#dzeve kertia
zwy01 · 6 months
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Noble OCs - Kertia
Making five OCs for every clan!
Betzalel Kertia: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Betzalel used to steal…a lot. He wasn’t trying to be a real criminal. He was just very bored and had nothing better to do. If he’s a human shoplifter, then he steals candy bars, nail polish, and toothpaste. He never touches the more important belongings of others and only takes what he deems as trivial. Betzalel is very skillful at being stealthy and he simply enjoys showing it off. Theft is one way for him to reinforce his sense of pride in his abilities. Plus, he gets to add a few new things to his treasure box even though they aren’t practical to him. This ordeal doesn’t last for long though because he gets bored of it. Maybe it’d be interesting to get locked up and wonder what’s in there they have to offer, he thought. So Betzalel turns himself in and provides evidence of himself stealing others’ belongings. Petty crime of this level usually doesn’t warrant jail time, but he also made up stories about how he wants to steal even more and they have to stop him or he’s really going to do it. And he gets what he wants. Turns out being behind bars isn’t interesting either. The tranquility is nice, but that’s that. So Betzalel starts to flirt with the prison guards. Cringy, intense flirting that makes one question if he even has any sense of shame. There aren’t any rules about having to stay silent, so he runs his mouth all day long. He just wont. Stop. Talking. The guards never respond to him though they are perplexed with how he manages to be so annoying. They’ve never met such a talkative prisoner before him, and they all dread the time when it’s their turn to watch him. Some of them even requested to be assigned to other shifts and sections to avoid him entirely. Betzalel tells cheesy jokes, recites tongue-twisters, overshares less appealing details of his own life, asks about the guards’ favorite colors, and suggests that they should get a drink together once he gets out of jail. Soon, he gets released because they find out that he really just stole out of boredom and he didn’t mean it when he said that he’ll keep doing it. To their surprise, Betzalel is back again… except he’s not a prisoner this time. He is now a prison guard, as he applied for the position a few days ago and their jaws all drop in disbelief when he walks in as one of their colleagues. Hello again, fellas. He did it as a joke, but there’s more to it. Apparently, all but one of the prison guards ignored him during his time here as a prisoner. Being a prison guard is rather boring after all, and there was no way Betzalel could escape anyway, so might as well respond to his cheekiness and see where it’d go. The casual back and forths turned into genuine, deep conversations and they felt a spark between them. They officially start dating when Betzalel joins the prison guard team. In a few months, they both quit and join the Central Order instead. Now Betzalel can actually put his stealthiness to a good use. He finds love in jail and gets a fulfilling job… how nice! His partner thinks it’s unbelievable as well, but hey, every good ending counts. The two of them are very affectionate and have one child together.
Hali Kertia: Pureblood. Entered eternal sleep, belonged to Gejutel’s generation.
Hali was the mother and predecessor of Ragar. She always looked outside the window with a sad expression on her face. She kept zoning out at times and Ragar wished he could help her but knew there wasn’t much he could do. Hali used to have older twin brothers but lost both of them when they killed each other in an attempt to claim Kartas for themselves. The brothers were over-competitive and jealous in nature. These traits had been evident since they were small children and remained unchanged until the moment of their deaths. They were never really on good terms with each other and always fought over who is stronger, faster, and more qualified to become Clan Leader after their father and predecessor. The twins loved their little sister Hali yet hated each other. Hali loved her brothers equally and seeing them hurt each other tormented her immensely. She always tried to stop them from fighting to no avail. She’d run between them with tears in her eyes as she’s begging them to please get along, and they’d pause and tell her go away because it’s dangerous. Then they’d continue to fight when they see that she’s gone. Hali could only stand by and wait silently until they’re done for the day and she’d tend to their wounds one after another in separate rooms because they’ll start quarreling again otherwise. She tried to get them to see that there are more important things in life than prestige and honor but they’d always answer that it’s not something she can understand. Neither Hali nor her parents were able to get the twins to put an end to their meaningless rivalry. The dreaded inevitable occurred, and Hali became her father’s successor following the death of her brothers. She never expected to become Clan Leader since it simply wasn’t what she wanted for her life, but she worked hard to prepare for the role because it was her duty. Hali was a decent Clan Leader and a good mother to Ragar. She told her son stories about his deceased uncles and sighed as she commented on how if only there had been a way to split a Soul Weapon. Then her beloved brothers wouldn’t have killed each other, she said. Hali caressed Ragar’s cheeks and smiled as she asked if he could figure that out one day. She wasn’t serious because she knew it was impossible, but little did she know that Ragar took her suggestion to heart. He swore to his mother that if he ever has children of his own, he’ll make sure to give an equal chance to all of them. Hali entered eternal sleep when Ragar was ready to succeed her as Clan Leader. She loved her partner and son, but the grief from losing her brothers had thinned out her will to live and she chose to leave the world peacefully after saying goodbyes to her family. Before Hali’s death, her hobby was home decoration. She designed the rooms for her future grandchildren she knew she’d never get to meet yet already feel affection for.
Erytheia Kertia: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Erytheia is completely obsessed with Rael. She doesn’t love him romantically, though. Her feelings are akin to unconditional admiration and loyalty. She doesn’t get in proximity to him and is perfectly fine with watching him from a distance. She’ll just stare at him from afar and he doesn’t even need to know that she exists. Erytheia thinks everything Rael does is absolutely right and justifies all of his behaviors. The brattiness and ill-temper? That’s just him being himself, why should he change. Doesn’t address his brother as Clan Leader in public? Why do the rules even matter, who cares about being proper. Destroyed everything around him because he got rejected? That’s totally Seira’s fault, she doesn’t even realize how lucky she is and deserves to be harassed because of course Rael should get everything he wants… objects and people included. To Erytheia, Rael is perfect. She is proud to be a Kertia because he exists. She has mountains of his portraits and busts in her home and her collection is still growing to this day. Erytheia believes that Rael deserves the best and only the best. For this reason, she hated Razark. He was an eyesore to her because his existence meant that Rael couldn’t be their Clan Leader. She knows that Rael loves his brother, but that doesn’t stop her from wishing for Razark to be gone forever. Erytheia was sad for Rael when they all learned that he had lost his brother, but at the same time she was secretly overjoyed and celebrated Razark’s death because that means Rael is their new Clan Leader. What a timely sacrifice on Razark’s part. Finally, her idol gets to have his happy ending, she thought. He is finally complete, they are finally complete. Despite being twisted in a way, Erytheia makes sure to maintain her image in public and doesn’t reveal her true nature to anyone, not even her close friends. They just think she’s a very loyal clan member and she definitely enjoys this positive attention. Erytheia doesn’t really have any hobbies that stand out because she’s always obsessing over her new Clan Leader. Sure, she did learn how to paint and sculpt just so she can make even more “collectibles” of him. That’s pretty impressive, not gonna lie. She could pursue a career in the arts if she really wants to. Too bad that’s not happening because it’s an exclusive skill dedicated to her one and only role model in the world. Erytheia has a lot of on-and-off lovers and she doesn’t tell them that she only gets together with them because they’re all Rael’s lookalikes. They think she truly loves them because she treats them with so much respect and affection, when in reality she is just doing what she would with the real deal if she were to be this close to him. Erytheia loves her cousin Heidi but thinks of her as traitor and a lost cause because the latter chose to join the Paradiso’s bodyguard team instead of pledging her loyalty to their Kertia Clan Leader. In Erytheia’s eyes, Heidi is wasting her pureblood potential on an outsider.
Dzeve Kertia: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Dzeve has a bit of a temper. He tries his best to not let it get to him but sometimes it comes out anyway. His friends don’t really mind, and he appreciates how patient they are with him. Dzeve makes masks. Many of the masks that his fellow clan members wear are the masterpieces of his designs. He is extremely passionate in this aspect and thinks the Kertia masks are sacred and must be perfect down to every last detail. To him, this piece of apparel carries tremendous symbolical meaning and should be the pride of all Kertia clan members. He sources only the finest fabric in all of Lukedonia to work with because anything else of a lower grade would be an insult to their clan. Dzeve’s concentration and dedication to his craft is unparalleled. When he’s focused on his job, everything else becomes irrelevant. Not even the worst world-ending disasters can distract him. Meteorite strike outside and everyone is screaming and running around frantically? Eh, won’t notice any of that, he’s not leaving his workshop. It’s just white noise. When he’s working, he filters out all stimuli around him and he’d be dead before he even realizes if there ever is a real emergency. The only time Dzeve will stop is when he’s finished with what he’s doing. For this reason, the nobles have learned to leave him alone when he’s “in the zone”. Dzeve makes custom masks for each and every clan member and never reuses any of his designs. His love for his clan is evident in his craftsmanship and his fellow clan members greatly respect him. Dzeve has three supernatural bat friends who are assistants in his workshop and their names are Parfait, Éclair, and Soufflé.
Myskia Kertia: Pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Myskia is the partner of Euphranor Blerster. She was the one who suggested that they should move out of Lukedonia for a new life. She didn’t do it for him, though. Euphranor being the fun-loving type was merely a coincidence. The real reason behind Myskia wanting to leave the nobles’ land is that she killed Phachoen Mergas. That’s right. She ambushed and assassinated a high-ranking legislator. Perhaps it was justified on her part, but murder is murder regardless of motivation and if Myskia were to be caught, she would have to face punishment. Phachoen was a relentless believer of extreme justice, and the friends and families of his victims hoped that he’d be gone but there was nothing they could do. Myskia took the matter into her own hands. Her uncle, cousin, sister, and best friend were victims of his unreasonably harsh laws. She waited for centuries before doing the deed and for the whole time, she had been planning and mapping out the perfect assassination to end him for once and all. Myskia’s talent is shadow manipulation. She is self-taught and her gift is evident in her ability to tag the shadows of others. When she marks someone, she can use their shadows to track them at all times even when they’re on the opposite side of Lukedonia. Her senses tell her everything about them from current location to mood and level of wariness. From this, Myskia was able to predict Phachoen’s movements from his habits and plotted his death flawlessly. The execution was excellent and no one can ever trace it back to her. She managed to finally avenge her loved ones and herself, but the rage inside her did not seem to dissipate in the slightest. Myskia tried to move on and adjust to her new life with little success and ultimately came to the conclusion that Lukedonia isn’t her home anymore. She loved Lukedonia, but it was a constant reminder of her pain and the only way to stop that was by leaving. Several decades after Phachoen’s assassination, Myskia finished saying her silent goodbyes to her home and suggested their new life to her beloved Euphranor and they embarked on their journey as travelers. Currently, Myskia lives somewhere in the United States and works as a detective. She and her lovely wedding photographer husband have two children together. The happy family owns a truck and they’re very fond of living amongst humans. Myskia doesn’t want to visit Lukedonia ever again and tells Euphranor that they should just stay in the United States with their kids. Euphranor assumes that his wife just likes it very much here and doesn’t think too much about what else there may be behind her reluctance. To this day, he is oblivious to the fact that she is the murderer of Phachoen. Myskia is determined to take this secret to the grave. In Myskia’s free time, her hobby is online shopping. She keeps buying the cheap knockoff version of goods because she thinks they’re fun to collect. That’s only for herself, though, because she only buys the best for her husband and children. And you can bet she won’t ever pay unless there’s free shipping.
Thank you for reading! Landegre is next!
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