#dynamics: andreas & melanie.
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🧺 - our muses go on a picnic together (melanie & andreas)
um dos pontos favoritos da ilha se tratava do farol próximo ao museu. ficava a uma distância agradável do apartamento para caminhadas noturnas, próximo da galeria de arte dos ricassos da cidade (que vinha tentando agradar), e perto o bastante de melanie, que normalmente estava acompanhada de seu barco. andreas, como uma criança de ilha, talvez fosse tão atraído para a beirada do mar em honra às próprias memórias de infância, por mais devastadoras que fossem; resguardava a sensação dos pés afundados na areia molhada como uma lembrança reconfortante já que estava sempre sozinho, apenas ele e seus desenhos. portanto, não havia ideia melhor do que juntar praticamente tudo do que gostava num mesmo lugar. ou quase tudo.
ultimamente estava tentando se manter distante dos remédios, por mais que não fosse sempre bem sucedido. um de seus colegas de prédio havia dito que frutas ajudavam a controlar o vício por um tempo por conta da desintoxicação (e esse colega deveria bastante sobre, já que tinha passado por duas intervenções em pouco tempo) então, talvez sugerir piqueniques semanais fosse tanto um modo de passar tempo com sua pessoa favorita quanto de se iludir por horas o suficiente de que não voltaria correndo para suas pílulas assim que se sentisse mal ou tivesse crises noturnas. enfim. já era um começo. — você tem algum destino certo pros próximos dias, capitã? — apesar da pergunta, antes que melanie pudesse responder, estendeu a mão até a cesta e pegou um cacho de uvas, em seguida, o levando até a boca da moça. só depois esperou a resposta.
por um momento tirou seus olhos da chwe para olhar o mar. trazia memórias demais, e, inclusive, o recordava que havia descoberto algo interessante sobre seus pais após uma visita às ruínas de sua casa antiga não fazia muito tempo, onde também soube que o tio ainda não havia falecido, embora sua doença o tivesse deixado com uma aparência tão repugnante quanto sua personalidade, e que ele havia partido há muitos anos exatamente como andreas suspeitava. — andei investigando mais sobre os jung e encontrei umas informações. — preguiçoso, estirou o corpo e abraçou a silhueta de melanie, tirando uma pequena quantia de tempo para beijar suas costelas, depois ergueu a cabeça para olhar seu rosto. — aparentemente incêndios criminosos são uma coisa que eles fazem? não sei por quê. mas eles ateiam fogo em mansões. — apesar do tom praticamente monótono, a inquietação das mãos na cintura da mulher demonstravam uma ansiedade que só aparecia durante sua sobriedade, onde o peso de tudo vinha por completo.
— eu queria saber se você quer fazer uma viagem comigo. — para demonstrar um pouco mais de seriedade com o convite, se ergueu mais uma vez tornando a se sentar ao seu lado. as mãos, porém, ainda teimavam em continuar a tocando, acariciando as coxas levemente, quase repousadas. — não sei o que a gente pode encontrar, nem o que tem pra se descobrir e talvez seja perigoso. mas, tem muito mar pela frente, muitas paisagens bonitas e muitas ilhas por aí. — pela primeira vez abriu um sorriso, e acompanhando a empolgação cedeu à vontade de beijá-la, apesar de ser só um rápido contato. às vezes se perguntava se a intensidade de sua adoração era um problema para ela. e as vezes, não sabia discernir o que desejava fazer mais: olhá-la como uma obra de arte singular, desenhá-la com sua inspiração infinita ou simplesmente tocá-la, como estava fazendo agora. e as vezes achava que era o conjunto de tudo que o mantinha naquele círculo: quando a segurava, tudo o que queria fazer era continuar colado nela, e era esse desejo que sempre o inspirava a desenhá-la. os olhos, a boca, o sorriso, a silhueta...
— seríamos só nós dois. por dias. e eu poderia te comer em qualquer lugar também. — ergueu uma das sobrancelhas, depois foi atrás de outro beijo. só que dessa vez queria um de verdade. as mãos nas coxas não tinham mais o mesmo toque suave, pelo contrário, a maciez da pele despertava o ímpeto de apertá-las nos dedos, também aproveitou que estavam ali para puxá-la até seu colo. — o que você me diz? — questionou, mas não estava olhando em seus olhos, seu foco estava na quantidade de pele que cobria com beijos até conseguir afundar a cabeça no meio dos seios. — você quer ir comigo? — a voz saiu abafada, e riu do próprio tom, dessa vez, erguendo a cabeça de novo para olhá-la, enquanto as malditas mãos inquietas continuavam traiçoeiras e escorregadias.
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My Favorite Films and Performances of 2017
Tomorrow: Oscar nominations Today: the stuff that I loved
I hope you check out something on this list that you haven’t heard of, or reconsider something you didn’t intend to see. If it's not on here, I either didn't have the opportunity to see it or I didn't really care for it (and here’s 2016 and 2015 for your perusal).
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Without question, the greatest cinematic experience of my year was 18 hours of new David Lynch material, unfurling over four months. However, if we’re talking strictly about theatrical releases, my favorite film of 2017 is
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2. PHANTOM THREAD, Paul Thomas Anderson
and the rest of the Top 25, in alphabetical order:
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AFTER THE STORM, Hirokazu Kore-eda
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THE BIG SICK, Michael Showalter
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BPM, Robin Campillo
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BRAWL IN CELL BLOCK 99, S. Craig Zahler
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CALL ME BY YOUR NAME, Luca Guadagnino
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DUNKIRK, Christopher Nolan
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FACES PLACES, Agnès Varda & JR
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GET OUT, Jordan Peele
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GOOD TIME, Josh and Benny Safdie
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IN THE FADE, Fatih Akin
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LADY BIRD, Greta Gerwig
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THE LURE, Agnieszka Smoczynska
MOTHER!, Darren Aronofsky
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RAW, Julia Ducournau
THE SHAPE OF WATER, Guillermo del Toro
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THE SQUARE, Ruben Östlund
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SUNTAN, Argyris Papadimitropoulos
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THIRST STREET, Nathan Silver
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THE WORK, Jairus McLeary and Gethin Aldous
But that’s not all! I enjoyed so many more 2017 movies. Sometimes with reservations, but enjoyed nonetheless:
A Ciambra, Baby Driver, Battle of the Sexes, Beatriz at Dinner, The Beguiled, Blade Runner 2049, Brad’s Status, Colossal, The Commune, A Cure For Wellness, Darkest Hour, Detroit, The Disaster Artist, Donald Cried, A Fantastic Woman, Foxtrot, Free Fire, Gerald’s Game, The Ghoul, Girls Trip, Graduation, The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki, Happy End, The Hero, Hounds of Love, Hostiles, I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore, Ingrid Goes West, It, John Wick: Chapter 2, Lady Macbeth, Landline, The Lego Batman Movie, Logan, Logan Lucky, The Lost City of Z, Lost in Paris, Loveless, Marjorie Prime, The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected), Nocturama, Okja, Patti Cake$, The Post, Prevenge, Roman J. Israel, Esq., Song to Song, Split, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Stronger, Super Dark Times, Thor: Ragnarok, T2 Trainspotting, Thelma, This Is Not What I Expected, The Trip To Spain, The Unknown Girl, Wind River, Wonderstruck, The World of Tomorrow Episode 2: The Burden of Other People’s Thoughts
And these documentaries:
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All These Sleepless Nights, Brimstone & Glory, City of Ghosts, Contemporary Color, David Lynch: The Art Life, Dawson City: Frozen Time, Icarus, Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond – Featuring a Very Special, Contractually Obligated Mention of Tony Clifton, Joan Didion: The Center Will Not Hold, Karl Marx City, Nobody Speak: Trials of the Free Press, Risk
Small-Screen Wonders:
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Atlanta, The Deuce, GLOW, Mindhunter, Nathan for You “Finding Frances,” Top of the Lake: China Girl, Vice Principals
My favorite performance of the year:
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Michael Stuhlbarg as Mr. Perlman in Call Me By Your Name.
Dynamic Duos:
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Fiona Gordon as Fiona & Dominique Abel as Dom, Lost in Paris
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Armie Hammer as Oliver & Timothée Chalamet as Elio, Call Me by Your Name
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John Hamm as Water & Lois Smith as Marjorie, Marjorie Prime
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Vicky Krieps as Alma & Daniel Day-Lewis as Reynolds Woodcock, Phantom Thread
Favorite Ensembles:
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Beatriz at Dinner, The Big Sick, Detroit, The Florida Project, Free Fire, Hostiles, It, The Killing of a Sacred Deer, Lady Bird, Okja, The Post, T2 Trainspotting, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
More memorable (and in many cases underrated) performances):
Lior Ashkenazi as Michael Feldmann, Foxtrot
Kris Avedisian as Donald, Donald Cried
Nahuel Pérez Biscayart as Sean, BPM
Emma Booth as Evelyn White, Hounds of Love
Rob Brydon as Rob, The Trip to Spain
Lindsay Burdge as Gina, Thirst Street
Bene Coopersmith as Bene, Person to Person
Siddharth Dhananjay as Jheri, Patti Cake$
Kirsten Dunst as Edwina, The Beguiled
Buddy Duress as Ray, Good Time
Betty Gabriel as Georgina, Get Out
Jeff Goldblum as Grandmaster, Thor: Ragnarok
Tiffany Haddish as Dina, Girls Trip
Adèle Haenel as Jenny Davin, The Unknown Girl
Fantine Harduin as Eve, Happy End
Harriet Sansom Harris as Barbara Rose, Phantom Thread
Kelvin Harrison Jr. as Travis, It Comes at Night
Sally Hawkins as Elisa, The Shape of Water
Sylvia Hoeks as Luv, Blade Runner 2049
Lil Rel Howery as Rod Williams, Get Out
O'Shea Jackson Jr. as Dan Pinto, Ingrid Goes West
Dafne Keen as Laura, Logan
Udo Kier as Placid Man, Brawl in Cell Block 99
Kirin Kiki as Shinoda Yoshiko, After The Storm
Kevin Kline as Maurice, Beauty and the Beast
Diane Kruger as Katja Sekerci, In The Fade
Jarkko Lahti as Olli Mäki, The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki
Alice Lowe as Ruth, Prevenge
Melanie Lynskey as Ruth, I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore
Lesley Manville as Cyril, Phantom Thread
Garance Marillier as Justine, Raw
Elizabeth Marvel as Jean Meyerowitz, The Meyerowitz Stories
Tatiana Maslany as Erin Hurley, Stronger
James McAvoy as Dennis et al., Split
Kyle Mooney as James Pope, Brigsby Bear
Terry Notary as Oleg, The Square
Michelle Pfeiffer as Woman, mother!
Florence Pugh as Katherine, Lady Ma
Lance Reddick as Charon, John Wick: Chapter 2
Andrea Riseborough as Marilyn Barnett, Battle of the Sexes
Millicent Simmonds as Rose, Wonderstruck
Maryana Spivak as Zhenya, Loveless
John Turturro as Alan, Landline
Daniela Vega as Marina Vidal, A Fantastic Woman
Denzel Washington as Roman J. Israel, Esq., Roman J. Israel, Esq.
Michelle Williams as Gail Harris, All the Money in the World
Dwight Yoakam as Warden Burns, Logan Lucky
Favorite older films I saw for the first time in 2017:
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MARRIED TO THE MOB, Jonathan Demme, 1988
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THE MERCHANT OF FOUR SEASONS, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1972
PAPER MOON, Peter Bogdanovich, 1973
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PIECES, Juan Piquer Simón, 1982
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Lund Urban Creativity Conference 2019
The conference was an opportunity to initiate an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas between scholars, artists, activists, planners and others who work within the diverse field of urban creativity.
The conference took place 15 – 18 May 2019 and was hosted by the Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies in collaboration with the Division of Art History and Visual Studies at Lund University.
The full day-by-day conference programme can be found below.
#urbancreativitylund#urbancreativity#lund university#lundurbancreativityconference2019#conference2019
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Connect/Reflect: Open your mind, spark your creativity
The members of Coldwell Banker’s Team Diva Real Estate from Seattle have built a solid business over the years using much of what they’ve learned and heard at Inman Connect.
We recently spent time with Chavi Hohm and Kim Colaprete to learn what makes Connect so helpful for them and what advice they’d give to first-time attendees, get some networking advice and discuss the most meaningful moments for them over the years.
You’ve been coming to Inman Connect New York for several years now. What do you remember about your first experience, and what advice would you give a first-time attendee?
Our first Inman Connect New York was fantastic and overwhelming. We were still newbies to the conference experience and in awe of the people we had met at Connect San Francisco the year before. The connections we made at Inman that first year were definitely life-changing.
We joked with Robin Fenchel at the Opening Session that we were D-Listed Divas, sitting in the back row. Then Jeff Chalmers tweeted “Where are you Divas? Time for us to meet IRL.” Our response: “Here is a picture of your head. We are right behind you.” Just goes to show how easy it is to meet amazing folks using the magic of social media.
Speaking of social media, a big highlight of the trip came later in the week, when we got a text message from our friend Sean Carpenter, telling us we had been selected as “Most Innovative Real Estate Agent for Social Media.” Sean also won in the same category.
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We decided to go celebrate in classic Sean style — he took us and a friend of his, Matthew, to O’Hara’s Pub (one of Sean’s favorite places in NYC) next to Ground Zero.
Little did we know then, his friend Matthew was, Matthew Ferrara, an amazing trainer and top speaker at Inman Connect. And O’Hara’s is now the unofficial Connect kick-off happy hour, hosted by the ever-charming Sean Carpenter.
Our best advice for first-timers:
Have wing women. That first year, it was the dynamic Linda Aaron, from our mothership Coldwell Banker Bain. Linda introduced us to all kinds of amazing folks, such as Debra Trappen, Katie Lance, Heather Ostrom and Andrea Geller. Who knew you have to go to New York to meet powerhouse people from your own Coldwell Banker Brand? Nikki Beauchamp is another power connector, and knowing her opened up another world of stellar folks for us Divas.
Sit in the front row. Or as close as you can to the front row. Smart kids in class sit upfront. Those who want to fade into the background sit in the back. This way you can meet smart folks like Robin and Jeff.
Go to Sean’s Unofficial Connect Kick-Off Happy Hour. Sean is one of the smartest and most energetic people in our business. He has amassed an incredible community of industry folks who are super nice and happy to share their ideas.
Get out of your comfort zone. We have met some of our best friends (like Andrea Geller and Stacie Staub) at the Connect events and happy hours. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to folks, and keep in mind that casual settings are a great opportunity. Amazing conversations can happen at coffee breaks, luncheons and late night bar hangouts. Take someone you want to meet to dinner or buy them a drink and see what fabulousness arises!
Connect is very well known for its ability to create long-lasting, meaningful networking opportunities. What would your advice be to those looking to grow their business through new connections in January?
We jokingly refer to some of the amazing industry-changing folks that we meet at Inman Connect as the Real Estate “Illuminati.” Not in the creepy, secret society, Dan Brown kind of way, but more along the lines of those seeking “enlightenment.”
Inman attracts thought leaders — folks who have a passion for this industry and a desire push it to the next level. We may not all agree on how to get there, but we are all here to gain knowledge, explore new ideas and challenge ourselves.
We know this industry focuses on “networking” by glad-handing your business card to everyone you meet in a elevator, but that’s not connecting. That is shameless self promotion.
Get out and socialize. This is the best way to make long-lasting connections and gain new business building insights. As an example, during our first Connect, we actually weaseled ourselves into the Zillow party at the NASDAQ space overlooking Times Square.
In a strange way, you have to travel all the way from Seattle to New York to hang out with your neighbor Jay Thompson, director of industry outreach at Zillow. As we wandered over to take in the Times Square jumbotron view, we bumped into a young upstart named Greg Fisher hanging at the bar. From that first meeting Greg has been part of our Genuine Hustle squad that includes Anne Jones, Marguerite Martin, and its founder, Stacie Staub. Then as we left the party we ran into the super smart Melanie Piche and her power partner Brendan Powell calling our names down the hallway. We had a blast chatting with Melanie and her entourage and have been in touch ever since.
The marketing ideas, creative energy, encouragement and support we have gained from these folks over the years has been priceless. And it all started at ICNY!
How do you pick which sessions to attend, and why?
Decisions. Decisions. The bottomline is that the Divas have taken time to be here, to be inspired and to transform our business back in Seattle. Some of those ideas come from new unexpected speakers and some from speakers that we make a point of seeing every single year.
Challenge yourself to try sessions that are out of your comfort zone. Scared of video? Definitely attend sessions on video marketing. Thinking about starting your own brokerage? Check out the Indie Broker Summit. Maybe it will be just the push you need to move to a new level in your business.
Whatever sessions you choose to attend, stay open-minded about the information you are receiving. This conference is about exploring new ideas and getting that creative and competitive edge.
That said, if you have good instincts you don’t need to chase every trendy “solution” out there. At our first Connect, we sat next to David Marine in a breakout session, and he asked us, “What do the Divas use for their CRM tool?” We told him, “A Google spreadsheet.” That hasn’t changed (but David’s title sure has as he is now the senior vice president of marketing at the Coldwell Banker home office).
Here are just a few of our must-see suggestions for ICNY 2018:
Katie Lance. Katie is constantly pushing herself to create actionable content in her sessions. Each time we go, the more we learn, and the stronger our personal brand is able to grow.
Seth Price. Seth Price is a can’t-miss event. Go! He is pure inspiration. Seth is as genuine as you can get in the real estate convention environment.
Molly McKinley. Molly is super smart on marketing and always has a fresh perspective.
Lindsay Listanski. Lindsay is a social media goddess. She has been intricate in boosting Coldwell Banker’s interaction and engagement across the interweb. We never leave one of her sessions without gaining some stellar new ideas.
Nela Richardson. Every time Nela speaks about the economy, the Divas bow down to her brilliance. And yes, she works for a competitor, but why let that be a reason to not bask in Nela’s incredible intellect.
Robert Reffkin. Let’s be honest. Unless local brokerages make their grass greener, a lot of power agents will be jumping to Compass. Expect to see a lot of agents at this session to see if Compass is more than smoke and mirrors. Will Compass go poof like previous dot-com companies, or is it the Holy Grail of real estate goodness?
What’s the single biggest thing not to miss at every Connect?
The Opening Session is a must. It sets the tone for the week and gives you insights from outside of our industry. Our entire business has been based on tools that retailers, non-profits and other industries use before your average agent adopts them. The best place to get that inspiration in our industry is the opening session of Connect.
The opening session of 2016 featured Seth Godin. Seth illuminated that traditional marketing is the one-size-fits-TV approach, but the truth of the matter is that all of us need to be as niche as possible in our approach to finding our version of Diva Dwellers. It was brilliant. It cemented a practice that we had, but didn’t have the words to articulate to others.
Niche marketing is and will continue to be our mainstay.
Regardless of how late we are out hanging with the Real Estate “Illuminati” the night before, the Divas will be somewhere in the first and second row at the opening session. See you there!
For those still on the fence about attending, what’s the one piece of advice you’d give them?
We can all aspire to take our business to the next level, but no one does that in a bubble. Getting out of the bubble and putting yourself in the midst of some of the brightest folks in the business who are making magic happen everyday is the road to success. Inman Connect New York will help get you there.
All these folks we connected with over the years — Katie Lance, Matthew Ferrara, Seth Price, Stacie Staub and, of course, Brad Inman, have helped push us forward. You are who you surround yourself with!
In the words of our “Inman Mentor,” Linda Aaron:
Attending Inman Connect will open your mind to possibilities. As a productive real estate agent, you are often too busy to investigate the latest and greatest technology and marketing ideas out there.
Inman brings it all together for you in one place. You can immerse yourself in great conversations and share ideas with people from all over the world. It opens your thinking and sparks your creativity and so you can move your business to the next level.
This year, the number one reason we are going is that we need time and space to envision where we want to take Team Diva.
We have had incredible success as a team with Coldwell Banker Bain. How do we continue to grow and retain our scrappy, go-against-the-grain attitude? What are the resources we need to continue that growth? Who has already gone down this path and can give us some insight? And in all things Divaland-related, what is the path that no one else in our industry has considered?
Many of these questions can only be answered at Connect in New York!
Want to connect with Kim and Chavi? Find them online, or on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Email Matthew Shadbolt.
from Inman http://ift.tt/2C5K7QK via IFTTT
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😈 💭 (melanie)
put 😈 💭 in my ask and my muse will admit one dirty thought they’ve had about yours : accepting !
andreas é um dos meus personagens mais sexuais, portanto, é de se imaginar que ele tenha muitas coisas na mente dele e uma criatividade extremamente abrangente, então ele é cheio de dirty thoughts a respeito da melanie, especialmente porque ele é fascinado por ela, então tudo que ele quer explorar ele quer explorar com ela, ela é a musa dele e tudo o que ele imagina sempre tem como finalidade que seja sobre ela terminar satisfeita. qual a tolerância dela a dor? porque ele já se imaginou várias vezes batendo na bunda dela. ou ela é quem quer bater nele? porque tudo bem também. would she be into bondage? porque ele já se imaginou várias vezes amarrando ela em posições diferentes. sex with clothes on? sim. public sex? também. ela quer que ele mande nela? xingue ela? elogie ela? ele pode. o contrário? também pode. certamente ele também desenharia ela nua de inúmeras formas diferentes e teria fotos dela consigo, então no fim depende do que ela gosta, porque he's into everything.
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a kiss shared during a game ( truth or dare , spin the bottle , etc ) . / melanie & andreas.
Quantos anos desde a última vez que havia participado de um jogo daqueles? Por um breve momento se sentiu nostálgico. Andreas mantinha a postura de sempre dentro da roda: observador, quieto e distribuindo pequenos sorrisos que não queriam dizer muita coisa, mas serviam para não se passar como antipático, só alguém mais “na dele”. Não era oposto a festas, muito menos a pessoas bêbadas fazendo coisas de pessoas bêbadas, só não costumava se inserir em nada do tipo por livre e espontânea vontade. Acontece que, tanto pela mente estar entorpecida pelos remédios de mais cedo por puro uso recreativo, quanto porque a pessoa mais interessante de todo o espaço estar lá, ele não havia se importado em segui-los, entre os gritos e a euforia de pessoas que obviamente só queriam uma desculpa esfarrapada para se jogar em cima de alguém e não terminar a noite sem pelo menos um na conta. Novamente, não era contra. Mas tinha seus objetivos muito claros. A diferença do jogo é que iam ficar claros para todo mundo na roda. E a roda parecia realmente disposta a fazê-lo sair de sua bolha, já que havia sido sorteado três vezes pela garrafa. Na primeira vez escolheu desafio: virar uma garrafa sem respirar. Terrível, mas conseguiu. Se segunda vez, escolheu verdade. Quando seus olhos cruzaram na direção de Melanie, ele olhou para a pessoa responsável por fazer a pergunta e sorriu indiscretamente. E ela pareceu entender o que ele queria dizer, apesar da execução pobre: “qual é o seu tipo?” — isso não é uma pergunta de verdade. — um revirar de olhos, alguns pares de risada. Andreas olhou novamente na direção de Melanie. “é verdade que tem alguém que faz seu tipo no jogo?”. Ah, agora sim. — sim, é verdade. — Muitos gritos e assobios, ele não aguentou, teve que rir também. Não é que estava começando a se divertir no meio da brincadeira?
Mas foi só na terceira que finalmente aconteceu. Antes, claro, desafiou outras duas pessoas. A primeira tinha que conseguir dar seu número de telefone para outras três dentro de cinco minutos ou levaria um banho de vodka (não conseguiu e levou o banho) e a segunda precisava roubar alguma coisa sem ser percebido (e devolver depois, mas isso ele não ia checar). E então, era sua vez novamente. Graças à bebida, o torpor o deixava muito mais animado do que normalmente, e por um momento ele pensou que talvez fosse sorte sua, ou talvez as drogas sabiam como agir dependendo do ambiente, em prol do usuário. Essa segunda era a que estava mais inclinado a acreditar, já que nunca, sob hipótese alguma, Andreas poderia se considerar alguém com sorte, ao ponto que qualquer fumo era mais verdade do que essa suposição. “vai na pessoa que mais faz seu tipo, e lambe ela em algum lugar” — ...como um cachorro. entendi. — o encarregado da pergunta arqueou a sobrancelha “vai ou não vai?” Andreas riu soprado e se levantou, andando em linha reta até Melanie. — Só tem uma pessoa aqui que faz meu tipo. — mais gritos. Engraçado como tudo causava uma reação. Não que ele tivesse prestado muita atenção, já que desde o momento que havia olhado nos olhos de Melanie, não tinha mais nada acontecendo além deles. Quando se abaixou, inevitavelmente sorriu, enquanto uma das mãos afastava o cabelo escuro da área do pescoço. Primeiro encostou os lábios, em seguida, passou a língua pela curvatura entre pescoço e ombro. Depois, cometeu o primeiro delito: um beijo no mesmo lugar. Esperou uma reação ou um sinal para se afastar. Não teve. Então deu mais um, um pouco mais em cima. E um outro, na mandíbula. E aí escutou o primeiro “já chega!” seguido da legião de jogadores de verdade ou desafio que avidamente o puxaram para trás. relutante, recuou um pouco, mas não antes de falar com ela uma última vez. — te desafio a me passar seu número.
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