#dzire original
MGG smut plz dont read this
“Oh what-can-it mean to a daydream believer and a homecoming queen“ I sing as the songs ends “Cheer up sleepy jean”
Claps come from the drunken maybe 30 or so people at the karaoke bar. I take an overzealous bow and try to keep my balance. The room spins slightly as I stand straight up. The DJ loudly announces the next singer and song as I walk back to my group of friends. They give another drunken round of applause and compliments all around, even though I really butchered the last verse in “Sleepy Jean”. I feel my best friend yank on my arm and pull me closer to her face.
“Look who came in half way through..” She pointed vaguely across the bar at a group of people, none of which whom I knew. “Tonight is your night, I told you. Did I not?”
As she talks eagerly in my ear, I look deeper into the crowd. I remain unsure of what the fuck she’s talking about. I quickly sweep over and over again, looking for a familiar face, but I find none.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” I stop her mid-ramble.
“It’s what’s his nuts... You know from the show you watch- not Law & Order the other one... What’s his fuckin’ name the tall cute one.” She yells into my ear, as if I’ll understand her better the louder she is.
“Matthew Gray Gubler?” I ask.
“YES! I knew his name, damn. Yes! He’s here, he walked in half way through your song.” She excitedly gets her point across and tugs on my arm.
“No fucking way, you’re wrong.” I scoff at her.
There’s no way he’s here. I try to look again, but now there are more people at the bar in the way of whoever was there before. She pulls me about two feet to our left and positions our heads just right and points across the room; much more specific now.
On the other side of the room, by the bar and near the wall, I see a man with curly hair with a drink in his hand by his mouth, but like he was too enthralled with what his response would be to whoever is talking to him so he couldn’t take a drink. He smiled wide as he listened, and I watched for a second or two as he gave his response, they both laughed, and he finally took a drink. 
“Fack.” I spoke bluntly “Fucking shit dude.”
“You have to talk to him, I’m not giving you the option. This is happening.” My friend spoke, still attached to my arm with excitement. 
“He’s probably here with someone.” I immediately excuse.
“He’s literally not. Oh my- listen, all you gotta do is talk to him. The worst that happens is you get turned down.” She refutes “This is a one time chance, and you’ll regret it if you don’t do it”
Anxiety rises in my chest through my stomach as I watch him and his friends move to the open pool table. I feel like my fucking mouth is sweating and like there’s no way that I’m gonna be able to go over there and say anything to him.
“Plus, you’ve been saying you wanna try to hoe it up a little. this is the perfect time. Vacation, bar, pretty guy.” She grabs my chin and turns my face to her to make demanding eye contact “You look extremely hot tonight. Your ass- looks great in those jeans, I cant stop staring. Literally, everywhere we have been I’ve had to keep the guys off of you. You’re the one in charge here.”
She speaks with such confidence and power. She raises her eyebrows at me as if to say “Are you gonna go fucking do it?” So I take a big huff and ball up my fists and turn to start walking over. I’m suddenly feeling how actually drunk I am, and if I wasn’t so drunk, that would make me nervous that I’m gonna look like a complete idiot. I suddenly realize that I have no game plan and the drink I’m holding is just ice at this point. I’m about ten feet away and there’s no stopping because it is now very clear that I was actively making my way across the room to this specific spot. I’m physically shaking at this point where I walk up right behind him as he leans over the pool table. I watch as he misses his shot and stands back up. I take a deep breath and let it out as I step up next to him and look up to smile.
“Hi.” I say, hopefully loud enough for him to hear.
“Oh, hello.” He says back to me and smiles.
There’s silence for a second, he looks back to his friends taking their turns, and back to me.
“Can I buy you a drink?” I blurt out, after what seems like holding it in for minutes in silence.
“Ah,” He looks at his half empty drink and back to me “Sure. You heading to the bar?” 
He points to the bar, and honestly, I’m just surprised I made it this far.
“Yeah!’ I respond, trying to keep my cool.
We both take off in direction of the bar and I am mentally trying to sober myself up to walk a straight line. As we reach the bar, he turns to me and immediately reaches out his hand to shake it.
“I’m Matthew.” 
I shook his hand and gave him my name with a smile. 
“What are you drinking?” I ask him, pointing to his drink.
“Ah, whatever seasonal beer this is.” He twists his bottle to look at the label, and then turns it for me to see as well “What about you?”
“Gin and tonic.” I say and raise my drink a little.
“Oh, wow. You look really young for a sixty year old dad.” He dead pan says to me.
My jaw drops with a hint of a smile. I feel a wave of peace come over me as we both laugh and I defend my drink choices. 
“Cheap beer seems to get the job done for me.” He says and takes another drink.
“I can’t help that I just have a refined palette.” I tease.
He nods towards his friends to gesture that we I follow him, as he turns to walk back to his friends.
“Are those your friends?” He points to the group of girls I came with who are now walking up to do a karaoke song together.
“Oh gosh, they really are drunk.” I say as “Ice Ice Baby” comes on over the speakers.
He laughs and leans down slightly to say to me “Are you not?”
I giggle and turn to look at him as I say “I mean yeah, but not group Ice Ice Baby drunk.”
He smiles at me and grabs the pool stick he had earlier and steps up to take his shot.
“They’re about to fuckin’ kill it though just watch.” I add in.
He misses his shot, hands the pool stick to his partner, then grabs his friends attention and introduces me to them and vice versa. I smile and wave extra awkwardly and sip at my drink which is starting to only taste like lime and not gin.
“Are you gonna do another song?” He crosses his arms and looks at me before looking back at my friends going hard to “Ice Ice Baby”.
“Uh, yeah I think so. I’m still trying to decide what song I wanna do.” 
I watch as my friends start to get sloppy at the mic and laugh a little. Matthew speaks to me again, but this time he’s much closer than before. He cranes down a little to listen and speak to me.
“What are your choices?” He asks.
I dare not turn to look at him lest his face be close enough for me to analyze under the dim bar lights and see the color of his eyes. I keep my eyes on the group of girls at the front rapping their hearts out.
“I’m thinking What’s Up by 4 Non Blondes or maybe I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston.” I say loudly.
“Ooh, throw backs. I love it.” I can hear his laugh much clearer now 
“You should do 4 Non Blondes, if you care what I think.” He adds that last part as he stumbles over his recommendation.
Smart. Also, good suggestion. I smile and nod.
“Yeah, I think you’re right.” I say coolly and step forward to walk to the DJ.
I’m freaking out that I’m actually maintaining this casual courtship so fuckin’ well. He seems to want to talk to me, which is amazing, and I’m not tripping over my feet or stumbling over my words. I can feel my cheeks tighten as I smile walking towards the DJ booth. I wait as the last song finishes and I am handed a mic to head out. All through the song, all I can think is that he’s watching me. Normally I like the attention, but right now I feel nervous-like when you’re forced to participate in something as a child. I try to relax and get into the song. I close my eyes and after awhile it’s just me and the music. I do my best, even give a little bit of a performance. I do another bow as the song ends and smile. I look up to see him standing in the back smiling and clapping. My heart races as he smiles wider when my eyes catch his. I hand the mic back to the DJ and walk back towards him. I left my drink at his table, irresponsible around strangers I know, but I had felt like I needed a reason to come back to him. I walk past my table and give one friend a high five and my best friend smacks my butt as I pass. She grabs my arm and stops me before I walk away.
“If we all need to crash in their room so you can have our room at the hotel, that’s fine. I can stay with them tonight. I am in all support of this.” She whispers in my ear.
I smile and thank her for her kind idea as I continue my walk back towards that tall tall man. 
“Hey! That was great!” he perks up as I near him.
Nervously, he raises his hands and I don’t think initially he knew what he was doing, but I didn’t either. We both end up double high fiving and then awkwardly looking away because we both knew that was so fucking stupid. I grab my drink and make sure to thank him for the compliment before I sip. 
“What did your friend say into your ear? Looked like she was gonna rip your arm off.” He says as he finally turns back to me.
I take a breath and turn back to him to make eye contact.
“She heavily implied some very inappropriate things.” I smile and take another drink.
“Oh! That’s super awesome.” He says blankly. 
“She’s very set and steady that I take you back to my hotel tonight.” I said honestly “However, I literally have never gone up to a man and bought him a drink at a bar and I’m just not sure that I could really get myself to a place that I could do that.”
“Well, you’ve already done the hard part right? Taking initiative. I’ve never had a girl by me a drink before, surprisingly. I’ve had some ask if I could buy them a drink. So, it’s a first time for me too.” He reassures me.
“Is that something that you would want to do? Take me to your hotel room?” He says as he sets his beer at the table with my drink and leans on it, facing me directly.
“I’m not really sure. I feel like there’s so much to disclose before something like that but the bar isn’t the best place to do it.” I reply honestly.
He scrunches his nose and nods “I totally get it. I don’t feel like I have to tell you but, you don’t have to do anything you don’t wanna do.”
“Well,” I start before taking a sip of my drink “Is that something you would want to do? Go back with me?” 
“Do you wanna have another drink? We could sit down when I’m done with this pool game.” He replies.
“Actually, I need to drink some water.” I shrug “I have to make ‘responsible decisions’“ 
I pfft my tongue at that and smile. 
“Who says?” He laughs as he responds.
“I do, actually.” I blush and look down at my drink, away from his smiling face.
“Well, do you wanna sit down over a couple waters then?” He suggests.
I look back at him and smile and nod. I wait as he finishes the pool game, every so often coming back and standing by me to talk to me. Occasionally, my friends would wave me down and give me extremely obvious thumbs up and gestures to check my phone.
I roll my eyes and give in and check my phone.
:“you need the room or nah? we tryna to head back”
I huff and look up at Matthew. It couldn’t hurt right? It’s once in a lifetime thing, I  have to.
:”I think so, but we’re gonna hang out a lil more”
:”k we’ll get anotha drink then call the lyft.”
I set my phone down on the table and look up to the opposing team taking the winning shot. Matthew drops his shoulders and pouts for a second, but quickly moves on to come stand by me.
“I’ll be right back.” He says and sets his half empty bottle down at the table and walks towards the bar.
I fidget with my nails as I wait, nervously. He seems sweet, and he seems to be just as awkward as me. As confident as it must seem to offer him a drink, I feel so small and dumb. He clearly came here with his friends to play pool and now I’ve ruined that. 
As I worry through my thoughts, he comes back to the table and sets down two large glasses of ice water. Luckily, he’s good at sparking questions and the conversation went on pretty well. He’s very awkward but somehow it makes me feel comfortable. We talk about pets and coffee and youtube videos and it goes well. Really, not what I had expected from trying to pick someone up from a bar. He asks for pictures of my pets and of course I show him. We talk about classic rock and our favorite bands. Comparing oldies and swooning over Bright Eyes. We sip through the remainder of our drinks and keep going on about music. At about a third of water left, somehow religion gets brought up religion and other beliefs. At water empty, it started getting deep. Bringing up childhood trauma and dealing with death. 
I look over at my friends and they are standing around as if they’re waiting. I dismiss myself quickly and head over to them.
“Hey, you guys can go...” I interrupt.
Shrieks of shock and joy come from them but I try to shush them as much as possible.
“Listen, I’m not promising anything will happen. But, I’m going to stay and chat with him a bit. I’ll get another Lyft.” 
They all smile and tease me. I give them hugs and send them off as they spew warnings about men and encourage me to have fun.
“Looks like you missed your ride.” I jump as Matthew speaks next to me.
“Oh, uh yeah. They’re gonna head out, I just wanted to hang out a little more...” I excuse.
“Those things you wanted to disclose... “ He turned to look at me “We can get an Uber, is that a good place to talk?”
My heart thumps through my chest as I look him in the eyes. He has another cup of water in a paper cup in his hand and the Uber app open in his other.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, that would be fine.” I stumble out.
“Are you sure? I mean, we can just share the ride back nothing has to happ-”
“Yes, I would like to. I want to.” I cut him off.
“Cool, well, we have like fifteen minutes until the Uber is here. Did you want another water?” He offers the cup in his hand with a smile.
“Sure, thanks.” I say as I take the cup.
We both kind fall silent as we wait. Like everything to be said here at the bar has been said. The next dialogue is to be in the car. The disclosure. We’re in the loading screen. I spend a little time peeing in the bathroom and checking my makeup. The rest I spend internally panicking. Not in a “I don’t wanna do this” way but more like “There’s no way this is really happening” way. Occasionally, we would catch each others eye contact and blush and smile. It feels good to know that he is just as nervous as I am.
*In the car*
“Let’s disclose this foreclosure!” Matthew declares as we get on the road.
“I don’t think that makes sense.” I tease.
“Yeah, y’know I tried. You know what I mean.”
“Yeah, yeah I know what you mean.” I mumble.
The car is so quiet compared to the bar. The late night empty roads seem deafeningly silent. I try not to look him in the eye again. There’s so much I want to say, but how does one even say them?
“So?....” He starts.
“So?” I stall.
“What did you wanna talk about?” He pushes.
“I’m not... Well, I’ve never just hooked up with someone.. I guess.. Like, outside of a relationship, and just really have never had an experience that I was satisfied with. There’s so much I want, but I’ve never had someone to give that to me, y’know.” I can feel that I’m definitely still pretty buzzed and saying things is coming rather easy once the first word comes out.
He smiles as he watches me explain my predicament.
“Yeah, I’m not really one to really go home with people from bars either so we’re on the same boat there.” He reassures me.
I can see his eyes watching me intently. Watching my lips intently. As I talk I feel my words being seen. He licks his lips once as he listens.
“I just feel like, if I’m gonna hook up with someone, I should go all out right? Trying to mix your body with someone’s that you don’t even know seems complicated. I feel like it’s trial and error and time, and all I’ve ever been is dissatisfied.”
“Anything else?” He says quietly, still not breaking his stare.
At this point we’re both facing each other in the back seat, nearly dismissing the middle seat entirely.
“I don’t think I can promise I won’t catch feelings for you.” I say finally, letting out my breath as I do.
He pauses for a second, I don’t think he even breathes, but he says “I’m fine with that.”
Before I know it, the gap between us is closing. He moves in hastily like he’s been craving to kiss me. I bring my hand to his cheek and kiss him back. He lays one hand on my neck and the other on my hip as he almost pushes me back in my seat, hungrily stealing kisses. I hold his hand that lay on my neck and snake my other arm around his neck. We keep kissing as the ride goes on. Going back and forth between peppering kisses on each others lips to overwhelming amounts of open mouth exploration. His right hand slides down and over my chest, and though I’m holding his hand, I can tell he didn’t just move there for convenience. If I wasn’t buckled in, he would have me on his lap right now. Which is really where I wanted to be. 
The car ride felt both too short and too long. Making out in the backseat is a world I could get lost in. Ahead, in the hotel I need to be ready to get real. Making out in the backseat is easy and actually hooking up with someone is complicated. I could stay in this sweet bliss forever,.
As the car rolled up to the hotel doors, we parted lips. I go to pull away but he holds me in place for a moment.
“I want you to know... I promise I won’t disappoint you.” He tells me, softly and kindly.
After we get out of the car, Matthew runs around to meet me and we walk into the lobby together. Down the hall, away from the front desk, he grabs my hand and leads me. He kisses my hand before pulling me in to kiss me on the mouth again.
“Fuck, I really like kissing you.” He says as he smiles against my lips.
“We’re almost to the room.” I try.
“Which one is it?” He asks, in between kisses.
“Next one on the left.” 
“You have the key?” He asks, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer.
I push the key into his hand then, to my surprise, he literally sweeps me off my feet. Okay, maybe not literally. With his arm tightly around my waist, when he stands, my feet come off the floor. He unlocks the door and ushers us inside. He tosses the key card and drops me onto the edge of the bed. He plops down beside me and immediately grabs my face and begins kissing me again. Through this, he sloppily takes off the flannel he has on top of his pink t-shirt and tosses it across the room onto the desk. This time, he pushes his fingers back into my hair and I wrap my hands around his wrists. He pulls away to speak, but he stays close and doesn’t open his eyes. The glimpse of him that I catch he looks breathless. Like drinking a full glass of water after a drought.
“You said that there’s so much you want...” He says slowly “What do you want?”
“I don’t know,” I mumble “I’m all over the place man.”
He kisses me again before he speaks “How about...” Another kiss “I can start off, y’know, in charge...” Another kiss “And when you feel comfortable,” Another “You can do whatever you want..”
His kisses stray from my lips and down my chin. Over my my neck and to rest on my shoulder. Here stayed many, placed tenderly. I feel him rest his head against me, his hot breath wafting down my chest.
“We’ve got the room all night, right?”
My fucking heart stops. This won’t be disappointing.
“Yes.” I say in almost a whisper.
“Yes you want me to take charge or yes we have the room all night?” He sits upright, away from me.
My body reacts to him pulling away, too soon. I catch myself from reaching out after him. 
“Yes to both.” I agree.
“Sweet.” he nods “I have promises to fulfill.” 
He gently pushed me back to lay down, slowly looming over me as I do. His hand runs down my chest, my stomach, and to my hip. He leans down to kiss me, but only once before layering kisses down my chest to the edge of my shirt. He slides down to rest on his stomach and pushes my shirt up slowly, followed by a trail of kisses. He breathes slowly against my skin as the shirt moves higher and higher up my chest. I finally take the liberty of just removing the shirt to get it out of the way. He re-positions himself again, on his knees, leaning on his right arm and his other underneath me, reaching at the bra clasp. Just as I thought hungry Matthew was gone, he pulls the bra off completely and immediately presses his mouth to my chest. Wet, soft, and suckled kisses wander across my breasts and quickly turn to starved rough kisses and light bites of skin. He moves down over my stomach, taking time adjust to the curves and rolls of my body, before laying a fully contacted wet one onto my skin. 
At the top of my jeans he stops, resting his head against my skin and pulls at the sides of my pants.
“These looked great on you, but now they gotta go.” He mumbles.
Swiftly unbuttoning my pants, he continues to lay kisses on my exposed skin. He large hands pull at the sides of my jeans, this time successful, and pulled then down over my legs, off my feet, and tossed them to the floor. I feel the rumble as he lets out a whiny groan against my stomach. 
“Tell me to stop whenever.” He says as he pulls down my underwear, slowly, all the way off my legs.
“Please, don’t stop.” I say in a hushed voice, already ashamed of what I wanted from him.
I can feel him smile against my skin as he begins to press kisses to my thigh.
“I like that ‘please’.” He kisses further in, where leg meets body.
I feel his tongue glide up my bikini line and over the bare skin near my hips.The chill tickles me and my body tenses one degree more. He sits upright, still holding my leg, at the ankle now and rubs his other hand down my leg.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good, okay?” He asks softly “But I wanna hear you say please.” 
He kisses my ankle and holds his lips there, waiting for my response.
I pause for a moment, wondering what exactly I should say. A jumbled murmur of unfinished asks stream out of my mouth.
“Yes, please... I want you to. I want to. Please.”
“Fuck,” he whispers, lips still pressed to my ankle “don’t have to ask me twice”
I brace my nerves as he kisses up my leg and slides his tongue up into the folds of my pussy. He places a wet kiss at my clit before running his tongue down, around, and inside me. I hide my face with my arms, and try to steady my breath. I feel his arm that’s not wrapped around my thigh slide up my stomach and his hand grasps mine.
“Hey,” he pulls his mouth away from my wetness, and kisses my tummy once “Uncover your face.”
He pulls my hand away from my face and intertwines his fingers into mine.
“I want you to look at me.” He says, with sweet nurturing eyes as he leans his cheek against my thigh.
He kisses my leg with the side of his mouth as I take a breath and uncover my face to meet his eyes. He never breaks eye contact as he goes back down on me. I watch intently, trying to control my facial reactions, as he utilizes his whole tongue and head movements to pleasure me. I can’t help but whine as I watch him so intently do his best to make me feel good. Every time his tongue touches my clit, I flinch and tense, leaving behind a trail of “Oh”s and “Ah”s. I try desperately, but it’s so hard to keep my eyes on his when all I want to do is close my eyes and lean my head back. Not to mention, it feels so vulnerable, him watching me as I come undone. As I feel a tension in my stomach begin to rise, I hide my face once more with my free hand. I feel his touch get lighter and I can hear his soft pleading voice, in between sweet sultry kisses.
“Relax, okay?” he begs me.
I nod, still hiding my face and mumble “I know, I’m just embarrassed.”
“Hey,” he whispers once again as he hovers up to kiss my face.
“I love this,” his hand that holds mine pulls down over his jeans and atop his hardening cock “Trust me. Please don’t be embarrassed.”
He lets go of my body and stands upright on his knees. I watch as he slowly lifts his shirt over his head and off his body. He tosses it to the ground and quickly undoes his pants. He pushes them down and awkwardly struggles to get them all the way off, and even more so as he tries to toss them away. I giggle a little as I watch him. Even on his knees he towers over me but he’s so soft that it’s calming. When he finally draws his attention back to me, a big smile crosses his face. We both take a second to just laugh a little. He licks his lips, and my eyes start to wander down his body. His sharp shoulders and thin frame. The muscles on his arms tense in pulses and his hands, making their way back to my body, feel like they encompass all of my skin whole. I can feel every joint in his skinny hands as as squeezes my waist a few times before descending back to my body.
His mouth quickly goes back to work, kissing my pussy like he was so desperately kissing my mouth earlier. I let myself watch him, but I let myself enjoy it too. I watch his bare shoulders and neck, tensing every time he moves his head. I let out a shaky moan as he hums against my core and loudly makes out with my body. My moans grow louder with every flick of his tongue and it sets me off more when I hear him begin to moan from his own pleasure he derives from getting me off. Any sense of fear and holding back, leaves me body as I can feel the energy rising within me. Finally, I tangle my fingers in his messy curly hair and hope he doesn’t mind that I pull on it as he begins to bring me to my climax.
“Oh, oh.” I whine “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.”
He laughs between strokes of his tongue and continues the movement he was doing, but slightly faster than before. I ball my fists in his hair and cross my ankles on his back. My hips begin to lightly roll against his face and the sound of him begins to fade way in a mess of my own cries. His left hand comes around and pulls my hand from his hair and intertwines our fingers. My legs tense around his head as I spill over unto ecstasy in a heap of praise and a chorus of “Yes, yes, yes!”. When I squeeze my hand around his, he squeezes back and I don’t let go until I can finally relax and let my breath flow.
I let out breathy whines as he kisses up my torso and back to my lips. He kisses me like before and I can taste myself on his tongue.
“Fuck,” he says between kisses “You’re amazing.”
“You definitely didn’t disappoint.” I whisper in his ear as a tease and leave a kiss at the top of his jawline.
I begin to kiss his neck, and it’s salty from the small sweat he worked up pleasuring me.
“Well, I’m not done yet.” He mumbles, clearly distracted by my kisses.
He pulls himself closer to me, his chest on mine, and I can feel his erection underneath his underwear. I can’t help but moan, knowing that he’s hard from eating me out and feeling his full size against me. He shivers and I lay a few bites on his skin. I push his underwear down as he wraps his arms around me and leans his full weight on top of me.
"Do you want me?" He mutters in my ear.
"Yes, fuck yes I want you." I reply, desperately.
I tried to hold onto his shoulders but as he pulled away to align himself with me my hands landed in his hair. I tighten my grip as he enters me, letting out his own moan of satisfaction.
"Fuck," our stomachs brush together as he pushes into me "Fuck, it's tight."
He lets out more of a cry in a shaky breath as he lays his face to rest in my neck. He says it's tight, but I'm not sure that he's not just bigger than what we were both accounting for.
His arms hold tight around my body and he forms a rhythm, pulling in and out of me, pushing deeper everytime. He fills me completely but I don't think he's even all the way in. The thought of him is ravishing, but feeling him actually pumping in and out of me is making me delirious.
"Ah, ah," he moans into my neck "Fuck, you feel so good "
He starts pushing in harder, trying to fit his length inside. His right arm snakes up my body and his hand onto my hair. He pulls my head back as far as I can lean it, and bites my trap near my neck. With every stroke, he gets harder and harder, still yanking on my hair for momentum. His breathing dampens my neck as he pants with his movements. I can see his contorted face, nose scrunched and eyes shut tight, mouth hanging open letting all his moans spill out.
All at once, with his hand still in my hair and on my back, he flips me over on top of him. He lets both hands rest holding my ass, pulling me in the same rhythm he was before. I barely have to do any work as he moves my hips to make me fuck him. His right hand lines up my torso, pushing me to sit upright, and he massages my breast in his palm. He watches me for a second as I try my best to keep my hips moving. Then, again, he picks up my weight and sits up, pulling himself out of me. He kisses me once, tenderly before speaking.
"Turn around." He says against my lips.
I don't hesitate to respond to his demands, I turn around and lean down on my knees and elbows, widening my legs as much as possible. With one hand pressed into my back above my ass, and the other pulling on my hips, Matthew pounds into me. I bury my head in my hands and let him take what he wants. Listening to him unravel because of me raises tension inside. I cry out for him to go faster and without answering, he does. Strings of curses and praises drip from his lips like honey. I can tell he loves being inside me.
He pants faster and faster and stumbles over his words. His pace becomes unsteady and sloppy and I can tell he's gonna cum. His arms wrap around my body, his hands holding onto my opposing hip and shoulder, holding me in just the right spot for him to pump in and out of me a little more before he climaxes. Listening to him, I feel my peak rise and take over. I hold onto to his arms and stretch as I feel it pulse through my body. As I slowly loosen, I feel Matthew reach his climax as well, burying his head in the crook of my neck. I can feel his open mouth breath on my skin as he catches back up with oxygen. I run one hand up and through his hair, pulling him closer to kiss him on the face.
"You're amazing ..." I whisper to him.
He takes a deep breath and lets out a tiny moan against my skin.
"I keep my promises." He says lazily.
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udaipurtaxi · 2 years
Taxi Service In Udaipur | Car Rental In Udaipur | Udaipur Taxis | Yuvraj Travels
Yuvraj Travels is Udaipur based Taxi service operator providing most comfortable and affordable taxi tours with best in class taxis. We provide taxi service for Corporate, Events, Weddings, Udaipur Sightseeing, outstation tours and for city. Yuvraj Travels also provides Taxi Tour packages originate from Udaipur to various nearby cities like Shreenath Ji Nathdwara, Ekling Ji, Haldi Ghati, Ranakpur, Kumbhalgarh, Mount Abu, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Bhilwara, Kota, Ajmer, Delhi, Mumbai. In our luxurious and most comfortable fleet, we are providing Honda Amaze, Toyota Innova, Toyota Innova Crysta, Toyota Etios, Swift Dzire etc. in very competitive fares.
Our team of expert tour planners and professional tour guides together with our friendly staff members understand what your requirements are and accordingly provides the best suitable & complete solution.
Satisfied and safe ride throughout Udaipur
Are you looking for someone, who can support your travel requirment in a seamless manner? Yuvraj Travels Taxi Service In Udaipur is indeed a great choice when you are looking for Udaipur car rental services. Udaipur is a wonderful city that you will never say no to when you are dreaming of a much-needed vacation. Whether you want to make a experience of the rich Rajputana culture or urban life in Rajasthan, we are here to help you make the most out of your travel. We take pride in providing car rental in Udaipur at unbeatable prices.
We have a well-maintained fleet to accomplish your travel desires in a trouble-free manner. We give you freedom and privacy to make your trip comfortable in every term. Whether it is your leisure trip or relaxing city trip, we help you plan your trip at affordable fares. You can now explore the town in a trouble-free manner. From life to culture, there is a lot to enjoy in Udaipur city. You can book your trip with us and get reliable quotes to plan your trip at your comfort.
Experience comfort while roaming across the city
No kilometers could add stress to your trip. For Yuvraj Travels, your comfort and entertainment seem important. We make your every moment count and this is why we focus on offering you with personalized deals. Your specific requirements are important to us and we keep our eye on making our services better. With us, you can count memories not kilometers and you will experience the best trip with Yuvraj Travels.
We have well-designed package for you. You can also connect with our professionals to get customized packages for your Udaipur trip. You can take day tours as well as night Udaipur tours to make the most out of your trip. Our entire team is proactively working to make your trip comfortable. Whether you want to visit city palace or local markets, we help you plan your trip according to your comfort and travel requirement.
Customized tour package for our client’s
Our Udaipur car rental service depends on your specific travel requirement. We are operating with the largest car fleet to make your Udaipur City tour enjoyable. We let you pick any car according to your specific travel requirement. We focus on serving people with the best car rental in Udaipur. From normal to luxury taxis, we have it all for you under one roof. Our focus is on your travel requirement to ensure you plan a much-needed trips at your leisure. We help you discover the wilder side of Rajasthan without any discomfort.
With the well-maintained taxi services, we are providing an easy reservation process. You can use the reservation tool available on our website and take advantage of our Udaipur Taxi Services. You can cover hundreds of miles and garb discounts on our taxi services. We assure you of premium taxi services. Explore different sites in the city and let us serve your travel concerns in a trouble-free manner.
Start your vacation at a fantastic pace and our luxury cars will also add comfort to your trip. We are providing rental car discounts as well to make your trip worth enjoying. We are also providing customized and pre-booked packages to make your tour enjoyable. With us, you can also save money and time. From morning tour start to night tour end, we will be there to make your Udaipur trip wonderful no matter what your origin point may be. Your budget holidays is no longer tough to plan now. Therefore, meet our professional chauffeurs and embark on the best trips ever in Udaipur.
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smartpartsexporter · 2 years
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Maruti Suzuki spare Parts Exporter From India Maruti Suzuki is the top-selling brand in India in the car industry, and it has a manufacturing plant with a great production capacity. Apart from India, Maruti Suzuki is also focusing on the market of the USA, Mexico, Chile, and many more countries. Suzuki manufactures stylish and best quality cars such as Suzuki Swift, Wagon-R, Suzuki Baleno, Suzuki Alto, Suzuki Vitara Brezza, Suzuki Dzire, and Suzuki EECO. Smart Parts Exports provides a wide range of Maruti Suzuki Spare Parts all over the world, whether those are Maruti Suzuki OEM parts, genuine parts (original spare parts ) or Maruti Suzuki Aftermarket Spare Parts. We deliver 100% Maruti Suzuki genuine parts for all the Suzuki Cars. Smart Parts Exports is the largest Maruti Suzuki spare parts exporter India.
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indiacabdeal · 2 years
Pune to bhimashankar cabs | one way taxi from pune to bhimashankar
Bhimashankar is the sixth Jyotirling in the series of Dwadasha Jyotirlinga. The temple is very old and surrounded by a scenic nature with green forest. The place is totally surrounded by dense forest which is also considered as the wild life sanctuary by Indian Government. This hill region is called Sahyadri and situated at a distance of 125Kms from Pune. This forest is also called Khed. The temple is located at Dakini hill (Shikharam). Nana Padnis of Peshwa kingdom has improved this place to a great extent and built the beautiful temple. Book Pune to Bhimashankar taxi . IndiaCabDeal offers a variety of cab services from Pune airport to Bhimashankar at affordable prices. You can book online
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In this temple, Lord Eshwara is shown in Half man and Half woman (Ardha Narishwara) form. There is a continuous water flow from this Jyotirlinga, which is the speciality of this place.
Some more places of interest here are, Kamalaja Devi temple, origin of Bhima river, Bombay point and Hanuman temple. In Pune city, Kelkar museum, Goddess Parvati temple are important. Nearer to this city, Mahabaleshwar, Kolhapur can be visited. Shri Mahalaxmi temple is very famous in Kolhapur. This temple is considered as one of the Shakti peetha. Pune to Bhimashankar Taxi Fare ; Sedan. toyota etios-swift dzire. 4 seats. Fare Estimate. ₹2,625. Fare Details & Policy · Base Fare ( ₹15.0 * 150 kms )
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onlinestoreuni-blog · 4 years
Dzire Masti Original Condom Condoms are manufactured and tested beyond the requirements of strongest international standards like ISO certified
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indiatimejobs-blog · 5 years
Maruti Suzuki Recruitment Freshers & All Jobs 2019
New Post has been published on https://www.Indiatimejobs.com/maruti-suzuki-recruitment-freshers-all-jobs-2019/
Maruti Suzuki Recruitment Freshers & All Jobs 2019
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Maruti Suzuki Freshers & All Jobs Recruitment 2019 Apply for online for Maruti Suzuki Freshers & All Jobs Recruitment drive 2019 for freshers. Maruti Suzuki job openings in India for the vacancies of entry level IT internship and engineers jobs. Intersted snd eligible candidates can Apply online for Maruti Suzuki With career start.
Locations :
Ahmedabad , Bangalore, Channai, Delhi, Hydrabad, Mumbai, Pune, Noida, Gurgaon, Kolkata, Vijayawada, Cochin, and other cities.
Maruti Suzuki Freshers & All Jobs Recruitment 2019 Details.
Experience Required ; Freshers (2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, Pass outs)
Qualification : Any Graduate / Any Post Graduate
Work Location : Across India
Job Description : Entry Level Engineer
Salary Offered : Best in Market
Latest Job Openings in Maruti Suzuki
Area Sales Manager
Head Hr
Sales & Marketing
Mechanical Engineer
Service Engineer
Planning Engineer
Electrical Engineer
Engineer Trainee
Sales Consultant
Field Executive
Team Leaders
Sales Executive
Engineer / Senior Engineer
Business Manager
Automobile Engineer
Engineer – R & D
Service Head
Designer Auto Interiors
Production Engineer
Maruti Suzuki Company Profile
The Company’s headquarters are at No 1, Nelson Mandela Road , New Delhi. In February 2012, the company sold its ten millionth vehicle in India.
Maruti Suzuki India Limited, formerly known as Maruti Udyog Limited, is ann automobile manufacturer in India. It is a subsidiary of Japanees automobile and motorcycle manufacturer Suzuki. As of November 2015, it had a market share of 50% of the Indian passenger car markets. Maruti Suzuki manufactures and sells popular cars such as the Alto, Ritz, Celirio, Swift, Wagon R , Zen Estilo, Swift DZire, Ciaz, Kizashi, Sx4, Eeco, Omni, Ertiga, S-Cross and Grand Vitara.
Maruti Udyog Limited was established in February 1981, through the actual Production commenced only inn 1983. It started with the Maruti 800, Based on the Suzuki Alto kei car which at the time was the only modern car available in India. its only competitors were the Hindustan Ambassador and premier padmini. Originally, 74% of the company was owned by the Indian government, and 26% by Suzuki of Japan. As of May 2007, the government of India. sold its complete share to Indian financial institution and no longer has any stake in Maruti Udyog.
Company Name : Maruti Suzuki India Limited .
Fonder(s) or Key People : R>C Bhargava (Chairman).
Founded On : 1981 .
Industry : Automotive .
No. of Employees : 12,900 (2015, Sept.) .
Headquarters : New Delhi , India.
Maruti Suzuki Recruitment Selection Process
Aptitude Written test online.
Technical interview.
HR interview.
Maruti Suzuki Registration Process
Maruti Suzuki Freshers & All Jobs Recruitment 2019 To Apply Maruti Suzuki Job openings or vacancies, candidates need to open the official company website. www.marutisuzuki.com
Click on careers page to see the available jobs.
Click on the suitable job opening which suits your profile ( based on your qualification, experience).
Read the job description and job role carefully.Click on the apply link to apply for the job opening.
You need to login to apply for the vacancy. if you haven’t signed up yet, need to sing up first and then login.
Fill all the required details and submit the application for further process.
Maruti Suzuki Eligibility Criteria
Only entry level engineers are eligible.
Flexible to work in Shifts.
Should have good communication skills.
Should have good hold on mathematics or must be good in calculation.
must have who consistent academic records from Class X on wards.
Candidates who have attended Dell interview or recruitment before 6 months need not apply.
Document Required ( Original and Photocopies )
SSC Mark sheet
HSC / Diploma Mark Sheet
Graduation & Post Graduation all years mark sheets
Photo ID proof ( Pan Card / Passport / Driving License / College ID )
Company Address
Maruti Suzuki India Limited, 1, Nelson Mandela Road , Vasant Kunj , New Delhi – 10070
How to Apply :
Interested ans eligible Candidates may apply Online through the Official website
Apply Click here
Click here for more Jobs details
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cleverskull · 5 years
10 Best Cars to Buy in India in 2019
Let’s set a budget of Rs. 15 lakhs and see what your options for a good car are. For that much money you can look at the three main segments, hatchbacks, sedans and SUVs. First we’ll take a look at the cars themselves then explore the financing options you can use to buy them.
Best hatchbacks
Maruti Baleno
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The Baleno starts from Rs. 5.68 lakhs and goes up to Rs. 9 lakh ex-showroom price. There are two options that you can choose from a petrol version and a diesel version. For Bangalore the on-road price starts at Rs. 7.04 lakhs and goes up to 11.1 lakhs for the petrol variants. The diesel variants start from Rs. 8.45 lakhs and goes up to Rs. 10.91 lakh.  
The car returns a mileage of 27 kpl and has a 1.2-liter engine that gives it 83 hp of power. It comes with a manual and an automatic transmission. The car can accommodate 5 people and has a 4-star safety rating from Euro NCAP.
Hyundai Elite i20
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The Hyundai Elite i20 also has a petrol and diesel variant. The ex-showroom prices range from Rs. 5.5 lakh to Rs. 9.32 lakh. The on-road price for this car is about Rs. 8.4 lakh to Rs. 11.29 lakh for the diesel variants. The petrol variants will set you back anywhere between Rs. 6.74 lakhs to Rs. 11.06 lakhs.  
The main features of this car are a mileage of 22 kpl from a 1.3-liter engine that produces 88 hp. It too offers options of a manual and an automatic gearbox. It got a 4-star rating from Euro NCAP in 2015. The car can accommodate 5 people in comfort.
Maruti Swift
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The Maruti Swift has been a favorite ever since it was first launched. With the updated designs and specs, the cars ex-showroom price ranges from Rs. 5.14 to Rs. 8.89 lakhs. The on-road price for this car is Rs. 6.1 to Rs. 9.49 lakhs in Bangalore. The diesel variants cost Rs. 8.3 lakhs to Rs. 10.57 lakhs.  
The main things to know about this car is that it comes with a 1.2-liter engine that produces 81 hp of power. The mileage for this car is about 28 kpl and it can seat up to 5 people in comfort. The standard Swift has a safety rating of 3 stars from Euro NCAP.
Best sedans
Maruti Dzire
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The Dzire was based on the Maruti Swift and was always a popular choice. The cost of this car ranges from Rs. 5.83 to Rs. 9.58 lakhs. The petrol variant will cost you about Rs. 6.9 to Rs. 10.33 lakhs on-road. The diesel variants will cost about Rs. 8 to Rs. 11.37 lakhs on-road.  
The car does not have an official rating from Euro NCAP. It can carry 5 people comfortably and comes with a spacious boot too. The platform is powered by a 1.2-liter engine, producing 81 hp of power. The mileage for this car can be up to 28 kpl.
Honda Amaze
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The Honda Amaze is a sedan that costs anywhere between Rs. X5.93 to Rs. 9.79 lakhs. The on-road price of the car ranges from Rs. 7.09 to Rs. 10.44 lakh for the petrol variant and Rs. 8.41 lakh to Rs. 11.64 lakh for the diesel variant in Bangalore.
The engine in this car ranges from a 1.1 liter to a 1.4-liter engine. The safety rating of this car is 4 stars according to Global NCAP and it has a seating capacity of 5. The mileage you can expect from it will be about 27 kpl.
Honda City
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It is no coincidence that there are two Honda cars on this list. Their reliability and quality is legendary. The Honda City is the more luxurious option of the two cars and will set you back by Rs. 9.96 to Rs. 14.42 lakh ex-showroom. The on-road price of this car in Bangalore is Rs. 13.9 to Rs. 17.66 (slightly out of our original budget) for the diesel variant and Rs. 12.3 to Rs. 17.66 lakhs for the petrol variant.
The car comes with 1.4-liter engine that produces 117 hp of power. It can carry 5 people in comfort and has a safety rating of 5 stars from Latin NCAP. The mileage that this car returns is 25 kpl, slightly less than the other cars on this list.
Best SUVs
Hyundai Creta
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The Hyundai Creta is a car that costs anywhere between Rs. 9.6 and Rs. 15.64 lakhs ex-showroom. The on-road price of this car is Rs. 11.5 to Rs. 17.85 for the petrol version and Rs. 12 to Rs. 19.7 lakhs for the diesel variant.  
It has a seating capacity of 5 and a safety rating of 4 stars from the Latin NCAP. The car is powered by 1.5-liter engine which produces 126 hp and returns a mileage of 22 kpl.  
Maruti Vitara Brezza
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The Maruti Vitara Brezza is one of the more good-looking SUVs on this list. It’s only drawback is that is does not have a petrol variant. Its ex-showroom price ranges from Rs. 7.86 to Rs. 10.77 lakhs. The on-road price of the car starts from Rs. 9.3 lakhs and goes up to 12.57 lakhs.
Under the hood, this car has a 1.2-liter engine producing 88 hp. It also offers the option of a manual and automatic transmission. The seating capacity of the vehicle is 5 and the mileage you can expect is about 24 kpl.
Mahindra XUV300
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The Mahindra XUV 300 is the younger brother of the XUV 500 and cost about Rs. 8.1 lakhs to Rs. 12.69 lakhs. The on-road price for this car is Rs. 10.51 to Rs. 15.81 lakhs for the diesel variant. The petrol variant costs between Rs. 9.81 to Rs. 14.71 lakhs in Bangalore.  
The salient features that this car are that it can seat 5 people, offers a choice between manual and automatic transmissions and that returns a mileage of 20 kpl. It also has a 1.4-liter engine that produces 115 hp of power.
Maruti Suzuki Ertiga
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The Maruti Suzuki Ertiga is the cheap and cheerful mode for transporting people. It costs anything from Rs. 7.45 lakh to Rs. 11.21 lakhs ex-showroom. The on-road prices in bangalore range from Rs. 8.8 to Rs. 11.83 lakhs for the petrol version and Rs. 10.51 to Rs. 13.77 for the diesel variant.
With a mileage of 25 kpl, the car is powered by a 1.4-liter engine producing 103 hp of power. The seating capacity of this car is the highest on this list at 7 people. The choice it offers is that of seating for an extra 2 people or a spacious boot.
Financing the Car using a Car Loan
Now that the choices are clear, let’s talk a bit about the car financing options. The most obvious option would be to go in for a car loan that comes with tenures of up to 8 years and interest rates starting from 8.8% per annum. Another option available to you is to lease the car where you use the car for anywhere from 1 to 4 years and pay a monthly subscription that can sometimes be less than the EMI for a car loan.
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toldnews-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/business/alto-set-for-a-makeover-this-year/
Alto set for a makeover this year
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NEW DELHI: The country’s most popular small car Alto is set for a complete makeover as Maruti Suzuki is modernising the mini vehicle with a new BS6 engine, enhanced safety features, exterior and interior upgrades. The new car will be out by the end of this year, company officials said.
Launched around 2000, Alto has been the country’s best-selling car for 14 straight years (starting from 2004) before losing the crown to its bigger sibling Dzire last year. The car replaced Maruti 800 as the company’s entry-level model and has sold more than 35 lakh units so far.
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Maruti MD Kenichi Ayukawa said the current Alto “has become older, and we have to upgrade”. Alto comes with two petrol engine options — original 800cc, and the more powerful 1,000cc (K10), which was launched a few years ago.
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Company officials said “heavy changes” will be made in Alto’s design in view of growing competition in the hatchback segment from models such as Renault Kwid, which has ‘SUV-like’ design. In terms of safety, the new model will be more secure and comply with the latest crash test norms.
While pricing will be announced at the launch, sources said the effort will be to maintain the price line and keep it closer to the existing line-up. Alto sold 2.56 lakh units last year, compared to 2.57 lakh in 2017.
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ivfdzire54 · 3 years
2 Points to Consider While Choosing the Fertility Centre
It is not wrong to say that most couples facing hardship to conceive are reaching IVF clinics to get quality infertility treatments. Clinical specialists at some Best IVF centres in Mumbai help improve couples' odds of getting pregnant, and being experts, they provide full support and help identify and cure reproductive woes.
 But how to choose the right IVF clinic? If you are thinking the same, here are some essential things to be considered while choosing the Best Fertility Clinic in Mumbai.
 The Experience Of The Clinic
 First and foremost, it is crucial to determine how they function, and only the experience of the specialist and the clinic express the same. Besides that, it is also vital to ensure that a clinic has two embryologists.
 Check Out The Convenience At The Fertility Center
 The convenience check begins from the location–this can be remarkably significant as once your IVF cycle begins, you will have to come to the fertility centre frequently for monitoring.  Some centres have a central laboratory and surgical suite and have monitoring offices in more widespread locations. Apart from that,  you should also try to find a fertility hospital that offers help all the time, be it early morning, nights or weekends, so you don't have to miss substantial time from work.  If you choose a fertility centre that isn't within easy driving distance, atleast check the area is filled with public transit options or atleast the premises itself help you with other travel arrangements.
 Are you looking for one Top IVF centre in Mumbai to choose from? DZIRE IVF is the name you can rely on. It is one of the leading fertility clinics in Mumbai. We offer our patients access to state-of-the-art facilities along with the most dedicated and experienced healthcare professionals.
 For details, visit - www.dzireivf.com
Original Source:
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stiri-noi · 7 years
Suzuki Swift câştigă premiul Good Design 2017 în Japonia - Informatii Auto
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marutisuzukiarena · 4 years
Kunal Motors - Best Maruti Showroom Chhindwara
If you are looking for a trustable Maruti Showroom Chhindwara for buying a new Arena car then you should visit Kunal Motors. We are having a wide range of the latest cars like Alto, WagonR, CelerioX, Swift, Dzire, Ertiga, Celerio, Vitara Brezza, S-Presso, and Eeco. We offer you a huge discount on buying a car along with its original spare parts and accessories.
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alvaromatias1000 · 4 years
Projeção mostra o futuro sedã compacto da Renault na Índia
A Renault tem planos ambiciosos para o mercado indiano, onde pretende construir uma gama de carros subcompactos abaixo de 4,00 metros, a fim de se beneficiar dos bons incentivos fiscais locais.
Para isso, além do Kwid e da minivan Triber, a Renault terá ainda um SUV compacto conhecido pela sigla HBC, assim como um sedã. Este, por ora, ainda não foi visto rodando em testes, porém, trata-se de um produto que deve chegar ao país asiático entre o final de 2021 e o começo de 2022.
O pequenino da Renault, conhecido pela sigla LBA, utilizará a plataforma modular CMF-A+ para oferecer um porta-malas condizente com seu porte e espaço suficiente para cinco pessoas.
Apesar de seu tamanho, que não deve passar de 3,995 m, o sedã da marca francesa não será apertado demais. Carros como o Chevrolet Classic, por exemplo, media praticamente isso e foi vendido durante 20 anos no Brasil, onde não havia limitação de comprimento.
Acredita-se que o entre-eixos desse sedã da Renault deva ser menor que o do Triber, que tem 2,636 m. Algo entre 2,55 e 2,59 m parece mais plausível, nesse caso. O bagageiro também não deve fazer milagres e se chegar a 450 litros, será um ganho importante.
Na projeção acima, dá para notar a importância do entre-eixos maior, dando assim mais conforto para quem vai atrás. Outro ponto é que o projeto deve utilizar vários elementos estéticos presentes nos demais derivados do Kwid.
Contudo, o layout global pode ser inserido para tornar o produto mais harmônico com o restante da gama, como o Honda Amaze atual, apesar de não ser nada atraente.
De olho em rivais como o Maruti Dzire, que também tem menos de 4 metros, o Renault LBA terá itens como rodas aro 15 polegadas, multimídia com boa conectividade e faróis com assinatura em LED.
Fala-se em motor 1.0 SCe de três cilindros com 72 cavalos ou sua versão turbinada com 95 cavalos. A transmissão poderá ser CVT ou automática.
[Projeção: IAB]
  © Noticias Automotivas. A notícia Projeção mostra o futuro sedã compacto da Renault na Índia é um conteúdo original do site Notícias Automotivas.
Projeção mostra o futuro sedã compacto da Renault na Índia publicado primeiro em https://www.noticiasautomotivas.com.br
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javedpjn · 6 years
2019 Honda WR-V, Amaze, Jazz Exclusive edition launched in India
Honda has launched limited-run Exclusive editions for three models in its India line-up – the Amaze compact sedan, WR-V crossover and Jazz premium hatchback. These special-edition models are visually different from the original models they are based on (inside and out) but are mechanically unchanged. At Rs 7.87-8.97 lakh, Rs 9.35-10.48 lakh and Rs 9.23 lakh, the Amaze, WR-V and Jazz Exclusive editions cost about Rs 12,000-19,000 more than their respective top variants.
For all three cars, the Exclusive edition is based on the respective car's top-spec variant – the WR-V VX MT the Amaze VX MT and the Jazz VX petrol-CVT. Honda’s 90hp, 1.2-litre petrol motor is shared between the three new models. The Amaze and WR-V Exclusive editions also get the option of a 100hp, 1.5-litre diesel motor. Interestingly, the manual-transmission Jazz is not on offer as an Exclusive edition. The equipment list and safety kit on the Exclusive models are shared with their range-topping counterparts.
In terms of updates, the Amaze Exclusive edition has black wheel-caps, unique seat covers, illuminated door sills, a sliding front armrest and console box, and a new logo. The exterior of the WR-V Exclusive edition gets a blackened rear spoiler with an LED light, unique body graphics and a new emblem, while the interior sports unique seat covers and illuminated door sills. The Jazz CVT Exclusive is equipped with black alloy wheels, a tailgate spoiler, body graphics and a new emblem on the outside and new seat covers and illuminated door sills on the inside. All three Exclusive edition models will only be available in two exterior paint options – “Radiant red” and “Orchid white”.
While a number of accessories on the Exclusive editions are dealer-fitted, some bits come straight from the Honda factory. Elements such as the Jazz’s alloy wheels will be fitted from the factory while the tailgate spoiler on the hatchback and its crossover sibling will be painted black by the dealer.
The special­-edition models are expected to help Honda dealers increase sales of its models before the end of the financial year 2018-19. The Amaze has been seeing increasing competition from the likes of the Maruti Suzuki Dzire (still the current segment-leader in sales) and recently launched Ford Aspire facelift, while the Jazz’s rivals – the Maruti Suzuki Baleno and Hyundai i20 – were updated just a few weeks ago.
In coming weeks, the Japanese carmaker is expected to bring its all-new Civic executive sedan to our market to rival the likes of the Toyota Corolla Altis and Skoda Octavia.
(All prices, ex-showroom, Delhi)
Also see:
Next-gen Honda City likely to be unveiled this year
Honda showrooms to get a major revamp
from Autocar India - News http://bit.ly/2UGr1sU via Blogger http://bit.ly/2Bofnf7
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ipratikd-blog · 6 years
Tires Market – Strategic Assessment and Forecast Till 2021
According to the new market research report  "Tires Market for OE & Replacement by Rim Size (13-15,16-18,19-21,22-26 inch), Replacement Market, Aspect Ratio (35-55, 60-70, 75-85), Section Width (<200,200-230,>230 mm), Retreading Market and OHV Tires Market, Application, and Region - Global Forecast to 2021", published by MarketsandMarkets™, The tires market for Original Equipment (OE) is driven by factors such as increasing demand for low rolling resistance tires, better fuel economy, demand for high performance and low-profile tires, technological advancements such as smart tires, eco-friendly tires, and others, End-Of-Life Vehicle (ELV) regulations and other factors.  The tires OE market size was valued at USD 23.18 Billion in 2016, and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.48% during the forecast period.
Don’t miss out on business opportunities in Tires Market. Speak to our Analyst and gain crucial industry insights that will help your business grow: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/speaktoanalystNew.asp?id=40166492
Browse and in-depth TOC on "Tires Market"              
120 - Tables 71 - Figures 234 - Pages
View more detailed TOC @ https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/automotive-tire-market-40166492.html The 13”-15” rim size segment is the largest segment in the tires replacement market, in terms of value. This rim size is usually used in passenger cars with GVWR <3.0 tons. Passenger cars, which fall in the hatchbacks and compact sedan segment, are equipped with these rim sized tires. For instance, models such as Hyundai Avante, Volkswagen Polo, Volkswagen Rapid, Hyundai Accent, and others are equipped with 13”-15” rim size tires. These passenger car types are leading in terms of sales in Asian countries as well as other parts of the globe. Hence, the demand for 13”-15” rim size tires is the highest. For instance, the top selling passenger cars in China are Hyundai Avante, Nissan Bluebird, Toyota Corolla, Ford Escort, and VW Santana among others, and they are equipped with 13”-15” rim size tires. Similarly, in India, the top selling passenger cars – Maruti Suzuki Swift, Swift Dzire, Hyundai Grand i10, Maruti Suzuki WagonR, and Hyundai i20 among others are equipped with these tire sizes. Hence, the increasing number of hatchbacks and compact sedans on road is driving the aftermarket for 13”-15” rim size tires.
Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) segment is the fastest growing market in tires retreading globally. Retreaded tires give the same mileage as compared to new replacement tires, at 30%-50% less cost, and are supplied with same warranties as that of new tires. For light commercial vehicle, the manufacturing of a single tire consumes, on an average, 26.4 liters of oil. However, retreading of the same tire consumes only 9 liters of oil, which is almost 34% of the new manufacturing process. On the other hand, according to Retread Tire Association, for pickup trucks, new set of four tires cost almost double to that of retreaded tires. A few of the leading tire manufacturers have entered the tire retreading business. For instance, the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company (U.S.) has more than 1,700 tire retreading and service centers around the globe for commercial trucks. Hence, to cut down the cost, the trend of tire retreading in LCV is increasing gradually.
Tire sizes with 75-85 aspect ratio is the largest market in the tires replacement market. This aspect ratio has the maximum penetration in the heavy trucks, trailers and buses segment. In heavy trucks and trailers, tires with higher aspect ratio give better protection to the cargo and in buses, these tires offer a more comfortable ride and protection from road potholes. Around the globe, almost ~90% of heavy commercial vehicles are equipped with 75-85 aspect ratio tires.  The replacement cost of these tires is also high, as compared to that of 35-55 and 60-70 aspect ratio tire sizes. Hence, with growing demand for trucks & trailers in the next few years, the tires aftermarket is projected to have the largest share of 70-85 aspect ratio tires.
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Asia-Oceania is estimated to be the fastest growing market in the tires market for original equipment (OE). Asia-Oceania has emerged as a hub for automotive production, owing to changing consumer preferences, increasing disposable income of the middle class population, and cost advantages for OEMs. Manufacturers such as BMW AG (Germany) and Volkswagen Group (Germany) have already set up manufacturing units in these countries. Factors such as low production costs, availability of economical labor, lenient emission and safety norms, and government initiatives for FDIs, have led to the region witnessing higher growth than the matured markets of Europe and North America. Additionally, Asia-Oceania is a hub of major tire manufacturers such as Bridgestone Corporation (Japan), Kumho Tire Co. (South Korea), Toyo Tire & Rubber Co., Ltd. (Japan), The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd. (Japan), Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd. (Japan), Hankook Tires (South Korea) and other Tier-1 suppliers. Thus, the market for tires is the largest in the Asia-Oceania region.
The tires market is dominated by a few global players, and comprises several regional players. Some of the key manufacturers operating in the market are Continental AG (Germany), The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (U.S.), and Bridgestone Corporation (Japan).
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