#dw im not creeped our just curious
m1shapanda · 1 year
im . not write,,, the novel part of visual novel
Writing too hardge
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moonferry · 3 months
omgg hey guys.. guess whos back with more writing. teehee this time it's sambastian *yay* . anyway i hope you enjoy this. of course, i have two versions because im a little varmint and i couldn't decide. this version will be posted with a link to the other (another ao3 exclusive. sorry folks.) anyway let's get to it.
title: strawberries and cigarettes
pairing: sam x sebastian
fandom: stardew valley
word count: 1385
genre: ??? i cant think of one im sorry nothing bad dw
warnings: cigarette use, swearing
ao3 link:
The two had just finished a rather long game of “the solarian chronicles” and decided to relax on Sebastian's couch. Now, this wasn’t unusual, as they almost always ended up curled up on his couch and - more often than not - fell asleep (likely because their sessions lasted way longer than anyone had thought and Sam would get scolded for returning home at such a “dreadful hour”. Not like Sebastian’s family minded - they barely went into his basement of a bedroom, anyway. 
So the two curled up against each other. However, something seemed… different about this time - to Sam at least. He was acutely aware of just how physically close he was to Sebastian. It wasn’t a bad experience, no, it was just a little confusing. He had never cared before, so why did his skin feel electric whenever it brushed against the fabric of Sebastian’s sleeve and why did he feel a lump form in his throat when his best friend sent a look his way. Sam’s heart was pounding but he was broken out of his stupor by Sebastian taking another drag of his cigarette. 
“You shouldn’t smoke so much, you know,” Sam protested, a small frown creeping across his face. 
“Yeah? What makes you say that?” Sebastian retorted as he brought the cigarette back to his lips
Sam thought for a moment, trying to find evidence for his argument, “Science? I don’t know, man. It’s just bad for you.” He slumped back against the couch and crossed his arms.
This gained an eyebrow raise from Sebastian, his lips forming into a thin line, “Sam, if you truly cared about something being ‘bad for you,’ you wouldn’t be friends with me.” Sebastian noted the slight shift in Sam’s posture at his response and playfully punched his arm to lighten the mood, “I mean, didn’t your mom call me a bad influence the day we met?” 
Sam rolled his eyes before nodding, “I guess you’re right. She nearly had a heart attack when she found out you smoked.” This caused a chuckle to erupt from Sebastian and the unexpected sound nearly made Sam’s breath hitch in his throat. He’d heard that sound so many times before, so why was it affecting him so much now? Maybe he was just tired. It was a long day, after all. He shook his head to clear his strange thoughts. 
Sebastian took yet another hit of his cigarette, the smell of smoke filling the room as he exhaled. The smell of smoke clung to everything about him: his clothes, his hair, and even his breath.Sebastian moved the object around the edges of his lips, deep in thought. Maybe Sam was right - he shouldn’t smoke so much.Sam glanced at Sebastian, his eyes darting back and forth as Sebastian’s lips perched against the end of his cigarette. A waft of the smell entered Sam’s nose and his thoughts began to run rampant once again. He couldn’t help but wonder: if Sebastian smelled like this, how did he taste? 
  Sebastian glanced over at Sam’s ogling before extinguishing the butt of his cig, crushing into the ashtray on the table in front of him, “If you want one, you could always ask, Sammy.” 
Sam made an embarrassed movement of rubbing the back of his neck and let out a small sigh. That’s what he was curious about - the cigarette, nothing else, right? He shook his head, “You caught me. But you know I don’t smoke, man.” He didn’t know who he was trying to fool more: himself or Sebastian. Judging by the look he received from Sebastian, Sam didn’t know how much the other boy believed so he moved to defend himself, “Seriously, I wouldn’t even know where to start.” 
Sebastian nodded, seemingly accepting this answer for the time being. He leaned back against the couch and busied himself with a nearby comic book. Sam tried to relax, too, but there was a small voice nagging at the back of his mind. It seemed to want something and wouldn’t shut up until its hunger was satiated. 
Before Sam could control himself, he blurted out, “Kiss me.” 
Sebastian’s eyes widened and he glanced confusedly at his friend, “What?” 
This was it, Sam could take it all back and act like nothing happened. He could curl up into a ball and die of embarrassment. But did he want that? Honestly, he didn’t know what he wanted anymore. He debated his choices before speaking again - with much less confidence than before, - “Kiss me” Sam gulped and immediately regretted his choice and began stammering, “I mean- you don’t.. You don’t have to- I was just joke-'' 
But Sam didn’t get to finish his sentence before Sebastian leaned in and connected their lips.Sam’s eyes widened, his cheeks turning a shade of red that he wasn’t sure was humanly possible, and then he closed his eyes and returned the kiss. 
It felt like electricity was dancing across his skin, like he was being burned, and like icicles were creeping up his spine. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before. Sam’s hand instinctively moved to the back of Sebastian’s neck - the iciness of the shorter boy’s skin clashing with the clammy warmth of Sam’s hands. Everything felt upside down yet completely right-side-up. He wasn’t sure what was doing more loops - his head or his heart. 
After a while, Sebastian parted his lips and the familiar urge overtook Sam. He didn’t even hesitate before deepening the kiss. The faint smoke on Sebastian’s breath seemed to drive Sam wild. It was intoxicating and far more enticing than any pizza he’s ever had - and Sam loved pizza, like.. A lot. However, it wasn’t the remnants of nicotine that was messing with Sam’s head; it was Sebastian. 
Sebastian seemed to taste exactly as Sam had imagined and that seemed to draw him in even more. If he didn’t need to breathe, he would have swam in the taste of Sebastian’s lips forever, but unfortunately, he needs to breathe. Sam pulled away with a loud, very unglamorous gasp for air. His face was much redder than before -  it even seemed to blend in with the t-shirt he was wearing, which was a deep maroon color. 
Sam took a few breaths and began recovering from his almost-asphyxiation-but-not-quite experience. It didn’t help that every breath he took seemed to be filled with only the scent of Sebastian - even the faint notes of peach shampoo that Sebastian swore he didn’t use. 
“You okay?” Sebastian spoke, concerned layered in his “too-cool-to-care” voice persona. He gently placed a hand on Sam’s shoulder and waited for a response. Sebastian’s own cheeks were a light pink and his lips slightly swollen from Sam’s intensity. Needless to say, he didn’t expect this to happen- not that he was complaining, though. Sam tasted like the ripest strawberries, fresh off the vine, and the feeling of a summer breeze against your face. It was refreshing, in a way, but definitely not something Sebastian was used to. Who knows? Maybe he could get used to it. 
Sam finally regained his composure and nodded at the previous question. “That was interesting,” he spoke, adding his typical jokiness to make himself seem less flustered. 
Sebastian formed his lips into a line once again, glancing down at his hands. “Yeah, interesting.” He began fidgeting with his fingers and wouldn’t say anything else.
And that’s when Samson knew.. He fucked up. Sam immediately began trying to rectify the situation and quickly became a stuttering mess. “I mean- No. Interesting isn’t what I meant.” he groaned out in frustration and ran a hand through his messy hair. “Shit, dude. I’m sorry. I’m awful with words.” 
Sam groaned once again and fumbled for what he wanted to say, “I.. really enjoyed that. It was nice.” He glanced over at Sebastian and smiled. 
Instead of doing what Sam expected him to - which was pretty much accept his apology and maybe even have some sort of witty comment to accompany it-, Sebastian’s expression smoothened and he looked hungrily at Sam’s lips before speaking in a more serious, almost gravelly voice, “Then kiss me again.” 
Sam needed to be told things multiple times, but not this. He leaned back in and connected - well more like “crashed” - his lips against Sebastian’s.
A/N: as promised, i did write a second version of this. this one is a little spicier. anyway here's the link.
here you go, heathens.
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hyunverse · 2 years
omfg i cannot even imagine moving away from the city to countryside i bet that such a difficult adjustment. NOOO you don’t sound like a brat my love it’s not your fault you grew up in a diff area !! 100% agree they just creep me OUTTTTTT. but it’s weird bc i find domesticated rats super cute and i know they’re super clean but if i saw one irl i would cry and scream and run 😀😀😀😀
OMFG RIGHT ??? I WANT TO KNOW LEE KNOWS WORK OUT ROUTINE SO BAD AND I DONT EVEN WORK OUT. also dude felix’s whole outfit in that was just tdf. honestly …. i found his lower back showing to be kinda hotter than the abs …. i’m just a sucker for dudes backs okay 😔😔. cant wait to attend you and hyunjins wedding and if you need a third pls do lmk 😇 hehe
YEP YOU GET IT !! the men who just look like the eiffel tower are the way to my heart <33333 and the ones who look dead inside w long hair and nice hands <33333 good lord bring them here RNNNN. okay short queens look at us go and flourish. and it’s cute that you’re a little taller than me hehe. AND I DID THE HAND MEASURING and they’re 15.8 cm ^_^ which is cuteeeeee. usually i don’t find myself cute but i feel like that’s kinda cute hehe. i gotta know yours now so we can compare
ALSO I DIDNT DW 🙏🏼 i treated myself to some starbucks after class anddddd now i’m getting chinese food oh yea 😎 i’m taking care of myself just for u ig 🙄. all of those foods are a 12/10, i just looked up tomyum and it looks AMAZINGGGGGGG. i love seafood and spicy so that is right up my alley yum yum yum. i want to try it now. my fave food is sushi, but i love literally everything tbh. i don’t think there’s one food that i hate (although i will say i do not like beets or radishes no matter how many times i try them). food is the way to my heart tho i love cooking and food SM but especially cooking for ppl. and i love eating w my friends and family. if food was a love language it would be mine 😇
😽😽😽😽😽😽 cat kisses 4 u. i’m so excited
to hear your hand size hehe (i’m a slut for hands it’s so bad)
- 🐈‍⬛
PLEASE RIGHT. . . imagine i’m used to seeing busy streets and skyscrapers but when i moved for uni i saw cows. COWS. the only time i see a cow at home is on a plate when it’s already become beef soup. 💀 i do Not find rats cute at all 😭 THEY FREAK ME OUT TOOOO MUCH.
talking abt lower backs. . . god i love it when they wear those shirts with open backs 🗣‼️ ALL OF EM LOOK GOOD IN THEM GOOD GOD WHOEVER INVENTED OPEN BACK TOPS NEED THEY ASS ATE 💯 yes ofc ure invited to our wedding u can become my maid of honour and no third person sorry im not poly and im greedy but i will set u up with minho fr 🤝
THE MEN WHO LOOK DEAD HELP I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONYL ONE 🤩 I GET UUU WE ARE SOULMATES!! SOULMATES, BABY! ong ur hands are smaller than mine <33 mine’s 17cm ^__^ so we have roughly about 2cm difference, that’s so cute T_T
YAYAYA tomyum is so yummy i just had it for dinner ^__^ i will gladly cook u a pot baby! i love sushi omg. . . forgot to put that in my list of fave foods. love the salmon ones sm. god i love salmon. if we meet we r having a cooking sesh fr 🤝 i love cooking. it’s theraupetic <33 now im curious, whats ur usual starbucks order? do you get coffee, or something else?
u have my hand size now :-)) thank u for the cat kissies now i present to u, bunny kissies 🐰🐇
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