#dw Shrub n Bush are fine
saturno-sol · 1 year
While she is still Herrah's daughter, growing up in the waists would have been quite different from hallownest. In what ways is Hornet different from Rueby? How are they the same?
Oh absolutely there are differences!
In the Wastes for quite a bit her and Ivory were alone and fending for themselves. Due to Ivory's inability to speak Rueby (called Little One in this arc because neither have names they remember) and them develop their own language of clicks, huffs and body language. Mostly used for commands like "Stay/Food/Thirsty/Tired"
When they reach a settlement and stay for a while Little One picks up some spoken language while Ivo learns sign.
As for personality, she's a lot more energetic and snippy, not really all that different from Hornet proper. However due to not having to deal with all that happened in canon she's much less emotionally stunted and a little more haughty.
She loves bragging about how cool her parent is and how she's going to be the best huntress the Wastes will ever see (once she can convince Ivory to take her on jobs)
She also tries to eat Shrub and Bush because they're prey to her little spiderling self. She almost succeeds sometimes.
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