lunaerite · 4 months
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@dvouer asked: [ makeup ] sender fixes receiver's makeup for them / ruan mei
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❛ Ah... ❜ There is a pause in your actions as the other seems to be fixing something for you. Your eyes are wide as you blink a few times before your own hands come to your face, curious as you gently brush against the spot. It seems that the heat must have smudged the bit of make up you have on. A strange gesture. Most are not nearly as willing to touch others as you are and most are not kind enough to help someone with such a thing without even speaking aloud. ❛ How strange. ❜
You cant your head to the side. This has gotten your attention for this moment. Even if it will be ever so brief, all living things are interesting even if briefly. So you can't help but put hand on the others cheek as you turn her head to the side, taking in her features. The way her eyes are shaped and the way her hair moves and sways are her head is motioned. Smooth skin and sharp features. She is quite an interesting specimen.
❛ Thank you for your kindness. ❜ You speak as you let go of her face now. ❛ Though unnecessary, you still did it anyways. How curious... May I ask you a few questions? I'd like to have a paper documenting this chance encounter we've had... ❜
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rosh1d · 5 months
      “ you’re looking a bit worse for wear, love. ”   venus slips the man’s jacket off, doing him the courtesy of hanging it a short distance away. she returns with a drink, some sort of whiskey or rum, which is set directly in front of him.   “ you’re not going to be able to save anyone if you don’t take some time to relax. ” leaning in, she kisses him on the cheek, brushes his hair out of his face to admire his scar.   “ consider it, okay? ” ^^
      Such tenderness is unforeseen in a beast's sharpened claw,   a unique display of affection towards one's own kind perhaps more human in nature than those who call themselves as such by masking cruelty as the mercy of a loving heart.   He had experienced a similar claim first-hand,   torn away from his homeland and forced to become a slave for empire at the raw age of fifteen,   bearing scars that spoke of man's ambition towards the greater good,   when in all the wars he had witnessed had only stained his soul with thick black tar,   similarly corrupt with blind rage   &.   desire for vengeance.   Long had he feared the monster within                   mourns the better half taken without asking when it awoken in its place.   He can no longer deny his fire,   the truth he escaped from so desperately through cowardice ;   he's more beast than a man,   but it's a realization that brings no comfort when aware of the atrocities he's capable of.   &.   while his world is full of dismay and misfortune,   it's not entirely void of true kindness,   those he had vowed to protect at the cost of his very life,   to create a world where they can live on their own terms instead of wishing for a peaceful death before their time.   He bears inward struggles as a reminder to strengthen his resolve,   broad shoulders carrying the weight of the world,   refusing to falter under it's intensity.   It's times as these when he's made aware of the strain,   as well as the fact that he's no longer alone in facing those hardships.
   He's stiff,   justly so,   finding her care a little foreign in his world.   She,   although a woman of many secrets,   had a strange openness so easily inviting.   Noire had become another refuge for the outlaws,   a hiding place for his kind until safe passage can be provided to the Hideaway,   and Venus herself had been more than useful in obtaining sensitive information when required.   Clive's visit was one of many to hear the leastest news in person,   so caught up in his own world to take heed of his own carelessness regarding his well being.   Raven locks dripping from fresh rain,   the hood of his cloak hardly enough to shield him from the storm.   She allows herself the liberty to take the damp thing away,   he doesn't fight It,   but merely stands there in clear awareness of the dirt and blood that stained his face and clothes,   [   travelling such a long distance from the deadlands was never free of its own troubles.   ]   Porcelain skin is stained with the evidence of his adventures,   yet she maintains a lax attitude,   hardly bothered as she presses a quick kiss against the scarred skin of his cheek.
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        ❛❛   I will bear that in mind,   I thank you for your concern,   my lady.   ❜❜        he takes the hand that caressed his cheek within his own,   a gentle squeeze of gratitude is offered along with the touch of something tender in his expression,   there was very little that had him smiling,   he's thankful.   The outlaw sighs in apparent defeat,   Venus was armed this time,   he couldn't refuse her courtesy.         ❛❛   I suppose a moment's rest won't do any harm,   you're too kind.   ❜❜
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@dvouer // he likes you ur allowed
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dnangelic · 5 months
just stopping by to say that your writing is sooooo beautiful and i'm always like ... damn! you're killing it! it's art!
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AWAWAWA KIWI!!!!!!!! THANK YOU????? UR SO NICE!!! esp considering to me ur like multitasking all ur talents here ur aes r always so nice and ur writing is so pretty TOO.... how do u come up with 2489498 fun concepts lakdjfj i'll never be able to get on ur lvl and do all of that but TYSM !!!
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iobartach · 4 months
@dvouer asked; “it doesn’t do any good to get worked up.” hi :>c
more random dialogue prompts
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Full of spit and vinegar, any advice received, well-intentioned or otherwise, is met with resistance, shrugged off as unwanted, at least in the heat of the moment. Exhaling through his nostrils, a clench of teeth holds back a caustic retort as garnet hues, hidden beneath a shimmering disguise narrow in a glare, pinching the markings of his mask together.
"Do you tell that to all your guests?" Showing cracks in his restraint, despite his best efforts, a few choice words are passed between irritated Spider and his unknown host, aiming a glare in their direction. Falling back into silence for a brief moment, the flexing and roll of a shoulder brings with it less relief than he would've liked, owning in part to a stiffness that began to lay claim to the top of his left arm, reaching up to his neck. With no mirrors in sight, he was fairly certain that the beginnings of a bruise was taking shape beneath the cover of his hardlight costume. For, after all...
"...I wasn't the one that attacked first!"
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webcharm · 5 months
“ arachne, my darling spider! ” the goddess rolls onto her back, throwing arms into the air with a giggle, “ come, shower me in your affections before I die of neglect! ” oh, the drama! / hi 👀 they are kissing 😘 who doesn’t kiss their girlfriends? FAKE.
➥ ANSWERED. [ @dvouer ] , personal ask.
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⸻ " venus. what a pleasant surprise this is. " wicked smile painted upon darkened lips. more than a friend, but a trusted ally at that. the goddess had aided arachne [ & ] her organization to immense growth over the last few hundred years. to say their relationship was simply 'friendly' would do no justice. / arachnid queen approached, elegant fingers offering the ancient a hand. " stay for some wine, or fresh blood. we'll accommodate to your desired tastes. "
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girlfox · 5 months
what is love like for ahri? how does it differ from the typical depiction of love? how is it similar? does she fall in love easily? :>c
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first of all . . . thank you for sending this in kiwi, you are the sweetest of ALL TIME. remind me to hold ur hand okay? okay.
that said, what is love like for ahri? love is a deeply complex emotion for her, something that can be akin to eternal devotion and the twisting of a knife in her belly at the same time. she's known loss of love, and she's known it thoroughly━━at her own hands. to give your whole heart to someone and then rip theirs out in a monstrous, uncontrolled haze only moments after lamenting your affections for them is a life-altering event that has left an impossible impression on her. ahri no longer loves easily; not like she once did, as a youth, greedily soaking up every ounce of affection offered to her. ( now, that isn't to say she doesn't enjoy the aforementioned to this day but she is far more aware of her own emotions towards others, making certain not to dive off the deep end into genuine love ).
loving ahri is to chip away at an iron gate. it's to find another entrance, another way to let yourself into her heart, of which most are not capable of. she's deeply guarded, dancing along the line of flirtation and affection and desire, but never going past it. anything more shown is naught but lies and manipulation. ahri is not beyond twisting her prey to suit her needs, and if playing pretend in matters of the heart is necessary, so be it. this doesn't happen often, granted, but nonetheless she is well versed in dipping in and out of the enigmatic coquette and the ghost of one. peeling back the layers in search of her true, genuine feelings from the heart requires dedication, passion and sincerity; it will be time consuming and require constant displays of romance to prove your intentions and melt away the barriers, until she can no longer resist.
underneath it all, even if ahri can play coy and flirt, she's frightened of attaching to others due to her history. as the killer of her first love, and despite the new levels of control she has over her power now, ahri has an extremely difficult time feeling truly confident. what if instinct wins, and she loses herself again? she'd felt so sure that she'd never harm her love back then, after all. just the thought of bearing that type of immense, soul crushing pain again is too much for her; this is why ahri closes off, for her heart's sake and the lives of others. even if her partner was immortal or able to withstand immense injuries without issue, she'd feel too horrible giving into that part of herself again, betraying her own feelings.
. . . all that said, when one does manage to wiggle their way into ahri's heart, it's nothing but pure bliss.
the fox is an intense and passionate lover who revels in giving and receiving love━━heavy on the receiving. she adores being worshipped and put on a pedestal as a thing to be fawned over and constantly pampered and spoiled. it makes her heart flutter! it doesn't even need to come with material possessions, but just being given all their time and attention, and being showered with affection and physical touch is enough to put her into a world of rapture. if these requirements are met, ahri is certain to return the favor, sweet - tongued and tempting, proving herself totally and completely infatuated with you.
really, an ahri in love will protect you with her life, do anything for you, and make sure you know how adored you really are. she loves to prepare meals for you, touch and kiss you, sleep with you, travel with you, the list goes on. time spent together is important to her.
that's if she's in a typically healthy partnership, at least.
ahri is a complex character with a lot of trauma on her shoulders and the instincts of a beast that she dances with daily. the wrong person at the right time could easily bring this creature out of her, contorting their romance into something more than atypical. at this point, her need for worship turns into true obsession and it is anything but healthy; it consumes her, the need to love and be loved. in fact, she's in so deeply, that the idea of devouring a part of the other just to satisfy the desire for a more intense connection isn't off the table. remember: this type of love is rooted in her trauma, and tells her what she did was okay. it is the whirlwind romance that forgives her for being a beast and even promotes it. ahri is capable of becoming this, and knows it.
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thagyann · 6 months
 3:23 ⁽ ᴬᴹ ⁾           -       INTERIOR    :     ST.         BLAIRS             '         an               old               bar               -               called               the     DEVIL'S     DELIGHT       on       uneven.         nights               like               this               at               THE               CENTER               OF               ATTENTION               is               an               opulent               man                 -            𝘀𝘁𝘆𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵               𝗶𝗻              his               laid               back         demeanor  .               -            sitting exposed . and assumed carefree         -       yet he was         A               LIVE               -               WIRE                  LEFT               TO               ENTICE       FORBIDDEN FRUIT     delicately               sitting         out               to               unmake               the               hand               that               takes          a               bite     .       _               he               stages               court.               ,               PLAY -               ACTING               SOMETHING               DIVINE          a               split               tongue               addressing      the               masses               with               sweet            verses               hiding    𝘚𝘕𝘈𝘒𝘌𝘚 𝘐𝘕 𝘛𝘏𝘐𝘌𝘙 𝘉𝘖𝘕𝘌𝘚    .
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boredom               tallies              AGAINST HIM                   and               he                       stands                              tipsy               on               ego               searching               for               something             MORE DANGEROUS .               he               wants               something               to               take               him               apart               ,                  something               to               catch               around               his               throat            𝘁𝗼               𝗿𝘂𝗻               𝗵𝗶𝗺               𝗱𝗿𝘆    .                                       he               is               a              god               pressed               into               a               man’s               body             and             worship               should               find               him               happy               ,       but               instead               he               wants                       to               be               ruined.               taking               step               after               step               until               he               comes               upon               her.               •°–  “     ᴬᴺᴰ    you are ?      …    @dvouer  —   ”                                                                  
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intone · 5 months
what are some blogs you would recommend?
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rph: @cassiaslair, @paletterph, @poetryrph, @isaworks, @dear-indies, @lavenderph @honeybeegfx , @sibylsource (this is me)
ocs: @deathsmaidens, @killerhubby, @n0fa0e, @hikyat, @vtriol, @yourgospel , @sunsweets , @sivrit (that's me), @valkyrrhic , @dvouer
canons: @cauterisen, @kudakenai, @goldenfists, @girlfox, @hopeflower / @greenskirt / @sirenea , @eatdivines , @inhaunts , @achroanimus / @antinomos , @feyras , @soverina , @heartate / @diveyne , @chiwit (this is also me), @eleutheriya , @chiheru
mixed: @reddragon-cowboy, @raisedcold, @amaeranthos, @yeonban
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lunaerite · 5 months
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@dvouer asked: [ refill ] sender refills receiver's glass without asking / for aven
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❛ Someone is eager to drink with me. Is it your lucky day or mine? ❜ You chuckle to yourself as you watch the liquid pour into your glass. You are used to many people giving you all sorts of drinks at events and parties... Bribery and buttering people up requires skill as well as charm. Trying to slide into the pocket of a ICP member to use you as a stepping stone to only get further into the organization was an amusing act to watch. You don't care for what a wealthy man thinks he needs to hide with his bribery, it'll only be revealed with time. Yet, this seems to simply be genuine charm. A person who wishes to sit in your company for a reason you can't entirely discern. Yet, you keep smiling.
A confident smile won't let anything slide, afterall. You've only trained yourself for years to be able to look as if nothing bothers you. Not even being stabbed in the back.
❛ Well, I suppose one more glass wouldn't hurt, but only if you share one with me. A drink is better with company, they say~ So I suppose this is my lucky day to have some company so eager to drink with me. ❜
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rosh1d · 5 months
      ❝ careful - you’re in very real danger of hurting my feelings. ❞ <3
      Signature fire manifests itself figuratively as often as it would physically,   rigidity in demeanour is not to be mistaken for an inward coldness,    but an ability to tame an all-consuming flame                  waiting to be released to set the world ablaze.   Words sting when desired like the tip of a newly sharpened blade,   she must forgive him this vice of immediate animosity towards man,   he had long lived in the pursuit of vengeance to see the best in people,   [   always anticipating the worst   ],   but it's a way of thinking he works towards changing one day.   He would apologise if he had indeed injured the woman in any shape or form,   though he's certain the only injury retained was one inflicted upon her pride.   After all,   would a dragon weep when it meets its slayer ?   Or would it rage until he's devoured raw ? 
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 Clive would only chuckle at the claim,   a motion done through a mere huff through nostrils.        ❛❛   Then I can sleep soundly in knowing that you do indeed posses some shred of feeling.   ❜❜        the outlaw retorts,   a touch of something playful in his tone,   as rare as the smile that tugged at the edges of his lips.   It would take a lot more to offend her,   he knows that much.   Yet it seems to him that she relishes in playful deceit,   sure to be affective on those so easily drawn to her charm,   it's a wonder how many fools had followed this siren into a worser fate.        ❛❛   Though I must confess,   ❜❜        he added after a beat,   arms folding across chest as he regarded her with a raised brow.        ❛❛   You don't strike me as the sort with a fickle heart.   ❜❜
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@dvouer // *sprays them both with water*
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killbotic · 2 months
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where is audra / kiwi? (an official apology that I have so many blogs)
main: dvouer, stilettaux, sentinalle secondary: fractise, & sacculari
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toalgea · 2 months
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he did not usually entertain himself with these sorts of places. but haoyu was following a lead. something he was after chose to hide within the noire, believing him too cowardly to dare enter. of course... he knew the rules. but there was nothing that said he couldn't seek aid here. there was no intention to hunt on the premises, only to push the parasite out of hiding. powerful as he was, it would be stupid to pointlessly put himself in danger for something like this.
" -of course, i fully intend to respect your rules. miss spade. " a nod of his head. he's never thought lying particularly useful. " but there is something here that i would ask you assist me with in removing. if possible. "
@dvouer / sc
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girlfox · 4 months
What people make you happy when you see them on the dash?
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❛ 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓 , : a series of questions for the mun / the person behind the muse(s) .
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OOOOH BOY. okay, is this my chance to love on some of my favorite oomfies? because i am so going to send love their way. keep in mind that everyone i follow brings me a measure of joy; if they didn't, we wouldn't be mutuals! but i'll gush about a couple people i know ooc, as well. just because i wanna spread some love.
@nihilara ( & their other blogs ) brings me legitimately so much joy, i get so excited whenever i see them on my dash. their drawings and rambles and fun interactions with others . . they're amazing. i can't speak enough good things about rhys.
@otlaw is one of my closest friends on here, too, and they're such a pillar of love and support and fun and, i just get like a puppy dog with my tail wagging when they're being active or when they follow me on their 100th new blog HAHAHA. love u leif.
@krosakis YOU DUH? dan you've been one of my favorite oomfies for an ice age at this point. i don't even know what my dash looks like without you on it . . . and i don't wanna know. having you around just feels right, like my dash is complete.
@diveyne because sabrina has been a very long time friend at this point, and has always been supportive and hyped me up like the beautiful goth princess they are. MWWWAH. their writing is also captivating and i just love it whenever it pops up on my feed.
@youthblooms and ALL of their blogs. whenever they pop up, i'm like a goldfish doing a lil happy jump out of my fish bowl bc i just know i'm about to be FED. everything they write is amazing, and i also just love their characters and them as a person in general. nams is the BEST.
@furiaei is a recent friend, but we connected pretty deeply right away and honestly i just adore their enthusiasm and drive for their character. they're also an incredibly kind person, and i'm so glad i met them.
@dvouer because while we're still getting to know each other ooc, they've been relentlessly kind and warm to me, and before we ever even spoke out of character, i've love love loved their original character venus; both them and kiwi are just absolute dolls.
@oriphical is a long time friend at this point too, i just adore bun & its infinite patience with my slow ass replies to dms. pleading emoji @ it right now. but its xiv oc and honestly every other character it writes is always beautifully done, filled with passion, and just so interesting and complex and well thought out. it's also just a very very very kind and fun individual.
@sivrit niran is THE BOMBBBBB. i love every single character he churns out, whether it's the immense love put into the lore and development of their originals, or the total passion put into writing a canon character. he's also just so kind and warm and fun to talk to, and seeing him on my dash makes me so happy.
@eatdivines EDITING THIS BECAUSE HOW DID I NOT ADD IN VAL? my brain is scrambled eggs. but seriously. i love valentine so fucking much it's not even funny; they're adorable, they're kind, they're compassionate, they're sweet and thoughtful. they also have wait more of a back bone than i ever will, and they're someone who will always have your back no matter what. for these reasons alone i love seeing val on my dash. but also? i am enthralled with their writing on ahri and in the past, kagome. their takes are so unique and interesting and god i'm living for it.
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abyssah · 6 months
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" well you didn't wait very long..." he comments, looking to the woman who has curled an arm around his. venus was very quick to greet him as soon as he arrived. shamelessly playing favorites, hm? " it's good to see you too, miss spade. "
@dvouer / sc
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yeonban · 5 months
TOBIAS EDITION: Difficult Person Test & Dark Triad Test!
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CALLOUSNESS is characterized by lacking empathy or concern for others. People high in callousness typically have deficits in genuine social sentiments and are often experienced by others as coarsely uncivil. In other words, they often make people feel uncomfortable.
MANIPULATIVENESS is the inclination to exploit others to derive benefits for oneself. Manipulative people take other people for granted and use them to realize their own wishes and goals, thinking little of interpersonal reciprocity or the rights of others. Such people often exhaust and frustrate those around them, since they give little in return for the services and favors they extract from others.
DOMINANCE is the tendency to put on airs of superiority and talk down to others. Domineering individuals have a strong desire to be seen as leaders and often react with combativeness when they cannot get what they want. They frustrate others by meddling in their affairs and with their attempts to control the decisions of those around them.
SUSPICION is the tendency to harbor a strong and unreasoning distrust of others. Suspicious people often question the motives of even those who act loyally and devotedly toward them. Such people are often reluctant to open up to others and may interpret kind-hearted gestures as attempts to deceive them.
RISK-TAKING is the propensity to engage in risky behavior for the sake of experiencing thrills. People high in this trait impulsively seek sensations to overcome boredom, and often get pleasure from shocking others with their adventures and stunts. Risk-takers often make those around them ill at ease since their actions may have consequences for others as well as themselves.
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MACHIAVELLIANISM is characterized by a duplicitous interpersonal style, a cynical disregard for morality, and a focus on self-interest and personal gain. People who score high on Machiavellianism tend to be unemotional and take an instrumental view of others. They are therefore able to detach themselves from conventional morality and manipulate others. Highly Machiavellian individuals can be very patient with their deceptions due to their calculating nature.
PSYCHOPATHY is identified by the tell-tale sign of shallow emotional responses. The underdeveloped affect of psychopaths endows them with high stress tolerance, low empathy, and little guilt and prompts them to seek out extremely stimulating activities (sex, violence, drugs, or financial risk), resulting in impulsivity and a disposition towards interpersonal conflict. Personality traits associated with psychopathy include a lack of empathy or remorse, antisocial behavior, and volatility.
TAGGED BY: @hunting-songs Thank you!! TAGGING: @minban, @oneireth, @effigist, @dvouer, @furiaei, @gameswillbeplayed, @inhaunts / @stqrlings & whoever else wants to do this!
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rosh1d · 6 months
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       ❛❛   May I help you ?   ❜❜        curt,   cold with a touch of something hostile in his tone.   Rich blues regard the woman with suspicion                unsure if he's graced with good company or the kind that only sought to prolong his troubles   &.   waste valuable time.   He hadn't the patience for idle games.   However,   when it comes to the well being of his people,   he would set aside his own reservations,   vowing to answer the call that often fell upon deaf ears when he was most desperate for a shred of kindness.   Silence stretches a moment longer,   the air thick with anticipation.   Gaze shifts to stare directly at the other,   arms crossing against chest.        ❛❛   What's this I hear about biting ?   ❜❜
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@dvouer // starter !
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