#early morning ravnica
littlegoldenbirdie · 2 years
The Dragon and the Maiden (sort of) #1
Here's the REAL start!
Chapter 1: Paths cross
It was late in one particularly quiet early fall morning when a thunderous crash came from a smallish yet respectable distance away from Amelia’s house, followed by the sound of several trees falling. She was out the front door in seconds, immediately inhaling and recognizing the scent of disturbed earth, freshly broken wood and… spilled blood? She was moving before she knew it, breaking into a run to follow the scents and the sound, paying no heed to how big something would have to be to produce a sound that loud. The echoes died away as she ran, replaced by other sounds… harsh panting, grunts of exertion, and a sharp hiss of pain that dissolved into a low, wavering growl even as she passed the last few trees and finally laid eyes on what had just fallen out of the sky and crashed through a rather significant portion of the forest.
A great dragon lay in a freshly carved crater, shredded wings twitching feebly and limbs trying in vain to curl inward. Struggling to raise itself up off the ground on its forearms, its ruined scales glinted gold as she got a look at an all too familiar face, unmistakable even with the expression of sheer pain it wore as clear as day. Opening her mouth to speak his name, she instead emitted a strangled-sounding cough when it didn’t come. The wreck heard her, those fearsome jade eyes slowly opening and fixing on her, emptied of their previous malice, now showing only tired resignation. “…I remember you,” he said softly, his voice sounding even weaker than the look in his eyes. “I saw you atop the Citadel. My Citadel.” The thought of being in danger from him never crossed her mind. A simple question came in its place. “Your name… It’s… gone?” Something that might have once qualified as a displeased growl came forth, but now it was more of a defeated sigh. “Ugin took it from me, curse him… I’m nobody now. I’m nothing. Nothing.”
Amelia hadn’t paid much attention to the news or local gossip, but she had heard it. Ravnica’s dragons had been hunted down in ages past, leaving Niv-Mizzet the last remnant. A new hunt had been declared for this dragon, after he had fled into the wilds, the wilds where she had taken up residence… Perhaps this was why she had been guided to this place, she realized. To help him. She stepped forward before she was even aware of moving, but he noticed immediately, his injured body stiffening as he prepared to put up as much of a fight as he could still manage in his present state. “…I’m not a hunter,” Amelia said quietly. “I was found wandering Innistrad six months prior to the war that was your downfall. I have no memory of anything before that moment. All I ever knew of you, or your deeds was what I witnessed on Amonkhet, and the stories told to me by those whose paths I crossed in my travels. I didn’t really meet you or get to know you. And I’ve never been much for just taking the word of others.” He didn’t move to stop her as she continued to walk closer, merely flinching back a bit with a light shudder, and she could easily tell he lacked the strength to do anything else, though he tried. He tried with everything he had, but he could do nothing. As she slowly reached out both hands to touch his face, he finally realized that all he could do was close his eyes and wait for the end to come, because that had to be what came next… right?
Yeah, I know. But I didn't want it to get too long.
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danco110 · 2 years
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“Surprise is a useless, untidy emotion - the plaything of goblins and fools.”
To their credit, the other seers did their best to ignore their complaining coworker, who still had his hands wrapped around the scrying crystal. The vedalken continued his tirade, oblivious to the irritated looks being thrown his way.
“Although, I must admit, it was certainly a surprise when I arrived to work this morning to find my crystal damaged. I’d still just like to know which one of you tampered with it.”
“And we’d just like to tell you,” growled a woman at a nearby workstation, “that, for the last time, it wasn’t any of us! Probably just some Dimir who broke in, heard you snarking, and wanted to take you down a notch or two. The money for the replacement will come out of our budget, and you get to take home the broken one…again…so quit your whining.”
The vedalken turned his head up at his coworker. “Small consolation for a wasted trip to work. I’m headed home. I expect to see a replacement crystal on my desk tomorrow morning.
The vedalken departed, leaving his coworker grumbling under her breath.
“Good riddance.”
“Hey, you’re home early!”
The vedalken wearily placed his cloak on the coat rack by the door, and trod into his living room, where he was accosted by a diminutive goblin clad in Gruul colors hugging at his legs. The seer allowed himself a small smile as he gave his reply.
“I am. And I brought you something.”
“Hmm…” The goblin playfully tapped his chin, pretending to ponder a guess. “Is it…another broken crystal? Another one that you broke yourself so you could take it home, maybe?”
The vedalken pulled the damaged item from behind his back and offered it to the goblin.
“You know, you’re a real fool for keeping doing that. I mean, I love the gifts, but still, you’re gonna get fired. You know you’re a fool, right?”
The vedalken’s tired smile grew wider as the goblin eagerly accepted the present.
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[Prophecy companies on Ravnica often use crystals and mirrors to focus their visions. When one “breaks” - usually via the magic fading, leaving the item perfectly intact - some employers let their people take the faulty equipment home. Word is, they make pretty good gifts.]
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asmund-scion-of-ice · 7 years
As the Dust Clears
The morning air was still. Cool air sat in the deep canyons of the 9th District, stifling sound. Ravnicans scurried about their business, looking only to get back to their homes as swiftly as possible. Boros patrols were about, as thick on the streets as the lingering cold. Even knights of the Azorius moved about, their bright swords and hammers bright in the low light of the morning. 
Sleep had evaded me the night before, and even now I cannot rest. I pace through the meadery, my claws clacking on the marble floor. If I don’t stop, I’ll tear a furrow into my floors, I thought, stopping myself. I’d been pacing for at least an hour, back and forth, my tail unhappily thumping. I shook myself from my cold, tired reverie, frost falling from my gleaming scales. 
Walking behind the Low Bar, I pushed into one of the many back rooms in the meadery. There, my close friend and companion Barnaby waited on his perch. Barnaby was a raven. Brilliant white, with small streaks of black and blue on his flight feathers, my friend had taken residence in the meadery the first day I had opened. Luckily, he was relatively clean, and extremely helpful.
With a squawk, Barnaby flew over to me and landed on top of my head. Landing on the bridge of my snout, the bird cawed a gracious good morning, trying very hard to imitate Ravnican.
“Good morning, my feathered friend.” Laughing, my form rumbled and Barnaby tried his best to maintain his grip on my scales, “I have a mission for you today. Do you think you can handle it?” The raven cawed and took wing, back to his perch. Pecking his food tray, Barnaby stared deep into my eyes.
Chuckling, a long, earthen sound, I gave the bird some food, and began penning a note:
“ Master Alek, 
I hope this morning finds you well. How are you and Ivaria doing? Last night was incredibly difficult for many. Should you ever need my aid, you know where to find me. 
Respectfully, Asmund 
Delivered by: Barnaby the Raven”
Nodding approval, I extended my left wing to Barnaby. Luckily we had plenty of space in this room; a number of stills and other equipment were in this cavernous space where Barnaby made his home. The raven hopped along my wing’s leading edge, up my back, and over my head. Snaking my neck to the nearest window, I rest my chin on the sill, “Barnaby, I have a note for you to deliver. Please wait until Alek finds it. He’s an Izzet mage, do you remember what they look like?”
I wait for Barnaby to cock his head to the side, extending a leg; thankfully, I can use a single claw for a pen, allowing me to write smaller more “normal” sized notes. Continuing, I tied the note to Barnaby’s leg, “He has a lab down the street a bit; he’s got darker hair and an extensive mustache. Once he sees you, leave the note and come home, okay?” Squawking happily, Barnaby gleefully launched himself through the window.
Fair enough, then. Inspecting the brewing equipment on the way out, their brass and steel playing havoc with the wall colors in the early morning sun, I stomped, exhausted, out of the room. Behind the bar again. Just where I like it, I thought, adding, a home away from home. Ruling is one thing, but relaxing, being a commoner. That’s another, wonderful thing.
Starting with the High Bar, looming above the Low Bar by over 20 feet, I began to clean. Wiping down the mahogany until it shone, carefully washing each goblet, stein, and mug, and slowly dusting each and every table. Unless there was another emergency, I would stay here today, until I gained some of my energy back.
The incident at the 28th Legion was, is, disturbing. Localized earthquakes don’t ever happen, unless it’s magical. Gardonia has claimed foul play, and I’m willing to believe him. My mind raced with possibilities. Who would do this? Why? What were they distracting us from? All questions I would need answers to. Perhaps the Dimir could help? The Baker down the street, or Lasav, might now something. 
For now, however, I had a meadery to run. 
@gardianforce @bobstropajo @shepherd-ivaria @lasav-the-sneakster
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cupcakecoterie · 4 years
@true0neutral - Hazel, half-elf cleric
@fauxfire76 - Darvin, human bard/sorcerer
@miaaoi - Froseth, dragonborn monk
@hyperewok1 - Remi, human paladin/warlock
@lindira - Clarity, tiefling rogue/wizard
Marion - Ava, human ranger
Brian - Barnabus, minotaur fighter
Tonight’s session ended on something of a twist note, so it got to be a little bit of a roller coaster ride.
The gang arrived at the saloon in which they stayed on their arrival, to find the First Principals still arguing. There was a quick debate about whether or not they should tell the scientists about the Archfey Incident, given that the teleport-kidnap registered on their sensors. Alisaie bypassed the whole thing by tapping Darvin for musical accompaniment and telling the whole story bard-style. Also had to provide yet more blood for their studying, since she’d been hit with the purple worm venom.
Hazel started looking up wedding ceremonies. Had a minor issue because all her early notes was her also practicing her written Halfling, but she’s getting there.
They discussed tactics for the blue dragon fight. Came up with a couple of good ideas.
On their way up to bed, Clarity pulled Froseth aside and, reluctantly (because she is a night owl by nature and tends to read long into the night, so wakes up slowly and often late) asked him to wake her so she could train with fighting close-up while still avoiding damage. This because she wants to up her Rogue level so she can get access to Evasion but I wanted an IC reason for her to develop it, which she didn’t have because her primary manoeuvre is to hide behind things at a distance and throw knives and/or spells. Froseth agreed, being glad to have someone to train with.
Remi and Alisaie ended the evening with a discussion about various wedding customs, as Remi wanted to know how the People get married, since the People are still very important to her. Alisaie also brought up the idea of establishing a halfway house of sorts for the street-rat kids of Belarys, to give them something other than the childhood she had and a chance at a future, and also someone to make sure that the house that would serve as the marrieds’ Belarys base would stay inhabited and maintained. Remi’s going to ask Corri and Amell for help finding the kids apprenticeships.
Morning came. Froseth went to wake up Clarity. It worked, but Clarity had some issues disengaging herself from the limpet-like cuddle-pile that usually results with Hazel. It worked out.
Alisaie enlisted Hazel’s help in finding an Egref Quickflight cousin as sort of a caretaker for her halfway house idea, and Barnabus’ help in approaching the Howlers, his old company to maybe hire kids as city based errand-runners and couriers.
Barnabus mentioned his family back in Ravnica. When he flagged up that he was adopted a human couple, literally left on the doorstep, the gang mentioned that there might be a way to use the various abilities they have and artefacts they’ve found to find out something about his birth parents. It worked for Froseth, after all.
Clarity seemed oddly interested in the story of Bethrynna and her status as Deathless. Hrm.
As they were finishing off breakfast, everything froze for Barnabus - His Majesty Lord of Misrule. The Archfey offered Barnabus a deal - he’d leave the gang alone, forever ... in return for Barnabus’ way home. Barnabus agreed, citing the greater good (the threat of “If the entertainment of a sapient minotaur in Ellon is denied me, I’ll have to make my own entertainment, such as ... weddings are so dull...” seems to have played a significant part). He may not have entirely considered the implications when making such a deal - that he might have given an Archfey of Chaos and Misrule free rein to plane-walk. The others did, however, mostly discussing it when Barnabus went off to be alone for awhile. The general consensus is that this will buy them time to do their research, face that archfey and at least try to get his way home back ... and either way, they don’t want His Majesty dead - they want him to suffer. Thus their thought is, “get him stripped of his power and turn him mortal”.
That last just ... shook everybody, and it was great. I live for moments like that, even as my IC self is wanting to slap someone.
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xantchaslegacy · 5 years
MtG Month of the Ship Day 18 - Secret Admirer
(In light of events today, I think we all need some light gatewatch content)
 At first, Chandra thought the flowers were part of the room service on Ravnica.
 It made sense, she reasoned, that someone as supposedly important as Jace was would have a discreet staff that tended to the place. It had seemed a bit odd that they would leave flowers on her nightstand and not clean up the rest of the room, but she’d been too busy to give it much thought.
 Then came the note.
 Chandra awoke one mid-afternoon to find a small pot of bamboo by her bed, with a scrap of paper underneath it. Most of the writing had been scratched out, including the name, but whoever had brought the plant had left a small heart in the corner of the note.
 She skipped breakfast and ran straight to the rooftop, where Nissa was meditating.
“Nissa, Nissa!” She plopped down next to the elf excitedly, holding out the bamboo. “Did you get a note with your plant this morning? I think one of the staff left me something.”
 Nissa’s eyes blinked open. She looked startled.
 Chandra smacked herself mentally. Nice going, hothead. Couldn’t wait for her to finish before you barged in on her.
 “Oh, th-that?  Couldn’t have…what sort of plant is that? Haha…sugarcane? Why would I give you sugarcane?” Nissa scrambled to her feet, and nearly tripped over Chandra as she stood. “Wait…that’s…not what you asked.”
 “Oh, no that’s alright…I…uh…sorry for interrupting your meditation.” Chandra was barely taking in what Nissa said, she was so flustered. “I got excited and a bit careless and you know so much about plant…stuff…Um…what were you saying?”
 “I…” Nissa closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “The only plants I have in my room are my own that I’ve been growing.” Her ears were still twitching. Chandra felt another pang of guilt for interrupting her.
 “Oh, okay.” Chandra rubbed her chin, trying and failing to think while Nissa stared at her with those wonderful, soft green eyes-
 “Wait…is this one of yours?” Chandra felt her heart do a small jump. “You didn’t…is this from you?”
 “What?” Nissa’s ears started twitching even more rapidly. “I’ve been up here meditating. Besides, you…you keep your door locked, right? How would I get in?”
 “Oh, uh…that’s fair.” Chandra’s felt her face fall, and forced a smile back on it. Be a good friend, darn it!
 “A-a thief!” Nissa exclaimed. “Someone must have taken some of my plants? Yes, that sounds…plausible.”
 Chandra frowned. It wasn’t like Nissa to get so flustered. Maybe…
 “I’ll get to the bottom of this!” Chandra slapped a hand against her breastplate. “Don’t worry, Nissa. Detective Chandra is on the case!”
 “Chandra! W-wait!”
 But Chandra had already turned and hurried back in the direction of her room. To look for clues. Definitely not to just hide her face after making such an outrageous statement.
 The next day Chandra set an early-morning alarm to catch the flower-thief in the act. By the time it roused her however, someone had already placed a tall sunflower by her bedside. There was no note this time, but there was a small heart traced into the dirt.
 “Hmmm...” Chandra poked the large clay pot the flower was placed in, and examined it closely with a cracked magnifying glass she had taken from Innistrad. “Looks heavy…it would take a comically beefy pair of arms to move this…”
 She found Gideon in the kitchen, laboring over a sizzling pan of eggs, bacon, and tomatoes. He greeted her with a smile.
 “Morning Chandra. Hungry?”
 “I’ll ask the questions around here, buddy.” Chandra grabbed a piece of bacon from the pan and chomped down on it. “Where were you all morning?”
 “What do you know about the flowers that have been showing up in my room?”
 “I…didn’t know you had flowers in your room. Is everything alright?”
 Gids looked genuinely concerned, so Chandra tried the nice-consulate approach.
 “Look, it’s fine if you were leaving flowers in my room. I’m flattered, but please don’t take them from Nissa without telling her.”
 “I-I’m not! Honest.” Gideon put both hands up. “I would never take Nissa’s flowers without asking! She’d probably twist my arm off.”
 “Hmm, true.” Chandra jumped up on the counter and ate more of Gideon’s food, pensively. “She is pretty strong…” She patted Gideon on the shoulder with the magnifying glass. “Sorry about that Gids. You know how it is, tracking down criminals and bringing them to justice.”
 He laughed. “Do you need any help tracking down your flower-thief?”
 “Hmmm, some fuel would be good. All this detective stuff is hungry work.” She grabbed a handful of tomatoes and scampered out of the kitchen. “Thanks Gids!”
 ** ** **
 Chandra woke up the next morning to find a braid of forget-me-nots lying atop her goggles. These she tucked behind her ear before heading out to the dining hall for breakfast. Maybe she could catch Jace before he had to start working. Maybe the team telepath had picked up some brainwaves on who might be leaving gifts. She found him wandering the side hallways, his nose buried in a book.
 "Heya Jace, I wanted to ask...wait..."
 Jace looked up from the book in his hand and raised an eyebrow at Chandra. "What is it? Everything alright?"
 "You...you're not Jace."
 “Uh, what? Of course I am.” Jace closed the book and spread his arms. “I’ve got this cloak and everything.”
 “Jace always has a nerve pounding in his temple when he talks to me. Because my thoughts are ‘too loud’ or something like that. You look totally calm.”
 Not-Jace sighed, and his features ripples like a heat distortion. His cloak became darker, and his face seemed to shrink into his hood, until Chandra could just see a wrinkled mouth and white hair.
 “Congratulations, you might be the first human to see through my disguise in centuries. I am Lazav, guildmaster of-”
 “Was it you sneaking around and leaving flowers in my room?”
 “You’re clearly some kind of…demure spy?”
 “Whatever. Have you been leaving flowers in my room?”
 “No, I…I had a meeting scheduled with the guildpact and I wanted to spook him. It…sounds like you have a secret admirer.”
 “Yeah, that’s what I was hoping at first.” Chandra shrugged and strode past the shapeshifter. “Jace will be late for your meeting!” she called back. “Lavinia always has to drag him away from breakfast!”
 She found Jace in the dining room a minute later, huddled over a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper.
 “Heya Jace.” She plopped down across from him and took one of his slices of toast. “You hear thoughts, right?”
 “Uh, as far as I know.”
 “Cool, cool. Has anyone been thinking about stealing Nissa’s flowers recently? Or putting them in my room?”
 Jace looked up, blank-faced. “Nissa’s flowers have been showing up in your room?”
 “Yeah, every morning.”
 He chuckled and looked back down at the paper. “Sounds like you have a secret admirer.”
 “Why does everyone think that?”
 “It’s what admirers do. Lili leaves little dolls made out of bone on my desk if I don’t come visit her often enough, and Ral leaves notes burned into my desks when I miss his appointments.”
 Chandra cocked her head. “Those sound like…different situations. Plus, you know who they are.”
 “Mmm, it helps to read minds.” Jace tapped his head. “Plus, with a secret admirer, you usually already know who she is.” He looked up suddenly. “I mean, you know who they are.”
 “You do know who it is, don’t you?” Chandra stood up, brandishing her magnifying glass at Jace. “Fine, keep your secrets. I’m on a hot streak of deductions, and I only have one more person to interview!”
 “Uh, wait, I don’t think it’s who you think it-”
 Jace cut off quickly and scurried out of the chamber. Lavinia came stomping in a moment later.
 “Where did he go?”
 Chandra shrugged. “Sorry arrester. I’m a detective, but I’m no snitch.” Then she scurried away with the last of the toast as Lavinia cursed the heavens and every planeswalker beneath it.
 ** ** **
   The next morning there was a trio of bright-colored ditch lilies in a delicate wooden vase. Chandra admired them from her bed for a while before getting dressed and seeking out the least likely culprit from within the Gatewatch.
 "Are you...are you asking me who has been putting flowers in your room?” Liliana set down her glass of wine and sat up from the balcony chair where she had been sunning herself, for some reason in full view of the window to Jace’s study. She had not tanned, even a little. “Are you seriously asking me that question?"
 "Uh, yeah...I'd like to figure it out. Maybe thank them."
 Liliana raised an eyebrow. "It...It's definitely Nissa. You know that, right? It's 100% definitely Nissa."
 Chandra shook her head. "I thought of that already, but she said it wasn't her."
 “Nissa wouldn’t do that. Why would she lie about something like flowers?”
 Liliana sighed and swung her legs over the side of the reclining chair. “You and I are very different people, aren’t we dear?” She patted Chandra’s head and started inside.
 “Wait, where are you going? I need your help figuring this out!”
 “You really don’t.” Liliana tapped her chin. “Why don’t you wait for a moment when Nissa isn’t trying to center herself and ask her if she can track where the flowers came from with her…leyline tricks. If you’ve got a plant-based mystery, go find a plant expert.”
 “I guess, but I don’t want to go back to her empty-handed.”
 “Oh, I think she’ll be happy enough to see you no matter what you’re doing with your hands.” Lili gave her a strange smirk and a wink. “Now, Jace just stepped out for lunch. Want to help me rearrange his bookshelves?”
 Chandra bit her lip. She really did want to mess with Jace’s stuff, but…
 “I should go see Nissa.”
 “Yes, you should.” Liliana waved and started up the staircase to Jace’s study. “I’ll turn a volume upside-down for you.”
  ** * *
  She found Nissa on the roof, surrounded by a small army of tulips. Some were in beds Nissa had constructed along the edge of the roof, others were in small clay bowls that the elf was carting back and forth, trying to arrange artfully.
 Chandra waved hello. Nissa replied with a nod and a soft smile. There was a single bench not currently covered in vegetation, so Chandra plopped down on it cross-legged and watched enjoyed Nissa’s garden in silence for a while, while a firestorm of uncertainty raged inside her.
 How do I ask? She already said it wasn’t her so what if she gets angry or annoyed that I asked again? What if she isn’t my secret admirer? What if she is my secret admirer?
 “Chandra?” Nissa was watching her from a few feet away, looking concerned.
 “Did you leave the flowers, Nissa?” Chandra blurted, cursing herself internally “I mean, I definitely wouldn’t mind if you did, I guess I would sort of like it? You know, because flowers are so pretty and they smell really nice and you like being around them all the time. Uh, I mean…you don’t have to tell me, but I…I’d really like to know.” Chandra looked at her feet. “It would make me happy to know they came from you...”
 Nissa didn’t say anything for a long while. Chandra watched her out of the corner of her eye, just standing by the flowers, the slow city wind blowing that beautiful braid of hers just off her neck…
 She walked over and sat down next to Chandra. The tulip in her hand was the loveliest Chandra had ever seen. Deep green tinged with blue.
 “I’m not saying I left the plants for certain. But…if I did leave someone flowers, well…” The rosy glow of the elf’s cheeks matched the flower in her hands. “Well, that person would have to be very important to me” She looked Chandra in the eye. “As important as you are to me, at the very least.”
 Chandra ran a finger gently down the stalk of the tulip. “I understand…I think.” She brushed the top of the flower, and the soft, silky petals tickled her fingertip.
 Nissa nodded rapidly, also looking determinedly at the flower.
 They sat not speaking, though not in silence. You really couldn’t get away from the sounds of the city, even in a place as private as Jace’s home. For someone who needed the quiet as much as Nissa did, it must have been frustrating.
 “Nissa…How would you like…what if we went to one of the Selesnya gardens? Sometime this week? Somewhere quiet where we can walk around, and I can chase off any of the cultists who try to bother us?”
 Nissa nodded again, slower this time. “That…would be wonderful.” She lay her fingers over top of Chandra’s hand, guiding her back up to the flower. “I can show you some of the variations they have here and…and maybe give you some to take to your room?”
 Chandra tried to think of something cool to say, but with Nissa’s hand on hers, and a date (was it a date????) hanging in the air, she could only manage a small muffled grunt that she hoped sounded like a ‘yes.’
   The above is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
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sadaski · 6 years
Early Christmas
I got a request by nvd94_10  to write some fluff.
Marko Pjaca x Marko Rog
With his boyrfriend being out of their apartment for so long, Marko Pjaca was left alone and with a few ideas.
It was only October, but why not decorate your whole house with christmas decorations? It seemed like a good idea to Pjaca. He only hopes Rog will think that way too.
His boyfriend was visiting his family and Pjaca couldn't go with him, but Pjaca still wanted to make himself useful. This way, they can keep the decorations untill Christmas and they won't need to bother to put them up a few days before the holiday.
First thing on his list was to make cookies. Now, he wasn't a great baker, but dammit he knew how to bake a good batch of cookies. Rog loved when he made them, so this is a great start. After he took the cookies out of the oven, the whole living room and kitchen smelled delicious.
It will make his cute boyfriend smile which will make him even cuter than before and Pjaca might just die from all the cuteness. (Just like the author, because she's imaginig it.)
Second on his list was to decorate the walls and put up the mistletoe.
He also changed their couch pillows into ones that are more festive. Not even bed sheets were forgotten.
Soon, Pjaca started decorating the tree he put up earlier that day. He didn't really want Rog to be mad at him for not doing that together so he just put a few pieces. He wasn't even done with that and he already heard the front door opening.
"Hey baby! I'm home." Rog really wanted to be obvious didn't he?
"I guessed. Come into the living room!" Pjaca shot back.
Rog stepped into the room, immidiately his nose got filled with the amazing smell of freshly baked cookies. When he turned his head, he saw his dumbass boyfriend on his toes, trying to decorate the tree without him.
"Are you out of your fucking mind, Pjaca?"
Well... That's a good start.
"Happy early Christmas!" Pjaca said and ran to his boyfriend. "I missed you so much!"
"You saw me this morning." Rog stated while looking at his boyfriend who had a face of a man that just saw his most valuable person in the world.
Pjaca was quick to react though, as he pulled Rog in front of the couch. He quickly took of the man's shirt.
"I didn't realise you missed me so much that you have to fuck me before I get any cookies."
"It's not that. You need to put on a sweater." Pjaca said as he picked out a green, itchy sweater. "This one is almost as ugly as your face. You'll match with it."
"I hate you so much Pjaca, I swear to God that I'll cut your dick off." Rog said and took the ugly thing.
"Don't worry baby, I'll fuck you untill you can't walk."Pjaca said, pecked his cheek and went to the kitchen. Rog could hear the cupboards being opened and closed which probably meant taking out a plate of some sort.
In a few short moments, Pjaca was back with a plate full of cookies he made, and two mugs of hot choccolate that he was trying not to spill.
Pjaca put the objects on the table and sat down, soon he pulled Rog who was still standing and looking at their house, into his own comfortable lap.
Rog let out a yelp of surprise, a very many yelp if you ask him.
But soon enough he settled in and found a comfortable position.
One of Pjaca's hands was around Rog's waist and the other one was holding a cookie. Right in front of the younger man's mouth. Rog took a bite and practically moaned at the taste of the delicious sweet. He could eat a hundred of these, but unfortunately his job as a football player doesn't allow him that.
"They're so good, maybe you should quit football and become a baker. You're better at baking anyway." Rog said teasingly. Pjaca laughed, but he still decided to poke his boyfriend's sides to make him squirm a little bit because of the comment.
Guessing that Rog can be really tired from the whole day, Pjaca stopped doing that, seeing that having his gorgeous partner in his lap and squirming isn't the best idea at this moment.
He stopped and both of them fell into a comfortable silence. They ate all of the cookies and later that night... we won't talk about it.
A/n: yay
Hey also if you want more pjaca x rog content, go read my friend's book about them. bagudinahoe wrote it. She's a little shit but the book is great.
@lovre-n @mad-for-mandzukic @mandzukics @smolmandzo @marilyn-mandzukic @ante-ray-bitch @puolendollarinonni @winters-chiid @footballcursed @flemishyugotalian @sebby-ravnica @synne-sol @aj-lajk @kettie09 @mwrieke @tenderlyshamelesssalad @sergiov4mos @arduango @pachua @zadarskabagudina @ismile2much @fussballstuff @trentatr-e @crazy-for-lovren
There's probably gonna be more of me writing for this ship, but i dont know when. Im too busy at the moment ...
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adashofstarshine · 5 years
Musings on “The Terrors of Tin Street”
I’ll be going to London in a few hours, but I’ve been writing up chapter four this morning.  A lot of people have noted that the plot is going astray from Jace’s canonical arrival in Ravnica. That’s true, for multiple reasons:
1) He met Vraska. The story is about them growing up together instead of meeting as adults. Many events, including  the entire plot of Return to Ravnica, the Gatewatch and Ixalan, will still happen. But it comes from a point in Jace’s life where he isn’t so alone. Having another opinion he regards highly will shape his opinions. The same will go for Vraska.
2) I have fleshed out Vraska’s backstory and intend to show scenes that we never got to see in canon. These include her joining the Ochran, planning to murder various Azorius officials (and later Isperia), as well as her initial arrival in Ixalan. Because Jace is present for a lot of these early scenes, he’s going to be influenced by them too. He’s going to be a lot more sympathetic to her cause, and needless to say the events of “The Gorgon and the Guildpact” won’t be happening.
Next chapter, Jace and Vraska start to dabble in more serious crime. There will be blackmail, there will be assassinations, they will be very morally skewed but it won’t be anything they didn’t do in canon. (Also I need to lead into Agents of Artifice territory.) I have a feeling people won’t like it but don’t worry, everything will progress more-or-less like it did in canon, so it won’t be forever.
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arlyn-etris · 6 years
Second home
Early morning light shone lazily through the single but large window in the modest apartment Arlyn had taken up residence in. The orange tinge washing over a wooden table that looked like it had seen many meals but was well maintained, the scrapes and scratches feeling more like they told stories of family and friends gathered in laughter rather than just any old table that might need refurbishing. The same could be said for the cozy chair that sat not too far from it, a basket of folded cloth and a tin of sewing supplies seeming to suggest some casual future projects. Or the frames of the pictures that hung on the wall that all appeared to be handcrafted by hands that were not very talented at said craft. It was certainly not the home of a lavish soul but upon entry, it felt like somewhere calm, welcoming, and safe. Like no matter what was happening in the world this would still be here waiting with the smell of sweet spices and baking in the air to say that everything was okay.
The smell was always there, even this early in the morning Arlyn was moving about the small kitchen making batches of the cookies she’d first given out upon her arrival on Ravnica, along with a few others, some loaves of bread in varying kinds, and pastries. Gifts she would give out to those who seemed to need it or simply to people she cared for. A small gesture that always made her happy.
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maris-solstice · 7 years
Due to @odric-master-swagtician doing this, I’ma do one for my boy.
Stuff under the cut bc it is LONG
Character Name: Maris Solstice (Formerly Marius Celestus) Age: 25-26 ish, I always forget and I’m too lazy to double-check Appearance: As of right now this is the only art I have of him with one arm missing. It’s good tho, so here it is:
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Armor colorscheme by @sigardaa
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1. What do you know about this character now that s/he doesn’t know?
He’s gonna die on Bant a long time from now and have his soul reincarnated into an angel because why do I do this to myself. 
2. What is this character’s greatest flaw?
His pride. 
3. What do you know about this character that s/he would never admit?
He’s constantly in some form of pain or emotional distress. He’s admitted it to others when it’s gotten unbearable but for the most part he hides it so others don’t worry about him.
4. What is this character’s greatest asset?
His conviction.
5. If this character could choose a different identity, who would s/he be?
He would be a cathar, but events kind of...ruined that.
6. What music does this character sing to when no one else is around?
I like to imagine he absently hums old Ravnican lullabies.
7. In what or whom does this character have the greatest faith?
The course of justice, and the ideals of right makes might, not might makes right.
8. What is this character’s favorite movie?
Mmmkay so if movies existed he would be all in on the Adventures of Tintin. Mystery, intrigue, globehopping, a young red-haired protagonist with a penchant for investigation, bringing criminals to justice. It’s perfect. That or Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
9. Does this character have a favorite article of clothing? Favorite shoes?
His favorite article of clothing is his belt. He wears it everywhere. His favorite shoes? I don’t think he really has a favorite so much as ‘only one pair of boots’
10. Does this character have a vice? Name it.
Alcohol. Plain and simple. He’s trying to beat it. 
11. Name this character’s favorite person (living or dead.)
His wife, Isolde.
12. What is this character’s secret wish?
To one day quit the guild. He views it as a sacred duty, but he longs for the day he can say he’s done his duty to the fullest extent. 
13. What is this character’s proudest achievement?
Getting married.
14. Describe this character’s most embarrassing moment.
When he was a child he caused a massive amount of property damage to a Lyev training ground and was kicked out of the Azorius’ recruitment program due to “use of chaotic magics and a willfulness undesirable in Lyev recruits.”
15. What is this character’s deepest regret?
He knows he likely would have died, but he can’t help but think if he’d been a little faster, he could have pulled his parents from the fire.
16. What is this character’s greatest fear?
Losing his wife and the rest of his found family.
17. Describe this character’s most devastating moment.
When his first love, a cathar named Ilsibeth, was cut down by one of the Flight of Nightmares in front of him while he watched. It was the event that prompted him not to leave Ravnica for several months and sent him into a downward spiral of alcoholism and throwing himself into his work.
18. What is this character’s greatest achievement?
Getting married.
19. What is this character’s greatest hope?
That one day his life will calm the fuck down and he can just live with Isolde and be happy.
20. Does this character have an obsession? Name it.
Not really, anymore. He’s recovered well from his depressive period.
21. What is this character’s greatest disappointment?
When he was a kid he thought Agrus Kos was still alive. That was a rough day.
22. What is this character’s worst nightmare?
Losing his found family. He has no family left besides them and he’s lost so much in his life.
23. Whom does this character most wish to please? Why?
His wife. Partly out of a fear of losing her, but mostly because he thinks she deserves to be happy and he loves her. 
24. Describe this character’s mother.
Aris Celestus was an Izzet inventor who was a part of the Warmind Initiative. She’s where Maris got his smile and his hair, and his Red. Her attitude toward him was one of vocal support and affection for her son, and she was a bright and happy person, a good influence for him when he was really young.
25. Describe this character’s father.
Martold Celestus was more of a stoic, quiet type, and he gave Maris a strong respect for the law and the process of justice, as well as his White. He was a constant strong presence for Maris, who looked up to him and wanted to be just like him one day, prompting his path to join the Boros.
26. If s/he had to choose, with whom would this character prefer to live?
His mother. It would come down to a simple question of “Who would let me have a little more freedom” because he loved them both very very much.
27. Where does this character fall in birth order? What effect does this have?
He’s an only child. This made him a lot more independent but also gave him a lot of reliance on his friends.
28. Describe this character’s siblings or other close relatives.
He has an aunt who works for the Izzet. He thinks she blames him for the death of her sister, and hasn’t talked to her in years.
29. Describe this character’s bedroom. Include three cherished items.
Well he’s got a pretty big bed, some bedside tables and dressers, probably armor everywhere. A graduation certificate from Horizon, a portrait of his parents, and a portrait of Isolde are the most important things he has in that room.
30. What is this character’s birth date? How does this character manifest traits of his/her astrological sign?
Well uh, hell if I know. I know he was born in the late summer-early fall on Ravnica, but idk how that works
31. If this character had to live in seclusion for six months, what items would s/he bring?
His sword, for defense, a few basic survival supplies like a canteen, a small hatchet, a bedroll. Wouldn’t need a tinderbox or anything because pyromancy. 
32. Why is this character angry?
Like, in general, or right now?
33. What calms this character?
A feeling of safety, and knowing his loved ones are safe.
34. Describe a recurring dream or nightmare this character might have.
He’s running, and running, and a building is on fire, but no matter how fast he runs, it’s not getting closer, and now the tears are streaming from his eyes as the smoke gets to him, and he collapses on the ground, choking and crying, and in the windows of the building his parents, Isolde, Ilsibeth, Ivaria, Alek, his mentor Pachymeres, his Wojeks, all stare at him in disappointment as the building collapses in flames.
35. List the choices (not circumstances) that led this character to his/her current predicament.
His choice to fight, his choice to join the Boros, his choice to follow his oath of service, not necessarily in that order.
36. List the circumstances over which this character has no control.
What happens to his family when he’s not around.
37. What wakes this character in the middle of the night?
He’s often woken up in fear, terrified to open his eyes and be alone.
38. How would a stranger describe this character?
He’s a happy man with sad eyes.
39. What does this character resolve to do differently every morning?
Not much, to be honest. He’s a creature of habit.
40. Who depends on this character? Why?
I would imagine Isolde does to an extent, as well as the other Wojeks like Petra, Nora, Zia, Belthor, etc, but I don’t want to speak for other people’s characters. 
41. If this character knew s/he had exactly one month to live, what would s/he do?
Take his wife wherever she wanted to go and spend the whole month with her.
42. How would a dear friend or relative describe this character?
He’s a conflicted man with a lot of internal struggles and pain, but he’s a good man and he’d do anything for the people he loves.
43. What is this character’s most noticeable physical attribute?
His sideburns, or his scar, or his auburn hair. 
44. What is this character hiding from him/herself?
His own fear. 
45. Write one additional thing about your character.
He’s still a werecat. Because I think it’s fucking hilarious.
Gonna tag @foxcoloredcat, @wojekrookie, @pope509 @hazoretspartyfavors and @bobstropajo bc of character mentions.
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citywatcher · 7 years
( for ur MTG stuff! ) he sits back in his desk, a hand brushing over several papers that sat in front of him. " before we immediately jump to setting new laws in place, or tossing someone in prison. tell me what happened. " his motivation driven more by curiosity, rather than his duty as ravnica's guildpact.
     “It wouldn’t hurt to give the precinct a little more credit, Mr. Beleren,” Caitlyn says, sifting through a stack of papers. One of the clerks had delivered the documents to Caitlyn without an explanation, though from a few cursory glances she could tell the news wasn’t pretty. Many reports of infrastructure damage, mixed with the prompt grievances of several guilds. There are a couple of familiar signets that dominate the symbols stamped onto the papers; it wouldn’t be a proper biological issue if the Simic and the Golgari hadn’t immediately thrown their hats in the ring.
     “We do our best to ensure due process of law here. The Legion, on the other hand, is a little quick with their trigger finger.” She picks out one particularly expressive newspaper, noting the bold letters of the day’s headline on the front. Nodding, she tosses it to Jace.
     “A few creatures just… appeared in a Rakdos nightclub in the early hours of the morning.” She points to an artist’s rendition of the attack, depicting a violet portal that seemed to spawn a myriad of creatures of the same color. They looked a little like crabs, if crustaceans had three eyes, angular legs, and had a hankering for human flesh.
     “Some witnesses say they saw a mage who looked like they were controlling the swarm in the madness, but details are sketchy. A few legionnaires and guildmages were on site to take care of the situation, but it was… perplexing, to say the least.”
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avillainess-blog1 · 7 years
     "I've been very patient. I left you alone during the months you spent on Ravnica, hanging around your clubhouse and do-gooding when it suited you. I stayed quiet during your little excursion to Kaladesh, too, even after it became a dangerous distraction. I trusted that you knew what you were doing. That you were strengthening the bonds of affection that would allow you to manipulate those fools into doing your bidding."
     "Affection is manipulation," said Liliana. "It worked, didn't it?"
     "On whom?" said the Raven Man. "You and Jace have split a bottle and reminisced about old times more than once. You're telling me that was just you getting your hooks back into him?"
     It had happened, a time or three, at her private residence on Ravnica after she joined the Gatewatch. Then Gideon had remarked acidly at some strategy meeting about being unable to find Jace in the early hours of the morning, and that had been the quiet, unremarked-upon end of the thing.
     "That," said Liliana, "is none of your damned business."
     "Don't let your affections get the better of you."
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askkrenko · 8 years
Magic Story Abridged: Limited Time Offer
(Episode 7; Battle for Zendikar Episode 1; Original Stories HERE and HERE )
When Gideon Jura wields his swift sural All those who chose to oppose his sural fall When there’s crime to thwart or a war to fight You can count on the man who is mono-white When Gideon Jura wields his swift sural.
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Art by Dan Scott
(We open on Kytheon Iora, now a man, fighting a number of Eldrazi spawn. In the background, a group of Kor, Humans, Elves, and Goblins watch patiently.)
Munda, a large, muscular Kor: (Quietly, to the others in his group) ...Here we see a wild Gideon Jura, latin name Kytheon Iora, taking down its prey. Though the beasts are larger and more powerful than he, his glowing golden aura protects him from all known forms of attack. His Sural, also known as an Urumi or Whip-Blade, can cut through the flesh of even the toughest of Eldrazi, though it may take many such blows to cause one to fall. Though Eldrazi meat is inedible, this kill with give the Gideon great renown. If the hunt is successful, he will not have difficulty finding a mate this season.
Kytheon, now going by Gideon full time: (Calling over) I know you’re there, Munda! Are you going to lend a hand or not?
Munda: You’re doing fine, bro! They can’t even scratch you!
Gideon: I’d still like to finish up sometime today!
Munda: Fine, fine! Everyone, attack!
(Munda and his party help Gideon dispatch the Eldrazi.)
Gideon: Really wished you’d shown up earlier. I’ve been fighting those things for hours. Literally hours.
Munda: Sorry, bro, but we just came from our own fights. Bala Ged’s overrun. Gone the way of Sejiri. Everyone’s running to Sea Gate, but who knows if we can hold that.
Gideon: Sea Gate… Right… I’ll meet you there. Right now I need to… go place.
Munda: You need to sleep. Maybe have something to eat. You look exhausted.
Gideon: Can’t. Gotta be at work in an hour.
Munda: What work? We’re in an apocalyptic situation and all society in that general direction has collapsed.
Gideon: Well, the thing about that is THERE’S A BALOTH BEHIND YOU!
Munda: Wha-
(Gideon planeswalks away.)
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Art by Richard Wright
(Gideon bursts into the Millennial, one of the finest, most expensive restaurants in the entire city-plane of Ravnica. He’s still covered in dirt and Eldrazi ichor.)
Maitre’d: Sir, you can’t just-
Gideon: (Flashes a badge) Official Boros business, stand aside, civilian.
(Gideon marches up to a table full of finely dressed goblins)
Krenko, the devilishly handsome goblin leader in a homemade crown: Can I help you, officer?
Gideon: You’re under arrest for arson and six counts of murder… And that’s just today.
Krenko: Sorry, officer, but this crown means I don’t have to listen to you.
Gideon: And why is that?
Krenko: Because it’s made of knives.
Gideon: (Sigh)
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Art by Richard Wright
Dars, a real, actual Boros Soldier: Great work as always, Jura!
Gideon: (heavy breathing) Thanks. I try.
Krenko, in cuffs, covered in blood: Seemed a bit unprofessional if you ask me.
Dars: We don’t. You’re going straight into lockup… After medical care, of course.
Gideon: He’s fine… The blood’s mine.
Dars: Aren’t you invincible?
Gideon: I’d thought so...
Dars: Then how…
Gideon: Krenko must’ve been tougher than the other criminals I’ve fought… and the Eldrazi… and that vampire… and the pyromancer… and the titan… and Erebos, God of the Dead.
Dars: He must be as powerful as he is handsome.
Gideon: He is very handsome.
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Real, actual photograph by Empire State Photography Also Karl Kopinski  and Winona Nelson
Dars: IT’S A BOMB!
Gideon: It’s a letter.
Dars: A letter bomb?
Gideon: It’s from Rikkig and Gardagig, two of the Shattergang goblins. They want us to hand over Krenko for murdering their brother, or… then the bomb.
Dars: Why do these goblins insist on killing each other?
Krenko: Well, when we kill non-goblins, your pink asses call us racist.
Gideon: ...I’ll go deal with them. As soon as I run some errands first.
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Art by Vincent Proce
(Gideon fights some Eldrazi on Zendikar. Munda’s there, too. And a random sorceress who shoots lightning bolts.)
Munda: Hey, Gideon, buddy, pal, bro… Remember when I said everyone was running to Sea Gate?
Gideon: Yes…
Munda: Turns out that includes the Eldrazi.
Gideon: Well, slith. On my way. After goblins.
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Art by Michael Komarck
(Gideon busts down the door to a warehouse)
Gideon: It’s over, Rikkig! I already captured your brother offscreen!
Rikkig’s voice, from somewhere inside the building: Didn’t bring Krenko, huh? And here I was going to exchange my hostages for yours.
(Light goes on in back, revealing a group of old women, children, and kittens tied up.)
Gideon: I can’t just hand over a prisoner! He’s been lawfully arrested, just like you’ll be!
(Rikkig steps out, wearing twelve layers of padding, a helmet, and goggles)
Rikkig: Well, if you don’t have a Krenko for me, I still have something for you.
(Rikkig throws a bomb)
(Things explode)
(Rikkig is padded. Gideon is indestructible. The hostages scream. The building begins burning and collapsing.)
Gideon: Damn damn damn!
(Gideon rushes to save the hostages. There’s a lot of them. He can only carry a few at a time. The building continues to burn.)
(Boros rush the building, rescue hostages, put out the fire. Rikkig escapes.)
Gideon: How did you get here so fast?
Dars: Followed you. You seemed like you were biting off a bit more than you can chew.
Gideon: I can handle it myself:
Dars: No. No, you can’t. We’re a Legion. We use tactics and teamwork so screw ups like this don’t happen. We’re going to go send a bunch of guys to catch that one goblin, and you’re going to sleep.
Gideon: But if I do that, who’s going to fight the giant monsters?
Dars: What?
Gideon: Bye.  (Gideon planeswalks away.)
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Art by Nic Klein
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Art by Igor Kieryluk
(ALL THE ELDRAZI ATTACK THE CITY! Hundreds of Eldrazi. Thousands of Eldrazi. Millions and billions and… okay, maybe not that many.  In the center: Gideon, indestructible and kicking ass.)
Gideon: I don’t care how many of you I have to kill! I can do this all day! I haven’t slept in a week and I’m not about to start now!
Jori En, a mermaid who is evenly distributed human and fish: HELP! HELP!
(Gideon bursts into a burning building, scoops up the mermaid, and runs off as it collapses behind them)
Gideon: Why didn’t you evacuate with the others?
Jori En: My friend Kendrin and I were checking for records about the Hedrons! She almost figured out what they do and how they’re supposed to stop the Eldrazi!
Gideon: That’s wonderful! Where is she?
Jori En: Uhh… In that building.
Gideon: Oh.
Jori En: Yeah…
Gideon: So…
Jori En: But I have all her notes! Unfortunately, she was a complete nerd and I don’t understand any of them.
Gideon: …. Go. Run. Get to safety. I’ll catch up with you as soon as I can.
Jori En: You have a plan?
Gideon: I have a nerd.
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Art by Adam Paquette
(We cut to Jace Beleren, a blue cloak with a wizard inside it. With him is Lavinia, his assistant and bodyguard.)
Lavinia: That was your last meeting for today. Time to have a healthy dinner, and then get to bed early.
Jace Beleren: Or I’ll fill myself with coffee and stay up until three in the morning solving Sudoku. Sudokus? Sudoki.
Lavinia: You’re going to be grouchy all day tomorrow if you do that.
Jace: You can’t tell me what to do. You’re not my mom. I think. I honestly don’t remember.
Lavinia: I distinctly remember not being your mother.
Jace: Then I’ll see you at work first thing in the morning!
Lavinia: ...Of course. Goodnight, Jace. (Lavinia heads off)
(Jace starts to fetch his coffee when… there’s a knock on the bookshelf)
Jace: WHO IS- … wait. Who even knows about my secret passage? (Jace magically opens the bookshelf from a distance, preparing for trouble)
Liliana Vess, hasn’t aged a day in years: Jace! Snookums! (Walks right in.)
Jace: No.
Liliana: How are you, dear! I’ve missed you! You never showed for our last date!
Jace: That’s probably because you tried to kill me.
Liliana: Oh, pish posh. That was on Nicol Bolas’ orders. I’m freelance now.
Jace: You killed my best friend.
Liliana: And I killed my brother. This isn’t a competition, you know.
Jace: What do you want?
Liliana: I missed you! Can’t a girl visit her lover without getting the third degree?
Jace: (incredulous) You came all the way to Ravnica, presumably went to a lot of effort to find my secret passage, and showed up here unannounced because you missed me?
Liliana: I thought we could catch up. Spend some time together. Talk about our feelings.
Jace: You’re a murderer and a liar, and that’s not even bringing up that you managed to turn Garruk into some sort of superpowered psychopath hunting ‘the most dangerous game’ from plane to plane.
Liliana: Yeah, that was fun.
Jace: Go away.
Liliana: Take me to dinner.
Jace: ...You’re not leaving if I don’t play along, are you?
Liliana: I am not.
Jace: Fine.
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Art by Dave Kendall
(Jace and Liliana start walking down the street)
Little Old Lady: Sir! Buy a flower for your girlfriend?
Jace: She’s not my girlfriend! She’s some sort of insufferable hell-witch who refuses to leave me alone for arcane purposes she won’t tell me about.
Little Old Lady: Oh, of course! Buy a flower for your wife?
Jace: Grrrrrrrrrr…..
Maitre’d: Please forgive the mess, Sir Guildpact. We had an incident the other day… Of course, we’ll make sure it doesn’t inconvenience you.  (He shows Jace and Liliana to a table)
Jace: It’s fine, it’s fine. Just… It’s fine.
Liliana: That Guildpact title is useful. How is it being grand high king of Ravnica?
Jace: I’m not the King. I’m just a grand high Judge. I uphold the law. I don’t create it.
Liliana: Well, that sounds positively boring. You should become king. I’m sure you could pull it off.
Jace: I really don’t want to be king… And speaking of what I want, what do you want?
Liliana: The lobster looks positively-
Jace: I meant with me. Why are you making me take you out to dinner?
Liliana: Because I wanted to see you. Why would you think there was anything else? Do you think I can’t handle my demons on my own?
Jace: They are four particularly large-
Liliana: Two. I already killed Kothophed and Griselbrand. With the Chain Veil. It’s a wonderful artifact that grants ultimate power that is working out great for everybody involved.
Jace: Uh...huh.
Liliana: It certainly doesn’t have some sort of magical hooks in me that I need help understanding.
Jace: Of course not.
Liliana: And I’ll be perfectly fine studying it on my own.
Jace: Great.
Liliana: I can handle this.
Jace: Good to know. So you just want to sit with me and eat dinner?
Liliana: Yes.
Jace: And nothing else?
Liliana: Why? What are you implying.
Maitre’d: (at the entrance) SIR! NO! NOT AGAIN!
Jace: Hmm?
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Art by David Rapoza
Gideon Jura, covered in Eldrazi goop: Need to see the Guildpact.
Maitre’d: Sir, you are covered in I don’t know what! We can’t afford another-
Gideon: Zendikar! It’s about Zendikar!
Jace: (softly) Damn it. (loudly) Send him in!
Maitre’d: Oh, all right…
Gideon: (staggers in) Beleren. Zendikar.
Jace: I’m sort of in the middle of something right now. What do you want?
Liliana: Right, he’s on a date! Go away!
Gideon: (Deep breath) Zendikar is being overrun by the Eldrazi, and we have notes on how the Hedrons might be able to stop them, but I need help from someone with skills I don’t have. Will you please help me?
Jace: … Say that last part again?
Gideon: ...Will you please help me?
Jace: You know what? Sure!
Gideon: Great, we can leave right-
Jace: In the morning. I need to have a healthy dinner and get to bed on time or I’ll be grouchy all day, and you need to get to a healer and rest as well. That’s the offer, take it or leave it.
Gideon: I… alright. Thank you.
Liliana: What the falkenrath, Jace? Here I come, all the way from Innistrad, with my magical artifact and two demons left to kill, and you’re willing to just run off with this oversized slab of beef with barely any explanation?
Jace: Is that a problem?
Liliana: Of course it’s a problem! You were supposed to come and help me!
Jace: Really? Huh. You should’ve said something.
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Art by Jaime Jones
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coincidencetheories · 7 years
My thoughts on Servants
This weeks Magic Story Jace and Liliana visit a bondage club. I’m sorry, that should read Bandage club.
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Speculation as to the identity of the Raven Man is so rampant, even Liliana begins to wonder. Raven Man continues to agitate for killing of more demons We find out Jace and Liiiana spent long hours late into the early morning during the brief interregnum on Ravnica, but Gideon inadvertently put a stop to that.
Liliana is cautious of doing any undue Zombie magic around the literal plane of zombies, so she sends shades to do her bidding. Liliana ‘lets’ Jace tail along once they come back to her with what they found.
They find themselves following a lot of Mummies. Liliana mentions that none of them are without injury or disfigurement. Unlikely that any of them died other than violently. Jace pieces out that Liliana’s looking for Razaketh. Jace is mildly upset. Jace should be pissed, no matter how much Liliana didn’t ‘lie’. withholding information that crucial from her comrades is inexcusable. They can’t rely on her if they don’t know that there are other matters keeping her attention. And this is willful and calculated and highly dangerous information. Razaketh seems to be a fixture (literally) of the plane. He is the power, perhaps left here by Bolas, in some sort of deal (pact?) that keeps souls from finding rest, instead the dead rise, either pacifully (with the help of those handy Cartouches) or in the wilds of the Hekma. Does this mean that Liliana’s going to get a pass for coming to kill Razaketh (with Bolas as an afterthought) because it’s what was needed all along? I really hope not.
As I see it, Liliana should be forced at some point in this block to choose whether to help the Gatewatch stop Bolas, or suborn them to kill her demon, allowing Bolas to succeed/escape/win/come out ahead. It gives her time to betray their trust, kills her demon, allows Bolas to 'win' in some way, hands the Gatewatch a loss, and provides a new arc where she has to redeem herself. And THEN ... she has one more demon to confront.
Now it’s not impossible to still have the two goals at odds. Perhaps Bolas *wants* Razaketh dead upon his return, and  so Liliana has to choose a side. But that seems too “who’s side are you on”, rather than Liliana having to choose between being a lone-wolf, take no prisoners, leave no witnesses independent agent, or actually having a stake in the lives and loves and goals of the members of the Gatewatch. Also, P.S. Temmet is left unconscious in a room full of mummies who’s job is to make mummies out of inert bodies that occasionally come back to life and strenuously object to their treatment... I’ll just leave this here.
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planarchaosproject · 8 years
Portal Saga: Chapter Three
 Drums of War
Rinok paced back and forth outside of his tent. Vilhelm sat huddled inside, avoiding contact with every soldier housed in the camp. Vampires weren't exactly a welcome sight on Valla, if they were a sight at all. Rinok didn't think he'd ever run into any, but what his sword cut down was less of a concern to him than the fact it was doing some cutting.
The sun set behind them, casting a bloody light onto the cloudy pillar of the distant Immersturm, the magical cyclone that induced the people of Valla to eternal war. Rinok remembered the first time he'd ever beheld the storm. The force of its winds had sent his helmet spinning into the distance. A bolt of lightning struck out at him, hitting him full in the chest and dancing over his skin. He still bore the mark of the Immersturm's blessing, a perfect imprint of the lightning coiling around his torso in vivid red against his skin. The hammering of his heart after being stopped by the blast had sounded like drums, urging him forward.
He'd treated his heart like a drum of war ever since, but now that drum faltered. Returning to Kamigawa to exact his revenge on the spirits and their hubris as well as urging the mortal inhabitants into battle once more was proving difficult. A force kept him from returning to the plane. That force was the Sisters of Flesh and Spirit, Michiko and Kyodai.
The twin guardians of Kamigawa were rightfully angry at Rinok. He did attempt to disturb centuries of peace between Kami and mortals, something in which the sisters were certainly invested. But they didn't even bother to listen to Rinok's plan to save their plane from certain demise.
"All you seek, War's Herald, is the slaughter of a being you've never pierced with your blade before," the sisters said in unison before forcing him back to Valla.
There had to be another way in, but what? He paced back and forth once more, coming to a stop by his horse. It was a powerful animal, a pristine, white charger that looked fantastic splattered with the blood of their enemies. Rinok's hand found its way into one of his saddlebags where the artifact from Xerex was kept. The small spherical object felt cold and heavy in his hands, heavy with purpose.
He entered the tent, portal sphere in hand. "Vilhelm, this is it. This is my way back in."
The vampire gave Rinok a patronizing glance. "Well how else did you expect to get your army to another plane?" He returned to poring over the information he'd gleaned from a few key members of Rinok's small army. Their leader had weaknesses. Vilhelm needed to know exactly what those were.
"No, I knew that," Rinok said dismissively. "What I was more concerned with was getting myself back onto the plane. I'm considered unwelcome by the guardians."
"You told me they were two, a matched pair?" Vilhelm asked.
"That's right."
"So separate them."
"That's so simple," Rinok said. He was skeptical at first, then it dawned on him. Separating the twin Kami was simple, yes, but devilishly so. Alone, they were likely half as strong, and more manageable. "I love it."
"Your compliments are hardly necessary. I knew from the outset I would be the brains behind this whole operation."
"I suppose that makes me the brawn?"
"Of course not," Vilhelm scoffed. "That's Rhyne."
Rinok frowned. "Then what exactly am I?"
"You," Vilhelm said, "are the face of this whole operation. You have a certain charisma among mortals that Rhyne and I lack. Brawn is disposable. Anyone can be hired muscle. It takes a certain irreplaceable quality to rally men like you can."
"My men will follow me anywhere, even across worlds if I wanted them to. It won't be as fun this way, but you need sparks to start a fire." Rinok sighed. His men were a mishmash of warring factions who had come together to follow him into battle, and him alone. Valor spoke for itself, and the blessing of the Immersturm was a confirmation of that valor.
"What do you mean, not fun? Shouldn't we work as efficiently as possible?" Vilhelm asked. "We need a standing army to start a war."
"That won't get people roped into the cycle," Rinok said. "To do that, you need to build your army from the ground up. You need to play on people's insecurities, their fears, their needs. If people are motivated by religion, you start a holy war. If they are motivated by territory, a turf war."
"So, are we to spend the next however long studying people on Kamigawa to figure out these needs, and then start our war with what you find there?"
"Precisely." A hungry light shone in Rinok's eyes. "It's more fun that way."
Rinok's war drum beat in his chest as the men before him thrust their fists into the sky. Vilhelm stood by him, covered head to toe in intricate samurai armor that obscured his face with a snarling mask. Rhyne scurried among the crowd, distributing weapons and supplies.
"See what I mean, friend?" Rinok asked the vampire softly. "We can start small. These men despise the rats living in the swamps and the annoying little akki. Factions are already forming. Soon we'll have a crusade on our hands, a movement made by the people themselves to throw off the shackles of peace and rebuild this world in their image. No spirits, no subhuman races."
"I highly doubt they're actually subhuman," Vilhelm said.
"They don't know that." Rinok gestured to the gathering of maybe a hundred before them.
Rhyne crept through the bushes along the border of the Jukai forest. The sharp smell of cedar filled his nostrils, making it harder to track the Orochi scout he and his small group of men were following. Their mission was simple, if boring. They were to attack a scout, plant a ratfolk dagger on its body, and steal its arrows. Rinok was adamant about no dismemberment or mutilation. It had to be a single, stealthy strike, otherwise it wouldn't be convincing.
A twig snapped in the distance. The scout was young and inexperienced. Good, Rhyne thought, easier to overpower. Through a series of complicated hand motions, he directed his troops, no more than five in all, to fan out and move forward in an arc. One man held the dagger at the ready, prepared to throw it with deadly accuracy when their target was in sight.
The scout's head poked above the brush, mass of bright hair giving away its position in the early morning light. Rhyne smiled. Several of his men shuddered at that smile. With a flick of his wrist, he alerted their knife-thrower that his time was now.
A small blade flew through the air and embedded itself in the scout's neck with a snikt. Any cry died in the scout's throat and was replaced with the gurgling sounds of death. The men moved quickly, seizing only a handful of arrows, then disappearing, leaving behind the corpse to be found by a patrol or wild beast.
This attack wouldn't go ignored. Rhyne knew Rinok was counting on a large response from the Orochi. Once their forces were diverted elsewhere, it would be Rhyne's time to shine. There was a place deep inside the forest that he would target, but only when the time was right.
They returned to camp around sundown with little incident. Rhyne personally handed the arrows to Rinok and Vilhelm.
"Did anyone see you?" Rinok asked fervently.
"No. It was a piece of cake. Speaking of which, those little squishy rice cake things, do we have any more?"
"You're concerned with mochi at a time like this?" Vilhelm growled through his helmet.
"I'm hungry, and unless you want me to start eating the troops, mochi. Now."
"You'll have to go into town. Here, take some money." Rinok dumped a handful of coins into Rhyne's hand and pointed him in the direction of the small town where most of their army was quartered. The inhabitants of the backwater village had been more than happy to join the cause. Required tribute to the spirits stretched their already thin resources, and the monks, kitsune, and orochi of the Jukai forest limited their expansion. A half day's journey away was a valuable resource and they couldn't make any use of it.
"Was it fair?" Rinok had asked. They answered with a resounding "no".
"These," Rinok said, holding up the arrows and turning to Vilhelm, "are going to help us do a lot of damage."
"Your idea is to take arrows that are noticeably Orochi in origin and plant them at different points along the border in false attacks?" Vilhelm asked, skepticism in his voice.
"Precisely. How else am I going to get these people to stir to action? Getting people to attack first is hard, especially if you want a large number of people attacking. A handful of zealots can start the fighting, but maintaining it is easier if people think they're defending something."
"So," Vilhelm walked through Rinok's plan slowly. "Each race or group will think they're defending themselves and launch counterattacks, which will prompt further attacks?"
"Genius, isn't it? You're not the only brain here."
"We have yet to see if it will work."
"It will. I guarantee it."
She bounced from plane to plane, each subsequent walk leaving her more and more exhausted, but she had to find where they went. It didn't help that she'd never been to the plane before. She didn't know where it was, only what it looked like from memories that weren't hers. Every day she woke up and started planeswalking, and kept going until she passed out on the ground of some foreign world. Each time the voices grew louder.
If she kept going she might get lost, trapped in the blind eternities with no strength left to break through the barrier of another plane.
She could go back, back to the apartment on Ravnica were there was always a warm bed and a project for her to work on.
But she couldn't show her face to him without the artifact. The artifact that she'd lost, that she'd given away.
She'd put the multiverse in danger because she was petty and stupid.
It didn't matter that she regretted it the instant after she let them get away. She was petty and stupid and had to fix it. Maybe then she could make amends and turn an enemy into an ally. She was sick of enemies. Sick of fighting. Sick of always messing things up.
Ashleigh crashed face first into the dirt, trading a cacophony for a soft harmony of one million million voices. She pulled herself onto her knees, her eyes attempting to refocus after so much planeswalking and head trauma. Ribbonlike beings floated through the air one instant and were gone the next. A cloud in the sky twinkled like a distant city. She didn't feel alone, the crippling, oppressive feeling she got on even the most populous of planes. Instead she felt surrounded by something, some class of being she didn't have a word for. She recognized this feeling, though. It was present in the memories she'd been using to find this place, but they hadn't really done it justice. Maybe because the memories were so old, or maybe because the person whose memories they were had just been so accustomed to this feeling.
This had to be Kamigawa, which meant that Rinok had to be here somewhere with his army and the artifact. Ashleigh sighed. She was sick of fighting, but there was no way he'd part with something that important without a fight. Although maybe she didn't have to fight him. He believed her to be completely angry at Brock for what had happened to Abby. She felt a heat rise in her stomach and retched onto the ground, bile coating the back of her throat in a bitter slime.
It was true. She was still mad at him, but not "destroy your home and everyone you loved" mad. That had been almost immediately replaced by the crushing regret. Destroying homes wasn't how people made friends, although to be fair she'd met Odom because they had a mutual interest in watching things get destroyed.
Focus, Ash, focus, she told herself. She staggered onto her feet and started walking. Someone somewhere would know about a lunatic with an army. All she had to do was follow the sound of the drums of war.
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Reality is here. Woke up early. Critical role and rowing. Didn't talk in the morning. Work was fine. Got to play catch-up. Brought Rubriks cube to work. It was fun. Brought mashed potatoes corn and sausage. New ravnica cards are crazy. Spotty internet all day at work. Workout was running. No internet so listened to music. Talked it out after work. Pb&j and fruit for supper. Watched 99.
0 notes
The Value of Compromising
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Life gets really busy. Everyone experiences this past a certain age. Sure, the average 9 year old is probably just going to go to school and maybe to football, gymnastics or dance after school. In high school, you get a little busier. Your school work becomes more straining on your schedule and the extracurriculars can start to pile on. You get your first job and your first girlfriend/boyfriend and have even less free time. College can break either way. You may be busier than ever or you may be the kid who skips class unless it is mandatory for you to attend. Maybe you get really involved in a student union or are playing college sports. If you are like me, then a lot of your free time is going to be devoted to doing your essays last minute and going to random parties on Wednesday nights (my first two years of college were not a high point for my academic career, but that's a story for another time).
After all that time, school is finally done and you are free. Infinite free time to do whatever you want. You can stay home and play the newest Elder Scrolls game all day long or take that road trip you've always wanted to go on or even sit on your couch and make spicy new Magic brews for hours. Odds are, you will do none of this. Instead, you get a job where five days a week you are doing the same thing all the time. You will realize that sitting in a desk or at a cash register is not keeping you as in shape as you wanted to be so you have to get a gym membership. Don't forget that if you want to save money you have to make food at least a few nights a week. The time just slips away. This is where I am at. It seems like it is going to get worse before it gets better. There still is more responsibility to come. Whether it is parenthood or buying a house. Things don't really seem to settle down too much for most people.
In case it isn't obvious, this post is about how life can strain the amount of time you have available to do the things you like and some of the sacrifices you have to make. Now, the sacrifice I am going to talk about today is not exactly huge but is relevant to this blog.
Portland is the home to about 10 game stores, and I don't think there is a perfect game store among them. The issues cover the full spectrum you'd expect. Bad prices. Rude employees. Horrible owners. Small selection. A weird obsession with making every order be made via computer even if it is just one card. That's not to say that they are all bad. The ones with rude employees or bad prices tend to have the best selections. The worst selections have the best communities. A few of these stores I have gone to for years and a few of them I will never step into again.
In the summer of 2017, I moved to a different neighborhood and after having signed a lease discovered my apartment was a few blocks away from a LGS. It is one of the smaller shops in the city, but the owner knows a lot about Magic and will provide advice to anyone who walks in to buy singles. Myself and a couple of others are the spikier players amongst the community. At FNM, we are there to have fun and there is a lot of table talk during the event, but we also know how to play and want to win.
Unfortunately, this shop is a little too small to run modern events. There just isn't a large enough player base in the store with modern decks at the present. I can think of four other people who have decks, one of which is a very spicy but not competitive taking turns brew. At the same time, the community is growing and events do fire pretty consistently. The first prerelease I went to there was about 12 people. The Dominaria and Guilds of Ravnica prereleases were both sold out at 32 people. FNM still doesn't fire as often as you would hope, but the first FNM of a new draft format is usually about 16 people compared to 12 months ago when it was 9.
What does this have to do with sacrifices and being busy? Well, I am busy. I work Monday thru Friday and come home everyday to make dinner with my partner. I try and go to the gym for a minimum of 6 hours a week (approximately 3 times). I need to spend time at home and with my friends. Magic is not something I can play every night and when I do go to shops, I try and go with a friend to make it a more social event than just playing games with strangers. Modern events aren't something I will go to by myself. If a friend is up to go to one I will, but I need to plan these things ahead of time because being out till 11:30 on a Wednesday with work at 7:30 the next morning is not where I want to be.
Things haven't lined up in such a way that I have been able to play modern in an event since my last post. Instead, I have been taking advantage of my local shops growing community and the kindness of the owner. These past few weeks I went to their Saturday Standard Showdown event and jammed some games with the owner's G/B/u deck (list at the bottom). This deck oozes value with there being between 10 and 13 cards that can yield two for ones. Last week, things didn't go so well with the deck due to some awkward draws and mana woes. I still went 2-2 and won my entry in store credit back as well as a foil Mox Amber out of my showdown pack. This week I showed up and did the same thing as last week where I just sat there and when an odd number of people signed up, I signed up and borrowed the same deck to make it an even number.
Here's what happened:
Round 1 - RW Angels
My opponent this round is a regular and a brewer. I have a lot of respect for him because his decks are always good, and he almost always is using his own decks. He has been playing this deck since the beginning of the format, and his original iteration was pretty close to what the Boros midrange deck looks like these days. Game 1 started out pretty evenly with him playing his early Adanto Vanguards and  Resplendent Angels with me firing right back with Plaguecrafters, Chupacabras, and Assassin's Trophys. He missed his fourth land drop for a few turns, and I felt like I had the game locked up. Unfortunately, I punted this game. I misevaluated the threat of one of his Resplendent Angels and Trophy-ed it. This gave him his fourth land and allowed him to play a Lyra Dawnbringer on the next turn. I ran out of answers and didn't hit any of my game ending cards early. He hit a few more threats and ran away with the game. The next game started out with both of us mull-ing to five. His early game was three Adanto Vanguards and mine was a Dusk Legion Zealot and Merfolk Branchwalker. I was able to hit my land drops easily and answer all of his threats with Dead Weights and Plaguecrafters. He flooded and played a Huatli and a Lyra in consecutive turns with both being met by Vraska's Contempt. In the end I just went wider than he did and had more answers. Game three was really closed at first with both of us trading resources in the early game with my removal answering his creatures. Then he played Rekindling Phoenix. I had the answer in Vraska's Contempt. A few turns later he plays a second one and I am forced to use a Trophy on the front half and a Moment of Craving on the second. Unfortunately, after giving him a few lands early, when he played the third Phoenix and a Resplendent Angel in the same turn I had no answer. The next turn I played a Branchwalker and explored into an Eldest Reborn which I leave on top. My opponent activates Angel and swings in for over half of my life. The next turn I play the saga; he sacs the angel token and kills me on the crack-back. Keeping the saga on top was a definite misplay since I was dead on board without a card like Vraska's Contempt into Ritual of Soot. Those weren't the next two cards in my deck, so it didn't matter but a misplay is still a misplay.
1-2, 0-1
Round 2 - BR Aggro
One thing to note about this tournament is there were a lot of mulligans. Last round my opponent mulliganed every game and the same thing happened this round. Also, another random thing was I lost literally every die roll so was on the draw a lot. My opener was awkward and consisted of Island and Watery Grave as the only lands. Though I had Muldrotha in hand, I don't want two blue sources ever or Muldrotha in my starting 7, but I kept because I had a Moment of Craving and Ravenous Chupacabra so was in a good spot against any creature deck and the control matchup is bad game 1 anyway so mulliganing to 6 doesn't really help my odds. Luckily for me my opponent plays a Swamp followed by Vicious Conquistador. I draw a second Watery Grave play it tapped and pass turn. Over the next two or three turns my opponent plays a few more durdly creatures like Viashino Pyromancer and I draw the second Moment of Craving and am able to just cleanly answer all of his threats. At the end of my fourth turn, my opponent made a play that made me really confident I would win the match. While I had no creatures on board, I pass the turn and on end step he Lightning Strikes me when I am at 18 life. Whenever this happens I feel so far ahead because now I know my opponent has committed a card to a game plan that I can fight against with little worry. He floods out and I stabilize at 5 life with a Muldrotha in play and many good cards to get back in the graveyard. This game was actually pretty close at one point when I had drawn all three Watery Graves, Island and a Drowned Catacomb, but I drew mostly black cards which are the better cards in the matchup. Game 2 is almost exactly the same where I 1-for-1 till I stabilize with Muldrotha and Eldest Reborn. Truthfully this just seemed like a terrible matchup for my opponent, but his plays game 1 definitely sealed his fate more than anything I did.
2-0, 1-1
Round 3 - BW Vampires
I know this player pretty well and have played him a few times in both Standard and Limited. I think we were 1-1 in Standard, 2-0 in Limited and like 1-4 in Modern (he also plays Hardened Scales and has always beaten me in the mirror but Lantern has gotten there). A few weeks ago he was playing Abzan Knights to middling results. Last week he tried his hand at a Naya Hexproof build and we went 2-1 with my edicts being stronger than his Vine Mares, Nullhide Feroxes (Ferices?) and Palladia-Mors. This week he was running back a classic. Game 1 he plays a Plains and passes the turn. The following turn he plays an Adanto Vanguard and the following turns plays Mavren and then Sanctum Seeker. Overall his curve was very good, but I had answers for most of his plays and by the end of the game I have a Muldrotha, both Vraskas and his Ajani on the battlefield. Needless to say, his vampires weren't as good as my on board removal and draw engines. Game 2 was actually disgusting. His curve was something like turn 1 Vicious Conquistador, turn 2 Legion Lieutenant, turn 3 Radiant Destiny, and turn 4 one drop and Radiant Destiny. I never stood a chance without drawing Ritual of Soot. Since I never drew it, I picked up my cards and we went to game 3. 
Before I get too far into this, I would like to say that this game had one of the better plays I have ever made in Magic happen during it. The game starts alright with my opponent playing early threats and me playing early answers. Around turn 5, I clean up the board with a Ritual of Soot at a pretty comfy life total. I pass the turn and my opponent plays a couple of vampires and ticks up an Ajani he already had to five. The following turn I do nothing but look at my completely empty board. My opponent then plays two Vicious Conquistadors and an Adanto Vanguard. I play a Muldrotha and pass the turn. On his turn he plays a Sanctum Seeker and Legion Lieutenant, pluses Ajani up to ult range and attacks with two Conquistadors and the Vanguard. I block a Conquistador with Muldrotha and go to 1. At this point I am circling the drain. I swing with Muldrotha at Ajani because I am dead on board to the attack trigger with any vamp so long as the Sanctum Seeker stays alive. Luckily he blocks with his Sanctum Seeker wanting to ult the Ajani to seal up the game - which was already sealed. I am forced to Dead Weight one of the Conquistadors and then recast it from the graveyard on the second. After playing a Merfolk Branchwalker to block and an Evolving Wilds I passed the turn. On the next turn my opponent plays another Legion Lieutenant and swings with Vanguard. I chump with the Branchwalker. He ults Ajani and passes. For the rest of the game I am forced to Dead Weight and recast my own Plague Mare from my graveyard every single turn to wipe away the cats over and over. Eventually I am able to play four spells pretty much every turn and my opponent never is able to catch up. I thought I couldn’t win the game but was proud of myself for seeing the line to keep his cat tokens at bay and eventually grind out the win.
2-1, 2-1
Round 4 - Mardu Burn
My opponent's deck this round was honestly one of the craziest standard decks I have ever played against. A friend of mine at the shop had mentioned losing to this player the round before and simply said that my opponent was on a crazy burn deck playing both Risk Factor and Sword-Point Diplomacy. I had the advantage going into the round of having some idea what my opponent was doing, so I was optimistic. Still, I didn't feel great about it. Going into the game my deck felt like it was made up exclusively of dead cards. Moment of Craving. Dead Weight. Ravenous Chupacabra even. This game wasn't even close. He cast multiple Sword-Point Diplomacys and a Risk Factor and was able to kill pretty much every single threat I played with Justice Strikes and random burn spells. At one point he just goes face and Banefires me for 5 when I was at 4 to play around countermagic. I went with the tech-y play of Moment of Craving my own creature to go to 1, but he just runs it back the next turn so my play didn't matter. The sideboard for this deck isn't designed for this matchup. I don't believe any sideboard is designed for this matchup. Fortunately for me, the sideboard is heavily skewed to beat control so I grab the copies of Duress, Negate and Unmoored Ego (which is for the Teferi matchup and I really don't like in the Teferi matchup). I pull out every copy of Dead Weight, Midnight Reaper, and Dusk Legion Zealot figuring the Dead Weight would literally never do anything (which was accurate) and that the life loss of these two creatures could be too detrimental. The other considerations were the Vraska's Contempts and Moment of Craving, but the Contempts have so much utility and the Cravings sometimes just keep you alive. Game two starts with me Duressing my opponent and seeing Banefire, Risk Factor, Cleansing Nova and four lands. I take the Banefire and pass the turn. Turn 3 I Unmoored Ego naming Risk Factor and see my opponents win cons are Erratic Cyclops, Angrath, Banefire and burn. The following turns consist of me playing creatures and him killing them. I eventually Unmoored Ego away his Sword-Point Diplomacys to put him in a position where he has no traditional card advantage. My Eldest Reborns and Contempts answer his Angraths and I stabilize in the low teens with a Vraska, Relic Seeker and Karn in play. He scoops up his cards, and we go to game 3. Game 3 consisted of a few misplays on my part but was extremely similar overall to game 2. I turn 3 Unmoored Ego away his Risk Factors again, curve out and play my lands. He kills my creatures and also hits his land drops. There was an awkward moment later in the game where I Unmoored Ego and say Sword-Point Diplomacy but almost immediately say Angrath afterwards. Unfortunately my opponent flipped his hand face-up so fast and had an Angrath already putting me in the position of not wanting to feel like I was angle shooting - I swear I didn't see his hand when I changed my choice. I do what I consider to be the right thing and take out the Sword-Points. I had an Eldest Reborn in hand anyways. The game ends with him having to regularly use his board wipes to clear my Eldest Reborns allowing my creatures to trade 1-for-1 the whole time. Once my second Muldrotha hits the table and I bring back a creature and Eldest Reborn, the game is pretty much over.
This was the coolest deck I played against all tournament. The pseudo-redundancy of the punisher cards made the deck feel consistent and, well, punishing. The game 1 matchup was probably close to unwinnable with the percentage being like 80/20 in his favor. The sideboard games though felt really hard to lose and probably flipped it to 60/40 for me. In the last game, I wonder if I should have named Angrath and Banefire from the start with Unmoored Ego to make it literally impossible for him to win assuming I can kill his Cyclops with one of the six cards that cleanly deal with creatures in the deck. If I had both Egos in my opening hand then I think that play I made was wrong but since I only had one, it was probably correct still. As a note and request to players out there, my opponent seemed like a really nice guy, but his graveyard/exile zone was super chaotic and literally just a pile of cards thrown together. Don't be like my opponent. Keep a clean play area.
2-1, 3-1
Round 5 - G/B Midrange
The two of us sat down at the table and instantly knew what the other player was on. Since I was borrowing the shop owner's deck the regulars were familiar with it, and I had been sitting next to my opponent round 1. As we shuffle he says something like, "This is a bad matchup for me. All of your Plaguecraters and Chupacabras are really hard for me to beat." The start of this game is pretty slow with him playing a Wildgrowth Walker and some explore creatures early and me playing two drops and removal spells in response. He misses his third land drop for awhile, and I continue to play lands and threats. By the time he hits his third land, I am too far ahead for him to come back. Now, I understand that casually chatting while shuffling is good form, but I would advise against saying card X or card Y is hard for you to beat to your opponent. Knowing that my sideboard plan became simple. Take out every single card that wasn't a 2-for-1. I took out the Greenseekers (since they probably are rarely going to survive the turn cycle), Moment of Cravings, and a single Dusk Legion Zealot to bring in the Arguel's Blood Fast, Find//Finality and Ritual of Soot. Every game started with both of us playing early creatures and having a back and forth of resources. Unfortunately, his creatures just slightly outsized mine, and I was put in a spot where my blocks weren't good but my life total was ticking down. He cast a Sylvan Awakening (there was a weird lands subtheme in his deck that I never really figured out) and brought me down lower than I could recover from after he played a big Vraska the following turn and started making pirates. Game 3 saw me keeping a very sketchy 7 that I probably should have thought on more. He specifically told me that his deck didn't do well against 2-for-1s that answered creatures. So, keeping a hand of Merfolk Branchwalker, Assassin's Trophy and five lands may not have been a great idea. He duresses me on turn 1 and takes the removal spell. I draw a Ritual of Soot off the top, play Branchwalker leaving a spell on top and pass. He plays his Wildgrowth Walker and passes back. A few turns later he plays a Kitesail Freebooter and sees my hand has both an Assassin's Trophy and Ritual of Soot. He's pretty much priced into taking the Ritual since it wipes his board and would get back any other card he may take. I decide to Trophy his Freebooter and get back my Ritual. Over the next two or three turns my opponent makes the mistake that loses him the game in my opinion. Since I have the board wipe in hand he decides to pass the turn doing literally nothing. No land drop. Not adding to the board. Not attacking. Nothing. I draw my card, play my land and pass. This happens one more time where he draws and says go with me responding with a draw, land, go. On the following turn cycle I draw Muldrotha and cast Ritual of Soot. He plays some threats, but I play Muldrotha and an Evolving Wilds after drawing a second Muldrotha. He obviously kills the first but when the second comes down he has no answer. Eventually multiple Eldest Reborns seal the deal in my favor.
I understand the incentive of playing around the board wipe, but this was a classic case of me not being pressured enough to need to use the board wipe. With neither player adding to the board and me hitting land drops, I don't think my opponent had a chance. He had a Find to get back the wiped creatures, but he probably should have forced me into playing the board wipe as early as possible to allow him to rebuild aggressively. I still would have won probably given my draws, but he gave me to much control of the end game. The fact that his main deck was designed to beat aggro probably helped me out a lot too.
2-1, 4-1
I'm very happy with this result. I didn't play perfect, but I did well enough to get 4th (the lowest of the 4-1 players due to breakers). The standard showdown pack had a Sulfur Falls and a foil Risk Factor in it which was nice. The deck ran smoothly, and the only meaningful changes I would make would be cutting the blue since it makes the mana a little painful and awkward. Though it gives access to a few powerful spells, I have to wonder if the Muldrothas should just be Jadelights, Izonis, or Carnage Tyrants. Let the Negates and Egos be a fourth Duress, Wildgrowth Walker, and maybe something spicy. Also I would probably swap out the Dusk Legion Zealots in favor of Seekers’ Squire since I think the body coupled with the lifeloss can really matter against aggro.
The best estimation I can give of the decklist is below. I don't have the deck in front of me so there are some things I am guessing on (specifically the number of Branchwalkers, Vraska's Contempts, and Chupacabras). If you have the cards, I would recommend building the deck. It is definitely fun.
2x Dead Weight 3x Dusk Legion Zealot 3x Merfolk Branchwalker 2x Dryad Greenseeker 2x Moment of Craving 3x Assassin's Trophy 2x Midnight Reaper 2x Plaguecrafter 2x Vraska's Contempt 2x Ravenous Chupacabra 1x Golgari Findbroker 1x Karn, Scion of Urza 2x Vraska, Golgari Queen 3x The Eldest Reborn 2x Muldrotha, the Gravetide 1x Vraska, Relic Seeker 1x Find//Finality 2x Evolving Wilds 1x Island 5x Swamp 4x Forest 3x Watery Grave 2x Drowned Catacomb 4x Woodland Cemetery 4x Overgrown Tomb
Sideboard 3x Duress 2x Negate 2x Arguel's Bloodfast 2x Plague Mare 3x Unmoored Ego 2x Ritual of Soot 1x Find//Finality
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