#early morning jams OTW
kenniiblogss · 10 months
just found out Sebastian Stan really is playing Tr*mp for some movie or show like. why would he do THAT
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siodium · 2 years
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went for a morning swim with chi and cha
stocked up on equipment at the Chatuchak Weekend Market
ate a crab cannelloni at the Greyhound Cafe
pet doggos at the Dog In Town Ari cafe
destroyed by boat noodles at Baan Kuay Tiew Ruathong
indulged in street food at Jodd Fairs (with my eyes)
recovered some HP with a warm, chamomile-scented bath
so i just remembered some additional details about the second day that i forgot to mention in the previous post and i can no longer edit that post bc it will prob lag and crash and i’d have to repost everything ://
i’m just gonna add them here
shoron did a whole dance performance for the brown cows...... completely unprompted HAHAHAH
the night market that we went to on the evening of the second day was the Palladium Night Market iirc but idk we didn’t rly walk around that much for me to have any impression of it
i think it was also the day we got lost trying to find our way back to the hotel lmaoo and we kept making traffic mistakes?? like we’d be following google maps and then we’d find a pedestrian crossing along the way and decide not to cross it just bc we think that there might be another crossing up ahead. there were no other crossings and we didn’t dare to jaywalk (the cars actually slow down thinking that we might wanna cross but they don’t slow down enough for us to feel safe!!) so we ended up having to walk back the entire way that we can from to use the pedestrian crossing. IN THE DARK AND IN THE RAIN. we even had to go down some creepy underpass and walk through some narrow spaces yikes i mean,, it was fun adventuring but... the safety concerns yo
that day was the designated gym/pool day so i woke up early to go for a swim!! gotta make full use of the hotel facilities bc our suite was ~expensive~ (like about 500SGD per night?? wew)
alfur, luwi and shoron headed for the gym while rin2 stayed in the hotel to sleep more
ok so i was advised to never go alone anywhere even within the hotel premises but hear me out!! the pool was just next to the gym and also next to the hotel buffet so there were many hotel staff around
i figured that if i were to start drowning or someone was giving me Problems i could just signal for some help
and i wasn’t completely alone... chi and cha accompanied me in their doughnut floatie~ i just left them floating around while i did some laps
got a bit concerned about their safety when i saw a crow(??) perch on a tree nearby ;; didn’t want it swooping down on a fake doughnut and flying off with chi and cha so i packed up and went back to the hotel for a quick shower
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afterwards i headed back down to join the others for breakfast
i found out how to use the toaster so i didn’t have to eat cold and tough bread anymore!!
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the egg making station has got to be the best!! you could choose the type of egg you want (scrambled, fried, omelette, etc) and the toppings and the chef will whip it up for you oqo fresh and hot
my go-to order was an omelette with mushrooms, onions, cheese, and capsicums~ rly delicious and still gooey inside
i also grabbed myself a brie every time mmm (chi and cha would share a piece of emmental cheese with a drizzle of honey)
oh oh i tried lime jam with my bread and it tasted exactly like calamansi drinks except with a jelly-like consistency O: i don’t think we have lime jam in sg but it was not bad?? quite refreshing
weather check for that day was umMMm not good as you can see
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we made it to the mo chit station before the rain started coming down and it was at that point i decided to get myself a stupid poncho
you see for the past two days i’d been using an umbrella whenever it rained and that was fine bc the rain usually occurred at night when we were otw back to the hotel anyway so getting a little wet was fine bUT this time?? it was raining before we even made it to our first destination and also said destination was a night market which might crowded and not be fully sheltered so whipping out an umbrella after short intervals of walking would be a real pain
anyway i caved to the poncho temptations and got myself one from the convenience store at the BTS station aND IT WAS SO EXPENSIVE AND POOR QUALITY i ripped a smol hole in the arm area while taking it off... reusable my ass!!
(random but i overheard this white guy tell his wife?? that even if the convenience store at the station sold $50 ponchos he’d buy them lol)
man that was the only morning i bothered to doll up a bit (luwi did my brows) and luwi even did my hair in a c-curl and the rain had to ruin it ㅠㅠ
the poncho gang:
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it was a bit of a walk from the station but we successfully made it to Chatuchak Weekend Market~ i was not expecting it to span such a wide area?? it kinda reminded me of bugis street
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the rain may have dampened our vibe but it sure did not ruin the shopping experience!! didn’t take more pics bc i was too busy browsing around
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after a while the rain subsided and we got to take off our sweaty ponchos
i read somewhere that the difference between a raincoat and a poncho is that one gets you wet from the rain and the other gets you wet from your own sweat
hmmmm true??? very profound
we didn’t manage to explore the entire Chatuchak Market (only around half of the stores?? maybe even less??) which was kind of a pity but it was already quite late and we needed to grab lunch before it became dinner
so we set off to our next location
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the thing about me not having any navigating role is that i rly have no idea where we were most of the time
we umm took the bts and came to ~this place~ (based on my googling i think it’s La Villa Phahonyothin Ari which is right next to the ari station)
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had our lunch at the Greyhound Cafe!! it’s a more high-end restaurant that serves both thai and western (mainly pasta) dishes
i found out that there’s a Greyhound Cafe that recently opened in sg too O: their menu is not as extensive as the one in bangkok but i guess it’s worth a try?? the prices are $$$ tho
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we got the baked spinach with cheese to share~ it was sooo nice and cheesy oqo
shoron said it was nicer than the one at saizeriya LMAO why set the bar so low
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since shoron said the pasta dishes were recommended, i ordered this
it’s a crab cannelloni stuffed with crab meat rillettes on tomato concasse sauce, topped with white sauce and parmesan (took this from their menu description lol)
i had to google what a cannelloni was and it’s apparently a type of lasagna!! great!! i can finally have some lasagna bc it’s so hard to find one that isn’t stuffed with beef or chicken
umMm chi what are you looking at so intently??
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the pasta was not bad but i couldn’t rly taste much crab hmmm the crab meat too smol maybe?? but i think they definitely used real crab bc i found a piece of crab claw skeleton in my pasta O:
after lunch we slowly made our way to the Ari in Town dog cafe~ it was a very scenic walk
shoron actually wanted to go to a different dog cafe (True Love husky cafe) but it closed too early and we were afraid we wouldn’t make it in time for their 4 to 5 pm play time slot
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paid the entrance fee, took off our shoes and socks and then headed into the cafe~ walking through the outdoor area with fake grass (that was wET bc of rain?? i think?? hopefully not pee) with bare feet was an... interesting experience...
anyway the cafe had normal seating aND TREETOP SEATING which i was very amused by and good thing none of us wore skirts or dresses that day so we could all climb to the second floor
the seating arrangement was nice and cosy... just seat mats and low tables (but we weren’t allowed to eat or drink in that part of the cafe so idk what the tables were meant for??)
uhh no free feet pics on my watch
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the view from the top heheh
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the shibes were separated from the other doggos for some reason
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we were just chilling around when suddenly!!! a bear pounced onto alfur!! it was a surprise from the staff
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we asked the staff to help us take a group photo bc the doggos were posing but it was so chaotic bc something happened?? and all the doggos started running around
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the entrance ticket came with a free drink which we had to go to another part of the cafe to claim
got myself a mango and passionfruit tea which i thought would be their own creation (like tea + fruit peels or something) bUT I GOT A TWINNINGS TEA BAG
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stayed til the sky got dark then we figured it was about time to go grab dinner
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walked back to the station and took the BTS to the victory monument station
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decided to go to Baan Kuay Tiew Ruathong for boat noodles
i’ve never had boat noodles before bc it seemed like there’s always some kind of meat in them?? the good thing about them was the smol portion sizes bc once again my stomach was on strike and prob not ready to accept a full meal
oh and also each bowl was only a few cents?? definitely worth a try
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so i ordered the most basic thing on the menu which was the thai noodles with pork?? and i chose wide rice noodles
there were spicy variants that were explicitly labelled as such and mine was definitely not the spicy one
my tastebuds were instantly deleted with just one slurp
holy shit if that was the non-spicy variant i can’t even imagine how the spicy variant would taste?? if there was any taste apart from pain at all???? idk how the others were downing their spicy bowls
i must say,, i LOVED the texture of the wide rice noodles O: so chewyyy (pls tell me they have this in sg)
rin2 said i picked the wrong choice of noods bc thicc rice noodles tend to soak up the broth more which would amplify the spiciness ㅠㅠ but what to do,, i like dem chewy noods
anyway i braved through the burning spice and finished the one bowl i ordered ( ಥಎ ಥ)و proud of myself
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afterwards we headed back to the BTS station to get a Grab to take us to Jodd Fairs which was one of the most popular (if not the most popular) night markets in bangkok that boasts over 600 food stalls
omg we were trying to snap pics of our surroundings to show the driver where we were and a cop came by aND WE THOUGHT WE WERE GONNA GET FINED OR ARRESTED FOR TAKING PICS OF THE MONUMENT
but nah he just wanted to tell us that a pic of the bus stop sign would be a more helpful indication of our location than just random area photos phewww
our Grab driver screwed the turn or something so he parked his car somewhere and walked over to come get us lol ok but he was a nice guy and we made it to Jodd Fairs safely
IT WAS SO CROWDED sasuga popular night market
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and oh man all the food looked absolutely scrumptious
if we had gone on the very last day i might have just caved to the temptation and pigged out buuut we still had one day left and i didn’t wanna spend it being down with food poisoning ;-((
that was the intention but when shoron and rinrin bought the cheesy prawn and scallop skewers from this stall i couldn’t resist ;; the prawns were alright bUT THE SCALLOPS WERE AMAZING oqo so fat and juicy 10/10 would totally risk food poisoning for them
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alfur and i decided to grab a box of these thai crispy pancakes?? bc we caught the lady preparing a fresh batch
as usual i was too busy browsing around and trying to dodge the crowds of ppl that i forgot to take pics :s so i had to grab one off google images lol
but yes they are thin crispy pancake shells filled with cream and coconut shavings
they were not bad but there was this strange watery aftertaste... maybe bc of the steam condensation idk the others didn’t seem to mind it
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those are prawns you know
i don’t know how they got so big
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there were also stalls selling clothes and i found a sheep shirt?? should’ve gotten it as a momento of our visit to the pattaya sheep farm but i hesitated bc of the price wehh
cabbed back to the hotel and ordered macs for supper along with the food we got from Jodd Fairs ( @ ̄ρ ̄@ )
ended the day with a nice, relaxing bubble bath~ i was the first to use the tub and boiiii filling the tub took so much longer than i had expected
rin2 brought bath bombs for all of us and i picked the chamomile one!! but it didn’t rly smell like the tea?? maybe it was the flower scent but i’ve never smelled a chamomile flower before so idk
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third day down, one more day to go~
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psychosuna · 4 years
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a/n: kinda fluffy and a bit boring these r just my self indulgent thoughts ,, feel free to send rqs
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daichi: makes the same breakfast every morning. eggs and toast and some sort of protein. probably drinks black coffee, adds a little cream and sugar if he’s feeling fancy. a ketchup user and abuser. “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” blah blah just say you’re capable of waking up early and go.
asahi: idk why i just see asahi as a big baby thags like incapable of doing anything for himself honestly like his mom probs still makes him breakfast either that or he has a bowl of cereal.
sugawara: pop tart man. also goes feral over toaster strudels. the way he frosts them is an exact science. coffee but it’s light roast. uses creamer, duh.
noya: really likes ego waffles. toasts like 2-3 and gets really fuckin impatient so he just eats them as the next ones are toasting. probably drinks a glass of milk after like a freak. he’s always running late in the morning but will turn into a fuckin grouch if he doesn’t eat. it’s placebo. he just thinks he’s in a bad mood.
tanaka: i see this man as a scrambled eggs type of guy. it’s simple. the only thing he knows how to cook, actually. that, and mac n cheese (same). drank orange juice w bfast all through highschool and had a coffee awakening in college. doesn’t eat if he’s running late.
ennoshita: doesn’t eat breakfast, usually just has a cup of coffee and will eat a little something a couple hours later. he’s just not hungry in the morning.
hinata: probs has a whole ass family breakfast every morning in highschool. mum cooked eggs, bacon, rice (enter traditional japanese breakfast because i’m uneducated). when he went to college he tried to keep up with making a big breakfast every morning, and succeeds for the most part. not big on coffee.
kageyama: cereal boy. goes for somewhat sugary cereals, also the type to have a granola bar or something otw to school/classes. on game days , he makes a big breakfast. also not big on coffee.
tsukishima: tbh i headcanon him eating oatmeal and i really wish he didn’t. like, strawberry oatmeal or the strawberry K cereal is really just his favorite. coffee expert, really picky about the grounds he uses and the way he makes it. takes pride in his morning coffee. he can go without eating but he truly cannot go without coffee.
yamaguchi: pretty baby probably just eats a bowl of cereal or something. he doesn’t think too much about it but also tends to not skip breakfast. sometimes tsukki will bring him a coffee , but he doesn’t make it on his own.
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kuroo: foggy area here. usually skips breakfast, always makes the coffee right when he wakes up but sometimes forgets to make a mug or a coffee to take with him to classes. sometimes he just randomly wakes up at the crack of dawn and makes a huge ass breakfast. he’s not used to eating a big breakfast, so when he does, it tears his stomach up.
kenma: he was up playing games and snacking all night. he’s full from the cosmic brownies and monster energy drinks he had at 4am before he ultimately crashed. and if he does have breakfast, it’s probably some sugary ass cereal. get some proper sleep, freak.
lev: probs has like a typical russian breakfast honestly, he grew up w it and still makes it to this day. a typical bfast for him is fried eggs with kolbasa and dill on top. family recipe type kid. this is only when he can be fucked to make it, though.
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oikawa: motherfucker makes smoothies for breakfast. not even the protein shake types, like the fruity ass spinach ass types of smoothies that probably have more sugar than anything else in them. he’s thinks he’s eating “clean.” also stops by a starbucks or soemthing every morning bc he likes the complicated ass coffees rather than just making his own.
iwaizumi: i see him actually like, enjoying making breakfast. his go-to is a quick breakfast burrito. on weekends, hes a whore for chicken and waffles. probably uses a lot of hot sauce. definitely drinks black coffee he has big dick energy
matsukawa: skips breakfast entirely. literally cannot be fucked. if he eats in the morning, he goes to mcdonalds. mans never fucked with coffee, either. i’m telling you guys, he’s got a big dick, but this is one sketchy mfer.
hanamaki: really likes bagels. everything bagels with a shit ton of cream cheese. coffee with a tiny bit of cream and sugar. he’s classy. he’s perfect. i adore him.
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bokuto: his mom always told him that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and why would he doubt her ? he makes the birds eye egg thinf with the hole in the bread and then puts in the pan and cracks the egg in the whole. you guys know what i’m talking about. another ketchup user and abuser but i’m less mad bc, cmon, it’s bokuto!
akaashi: this mfer. THIS MFER. i adore him truly. wait for it... greek yogurt. he gets the tubs of greek yogurt, sometimes the honey flavored kind, and will cut up fruit and put granola on top, and has espresso. he’s just. so sexy honestly.
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tendou: always making something weird to be fucking honest. liek the motherfucker never skips breakfast, but he’ll straight up eat left over takeout from the night before at like 7:30am. what’s wrong with him. tries homemade pancakes every once in a while and they aren’t even that bad, he just puts WAY too much syrup on top.
semi: will have one cup of black coffee and that’s literally it.
ushijima: has the same thing every single morning. he never switches up. protein shake (black coffee in the shake), one fried egg, two pieces of bacon. it’s the perfect combo why would he ever even need to change it?
goshiki: tbh this mfer is always in a rush in the mornings but u know what. two pieces of toast and grape or strawberry jam. he’s a lil jam on toast cutie tell me i’m wrong. i’d die for him.
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osamu: if he doesn’t have time to cook, he won’t eat. he doesn’t see the point in eating pre packaged shit. he wants to really get in the kitchen and make something. poor baby just wakes up late sometimes.
atsumu: if osamu doesn’t have time to cook, he won’t eat. fiend ass motherfucker. don’t get me wrong, i love him, but he’s so fucking annoying. will smell food and walk in the kitchen like “what’s for breakfast lil bro?” and osamu is all like “nothing for you dipshit” but he always gives in and feeds the mfer
suna: nothing. like. ever. he forgets. doesn’t have a big appetite and he can’t cook for shit unless it’s edibles so he just doesn’t bother. a coffee addict but refuses to tell anyone.
kita: a nice ol mug of fresh coffee, maybe some eggs, maybe some sausage, whatever he feels like! tries to eat every morning bc he knows it’s for the best. is a morning person so it’s not like he doesn’t have time!
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terushima: a monster and a protien bar. likes the coffee flavored monsters in the morning , though. cheese toast on occasion.
sakusa: black coffee, two splendas, avocado toast. he’s got taste.
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˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥ ꒰ ⌨︎ ✰ thank u for reading! | ೃ࿔₊•
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0908exo · 5 years
Im writing this while otw to kl,right now in the airplane.
Day1 (180219)
The holiday seasons for this time was hella funny and thrilling.Starting from the start,bangun lambat,so kelang kabut hari tu,because im not iron my baju lagi,then heading to train about 6.50am.As i arrive at train,i wait about  10 minutes before realizing that there was a technical problems.I try to booked a grab to taman melati but there is no driver available.
Tunggu punya tunggu last2 sampai jugak dkt train melati waktu 7.45am.aku punya la fikir dah tak sempat semua dah sbb nak ke klia2 amik masa lebih kurang 1.15jam lagi2 pagi ni jammed,but ika managed to get a grab and we heading to klia2,we arrived at klia2 around 9.30am.As soon as we board we runs like crazy to print the tickets(at that moment i thought that i should try to register to amazing race show,hahaha)i go to self check in counter and ika goes to the led board to see if the gate still open.I didnt manage to get the tickets and ika said that the gate already closed.ika ws story was kinda funny because she said'pundek ayam'with the zoom on our flight.to shorten the story,we managed to get into the flight and we arrived at sg.the time at singapore was biasa2 je as this is my second times i come here.But garden by the bay was really pretty and its a good spot to date.
This was the day where Ika and i go to uss,It was a good day and thrilling but as both of us are already tired we go back to JB earlier than what I expected.The boarding place/Woodland checkpoint was really packed with people.I thought to myself there is no way that i gonna work at singapore.oh at the uss its better if you eat something berat cause even thought i makan roti for breakfast,i still feels some dizzy for lacking of food and water.thats the main reasons why we go back early tho.
Day3 ,where should i start,hahahah.because this day was funny and really ridiculous.our morning was biasa2,we eats and watch a movie called something I don't remember, hahaha, I just realised that I'm typing very the journal half way, but what I can remember it's was hella funny. We laugh like a crazy people at the senai airport because of a camera
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