#earlier today i nearly cried about 4'33''
charlemane · 8 days
still cannot stop thinking about the way the crowd ROARED when Sam picked Frodo up to carry him the last length... like. i don't think there's a way for live theater to not be interactive. the energy of the audience will always become a piece of it. by being in that room, you are taking part in that process of creation. and the musical really dug in so deep to the ways that LotR is about stories and storytelling, the way that Sam and Frodo can feel their own story around them but don't get to know the shape of it. don't get to know how it ends. don't get to know whether anyone will ever know the part they played in it. whether anyone will ever live to hear it, even if they should live to tell it.
but we were there. we were all there, all gathered around to hear an old tale we know. we were there when Frodo stumbled, we were there when Sam lifted him up. all the moments of unsung glory, all the moments of no glory at all, when they were tired and cold and alone but we were there. we were there, we were cheering them on when the world was against them. we were losing our goddamn minds for them. we got to be there.
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