#e'last rano blurb
starryjeekies · 2 years
E’last reaction catching you masturbating
A/N: gonna format this like the other e'last asks that I have, seems to work best for larger groups so I'm not running out of ideas >< I now have a plethora of 18+ e'last content so hopefully my adult e'last lovers will enjoy ^^
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Wouldn't even say this man would catch you, he would probably be the one to ask you to touch yourself right in front of him. You two were probably making out when you started to tail your hand down. He would notice and immediately pull away. Going to stand up from the bed to watch as you tease yourself, him commanding you to go faster or slower, where and how to touch you. He gets a huge rise from it, feeling his ego inflate.
"That's a good baby, keep going."
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Choi In:
He is sickeningly sweet and I love it. He would come over to your apartment to surprise you with some flowers just because. He wouldn't see you in your living room or your kitchen so he would head over to your bedroom. With the door cracked, he can see you trying to get off. Watching as you whimper lightly to chase a high was preciously pathetic to him. When he steps in, there's his precious smile that has a slight twist to it.
"Would you like some help or shall I just watch you be pretty?"
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It would probably happen in the morning after a night together. He would get up because he doesn't feel you next to him anymore and decide to start his morning routine too. Neither of you cared if the other was in the bathroom while one of you was in the shower, but hearing you moaning completely changed how he does his morning routine.
"Defeats the purpose of a shower, doesn't it?"
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You hadn't been intimate with Baekgyeul yet, wanting to take things together slow. Part of coping with taking things slow has been getting yourself off before he comes over so you don't want to jump his bones. But he ends up coming over sooner than you think. When he casually walks up to your bedroom to find where you were, he connects his eyes straight to yours and his face is a tomato. He's shocked, but he clears his throat after a few moments.
"I could help you, if you wouldn't mind..."
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He would probably pick it up when he's on the phone with you. It's late and you're talking about your day. His voice is already tired and grumbly and sexy. You can't help but start to play with your nipples before you crave more. He can hear the change in your voice and picks up very quickly what's going on. He starts to talk longer and make slight groans at the end of his words just to give a bit of an edge.
"Baby, why are you so breathless? What are you doing on the other end of the line?"
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Definitely was an accident, you had wanted to wait for him to come home from practice but ended up starting to get bored. You had scrolled through social media, tidied up his room a bit, so now you're laid out on his bed with your hands down your pants. You didn't hear the boys come in, but when the door opens and your purple haired boyfriend walks in, both of you are stunned. He'll walk in fully after a moment, close and lock the door, then try to bring his cool persona back even though inside he's freaking out.
"So, I guess you missed me, huh?"
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You boyfriend being on tour made you suffer. Not only did you miss him but you missed the sex. He made you feel so good and with him away, you could only do so much. What you didn't know was he came back a few hours earlier than you anticipated and he came to surprise you. It was definitely a surprise to see you sprawled out on your bed, two orgasm in chasing a third with your legs shaking. He knows he was gone for a while but you look pathetic.
"Honey, you look so desperate. Want me to make you feel good?"
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It was night time and your boyfriend was already asleep. For some reason, though, your body decided to fire off signals that you craved attention. To help satiate it, your hand moves over your underwear to try and get some relief. You try to keep your breathing even and not wriggle around in bed as much. but you're surprised when your hand is replaced with your boyfriends. Yejun's large fingers start to make you feel good as a gasp leaves your lips. His eyes are squinted open and a lazy smile is on his lips.
"You weren't as quiet as you thought you were, your wetness gave it away."
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minheeology · 3 years
e’last headcannons ➳ cuddling with their s/o
requested? : yes!
pairing : e’last x gn!reader
a/n : i wrote this about their s/o but if you wanted it to be platonic cuddling please do not be afraid to shoot me an ask!
i see him more as a little spoon tbh
of course if you wanted to be held, he could be the big spoon
very giggly and smiley the entire time
he loves being close to you
you two fall asleep while cuddling pretty often
not the biggest fan of cuddling
but he'll do anything for you
almost always the little spoon unless you really want to be the big spoon
cuddling is more of a quiet time with him, as he uses it as a time to recharge
the silence is comfortable though as you're both just enjoying each other's company
this man s2g
he loves to cuddle
big spoon!!!!!!
he will kiss your forehead and/or lips whenever he gets the chance
he never stops smiling the entire time whether you're just talking or simply just laying in silence
little spoon
he'll 100% sing to you the entire time
cuddling happens a lot, not just before bed
on the couch watching a movie? you bet you're cuddling.
he 10000000% plays with your hair
another member who isn't super fond of cuddling
i think he'd want to be facing you, so he might wrap his arm around your waist rather than actually cuddling you
if you are cuddling though, he'll most likely be the big spoon
he likes to hold your hand while cuddling too but you didn't hear that from me
50/50 with big spoon or little spoon
if he is the big spoon, he'll do things like blowing air on your neck or ear just to be annoying
in the most loving way possible of course
he takes the time he's cuddling with you to talk about his day and what he's been up to
prefers to be the big spoon but honestly doesn't care
he talks a lot while cuddling, as he wants to keep you in the loop
he also loves to hear about your day and any concerns or problems you may have
expect to cuddle every single time you see him <3
little spoon but won't admit it to anyone but you
surprisingly talkative
he just likes to be with you, he doesn't care how or what you do
especially likes cuddling though as he likes being close to you
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starryjeekies · 2 years
~ Creature ~
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Pairing: Rano x gn!reader
Genre: Mostly fluff, angst if you squint
Summary: you and rano had been seeing each other for a while. you had gone on cute coffee shop dates, to the movies, dinner, but he’s never stepped foot into your apartment. you decide to confront him and learn the real reason why you’ve been at arms length with him.
Warning(s): none that i know of! (feel free to message me if so!)
Words: 3k
A/N: well hello again! where are my fellow elrings at? i feel like there really isn’t a lot of us on this app so i’m hoping to change that. I need more e’last content on my page so i’ll be happy to provide it. i hope you enjoy! my requests are open!
Life was going okay for the most part. You had a stable job that paid you enough to get by. Your apartment was decently close to downtown so you can walk to your job and to any of the other smaller shops. There was a nice cafe you could sit at and there was a nice boy who could keep you company.
When you met Rano, it was entirely by chance. He wasn’t from around there, he had been drifting and just so happened to be where you are. His first attempt at flirting with you was buying you a piece of cheesecake from the cafe. When the cafe barista brought it over and said it was from a secret admirer, you could immediately feel his stare. It wasn’t long for your eyes to meet him. He was handsome with long white hair, warm eyes, and a boyish smile. When you allowed him to sit with you, the fire was almost instantaneous.
Rano listened to you intently, his eyes always trained on you and paid careful attention to your words and how you said them. He would ask follow up questions and would smile when you would elaborate further. It’s why your favorite spot was the cafe. He was enamored with you and you knew it.
Eventually, he lured you out of the cafe and onto real dates. They were escapades that would lead you to more places fit for sightseeing or new experiences. He would take you down to the river for picnics, drive you to the nearest shopping mall to pick out a new dress he would buy you, get you ice cream and steal a kiss to get a taste for the flavor you picked. The summer was Rano’s time for romance. Whatever you two called what was going on, it worked. Rano was a true gentleman in that way and more. He never asked for more, only what you were willing to give. By the time October came, you were willing to give it all. But by then you had noticed a change.
Rano’s few days where he had to travel elsewhere would last longer and longer. What started out as only a few days once a month ended up becoming as long as almost two weeks without anything from him. He warned you he would be unreachable, not to worry and that he’d be back soon. When he did come back, the first few days always seemed the hardest for him. He would be spacey, forgetful, but desperate to spend time with you like he was starving without you. And you desperately missed him back so you would always agree to meeting up with him.
It was always meeting up, however. In the months you two had been seeing each other, he had not once been to your home. You had invited him over for dinner or a movie, but he insisted on paying for the night out. It prevented whatever this was from getting more serious. And you were not going to let this true gentleman walk out of your life anytime soon.
Holding your hand gently across the table, he stares at you while you explain what had happened at work today. His cheeks perk up when you tell him about how you were able to get out early today since it was so slow.
“So, since I have an early start to the weekend, why don’t you come over? I can make us dinner, can make it really romantic with candles and a fancy table, and pour us some wine.” You suggest, rubbing your thumbs across his hand. “What do you say?”
“Or I could pay for us to go out so you don’t have to lift a finger?” He chimes, putting on his dazzling smile.
“But what if I want to put effort into making you feel special?” You ask, seeing his smile falter a little bit. “You make me feel like one in a million, let me reciprocate that.”
His brown eyes look between yours for a second before he bounces right back and says, “You giving me any kind of attention makes me feel like the luckiest guy in the world.”
You pause in your motions, watching him for a moment. You can feel the tension growing in the air at the lack of conversation. You lean back in your seat, looking at him seriously. “Will you walk with me?”
“Of course,” He stands up with you, following you out of the cafe and down the street. He holds your arm as you lead him further away from downtown. “Any particular reason for this walk?”
You collect your thoughts for a moment, trying to formulate what to say without it coming off harsh. “It’s been, what, four months since we started seeing each other, right?”
“Wow, has it been that long already?” He chuckles, holding onto you tighter against the bitter wind.
“It has.” You say, steering him towards your apartment complex without his knowledge. “What would you call us? Exclusive?”
“Well, I’m certainly not seeing anyone else, I adore you too much.”
“And I feel the same, so what are we?”
He’s quiet for a while, the only thing making a sound is your footsteps on the wet concrete perforating your ears. “What do you want to be?”
“I want to know if this is only a summer fling or if we’ll survive the winter, Rano.” You say truthfully, causing him to bristle slightly. You look at him and see his face is serious. “Because I really like you. I’m willing to do almost anything at this point to make it last. But before I can do that, I need some answers.”
“I try to be as truthful as I can to you, honestly.” His voice is quiet, almost pained. “But some things are just too much.”
“You don’t need to spill your life story to me this very instant, but there’s some things I need answers to before there’s anything more.” You tell him, serious in your ways.
He takes a moment before saying, “What do you need to know?”
“Mainly, why don’t you ever want to come over?” You wonder, seeing your apartment complex in the distance. “You don’t invite me to your place, which is fine, but every time I invite you over, you decline.”
“It’s not to be rude, I swear.” He promises, eyes averting to the sidewalk. “Letting me inside your home is very intimate to me, especially with this starting off romantically in the first place. It’s not easy for me to be vulnerable to anyone.” His voice becomes hushed as a few people pass by. “I wanted to make sure that…how do I say this…”
“That I was serious about us?”
“That you were ready for whatever I could throw at you.”
You walk a few more steps before stopping and turning to him, wondering what he means. “Well, you’re not a serial killer, you would’ve killed me by now. So what exactly do I have to be ready for?”
He pushes his hair back, keeping his gaze away from you. “People usually want nothing to do with me after we start sharing secrets.”
You stand firm in front of him, reaching out to hold his hands tightly. “Then here’s my ultimatum for us. We’re standing in front of my apartment complex. You come in with me, I make us dinner, you can choose to share secrets or not. Or we go our separate ways here and now.” You see his eyes become sad and almost conflicted at your proposition. “If we’ve been seeing each other for four months, you should know by now if I would be accepting or if I would turn you away. So what’ll it be, Rano?”
His eyes finally meet yours, seeing your seriousness and determination to prove you’re worth the risk. With a sigh, he looks at the building and back to you. “Then let’s head inside, it’s only getting colder outside.”
You smile slightly, squeezing his hands gently. Letting out a slow breath, you say, “Okay, I promise to make something tasty.” You lead him inside the complex before walking up to your second story home, looking at him teasingly. “If I let go of your hand, you won’t run, will you?”
His chuckle is light, brown eyes focused onto the ground. “You’ve got me now, I’m not going anywhere.”
You nod and let go of his hand to grab your key out of your bag. Once unlocking your apartment, you lead him inside to the small but cozy space. It’s decorated in fall colors with throw blankets and pillows on the couch and candles that line your coffee table. “It’s small but it’s mine.”
“It’s cute, like you.” He chimes, taking off his jacket that he was wearing.
“Thank you. Feel free to take your shoes off by the door and put your jacket on the coat rack. You can pick out a candle to light if you’d like.” You take off your own shoes and start heading into the kitchen. Your mind quickly goes to chicken parmesan and you pull out the chicken breast from the fridge and the pasta from your cupboard.
Rano makes his way around the apartment, looking at your artwork, your other decorations, and the plants you have. He takes in every detail of your home, almost analyzing you to see if everything you’ve said to be true.
“I don’t think you’re allergic to anything but if you are, tell me now so I don’t accidentally kill you.” You look up at him, watching him mull over your pictures and knick knacks.
“Nope, unless you smother whatever it is in chocolate.” He snickers.
“You’re allergic to chocolate?” You’re shocked, remembering many times that he’s shared chocolate cake, mocha lattes, and picked the croissants with the chocolate icing on it. “So have you been slowly killing yourselves on our dates then?”
He laughs, his bright smile coming out making you feel warm. “No, no, just a sensitivity, so I’ll still have small chocolate things.”
“Well I will not be sauteing the chicken in chocolate so you should be okay.” You chuckle back, working on cleaning the chicken while the water boils for the pasta.
Rano continues to look through your things, feeling how genuine you were with him. He sees the photos with the friends you’ve shown him and can recognize, looks at how the flair of your hobbies litter the shelves, and takes in the whole atmosphere of the home you’ve made. He looks at the shelf of candles and looks through the scents. He lands on a snickerdoodle candle and finds the lighter sitting on the shelf. He takes the candle down and sets it on the coffee table, lighting it.
The sugary warmth starts to fill itself through the apartment as you put the chicken in the oven. You start stirring the pasta in as you listen to him gently walk around the apartment. “If you wanted to put some music on, you can,” Your thought gets interrupted with a playlist that’s unfamiliar to you, probably one of Rano’s. It’s an Indie playlist with some calming music. You smile, saying, “Make yourself comfortable.”
Rano quietly comes up behind you, slipping his hands to your waist and holding you securely. He hums lightly into your shoulder, pressing your body into his. “I’m sorry I haven’t been forthcoming for you.”
You melt back into his touch, thankful but guilty to be in this situation. “I’m sorry that I basically threatened you to get you here, it’s not what I wanted to do.”
“You had every right to,” He squeezes you lightly, resting his cheek onto your shoulder. “It’s not fair for me to put your life on hold.”
You turn around in his grasp, holding his cheek with your hand. His brown eyes are warm and comforting, yet still hold a tinge of fear. “I don’t want to lose you, but I wanted to know if we can go further than just coffee and movies.”
He nods, relishing the feeling of him being putty in your hands. He feels it's almost too good to be true. “I wanted to, I really did want to come here, but…”
You can see his eyes start to get glossy and now you’re worried. “Rano, baby,” You hold his face with both of your hands while he wipes his tears before they drop. “What’s wrong?”
“I-” He cuts himself off, trying to avoid your eyes. “I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“Hurt me?” You search his face for any hint as to what the hell this man means. Your stomach drops in thinking the worst. “You’re not dying on me, are you?”
“No!” He panics, pulling you closer and pressing your forehead against his. His breath is hot and trying to steady itself. “No, I’m not dying. To put it simply,” He takes his time to find his words to prevent any more panic in you. “I have impulses that I have a hard time controlling.”
“So I have to retract my serial killer statement now?” You’re wary of what he’s saying now that it seems he’s still avoiding telling you the truth.
The Korean man sighs, pulling away from you slightly. He can easily sense the hesitation in you from his words. He takes a steady deep breath and makes steady eye contact with you. “I can trust you.”
Watching him go from avoidant to vulnerable makes you feel like you can finally get somewhere, even though you’re worried about what exactly he might say or do. “You can trust me.”
He nods, a piece of his white silky hair falls in front of his face. You can see, even for a split second that may have been a trick of the eye, his warm brown eyes flash a bright red. He watches your eyes grow wide and takes a few steps back in case you do, reasonably, freak out. “Have you noticed that whenever I leave, it’s during the full moon?”
Holy shit he’s fucking right. He now seems more scared about your reaction than anything now. He looks like a puppy who's afraid you’re going to put him out on the street. Now that makes sense, but the idea of the supernatural is still hard to wrap your head around. Many questions swim around in your head. “So, is the proper term werewolf?” When you receive a small nod, you continue, “Were you born like this like in Twilight or were you bit like in lore?”
“I was bit.” He says, looking down and pulling up his pant leg. He shows you a bite scar on his ankle now white with time. “I lived in the middle of nowhere and came back from a late work shift. Wrong place, wrong time. And here I am.”
“I’m surprised you weren’t mauled.” You say, seeing him quirk a smile for a moment at your words.
“Apparently humans don’t taste great, so I’ve heard.” He mentions, seeing your shoulders ease and his own worry start to ebb away.
“So you go away for that time just so you don’t hurt anyone.” You piece together.
His eyes stay trained to the floor, scared of your judgment. “My friend has a place in the woods that me and some others can stay at when we turn. We can hunt the rabbit and deer there and no one will be suspicious. Just me and seven other wolves who want to keep each other safe.”
You don’t feel worried about him hurting you anymore, but you are worried for him. You take a few steps up towards him again, grabbing his hand. Your voice is soft when you ask, “Why did the time you stay away become longer?”
Rano gives you a sad smile, finally meeting your comforting eyes again. “Like I said, I didn’t want to hurt you. You became very important to me very quickly, and I was afraid I was going to hurt you emotionally by telling you or going further with our relationship. But I found myself craving you more and more intensely with every day that passed.” A tear does quickly drip down his face that he doesn’t attempt to wipe away. “I couldn’t keep this from you any longer.”
You rub the top of his hand with your thumb, giving him a genuine smile. “So you do have other friends? Seven of them?” He chuckles a little bit at your question. “Any other fun facts you’ve been hiding from me?”
He finally calms down enough to stand up straighter, wiping his cheeks from the stress. “Uh, my real name is Yongseop, I know how to dance, I have a shopping addiction.”
You pause him for a moment by placing your hand on his jaw and pulling him towards you, stealing a kiss from him. He melts right back into you, feeling secure with you accepting him and what he is. He would be okay answering any question you would have for him if it meant you wouldn’t disappear. He can feel a weight lifted from him as you hold onto him. No matter how crazy it sounds, anything is possible and you’re open to the crazy. When you pull away, he breaks out in a very cheesy grin. “We can catch up during dinner. I’m sure the pasta is mush by now but I hope the chicken isn’t too burnt.”
He laughs and gives you another kiss, not wanting to leave the moment anymore. “As long as I’m with you, I don’t care what I eat.”
“I at least want it to be edible.” You chuckle, pulling away to turn the burner off and straining the spaghetti. “If you want to help me make the sauce, I’ll even let you season it to your liking.”
Rano nods eagerly, quickly joining you by taking the small pot from your hand and looking through your spice rack. He’s glad you didn’t assume him to be a serial killer on top of a werewolf.
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minheeology · 3 years
e’last reaction ➳ s/o is an animal person
requested? : yes!
pairing : e’last x gn!reader
a/n : my first e’last req aaaaa!! i wrote it this way so it wasn’t repetitive. i hope that’s okay with everyone as i know some people don’t like this format very much. nevertheless, i hope you enjoy- and please, if you want me to elaborate on a certain member, don’t be shy to ask!
choiin, rano, wonhyuk, wonjun
he is SO happy. he loves animals too, maybe almost as much as you do. he’d always express how adorable he finds you, and would always want to go to cat/puppy cafes with you. anywhere you were going that had to do with animals, he’d want to be right there with you. he finds you to be the cutest person on earth when you’re with the animals, and will be sure to snap a bunch of pictures.
seungyeop, baekgyeul, romin, yejun
they’re pretty much the same as the other four, they’re just more quiet about it. i feel as though they find you precious, so precious that they don’t know how to react!! it might seem like they’re coming off as bored, but you know them well enough to know that is the complete opposite of what’s going on. they take SO many pictures of you when they tag along on your journeys with you, and are always sure to say cute things to you while doing so to make sure they’re capturing your joy to the fullest extent.
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minheeology · 3 years
e'last masterlist
➳ reactions
s/o is an animal person
➳ headcannons
cuddling with their s/o
choi in
➳ blurbs
➳ scenarios
➳ headcannons
choi seungyeop
➳ blurbs
➳ scenarios
➳ headcannons
byun yongseop (rano)
➳ blurbs
➳ scenarios
➳ headcannons
baek sunwoo (baekgyeul)
➳ blurbs
➳ scenarios
➳ headcannons
choi youngmin (romin)
➳ blurbs
➳ scenarios
➳ headcannons
won hyuk
➳ blurbs
➳ scenarios
➳ headcannons
lee wonjun
➳ blurbs
➳ scenarios
➳ headcannons
oh yejun
➳ blurbs
➳ scenarios
➳ headcannons
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