#dyna is such a good boy im crying
fillianore-moved · 5 years
this is just a very long and unfortunate list of incorrect quotes i’ve compiled for the fe3h squad + my oc (aka cassia montal, who’s the assistant teacher at the monastery and is romancing jeritza)! i just needed a way to develop her and all the relationships there more, and this is the result, so it’s completely self-indulgent, lazy and frankly pretty silly, but still i had fun and developed her and her relationships a lot during this process! @highoverseer and @koroleyva i’m tagging you two because idk anyone else who’d care at all for this flaming pile of trash packed into a fe3h package uwu 🌷🌼🌸
byleth: how long have you been sleeping with cassia?
jeritza: that’s disgusting. and wrong. i don’t even get… why would... i…i’ve never had sex with anyone, anywhere. it’s none of your… you have… the nerve, the audacity… cassia is my colleague, technically. and she is terrible, face-wise. and how… how... do i know, frankly, that you’re not sleeping with her? maybe you are. maybe you’re trying to throw me off? hmm? check and mate.
cassia dies.
annette is sobbing
dimitri is heartbroken
edelgard is trying to do a satanic ritual with hubert to bring her back
claude is stapling memes to her coffin
byleth: you dropped your dyn- dy- dyna… mite…
byleth: uh… what else have you got in there?
cassia: oh… gunpowder, nitroglycerin, notepads, fuses, wicks, glue, and… paperclips. big ones.
cassia: uou know. just office supplies.
cassia to annette: when you turn 18, people are gonna try and tell you to buy drugs or cigarettes because you can. no. you know what else is legal to buy at 18? blades. get yourself a damn sword. a big knife is also okay.
cassia: we both look very beautiful tonight.
jeritza: you know, if you- if you’d just said I look beautiful, I would’ve said “so do you”.
cassia: i couldn’t take that chance.
dorothea: you need a hobby.
cassia: i have a hobby.
dorothea: staring at jeritza’s face isn’t a hobby.
cassia: you’re right. it’s a profession and i excel at my job.
cassia, looking in the mirror at 3am trying to practice self love: you’re doing great you stupid bitch..
manuela: i didn’t want to do this, but i know one way we can get the money.
cassia: you’d make a decent prostitute.
manuela: i’d make an amazing prostitute, but i was actually talking about this guy I know.
byleth: admit it! you like cassia!
jeritza: oh, come on. i mean, am i attracted to cassia? sure. do my days feel better when I’m around her? yeah. does she get me in ways no person ever has? indubitably. do i fantasize about her? sure, of course, but only in two positions. but do I like her? the answer is no.
cassia: when have i done anything rash or irresponsible?
claude: i keep a list if you wanna see. it’s alphabetized.
byleth: whose turn is it to give the pep-talk?
cassia: (sighing) felix’s…
felix: fuck shit up out there, but don’t die.
annette: is anyone else scared?
cassia: not really. i’ve already lived longer than i expected.
flayn: what is the best way to kill someone?
byleth: kindness.
cassia: If we’re being stealthy, potassium cynaite. otherwise, anything from a knife to a bazooka works...
cassia: *crying*
byleth: i would like to join you in acknowledging the difficulties of your life
cassia: you are the WORST at this comfort thing
claude: if edelgard, dimitri and i were drowning, who would you save?
cassia: you morons can’t even swim?
edelgard: teacher, it’s a hypothetical question.
dimitri: yeah, who would you save?
cassia: my time and effort.
annette: The cookie isn’t sweet enough, and the texture is runny because it’s not fully baked. if I have to rate this, i would give it three points.
cassia: i made it myself…
annette: it’s out of three points.
edelgard: if I ask you a boy question, will you promise not to be weird?
cassia: i promise.
edelgard: so, there’s this guy-
cassia: you can do better.
cassia, torturing a prisioner: we have ways of making you talk…
cassia: flayn, what are you doing here? you’re not allowed in here
flayn: (hands her a drawing)
cassia: did you draw this? this is so good! i promise we’ll hang it in the entrance of the dungeon so everyone can see it before they get tortured!
sylvain: i rarely give compliments, teacher, but that shirt looks great. i bet it would look even better on byleth’s assistant’s bedroom floor.
jeritza: …
cassia: sylvain, are you … hitting on jeritza for me?
cassia: it’s hard being byleth’s assistant teacher sometimes, but i love the my students and that’s all that-
caspar, in the background: teacher cassia! I tried to make spaghetti in the coffee pot and accidentally broke it!
cassia: *inhales*
post time-skip, black eagles route
cassia: i need some peace and quiet...
edelgard: i’ll be quiet!
hubert: and i’ll be peace!
jeritza: everything’s going to be fine. it’s just a crush.
cassia: hey, jeritza!
jeritza: i love you.
post time-skip, blue lions route
dimitri, talking about cassia: i know you think my judgment’s clouded because i like her a little bit.
dedue: you doodled your wedding invitation
dimitri: no, that’s our joint tombstone.
dedue: ... my mistake.
post time-skip, hubert’s support
edelgard: (whispering to hubert) start with a compliment! tell her she looks thin.
hubert: (to cassia) you seem malnourished.
post time-skip, edelgard’s support
ferdinand, watching cassia train: she can’t be good at everything. maybe she’s a bad kisser.
edelgard: no, she’s good at that too.
ferdinand: what?
edelgard: what?
sylvain: I'm grounded?
cassia: yes, you're grounded.
byleth: you disobeyed an order.
dimitri: and now we're going to bury you until you learn your lesson.
byleth: dimitri, that's not how grounding works.
dorothea: i promised byleth we wouldn’t do anything illegal.
cassia: Why would you lie to our resident parental figure like that?
linhardt: i slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so let’s go for 12 more just in case
cassia: linhardt that’s a coma
linhardt: sounds festive
cassia: don’t worry, i have a permit.
seteth: …this just says ‘i do what i want.’
cassia: there are no mistakes, just happy little accidents
cassia: ... and lorenz
post time-skip, golden deer route
cassia: this is it
cassia: this is the darkest timeline
hilda: we just ran out of alcohol you dramatic little bitch
post time-skip, blue lions route
felix: cassia?
cassia, sighing: jeritza used to call me cassia…
felix: because it’s your fucking name
annette: it was me.
post time-skip, black eagles route
edelgard: so what are we gonna do?
cassia: i don’t know... pizza maybe?
edelgard: about the war, cassia
during a mock battle
ferdinand: start waving your white flag!
cassia: ... Yikes...
cassia: hey flayn, do you think I could fit fifteen macarons into my mouth?
seteth: you're a hazard to society.
flayn: and a coward. do twenty!
byleth: your trainee said a swear word in class.
cassia: i’ll talk to them about it..
cassia, to lysithea: what the fuck, dude...
rhea: this was a 100% successful trip.
byleth: we lost cassia.
rhea: this was a 100% successful trip.
sylvain, flirting with a girl: so, are you from heaven?
cassia: yes, she's a ghost...
cassia: she died fifteen years ago...
cassia: like that pick-up line of yours.
dedue: felix lost cassia…
dimitri: how do you lose a woman?!
ashe: you forget to cherish her.
cassia: you like me? you like my personality?
byleth: i was surprised too.
lysithea: [covers cassia’s eyes] guess who? she’s sweet, she’s adorable~
lysithea: and she’s gonna be really mad if you get it wrong!
ignatz: i lose at everything. i even lost my glasses.
cassia, staring at the glasses on top of his head: i’ll help you find them for five gold...
jeritza: what are you, a cop? fuck off!
cassia: jeritza...
jeritza: okay, sorry, one more time.
priest: do you take this woman to be y--
rhea: cassia, can we speak privately for a minute?
cassia: ooooh, someone’s in trouble!
cassia : no, wait.
cassia : it’s me.
cassia: wait, stop, think!
caspar: no, no, and no.
bernadetta: i’m just worried about hurting their feelings!
cassia: hurting their feelings…? you just walk around all day caring about peoples’ feelings?
bernadetta: yes, of course. don’t you?
cassia: no.
byleth: you’re smiling, did something good happen?
cassia: can’t I just smile because I feel like it?
dorothea: seteth tripped and fell in the courtyard.
claude: i trust cassia.
hilda: you think she knows what she’s doing?
claude: ... i wouldn’t go that far.
cassia: oh, yes, i’ll live.
cassia: but i won’t enjoy it.
cassia: you piss me off so much.
rhea: i literally just said “hello.“
cassia: yet here i am, boiling with rage.
cassia: don’t worry, you’ve got everything you need to defeat them.
marianne: the power to believe in myself?
cassia: no, a knife.
cassia: stab them.
petra: i’ve never done anything wrong in my life
cassia: i know this and i love you
ignatz: *trips on nothing*
cassia: ha, you’re so clumsy.
(5mins later)
cassia: *aggressively punching the air* what’s your–fucking problem huh?? what–did he ever–do to you??
byleth: now we’re going to compliment the person to our right.
cassia: *looks at seteth fondly*
cassia: nothing brightens up a room like your absence.
shady guy, coming up to cassia: if you care about your student you’ll come with me..
cassia: which student?
shady guy: lorenz hellman gloucester
cassia: *turns around and walks away*
cassia: did it hurt?
jeritza: *rolls eyes* let me guess, when i fell from heaven?
cassia: no
jeritza: what?
cassia, grinning: did it hurt when you fell for me?
jeritza: ...
marianne: does this make me a bad person?
cassia: marianne, there is not a force in history that could make you a bad person...
cassia: you and me? we both want the same thing.
cassia: but we’re gonna have to work... near each other.
seteth: you mean together, cassia?
cassia, turning around angrily: did you hear me say together??
cassia: annette’s at that very special age where she has only one thing on her mind.
manuela: boys?
cassia: murder.
cassia: *hugs dimitri*
dimitri: what's this? what's happening?
cassia: it's going to be alright.
dimitri: why are you squeezing me with your body?
cassia: it's a hug, dimitri. i'm hugging you.
cassia: claude, can we talk, one ten to another?
claude: i’m an eleven, teacher, but continue.
mercedes: oh fiddlesticks.
cassia: look, i understand this is a tense situation but let's watch the fucking language.
linhardt: i’m busy.
cassia: do you think drinking 36 glasses of wine consecutively would make my battle senses and crest powers even more heightened or would I just die?
linhardt: i’m on my way.
cassia: we’re engaged
jeritza: IN COMBAT
jeritza: *pulls out his sword*
manuela: why does everybody always assume I'm having a stroke?
cassia: age.
dorothea: diet.
leonie: i sort of did something and i need your advice. but i don’t want a lot of judgment and criticism.
cassia: ... and you came to me?
cassia: what do we say when life disappoints us?
dimitri: called it.
cassia: NO--
cassia: *sees someone do something stupid*
cassia: what an idiot.
cassia: *realizes it’s sylvain*
cassia: oh, that’s my idiot.
cassia: ferdinand, we tried things your way.
ferdinand: no, we didn't.
cassia: i did it in my head and it didn't work.
manuela: between claude, ignatz, lorenz, and raphael - if you had to - who would you punch?
cassia: no one! they are my golden deer! my students! i wouldn't punch any of them.
manuela: lorenz?
cassia: ... yeah.
cassia: you need them to think that you are stronger than you actually are.
ashe: that’s what you do, right?
cassia: oh, no. my power is no illusion. i can fucking demolish you.
cassia: before i do anything, i ask myself, would rhea do that? and if the answer is yes, i do not do that thing.
flayn: do you really think we should stay outside or do you just not want to deal with this right now?
cassia: two things can be true...
cassia: name a way to be nice to others.
dimitri: don't kill them.
cassia: setting the bar a little low, dima, but I'll allow it.
cassia: remember that time you made me lick the swing set?
dorothea: no, i said "cassia don't lick the swing set!" then you said "don't tell me what to do!" and then you licked the swing set.
cassia: what are the signs of depression?
byleth: why are you asking?
cassia: manuela was doing laundry earlier and she dropped a sock and i heard her say “why has the goddess forsaken me?”
cassia: i just realized. i had a terrible childhood.
manuela: yeah, i know.
cassia: what do you mean, “you know”?
manuela: look at the way you stand... people who had good childhoods don’t stand like that.
cassia: you have to learn to love yourself.
marianne: but don’t you hate yourself?
cassia: yes, but this is about you, stay focused.
cassia: stop it, it's 4 in the morning.
cassia: i did not.
cassia: i'm not feeding you.
annette: hey, can you do me a favor?
cassia: i’d kill for you, but go on.
in the garden
mercedes: annette, can you grab that hoe?
annette: *grabs cassia’s arm*
mercedes: wait, that's not what I meant...
flayn: hey cassia, can i go get some candy?
cassia: what did seteth say?
flayn: no.
cassia: then why do you think i’ll let you?
flayn: because seteth’s not the boss of you.
cassia, internally: it’s a trap it’s a trap it’s a trap
dorothea: if I die, my ghost is gonna haunt you!
cassia: then your ghost is going to see some disgusting stuff.
hubert’s support in a nutshell
hubert, in the margins of his notebook: mywife is soft nd ilikeher
hubert: my wiwwwfie wife is visiting a noble family with the empress and i miss her
felix: see? this is my “i don’t care” face.
cassia: that’s your normal face.
cassia: of course, i care about everyone in this house equally!
claude: we were attacked while you were away.
cassia: is marianne okay???
cassia: if edelgard jumped off a cliff, would you?
hubert: *stares into the distance with a blank expression*
cassia: hubert!
hubert: well- er- i mean, it depends.
hubert: well, i wasn’t planning on it.
cassia: but if edelgard did, you would!?
hubert: *stares into the distance yet again*
cassia: HUBERT!
lysithea: if i run and leap at cassia, she will almost certainly catch me in her arms.
lysithea: COMING IN! *runs at cassia*
cassia: *drops the cup and catches her*
leonie: why are you helping me so much?
cassia: because my life is a mess right now and i compulsively take care of other people when i don’t know how to take care of myself.
hubert’s support, post time-skip
dorothea, barging into the library: you two ARE having sex!
hubert: really? cassia, why didn’t you tell me? i would’ve put my book down.
cassia: we have fun, don’t we?
ashe: i have never been more stressed out in my entire life.
cassia: why are we laying on the ground?
sylvain: you got knocked down so i laid next to you so everyone would just think we were chillin’.
petra: i did something terrible.
cassia: it’s okay, i have a shovel.
petra: wait, what do you think i did?
cassia: it doesn’t matter, no one will ever know.
seteth: time for bed.
flayn: cassia says that I can stay up as long as I want, and YOU need to die.
seteth: what the heck, cassia-
ingrid: i think rhea is in trouble!
cassia: alright... struggling to give a fuck, if i’m honest.
marianne: i made a friendship bracelet for you!
cassia: i’m not really a jewelry person.
marianne: oh, you don’t have to wear it.
cassia: no, back off, i’m gonna wear it forever.
manuela: i’m playing a new drinking game. it’s called “Every time i’m depressed, i take a drink.”
dorothea: that game exists. that’s called alcoholism.
manuela and cassia: *take a swig simultaneously*
during hubert’s support
cassia: i love you. you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.
hubert: i’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you?
cassia: yes.
hubert: … now i’m starting to feel a little sorry for you.
cassia: alright, listen up you little shits.
cassia: not you, bernadetta. you’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
cassia: do you ever wanna talk about your emotions, felix?
felix: no.
sylvain: i do!
cassia: we know, sylvain.
sylvain: i’m sad...
cassia: we know, sylvain.
cassia: since when is babysitting them my—
cassia: oh, my god, that’s exactly my job.
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anonil88 · 6 years
Loyal Lines, Loyal Stunts (wayhaught college au) : Chapter 6
Notes: So i did an update and I am leaving for a funeral, but i am going to try and update a few chapters before i do that plane flying thing. 
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16373183/chapters/38681555#workskin
Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13091723/6/Loyal-Lines-Loyal-Stunts
Tw: for cursing (its wynonna) and verbal abuse (oh willa) Also two things: Pinwear day are special days designated by your greek organization where you have to wear your groups pin and dress in business casual wear. Flashbacks, memories, and lyrics are italicized; Text messages are bolded. 
Waverly woke up yet, again alone. Well not completely Vanessa, her roommate, lurked into their room early in the morning. She tried not to think too much about the day prior and didn't even check her phone. A part of her was racked with worry that Nicole wouldn’t even message her after the yesterday. She knew that Nicole was worrying about her and wondering if she was okay and likely wonder why exactly she walked up to the revenants unscathed. Ignoring the thought Waverly tried to get through the day without dwelling too much about what she could not fix and what she knew would eventually have happened. She knew eventually she would have to face the skeletons in her closet sooner or later. Despite the inner turmoil she was facing she made everything seem normal for everyone around her. She upped her normal pristine image it being pinwear day gave her an excuse to dress up. She wore her hair pin straight and her pink turtleneck with a pair of loose black pants. Waverly woke up extra early just to put the effort into the silkiness of her long brown tressles. Wynonna would be proud at the hair maintenance skills she donned from her. Her too long tan coat was not dragging on the ground due to a pair of her favorite heeled boots. She dug the boots from the bin in the bottom of her small dorm closet filled with things from her home in purgatory. When she fished them out of the container she also stumbled upon a dirty wrinkled leather vest. Unfolding the vest she sat on her rug gazing at the object with lost eyes. The vest’s back was partially covered in a single  faded off white bottom banner. The banner was clinging to the vest with thick black thread and a leather epoxy that still faintly smelled of burning rubber. That smell reminded her of the rotating wheels of a big wheel Dyna pulling at freshly laid asphalt. Blue stitching was fraying underneath Waverly’s fingers as she traced over the letters. The letters were coming undone but still read out angel face in a thick scripted font. Waverly's alarm tone and a groaning fast asleep Nessa shook her from her memories. She shoved the vest back under the mountain of shoes that desperately needed to be sorted through. These boots that clicked against classroom floors made her slightly taller but not as tall as Nicole. In her mind she wondered if she would be tall enough to rest her forehead to Nicole’s without having the taller girl lean down for her.There i go again she internally chastised. Besides the revenant business Nicole also filled her mind. It wasn't just then as she left the dorm Nicole also invaded her thoughts all day. Even when she was getting compliments left and right in between tutoring and mandatory workshops she thought of what her friend was up to. In the middle of her busy schedule she never did get to message her about if she was okay after everything. She felt worse about that then when Champ surprised her in the history building hallway. He was wrapping his burly frame around her from behind and she prayed it was Nicole. But, it wasn't and she let him annoy her while she printed off copies for a tutee. Waverly texted Nicole but the conversation was awkward. Even more so after Nicole asked if she was doing any better for the 10th time.
If you are okay, are we just not going to talk about the pink elephant?
What elephant?
(-_-) okay then i guess if that is how you want to be.
Im sorry. I guess i just want to forget that it ever happened?
Ok, but would you want to file a police report to feel better?
But, Waverly made sure to decline. A report would only escalate the lingering situation from a possibility to catastrophic inevitability. She was sitting in a large upholstered chair in the student center, as she thought back to her stop on the police talk. One thing Waverly would never be, on purpose, was a tattle tale or a narc no matter what her elder sisters might refute. Especially Willa, Willa who she tried to stuff so far in her mind that her stomach churned at the thought of her name. While physically Waverly seemed to be stoic as she let the chair swallow her, her mind went to her dark place. The sound of lightning clapped against the sunny and cloud covered sky. A storm was churning passed the mountains in the far distance the gray and black peaks creeping towards Purgatory.
“You ruined everything, you always ruin everything,” Willa spat at a frightened six year old Waverly. Waverly was tucked behind a rickety wooden sitting chair in the homestead’s kitchen.
Her small hands trembled and her eyes grew puffy hoping this chair could block the storm growing in her sister. She had a clear shot of Willas face, contorted with anger and raging irises burning past the chair frame. Their eyes were always so similar but, Willa always carried a deep resentment in her own. Waverly hoped that the chair would deflect the words being hurled her way or at least the stinging slaps that could follow. Their father, Ward, was dragging Willa’s latest older boy toy down the dirt driveway of their home. Leading the boy no doubt to where his parents beat up minivan was parked in the driveway. The girls were left home alone while Ward attempted to play sheriff half sober. These days he had been doing a worse job than usual as the drinking was getting worse. When he came home early for lunch and caught Willa necking said boy in her room the blame fell on Waverly at least from Willa’s perspective. No matter how many times she protested and Wy backed her up Willa was upset. No she was livid. Willa grasped one of wards almost empty small bottles of whiskey. She downed the small amount left and hurled the bottle in Waverly's direction. Twelve almost Thirteen year old Willa was every inch of her daddys image. The wicked words and the bullheaded stubbornness. One thing they all inherited was his fight versus flight instincts. Waverly ducked the shattering glass and sobbed outloud. “Please Willa i promise,” Waverly’s squeaking voice cried out. “Always crying like a baby, that’s how i know YOU aren’t my sister, YOU cry too much.” Willa cut her sister off. She was taunting Waverly by circling the table after her. Waverly didn’t know why but her sister seemed so much bigger and far scarier than any other time before this. Little did baby Waverly know that things would only get so much worse the year after. Wynonna had stepped in once she hid the guns they kept in the house from their dad. She was sure he would have killed that 15 year old for messing with his 12 year old, drunk or not. Wynonna began pulling Willa to sit in the living room forcibly trying to put some distance between her sisters.
Willa continued to jire, “She's not our blood Nonna. She is just some half breed that momma had and now we have to put up with.” Waverly curled herself into a ball and waited to hear Willa running out of the house. A loud bang of the front door slamming confirmed what always would happen. When Wynonna returned to the kitchen she grabbed a dusty old broom and pan to collect the glass on the floor inches from her shuttering sister. Waverly was panting and crumpled under that wooden chair it did protect her. After sweeping the shards and sitting them far away from drunk old men and clumsy kids Wynonna huddled next to her baby sister. “Don’t listen to her she’s wicked when she’s mad.” Wynonna attempted to coax her sister from under the chair. Waverly, then sniffling, made her way onto her sisters lap. Wynonna tousled the little girls growing mane, “You know you are the best Earp because your better than us. Stay better baby girl.”
Wynonna was so young trying to hold it together. Trying so hard to maintain the insanity until it happened. The incident that changed so much for the Earp name and how people viewed their family was on the horizon, but none of them knew that then. Waverly loved Wynonna but, feared Willa even when they eventually reconnected. Time would help her forgive but Waverly could never forget the way her heart sank when Willa’s voice echoed in her ears. When Ward did enter the house again he just pulled a bottle of whiskey from his coat pocket. He sat in the same chair he always did and drank away. Waverly wondered if he even could hear her sobs or even cared about her whether she was his or not.
It was good that the recounted memory was fading and the color was coming back to her face, because when she looked up Wynonna was striding towards her seat. Waverly smiled as her sister clad in a fringe leather jacket, spandex jeans, and a lasagna del ray shirt sauntered in front of her. Wynonna sent finger guns Waverly’s direction when she was close enough to see her sister’s lopsided smile. Waverly returned the motion and Wy sat on the ottoman in front of her. There were a few wide eyed boys in the student center and a few concerned gazes from professors on break. No matter how many times her sister visited campus she always seemed to get odd stairs.
“Heyyy baby girl you look...nice,” Wynonna said raising her eyebrow.
Waverly shook her head and closed the book in her lap placing it in her bag, “It is just pinwear day Wy i have to look nice.”
“Nah Earp i have seen you on other cult days and this is a whole nother level.” Wynonna waggled her eyebrows, “ You got a hot date.” “Yea sure i am blowing off our talk off to get lucky with the guy of my dreams,” Waverly joked back. “Or girl, which is fine by me,” Wynonna interjected loudly receiving and playful slap from her younger sister. “Where is Officer Ginger these days Waves.” Waverly sighed, “Well that is kind of why i need to talk to you.” Wynonna’s eyes got wider. “No, not for advice it has to do with what i texted you,” Waverly quickly replied. “Right, Rev scum party of three,” Wynonna muttered as she fiddled with a charm on Waverly’s bookbag. A group of girls all dressed in similar clothes filed out of the dining hall and others started to pour in from the external doors. Wynonna grimaced, “Look waves your cult of Heathers’ has arrived to indoctrinate you.” “Ha ha,” Waverly fake laughed as she made her way over to some of her fellow sigmas. They all stood against the largest open wall in the student center and proceeded to make pose after pose after pose. There was a flash with every position as a tall fraternity member was taking each photo with a plastered puppy dog grin on his face. Wynonna stared at the event like it was the prohibition era and bottles of whiskey were being poured into a river. Horror oh the sheer horror, she never understood why Waverly would join the group. Then again Wynonna never really found herself wanting to assimilate into normalcy for or with anyone. When Waverly was finished talking and returned, Wynonna was standing making googly eyes at a very familiar football coach. Waverly groaned and slipped her bag on before dragging her sister outside. “Call me later Xavier,” Wynonna said a bit too seductively for Waverly’s comfort as they passed him on the way out. He smiled in her direction and Wynonna’s cheeks turned a light shade of pink. “Really Wynonna,” Waverly silently judged and chastised her sister but was inwardly kind of happy that Wynonna was in her usual swing of affairs. “Oh don’t get your panties in a bunch. He is actually kind of cool,” Wynonna said as she rounded the old red jeep and hopped in the passenger seat. Waverly had slipped into the driver’s side Wynonna’s keychain dangling on her fingertips as she slid the key inside and turned over the ignition. The jeep stalled with a stuttering puff after a coaxing coo and tap on the hood from both sisters the engine turned over. Waverly pulled out of the teacher/visitors lot and started her way back to Wynonna’s place. The car ride was filled with a bit of blaring rock and roll as they took to the freeway. The song switched as Waverly took their exit and a familiar song hit Waverly’s ears. Wynonna started to choppily belt out; Saturday night I was downtown Working for the F.B.I. Sitting in a nest of bad men Whiskey bottles piling high Boot legging boozer on the west side Full of people who are doing wrong Just about to call up the D.A. man When I heard this woman singing a song. Waverly chimed in with her sister, actually keeping on note with the radio playing Long Cool Woman by The Hollies. They finished the song just as Waverly stopped the car in front of a slightly dilapidated apartment complex. Wynonna stepped out and led them both upstairs, they passed the old but reliable chopped silver yamaha xs650 parked under a crooked tree. The bike had seen better days but the shiny extended handlebars glimmered in the cloudy sunlight. It was nicknamed peacemaker after the similar looking revolver that Wynonna kept on her person at all times. That gun had saved both sisters many many times and deserved to be commemorated in some way. When they were both sprawled on Wynonna’s beat up leather each sipping on a beer Wy broke the unspoken tension. “What happened babygirl,” Wynonna’s voice was filled with concern. Waverly sat up straighter against the couch arm holding the glass bottle with both hands. Her line of vision peering into the light brown bitter brew. The inside of her lip was being tugged by her teeth as she formed her thoughts. Wynonna was patient and just watched her little sister until she was ready to speak. The ticking of a clock on the wall reminding them both that time was still passing in the silence. Waverly took another sip of her beer before recounting yesterday to her sister, when she got to the part where she was sitting in Nicole’s car she hesitated. Her sister did not like cops of any kind and she knew Wynonna would not be too ecstatic that Waverly was interested, seriously interested, in hopefully a future deputy of the law. Wynonna sensed her sisters apprehensiveness and tapped her knee ushering her to go ahead.
“We were in her car talking. Well i was talking and she was listening. She was looking at me different nonna,” Waverly’s accent started to peak out more and more as she recounted. “I was scared like good scared. Scared like how i want to try parachuting out of a plane at 15,000 feet or maybe swimming out so far into the ocean that i can't see the bottom anymore.” “Woah there wave extreme much,” Wynonna stopped her sister for a moment. This was a bit intense and she knew all about her sisters emotions with relationships. She could pine over a guy that was for sure and even if he was no good for her, her sister was too good to leave. Wynonna did admit to herself that this did seem different though. It seemed honest still, she always aired on the side of caution when it came to Waverly. Reckless was her thing and safety was for her sweet baby sister.
“Wynonnaaaa,” Waverly near shouted causing her sister to startle. Waverly looked annoyed bordering upset and Wy chose to tell her to continue rather than face her wrath. “As i was saying she scares me Nonna. I don’t even know if i am gay i know i am not straight but i kind of went in to kiss her” “Kind of ?” Wynonna questioned as always. “The revenants showed up,” Waverly said ignoring the lingering question. Wynonna’s face went from playful to straight laced. Her fingers gripped the bottle a bit tighter. “It was Jim, Jonas and Peeper, they were burning tire in the parking lot of my building.” Waverly gulped from the beer ingesting more liquid courage. “I panicked and ran up to them, it was stupid i know. But, when they saw me Whiskey Jim went to grab me.” “Asshole,” Wynonna scoffed while sipping on her own beer to keep composure. Waverly rolled her eyes and continued, “When i reminded them that campus was filled with cops, was off limits, and that i happened to be their boss's sister in law they peeled off.” Wynonna gave a knowing eye, “And…” “And i reminded them i was a pretty accurate shot with a shotgun or a rifle their choice,” Waverly giggled nervously. Wynonna returned a cheeky smile and pulled her sister in for a side hug. She kissed her sisters forehead. Waverly was no longer a baby, but it would always be Wynonna’s job to protect her. Gus would kill her if anything happened to her niece, really either of them. Gus sent them both east in hopes that they would escape Purgatory’s small town curse. “No doubt they let bobo the clown in on that little act Waves, but at least even he has his own fucked up rules to follow. I am glad you stuck up for yourself just be careful with the revs they are unpredictable. And…” Wynonna was stalling. “And be careful with Officer Haught, i will.” Waverly knew what he sister was going to say. Wynonna snorted, “Officer Haught, that is going to be fun. Eh, yea haught shot too.” *** Nicole was helping Chrissy and the rest of the Tau Zeta crew clean up for the party after her shift. She was quiet most of the time methodically carrying out her plan of action. She designated everyone jobs just to keep things organized. When they were all finished the non- housemates went home for the most part. Before Chrissy left she’d asked if Nicole was okay, but she shrugged off the suggestion that she wasn’t. Those that lingered would just head to the game early on Tomorrow morning. Nicole made sure to take off work for tomorrow night to help keep the peace in her own home. She would work late doing another security officer’s shift but would not be late enough to miss the smell of weed and alcohol filling her house. Instead of dwelling on her dread she was dragging herself, a beer, and a slice of gluten free pizza up to her room. Once she stared at the slice in her bedroom light it looked less appetizing but her stomach was in knots so she ate it anyway. Nicole put on a random tv show trying to tune out the voice in her head. Waverly is lying. Nicole closed her eyes hoping to ignore her internal conscience that told her something was wrong. The voice that told her Waverly was in trouble. Instead ignoring the voice just made things worse and she found herself getting frustrated. She rolled over and found her phone on the side table. Gliding her finger to the phone app and hovering over Waverly’s name she hit the green dial button. Nicole sat on the bed head in hand and phone to ear. She was determined to get an answer from Waverly. Determined to find out why the girl insisted she was okay but shook in her arms until she found sleep. Then again as the phone rang, Nicole wondered why did she care. Yes they were friends, but they definitely weren't anything more. There was nothing more in the way Waverly looked at her and definitely nothing more in that almost kiss. Nicole’s thoughts were stopped when a fresh with sleep Waverly Earp answered the phone. “Nicole,” Waverly asked quietly. The chords of an acoustic Ring of Fire had woken her up. Sighing Nicole whispered back, “Hi Waves, i just wanted to make sure you were okay again. Text are one thing but hearing your voice is another.”
Waverly yawned, “Mmhmm i’m okay Nicole just hanging with Wynonna, catching up.”
“Okay then Wave,” Nicole stalled having nothing to say to that. Waverly did sound better, less shaken and more stirred. Nicole guessed it had to do with her sister. They seemed close and she noticed how quickly Waverly relaxed after trying to contact her sister that night. Although in her eyes Waves seemed more mothering her older sister than what most would expect from a younger sister.
Waverly rubbed her eyes and sat up on the familiar bed she was sleeping on. When Wynonna insisted she stay the night as a safety precaution she couldn't say no. They fetched a few things from her dorm including her cheer uniform for the game and Waverly ended up watching Jeopardy with her sister. It was actually fun teaching Wynonna something other than latin curse words. They both needed the distraction from everything. Wynonna had more boy trouble than whiskey and she had a lot of whiskey. So now here Waverly was sleeping in her sister’s room while she worked in whatever bar she was serving at this week. Waverly played with a strand of hair nervously before she said, “are you angry with me?”
Nicole was surprised but, honest and replied. “Yes, because you didn’t tell me the truth and no, because i am just glad that you are okay now at least.”
Waverly smiled listening to Nicole's tone lighten up. There was a sigh as Nicole laid on her bed. “I’m glad i am okay too.”
“Does this mean you are going to tell me when you aren’t okay, Waves,” Nicole questioned her eyes feeling heavier than before. “Maybe,” Waverly laid under the blanket on her side wishing Nicole was there. Nicole laughed quietly, “just let me in i don’t bite and tell me about your day.”
It seemed like whenever she spoke to Waverly she let her do most of the talking. Nicole knew Waverly was usually being spoken to and told what to do rather than not. That came with being in a sorority that prided itself on group think rather than individuality. Nicole actually enjoyed hearing how Waverly’s day went, her day always seemed to include a funny story about her kindness. That was usually a contrast to Nicole’s day sure she was able to see the kindness on this campus but, she was also becoming more accustomed to the more illegal things on campus. For some reason they caught two seperate drug deals on campus today and they weren’t the usual adderall or pot deal. They were dealing newer party drugs than the WHU security was accustomed to and actual police officers had to come collect the drugs for evidence. All that seemed so crazy compared to Waverly's stories of helping librarians and students playing soccer in the quad. It wasn’t long before the lull of Waverly’s voice transported Nicole into a place filled with cotton candy dreams and gluten filled pizza.
Waverly was still talking when she heard the steady rhythm of breathing through the speaker. Nicole fell asleep and Waverly couldn't help but blush. “Goodnight Nicole, ” she whispered. Waverly left the phone on speaker on the pillow next to her.
A quiet but audible goodnight waves came back to her. Waverly fell asleep listening to Nicole relax back into a deep sleep and Nicole slept soundly with her phone resting on her rising and falling chest.
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