#dw he has full experience and knowledge as to why he knows shes a great kisser!!
frozenhi-chews · 5 months
Starlo: Did you steal the guns at Black Jack's?
Pancake: No, I didn't
Starlo: Okay, fine, I believe you
Mooch: Was it Ve-
Ed: You're gonna believe her just like that?
Pancake: Don't accuse me of a crime I didn't commit-
Ed: How do we know that? You were at his shop yesterday
Starlo: Because she's a great kisser!
The Feisty Four: ....
Ceroba: [*hiding her laughter]
Starlo: ....is what I've- been told!
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ziracona · 4 years
I love the bits you’ve been doing of the DBD crew interacting with the scream cast. You have any other ideas/hcs about them?
Yeah! So, since they dealt with a Ghostface and Jane runs a huge talk show, I feel like it’s only a matter of time before Sidney is asked on to talk about her book, and Gale just to talk—Dewey too, if he’s up for it. Considering her personal experience, even though it’s not with the supernatural, I think Sidney would be inclined to believe them all—epsecially after meeting Jane in person, and they’d get talking about their respective experiences and lives.
Since Quentin, Nancy, and Kate at least are already canonically fans of her book, Out of Darkness, I feel like all three would jump at the chance to meet her for real—especially afte Jane says she’s exactly like she writes, and really nice and kind. This gets a few of them to meet up with Sid and Jane for a lunch. They hit it off really well, and Sidney is (duly) fascinated by the whole tale, and one of them (Kate or Quentin) asks if she’d like to see some of the stuff first hand, and she does.
Which is how Sidney Prescott ends up walking into Dwight, Jake, and Adam’s 6 Hour Pride & Prejudice marathon at the Indiana cabin Adam talked them into they didn’t expect any company for. Net end result is a bunch of survivors meet Sidney Prescott and have a weird but fun luncheon and she figures out about what this group is like right off the back. It goes well though, and the people who have met Sid end up introducing her to the rest. Gale and Dewey both get ripped in too, and they hang out several times kind of “professionally”, to talk, then just kind of go “huh we’re sort of friends now aren’t we?” And hang out again just because.
Considering respective trauma and having someone who really does get it, I think Laurie would get along pretty great with Sidney. Nancy, David, Kate, and Quentin too. Jane clicks wildly with Gale and they become a terror of unimaginable proportions when working stories together. Min also really likes Gale. Tapp is scared of her but not as scared as he is of Jane.Dwight and Adam get along best with Dewey. Ace flirts too much with Gale, which Gale enjoys becuase it’s goofy and not very serious, but Dewey doesn’t clock that and is like 😨😢😠—dw tho they get that sorted tho. Most of them just kind of group mesh, especially Jeff and Claudette. Jake gets on remarkably well with Mark Kincaid, to both their surprise. Mark: “The god damn system.” Jake, doing a shot of whisky: “The god damn system.”
They meet Kirby too, after a little while, and she and Nea click over funny physical therapy rehab stories. It’s also just kinda nice to meet new people you know really are at least close to as fucked up as you are because of life, and it provides for some great closure and solidarity comfort.
Meg is ecstatic about meeting Sidney and tells her she told Ghostface “Let’s see if I’m Sidney Prescott material” as a threat before kicking his ass. Sidney likes their story about doing this a lot, and it’s the only thing that convinces her to give Frank a chance eventually. She likes Susie right away.
Adam and Sidney bond over author stuff (Gale could, but she’s way into chasing stories right now, so she pops in and out of those conversations to throw advice like confetti).
It’s weirder for them meeting the killers. Since that’s not exactly common knowledge, they don’t tell any of them at first who Jeff’s kids or Meg’s girlfriend or Claudette’s brother, Quentin and Min’s mom, Laurie’s Brother were. I think it comes out entirely accidental over a dinner becuase one of them got so comfortable around the Scream friends they completely forgot in the instant it wasn’t common knowledge. It’s uh—it’s kind of a mess. Sort of a shocked silence, then a, “I’m sorry—what?” From Gale, a panicked shit shit shit do we lie? What’s the lie? From around the table, who to their credit were definitely going to lie and try to cover, but I think it’s Philip who gets outed and he’s there, and well, he’s Philip. So he just sets down his utensils and is like “That’s true. Please don’t tell anyone. It’s...hard to explain, and understand, and I don’t want anyone to come under fire for not turning me in when we arrived.”
And like, it’s been a couple months, so they know Philip, and even itching for the hot goss Gale is willing (and dying) to listen and hear this, so they get the real version from him, kind of start to finish, and take it...wildly well. Considering. Susie gives the second part of her story (“Yeah you knew I was a killer, but I didn’t just disobey and turn on the Entity—I killed three of them before I did that, and hurt more. Because I was terrified of getting killed.”). It’s a lot to process, but like, they get why they can’t say. Gale starts pushing that it would be wildly useful to include, maybe anonymously? That one of them was a killer for real in the realm. So people have more in their arsenal if they ever get taken. Susie already kind of supplies that, but an honest to god full version? Complete 360? And if the details were vague and it was published anonymously, no one would know which of them it had been—probably most would assume Anna which—well—technically isn’t wrong either... And the survivors consider that.
Benedict, who had been keeping distance out of a fear Gale tripping him up and revealing more than he was supposed to, finally meets the gang after this, and so does Sally, who they’d been trying to not have mingle too much out of fear of the same thing. It’s uh. It’s super weird. Having not lived it, just knowing what the killers did, and not having lived through the face part of that heel-face turn. Like. Yikes. The Legion are especially hard, becuase they make the least sense. Philip didn’t know, Sally was broken mentally and manipulated, Anna was feral, more or less so was Michael (who is the only one they are not told about. Laurie guards her secrets. Guards them. Eventually tells Sidney, but only Sidney. And talks to Michael first.) Legion on the other hand? They were scared, but that’s the only real excuse. So, that one’s hard. That one takes awhile. But Susie is so miserable about her past and frank about it, and so is Joey, they’re a lot easier—especially Susie, by a mile, considering how many bullets she was ready to take. Frank and Julie are harder, and the Legion’s pasts aren’t actually so much ‘told’ as figured out. Susie is the only one to admit, Gale, who has been reading up, makes a guess like a statement, and her poker face isn’t good enough, and they just kinda know then.
They prove to be trustworthy (thank god—after dinner everyone [once alone] is like “Philip what the fuck man TuT don’t throw yourself under busses I’m begging you.”), so it works out, but it takes a little time to adjust to some of that. Eventually though, things smooth, and all three become semi-regulars to see. Most of their friends and family are dead, so it’s a nice addition to the Scream fam’s social lives too. Gale sometimes pitches in with Tapp and Meg’s work when she can. They meet up when in town. It’s just. It’s really nice, for all of them. They feel just a little more understood, and not like aliens back home. It’s a healing experience for the whole gang.
Sidney gets a lot of the younger survivors following her like ducklings for a while wanting to ask questions and also stealing her style becuase this is just how Meg and Nea and Susie will be sometimes. It’s cute though. She gets so many damn interviews, but for once they’re just motivated by curiosity and excitement at solidarity and inspiration, not a grab for network views or something to boost reputation, and it’s...it’s really nice. To have people that want to know for the reasons you’d want a person to want to know that kind of shit for.
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todaynewsstories · 6 years
Brexit cripples Britain′s health care system | Europe| News and current affairs from around the continent | DW
In the early morning hours after the Brexit referendum in June 2016, Hubertus von Blumenthal received a simple text from his daughter: “I can’t believe it.”
The German doctor, who has been working in the British health care system for almost 30 years, says he didn’t even understand at first that this would change his life. Overnight, he said, “the atmosphere in the country changed.” Patients suddenly asked if he had to leave, while others reassured von Blumenthal that they would still be needing him. “You’re not going home now, are you, doctor?,” they asked.
Read more: Food, farming and sustainability: What future in post-Brexit UK?
“I am home,” von Blumenthal would respond. After all, he’s been living in Great Britain longer than his native Germany. And he’s saddened by how little his long service in the public health care system seems to count when it comes to Brexit.
Xenophobia a driving force
Von Blumenthal works in a clinic in the village of Gamlingay. In earlier times, the area’s main industry was farming but these days the village is mainly a home for commuters, many of whom work in the nearby booming university city of Cambridge.
Hubertus von Blumenthal has made the village of Gamlingay his home
His doctor’s office is tiny and gloomy — it would take a great deal of dedication to spend a professional life in such an environment. After endless cutbacks, the facilities of the UK health care system appear outdated and shabby.
In this part of the country most of the inhabitants voted for Brexit, says von Blumenthal. The people here are older and conservative, and have little experience with the global economy.
In nearby Cambridge, it’s the opposite situation. Students and scientists come from all over the world and consider themselves part of the global elite. They bring prosperity and jobs to the region, but only 30 kilometers (19 miles) away in Gamlingay locals don’t see the connection.
Von Blumenthal says the “Leave” majority in Gamlingay can’t be explained by poverty or social disconnection. “It’s mostly based on xenophobia. Certain media here have been belittling all things foreign for years,” he says, and many people have formed their opinions based on this information.
In addition, he says, few people in the area have much of an idea how the EU works. “I have always been interested in British society and politics. And the decision to leave the EU has had a more corrosive and damaging effect than anything else I have experienced here,” says von Blumenthal.
Read more: Brexit Diaries 44: Return to the trenches for Theresa May
Health care sector in crisis
Brexit is threatening to become a disaster for the UK’s health care system, already suffering from years of cutbacks. “Our patients have to wait longer and longer and go without certain treatments,” explains von Blumenthal. According to him, Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) is already lacking some 10,000 doctors. “If I leave, they will find it hard to find anyone to replace me.”
According to Andrew Goddard, president of the Royal College of Physicians, 5 percent of all doctors in the UK come from the European Union, and almost half of them are now considering leaving the country. Back in June, then Health Minister Jeremy Hunt even admitted that uncertainty over Brexit was driving some of the “valued colleagues from Europe” out of the country.
When he was health minister Hunt promised 5,000 new doctors by 2020. However, it remains unclear where the UK will find those doctors. Von Blumenthal explains that when the NHS tried to fill the gap, at least partially, and recruit 3,000 new doctors from the EU only 86 people expressed an interest.
“Why would a European doctor come here when his career, the conditions for him and his family, the recognition of his qualifications, simply everything is in the air?” he asks. “We are living in limbo and simply don’t know what to do next. All assurances are meaningless because the next minister can change them with a stroke of the pen.”
And, von Blumenthal continues, that applies not only to doctors but also to nurses and other medical staff.
The Brexit campaign pledged that leaving the European Union would mean more money for health care
Nurses desperately needed
The Royal College of Nursing is a well-established institution headquartered in a posh London townhouse. But Maria Trewern, the college’s chairperson, is bracing for battle. In a recent appeal to the government, she called for more recognition for the consequences of Brexit on the health care system and its employees. For her, the worst-case scenario appears to be coming true.
“Since the Brexit referendum, 2,000 nurses from the EU have already left. That’s a significant number, and by losing them we are also losing experience and knowledge, which will really harm the health care system, especially in key areas,” says Trewern.
“We need these workers, and, furthermore, we are outraged because we see how distressed our colleagues have become. They cannot plan their lives, their homes, schools for the children — nothing is certain,” she says. “We do not want them to leave. We would like to keep them because we really appreciate their contribution to our community.” Trewern points out that this exodus will mostly consist of young nurses, personnel the NHS badly needs.
Currently, there is a shortage of 40,000 nurses in the UK, and Trewern fears this will result in serious consequences for patients. She is now trying to recruit nurses from around the world, but that also means taking them from developing nations where they’re also needed.
Trewern says these particular consequences of Brexit have not been considered by politicians. “They overlooked this because they are interested in politics and not in public welfare. But as a nurse I am concerned with the common good,” she says.
Difficult to leave, difficult to stay
In Gamlingay, von Blumenthal takes a detour to the village pub after work, where he chats about personal matters. The course of Brexit negotiations in Brussels, and developments in London, have him worried. “It could be that the situation becomes untenable for us,” he says.
“My wife is Irish, she works for a global company,” says von Blumenthal. “We could both go to Ireland and start over there.”
But although he has an emergency plan, he says it would be difficult to leave.
After nearly 30 years his roots are in Gamlingay; his children and grandchildren also live in the area.
Does he have any hope that Brexit can still be avoided by March 29, when the UK is due to leave the European Union? “Many people have a quasi-religious belief in Brexit and don’t want to hear anything else, and don’t want to listen to experts,” he says. If those people were given the chance to vote in a second referendum and decided to vote against leaving the EU, “they would have to acknowledge that they had previously made a wrong decision. And that is sometimes difficult.” Von Blumenthal believes there isn’t enough time left to avoid the inevitable, and thinks political pressure is also lacking.
Not only that: he believes many Britons have had enough of all the Brexit talk and just want to go ahead and get it over with, even if it does turn out to be a “bitter pill” to swallow, believing it will somehow work out in the end.
Von Blumenthal doesn’t share this kind of fatalism. “I’ve thought about Brexit in some way every day since the referendum,” he says. But for people like the doctor, politicians such as former British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and his supporters, who have renewed their fight against Prime Minister Theresa May and are pushing for a hard break with the EU, have no ready answers.
‘Little Britain’ brings Union Jack to Rhineland
English whimsy in German countryside
“Little Britain” started to take shape about two years ago. Tree surgeon Gary Blackburn, who settled years ago in the Rhineland south of Bonn, wanted to create a place where Germans and Brits could come together.
‘Little Britain’ brings Union Jack to Rhineland
Local attraction
Those neighbors who may not have picked up on “Little Britain” before couldn’t miss it once Blackburn put up statues of sheep and cows and a British telephone booth on the road at the foot of his property in Kretzhaus this spring.
‘Little Britain’ brings Union Jack to Rhineland
A family affair
Luke and Kevin Blackburn work with their father in the tree surgery business and help keep up “Little Britain.” It was his crazy idea, but they all back him in it, they say. This includes spending two hours a day watering all the flowers when Gary and his wife, Monika, aren’t around.
‘Little Britain’ brings Union Jack to Rhineland
Remembering the fallen
Blackburn bought a 1953 Centurion tank and installed it as a “monument to peace and freedom.” The tank was modified so it couldn’t function as a weapon. The wreath commemorates the Battle of the Somme, fought between the British and French against the Germans during World War I. One of Blackburn’s grand uncles was among the more than 1.1 million people killed in the fighting.
‘Little Britain’ brings Union Jack to Rhineland
Last stop
This is one of two double-decker buses at “Little Britain.” It’s meant to be a cozy place to sit, inside or out. The other bus is outfitted with a children’s playroom up top. The buses were too high to travel on German roads, so the roofs had to be lowered to drive them to Blackburn’s property.
‘Little Britain’ brings Union Jack to Rhineland
Merlin and the Queen
Blackburn’s statues range from the political to the literary to the legendary. Here, King Arthur’s magician pal Merlin stares into his crystal ball outside of “Robin Hood’s Hut,” where inside a likeness of Queen Elizabeth sits on a throne flanked by corgis.
‘Little Britain’ brings Union Jack to Rhineland
Mr. Bean’s Mini intact
In one episode of the televison show “Mr. Bean,” the character’s black and green Mini is crushed by a tank like the one Blackburn acquired for “Little Britain.” There are no plans for the scene to be restaged.
‘Little Britain’ brings Union Jack to Rhineland
Flowers, trees and Britannia
Weary hikers who have climbed up the Kasbach Valley can take a break at “Little Britain.” Seniors from the home down the road sometimes also come here for a spell.
Author: Nancy Isenson
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itesfashion · 6 years
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