#dylawa writes
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dylawa · 6 months ago
Chilled electricity crawls across your shoulders at the English voice on the other end of the line– rumbling, almost a growl, coated thinly in crystalized honey. Familiar. “Uh, hey!” He asks for you by name. “Is that you?” Your first thought is to continue the Japanese act. Ask in that tongue what this man is trying to say, tell him you can’t understand him (nevermind the fact most heroes from Japan speak relatively fluent English). Shove him away for good. Unfortunately, however, your first thought is not your first instinct; the carefully laid foundations of your plan crumble away in the face of darkening vision, the sensation of rocks clogging your throat, weakening knees. It’s not a complete loss when you answer him in English, however; though your mind screams to become docile, complacent, ignorant, to please an ancient beast, you instead manage to rasp out: “What do you want?”
Chapter 4 of "something that does right by you" is finally live on AO3! Your first patrol through a quiet Tokyo neighborhood with your brother doesn't go exactly according to plan...
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dylawas-reblogs · 1 year ago
The eighth chapter of "'Having Lived and Loved' B-Sides" is available two weeks early for Patrons. If you're a follower of the series and you're still enjoying it, you can support me for as little as a dollar a month and get access to most chapters early.
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unapologeticallydorky · 2 years ago
@theunearthlyfool tagged me in this thing so lets do it i guess???
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs. 
I dont have a a dedicated wip folder, they just float around my googledocs drive so i guess ill pick out a handful of them? Duty/Devotion Coldblood Wasteland Baby stardew noodles Grief I know the prompt says tag as many folks as wips you list but uh, i will not be doing that. I guess I'll tag @g4yr4t, @evilroachindustrial, @dylawa, and @november-venom. ya'll all write, right?
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cherryqdoodles · 4 years ago
I’m trying to leave my job so I can draw and write for the rest of my life!
With that being said, yes I am alive and well, but no I do not post here as much. More active on Twitter but I will be posting here again, and if anyone is interested please message me on Twitter/ DM me here!
More information on my Twitter page!!
Models @dylawa OC Comet and @i-alone-on-pluto Cee and Enoch
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shydork · 6 years ago
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For @dylawa I wanted to draw Comet from their story If I could be half of what you think of me I just love the story so much and they write it so very well! Go give it a read! So Comet belongs to Dylawa I only made my own rendition of her.
About the creation of my vision of Comet: I pictured her with darker skin to really make her ice and cosmic dust pop. I was a little stuck on her outfit but in the end, I figured it out hope it looks alright! The ice was tricky but a fun new experience. I used an image of a galaxy from google and adjusted the colors for her eyes and suit because I’m not sure how to properly make galaxies yet, same goes with the silver sequin. Sorry, I ranted a bit! Hope you enjoy Comet!
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dylawa · 10 months ago
Gale Dekarios imagines this might be what death feels like. He imagines this must be what death feels like, before your soul re-awakens moments or days later and makes its journey to its destined ever after. Or, perhaps, for those who are godless like him, this is how that journey ends, too. A stroll to the Fugue Plane to await redirection to one’s promised afterlife, only to be met with nothing, and to eventually fade like low, flickering candlelight, or be thrust into the Wall of Faithless. The thought is chilling. Were he a less practical man, perhaps this would have been the moment where he would have broken down hyperventilating and crying, contemplating what fate may await his soul at the end of his life. No, it wasn’t death itself that frightened him, he told himself. It was what awaited him after. Fortunately, he already had that little episode of panic a few months ago. There was no need to go through it again.
A BRAND NEW Baldur's Gate III fanfiction series is now LIVE on AO3 with its first chapter! This work will follow the events of Baldur's Gate III from Gale's perspective, as he and his companions follow the leadership of an astral elf named Syolkiir. However, the two will butt heads as wizard and sorcerer, human and elf, and greatness and greatness. How will their relationship develop? What do their adventures in the Sword Coast have in store for them? Will they find a common ground, or doom each other? Make sure to follow me here on Tumblr or on AO3 to stay tuned to find out!
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dylawa · 7 months ago
“Ah. Syolkiir. To what do we owe the pleasure?” The astral elf looks between her companions before explaining, “Seeing as we shall be traveling in each other’s company for longer than initially presumed, I find it apt to grow a sense of familiarity among our colleagues. I see you have begun the same.” “I always enjoy making new friends.” The woman cocks her head at the use of the word “friends,” but doesn’t make a focus of it. “Lae'zel is aggressive in her insistence that we find one of her people’s place of residence. Fortunately, it sounds that her ‘creche’ is in the direction we shall be departing to, correct, Wyll?” “That’s right. She was, unfortunately, equally aggressive in the manner which she attempted to acquire this information. Astarion was of little help; you were right to send me along to keep things relatively peaceful and… civil.” “Githyanki are not known to understand the concept of ‘civil.’ We will allow her to continue traveling with us, on the off chance her creche becomes our last and only option, but should the need arise to cut her from our procession, we will.”
Act 1, Chapter 3 of "The Rockrose and the Thistle" is available now on AO3. The adventuring party takes their first rest after escaping illithid captivity, where some unfortunate and uncomfortable realizations are made regarding the group's de-facto leader.
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dylawa · 5 months ago
Syolkiir bows a little. “Well met. May our paths cross again in less strenuous circumstances.” Alfira returns the sentiment, then Syolkiir returns to the two men standing a little ways away. Her cool exterior turns even more icy on her approach. “What purpose have you to observe us?” Gale furrows his brow at the pointed question. “You wandered off without a word. I don’t think it’s so odd that at least some of us may be curious or concerned about your intentions.” Syolkiir narrows her eyes. “You think me untrustworthy?” “I-- now, I didn't say that. I said I was concerned about your intentions. That could be concern for the safety and well-being of others, or for you. We're in a predicament at present that makes it dangerous for any of us to wander off alone, regardless of the brevity of the detour.” “Your concern is misplaced. I'm perfectly capable of handling myself alone.” Gale huffs. “Under normal circumstances, I would believe that statement. However, need I remind you we are currently facing a rather fatal, time sensitive ailment? It's not about your capabilities, I assure you. There are much more pressing concerns at play.” Syolkiir hums and looks down at the center of the grove below. “Regardless of your lack of faith, consider your curiosity sated, as is mine."
"The Rockrose and the Thistle," Act 1, Chapter 4, is up on AO3. This chapter is a bit on the shorter side and leans heavily on in-game content, but helps to set up future interactions and plot points. The next chapter will be much more substantial in original dialogue.
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dylawa · 8 months ago
“Hmm, well, I’m not so certain you’ll be doing any killing if you allow your passenger to reside in your mind much longer. Me and my colleagues are looking for a cure; perhaps we should partner up to help each other.” The group’s newest addition, Lae’zel, scoffs impatiently. “Chk– a worthy ally, perhaps. But I’ll waste no time chasing devils while a tadpole feasts on our skulls. We have no time to waste on stragglers, nor wandering without aim for an istik healer. Zorru has yet to be found; it is he who will direct us to our salvation.” “Well, perhaps, but–” “We are not putting our lives in the hands of your people,” Syolkiir insists with a bite to her tone. “I care not how much you claim your healer’s methods are sophisticated; everything else your kind does suggests otherwise.” Shadowheart nods her agreement, while Astarion argues they shouldn’t rule out any possibility just yet. Gale, having heard this all before, pinches the bridge of his nose in exasperation. The Blade of Frontiers catches on quickly. “I take it this is a common occurrence?” “In the scant few hours I’ve known them all? Yes."
Chapter 2 of “The Rockrose and the Thistle” is available now on AO3! As the group of adventurers grows, so too do tensions and divisions. Gale observes it all from afar, learning how best to navigate the situation for the future.
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dylawa · 5 months ago
Gale revels in the sound of laughter, the joy bubbling in his chest, just beneath the yawning maw of a magical abyss. But as he looks around at everyone, the one person he sees not quite joining in on all the revelry, is Syolkiir. The astral elf looks entirely unimpressed with it all, even surveying the others while they’re distracted with a little disdain. And, perhaps… confusion. ‘What is going through that head of hers?’ Gale can’t help but wonder. Her responses and reactions to things are all so strange. Even stranger than Lae’zel’s, who clearly has never been to Faerun before. Syolkiir would have come from a society here on Toril that was at least somewhat similar to other societies on the planet. Her parents would have come here to conceive her, give birth to her, then raise her. Where, then, could she have come from? Under what circumstances would she have been brought up that the concept of teasing would be entirely alien? They know nothing about her. Only her name, where she was going, her heritage, and her skills. In some ways, that’s more than Shadowheart and Astarion, but it’s still of some concern, to be certain. Why the secrecy, from someone who believes herself to be above the others, more talented, more skilled? What does she have to hide? Gale compares her to himself, looks into a mirror of self reflection, all in the span of a few seconds. And with a start, he realizes he may already know the answer, deep down.
"The Rockrose and the Thistle (Inkpot Gods)," Act 1, Chapter 5, is on Patreon in early access. If you enjoy my work, a dollar a month is all it takes to get in on reading new chapters early!
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dylawa · 5 months ago
"I heard Dad, you know." You blink, and spin around. He overheard your phone call? "What?" "In my hallucination. He was off in the distance, somewhere. I'm surprised you didn't hear him." Apparently, you're too slow to shake the horrified look from your face, because then your brother asks, "Did you hear him?" "I-- no. No, I didn't." "You just... don't like the implications of it,” he substitutes. You nod. Your brother grunts, and swings his legs over the side of the bed, clearly ready to get dressed and get a move on. "Yeah. Me neither. I didn't figure it was worth mentioning, since it took such a far backseat in comparison to the walls and the snakes. But I figured it was something you should know." The reasoning doesn't need to be said. You swallow the knot of anxiety in your throat, and mumble out a "thank you" as you wave down a passing nurse in the hall to retrieve your brother's things.
Chapter 5 of "something that does right by you" is live on AO3! In the aftermath of the seemingly random attack on your brother, fellow hero Tengu comes to shed some more light on the situation.
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dylawa · 11 months ago
Gale Dekarios imagines this might be what death feels like. He imagines this must be what death feels like, before your soul re-awakens moments or days later and makes its journey to its destined ever after. Or, perhaps, for those who are godless like him, this is how that journey ends, too. A stroll to the Fugue Plane to await redirection to one’s promised afterlife, only to be met with nothing, and to eventually fade like low, flickering candlelight, or be thrust into the Wall of Faithless. The thought is chilling. Were he a less practical man, perhaps this would have been the moment where he would have broken down hyperventilating and crying, contemplating what fate may await his soul at the end of his life. No, it wasn’t death itself that frightened him, he told himself. It was what awaited him after. Fortunately, he already had that little episode of panic a few months ago. There was no need to go through it again.
A BRAND NEW fanfiction series has begun! I haven't decided on a concrete title yet, and so, this work currently has two. "The Rockrose and the Thistle (Inkpot Gods)" and its first chapter are LIVE as early access on Patreon!
If you've enjoyed my "My Hero Academia" works, and/or if you like Baldur's Gate III-- specifically Gale-- and you aren't already a Patron, there's been no better time to hop on board. For as little as $1 a month, you can get limited early access, and higher tiers get MONTHLY rewards catered specifically to them.
As of right now, early access posts go up on AO3 between 2 to 3 weeks later.
Here's a brief summary of what to expect with this series:
Gale Dekarios hadn't planned on being abducted by mind flayers when he departed from his Waterdeep tower for the first time in over a year. Clearly, the rest of this strange assembly of individuals from the Coast were in similar straits-- though that's to be expected. It's also clear to the wizard early on that something unnerving is afoot, a larger plan expanding far beyond the reach of what could be considered "normal" for illithid activity and intent. One thing that isn't clear to Gale, however, is the strange woman who has taken the role of leader and spokeswoman for the group. Syolkiir Evaliir Vaedaanaes, astral elf, swords bard, crystal-draconic sorcerer, is strict, callous, prideful, conceited, judgemental, cold-- everything in opposition to what her supposed heritage and abilities imply she should be. Her leadership is efficient, and much needed in a time of uncertainty, but her sense of superiority is nothing short of degrading. Worst of all, she seems to have made Gale her number one target of study-- and competition. It seems this may be a rather difficult journey.
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dylawa · 11 months ago
Being engaged to All Might, of all people in the world, is nothing short of an improbable miracle. The love you and Toshinori Yagi have shared for the past half of a decade has carried you through numerous times of peace and trouble, joy and heartache, and life and death. Having saved the world a mere year and a half ago, you're nothing short of a miracle to the people of Japan and beyond, and as your wedding with the man you love fast approaches, it feels as if almost nothing can ruin your brilliant momentum. That doesn't mean threats do not still loom; the knowledge that Toshinori's life is likely on an inevitable timer always presses down on your heart, and even beyond the shadow of All for One, there are still dangerous villains waiting for the perfect moment to strike the public at large for their own gains. When a mysterious entity appears whose seemingly only purpose is to sow chaos and fear, how can you combat against them when they can use the weight of past, present, and future to crush you and All Might so heavily? And how can you manage the return of a demon from your own past at the same time? If you cannot overcome the fear within yourself, you may fall to it-- as will the Symbol of Peace.
At long last, the "Having Lived and Loved" series continues! Comet and All Might are back as they prepare to spend the rest of their lives together. Old characters return, new make their debut appearances, and new internal and moral dilemmas will be faced.
Will our heroic lovers make it "to death do us part?"
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dylawa · 7 months ago
Chilled electricity crawls across your shoulders at the English voice on the other end of the line-- rumbling, almost a growl, coated thinly in crystalized honey. Familiar. "Uh, hey!" He asks for you by name. "Is that you?" Your first thought is to continue the Japanese act. Ask in that tongue what this man is trying to say, tell him you can't understand him (nevermind the fact most heroes from Japan speak relatively fluent English). Shove him away for good. Unfortunately, however, your first thought is not your first instinct; the carefully laid foundations of your plan crumble away in the face of darkening vision, the sensation of rocks clogging your throat, weakening knees. It's not a complete loss when you answer him in English, however; though your mind screams to become docile, complacent, ignorant, to please an ancient beast, you instead manage to rasp out: "What do you want?"
Patrons can get early access to "something that does right by you" and my other works for as little as $1 a month. If you enjoy reading my stuff, the support adds up and goes a long way!
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dylawa · 9 months ago
It doesn't take long for you to find some action; it never does in the heart of Tokyo. Even with all of its shining, brilliant heroes, there's always at least two villains for each one of them. With the most congested morning traffic taking a backseat at the desks of nine to five work, the roads and freeways are more open for other commuters, but unfortunately, also more open for those who would take advantage of the circumstances for personal gain. In this particular instance, a road race is happening, and though the roads aren't as full as they could be, the fact remains there are other drivers who are being put in danger by the weaving, speeding racers. "Too bad I don't have a megaphone for this kind of stuff," you mutter as you rush ahead, shaking excess stardust and frost from your head and shoulders; maybe the sight of your comet tail will even be enough to deter the racers. But regardless, you land more than a kilometer away, still very much in sight, but also with plenty of reaction time. You wave and signal for the racers to stop, but the reaction is unfortunately just what you feared-- if not worse. One of the racers swerves towards you, clearly purposefully. You jump up in plenty of time to dodge being run over, and as the other driver hurries to catch up or take the lead, tossing up a rude gesture at you along the way, you shake your head again. "Alright, fine. Have it your way, but your nice car sure won't like it."
The "Having Lived and Loved" series continues with the next chapter following Comet out on the field. While waiting for the arrival of your sibling to the airport, there's still work to be done to keep your home safe.
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dylawa · 7 months ago
Before your lips can lock, your phone begins to ring. You stop, but Toshinori tips in to complete the kiss, even if it’s only a peck now in comparison to the slow, burning thing it would have been otherwise. “I’ll let you take that,” he whispers, and caresses a finger against your cheek before stepping past and continuing to the master bedroom on his own. You watch him go with warmth in your heart and a smile on your cheeks, but as you look down at the caller ID on your phone, your expression quickly shifts to confusion. It’s a number you aren’t familiar with; that’s not unusual, given your device doubles for both personal and work matters, but to be receiving a call this time of night? Not to mention, the area code… it’s American. From your home area, to be precise. It could be your mother, or one of the very few friends you’d invited, who likely won’t make it anyways, but a phone call rather than a text… it’s suspicious. You debate whether to answer or not, even if it’s just to hang up immediately. But that’s not something a hero does. So, you just let the number go to voicemail, even though a pit of dread settles in your stomach. You wait one minute. Two. But no voicemail notification appears. ’… Maybe it was a spam call after all?’
Chapter 3 of “something that does right by you” is now available on AO3. As your brother and Toshinori finally meet and share their love for their work, everything feels like it's coming together well. Too well.
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