#dw origins
stef-gallery-gifs · 1 month
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exhalcyon · 1 month
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sitting through all those Dynasty Warriors Online updates was worth it asdfghjll. we are so back baby 😛😛😛
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lifextime · 23 days
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Dynasty Warriors Origins | wallpaper 1280x720
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olympain · 6 months
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In 2017, Peter Capaldi wrote a comforting letter to a 9-year-old Doctor Who fan who was dreading to see his favourite Time Lord leave the show. At the 10th anniversary Letters Live show, Jodie Whittaker read the letter.
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zazrichor · 6 months
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thereweresunflowers · 7 months
the giggle really just said. the doctor has been running their whole life and it is slowly killing them and the way they can heal themself is their platonic and familial relationships with their best friends. domesticity. it is not romance the doctor needs not anymore it is just family and love and aces and aros i am holding hands with you all right now
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valc0 · 27 days
Rogue is Jack
Rogue is the Master
Rogue is a pre-Hartnell doctor
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worfs-glorious-hair · 28 days
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Ninejack walked so that Fifteen x Rogue could run
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abbycadoodle · 2 months
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the other bridge crew sillies :)))
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sentientsky · 5 months
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why do they do this. every time !!!!
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irate-iguana · 28 days
Shoutout to Rogue for being a D&D nerd with no improv skills. The representation we need. 🫡
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galahadwilder · 1 month
I think the brilliance of Ricky September is not just to show that Lindy Pepper-Bean has no empathy. Ricky September’s role in “Dot and Bubble” isn’t just to die, or to show that not everyone in their society is terrible.
Ricky September is the Doctor.
He’s a handsome, flamboyant weirdo who drops out of the sky to save the female lead who is a stranger to him because he’s noticed she’s in trouble.
He’s confident, more confident than makes any sense for his situation; he’s observant, investigating and picking apart the actions of the mantraps the way the Doctor would. He knows history better than anyone around him (though for different reasons than the Doctor would). He’s clever enough to hack a computer that Lindy had just failed to even turn on—sonic screwdriver much?—and then immediately, well. What’s rule #1? The Doctor lies.
The subsequent scene of him trying to open the door? He’s completely undaunted by the unnecessarily complicated code, just fascinated, as he gets down to business. The scene is practically straight out of “42,” the one with the living star and the complicated locks, and he and the Doctor both have the same reaction to the puzzle.
Like the Doctor, Ricky disdains the vapid and self-obsessed society he is part of (though Gallifrey and Finetime are very different), and he grabs the first chance he can to find a companion and run the hell away. He uses a fake name, and his real name is such a terrible secret that its revealing has disastrous consequences.
Hell, watch the mannerisms. He and Gatwa even move their hands the same when they’re in “performance mode.”
In short, Ricky breaks every single standard set by Finetime the exact way the Doctor does, and what does Lindy do? She idolizes him. She treats him like he’s an unparalleled genius, the greatest moment of her life.
If we leave aside the murder for the moment, Ricky’s purpose isn’t just to say, “look how sociopathic Lindy and the rest of Finetime is.” Ricky is there to say, “this is how Finetime would’ve treated the Doctor if he were white.”
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b1tter-coffee · 5 months
Was doodling on my tablet and decided that I should make the silly even sillier :]
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lifextime · 26 days
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Dynasty Warriors Origins | instagram Story
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olympain · 15 days
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 If we're going to die, let's die looking like a peruvian folk band.
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konnfusion · 22 days
hey so not only is Gabriel Woolf the Classic Who voice of Sutekh (very cool to have him back!), but he also voiced The Beast in "The Impossible Planet"/"The Satan Pit".
Ruby's mom called the creature The Beast.
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