talking place, if u don’t receive the gospel in full weight
You earn the way to heaven
When we put the nails 
We’re the one who kill him
Its my sin 
I crucified him in the midst of my sin
Forgive them for they don’t know what they’re doing.
I have sin deeply against God but he has forgiven me.
Unforgivenes is always an indication that we overestimate people sin against us, and totally underestimate our sin against GOd. 
Choosing do not to forgive, so you trust yourself more than God to protect you in the situation. 
Unforgivenes is not a protection, it’s a pride. 
Like Roger Banister broke the barrier to show all of us, to run a mile under 4 mins.
Yes you can, because Jc has already did. He broke the barrier. 
When I walk in unforgivenes I am underestimate my sin against God, and overestimate my sin against me. And it’s pride, it won’t protect me, but it will only imprisoned me in this lid jar leaving to conditioned that I will leave like this forever. 
Relationship pain has the ability to trapped us in season
Unforgivenes change us to a moment
Bitterness puts an unnecessary boundaries and barrier in our future
You’re a living trip in 2015, it’s 2023
Someone hurt you in the past, you didn’t realise the season is changed.
The abuse, the slander, the divorce , the affair,
You live in the past. Do you know what day it is?
It is not Friday where they killed JC, it’s not even Saturday when God silent in the grave, thank God it is Sunday He resurrected from the tomb to heaven. And it’s a God who make all things new, its alive on the throne
It’s the same power that talk to death, hell on the grave, that Sunday that kind of resurrection Sunday power. The power that says something appears to be impossible, NO NO NO. I have a Sunday kinda God. What is impossible seems possible.
Praise God like you’re living in an Overflow of Sunday
I can forgive because He forgives. Ref Youtube/ Podcast Sermon: "When People let you down, Christ in Crisis" by Rich Wilkerson Jr.
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