#dw i understood the sarcasm :D
sofilandstuff · 2 years
ah yes, the danger you pose, by being a person posting on the internet about a kid's show.
and then having a whole life outside of the internet. how dare you have other priorities to deal with than staying up-to-date on who chronically-online people have decided is problematic this week
(sarcasm, in case it wasn't clear ^_^ i happen to think you're quite lovely, and the only danger you pose is how incredible your art is, which could potentially be unhealthily addictive ;) )
now this is the kind of anon asks I enjoy receiving 💖🫂
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cinnasbooks · 6 years
Tag Game: 15Q + 15 Mutuals
Thank you for the tag @petrareads
Rules: Answer the questions and tag fifteen mutuals.
1: Are you named after anyone?
My middle name is a more English version of my Nonna’s name.
2: When was the last time you cried?
Today... I’m on prac and one of my patients did something that broke my heart
3: Do you have kids?
4: Do you use sarcasm a lot?
not at all.... ;D
5: What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their facial expression - they interested, bored, angry, happy? etc
6: What’s your eye colour?
hazel. brown on inside and green on outside
7: Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings... alwaysss
8: Any special talents?
I can impersonate things like accents or catroon characters!
9: Where were you born?
Australia, baby! 
10: What are your hobbies?
Reading, watching movies/tv series, I paint sometimes and shopping w/ friends
11: Have you any pets?
A yellow fish called Romano and a black lab named Ruby 
12: What sports do you play/have played?
prepare yo self... martial arts, tennis, ice skating, netball, boxing and swimming. I do none now but i’m still active dw 13: How tall are you?
like 170cm/ 5′6 and a half... idk
14: Favourite subject in school?
Dont hate but math. I just understood it idk. Also design. I loved photography and we did nothing in glass
15: Dream job?
I’m studying to be a midwife so that i guess... other wise if a professional reader were a thing!
I tag: @malazan-the-younger, @heretherebebooks, @rainbowroweller, @utterly-booked, @onceuponabookblr, @flamingmirrorbookish, @coffee-obsessed-writer, @thebookrose, @booksofravenclaw, @jackthereader, @erin-fleury, @throneofbooksandpages, @thebooksniffffer, @starkreader, @that-random-bookworm 
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