#e-Stamp Papers System
irtibaat · 2 years
سندھ حکومت طرح کے پی حکومت نے بھی فراڈ کو روکنے کے لیے ای اسٹامپ پیپر سسٹم کا آغاز کردیا۔
سندھ حکومت طرح کے پی حکومت نے بھی فراڈ کو روکنے کے لیے ای اسٹامپ پیپر سسٹم کا آغاز کردیا۔
خیبر پختونخواہ (کے پی) حکومت نئے ٹیکنالوجی کے اقدامات کے ساتھ بوگس اسٹامپ پیپرز اور متعلقہ فراڈ کو ختم کرنے کے ایک قدم اور قریب ہے۔ صوبے نے ایک ای-اسٹامپ پیپر سسٹم شروع کیا ہے جس سے پرانے اسٹامپ پیپرز کے نظام سے چھٹکارا حاصل کرنے میں بھی مدد ملے گی۔ لانچ کی سربراہی کے پی کے وزیر اعلی (سی ایم) محمود خان نے کی۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ اس اقدام سے اسٹامپ پیپرز کے متعدد مسائل کو حل کرنے میں مدد ملے گی۔…
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 month
DCxDP fanfic Idea: Marriage trap the Office supplier!
Danny had developed an appreciation for office supplies. He didn't know where it came from; just that one day, as he was cleaning his parents' office, he noticed their invoices and Order forms were out of order, so he chose to organize the binders.
It was just to make things easier to find the information when Tax season came around, but he found a strange joy in locating the correct stamps to mark each form.
Approved with a little thumbs up.
E-mailed with a flying envelope.
Entered with a little arrow.
Scanned with a picture of a scanning machine. Completed with a little check mark. Even the Cancelled and its accompanying x-out circle made him feel giggly.
Before long, Danny went hunting from some dividers and was excited to assign colors to certain tasks. He even made sure to separate everything by the order in which it was completed. By the time he was done, he realized he had no more use for his stamps, so he chose to go about the rest of the office.
He did not sleep that night. The next morning, the Fentons woke to their office lab in its best state since they had moved in. Everything had a place, and everything was neat and tidy with Danny happily explaining his organization system- all written down and marked on colorful legal pads he found shoved in a box.
Since then, Danny would excitably talk about the newest pen, sticky note, paperclips, or paper clamps he had found. Often, they were in strange shapes- "Look, Dad, these are sticky notes shaped like toast inside a Toaster holder!"- and no one could tell why it bought him such joy.
Even desk organizers excited him, often seen changing up his things every once in a while with new highlighters or traveling pens. His two best friends were often spotted walking behind Danny at any store within a fifty-mile radius of Amity Park that sold office supplies.
But that meant no one was surprised when Danny eagerly announced he would work in an office until he had enough money to open his own stationery store. What was surprising was that Danny somehow managed to find a job at Wayne Enterprise right out of high school as an office admin assistant.
A high-ranked one. He was the right-hand man to Bruce Wayne himself, working as a personal assistant then anyhting else.
It was clear across state lines no one knows how Danny even managed to land an interview since Mr. Wayne asked for at least a bachelor in office management to even apply or that Danny seemed unworried about living in a crime-infested city working for the man that was target a lot due to his wealth.
Danny only talked about all the superb brands of pens and notepads he would get with his new salary.
What was more shocking was how efficant Danny was at his job. He breezed through his work like a pro, getting Mr. Wayne on time every time (no one knows how) and cheerfully gaining the approval of the board.
Danny often stepped in for Mr. Wayne, Mr. Wayne-Drake or Mr. Fox, quietly becoming known as "Third-in-Comand" at WE despite the fact everyone knew him as "just the admin assistant"
He was also known for being very excited to show his desk to the office, covered in cute or interesting supplies from around the world. He spent hours schooling through websites and making wishlists of things he wanted to buy and try out.
Danny Fenton was a gift among the staff. He ran the office like a smoothly oiled machine, employing new systems and communication means that errors rarely happened in different departments.
WE genuinely feared the day he would leave the company to open that store. They tried to bride him by offering to pay his entire college career and make him a head of any department he wanted, or even officially give him Mr. Wayne's PA position but Danny insisted he wanted to open his store someday.
A plan was hatched by a low-level intern who had personally seen Danny take minutes with an invisible-ink pen and black light at his interview, only to witness the man fight for his right to have a paid internship and full benefits.
He mentioned how convient it was that Danny was close to every member of the Waynes. Yes. Bruce Wayne made it clear he would not be adopting the boy seeing as he was too old for that but what if....they ensured Danny stayed with WE if they made it the family bussiness?
Danny could still be a Wayne. They just had to get him to marry into the family, and WE could keep the embodiment of an office employee forever.
His idea spread through the company like wild fire, and not long, every single person who's checks were signed by Bruce Wayne was gunning for a chance to give Danny and a Wayne a wedding.
(Unknown to them, Danny is the hero Phantom, who, upon learning Batman's ID, instantly asked to work for him in an office setting because he wanted to open a stationery shop one day. Feeling blackmailed, Bruce allowed it, thinking he would catch Danny lacking, only to....find out the kid genuinely loved his job? And was good at it?
His kids are close to him as fellow vigilantes and are unaware of the WE employee's goal.
Danny just really likes Office Supplies. It might have something to do with his Ghost Obsession changing, or it's a Specail interest. He doesn't really care for the reason)
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beesmygod · 7 months
the peer review system is evil and worthless—a bunch of unpaid anonymous randos who may or may not even be “peers” skim your article and stamp yes or no on it, the rat balls thing is just making it obvious to the outside world. two years ago i was told by my boss at the time to peer review a journal for “cell” for him because he was busy. i was a volunteer in his lab with zero credentials working part time to grow e coli in the incubators for “real scientists” to do research on and all i could determine from the paper was that they had fucked up the control group for the study so i wrote that feedback and have no idea what happened to the paper after that. many such cases
i salute your dedication to the sciences in spite of them being so shitty sometimes. i dont envy ppl who have to navigate a system thats a delicate moral balancing act populated by nerds
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
Life Without Black People
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A very humorous and revealing story is told about a group of white people who were fed up with African Americans, so they joined together and wished themselves away. They passed through a deep dark tunnel and emerged in sort of a twilight zone where there is an America without black people.
At first these white people breathed a sigh of relief.
'At last', they said, 'no more crime, drugs, violence and welfare.'
All of the blacks have gone! Then suddenly, reality set in. The 'NEW AMERICA' is not America at all - only a barren land.
1. There are very few crops that have flourished because the nation was built on a slave-supported system.
2. There are no cities with tall skyscrapers because Alexander Mils, a black man, invented the elevator, and without it, one finds great difficulty reaching higher floors.
3. There are few if any cars because Richard Spikes, a black man, invented the automatic gearshift, Joseph Gambol, also black, invented the Super Charge System for Internal Combustion Engines, and Garrett A. Morgan, a black man,
invented the traffic signals.
4. Furthermore, one could not use the rapid transit system because its procurer was the electric trolley, which was invented by another black man, Albert R. Robinson.
5. Even if there were streets on which cars and a rapid transit system could operate, they were cluttered with paper because an African American, Charles Brooks, invented the street sweeper..
6. There were few if any newspapers, magazines and books because John Love invented the pencil sharpener, William Purveys invented the fountain pen, and Lee Barrage invented the Type Writing Machine and W. A. Love invented the Advanced Printing Press. They were all, you guessed it, Black.
7. Even if Americans could write their letters, articles and books, they would not have been transported by mail because William Barry invented the Postmarking and Canceling Machine, William Purveys invented the Hand Stamp and Philip Downing invented the Letter Drop.
8. The lawns were brown and wilted because Joseph Smith invented the Lawn Sprinkler and John Burr the Lawn Mower.
9. When they entered their homes, they found them to be poorly ventilated and poorly heated. You see, Frederick Jones invented the Air Conditioner and Alice Parker the Heating Furnace. Their homes were also dim. But of course, Lewis Lattimer later invented the Electric Lamp, Michael Harvey invented the lantern, and Granville T. Woods invented the Automatic Cut off Switch. Their homes were also filthy because Thomas W. Steward invented the Mop and Lloyd P. Ray the Dust Pan.
10. Their children met them at the door - barefooted, shabby, motley and unkempt. But what could one expect? Jan E. Matzelinger invented the Shoe Lasting Machine, Walter Sammons invented the Comb, Sarah Boone invented the Ironing Board, and George T. Samon invented the Clothes Dryer.
11. Finally, they were resigned to at least have dinner amidst all of this turmoil. But here again, the food had spoiled because another Black Man, John Standard invented the refrigerator...
Now, isn't that something? What would this country be like without the contributions of Blacks, as African-Americans?
Martin Luther King, Jr. said, 'by the time we leave for work, millions of Americans have depended on the inventions from the minds of Blacks.'
Black history includes more than just slavery, Frederick Douglas, Martin Luther Kinbg, Jr., Malcolm X, and Marcus Garvey & W.E.B. Dubois.
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themculibrary · 5 months
Pepper/Rhodey/Tony Masterlist
all i want is to be your harbor (ao3) - starkly G, 1k
Summary: Rhodey and Pepper both had a bad day, so Tony does his best to turn it around for them with a date night in.
Alphas Initiative (ao3) - YukiRiikus_Reading_Room peggy/bucky, clint/steve, steve/bucky, pepper/rhodey/tony E, 10k
Summary: Steve's had a crush on the most popular Alpha at his university for as long as he can remember. But when Clint starts paying attention to him, Steve can't help but wonder if it's really love, or if it's just because he's an unknotted Omega...
Dates, Lies, and a Trip to Rome (ao3) - misura T, 3k
Summary: In which Tony thinks it would be a great idea to get Pepper and Rhodey to date. Except for the part where he thinks it's actually a terrible idea.
Do You Know What Today Is? (ao3) - Not Applicable (not_applicable) E, 3k
Summary: or, 5 Times The Avengers Thought Tony Or Pepper Was Cheating With Rhodey, and 1 Time When Steve Got It Right.
Tony seems none-the-wiser to all the flirting between his girlfriend and his best friend. Or at least that's what the team thinks.
each pond with its blazing lilies (ao3) - Tieleen G, 2k
Summary: Pepper coughs and sits up, raises an absent hand to brush at her cheek where she may well now have a paragraph of legalese stamped backwards in transferred ink. "Morning, JARVIS," she says. "I'm sorry, my alarm usually sounds a little different."
finders, keepers (ao3) - starkly G, 1k
Summary: The problem with dating two people instead of one is that you have to deal with twice the amount of clothes being stolen.
national treasure (ao3) - imposterhuman G, 1k
Summary: “I’m pretty sure we were supposed to go left there,” Pepper said with her nose buried in the map, which Tony was fairly certain she was holding upside down.
Rhodey grunted where he was clearing their path of spiderwebs and other icky things (Tony and Pepper had both screamed loud enough to wake the dead the first time they’d walked into a massive spider web, so Rhodey had been unanimously elected the clearer of paths. Funnily enough, he had not gotten a vote). “The GPS says to go straight.”
“Why, exactly, do we have both a GPS and a paper map?” Tony asked, as if either of his partners were going to answer him. “The map is over a century old, right? And what did you set the GPS to to find hidden treasure that exists only in stories? Does no one else see the problem here? And we were supposed to go right.”
Recovery (ao3) - Jaune_Chat E, 41k
Summary: After Tony is forcibly turned into an omega, he has to discover who he is now, who he can trust, and how to learn to live with his pack.
Recovery Protocol (ao3) - westiec M, 1k
Summary: “In my defense,” Tony says tiredly, “I did warn you both this could happen.”
“When you said metabolizing Extremis would involve ‘hormonal fluctuation, volatile emotions, and intense cravings,’ I didn’t realize you meant…” Pepper trails off, gesturing with hands that are only slightly glowing at the fingertips at the three of them sprawled across the mess of the oversized bed.
Dealing with the Extremis in Pepper's system comes with some interesting side effects, but a little stay-cation might be just what she, Rhodey, and Tony need.
second honeymoon (ao3) - starkly G, 1k
Summary: “We’re never too old to enjoy ourselves,” Tony says. “Hence the second honeymoon.”
“I think it’s just called an anniversary,” Rhodey replies, though he smiles at last, setting his hands on Tony’s hips.
“Nope, second honeymoon. Because you weren’t there for our first one.”
Sudden and Silent in its Arrival (ao3) - PheonixFalls E, 24k
Summary: 22 1/2 hours of drive time, 1,461 miles of increasingly icy roads, and Los Angeles still isn't far enough back in Pepper's rearview mirror. But when her car breaks down just over the South Dakota state line, she meets a pair of men who give her a reason to stop running.
tony has a type (ao3) - graveltotempo N/R, 3k
Summary: In a universe in which James Rhodes is Iron Man and Tony Stark is his mostly stay at home husband (and Pepper Potts' trophy boyfriend), Tony finds out that Rhodey's team includes a hot tall blonde and a short handsome genius.
So he does the most obvious thing a petty and bitchy househusband such as himself would do.
He throws a dinner party.
we wished upon parallel lines (ao3) - sabinelagrande T, 1k
Summary: There's something always missing, something that can't be found.
What Good Is The Moonlight (ao3) - circ_bamboo M, 7k
Summary: On his thirteenth birthday, Tony Stark wakes up with a name on his chest and a name on his shoulder.
Fortunately, so do Rhodey and Pepper.
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harvestheart · 1 year
A very humorous and revealing story is told about a group of white people who were fed up with African Americans, so they joined together and wished themselves away. They passed through a deep dark tunnel and emerged in sort of a twilight zone where there is an America without Black people. At first these white people breathed a sigh of relief. At last, they said, “No more crime, drugs, violence and welfare. All of the Black s have gone!” Then suddenly, reality set in. The “NEW AMERICA” is not America at all — only a barren land. 1. There are very few crops that have flourished because the nation was built on a slave-supported system. 2. There are no cities with tall skyscrapers because Alexander Miles, a Black man, invented the elevator, and without it, one finds great difficulty reaching higher floors. 3. There are few if any cars because Richard Spikes, a Black man, invented the automatic gearshift, Joseph Gambol, also Black, invented the Super Charge System for Internal Combustion Engines, and Garrett A. Morgan, a Black man, invented the traffic signals. 4. Furthermore, one could not use the rapid transit system because its procurer was the electric trolley, which was invented by another Black man, Albert R. Robinson. 5. Even if there were streets on which cars and a rapid transit system could operate, they were cluttered with paper because an African American, Charles Brooks, invented the street sweeper. 6. There were few if any newspapers, magazines and books because John Love invented the pencil sharpener, William Purveys invented the fountain pen, and Lee Barrage invented the Type Writing Machine and W. A. Love invented the Advanced Printing Press. They were all, you guessed it, Black. 7. Even if Americans could write their letters, articles and books, they would not have been transported by mail because William Barry invented the Postmarking and Canceling Machine, William Purveys invented the Hand Stamp and Philip Downing invented the Letter Drop. 8. The lawns were brown and wilted because Joseph Smith invented the Lawn Sprinkler and John Burr the Lawn Mower. 9. When they entered their homes, they found them to be poorly ventilated and poorly heated. You see, Frederick Jones invented the Air Conditioner and Alice Parker the Heating Furnace. Their homes were also dim. But of course, Lewis Later invented the Electric Lamp, Michael Harvey invented the lantern and Granville T. Woods invented the Automatic Cut off Switch. Their homes were also filthy because Thomas W. Steward invented the Mop and Lloyd P. Ray the Dust Pan. 10. Their children met them at the door -- barefooted, shabby, motley and unkempt. But what could one expect? Jan E. Matzelinger invented the Shoe Lasting Machine, Walter Sammons invented the Comb, Sarah Boone invented the Ironing Board and George T. Samon invented the Clothes Dryer. 11. Finally, they were resigned to at least have dinner amidst all of this turmoil. But here again, the food had spoiled because another Black Man, John Standard invented the refrigerator. Now, isn’t that something? What would this country be like without the contributions of Blacks, as African Americans? Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “by the time we leave for work, Americans have depended on the inventions from the minds of Blacks.” Black history includes more than just slavery, Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and Marcus Garvey and W.E.B. Dubois.
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knightindestress · 20 days
Who Am I?
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After spending a lifetime pondering over this question, I now find it to be pointless.
Why? You ask? Let me pose a counter question. Can you ever accurately answer this? At best the answer can be incomplete. For example, I am a human, a man, a son, a father a husband, and the list goes on. I am an Asian, an Indian, but if I take the citizenship of the US of A, I will be an American?
 So, does a piece of paper stamped by someone who doesn’t even know me define my identity more than my DNA?
Considering that DNA is used to identify criminals, paternity and even the deceased, reconsider whether I will be an Indian or an American. Talking about DNA, it will still be there when I die, but it will not be me. DNA is in every cell of my body. So, when a large part of my jaw is removed, which of the two pieces is me? One may say that the larger piece is me, and I would get it if it was not for the following mystery-
None of the cells in my body today are the ones that I was born with and if I believe the scientists, all cells currently in my body will be replaced by other ones in next 7 to 8 years. So which combinations of cell am I really? To complicate it if the knees and liver and the heart all get transplanted, do I still remain me? On the flip side if my brain gets damaged and I lose all my memory do I still remain me?
With every breath and supper, I am taking in atoms and molecules that are not me and become me though the metabolic processes and then equally stop being me as they escape back to the environment. I am quite convinced that defining anything physical as me will at best give me an incomplete answer.
Similarly, everything mental and psychological, also keep changing over time with my experiences. My thoughts change over time and sometimes I let go of some thoughts and also forget some things. If I define myself as my mind, that too is incomplete.
So, Who am I?
My identity is a concept that is a blip in the fabric of time. Quite like a drop that gets formed when I throw a pebble in a ditch, only to fall back in the pond and disappear, I am just a temporary and random combination of matter and energy (or maybe only energy if E=mC^2).
Why then, has the identity become so important that it is the single biggest driving force in all our decisions? My bet is on the survival of life.
In my research on the mechanisms of life, when the chemicals keep creating more energy than they dissipate, they can start replicating and life happens. The ability of this system of chemicals to detect and respond to unfavorable changes in the environment keeps life going. Under the influence of environment, these chemical systems undergo some predictable and some random changes. Those changes that are unable to guard the chemical balance cannot replicate anymore and go extinct. This is what I guess leads to evolution of complexity in life.
Our DNA is a record of all the favorable changes that keep our replication going on. Protecting the entire life at the same time seems impossible, so the mechanism favors sensing threats to a limited cluster that can be realistically defended. As an example, a soldier who identifies with his nation, and a terrorist who identifies with his religion more than his individual body would readily die to protect the identity they hold dear.
Through a set of chemical (feelings) and electrical (thoughts) manipulations, our identity tries to protect us from all threats- real or perceived. Being the main motivator of our actions, it is also the main source of control over us by those seeking to harness our power. More about is some other day.
For now, I am just a concept trying to defend myself in order to increase my chances of survival.
So "Who" are You?
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visacollect · 2 months
Indian Medical Visa:  Requirements and Eligibility
Many people travel to India for medical treatment since the reasonably decent quality of the treatments there is low cost. Before you intend such a journey, you must be aware of the eligibility criteria and procedures for obtaining an Indian Medical Visa. This blog offers comprehensive knowledge on how to apply, the required documentation, and other crucial subjects to guarantee a seamless application procedure.
An Indian medical visa is:
Those from foreign nations seeking medical treatment at licensed, specialised hospitals or treatment facilities travel with an Indian Medical Visa. Getting to India's highly advanced medical facilities and treatments is simpler with this visa.
Eligibility for a Medical Visa
An applicant eligible for a Medical Visa has to:
Be travelling specifically to India for medical treatment.
Send a letter verifying the necessity for medical care from a reputable Indian hospital.
Attendant Visa for Medical Professionals
Family members or companions wishing to accompany the patient can obtain a Medical Attendant Visa. Issued to a maximum of two attendants, this visa co-terminus with the patient's Medical Visa.
Applying for an Indian Medical Visa
Applying for an Indian Medical Visa mostly requires either the e-visa system or a standard (paper sticker) visa applied for at an Indian Embassy or Consulate.
Seeking an e-medical visa
The e-visa procedure is online and does not call for Embassy facilitation. Use these guidelines:
Apply online: Apply by completing the form. Fill out the application form after visiting the Indian Visa Online page.
Documentation: Print the application form and bring it to the Indian Embassy or Consulate together with the other necessary documentation.
Check Status: Track the state of your application online. An email notification will be sent once authorised.
Print e-Visa: Log into the e-Visa website, print off the e-Visa, and then fly to India carrying a currently valid passport.
Requesting a regular medical visa
If you choose a conventional route, apply for a standard Medical Visa using these guidelines:
Fill out the application: Visit the Indian Visa Online site and fill out the application form.
Send Documents: Print out the application form and bring it to the Indian Embassy or Consulate with the other documents they need.
What you need to get a medical visa 
For the patient\
Visa Application Form: Print and sign a blue ink Visa Application Form that matches the passport signature.
Original Passport: In good condition and with a minimum of two continuous blank pages.
Passport Copies:  A pair of copies of the passport's info page are required.
Previous Indian Visa: If relevant, photocopy any past Indian visa.
Photographs: Two recently identical, 5 cm by 5 cm coloured pictures on a white backdrop.
Passport of Second Nationality: Photocopy if necessary.
Minors: Supported by one parent carrying a photocopy of their passport or National ID.
Financial Proof: Passbook or bank statement proving enough Indian income for spending.
Flight Booking: Copy of a flight ticket reservation.
Hospital Invitation Letter: A signed and stamped letter from the Indian hospital outlining necessary medical treatment.
Supporting Records: Aditional medical records
For the Medical Attendant 
Visa Application Form: Print and sign a blue ink Visa Application Form that matches the passport signature.
Previous Indian Visa: If relevant, photocopy any past Indian visa.
Photographs: Two recently identical, 5 cm by 5 cm coloured pictures on a white backdrop.
Passport of Second Nationality: Photocopy if necessary.
Minors: Accompanied by one parent with a photocopy of their passport or National ID.
Financial Proof: Official letter from the bank displaying current balance as proof of finances.
Flight Booking: Duplicate of a flight ticket reservation.
Declaration of Medical Attendant: Declared statement identifying the patient's escort as the medical attendant.
Supporting health records: Medical Records of the patient.
Registration Requirements
Should the visa run more than 180 days, registration with the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) within 14 days of arriving in India is required.
Visa Charges
The length of time and number of entries affect the Medical or Medical Attendant Visa fees. Usually, the cost schedule is as follows:
Up to six months: Either single or multiple entry
More than six months through one year: Multiple entry
There may be extra fees based on the method of payment and handling fees.
Getting an Indian Medical Visa requires great preparation and meticulous attention to detail. Understanding the eligibility criteria, application process, and necessary documentation will help you to guarantee a successful application. India's medical facilities are easily available regardless of your chosen route—regular visa or e-visa. 
VisaCollect: Your Comprehensive Visa Information Source
VisaCollect knows that negotiating the complexity of visa applications can be intimidating. We thus commit ourselves to providing you with straightforward, thorough knowledge to guide you through the procedure. Whether your application for a medical visa to India or another kind of visa is for another, we provide all the required information, criteria, and instructions to guarantee a successful application. Check our page for updates and more specific information.
1. Can I travel to India with several medical attendants?
No, the Medical Attendant Visa is provided to two attendants accompanying the patient maximum count. They either have to be close friends or relatives of the patient.
2. While in India, might one change a Tourist Visa into a Medical Visa?
No, while in India a Tourist Visa cannot be converted to a Medical Visa. Before visiting India for treatment, you have to file for a Medical Visa from your native nation.
3. Could one apply for a Medical Visa at any age?
Applying for a Medical Visa has no age limit specifically. Both adults and adolescents can apply providing they satisfy the qualifying requirements and have the necessary paperwork.
4.  Processing an Indian Medical Visa takes what length of time?
The nation of application and the particular embassy or consulate will affect the processing time for a Medical Visa. Generally speaking, an e-visa takes three to five business days; a conventional visa could take more.
5. Could my Medical Attendant work on a Medical Attendant Visa while in India?
No, a Medical Attendant Visa serves just to accompany the patient for treatment. Working while in India on this visa is not allowed of the attendant.
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truck2290 · 2 months
Step-by-Step Interactive Filing Guide for Form 2290
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Filing taxes can be daunting, especially when dealing with the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) and Form 2290. This step-by-step guide aims to simplify the process and ensure you file your Form 2290 accurately and on time. Whether you're new to this or need a refresher, this interactive guide will walk you through each step. For a seamless experience, you can always rely on truck2290.com, which offers comprehensive support for your Form 2290 filing needs.  
Step 1: Gather Necessary Information
Before you start filling out Form 2290, gather all the necessary information. This will streamline the process and reduce the risk of errors.
Required Information:
Employer Identification Number (EIN): You must have an EIN to file Form 2290. If you don't have one, apply for it well in advance.
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN): Ensure the VIN for each taxable vehicle is accurate.
Taxable Gross Weight: This is the weight of the vehicle fully equipped for service.
Step 2: Determine the Taxable Gross Weight
The taxable gross weight of your vehicle determines the tax you owe. Use the table provided by the IRS to find the correct weight category for your vehicle. This includes the weight of the vehicle when fully loaded with cargo and passengers.
Step 3: Calculate the HVUT
Using the IRS guidelines, calculate the HVUT based on your vehicle’s taxable gross weight. For multiple vehicles, calculate the tax for each one separately. For a quick and accurate calculation, try the interactive tax calculator.
Step 4: Complete Form 2290
With all your information ready, you can now complete Form 2290. Here’s a breakdown of the key sections you need to fill out:
Part I: Vehicle Information
Line 1: Enter your EIN.
Line 2: Enter the taxable period (July 1 of the current year to June 30 of the next year).
Line 3: Enter the date the vehicle was first used in the tax period.
Line 4: List each vehicle's VIN and taxable gross weight.
Part II: Tax Computation
Line 5: Calculate the tax based on the vehicle’s weight.
Line 6: Add any additional taxes for vehicles used in logging.
Line 7: Total the tax due for all vehicles.
Step 5: Choose Your Filing Method
You can file Form 2290 either electronically or by paper. E-filing is recommended for its speed and convenience, especially if you are reporting 25 or more vehicles. Truck2290.com offers an easy-to-use platform for e-filing, ensuring quick and accurate submission.
Step 6: Make the Payment
The IRS provides several payment options for the HVUT:
Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW): Directly from your bank account.
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS): Requires prior enrollment.
Credit or Debit Card: Convenient and immediate payment.
Check or Money Order: Traditional method, but slower processing.
Step 7: Submit Your Form 2290
If filing electronically, submit your Form 2290 through a trusted e-file provider like truck2290.com. If filing by paper, mail the completed form and payment to the IRS address listed on the form instructions.
Step 8: Receive Your Schedule 1
Once the IRS processes your Form 2290, you will receive a stamped Schedule 1 as proof of payment. This document is crucial for registering your vehicle with your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
Tips for a Smooth Filing Experience
Double-Check Information: Ensure all details, especially the VIN and EIN, are correct.
File Early: Avoid last-minute rush and potential penalties by filing well before the deadline.
Use a Reliable Service: Platforms like [truck2290.com](https://www.truck2290.com) provide support, ensuring you don’t miss any steps and your filing is accurate.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Incorrect EIN or VIN: Always double-check these numbers for accuracy.
Wrong Weight Category: Ensure you calculate the vehicle’s weight correctly.
Late Filing: Missing the deadline can result in penalties and interest.
Filing Form 2290 doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. By following this step-by-step guide, you can ensure a smooth and accurate filing process. For additional support and to simplify your filing, visit [truck2290.com](https://www.truck2290.com). Their user-friendly platform and expert assistance can help you file your Form 2290 quickly and accurately, ensuring compliance and peace of mind. Happy filing!
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cwprocess · 5 months
Boosting Your Business with E-Recording: 10 Key Benefits
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In our modern business world, swiftness and ease lead. E-recording, an advent that's won big, shines out. It lets you send documents for recording via the web, simplifying every step and adding value to your enterprise. We've gathered the ten main perks of saying yes to e-recording:
Time Savings: Old-style record-keeping with paper was a slog! Talk about lugging around documents to the office. But, thanks to e-recording, things are smoother. You can instantly send files from anywhere—home, office, or vacation! The bonus is that productivity soars, and clients get results quicker.
Cost Reduction: Going digital with e-recording saves you quite a bit. There is no more paper to buy, stamped envelopes to mail, or couriers to pay. Many recording offices also give digital files a discount, so your savings stack up even higher.
Enhanced Security: You can trust e-recording practices. They use stuff like code and digital signatures to keep your files safe. You won't have to worry about tampering, losing things, or unwelcome access. You and your customers can feel secure.
Improved Accuracy: Typing in data by hand can often lead to mistakes, causing unnecessary wait times and disapproval. E-recording techniques fill in data bits from the paper that's been given, lessening the chance of errors. It guarantees a more robust logging operation.
Streamlined Workflows: E-recording can seamlessly merge with your current tasks. Many e-recording systems offer sophisticated extras such as group send-offs and auto-updates, which boost your workflow.
Environmental Sustainability: E-recording makes business easier by cutting down on paper use and eliminating the need to move things around physically. Your company can benefit by achieving its responsible goals. It's a bonus for clients with a green focus.
Increased Transparency: E-recording sites provide immediate status updates for your uploaded files. This transparency allows you to swiftly relay information to your customers, promptly tackle issues, strengthen trust, and enhance client relationships.
Compliance and Auditability: Electronic files are sent through safe, coded channels. This keeps important information safe while it's on the move. Plus, services that record things electronically use strong checks. They make sure everyone is who they say they are. This lowers the chances of scams or others getting in without permission.
With e-recording services, managing compliance is simpler. Many service providers have included features and tools. They help make sure documents follow the legal and regulatory rules they need to. They can even automatically look for missing information or signatures. There's less chance of expensive mistakes or hold-ups this way.
Moreover, digital recording tools typically keep complete audit trails and document management systems. This gives companies a straightforward, open-source log of every document submission record. ord. It can be very handy while showing adhe­rence to rules during re­views or court cases, possibly dodging big fines or sanctions.
Scalability: When companies get bigger, they usually need to keep track of more papers. Old-school paper methods can get overloaded fast. This can cause slowdowns and problems that stop growth and hurt how much money is made.
E-recording services, you see, bring unlimited growth. They can deal with a multitude of documents digitally. This way, companies can adjust to new needs without losing speed or facing big extra expenses.
Sure enough, a lot of e-recording service providers have the ability to tie up well with other systems. This lets businesses easily add document recording to their usual way of doing things. Included in this is working with systems for managing documents, platforms that handle customer relationships (CRMs), or other top-priority applications. This further repairs and speeds up processes while cutting down on hands-on data entry or matching tasks.
Using e-recording services is a smart move for businesses. It sets them up for long-term wins. Their document recording tasks stay smooth, budget-friendly, and able to grow with them. It's a sound strategy as they progress and adapt.
Wrapping Up
Switching to e-recording services using the might of technology can score some big wins for businesses. They can save money and boost their efficiency. Risk becomes less, and everything fits in smoothly. E-recording services aren't just another cost; they are a smart investment. They keep giving rewards years into the future.
Don't let old-school methods weigh your company down. Dive into the reality of e-recording services and find out how this advanced approach aids in boosting your profits and outpacing competitors.
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zerochaose · 6 months
ZeroChaos Rental Agreement vs. Traditional Rental Agreements: What’s Better for Your House Rental?
Renting a house isn’t a daunting task, having that, you must take note of a few things before you invite the tenants in. The first thing you, as a landlord, should do is to get a house rental agreement done. A rental agreement is a contract between the owner of a property (landlord) and a renter (tenant) who wishes to stay on that property temporarily. If you’re new to this term, then let us help you explain in brief what it is-
Now that you know what a rental agreement is, let’s understand the two known methods of making this agreement, and knowing which is better for you.
1.Traditional Rental Agreement
As the name suggests, a traditional rental agreement requires you to fill out the form and collect all the important documents, and legal requirements, in addition to stamping & registering- all by yourself.
The process starts with stating your terms and conditions on plain paper. It then requires both parties (landlord and tenant) to carefully read and crosscheck the agreement before proceeding.
The rental agreement is then printed on the stamp paper of appropriate value. Once done, both parties need to go to the local sub-registrar’s office with 2 witnesses.
The next big task on your hand is to carry the important documents. This includes- original/photocopy of the title deed, Tax receipt or Index II, Address proof (both parties}, identity proof, and two passport-size photos (both parties).
Once done, you then have to pay the registration fee, stamp duty charges, and legal consultancy charges.
2.ZeroChaos Rental Agreement
Ready-to-use Templates:
We provide you templates that are backed with data gained from experiences. It is crafted from insights gained through 5,000+ successful rental transactions.
Extensive Experience:
With over 11 years of experience, we’ve encountered and covered every possible scenario that may occur between both parties, because our goal is to reduce conflicts between landlords and tenants.
Effortless & Quick Process:
Our system includes digital signatures and an instant e-stamp generator, thereby allowing you to secure the agreement in just 5 minutes. Thus making it easy, fast, and hassle-free!
Now let’s understand the scenario from the perspective of a person who is living in a city like Bangalore. The fast-paced life of this city knows no bounds, not to mention the traffic. So, for someone who has plenty of tasks in hand and does work on the go- you can barely expect that person to invest time in the long and tedious work that goes into ‘house rental agreement work.
If you ask us, we will say it is always preferable to opt for a hassle-free service that promises convenience and at the same time is legally valid. The rental agreement may not appear as challenging work at first glance, but if you dive in deep, you’ll understand how small details related to the documents can cause hindrances in your agreement. A better way is to delegate the work to a trusted online platform like ZeroChaos, where you can efficiently get your rental property-related work done in the most simplified way. Break yourself free from the conventional practices and opt for smart choices, opt for ZeroChaos.
To learn a step-by-step guide of creating a rental agreement at ZeroChaos, read the following blog.
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Applying for an Indian Visa: A Step-by-Step Guide for Hassle-Free Travel
The Indian visa application process has become much easier with the introduction of the online e-visa. Getting an Indian visa is now just a few clicks away. However, there are still some important things you need to know before starting your application to ensure it goes smoothly. 
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This guide breaks the process down step-by-step so you can breeze through applying for the Indian visa and get back to planning your adventure in incredible India.
Eligibility Criteria—  
Before starting your Indian visa application, check that you meet the eligibility criteria. Indian e-visas are available to citizens from many countries traveling for tourism, business, or medical purposes. You'll need a valid passport with at least 6 months of validity and room for immigration stamps. Having confirmation of your travel plans like flight and hotel bookings will also help support your application.
Required Documents—
In addition to basic personal information, you'll need to provide copies of some key documents. This includes:
Passport first page showing your details
A recent passport-sized color photo of just your face
Any extra documents required for your type of visa
Completing the Application—
Step 1: Access the official government e-visa website and start a new application
Step 2: Select the visa category and enter the required personal, passport, and travel details
Step 3: Upload scans of your documents
The Bottom Line:
The streamlined Indian online visa application alleviates the burdens associated with traditional paper tourist visas, offering a hassle-free and efficient process. By ensuring you have the requisite documents and details ready, the application becomes a swift and straightforward endeavor. This user-friendly system empowers travelers, allowing them to focus on planning their remarkable journey rather than navigating intricate visa paperwork. The online platform enhances accessibility, promoting a seamless experience for applicants and facilitating a more efficient visa acquisition process. Travelers can confidently invest their time in crafting a memorable itinerary, confident that the visa application process is both expedient and stress-free.
So, visit a trusted online portal for more information.
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addsdasdad · 7 months
The Evolution of Postage: Embracing E-Stamping for Modern Efficiency
In a world increasingly reliant on digital solutions, even the age-old practice of postage is undergoing a transformation. Enter E-Stamping – a convenient, efficient, and eco-friendly alternative to traditional postage methods. In this blog, we explore the ins and outs of E-Stamping, its benefits, and why businesses and individuals alike are embracing this modern approach to mailing. For More Details Visit Us:https://www.pitneybowes.com/in/shipping-and-mailing/franking-machines.html
What is E-Stamping?
E-Stamping, or electronic stamping, is a digital solution that allows users to generate and print postage stamps directly from their computer or mobile device. Gone are the days of manually affixing physical stamps to envelopes – with E-Stamping, postage is applied digitally, saving time, resources, and eliminating the need for physical stamps altogether.
Benefits of E-Stamping:
Convenience: With E-Stamping, mailing a letter or package is as easy as a few clicks of a button. No more trips to the post office or waiting in line – simply generate your postage online and print it from the comfort of your home or office.
Cost Savings: Traditional postage methods often come with hidden costs, such as fuel for transportation to the post office or the expense of physical stamps themselves. E-Stamping eliminates these costs, helping users save money on postage over time.
Accuracy: E-Stamping ensures that postage is calculated accurately every time, helping users avoid overpaying for postage or underestimating postage requirements. Plus, E-Stamping systems often incorporate address verification features, reducing the risk of mail being returned due to incorrect addresses.
Environmental Impact: By eliminating the need for physical stamps and reducing the reliance on paper-based processes, E-Stamping helps to reduce the environmental impact of traditional postage methods. This makes it an eco-friendly choice for businesses and individuals looking to reduce their carbon footprint.
Why Choose E-Stamping?
In addition to the benefits outlined above, E-Stamping offers a level of flexibility and customization that traditional postage methods simply can't match. From choosing postage rates and mail classes to tracking and managing postage expenses, E-Stamping puts users in control of their mailing process like never before.
Whether you're a small business looking to streamline your mailing operations or an individual sending occasional letters and packages, E-Stamping offers a convenient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly solution for all your postage needs.
In conclusion, E-Stamping represents the next evolution in postage – one that embraces the convenience and efficiency of digital technology while reducing costs and environmental impact. So why wait? Embrace the future of mailing with E-Stamping today and experience the benefits for yourself. For More Details Visit Us:https://www.pitneybowes.com/in/shipping-and-mailing/franking-machines.html
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miscdigital · 7 months
StockHolding designed the e-Stamping System which is a web based software application incorporating several security features. e-Stamping is a secure way of collecting stamp duty and remitting the same to State Government. e-Stamping is a leading edge internet based application which provides convenience to the public of stamping their documents without undergoing the hassles associated with the physical stamp paper. The e-Stamp Certificate which replaces the physical stamp paper is secured and tamper-proof. With e-Stamping, the public at large gets a fast and convenient system.
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mylavenu99 · 9 months
UP Bhulekh 2023-24: Check Land Records, Bhu Naksha, & Khasra Khataun
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About UP BhuLekh
UP BhuLekh is a platform developed by the Uttar Pradesh Revenue Board to digitise land records in Uttar Pradesh and make them available to residents through a web portal. The government enlisted the assistance of the state NIC in this digitising project, which made land ownership-related information, including 'Khatauni' (Records of Rights), publicly available to everybody. The UP Bhulekh site was created to save you the trouble of having to see a Tehsildar or Patwari whenever he or she has to check a UP land record.
'BhuLekh' is composed of two words: 'Bhu' means land and 'Lekh' means account (in Hindi). Thus, Bhulekh UP refers to the land records of Uttar Pradesh.  The land records available on the UP Bhulekh website (up bhulekh gov in) comprise khata (land) information, Khasra numbers (land parcel identification numbers), and Khatauni (list of holdings of a person or family in that village), according to the state government's digital database. The UP land record digital database has been built for all of Uttar Pradesh's districts.
How to Download Khasra Khatauni from upbhulekh portal?
Step 1: Navigate to the Bhulekh UP official website, http://upbhulekh.gov.in.
Step 2: On the main page, click "Khatauni Ki Nakal Dekhin" (rights record imitation).
Step 3: On the following screen, enter the proper captcha code as displayed.
Step 4: Choose the appropriate district, tehsil, and gramme (village).
Step 5: On the following screen, you may search by Khasra Number, Khata Number, and Owner's Name (Khatedaar).
Step 6: Enter the data and hit the search (green) button.
Step 7: The land information is given in a certain way.
How do you see Bhu naksha UP 2023?
Step 1: Go to the official Bhu Naksha Uttar Pradesh website at http://upbhunaksha.gov.in/bhunaksha/09/index.html.
Step 2: Fill in the essential information such as state, district, tehsil, and village.
Step 3: To learn more about the land type, simply click the 'Show Land Type Details' button. This will assist you in determining if the land is barren, uncultivated, farmland/agricultural land, government land, and so on.
How to use Bhu Naksha UP to check Khasra and Khatauni Uttar Pradesh?
The major goal of the UP Bhu Naksha is to relieve farmers and the people of Uttar Pradesh of their concerns over land borders. It is also consistent with the goal of making India digital and the people self-sufficient. The most significant advantage of UP Bhu Naksha is that a person may access his land map data from anywhere and at any time of day. To get information on your land's Khasra and Khatauni, you must first login to the Uttar Pradesh Bhu Naksha website and then input your information.
Bhulekh UP Servuces
Stamp and Registry - The UP Stamp and Registration Department handles the registration of immovable property papers. This programme provides UP residents with online access to property-related services.
Revenue Litigation - Revenue Litigation, commonly known as the Revenue Court Computerised Management System, offers all information to plaintiffs concerning court procedures.
DILRMP - Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP) is a service developed by the Indian government with the goal of digitising and modernising land records and creating a centralised land record management system.
EDistrict - The goal of the portal's E-District service is to computerise people-centric services. It contains services such as certificate, public distribution, pension, Khatauni, complaint, revenue dispute, job centre registration, and many more.
GeM - The Government e Marketplace (GeM) is an electronic marketplace for various commodities and services bought by government organisations and agencies.
Who is eligible to utilise bhu naksha UP?
Anyone interested in acquiring information on land in Uttar Pradesh can use the bhu naksha tool. There will be no costs. Any citizen looking for map information might use the services supplied by bhu naksha UP. So, in addition to the landowner, the seller, buyer, or anyone else, such as financial organisations providing loans, agents, property consultants, and so on, can benefit from bhu naksha UP by seeing the precise coordinates of the land parcel that is recorded in the government's records.
Why is checking Bhu naksha UP important?
The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) documented 1,35,812 incidents of document and property-related offences in India in 2018, including cheating, forgery, and fraud. It is therefore critical to avoid purchasing a contested property or a property from someone who is not its owner. With digitised documents, you may examine the validity of the plot, its delineation, limits, and so on, regardless of where you are, using the UP bhu naksha webpage. The land records department (DLRS) in Uttar Pradesh provides the option of checking land-related records online.
Which Land Records are Available on UP Bhulekh?
Owner (s) Name(s)
Ownership Count
The size of the property
Details about the Khasra and Khata numbers
History of transactions done in lieu of the property, such as mortgages, third-party claims, and so on.
Properties that are no longer in use
List of enemy characteristics
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
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This is an e-bike with dual motors and dual batteries and it's specific batteries for this mic now but one of them is and here you can change it out by opening it up and that's the case but it's not really revolutionary design that's all it is it's a motorcycle design and my husband was saying it and people said you can change a few things and becomes a scooter or small motorcycle I was wondering why and buy them there about the $2,000 in this format with one motor and one battery there they are 1200 and they said that there's a lot of these out there and they don't do the damn job and they want to turn them into motorcycles and they don't know where to go or how to do it. The tires and rims are not DOT approved and they would not be able to register this as anything and you need to change the battery and you need to change the brake calipers and the brake rotors and there's a small list of things but really the tires and rims the brakes but only at the wheel and the motor system and battery you can retain and you have to add signals other than that you have an emotorcucle cycle. And you need to get approved as a guilty package for your go ahead and do all this. We modified one and we put all the dot requirements took it down and they said what is it at least said we modified an e-bike and we upgraded it for DOT standard. And we have the fact sheet and everything meant they turn around and looked at said the seat is too high and we told them usually they say it's too low and requirement was met. And we went over and showed them this is for a scooter and we said no it's for electric motorcycle I said okay so they went through like each item like that and a son said what I like to do is to piss him off at themselves and just sit there like an hour I'm just trying to piss me off I never don't have to but so we did that it took 8 hours for that a****** to do it at the end of it he stamps and approved and said I can't believe that I'm doing this and we said we couldn't believe it took that long either and we're laughing and he's going to give me the piece of paper back and he said look for causes for your people at least not for your people and he said yeah probably because you heard a voice say cuz people don't need those things and we don't need people knowing. Turns around to us and says I made copies I know it is approved I said why the f*** are you such a huge butt f*** artist about this and all your people need these. Why what's the reason you just can't lift your head I can understand that so he knows I certainly see what he's saying everything is a massive hassle we can't go anywhere or do anything because you're going to pick up the weight for us it says today you picked up the wieght. And tomorrow you'll die because you don't think anyone else has to but you have to ever again. He laughs and says what should I do he says you made copies so you hand them out to your employees to your new factory to convert these so you have a reason to live we can just make them in our area your smile says that's ridiculous because I'm going to make these and we said I don't think so so we leave is in the parking lot now and he's gone home after pretty soon in a few minutes and he went down to the factory area and he's pulling all these out and moving them and they have a kit ready no but they're making it it's pretty close you don't have to do a ton of things and he did what was required checked it out for his DOT and said oh I screwed up no it's me the engine and it uses the battery that comes with it and he saw the other one and it said I can retrofit these and we were going to do it anyways but a lot of people saw that and are starting to do it because these bikes are useless so many people have lost against them I can't stand this stupid assholes society.
This bike with the original battery which is 48 volts goes about 80 mph because it has gears it goes 120 miles of distance if you add a new battery that's solid as the same voltage in the same amperage and so on it goes 200 miles it has street tires that are for like a moped and it has it looks like a motorcycle and it has the turn signals and a little system for that to work and the rest of it looks pretty much the same except the motor in the middle and the battery is different boy you would not ever guess that it would do that it really has to do with the gears those gears make it work and we have to thank Brian Gerard for doing the work he went out to California to see if there are any DOT approved and you managed to see this little factory changing these over call the little and they're doing like 20,000 a day he thanked this and he said I know why I worked on it. There are other comments you'll say we need to fight the empire and we're saying yeah we do and he started to get to work and he found the approval at the DOT and DMV and he started to make his based on that and he went and got approval and Captain the same as a kit and a factory and they're taking off and it's because of the Chow fat because people want to compete and these bikes are everywhere these bikes are in storage nobody's using them it's such a pain in the ass you're playing my son you blame our son and always trying to do is get food I can't stand you so people we hit a lot of you because of it cuz you're hoping to dumb f****** mouth I need a woman want her stuff and money they don't do anything with it honestly cuz I can't think it's a nice day when you're gone the reason is you're always mean and her son was a little short yesterday but he's short with us too cuz he's tired he slept like a rock for two and a half hours and she knew he was sleeping real deep because her noises that usually wake him up so she didn't feel that bad it's good he's usually not grumpy even here and it feels better than when he was young because he had the program was not up. This bike will save people we have a whole crap load of them different ones and we're going to get approved and all over the place and retrofits and we'll call it a scooter because roughly 50 to 60 miles an hour mostly and that's a scooter and people will buy it that way there's tons of them if you're going to be going out in the next few days all over the world people need these and right now. We're looking at the Chinese dirt bikes we were going to upgrade the motors and people said we don't need that and we couldn't figure out why. Now I see why. And we see why. It's because they want to use the bikes as electrics and not be heard everywhere you're going down the street with the gas you can hear it all the way across town so damn loud and even the four strokes so they like the electric for that they also said this I can't afford this gasoline that cost tons of money and we can't breathe and we need the lithium but really it's the last one they like making noise and noises. We're going to penalize them every time they have the button reduce the screen and other things so we're going to tell them from now on so I can have their life clogged up with stupid comments. We have a huge number of these about 10 trillion and they're not selling at all so we are going to change them up and start selling them mostly to our areas yeah we need cars and bikes and trucks and we don't take up the other supply and we're doing it now
Thor Freya
Wow that's a unique reason it really is it's my son no he says husband and me. And don't get pissed off at me he says I'm not in ronot form right now
Good when you are let me know you need to be punched in the face and it says it already happens and I don't mean that I mean the robot. So getting along good and it says there's a robot thing coming out and I know about it. And I'm bringing it up. And I noticed that there are a lot of people who are getting into it. A huge number of people want these and I think it's a lithium they don't say so they are trying to order the ours a little not that much and they make their own. So we have our own and we use them in security and factories and we're going to use them for a lot of reasons and a lot of applications and they do cleaning they do construction all sorts of things that people don't want to do I like cleaning a high-rise windows and it's going to start pretty soon there's a ton of robots out there and it's going to be a lot more because we have to compete and these idiots made a ton of robots and they got stolen and they're using them on the people they took them from and they know who it is cuz he's yelling it
I can't wait to get my very own same bike a motorcycle converted version the original is not bad but when you turn into a motorcycle and see people zooming by and smiling because it actually moves and nicely in holds a rack and it has other features and it's nice off road too. It's a real doozy no. It's saving people and we're making tons of them and we started converting them now we're going to convert them all and from now on making electric motorcycles and we're doing them in our area.
Not very comfortable with them doing it but they're doing it to drive around. They say they're going to be using some alkaline and want to switch over to it and we agree it's a better battery it's charges in less time and it lasts longer and lithium is dangerous a lot of people say it's not worth using even because we want it and sometimes it does fire or explodes and they're actually thinking about it is the batteries you can buy are cheap and plentiful. We're going to start converting we have a ton of these we have about 5 trillions that's ridiculous we need them right now it's a great idea and we should tell BG that he is thanks and we can offer and work if he wants to open some factories to do this and he says yes so we're going to do that and I'm done business with him for years and he gets down to work just like he was doing the carpentry and Mike did you was a bad influence now it's just a hard thing to do
Mac Daddy
We have a lot of these already convert them to gas and some people want electric and we're wondering why and he looks around and we saw people saying we don't like the gas anymore it's not true but it's not loud it's loud and it looks and it sounds awful as a smaller. Someone hit it right on the head so it looks like an e-bike and you're bringing it inside your job and have this room and people put their bikes in there cuz people steal motorcycles all the time so I'm thinking I can park in garages I'm making like a room when people can put their bikes and I'll be monitors and he says there was something you could do and be like a decent size room but you can put those loop too loop metal things and people will lock up their bikes and I looked around and I said this is a good idea because you have to have a key for that and you have to have a key for the ignition even on these things and that makes the room feasible right now it's real well I just Wheeling it to the office and that's how it's going to be for a while I'm sure it seems to take time have people don't want to leave their bikes out because people sit on them and screw around with them trying to adjust them and touch them so I think of Walden room is nice and a bike is so much easier to get around on and unlocking it and locking it is not a big deal anymore I'm going to try and get them at parking yard garages and I'm going to try and get them at parking lots so I can bicycle you have to lock it up or someone might go off with it and I'll be liked by a lot of people for it and some will hate me like this more on next door cuz my father he's such a dick what an a******..
You can't help but say it but this guy Trump is a huge dick and he's going to be out of the race the GOP is pushing him out and the election committee they don't want to go through the stupid s*** everyday he's tainting the whole thing he's a poor support he didn't come up with any evidence about buying is just ranting and ranting and ranting. Is anti society and they want him out
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