isaique · 3 years
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M!A: E'tharin is a Corvid 3/5
Tharin inspects the rock in his grasp. "Nope, I miss my arms.." he hops away.
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isaique · 3 years
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M!A: E'tharin is a Corvid 2/5
E'tharin screeches forbidden words at the immovable sheep.
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isaique · 3 years
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M!A: E'tharin is a corvid 1/5
E'tharin proceeds to shove the gold nugget into the ground in a very specific spot.
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isaique · 6 years
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E’tharin gestures over to the unopened bottle of pink liquid, placed by I’saique’s things that were left behind to gather dust when he ran off. “I give my thanks to who ever gave the bottle of, questionable but purportedly helpful liquid. I just hadn’t needed it after the initial potion.”
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isaique · 6 years
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E’tharin puts the emptied bottle back where it’d came from.
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isaique · 6 years
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E’tharin sets the potion bottle down and promptly flops backwards to lie down for a nap.
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isaique · 6 years
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E’tharin rubs his stomach and groans “I cannot speak for my brother however.. I haven’t seen him in several weeks now. His friend hasn’t returned to tell me he’s seen him either.”
(( Mun: We’re not dead, promise. ))
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isaique · 6 years
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isaique · 6 years
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(( Sooo... to wind down from my crazy schedule lately I’ve taken up experimenting with watercolors. Honestly, they’re fun. What do you think? How’s it for a first real try at them? A bit messy I think, needs plenty more work, but I do like it, kinda. Probably more watercolors from time to time to come. ))
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isaique · 6 years
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E’tharin goes quiet a moment, “A rather, painful subject to speak of at the moment…. please, excuse me..” he says quietly before retreating into the deeper part of his cave home.
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isaique · 6 years
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E'tharin finishes wrapping his eye "Isai was in a coma for a long time, almost everyone he knew is gone in one way or another. He did just make a new friend with one of our own with purple eyes..."
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isaique · 7 years
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isaique · 7 years
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isaique · 7 years
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isaique · 7 years
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isaique · 7 years
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I’saique is fat M!A 3/3
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