#early pollen
mint-ty · 1 month
Does anyone want to reblog this and tell me your favorite Bojere crumb?
*Crumb - something totally unexpected but very significant to bojere nation
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sneezarify · 4 months
grass is really grassing and boyyyyy my nose has taken note.
I don’t know how else to describe this eternal itch, but it feels like my nose swollen and full of powdery pollen. I can feel it, coursing through my sinuses from the tip right to the top of my nose where my eyes meet the bridge.
I’m on an endless cycle… a constant barrage of fluttery tickles that build and build to an intense itchiness you just can’t ignore. It causes my nostrils to twitch dance and jig on my face as I hitch and itch until finally maybe I’ll sneeze… or just as likely, I’ll false start.
One things is for sure, there is nothing like that all consuming allergy itch, where you face is buzzing with tickling irritation to bring on some wickedly harsh sneezes.
I love the English countryside, but it does not like me.
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imthepunchlord · 7 months
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I have a question - maybe because I am dumb - but you mentioned peanut allergies in your post. Is this allergy common in America? Because I am not American and I have never ever met anyone with that allergy. Or maybe I have and I didn't realize. But I was just never in a situation like this. From elementary school to university: We'd often bring cake or other treats for the class and when asked about allergies, no one ever had an allergy. Maybe I am just the one with the weird situation tho.
So I wouldn't say it's that Americans have or are more likely to have peanut allergies but I would say that it's that Americans have to be super careful about triggering someone's allergies due to legal concerns and liability issues. (Although I have my theories as to why peanut allergies are common in America but that's for another post.) Personally I don't know anyone with a peanut allergy and I would bring in homemade stuff like cookies in elementary school. There was a girl in my elementary school with a cinnamon allergy so she had to make everyone aware of that.
Peanut allergies are also a huge concern because they're always incredibly severe. Unlike other allergies, where the person may be in mild discomfort, most peanut allergies trigger anaphylaxis in people which can kill them unless they receive medical attention. For example, I have a mild kiwi allergy. The fruit makes my mouth break out into an itchy rash. But I never mention it because I can handle it on my own without needing a hospital. Now if kiwis made my throat swell shut I'd be informing everyone everywhere all the time that I couldn't have kiwi because it could kill me. So it really comes down to severity of the allergy.
As for the legal concerns and liability issues, it's not a joke when we say Americans will sue anyone over anything. Personal injury lawyers are everywhere in the American legal scene and often times hired to take on a case because of someone else's negligence, as well as the case money aiding in medical bills from hospitalization (we're not joking when we say our healthcare is stupid expensive). So most people take the better safe than sorry route when it comes to handling food allergies.
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miss-midnightt · 6 months
Hmmmm….tree pollen count is higher than it’s been…moderate levels….do I activate Allergy Season Protocol early, just in case? Or do I not. Hm.
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noita-digging · 7 months
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Max Durability: 10 (Coal/Snow/Concrete)
Mana Cost: 10 mana
Radius: 7 pixels
Soft Material Efficiency: 4.9 pixels squared per mana
Danger: can damage player
Uses: infinite
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The first example is unmodified, the second has upward larpa which is great for digging upward, and the third example has null shot which makes it completely player safe. Nolla can also be used to make pollen player safe, as only the projectile damage cpmponent of the spell is dangerous, and only after the pollen has existed for 2 frames. Pollen is a reliable earlygame soft digging spell.
This one was requested by @frogbitsalad.
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foxsoulcourt · 1 year
B E E S!!!
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an-undercover-bi · 1 year
Happy Kupała to those who celebrate!!
It is officially summer despite all the rain and how unseasonably cool it is today where I am.
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six-of-ravens · 1 year
goals for today:
do any work tasks due today + hopefully get that boring task done so I don't have to deal with it next week
read to page 112/chapter 5 of Yume (kind of want to finish this book before May ends, which means reading about 100 pages per day) (on page 39 now!)
tidy the apartment (the kitchen especially whoops) and do laundry + wash the bedding
finally put the goddamn rock collection on its new shelf (been meaning to do this since Tuesday but I've also been completely braindead every night)
play a bunch of totk this evening. haven't gotten really deep into it in a while bc between Ikea Weekend and then Work I've been so braindead that any puzzle at all just makes me instantly quit (not even rage quit, just give up lol)
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artemisbarnowl · 1 year
Its just me and these antihistames against the world
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tj-crochets · 2 years
If you don't want to answer this, I understand, but I'm really interested in allergies and I have a question. Are you also allergic to wine? I might be wrong but I'm p sure vinegar is made from wine, so I was wondering if that also triggers your allergies.
The short answer is yes, kind of? The longer answer is, I *think* the thing I am allergic to is acetic acid, and vinegar is made up of acetic acid and water. Some vinegars are made from wine, but not all are - Wait, okay, I googled this and ended up calling my mom (who, among her many other jobs she's had, has been a winemaker) and you were totally right. Wine has acetic acid in it, just in a lower concentration than vinegar, so I am allergic to wine. Very good to know!
Separate from the vinegar allergy, I also can't really have alcohol. It's not an allergy, exactly*? I have a mast cell disorder**, and alcohol is both very high histamine and a histamine liberator, so this means wine is the trifecta of thing I shouldn't have lol I'm on high enough doses of daily antihistamines*** that on good days I can tolerate a very small amount of alcohol when cooked into a sauce, or a very VERY small amount of vinegar (also only when cooked into something), but I still avoid them, and will be bumping wine up my list of "things I should avoid" right next to vinegar. *there's a difference between histamine intolerance, mast cell degranulation, and IgE mediated allergies, but I'll be honest I'm fuzzy on that science. I just know most if not all of my allergies are not IgE mediated (there's no allergy test for vinegar so I can't say for sure one way or the other about that one) **idk which one yet, but probably MCAS. Tests are inconclusive but the allergists are pretty sure something ain't right with my mast cells lol ***do not take the level of antihistamines I am on without talking to a doctor. Mine are prescribed and keep me from being covered with hives 24/7 but I am taking twice the recommended dose of two different antihistamines, plus montelukast
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saccharisu-draws · 2 years
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honk shoo honk shoo 💤💤💤
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kdmerchant · 24 days
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Pumpkin is now larger than a grapefruit and is starting to color.
The most rewarding part of this venture has been watching the honeybees act like elated drunks. They will fly into the center of the flowers and roll around until they are just covered in pollen. They then find a spot and clean the pollen to their legs elsewhere on the flower.
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mykl · 2 months
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day-lily and friend
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loplainlointhemorning · 4 months
I’m having weird neck cramps, stomach hurts, head feels tight/swollen above the eyes but it’s not like visibly swelling, my eyesight has been lowk funky for a couple hrs…let the hypochondria episode begin
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artcalledoddities · 5 months
Everyone P-TSD Everyone Petroleum-Tised Simple Diseased In water throughout the air within a shovel deep of land Oil based insecticides to cfc’s Plastic covered colored beaches And all above the animals with humans and their dealings, for breeding on Earth Undomesticated Animal Kingdom Speaks upon and for Flora Veggie Fungi & Coral Send the domesticated animal to feed hungered children And stop global warming All taking place during the Well, you humans Don’t know of such meetings But know you know some things Take it for granted or granite Or don’t in stone Don’t ridicule such beings Here for way such longer than you ! Dinosaur bird reptile insect the fish ^human mammals frog & salamander and some species of slugs *now A I, but in all docs of technology the gov’t had knowledge 20 years before Who’s speech Who’s say so on TV It’s all a question ? Mark ? Everything? Who was speaking back then If made so easy for cheating students later! As America progressed Wait That’s Post Traumatic SiliconChip Decipher Talks now The above hundred years long The latter since 1980’s No further comments Not Available I still live today Fine, whatever yes, I was born in 1974 I’m now 50 It’s all for everybody born exactly on the day of this year 2024 a fifty years ago If born today in 75 well they are 49 If born today in 73 well they are 51 It’s really not grand mind clarity What’s your age for? You are not vintage wine! As in the Panda has been walled up And not really free to roam the Earth Metal Fire Water nor Woods But back when for railroads Smog and progress fills our lungs Today from the yesterday It’s all here to smell! Everyone Petroleum-Tised Simple Diseased Now this is Post Traumatic SiliconChip Decipher Who the (people) are you speaking for! Are you speaking for paths of Belted Weather! A rhythm helps keep the
My father to strike continuously
My mother to strike especially
And from the clouds
The arrays entering my mind
Lengths and waves in tooth’s
Nature in parts of the world has it’s teeth sunk in The blue is being added too
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