#e:fire starter
little-steiner · 10 years
fire starter
[ nikvgotze ]
Annaliese was slighty annoyed. It was somewhat silly to say that she already missed Oliver, but the point wasn't exactly the missing my brother part. It was much more about the missing the power. The situation in which she didn't get chosen by her brother over another person -- whoever that person is -- made her feel a little worried about how much power she still had on him. The ginger girl sighed out loud. That was silly of her to think like that, wasn’t it? Of course Oliver loved her above all things and all people, just an arrangement of rooms does not change that, right? She tried to convince herself, but still felt like she had to make herself present. It's harder to forget someone when this person is close to you.
She decided the to go visit Oliver's suite. He allowed her anyways, so it wouldn't be any problem. With the best smile she could put on her face, Anna walked confidently and once she was at the right door she knocked three times.
"Ollie? Are you there?" she waited and asked before trying to open the door, which by the way was not locked. "Ollie?" she called again and pushed the door and got into the room, but the person she met wasn't her brother. The sight of that familiar face made her smile sarcarstically. "So we meet. I would say that I’m glad to see you, except that I’m not, so. Do you mind saying already where my brother is, please? It's not like I have time to waste on you."
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