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delusionaltoma · 11 months ago
Im having the most feral, unwell, devious thoughts about the chairmen at The Tops
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skipblebee · 1 month ago
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//Monk season 7 Spoilers//
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loubetcha · 2 years ago
i will not be able to take it if they kill jonathan.
1. will has had more than enough despair 2. jon’s the best big brother to two siblings now. 3. nancy has had enough grief. 4. joyce has had enough grief. 5. jon put in so much effort to be with his brother, he can’t lose that.
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koifsssh · 2 years ago
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strawbubbysugar · 2 years ago
I couldn’t get the scene with Moon in the daycare with the kids and moondrops out of my head so I decided to draw it.
Its a rough sketch outside of my usual style because I did it with my finger on my phone in an unfamiliar art program buuuut
here ya go!!!
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Its awfully late here so I decided against actually doing a background and fine-tuning it. Mayhaps later…
I hope this comes off as eerie as it was described hehe!
As always, Bubby, I love the fic soso much. I hope you enjoy my first lil bit of fanart!!!
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mylahrins · 4 months ago
BRO HOW DO YOY WRITE LIKE IT'S SO FUCKING MAJESTIC AND BEAUTIFUL EAAAAA 🫂💗🗣️ wait like I HAD to like stand there and process reading your work bc like ??? What this shit bussinnnn!! ✋🏻 Give me tips on your vocabulary and how you write because I NEEDDDD IT SO BAD LIKEAAAAAAAAAA ILYSM like ilysm. 🙂‍↕️
hi!!! i know im technically on a hiatus rn, but im coming back pretty soon since my college apps are almost done and thanksgiving break is coming up!
thank you sm for this ask, it was so sweet. i cant wait to get back into writing!!!!!
when it comes to vocab... ill be so honest, i literally just search up synonyms for words on google or dictionary.com to help come up with the right words and phrases i want.
also when it comes to the actual writing part of my fics it kinda depends on each fic LMAO as for sftc (atsumu x reader) its been... tough... im not very proud of how it's going so far bc i literally wrote it on a whim and im trying to give it a plot since it never had one to begin with. (yeeeeesh)
for forget-me-nots though, im SO excited to write more!! for that fic, i keep a notebook/journal that has all my thoughts and ideas for the fic. i use that notebook for creative writing in general (i swear i dont just have a fic journal LMAO) i write the overall conflict, how/if it's going to be fixed, and then i like to write the amount of chapters + short summaries of the chapter and what needs to occur in them.
i will say, i believe that it's important for each chapter of your story to have a purpose. i failed to do so with sftc, but for forget-me-nots, i plan to succeed! whether it is personal development of the reader or other characters, a relationship development (romantic or not), plot development, there must be a purpose to the chapter! slice of life moments are always fun to write, but make sure there is meaning—like perhaps it is to establish the closeness of certain characters to the reader, or to set up for a future scene in your story (foreshadowing).
im not sure if my advice was what you expected, but i hope it helps even just a little bit. thank you so much for your support!!! ill be back to writing soon :)
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desire-mona · 6 months ago
EAAAAA MONANA!!!! i drew us siblinging because silly (i also wanted an excuse to draw your blogsona tbh…)
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yes i still have the lollipop you gave me i’m cherishing it forever :D hehehhe
:-((((((((((((((((((((((((( RALPHIE!!!!!!!!!!! dean winchester destroying hotel room gifthis is so cute RRFAAAGAGGTRRRRRRRRR
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iglaras · 2 years ago
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detiene el paso cuando esta apunto de cruzar el marco de la puerta, medio cuerpo dentro del local y el resto quedando inerte en la acera, las palabras provocando un sentimiento de vergüenza que le cala los huesos "¿debería retirarme?" le dirige una sonrisa apenada, deseando escuchar una negativa, supone que el motivo por el que, justamente, ha decidido acudir esa tarde en la tienda de música, es lo que ha provocado tal recibimiento, avellanas se aferran a facciones ajenas, tratando de adivinar "supuse que...no tendrías mucho que hacer hoy" explicar, ahorrándose que ha sido una de las primeras personas al cruzar su mente luego de volver a casa para abandonar los contenidos del paquete de supervivencia en el sala "he traía mi guitarra, he pensado que- no sé, podríamos componer algo juntos, cleo, si tu quieres" .
primer día sin energía eléctrica 🎸 the six
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una tienda de música en la que no se escucha música le parece de lo más deprimente. ni siquiera sabe por qué está ahí, incluso decidió darle el día libre a sus empleados suponiendo que the six no iba a abrir sus puertas. pero el silencio de su casa se volvió insoportable para ella y terminó en su tienda al poco tiempo, con anakin haciéndole compañía. “estamos cerrados.” comenta al escuchar la puerta, sin realmente fijarse en quién entró, todavía acariciando al perro echado en su falda. “o supongo que no, como sea.”
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disorderlyconstruct · 6 months ago
everytime you draw a angel gains a new feather to its wings
EAAAAA THANK YOU!!! you guys are too kind!!!
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tinytinybumblebee · 1 year ago
Also- druid's being able to shapeshift to a todder or child because I said so for regression purposes eaaaaa
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rockintapper · 9 months ago
imm s kllhtbrkwveshkfrvhd AUGh im slightly scaredot create a community eaaaaa
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lamyaasfaraini · 11 months ago
Finally, movie date! Yeay~
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Udah ngikutin spill2 film Exhuma dari bulan januari, yg akhirnya tayang februari. Karena ada lee dohyun siganteng kesukaan kami (aku dan adik), tadinya pgn nonton sama adik di ubertos tp kami jadi ragu soalnya pas diliat2 ko ya horror aman ngga yah kami kan penakut wkwkwk. Genre film yg jarang kutonton tp dulu ko ya sering bgt nonton horror jaman SMA dari hantu jepang, western, indo pun jadi. Gataulah skrg kureng gt..
Eh taunya ni film makin rame aja yg nonton, malah yg tadinya cuma di cgv jadi di XXI jg ada beuhhh.. Adik jadinya nonton sama suaminya kemarin2 pas aku dtg ke rumah uber, anak mah aman bnyk yg ngasuh. Trus riviu2 kata adik nonton aja seru wlpn ngga wah bgt tp ya seru aja cenah dan ngga bnyk jumpscare. Wah kalo kata adik gt percaya deh wkwk. Akhirnya kungajak suamiku, kalo ttg horror/thriller suamiku suka mau, malah kan sukanya ngajak nobar horror kalo di netflix w yg ogah huft. Kita planning lah semalaman, beli tix nya lsg via online aja biar bisa milih kursinya dan biar satset jg lah yaa, kita putusin nonton di summarecon, pdhl di ubertos jg ada tp kita penasaran mall summarecon kek apa sih gt, lagian jam nya lebih cocok disana dibanding di ubertos terlalu sore, jam 1 soalnya suami kudu zoom meeting dulu.
Summarecon dkt bgt sih memang yg bikin lama macetnya, biasanya kesana pake mobil selalu kejebak macet. Kalo pake motor sih ya satset bgt. Tadi jg nyampe sana cepet bgt.. Pas liat mall nya ohh iya emg vibesnya kek luar nagreg bgt yaa kalo outdoornya pas masuk indoor ya kitu weh mall teu aneh ah wkwk. Cuma kabitanya itu jogging disitu nakeun keknya, tp kudu pagi, kalo ada matahari pasti serab bgt huft oiya dan anginnya super kenceng!
Jam nonton kami kagok bgt 15.15 jam baru masuk solat ashar jadi pas nyampe kita lsg nyari mushola. Oiya jalan2 skalian ngabuburit yg lagi puasa hihi.. Setelah nanya satpam dan diarahkan ke lantai atas, nemu deh tuh mushola. Bagus musholanya ihh, bersih, rapi, wangi..
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Alhasil nontonnya agak telat karena tadi adzan ashar aja jam 15.09 mepet bgt bukan? Bapak slesei solat jam 15.26 lsg jalan cpt untungnya 1 lantai dan ngga jauh fiuuhh~ tinggal print tiket lalu masuk deh, udah penuh bgttt gustiii. Telat 15 menitan deh tapi yaa gpp da mau gmn lagi..
Filmnya, seru sih yaa terhibur tp memang ngga luar biasa bgt jg yg bnyk plot twistnya. Dan iya wlpn sepanjang nonton ada tutup mata sama senderan ke pundak bapak karena takut tp emg seremnya ngga bikin traumatis jg sih wkwk.
Finally yah kita berdua bisa movie date, mumpung lg dirumah uber dan ads film inceran wlpn bapak lg puasa jg ngga beli popcorn ah tp ttp prefer popcorn cgv sih dibanding XXI. Jadi inget dulu pas pacaran kita berdua pernah movie date pas bulan puasa lupa nonton apayah, terminator atau batman vs superman yah lupa. Jaman bapak tergila gila sama ibuk itu eaaaaa~.. Kami memang tipe pasangan yg jrg nonton dr pacaran jg keitung jari, kami lebih suka nyari tempat makan enak sama kopi enak wkwk. Jadi setelah menikah ini baru pertama kali lg ke bioskop cuy edan sih.. Soalnya lsg hamil, punya bayi lalu pandemi ah sepertinya no time gt buat kamimah. Skrg ada kesempatan setelah brp tahun lamanya, yaa balik lg ke bioskop juga wkwkwk. Setelah filmnya slesei kita buru2 plg, biar bisa buka dirumah bareng keluarga. Alhamdulillah pas nyampe pas adzan.. Selamat berbukaaaa~
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50shadesofgram · 2 years ago
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henessy · 2 years ago
tan ganando las pibas eaaaaa
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brrnedoutbrrista · 2 months ago
End of the Year Meme - Late to the party...but you know what ...pfffft. Anyways I honestly adore your OC, Agni. And even more so the amount of creative thought you put not only into them....but you cooked up an entire fan region??? Like damn that's impressive. Definitely looking forward to more interactions between them and Lynn. Who knows, maybe there will be some threads to take place in Jalur?
((EAAAAA This is like hella late because fjsdhfj work and other stuff I got distracted but thank you,,,I really appreciate it ewe''' Admittedly, I haven't been able to cook up the rest of the region (and maybe Jalur variants of certain Pokemon) but I'm glad you like what I have so far....sobs.
And yeah!! I can't wait to have more interactions with them aaaa!!))
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resitamau · 10 months ago
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Awalnya aku sedikit malu mau cerita kalau sekarang aku mulai mencoba untuk lebih giat olahraga bukan karena pamer atau pengen update kehidupan di story ig atau mau nunjukin kalau aku lagi sakit kan malu sakit kok dipamerin iya kalau harta yg bergelimang wkwkwk. Tapi setelah aku pikir-pikir aku pengen share ke kawan-kawan aku biar lebih aware aja sama dirinya sendiri karena toh bumi kita juga makin tua juga gais, akhirnya setelah berperang dengan kata hati sendiri akhirnya aku memutuskan kenapa aku harus show tebar kepositifan ini wkwkwkwk.
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Sebelumnya part berapa ya aku cerita, aku mulai sering sakit-sakitan dan sering opname. Rasanya badan ini lemah sekali kupikir karena aku semakin tua sebab umur ini otw 30 tua banget ya hahaaa. Saat aku medical checkup dan hasilnya diluar nurul karena aku ngerasa aku sehat wal afiat dan baik-baik aja. Sempet down yg awalnya ngerasa sehat tiba-tiba lemes dan demam lanjut pusing "wah ini ndak beres" ternyata aku makin setres sendiri mikirin sakitku, akhirnya aku ke dokter dan benar saja kata dokter ada gangguan di hatiku "iya sih memang hatiku tergganggu karena sering disakiti, ea ea eaaaaa" bukan itu ding kupikir aku kena hepatitis ternyata aku negatif. Tapi ternyata.....
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Sekarang aku mulai mikir dan sedih kadang liat orang ngegemoy in balita yang overweight itu kasian banget, organnya sudah rusak sejak dini ketutup lemak semua loh tapi dibilang gemoy karena masih kecil, padahal orang dewasa aja badan kalau over dikit udah engap, nafas sesak, perut begah, jalan dikit mager, lari dikit pegel-pegel, gampang sakit, gampang masuk angin. Jadi plis buat kalian stop normalize overweight deh dengan menganggap "aku gakpapa gendut yg penting sehat" plisss kalian beneran gak lagi sehat tolooong itu suatu kebohongan sekali 😭😭😭
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