#dws: (volenta)
dinner-with-strahd · 10 months
(Volenta; Playfully antagonistic) Found a new hobby, have you? How long do you think it'll take before you realize talking freely to the peasantry is a bad idea?
“Ah, my dear, Volenta.” A low chuckle escaped his lips. “Have whispers already begun to spread of my… ‘dabbling,’ with the subjects?” The quill in his slender fingers softly relaxed, as his eyes gazed over her face.
He smirked as he took in her playful tone. If anyone else were to speak to him in such a way, he would have believed them to be brazen, ignorant, or both. His darling Volenta, however, was anything but.
He patiently lifted the wine glass to his lips, his eyes drinking in her daring boldness. It was amusing for them both, so why not indulge in such juvenile banter? He may have been seen as the bitter, old vampire lord, but she reminded him how young the two of them actually were - when compared to eternity.
And he could not resist playing along.
“A bad idea, my dear?”
“I am intrigued. I thought one with such… - unique ambitions, would have encouraged me to begin much sooner.”
He placed the wine glass on the polished table, crossing his arms in a mischievous posture. “Do you not have faith in your beloved Darklord’s plans? ... Ah, I am hurt.”
He let a moment pause, entertained by his own theatrics.
His clothes softly ruffled as he adjusted himself in the chair. He opened his arms, his palms facing upwards in a pleading manner. “Even livestock need to know that their master will feed them crumbs.” A smile. “Are you not curious, to find those that will willingly reach to my hands…?”
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