#e!van peters x female reader
katiascraft · 2 years
[ when you're gone ]
e!van peters x female reader (y/n)
Plot: Evan's response to y/n's letter that she left on his scripts when she flew back home. Evan's perspective.
Warnings: nonproof read. This is pure fluff.
Listen while reading: what falling in love feels like.
Note: heyyyy I report myself happy as ever because I saw harry live last night 😭 and I hope you like this! I did one similar from y/n's perspective and you can find it here. Enjoy!
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i was going through some work papers stuff on my kitchen table. Y/n left to go home two days ago. She lives in new york city and i live in Los Angels while i'm working. And that's exactly what I'm doing right now.
It was late at night. Around 2:32 am to be exact. My insomnia got worse so I decided to entertain myself reading some lines and trying to improve my character. Going through the papers I stumble upon an envelope. It was green. Like green apple green. I new immediately that it was from y/n. It's her favorite color. I smiled like stupid. It's been only two days and I already miss her like crazy. Sometimes my chest aches and I start crying. I didn't know I was so into this connection we have until I was crying at her door, desesperated because I missed her like crazy that August of 2021.
I took the envelope and realized it was a letter. I almost cried when I opened it and saw her beautiful handwritting. The paper had her perfume. My favorite smell.
Yeah, I know. I'm way over heels for her. And I love it.
I started reading it. I forgot about everything else I was doing. And I just felt my heat bomb so much blood. It started racing. She always have this effect on me.
Her words. So sweet. So exact. I could feel her talking these to me right here right now. I just needed to write her back. I felt like I had to because I was already crying. I love her so much I don't even know how to explain it. Don't know how to put it into words. I don't even know how to express it. But I'll do my best to tell her every single little detail of the love I have for her while I can.
Dear y/nickname,
I can't believe how talented you are with words. That's one of the things I love about you. The way you say things, so yours, so sweet and exact.
You know I'm no good with words but I'll try my best like always do. Because for you I'll do the craziest of things.
I'll start by saying I'm so grateful for you. Your presence and your company. The way you support me even when I commit mistakes all the time. The way you understand. The way you get what I mean even before I know it. And that's the most precious thing about our connection. Sometimes I feel like we can read each other's minds and it is unexplainable.
And the fact I can help you with your mental health... That makes me so happy. All I want for you is to be loved the way you love people. You're so gentle. So open and empathetic. Your heart is bigger than the tallest building in the world. I've never met someone like you in my life. So pure in so many ways. It doesn't matter you believe you are broken. To me you are just perfect. I wouldn't love you more if you were different.
I want you to embrace that. That is your beauty and one of the main reasons I fell in love with you. You are so you, so yours without even realizing it. I admire you baby. So much. I really wanna hug you right now.
You are so important to me. I hate distance. I hate our worlds sometimes can not collide even when we want to. I know life and love aren't supposed to be easy but I would love to be with you right now. You sliding your fingers through my hair while we hug tightly like every night. Those simple moments are my favorites.
Don't lose your light baby. In two weeks I'll be home for Christmas and everything will be as perfect as we planned. I promise that. And we both hate promises but with you I kind of started understanding why people make promises. It just makes sense. Because I wanna make you the happiest human being in the world.
I don't know when this letter is gonna get to you. I've never sent a letter to anyone before. But I hope it gets before I get home.
I love you y/n. With my whole heart. With my whole psychic just like you always say.
See you soon baby.
- Evan
When I finished writing I didn't read it again. I just wanted it to be organic. Everything that went through my head and heart is there.
She is the love of my life. And all of these details she has with me always get me.
Tomorrow I'll deliver it to the post office. Now, I'm going to call her. I need to hear her voice.
Hope you all enjoyed it! Have a wonderful day people <3
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Green-eyed Monster (Steve Rogers x reader)
HeroesOfOlympus: Heyyy y’all! I’m so sorry that I haven’t updated a fic for a month. This is actually my first fic of 2018 and I’ve been working on it for quite a while. I’m actually quite proud of it and I hope you enjoy it, as much as I enjoyed writing it! Happy very very belated New Year, wishing all of y’all the best for the year ahead! @starlightrogers Happy Galentine’s Day!!
Description: 4 times Steve got jealous and did nothing, and the 1 time he did. (Or, in simpler terms, basically Steve getting jealous before finally acting on his feelings.) 
Reader Gender: Female
Characters/Ships: Steve Rogers x reader, Brother figure!Tony Stark x reader, Implied!Sam Wilson x T’Challa, hint at Father figure!Steve Rogers x Peter Parker, Peter Parker, Natasha Romanoff
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Very heated and descriptive kissing at the end, and major fluff
Side Notes: Slight AU for the ending as it’s set sometime after Civil War, except Tony and Steve never fought but did meet T’Challa and Peter Parker. Implied bisexual Steve Rogers and reader but can be written off as just them being drunk. Implied gay Sam Wilson and T’Challa as well.
Y/E/C: Your Eye Colour
Squinting through the seemingly invisible gaps between the dancers, Steve muttered excuses as he wiggled his way through the sweat-stained bodies on the dance floor. He was on the receiving end of many dirty looks from those who were irritated that he had disrupted their dancing but he currently couldn’t care less. 
He had caught a glimpse of you at the bar over the heads of the moving bodies and although he was glad to see you, he certainly did not like who was standing next to you one bit. When he finally made it out of the ocean of dancing bodies, he spotted a skimpy-dressed woman standing extremely close to you, her hand trailing up and down your arm suggestively. 
To make it even worse, he took note of how your eyes flitted over to the woman touching you, the Y/E/C orbs seeming to sparkle under the light, bright with amusement and a hint of lust. Instead of kindly rejecting the woman, as he had hoped, you were reciprocating her feelings.
You had persuaded the usually uptight man to head over to the nearby bar to ‘get drunk as hell before hooking up’, much to his reluctance. For starters, he already despised modern day bars, what with them always having far too loud and suggestive music, and how overcrowded they always were. Adding the fact that your aim for the night was to get in a bed with a stranger who wasn’t him, made it even worse. 
Sliding into a stool a few metres away from you, he decided to wait for you in hopes that you didn’t end up occupied with that woman. Knitting his eyebrows, he tried to focus his attention onto the drink (that the bartender had delivered with a wink before insisting it was on the house) in his hand, ignoring the pounding music and the weird feeling in his stomach. 
It was as if his insides were getting twisted, tangled up in each other and forming knots. Accompanying it was this blazing fire igniting in him, spreading throughout him like, well, a wildfire. Clutching the glass in his hands, he flicked his head back, downing the alcohol in one gulp, wanting to get rid of the strange feelings inside of him and replace it with numbness. 
Swallowing the last drop, he still felt the tightness in his chest and knew the alcohol hadn’t done what he had wanted it to do. Sighing, he ran his fingers through his slicked back blonde hair, trying to look at anything except for you. However, his eyes betrayed his will, repeatedly flickering upwards, stealing glimpses from time to time. 
During one of his quick glances, he saw that the woman had moved dangerously close to you, her body pressed against yours as she hooked both her arms around you, pulling you even closer to her chest. Much to his pleasure, he saw how you chewed on your bottom lip, leaning as far away as you could from the woman. 
Once again, he sighed but this time, in relief, his shoulders loosening as the tension left them. A triumphant smirk gracing his face, he discreetly watched as you moved your arms up to the lady’s shoulders, shoving her forcefully whilst you shook your head, nose wrinkled up in disgust. Backing away from the woman, you turned on your heel swiftly, determined to get out of there as fast as possible. 
While you stomped towards him, he couldn’t help but admire how beautiful you looked, even when you were angry. As you slammed your fist onto the table, sliding into the seat next to him, Steve nodded his head, absentmindedly listening to you rant about the rude woman who was previously flirting with you, too focused on how magical you looked under the flashing multicoloured lights.
Hunched over the computer screen, Steve, along with the other soldiers assigned to this mission, attentively watched the live video playing in front of them. Their target sat at his desk, eyebrows furrowed as his fingers flew over the keyboard, punching in letters furiously, no doubt working on what had made him S.H.I.E.L.D’s target in the first place. 
Despite how desperate the agency was, they were not able to just kill the target and declare it mission accomplished this time. They needed him to confess to his crimes without harming him in any way or murdering him. After much research, S.H.I.E.L.D had discovered that the target was prone to spilling his secrets to any random stranger, as long as they looked a certain way. 
The person closest to the target’s ideal type was none other than you, which made you the best bet to accomplish this mission. They had managed to hack into the security cameras installed in their target’s bedroom and had assigned a group of soldiers, including Steve (much to his demand), as backup. 
Suddenly, the door to the main office slammed open, making the target’s head snap upwards, the reprimanding words dying in his throat when he saw who was standing in his doorway. Hearing low whistles around him, Steve hushed the team, not only for the sole purpose of wanting to listen but to tame the flicker of jealousy igniting inside of him, as well.
Focusing his attention back onto the screen, he had to control himself from breaking his aloof manner when he saw what you were wearing. He knew you were supposed to be scandalously dressed but he didn’t know you were going to be dressed in a leather black skirt that only covered half your thigh and a white crop top that clung tightly to your body. 
Swaying your hips, you strutted towards the target, the black stilettos strangely not making a sound on the floor. “Good afternoon, sir. What are you working on, if you don’t mind me asking?” Bending over, you pretended to adjust the strap of your heel, which made your skirt rise up at the back. 
Steve, whose cheeks had turned a very bright shade of red at how much skin you were showing, had to restrain himself from barging into the room and compromising the mission by pummeling the target to death when he saw how the sleaze had eyed your rising skirt. 
Turning around, you flashed the man an innocent smile, full-well knowing what you had just done. It seemed as if all sense had been lost the moment you had stepped foot into the room as the man immediately blabbed everything to you, spilling all the secrets related to the project and giving you the confession you needed all around.
For a moment, you flashed a triumphant smirk before quickly wiping it off, replacing it back again with a carefree smile. “Well, I’ll be off then,” Hearing those words from your mouth, Steve let out a breath he had not known he had been holding, glad that you didn’t need to go any further than bending down to seduce the man. 
However, that contentment was short lived when the target had shot out of his seat, lunging forward to grip onto your wrist, forcing you to spin around right into his arms as he hungrily attacked your lips. That same green jealousy consumed him, ridding of all rationality he had as he directed his anger to the screen, smashing his fist into it and cracking the glass. 
If the target had been old or ugly, perhaps Steve wouldn’t have been as jealous as he was. Unfortunately, Steve had to begrudgingly admit, the man wasn’t that bad looking, he seemed around your age and looked like someone you would probably go on a few dates with. 
Blinded with rage, Steve threw open the door of the van, storming out of the vehicle, not even bothering to even come up with a half-hearted excuse to the soldiers as he walked off into the distance, hoping for his jealousy to simmer down. 
This might be, perhaps, the dumbest person to be jealous of. He knew you and Tony were just best friends, in fact, he would go even as far as to say that you two were almost like siblings. However, the number of times you had canceled on your plans with him over Tony was just frustrating and caused that familiar feeling of jealousy to stir inside of him. 
It was always Tony this, Tony that, and the billionaire would always find some way to squeeze himself into any plans you and Steve made together. Don’t get him wrong, Steve liked Tony, no matter how infuriating the playboy could get sometimes. He secretly enjoyed Stark’s jokes and appreciated his ability to face any challenge with a grin. 
However, the war hero hated how easily and effortlessly Tony could just whisk you away from whatever plans the two of you made. Whenever you canceled on him, Steve always felt a spark of resentment not only towards Tony but you as well. 
You could have just as easily declined Tony’s pleas to join the both of you or simply inform the genius you already had plans but you never did. Despite how you were also partially to blame, he could never be angry at you for long. The moment you gave him a genuine apology with your eyes trained on the floor, shame and guilt worn on your face, he immediately forgave you. 
How could he not? 
With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Steve picked at his food, pushing it around his plate absentmindedly as the chattering around him faded into the background. “Tony, could you help me order my food while I go to the toilet?” Your sweet voice brought the Captain back to reality as you rose up from your seat, leaning down to brush your lips against Tony’s cheek before sauntering towards the bathroom. 
Glaring long and hard at the spot where you had grazed your lips against, Steve didn’t even try to mask his displeasure this time, openly showing his distaste towards Tony. Noticing the enraged look Steve was shooting him, a familiar smirk made Tony tug up one corner of his lips, the crinkles by his eyes becoming more prominent as mischief danced in his brown orbs. 
“It’s funny, you know?” Tony let out a bark of laughter, leaning forward eagerly as he placed his neatly folded hands on the table. Seeing Steve’s raised eyebrow, Tony scoffed loudly while rolling his eyes. “You aren’t exactly very discreet with your crush on Y/N, no matter how much you think you are.” 
At first, he wanted to deny Tony’s words, maybe brush it off and laugh at Stark, make the billionaire believe that his theory was nothing short but wrong. However, seeing the raised eyebrow and conceited look on Tony’s face, Steve knew that no matter what he said, Tony would not back down from his accusations and stand by them firmly. 
Instead, the blond widened his eyes, scooting his chair nearer to the table, tilting forward as he looked at Tony with furrowed eyebrows. Eyes darting side to side, he made sure you weren’t anywhere near as he whispered sharply, “Is it that obvious?” 
Receiving a pair of rolled eyes as a response, Tony replied sharply with exasperation laced in his voice, “Of course it is! Everyone, even strangers, can see your crush on Y/N. The only one that doesn’t seem to be getting the hint is the woman herself.” 
Drumming his fingers against the table, Steve pursed his lips as his face remained void of emotions. “But I get why you would have a crush on her. She’s hot.” Tony stated bluntly, shrugging his shoulders at his offhanded remark as Steve found himself involuntarily clenching his fists in anger.
Before the captain could think of a rebuttal — that would definitely be said in a dignified manner and not show how affected he was by Tony’s statement — you approached the table with a beam on your face, and his mind went blank, all previous anger now forgotten. 
Shooting his best ‘America’s-Golden-Boy’ smile, Steve was surprised at how genuine and easy it came to him. He had expected to use a fake smile, the type that he wore on his face at interviews with extremely rude reporters — strained, tired and downright fed up — but as ‘Spiderman’ approached him with nimble, hesitant footsteps while rubbing the back of his neck nervously, Steve had suddenly found himself excited to meet the young superhero again. 
“Sorry about that time at the airport,” The blond immediately apologised, reaching out a hand to give the young man a firm handshake. The masked hero forced out a hesitant laugh, involuntarily wincing at the recollection of how pain had repeatedly shot up his body whenever Steve either threw a punch or his shield at him. 
“As much as I don’t like the thought of a young man like you getting into battle with the possibility of dying, I have no right to tell you what to do, especially since I was only a teenager when I joined the army,” Steve mustered out a forced chuckle, giving a tiny shrug, his eyes glazing over as memories from his time in the war filled his mind, a faraway look now crossing his face. 
Bringing himself out of an unwanted memory, which consisted of the limp bodies of soldiers piled on top of one another and bathed in blood, Steve noticed with a slight jolt that the red and blue clad superhero was staring at him with concern. 
“Uh... Are you alright, Mr. Rogers?” The youth asked worriedly, peering at Steve anxiously while fiddling with some machinery attached to his wrists. Nodding his head, Steve gave a half-hearted wave and insisted, “I’m fine, just lost in thought. Thank you for asking, Mr-” The captain halted hesitantly, not sure how to address the young man in front of him. 
Yelping out a sudden ‘oh’, the teenager unintentionally started to speak so quickly that Steve could barely keep up with what he was saying, only managing to catch a few words and get the drift that the younger male was deciding whether it would be appropriate for him to reveal his identity. 
Finally realising that Steve had a puzzled expression on his face, the teenager simply sighed, muttering an apology before reaching his hands upwards to fumble with the ends of his mask. After a few whispered curses, the shorter male managed to tug off his mask, revealing a youthful face with the widest brown eyes Steve had ever seen. 
Embarrassed at how long he took to get off his mask, the brunet’s cheeks were flushed as he stuttered out, “I’m... Uh... I’m Peter! Peter Parker,” Shocked by how young Spiderman, Peter, looked, Steve tried his best to keep the expression on his face as blank as possible, all the while wondering how could Stark send a high school kid into a battle. 
“Ms. Evans?” Peter suddenly shrieked out, desperately trying to stuff his head back into his mask again. Turning around, Steve found himself staring at the most beautiful set of eyes, belonging to none other than you. Shaking your head, an entertained smile took over your face whilst you gave a slight nod of acknowledgment, drawling out Peter’s name slowly. 
Extremely confused as to what was going on, Steve watched you walk off, ignoring the questions he shouted in your direction purposefully. “That’s- Ms. Evans, my English teacher! Wait, she’s an Avenger? How did I-” Peter spluttered out helplessly, unknowingly answering the question of ‘how do you know Peter’ that Steve had been shouting to you previously.
Finally, the captain understood what all those hushed conversations between you and Tony had been about. Tony had sent you, the only Avenger that Peter had never seen yet, to the boy’s school to ensure his safety and observe him. 
“Makes sense why so many students think that she’s hot...” Peter trailed off dreamily, staring at where you had stood before turning around the corner. 
Expectedly, jealousy flared up in Captain America again and the thought of an entire high school of hormonal students pining after you flashed in his mind, giving him the urge to either bash his fists into a wall or force Tony to change your name to ‘Mrs. Evans’ in the school system.
“Welcome to the Avengers,” Steve forced the words out through his gritted teeth, faking his enthusiasm this time. However, when he saw the hopeful look of a boy trying to be treated and respected as a man, so similar to what he had seen in the mirror when he was younger, all traces of the green-eyed monster disappeared and an honest smile overtook the blond’s features again. 
Laughter filled the entire room as Tony finished recounting a joke, something Steve could vaguely remember being related to him. Honestly, he couldn’t recall a single word of what anybody had been saying this entire evening unless it had come out from your mouth or involved you. 
A fond smile found it’s way onto Steve’s face as he watched you laugh, your head thrown back and nose scrunched up in the most adorable way possible. If someone was to ask him what was his favourite sound in the world, it would be your laughter. It didn’t matter if it was loud enough to fill a room or soft enough to be considered a giggle, your laughter would always be melodious to him. 
“I can’t believe you did that!” You managed to choke out between laughs, your eyes bright with amusement and tenderness. Taking Steve’s flushed cheeks as embarrassment, a cheeky grin stretched across your face before you began another round of laughter. 
The rising smile on the blond’s face was immediately wiped off and replaced with a scowl when he saw Sam casually slinging an arm around your shoulder to pull you closer to him. Just when Steve thought things couldn’t get any worse, he watched as you curled your legs to the side, inching closer to Sam and practically nuzzling your cheek into his chest. 
When had this happened? 
At first, Steve’s heart had clenched in such a painful manner that he could easily say it was the most pain he had ever felt, and the man had suffered from a lot of fatal blows in his lifetime. But after the overwhelming sadness had hit him, he wasn’t surprised to feel a spark of jealousy that grew into a flame when you laid your head on Sam’s shoulder. 
The green-eyed monster seemed to have been visiting him more often recently and he knew if he didn’t act on his feelings for you soon, the jealousy would overtake his mind and the outcome would not be pretty. Clenching his fists in hopes of relieving some of his anger, he averted his gaze on you, not able to bear the longing looks being exchanged between you and Sam. 
Nonetheless, the moment he heard snickering from the other members, he turned his head in the same direction where everyone had trained their eyes on, only to catch you pulling away from Sam after giving him a lazy kiss on the cheek. 
The way Sam’s face literally lit up forced guilt to rise up in the blond’s chest. Sam was one of his closest friends and if he liked you, what gave Steve the right to stop the two of you from liking each other? He wanted the both of you to be happy. 
He didn’t own either of you and the two of you could do whatever you pleased, even if it meant each time you brushed your lips over someone’s skin, Sam’s skin, his heart would be torn apart all over again. 
Unfortunately, when Clint had fondly recounted a story of the time his children had played Truth or Dare, Tony piped up with the idea to play that particular game, with the intention to supposedly ‘feel young again’. 
Noticing the mischief that twinkled in the billionaire’s eyes as he glanced between Steve, Sam and you, the war hero grew wary, knowing that whatever was about to come out of the brunet’s mouth would ruin his entire evening even more. 
“Rogers!” Tony exclaimed, his slightly unfocused eyes from drinking too much couldn’t hide the calculating look he sent to the super soldier. “You in or out, old man?” Noting the way the genius kept sending everyone — apart from you and Steve — a smirk accompanied by crinkles at the corners of his eyes, the blond simply shook his head, not offering any excuse except for the disapproving stare directed towards the playboy. 
Deliberately rolling his eyes to annoy Steve further, Tony waved him off before the familiar glint returned back into his eyes, no longer phased by the former rejecting to play the game. Clicking his fingers in your direction, Tony asked, “Y/N, truth or dare?” 
“Do I look like I’m you, Stark? Dare.” 
Hearing the insult that came from your mouth, Tony started arguing with you, the fondness in both your voices giving away the fact that none of you meant what you said. The friendly banter ceased when Natasha gave an exaggerated huff, neither of you wanting to get on the assassin’s bad side. 
“Right, I dare you to kiss Sam on the mouth for more than ten seconds. Also-” The playboy was cut off by what sounded like a growl and indeed, when everyone turned in the direction of where the sudden noise had come from, they were face to face with their captain. 
Shooting out of his seat quickly, Steve casted Tony a heated glare and proceeded to storm out of the room, his squared shoulders giving away the fact that he, Captain ‘always remain calm and rational’ Rogers, was downright furious. 
A moment of silence settled amongst the rest of the Avengers before being broken by the sound of your bare feet padding against the floor, following the same route the footsteps before you had taken, and leaving the rest of the team behind.
Finally, you arrived at the top of the building, immediately drawn to the towering figure that stood out against the night backdrop. Approaching the figure, you ran your hands up and down your arms, the cold night air sending shivers coursing throughout your body.
“Steve, are you alright?” Peering at him anxiously, you caught the corner of your bottom lip with your teeth unconsciously, unaware of the pink forming on the man’s cheeks. Trying his best to ignore the pounding of his heart, Steve managed to choke out a ‘yes’, averting your steely gaze by pretending to be invested in the night scenery around him.
However, the thought of your lips pressed hard against Sam’s suddenly flashed in his mind, scarily vivid and almost as if it was happening right in front of him. “Actually, no,” Steve stated, the fear, of never knowing the possibility of whether you returned his feelings, taking control of his actions.
Too late to turn back now, the soldier ran his fingers through his hair nervously, disbelief flickering in his eyes at the thought of finally professing his longtime feelings for you. Trying to delay the inevitable, Steve slipped off his sweatshirt, revealing a tight-fitting shirt underneath.
With red tainting your cheeks, you silently cursed, yet at the same time, thanked whatever or whoever made Steve always wear such shirts. 
“Here, you seem cold,” The blond uttered while passing over his hoodie, the unbelievably soft material grazing your fingers before enveloping you in warmth. Muttering a half-hearted thanks, you were far too distracted by the pine and cinnamon scent surrounding you, coming from the clothing just passed to you.
Chastising yourself to focus, your eyes were suddenly filled with warmth and concern, and Steve barely managed to hear the question you had just asked, too engrossed in soaking up the view right in front of him; you drowning in his sweatshirt, with the moon shining behind your head, acting as a halo to an actual angel.
“So, what’s wrong?” Reaching out a hand, you ran your thumb on the back of his hand, mustering a comforting smile directed at him. “I...” Steve trailed off, gulping down the words he had planned to say to you for months, no longer confident of confessing to you.
Suddenly, the image of you no longer in his sweatshirt but in Sam’s invaded all the thoughts in his mind and the familiar flare of jealousy lighted inside of him, ridding of all traces of insecurity and replacing it with an utmost confidence, and a tad bit of aggressiveness.
Curling his fingers around your wrist, he pulled you towards him abruptly, wrapping his other arm around your waist, forcing your bodies to mold against one another comfortably. Red danced across his vision as Steve found himself smashing his lips onto yours, both arms now firmly gripping your waist.
When he felt you kissing back just as eagerly, he was only furthermore encouraged and pressed his lips harder, delight filling him as you both fought for control, consoling him that he wasn’t the only one who was invested in this and you were as equally optimistic as him.
He could feel your hands running up and down his back, and as nice as it felt, the only thing that he could concentrate on was the warmth of your lips, and how inviting it felt. However, when Steve was able to feel your teeth pressing against his, he realised how aggressive the kiss was and immediately pulled away.
Heart speeding up, he felt a twinge of pride when he saw how flushed your face was, your loud breaths filling the silence between the two of you. With his hands still coiled around your waist, he felt the steady rise and fall of his chest, in sync with yours, noticing how you were both equally worked up.
“I’m guessing you like me?” You teased, using this opportunity to cover up how breathless you really were. Gnawing on his bottom lip, Steve tried his best to smother the moan that was building over every passing second you spent tangling your fingers in his hair.
Running his tongue over his slightly bruised lips from feverishly making out with you, a shiver went down your spine as you watched him. “I’ve liked you since the very moment I laid my eyes on you and loved you since the very moment I spoke to you," The Captain looked at you with half-lidded eyes, which barely covered up his fully blown pupils and the adoration shining in them.
Heat rose to your entire face yet again just when the blush from the kiss had begun to subside. Resisting the urge to squirm under the intensity of Steve’s blue eyes focused on you, you opted to draw your lip in with your teeth, unknowing of what that simple action did to Steve.
Steve’s groan was muffled as he leaned down to mold his lips with yours again, the kiss the complete opposite of the previous one. It was as meaningful as the first one except slower, which allowed both of you time to savour the feeling of each other’s lips on one other and how perfect they fitted together.
Humming in approval against Steve’s lips, you made a sound similar to a whimper when the man pulled away from you once again. “Wait, so does this mean you like me?” Steve asked bashfully, genuine confusion in his eyes.
Unable to stop the laugh that bubbled out of your throat, your eyes shined with love as you answered back plainly with no hesitation. “Steven Grant Rogers, I love you. I’ve loved you for the longest time and will continue loving you for the rest of our future,”
“Our?” The blond asked in awe, his eyes wide whilst he soaked in the information, not able to believe that his dreams were finally coming true. Your giggle rang in Steve’s ears as you nodded in response, tugging the man towards you to draw him in for another kiss.
“I thought you like Sam?” Steve managed to breathe out between kisses and you shook your head persistently and firmly in response. “Sam? We're just friends. Besides,” You laughed, giving Steve a playful nudge. “He's interested in T'challa. Very interested,”)
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malte1mj-blog · 7 years
2008 Movie Awards
Best Picture: The Dark Knight Milk Rachel Getting Married WALL-E The Wrestler HONORABLE MENTION: Doubt, The Class, Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father, Burn After Reading, Wendy and Lucy, Man on Wire, Hunger, Ballast, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Happy-Go-Lucky, Synecdoche New York Best Director: Darren Aronofsky, The Wrestler Jonathan Demme, Rachel Getting Married Christopher Nolan, The Dark Knight Andrew Stanton, WALL-E Gus Van Sant, Milk HONORABLE MENTION: Laurent Cantet, The Class; Ethan Coen & Joel Coen, Burn After Reading; David Fincher, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Lance Hammer, Ballast; Charlie Kaufman, Synecdoche, New York; Kurt Kuenne, Dear Zachary; Mike Leigh, Happy-Go-Lucky; James Marsh, Man on Wire; Steve McQueen, Hunger; Kelly Reichardt, Wendy and Lucy; John Patrick Shanley, Doubt Best Actor: Michael Fassbender, Hunger Richard Jenkins, The Visitor Ben Kingsley, Elegy Sean Penn, Milk Mickey Rourke, The Wrestler HONORABLE MENTION: Francois Begeaudeau, The Class; Michael Cera, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist; Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man; Colin Farrell, In Bruges; James Franco, Pineapple Express; Brendan Gleeson, In Bruges; Philip Seymour Hoffman, Doubt; Philip Seymour Hoffman, Synecdoche New York; Frank Langella, Frost/Nixon; Brad Pitt, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Michael Pitt, Funny Games; Alejandro Polanco, Chop Shop; Jason Segel, Forgetting Sarah Marshall; Micheal J. Smith Sr., Ballast; Anton Yelchin, Charlie Barlett Best Actress: Anne Hathaway, Rachel Getting Married Sally Hawkins, Happy-Go-Lucky Kristin Scott Thomas, I've Loved You So Long Meryl Streep, Doubt Michelle Williams, Wendy and Lucy HONORABLE MENTION: Amy Adams, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day; Kate Beckinsale, Nothing But the Truth; Cate Blanchett, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Rebecca Hall, Vicky Cristina Barcelona; Scarlett Johansson, Vicky Cristina Barcelona; Nicole Kidman, Australia; Melissa Leo, Frozen River; Frances McDormand, Burn After Reading; Frances McDormand, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day; Tarra Riggs, Ballast; Jess Weixler, Teeth; Kate Winslet, Revolutionary Road Best Supporting Actor: James Franco, Milk Bill Irwin, Rachel Getting Married Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight Eddie Marsan, Happy-Go-Lucky Brad Pitt, Burn After Reading HONORABLE MENTION: Russell Brand, Forgetting Sarah Marshall; Josh Brolin, Milk; Brady Corbet, Funny Games; Liam Cunningham, Hunger; Aaron Eckhart, The Dark Knight; Ralph Fiennes, In Bruges; Danny McBride, Pineapple Express; Liam McMahon, Hunger; Mos Def, Cadillac Records; Gary Oldman, The Dark Knight; Dev Patel, Slumdog Millionaire; Haaz Sleiman, The Visitor Best Supporting Actress: Penelope Cruz, Vicky Cristina Barcelona Viola Davis, Doubt Rosemarie DeWitt, Rachel Getting Married Samantha Morton, Synecdoche, New York Evan Rachel Wood, The Wrestler HONORABLE MENTION: Hiam Abbass, The Visitor; Amy Adams, Doubt; Patricia Clarkson, Elegy; Vera Farmiga, Nothing But the Truth; Ari Graynor, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist; Taraji P. Henson, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Anjelica Huston, Choke; Beyonce Knowles, Cadillac Records; Sophie Okonedo, The Secret Life of Bees; Freida Pinto, Slumdog Millionaire; Tilda Swinton, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Marisa Tomei, The Wrestler; Debra Winger, Rachel Getting Married; Elysa Zylberstein, I’ve Loved You So Long Best Original Screenplay: Burn After Reading - Ethan Coen & Joel Coen Hunger - Steve McQueen & Enda Walsh Milk - Dustin Lance Black Rachel Getting Married - Jenny Lumet WALL-E - Pete Docter, Jim Reardon & Andrew Stanton HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Ballast, Charlie Barlett, Chop Shop, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Happy-Go-Lucky, In Bruges, I’ve Loved You So Long, Pineapple Express, Synecdoche New York, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, The Visitor, The Wrestler, Zack and Miri Make a Porno Best Adapted Screenplay: The Class - Francois Begaudeau, Robin Campillo & Laurent Cantet The Dark Knight - David S. Goyer, Christopher Nolan & Jonathan Nolan Doubt - John Patrick Shanley Elegy - Nicholas Meyer Slumdog Millionaire - Simon Beaufoy HONORABLE MENTION: The Counterfeiters, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Iron Man, Let the Right One In, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist, Speed Racer, Wendy and Lucy Best Ensemble: Burn After Reading The Class The Dark Knight Milk Slumdog Millionaire HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Doubt, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Funny Games, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist, Rachel Getting Married, Speed Racer, Synecdoche New York, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Zack and Miri Make a Porno Best Limited Performance - Male: Andre Blake, Rachel Getting Married Justin Long, Zack and Miri Make a Porno Denis O'Hare, Milk Michael Shannon, Revolutionary Road J.K. Simmons, Burn After Reading HONORABLE MENTION: Alan Alda, Flash of Genius; Michael Caine, The Dark Knight; Tom Cruise, Tropic Thunder; Bill Hader, Pineapple Express; David Rasche, Burn After Reading; Victor Rasuk, Stop-Loss; Mark Rendall, Charlie Barlett Best Limited Performance - Female: Patricia Clarkson, Vicky Cristina Barcelona Hope Davis, Synecdoche, New York Karina Fernandez, Happy-Go-Lucky Amy Ryan, Changeling Robin Weigert, Synecdoche, New York HONORABLE MENTION: Heather Burns, Choke; Zoe Kazan, Revolutionary Road; Jennifer Jason Leigh, Synecdoche New York; Lena Olin, The Reader; Amy Sedaris, Snow Angels; Sigourney Weaver, Vantage Point; Dianne Wiest, Synecdoche New York; Kristen Wiig, Ghost Town Breakthrough Performance: Ari Graynor, Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist Alejandro Polanco, Chop Shop Tarra Riggs, Ballast Micheal J. Smith Sr., Ballast Jess Weixler, Teeth HONORABLE MENTION: David Kross, The Reader; Lina Leandersson, Let the Right One In; Charlie McDermott, Frozen River; Gabe Nevins, Paranoid Park; Esmeralda Ouertani, The Class; Freida Pinto, Slumdog Millionaire; Rachel Regulier, The Class; Brandon Walters, Australia Best Film Editing: The Dark Knight - Lee Smith Hunger - Joe Walker Rachel Getting Married - Tim Squyres Slumdog Millionaire - Chris Dickens The Wrestler - Andrew Weisblum HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Ballast, Burn After Reading, Chop Shop, The Class, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Dear Zachary, Doubt. Funny Games, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, Iron Man, Let the Right One In, Man on Wire, Milk, Paranoid Park, Pineapple Express, Speed Racer Best Cinematography: Australia - Mandy Walker Ballast - Lol Crawley The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Claudio Miranda The Dark Knight - Wally Pfister The Wrestler - Maryse Alberti HONORABLE MENTION: Burn After Reading, Changeling, Chop Shop, Doubt, Elegy, Funny Games, Hunger, Let the Right One In, Milk, Paranoid Park, Rachel Getting Married, The Reader, Revolutionary Road, Slumdog Millionaire, Synecdoche New York, Wendy and Lucy Best Original Score: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Alexandre Desplat The Dark Knight - James Newton Howard & Hans Zimmer Milk - Danny Elfman Slumdog Millionaire - A.R. Rahman WALL-E - Thomas Newman HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Burn After Reading, Changeling, In Bruges, I’ve Loved You So Long, Kung Fu Panda, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Revolutionary Road, Speed Racer, The Visitor, Waltz with Bashir, The X-Files: I Want to Believe Best Original Song: High School Musical 3: Senior Year - "I Want It All" - Matthew Gerrard & Robbie Nevil Slumdog Millionaire - "Jai Ho" - Gulzar & A.R. Rahman Synecdoche, New York - "Little Person" - Jon Brion & Charlie Kaufman WALL-E - "Down to Earth" - Peter Gabriel & Thomas Newman The Wrestler - "The Wrestler" - Bruce Springsteen HONORABLE MENTION: Australia - “By the Boab Tree”; Bolt - “Barking at the Moon”; Cadillac Records - “Once in a Lifetime”; High School Musical 3: Senior Year - “High School Musical”; High School Musical 3: Senior Year - “A Night to Remember”; My Blueberry Nights - “The Story”; Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist - “Ottoman”; Sex and the City - “All Dressed in Love”; Slumdog Millionaire - “O Saya”; Trouble the Water - “Trouble the Water”; Twilight - “I Caught Myself” Best Art Direction: Australia - Beverly Dunn & Catherine Martin Changeling - Gary Fettis & James J. Murakami The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Donald Graham Burt & Victor J. Zolfo Revolutionary Road - Debra Schutt & Kristi Zea Synecdoche, New York - Mark Friedberg & Lydia Marks HONORABLE MENTION: Burn After Reading, The Counterfeiters, The Dark Knight, Frost/Nixon, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, High School Musical 3: Senior Year, Iron Man, Milk, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Pineapple Express, Sex and the City, Slumdog Millionaire, Speed Racer, Vicky Cristina Barcelona Best Costume Design: Australia - Catherine Martin The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Jacqueline West Milk - Danny Glicker Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day - Michael O'Connor Sex and the City - Patricia Field HONORABLE MENTION: Burn After Reading, Cadillac Records, Changeling, The Counterfeiters, The Dark Knight, Doubt, Frost/Nixon, Happy-Go-Lucky, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, Iron Man, Revolutionary Road, Slumdog Millionaire, Speed Racer, Synecdoche New York, W., The Wrestler Best Makeup: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button The Dark Knight Frost/Nixon Hunger The Wrestler HONORABLE MENTION: Cadillac Records, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, Iron Man, Let the Right One In, Milk, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Saw V, Sex and the City, Slumdog Millionaire, Speed Racer, Synecdoche New York, Tropic Thunder, Twilight, W. Best Sound Mixing: The Dark Knight Iron Man Pineapple Express Speed Racer WALL-E HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Cadillac Records, Cloverfield, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Get Smart, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, High School Musical 3: Senior Year, The Incredible Hulk, Kung Fu Panda, Let the Right One In, Mamma Mia!, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist, Slumdog Millionaire, Tropic Thunder, The Wrestler Best Sound Editing: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button The Dark Knight Iron Man Speed Racer WALL-E HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Cloverfield, Get Smart, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, The Incredible Hulk, Kung Fu Panda, Pineapple Express, Saw V, Slumdog Millionaire, Tropic Thunder, The Wrestler, The X-Files: I Want to Believe Best Visual Effects: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button The Dark Knight Hellboy II: The Golden Army Iron Man Speed Racer HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Cloverfield, Eagle Eye, Get Smart, The Incredible Hulk, Tropic Thunder Best Foreign-Language Film: The Class - Laurent Cantet The Counterfeiters - Stefan Ruzowitzky I've Loved You So Long - Philippe Claudel Let the Right One In - Tomas Alfredson Waltz with Bashir - Ari Folman HONORABLE MENTION: JCVD Best Documentary: Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father - Kurt Kuenne Man on Wire - James Marsh Taxi to the Dark Side - Alex Gibney Trouble the Water - Carl Deal & Tia Lessin Young@Heart - Stephen Walker Honorable Mention: HONORABLE MENTION: Bigger Stronger Fast, Encounters at the End of the World, Religulous, Standard Operating Procedure, Waltz with Bashir Best Animated Film: Bolt - Byron Howard & Chris Williams Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who - Jimmy Hayward & Steve Martino Kung Fu Panda - Mark Osborne & John Stevenson WALL-E - Andrew Stanton Waltz with Bashir - Ari Folman Every 2008 Film I've Seen: Ranked
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nomadstevergxrs · 8 years
The Girl in the Pond Pt. 2 (Bones: Marvel AU)
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Characters  in this chapter: Steve Rogers, Female Reader, Wanda Maximoff, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Natasha Romanoff, Original Male Character
Warnings: Language, More talks about a dead body, Slight violence.
Pairings: None. (Eventual Steve Rogers x Reader)
Summary: You are a forensic anthropologist working for the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C. when you and your team get recruited by the FBI to aid one of their top field agents, Special Agent Steve Rogers. Together, along with  your colleagues/friends you put faces on the voiceless and throw the bad guys where they belong.
Author’s Note: So this is my first Marvel AU series and I’m quite nervous on how this is going to turn out. The series is going to be based on the TV show Bones and since the show is 12 seasons long I’m just going to base the series on some of my favorite episodes including the series finale coming out in the upcoming weeks. I only hope I do it justice. I want to thank @mrs-squirrel-chester​ for convincing me into writing this and for not only being as awesome beta but because she also made this kick-ass edit above.
“What's the context of the find?” you asked Agent Rogers as you both walked down the grassy hill, reading the names on the rows of white marble headstones. “Routine landscaping,” Steve replied, looking down at his notepad. “Dropped a load in the local pond, one of the workmen thought he saw something.” You recognized the emblem on the side of the black windowless van that was parked a few yards away from the pond; it was the Smithsonian Medico-Legal Lab emblem. The passenger door opened and a young man hopped out; duffle bag in one hand and a camera in the other.
Recognizing him immediately, you waved him over. “Hi Peter.”
Peter greeted you with a hug, ““This eco-warrior look works for you. Very action oriented.”
“Thanks.” you replied, looking down at your outfit. “Agent Rogers, you remember my assistant Peter Parker?”
“Of course,” Agent Rogers answered, sticking out his right hand. “Great to see you again kid.”
“How was Guatemala? Dig up lots of massacred victims? Learn a thing or two about machete strikes?” Peter asked you, completely ignoring Steve, who made a face at Peter’s rude gesture.
You cleared your throat and Peter quickly realized his mistake. “Sorry,” he muttered, taking Agent Rogers’ hand to give it a firm shake. “Good to see you again Agent.”  
“Hey Pete, I need water samples and temperature readings from the pond,” you ordered.
“Right away doc.”  He spun on his heel, quickly turning the other way, leaving you alone with Agent Rogers.
“Kid’s got no sense of discretion. Typical Squint…” Steve said, as they reached the river bank.
“Squint?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Ah you know, when cops get stuck, we bring in people like you. You know? Squints. You know, you squint at things,” Steve explained with a shit-eating grin. “Like this,” he demonstrated for you.
“Oh, you mean people with very high IQ's and basic reasoning skills?” You gave him a smart-ass answer.
His smile dropped, giving you a look as if he had just tucked his tail between his legs. “Yeah.”
“So what exactly am I supposed to be squinting at?” you asked, staring at a monitor while standing in the middle of a small boat, along with Agent Rogers, in the middle of the pond.
Steve dropped a camera attached to a cable into the pond. “Oh, you know, it’s like pornography,” Steve said as he continued to lower the camera. “You'll know it when you see it.”
“Like you would know,” you snarked, shooting your partner a wink.
His cheeks flushed pink. “Shut up Bones.”
You chuckled to yourself then turned your head to look back at the screen where you saw what looked to be a skeleton wrapped around in wire.
“Oh yeah, this is a crime scene,” you called out to Steve. “Call in the divers and bring the body up to land,” you ordered.
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After thirty minutes of locating the body and a quick change, you were finally able to examine the remains while Peter leaned over to snap some photos. Kneeling down you pulled on some rubber gloves, grabbed a tool from your bag, and started removing some of the algae and wire that was attached.
“Remains are wrapped in four-milled, flat poly-construction sheeting,” you announced to Peter, who then crouched down on the opposite side of you.
“PVC coated chicken wire,” Peter responded as he helped you pull it away from the body.
“It’s weighted.” you added, looking up at Peter. “That's why the body didn't surface during decomposition.” There was a small bone fragment, which you held up to the magnifying glass. “The skeleton is complete but the skull is in fragments.”
Suddenly you felt Steve’s presence behind you. “What can you tell me?”
“Not much,” you answered, not looking at him. “She was a young woman, probably between 18 and 22, approximately 5'3", race unknown, delicate features.”
“That's all?” He asked in disbelief, crouching down next to you.
“Well, she was a tennis player,” you responded coolly.
Steve scratched the back of his neck. “How do you get a tennis player out of… well that?” he asked, referring to the muck that covered the remains.
Peter jumped in with an answer, “Epiphyses fusion gives age.” He pointed at one of the legs. “Pelvic bone shape gives sex of the victim.”
“Bursitis in the shoulder,” you pointed at the left arm. “Somebody this young, must be an athletic injury.”
“Okay?” Steve asked still not getting what you and Peter were talking about. “When did she die?”
“Ehhh…” both you and Peter replied, still not looking at the agent.
“Ehhh?” he mocked. “What do you mean Eh?”
Peter rolled his eyes, then got up, facing Agent Rogers. “It means wait until our bug and slime guy takes a look,” he said.
“Collect silt, 3 meters radius, to a depth of 10 cm,” you ordered Peter to do as you pulled the zipper on your baggy bodysuit and yanked it down, revealing your white long sleeve t-shirt and dark wash jeans. “Your FBI forensics team can take the plastic and the chicken wire, we'll take the rest.”
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Walking up the stairs, heading into your office, you noticed your boss, Natasha Romanoff, leaving your office.
“Dr. Romanoff!” you shouted as you jogged over to the petite redhead in front of you.
“Dr. Y/L/N? How was Guatemala?” she asked, not that she cared. She was trying to divert the situation.
“You know, Dr. Romanoff, I wish you wouldn't just give me to the FBI,” you said as you walked along with her, not letting her change the subject.
“As a federally funded institution,” Natasha started as you both went down the stairs. “The Smithsonian must seize every opportunity to prove our worth to our friends in Congress. Which means, I loan you out as I see fit, especially to federal agencies.”
You rolled your eyes at your boss. “'Loan out' implies property Dr. Romanoff,” you responded. “And the FBI will never respect me as property.”
“I do not view you as property Dr. Y/L/N,” Natasha stopped you. “You are one of the Smithsonian's most valuable assets.”
“An asset is, by definition, property.” The two of you heard Peter say from behind.
Natasha rolled her eyes. “What's the rule Mr. Parker?”
“You only converse with PhD's,” Peter deadpanned. “You realize I am half way through two Doctorates? Two halves make a whole, so mathematically speaking…”
Natasha turned around and cut off Peter, “Go polish a bone Mr. Parker!”
“Hey Stark, find anything good on our body here?” You asked, swiping your ID card against the lock near the lab’s entrance.
After pulling a lab coat over your shoulders, you grabbed a pair of rubber gloves and joined your colleague Tony.
“The pond is not only warm and teeming with microbes, which accelerated decomposition, but it houses black carp and koi which fed on the body,” he answered while still looking over the body.
Walking up the steps into the lab, Wanda almost choked on the smell of rotting flesh. “Oh god!  Can I, as the only normal person in this room, say, Ew?”
“Can you determine how long ago the victim died?” you inquired.
“Well, given by three larval stages of trichoptera, chironimidae…” Tony replied before you cut him off.
“In English, Stark.”
Tony sighed, all enthusiasm gone. “The body was in the pond one winter and two summers.”
“So spring before last,” you easily calculated, muttering to yourself as you turned back and looked at the monitor.
“You really think I'm Robert?” Tony asked out of the blue after a long pause.
“What?” you looked at Wanda in confusion.
“The book, sweetie,” Wanda answered.
You let out a dry chuckle and shook your head. “No, No, No. You're not in the book.”
“Well sure he is! We all are…” Peter cut in.
“No, none of you are in the book. Those are fictitious characters based on....”
“I found some small bone fragments in the silt,” Tony interrupted you mid sentence, motioning everyone to take a look at the monitor as he moved the magnifying glass over to the victim’s ribcage.
“Dr. Stark, can you determine the kind of bones found in the silt?” you asked.
“Given the size of the bone fragments, I’d say Rana Temporaria,” Tony answered.
“So frog bones?”
He nodded. “Also found some tiny gold links, those from a fine chain…”
“Just to clarify..” Peter announced. “I'm not a virgin. Nowhere near in fact.”
Tony snorted, trying to contain his laughter to which Wanda elbowed him in the arm.
“Oh my god, can you guys just ignore the fucking book and focus on your jobs?” you shouted exasperatedly.
“Who you captured perfectly, is Rogers. Buttoned down, but buckets of sexual confidence which, uhhh, I for one would love to tap.” Wanda let out a little smirk which made you roll your eyes at her.
“Wand, you’re not helping,” you muttered.
“Oh come on!” She walked over, grabbing you by the shoulders. “Like you wouldn’t tap that?” She giggled, which made your cheeks flush in embarrassment.
“It’s not polite to discuss ‘ass tapping’ in front of a soaker,” Peter breathed in irritation.
“And yet, you wanted to announce to everyone that you’re not a virgin,” Tony argued back.
“Okay everyone shut up and ignore the book!” you yelled at your colleagues. “Peter, remove the remaining tissue, I'll debreed the skull fragments myself, reassemble it so Wanda can put a face on our victim. And Stark, can you analyze the paper found in the victim’s hand?”
“Good. I prefer holographs, they don't stink,” Wanda answered, referring to the decomposing body.
“Sure thing, Dr. Y/L/N,” Both Tony and Peter said as the three headed out of the lab, before you pulled Peter back by the shoulder.
“Listen Pete, I don't like those terms for human remains, ya know; soaker, crispy critter stuff like that?” You whispered.
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He hung his head low as if he was being scolded, his hands fidgeting with his royal blue lab coat.” Sorry, Dr. Y/N,” he replied.
“Hey no, I’m not mad at you Peter.” You let out a sigh. “I’m just saying that when we’re in the middle of an investigation, it’s better to just say victim and not weird nicknames alright?” You patted his back and asked, “Now go clean the bones alright?”
He let out a weak smile. “Sure thing doc.”
“So,” Steve’s superior, Director Nick Fury pondered as he sat at his desk across from Steve. “You guaranteed a squint a field role in an active murder investigation, Agent Rogers. Is that correct?”
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Steve nodded. “Yes sir.”
“Huh, that’s funny,” the director replied, scratching his chin. “I thought you said she wouldn’t work with you anymore?”
Steve shifted in his seat before answering, “Well, the last case we worked she provided a description of the murder weapon and the murderer, but I didn't give her much credence.”
“And why is that?” Director Fury asked.
“Because she did it by looking at the victim's autopsy x-rays,” Steve answered.
The director snorted at Steve’s comment. “Well I wouldn't give it much credence either.”
“Turns out she was right on both,” Steve answered. “Plus the pond victim, Y/F/N gave me the victim’s age, sex, and favorite sport,” he praised with confidence.
The director chuckled, leaning closer to Steve.“Which is?”
Fury leaned back in awe. “She’s good.”
“Oh, she's amazing,” Steve answered proudly.  “If the only way I can get her back to my side is to bring her out in the field, I'm willing to let her.”
The room fell quiet. Director Fury looked pensive for a moment, debating on whether or not he should grant permission as Steve shifted uncomfortably in his chair, wringing his hands together due to nerves.
“Fine.” Director Fury finally announced. “You can take her out in the field, but ultimately, she is your responsibility.”
Steve practically leapt from his chair, took a hold of the director’s hand, and shook it. “Thank you sir.”
Hearing a strange noise in your house, you scrambled out of your bed and crouched underneath, pulling out an aluminum bat. You were slowly tip-toeing down the hallway when suddenly, a dark figure walked through the bead curtains. Within the blink of an eye, you swung your bat hard, connecting with glass and smashing it, sending the person tumbling down on the floor amidst a sea of glass shards.
You stood over and almost swung when suddenly you heard a familiar voice stopping you, “Y/N, wait!”
“Julian?” You cried, surprised to find your ex-boyfriend in your house. You extended your right arm and he took it, lifting himself up off the floor.
“It's not rational for you to choose the first day I'm back to reclaim your television.” You sighed as you took a seat on your lounge chair.
Julian sat down on the chair opposite you. “While you were away, I thought a lot about why we broke up,” he replied nervously.
“We fought all the time and don't like each other anymore,” you answered bluntly.
“We fought because you are emotionally distant and cold,” Julian retorted as he got up from his chair and sauntered over to your chair, sitting dangerously close to you. “But sexually speaking, I think you'll agree tha-”
You immediately cut him off, “You didn't come for your TV, you timed this for a booty call!” You pushed him off the couch with a pissed off groan. “You’re a fuckin’ pig you know that.”
“Oh come on!” Julian got up and ran behind you. “Your intimacy issues are probably due to being orphaned so young.”
“Ughh... I hate psychology and you're just horny.” You rolled your eyes painfully hard at your ex.
“Y/N, honey, do you really want to spend the rest of your life alone?” he asked, a shit-eating smirk plastered across his face.
However, it didn’t last long as you slapped him hard across the cheek. “Get out Julian,” you growled as you pushed him out of the house.
Clutching the left side of his cheek, he asked, “So what, we split the cost of the TV?”
“Go fuck yourself,” you spat, slamming the door his face and stomped back into the living room where you threw yourself back on the lounge chair with a soft thud. You grabbed a cushion and buried your face, screaming into it.
The next day, Wanda, Steve, and you gathered around at a squared table in Wanda’s office, along with Peter and Tony.
“Does Rogers know how this works?” you asked with a hint of sarcasm in your voice and Steve shot you a dirty look.
“This computer program, which Tony and I designed, patent pending, accepts a full array of digital input, processes it, and then projects it as a three dimensional holographic image,” Wanda said as she tapped away on her tablet. A holographic skeleton popped up a moment later. “I call it FRIDAY.”
“You get that?” you asked Steve sarcastically.
“Sure thing, doll,” he replied with a smirk. Being the smart ass he was, he added, “Even the patent pending part.”
“Get a room you two,” Wanda teased, to which both you and Steve rolled your eyes.
“Anywho… Y/L/N reassembled the skull and applied tissue markers,” Wanda said as she continued to tap on her tablet.
As Wanda added the markers to the skull, you explained to everyone in the room how you managed to pull it off, “Her skull was badly damaged, but racial indicators, cheekbone dimensions, nasal arch, occipital measurements suggest African American.”
“And.... We have our victim,” Wanda announced as a full upper body photograph appears in hologram form.
“Whoa…” Steve whispered as he put his hand through the hologram and wiggled his fingers. “Have to admit, that's pretty cool.”
You slapped Steve’s hand away from the hologram. “Hey Wand, can you rerun the program substituting caucasian values?” you asked.
The image altered slightly as Wanda entered the information into her tablet. “Does she look familiar to anyone?” you asked everyone in the room.
Confused, Tony, Peter, Steve, and Wanda looked at each other, then shook their heads no.
“Split the difference, mixed race,” you told Wanda.
“Lenny Kravitz or Vanessa Williams?” she asked, head cocked to the side.
“Hmmm…” you thought for a moment before making a decision, “Vanessa Williams.”
Wanda added in more features and the image changed again. Steve was taken back by the final result. “Oh no,” he breathed, a hand resting on his hip.
“Anyone recognize her?” you asked the group once more.
“Not me,” Peter replied.
“Wait, is that who I think it is?” asked Wanda as she placed her tablet down on the table beside her.
“The girl who had the affair with the Senator?” Asked Tony.
“Her name is Cleo Louise Eller,” Steve said softly. “Only daughter to Ted and Sharon Eller. Last seen approximately 9pm, April 6, 2016 leaving the Cardio Deluxe Gym on K Street, she didn't even make it to her car.”
You turned to Steve. “Pretty good memory,” you acknowledged.
“Yeah, well, it's my job to find her,” he answered, not looking at you.
“Well, in that case, congratulations on your success.�� Tony stuck his hand out for Steve to shake.
Steve shook his head in dismay, “This isn't exactly the way I wanted it to end.” He turned on his heel and headed towards the door. He stopped and towards you and your group “I need this kept quiet.”
Tagging: @lilasiannerd @mrs-squirrel-chester @motleymoose @hello-sweetie-get-the-salt @notateenbeachmovie @hellkat2 @kirmt15 @shamvictoria11 @yourtropegirl @basicallybucky @jonsnowisnotdeadthough @animexchocolate @westoftheglass @feelmyroarrrr @maris-astrum @heir-of-light-33 @labyrinth-of-storylines @dirajunara @danijimenezv @heather-lynn @ariallane @elfwriter1088 @sebbytrash @crazyliraz @onebigfangirlworld @erinvanlyssel @buckys-other-punk @musichowler @lady-thor-foster @meatballevan @bionic-buckyb @always-an-evans-addict @therealsabalicious @fly-little-butterfly @deanmon-winchester-666 @madhattervanessa @the-most-handsome-ginger
If anyone wants to be added or taken off the list shoot me a message!
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