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konyvboritok · 3 months ago
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alluse61 · 4 years ago
Segnatempo Marchi Svizzeri scomparsi: A: Abeler, Abercrombie & Fitch Co., Accor, Achile, Accro Bond, Acqua, Actina, Action, Actua, Adan, Adano, Adler, Adlon, Admes, Admira, Admiral, Admiration, Adolf Vortmann, Adora, Adrem, Adria, Adriatic, Adriatica, Aec Watch, Aerni, Aero, Aero Neuchatel, Aetos, Agari, Agassiz, Agefa, Agir Watch, Agon, Ajax, Aku, Alb, Alben, Albona, Albrich, Alconi, Aldar, Aleph, Alexis, Alfex, Algarantie, Algex, Alihor, Allaine, Allas, Allegro, Alltime, Almadia, Almo, Alos, Alpha, Alprosa, Alsa, Alsi, Alsta, Altair, Altamira, Altessa, Altimatic, Altitude, Altoba, Altus, Alverna, Alwa, A. Marchand, Ambèrte, Amer, Amida, Amidor, Amila, Ami Watch, Amsa, Amulcor, Amyria, Ancora, Ancre, Andora, Andowatch, André Bouchard, Anew, Angel, Anker, Ankra, Antares, Anthony, Anthos Watch, Antor, Apart, Apex, Apolo, Apollo, Aquator, Ara, Aramis, Arbor, Arbu, Arcadia, Arches, Arco, Arctos, Ardan, Ardor, Aretta, Arfena, Argentor, Argil Watch, Argos, Argus, Arhon, Arila, Aristex, Arka, Arla, Arlaska, Arlea, Arlon, Arly, Armida, Aro, Arola, Aroma, Arowe, Arp, Arpeggio, Arsal Watch, Arsenal, Arta, Arten, Artis Watch, Arva, Arvor, Arvos, AS, Ascalon, Ascor, Ascot, Aseikon, Asor Watch, Aspor, Assa, Aster, Astin, Astor,Astral, Astrée Watch, Astro, Astrolux, Astron Watch, Asu, Asvil, Ata, Athena, Athos, Atima, Atlas, Atmar, Atomik, Atrexa, Atual, Aube, Aucor Watch, Audix Watch, Augustus, Aurea, Aureole, Aureus Extra, Aurex, Auri, Auriga, Aurora, Ausal, Autrix, Avala, Avalon, Avelta, Avigdor, Avion, Avivas, Avystyle, Axa, Axes, Aydil, Awa, Awill, Azhar, Azimut; B: Badenia, Bader, Balave, Balder, Baldwin, Balldor, Baltic, Bances, Bancor, Banner, Barbricos, Bargain, Barka, Barlux, Barolux, Baron, Barrett, Basis, Basmich, Bassin, Baylor, Becker, Beguelin, Beha, Belair, Belca, Belcron, Beleco, Belforte, Belinda, Belisa, Bellana, Beljane, Belora, Belsis, Beltane, Beltex, Belvil, Benedict, Benfre, Bendix, Benmore, Benora, Benos, Benrus, Bentima, Berco, Bercona, Berg, Bergana, Bergisch, Bergmayr, Berg Parat, Berios, Berlac, Bermi, Berna, Bernex, Bero, Berthoud, Berwitch, Besee, Bessa, Besta, Betina, Biagio, Bienna, Bieri Watch, Bilat, Bimesa, Binatime, Binesa, Biolmar, Birka, Birma, Bischoff, Bitunia, Blanval, Blita, Blumus, Blyssa, Bochud, Bodan, Bohle, Boillat Les Bois, Bondix, Bore, Borea, Borel, Borgward, Boris, Boros, Bostol, Boulevard, Bourbon, Bourquin, Bradley, Bravex, Bravingtons, Brenets Watch, Brindia, Bristol, Britix, Britscar, Bronnimann, Brunela, Brunet, Brunex, Bubas, Buler, Bulevard, Bulla, Burgana, Burton, Buser, But, Butex, Buxy; C: Cadola, Cadolux, Cadreclair, Caerys, Calan, Caldex, Calgor, Caliston, Callima, Calumex, Calverta, Cameron, Camif, Camos, Camy, Cancis Watch, Candeleanu, Capri, Caprice, Caprima, Capt, Cara, Carat, Caravelle, Carda, Cardiff, Cardinal, Caren, Carlisle, Carlto, Caros, Carpentier, Carpo, Carrol, Carronade, Cart, Cartis, Castell, Caswatch, Catalina, Catena, Catorex, Caugynes, Cavalry, Cefini, Celene, Censor, Centaur, Cervus, Cetikon, Ceuva, Chalet, Challfont, Champion, Chandler, Charmo, Chateau, Chaumont, Chermette, Chevron, Chilex, Chilez, Chivas, Chloé, Choisi, Christ, Chronex, Chronorex, Chronos, Cinia, Ciny, Cito, City, Civis, Civitas, Clamour, Clarex, Claro, Clartex, Classic, Clebar, Cler Watch, Clinor, Clinton, Cliper, Clipper, Clodif, Club, Clyda, Codhor, Codosa, Coinor, Colant, Colgor, Colomby, Comex, Comfort, Cominter, Competition, Comos, Conac, Concerta, Concordia, Condor, Constanta, Consul, Conteas, Contex,Contil, Continental, Copernicus, Corail, Coranic, Corcel, Cordia, Cordura, Corect, Coresa, Corgemont, Coris, Corma, Cornavin, Cornell, Corona, Coronet, Correct, Corsar, Cortebert, Corticima, Cortland, Corvette, Costal, Countess, Courbelin, Couros, Coursier, Court, Courtie, Cousins, Craftman, Crawford, Création, Credos, Cristal Watch, Croisade, Cromwell, Cronel, Cronex, Cronos, Cronow, Crown, Crypton, Cultus, Curtis, Curtiss, Cyprus; D: Dalia, Dalton, Damas, Dafnis, Dako, Dania, Danicar, Daniel Perret, Daniel Roth, Dard, Darne, Darwil, Datum, Datzward, D auphin, Davar, Davis, Davosa, Daybell, Debal, De Bolé, Debor, De Cave, Def, Defender, De Graer, Deiters, Delac, Delage, Delano, Delbana, Delcona, Delgia, Deline, Delma, Delmont, Delora, Delpa, Delrio, Delvaux, Delvina, Delvinex, Deman Watch, Demieux, Denill, Denis, Derphil, Dero, Derrick, Dersi, Descartes, Desira, Desotos, Desta, De Villiers, Devis, Devyth, Dhorix, Diane, Diantus, Dichi Watch, Dicto, Diehl, Diese, Difor, Dila, Dilau, Dilecta, Dilvie, Dima Watch, Dimetron, Dinamo, Dinmont, Diope, Diorex, Dispol, Dixen, Diwen, Docker, Dofreal, Dolmak, Dolmaru, Dolys, Domwatch, Donexy, Donor, Dopas, Dorex, Dorly, Dorset, Dorval, Dorwell, Dosahlia, Douglas, Doyle, Draga, Dreffa, Drimex, Driva, Droz, D.T.F., Duaz,Dubell, Dubois & Cie, Duca, Ducado, Ducal, Duchess, Dufonte, Dulfi, Duke, Dulcia, Dulux, Dumont, Dunamis, Dunya, Dupro, Durable, Dural, Durol, Duv, Dux, Duxot, Duward; E: Eastfield, Easton, Ebart Watch, Eberjax, Ebf, Ebosa, Ebro,Eccelso,Echo, Eclair, Ecly, Edele, Edelstar, Eden, Edima, Editia, Edma, Edo, Effort, Efrico, Egana, Egger, Egona, Egosta, Egotrix, Ehr, Eiger, Eisenhardt, Eitel, Eko, Ela, Elco, Eldex, Eldis Watch Co., Eldor, Eldorado, Election, Electra, Elem, Elema, Eletta, Elfa, Elgé, Elgin, Elida, Elinco, Elite, Elitic, Elix, Eljo, Elka, Ellis, Elmas, Elmont, Eloga, Elpar, Elrex, Eltra, Elves, Elvia, Elzomark, Emarten, Embe, E.M.C., Emes, Emewo, Emgeh, Emifin, Emilia, Emka, Eminent, Emo, Emp, Emperor, Emro, Endura, Eneo Extra, Enscar, Eolo, Eppa, Eppo, Eral, Erax, Erbe, E.R.C., Erdissot, Eref, Eresco, Ergo, Erguel, Eridas, Erji, Erman, Ermano, Ermi, Eroica, Eros, Erster, Ertus, Ery, Esarine, Esco, Eska, Esoral, Esperanto, Essex, Estima, Etna, ET. Verem, Eurmond, Euron, Eusi, Evans, Evelix, Everite, Ever Swiss, Everton, Evilux, Evob, Exacta, Exactima, Exactly, Exacto, Exactor, Exactus, Exarena, Excalibur, Excellent, Excelsior Park, Exel, Exim, Exita Auslese, Exita Sport, Exodo, Exponent, Exquisit, Eweco, Ewerghard, Ewergsprint, Ewys, Eza; F: Fabuna, Facit, Facuer, Fairfax, Falco, Falcon, Falken, Fantome, Farexy, Fast, Faustang, Favor, Fawe, Fazetta, FBU, Federal, Felba, Felca, Felco, Felicitas, Felsus, Felter, Felux, Feny, Fera, Ferdin, Ferex, Fero, Festiva, Feuver, Feuvrier, FHB, Fiat, Fidelius, Figaro, Filos, Fingerhut, Finita, Finorva, Fischer Extra, Flamingo, Flamor, Flavix, Flérex, Fleur, Fleurier Watch, Fleuron Watch, Flex, Flica, Flora, Florex, Florina, Florus, Flucano, Fludo, Fluva, Focal, Fokker, Fonda, Fontaine, For, Foresta, Formatic, Formida, Forsam, Fortex, Forum, Foxor, Fralux, Framont, Freco, Fregatte, Frenca, Fresard, Fresca, Frey, Fricona, Frohlich, Fulton; G: Gab, Gala, Galant, Galco, Gallant, Gallet, Galo, Gama, Gamundia, Gances, Gander, Garel, Garland, Garrard, Gde, G.E. Maire, Gebo, Gedu, Gefa, Gelbros, Gelfo, Gendis, General Watch, Geneva, Genievre, Genin, Genor, Genova, Gérald Genta, Gerard & Marten, Gerber, Gerka, Germinal Voltaire, Geula, GH, Ghitor, Gigantic, Gigon, Gilda, Gilde, Ginsbo, Gintars, Giroxa, Gisa, Gisca, Gladiator, Gleencar, Globa, Globe, Globus, Gloriosa, Glorys, Godiva, Golana, Golday, Goldina, Goldor, Goldwyn, Gomai, Goodwill, Gorgerat, Gotham, G.O.W. Diplomat, Grana, Granat, Greenwich, Grenchen, Greville, Grewaco, Griffon, Grimsel, Grintex, Groma, Gronva, Gruen, Grutli, GUB Glashutte, Guda, Guidus, Guilda, Guildhall, Guilford, Guvaro, Guy-Robert, Gyho; H: Habmann, Hacrev, Hado, Hafis, Halcon, Haidra, Halifax, Halleria, Halsa, Hampden, Hanover, Hanseat, Harajan, Harblas, Harlem, Harlo, Harmanette, Harper, Harryman, Harswatch, Harvard, Harvel, Haste, Haval, Hebe, Heca, Hefik, Hega, Heika, Helbi, Helbros, Helda, Helfa, Helfora, Helicon, Helina, Helios, Héli Reymond, Hellas, Helma, Heloisa, Helsa, Helva, Helvia, Helvetia, Hema, Hemeros, Hendir, Heno, Henri Sandoz, Henry Birks & sons, Henzi & Pfaff, Herald, Hercules, Heres, Herlin, Herma, Hermal, Hermano, Hermin,Hernor, Hero, Herold, Hertig, Hesperia, Heuer, Heuralp, Hexcynia, Hever, Heyworth, HF, HFB, H. Gervin, Hiltex, Hilton, Hislon, Hoffmann, Hoga, Holland, Home Watch Co., Homis, Honor, Horalis, Horifa, Horlolu x, Hormax, Horus, Hosam, Hoverta, Hower, HPB, Hrw, Hubbuch, Huber, Hubmann, Hudson, Huga, Hugex, Huguenin, Hunt, Huntley, Hydepark, Hysa Watch; I: Iaxa, Icarus, Iffland, Igima, Illinois Watch, Iloga, Ilona, Imaco, Impecabilis, Imperia, Imperial Watch, Imperios, Incabloc, Incarna, Indus, Inex, Ingraham, Inova, Integra, Into, Intrador, Invar, Inventic, Iobo, Ioco, Ionatom, Irax, Irno, Irocal, Irowa, Isingard, Ismar, Isoma, Ita, Itex, Itraco, Ityco; J: Jacmire, Jacor, Jacto, Jana, Janer, Janno, Janus, Jaquet-Girard, Jardur, Javil, Jaz, JB, Jean Grandy, Jean Herber, Jean Louis Roehrich, Jean Perret, Jean Revlin, Jean Roulet, Jeba, Jeco Watch, Jelosol, Jenco, Jenny, Jesby, Jgeha, Jico, Jobina, Joihora, Joko, Jolus, Jora, Joseph Watch, Josmar, Jourez, Jovial, Joyas, Jowissa, Judex, Jungbauer, Junger, Jungfrau, Jupex, Jupiter, Jura Watch, Justex, Justy, Juta, Juwel, Juwelor, Jyb, Jyde, J.W. Benson; K: Kaiser, Kaiserstunde, Kalos, Kalter, Kander, Kano, Kardex, Karelin, Karenz, Karex, Karman, Karus, Kasper, Kasta, Kaster, Kedive, Kelbert, Kelek, Keller, Kelton, Kenwell, Kered, Kibris, Kiefer, Kimer, Kimberly, Kim Watch, Kings, Kingsel, Kingston Watch, Kiple, Kirby, Kirchhof, Kismet, Klipper, Kody, Koha, Koho, Kolster, Konnexa, Kores, Kralina, Kramer, Krida, Kriter, Kronotron, Kulm, Kunast, Kunis, Kurfurst, Kurtz, Kuster, K2; L: Labor, Labhart, Lacher, Lacorda, Lagonda, Lagro, La Leuba, Lamar, La Martine, Lamont, Lancel, Lancet, Lancia, Lanco, Lancyl, Landeron, Landi, Langel, Langendorf, Langford, Lanta, Lantex, Larex, Lasalle, Lasita, Lathin, Latino, Lator, Laureat, Lauris, Lavilla, Lavina, Laxos, Lawrence, Lea, Lebem, Le Cheminant, Leda, Ledial, Ledian, Legend, Le Jour, Lema, Lemac, Léman, Lemania, Lembach, Lemieux, Lenotre, Lenox, Leobe, Leon Watch, Leorex, L'Etoile, Le Phare, Lepem, Lepine, Le Roy, Lesco, Lessa, Leuba Louis, Lex, Liban, Libela, Libelle,Licurgo, Lider, Lidher, Lidor, Liga, Lijac, Limit, Linat, Lince, Lincoln, Lindex, Lings, Lipar, Lisona, Livadia, LKE, Lloyd, Loengrin, Logan, Loichot, Longune, Longvi, Lonstar, Lonville, Lorcano, Lordan, Lord Elgin, Lordex, Lord Gallant, Lord Nelson, Lord Sanford, Lorea, Loridal, Lorton, Lorymal, Losan, Lotex, Louis, Louvic, Lov, Lover, Lowenthal, Lowerlyn, Lubin, Lucerne, Lucien Perreaux, Lucien Rochat, Ludox, Lugran, Lukcom, Luma, Lunesa, Lunik, Lunivos, Lunsol, Lusina, Lusitano, Luxor, Luxus, Luz, Luzerna, Lyceum, Lycke Watch, Lyric Pomar; M: Mabel, Madorina, Mady, Magalex, Magar, Magia, Maglore, Magna, Magnat, Magnus, Majex, Majola, Malton, Mamaco, M. Anez, Manier, Manson, Mapo, Mara, Maran, Marathon, Marba, Marbell, Marbex, Marca, Marcel Frene, Marcena, Mardon, Marex, Marguy, Marinel, Marlux, Maro, Maros, Mars, Martel, Maru, Marubi, Maruxa, Marvil, Master Watch, Match, Mathey Tissot, Matina, Matinatic, Maty, Maurice Guerdat, Mauthe, Maya, Mavar Super, Maviro, Max Buro, Maxor, Mec, Meda, Medana, Meier Watch, Meister Anker, Melba, Melbun, Melissa, Melux, Memosail, Mendys, Mentor, Mercator, Meridian, Merit, Merkury Watch, Mervos, Mestril, Metro, Meyer Watch, Meylan, MFM, MHR, Miba, Mibis, Mical, Michanny, Michel Herbelin, Miconos, Midix, Mildia, Mildor, Milex, Mimo, Minimax, Mira, Miramar, Mirador, Mirak Watch, Mirca, Mirexal, Mirona, Misalla, Misdany, Mithras, Mitot, Miura, Mobilia, Mod, Modina, Moeris, Mof, Mofa, Mogus, Molnjia, Monalux, Monarch, Monbaron, Monex, Monico, Monil, Monitor, Monray, Monroe, Monsegur, Montanus, Montdor, Monté, Montilier, Montine, Montres BD S.A., Montresor, Monumental, Monval, Monvis, Monyco, Mora, Moremar, Morex, Morris, Mortima, Movina, MSD, MuDu, Mulco, Mulfi, Multy, Mundus, Muralt, Murondis, Muros, Murry, Musette, Mutrix, Myon, Myr, Myrex; N: Nacar, Nadexo, Nadine, Nadir, Naits, Nanco, Nappex, Nappey, Narva, Nasia Watch, Natalis, Nautico, Nave, Navet, Navir, Navzer, Nectar, Nefireus, Negmar, Neil, Neker, Nelco, Nemos, Neova, Neptune, Nersa, Net, Neuchatel, Nevac, Newmark, Newton, Nibo, Nibur Watch, Nicao, Nicéa, Nice Watch, Nickles, Nicole Geneve, Nicolet Gedeon, Nidor, Niers, Niga, Nigedo, Nikpol, Nila, Nilax, Nilda, Nileg, Nimer, Ni-L ite, Nimart, Ninfa, Nironax, Nisam, Nisus, Nitava, Nitella, Nivada, Nivarox, Nivia, Nivoc, Nivor, Nivram, Nivrel, Nobby, Nobel, Nobelt, Nobellux, Noblex, Noi, Nomina, Norbert, Norexa, Norina, Norma, Normana, Norstel, Norton, Nostra, Nostrana, Nova, Novelia, Novera, Novilty, Novoris, Novus, Nulox, Numa; O: Oberon, Octo, Octus, Odema, Oderfla Watch, Odien, Oebra, Ofair, Ofelia, Oficel, Ogival, Ognol, Oisa, Oko, Okroma, Oliros, Olivia, Olor, Olympic, Omax, Omer, Omiko, Omnia, Omodox, Ondex, Ondina, Onsa, Opal, Opera, Operarius, Optima, Orano, Orator, Orbiter, Orco, Ordiam, Oreas, Oreba, Orefa, Orfa, Orfina, Organa, Oriental, Original, Orion, Oriosa, Orloff, Orlogin, Orlon, Orltim, Ormo, Ornata, Ornen, Ornet, Orola, Orpheo, Orthos, Orthosa, Ortin Watch, Orvin, Orwa, Osco, Osram, Ostara, Otar-Vatch, Otero, Otha, Ovaras, Ovivo, Oxford, Owix, Owo; P: Packard, Paco, Page, Pagin, Pagol, Pajarola, Paladin, Palerma, Palermo, Pallas, Pandul, Panta, Parger, Paris, Parker, Park Lexington, Paros, Partex, Partout, Pater Watch, Patria, Paul Arpantier, Paul Durelle, Paul Jobin, Paul Peugeot,Paul Portinoux w.c.Pavel Buhre, Paxor, Payard, Pencron, Pentaflex, Perdal, Perenzin, Perfecta, Perfex, Perfine, Perhisa, Perkins, Perma, Permax, Perona, Perret-Gentil, Perry Greaves, Personal, Pesag, Peso, Pevanda, Phenix, Phigied, Philier, Philos, Philippe Precision, Picard, Picton,Pfois, Pier, Pierre Laro, Pierpont, Pierre Denill, Piguette, Pikleur, Pilatus, Pimax, Pingard, Pinlever, Pinnacle, Pirenne, Pirofa, Piztam, Planesa, Planet, Plattner, Plaza, Plymouth, Pokema, Polar, Polhem, Polymac, Polwatch, Poncin, Pontiac, Pontifa, Porluc, Porta, Porter, Portex, Posor, Post, Prado, Praesens, Praesent, Pratina, Précia, Precibel, Precimax, Precisa, Predial, Prefis, Premier, Premira, President, Prestige, Prexa, Preziosa, Primalux, Primato, Primator, Primera, Prince, Printania, Printania Watch, Prisma, Proctus, Pronto, Pronto Verdal, Protus, Provis, Provita, Proxima, Prunus, Puerta, Pyramid; Q: Questar; R: Racer, Racine, RacingTeam, Radar, Radax, Radiant, Radny, Rajawongs, Ralco, Rama, Ramades, Ramba, Rambler, Ramina, Ramino, Ramona, Randal, Ranol, Rapid, Rasec, Raylon, Real, Record, Recta, Recthor, Rectory, Reda, Redue, Regatta, Regency, Regent, Regeor, Regina, Regine, Reglex, Reglia, Rego, Rehard, Reimar, Rela, Relliac, Relide, Reliont, Rellum, Rem Lever, Remova Ancre, Rendex, Renis, Reno, Renoir, Renov, Renna, Reo-Gran, Repa, Repco Watch, Replay, Replic, Republic, Resisto, Reston, Retiva, Reusser, Revere, Revlon, Rex, Rexa, Rexiana, Rexor, Reynolds, Re Watch, Rewel, Rewolx, Rezalfa, Rhodos, RHM, RHS, Rhudos, Ribot, Ribu, Richard, Richmond, Richon, Rideau, Rigel, Rigi, Rigor, Rika, Rila, Rima, Rinkus, Rio, Rios, Riva, Rivella, Rivo, R. Jaquet, Roal, Roa Watch, Roberta, Robur, Rocail, Rocar, Roco, Rocket, Rodams, Rodana, Rodania, Roen, Rofina, Rogata, Rogelin, Roidor, Roki Watch, Rolatron, Rolly, Roma, Romandor, Romex De luxe, Romina, Rona, Ronalp, Rone, Ronet, Roni, Rontex, Ross, Rosselet, Rouan, Roundex, Rovac, Rovano, Roveta, Rox, Roxane, Roxy, Roxor, Roxy, Royal, Royce, Rowil, Rozi, Rubens, Rubes, Rubi, Rubina, Rubra, Rue du Lac, Rulcy, Rulon, Rural, Rutex, Rutina, Rutis, Ruxton, Rytima, RWS; S: Saba, Sabah, Sabina, Sabrina, Sachat, Sada, Sagara, Said, Saint Blaise, Salvest, Same, Samiria, Samska, Sanctus, Sander, Sanitas, Santima, Santire, Santra, Sappeur, Sarda Besancon, Sardlux, Sarpier, Saturne, Sauter Frères, Saveb, Savillon, Savina, Saving, Savoy, Savoyen, Saxony, Saytoko, Scandia, Schaon, Scholler, Sea Liner, Sears, Seca, Seega, Seeland, Sekundant, Selecta, Seliva, Selux, Selva, Selza, Semca, Senit, Seni Watch, Serdix, Services, Seth Thomas, Severo, Sexima, Seyes River, SGT, Shallow, SHD, Sheffield, Shell, Sheloh, Shelton, Sheraton, Shield, Shorewood, Sibel, Sibelles, Sicura, Siderlux, Siduna, Siera, Sigdin, Sigel, Sigena, Sigma, Sigma Valmon, Signo, Siko, Silena,Silyan watch company, Silgar, Siluett, Silvana, Silver, Silver Star, Sim, Simas, Simba, Simplex, Sincron, Sindaco, Sinex, Singer, Sinsa, Sira, Sirius, Siro, Siro Lever, Sisgau, Sita Watch, Sivac, Sivane, Siverwatch, Skiff, Slandex, Smith, Sobimo, Socomex, Socor, Sofior, Sogel, Sokas, Sola, Solar, Solida, Solita, Solix, Sollieres, Solo, Solora, Somali, Sonett, Soni, Sonic, Sorag, Sornadat, Sornana, Sovereign, Sparewa, Sparta, Spazial, Speck, Spendid, Spera, Spes, Sphinge Watch, Sphinx, Spider, Spir, Splendid, Splendor, Sponta, Sportex, Sporting, Sportsman, Stabila, Stahel, Stahl, Star, Starina, Staromatic, Start, Steelco, Steiert, Steiner, Stellers, Stempel, Stendal, Stenis, Stewag, Stima, Stop, Strad, Strada, Strato, Straumann, Styfl, Stylt, Subwater, Sugo Watch, Suizex, Suja, Sulina, Sully Special, Sultana, Summit, Sunex, Superalfa, Superatic, Superb Lever, Superio, Superius, Superoma, Superwatch, Supremo, Supremos, Sur, Surdiac, Surrex, Surtec, Sussex, Suter, Sutil, Sutit, Suzana, Svalan, Svea, Svu, Sydnem, Systema, Swift; T: Tacar, Talia, Talis, Tanis, Tanivann, Tansa, Tara, Tarnan, Tasan, Tasso, Tavernier, Tawek, Team, Technos, Tecron, Tefor, Tegra, Tegrov, Teka, Tekel, Telda, Television, Telhor, Telix, Tell, Tellus, Telor, Telstar, Tempic, Tempo, Temporis, Tena, Tenens, Tenor, Tenor-Dorly, Teriam, Terrasse, Terrote, Terten, Terval, Teseo, Test, Testudo, Tevo, Texa Watch, Textor, Thales, Themis Watch, Theorein, Thermamed, Thermidor, Thiel, Thol, Thomas Blundell, Thoresen, Thormas, Thoro, Th Picard Fils, Thusal, Thussy, Thusyt, Thuya, Tiara, Tiber Watch, Ticin, Tidana, Tiega, Tierce, Tiger, Tilius, Tim, Timavero, Times, Timetone, Timor, Tipsy, Tirza, Tisseran, Titan, Titana, Titanic, Titan-Luxe, Titanus, Titus, Tivena, Tollet, Tonic, Tonodor, Topaz, Torelli, Torina, Tornado, Tosal, Tourist, Tourneau, Tovare, Towa, Trada, Tradition, Trafalgar, Tramlex, Transglobe, Transmarine, Travita, Trebex, Trematic, Tressa, Triglav, Triunfo-R, Trivera, Trojan, Trotteur, Truma, Trumpf, Tucah, Tugaris, Tuhess, Tulxis, Tusal, Tyber Watch, Tyl, Tylex; U: Uhtra, Ultimor, Ultra, Ultramar, Ultrapyl, Ulyclod, Unic, Unichron, Unicorn, Union, Uniona, Union Soleure, Uno, Unver, Urban, Urech, Urra, Ursus, Uti, Utina; V: Vacontin, Valadier, Valand, Valdor, Valent, Valex, Valgine, Valjaux, Valory, Valruz, Vanburen, Vanguard, Vantage, Varbar, Vasa, Veda, Vehns, Veler Watch, Velester, Velis, Velka, Velma, Velona, Vendome, Vensil, Ventex, Veranda, Verbel, Verbena, Verdal, Verimpex, Verity, Verndor, Veroni, Versa, Vertex, Veto, Vetur, Vialux, Viccanta, Vico, Victor, Vidan, Viking, Villard, Villereuse, Vilong, Vilor Watch, Vinca, Vindex, Vines, Vintan, Viola, Violetta, Viscont, Viser, Visotex, Vital, Vithos, Vito, Vitus, Vivat, Vivata, Vivax, Vixia, Voga, Vogel, Voight, Voumard, Vrema, Vuillemin; X: Xantia, Xaros Watch, Xenos; Y: Yarom, Yasma, Yokay; W: Wabos, Wabro, Wadsworth, Wagner, Waigel, Wakman, Walbo, Waldan, Waldman, Walker, Walier, Wall Watch, Walter, Walux, Wan-Tick, Warens, Watex, Watra, Waverly, Weber, Webster, Wedo, Wega, Wegena, Wehrmann, Welbar Watch, Welsbro, Welter, Wema, Wemalux, Wendts, Wenia, Werax Watch, Werba, Werlaine, Wernam, Wernet, Wertex, Wibax, Wilboi, Wilhelm, Wilka, William Watch, Wilson, Wimar, Winex, Winfort, Winthal, Winton, Wirz, Wisdor, Wittnauer, Wivex, White Star, Wladir, Wolbrook, Wolfram, Wotex, Ws, Wuba, Wylerma; Z: Zaigor, Zais Watch, Zarina, Zarvath, Zedon, Zédy, Zeih, Zellcon, Zelma, Zelus, Zentena, Zentima,Zephir, Zermatt, Zeysa, Zewa, Zewi, Zheut, Zico, Zila, Zim, Zinal, Zitaerna, Zitura, Zlatoust, Zome, Zoty, Zu,Zumac, Zundap, Zurc, Zurex, Zurich, Zuryl
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italianaradio · 6 years ago
Prato, una svastica e la scritta «Dux» sui muri della sede dell’Anpi
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Prato, una svastica e la scritta «Dux» sui muri della sede dell’Anpi
Prato, una svastica e la scritta «Dux» sui muri della sede dell’Anpi
L’ennesima minaccia contro l’Associazione nazionale partigiani italiani. Questa mattina a Prato, in Toscana, sono state ritrovate alcune scritte nazi-fasciste sui muri della sede della Casa del Combattente in prossimità di piazza San Marco. Si tratta di una svastica (tipica del regime tedesco di Adolf Hitler), della scritta ‘Dux’ e della minaccia: «Arriviamo». Il locale ospita anche il Museo delle memorie di guerra per la pace, ma è evidente che il facinoroso autore (forse più di uno) di quei graffiti abbia si sia lasciato trascinare dal clima di odio che si vive in Italia. E non solo di recente.
«Non ci stancheremo mai di parlare di pace di democrazia di valori, non ci stancheremo mai di denunciare che i fascismi sono l’esatto contrario di tutto questo – ha commentato su Facebook della presidente della sezione toscana dell’Associazione nazionale partigiani d’Italia, Angela Riviello -. Non ci intimidiscono le azioni dei vigliacchi, di chi sa usare solo violenza e volgarità perché non ha altri argomenti». Gli autori del gesto, su cui le forze dell’ordine sarebbero già indagando, hanno cancellato dal campanello anche le scritte dell’Anpi e dell’Associazione Combattenti e Reduci che hanno la sede in quello stabile.
Prato, svastiche e scritte nazifasciste sui muri dell’Anpi
In queste ore Prato è in fibrillazione e l’attenzione è massima perché buona parte della popolazione si sta mobilitando contro la manifestazione prevista per sabato 23 marzo, quando i militanti di Forza Nuova scenderanno nelle strade della cittadina toscana per celebrare il giorno del centenario della creazione dei Fasci italiani d’azione. Un evento a cui buona pare dei cittadini toscani si sta opponendo, chiedendo alle istituzioni di non dare l’autorizzazione a tutto ciò.
La raccolta firme per vietare la festa di Forza Nuova
In attesa della decisione di Prefettura e Questura sull’autorizzazione a Forza Nuova, la petizione online ‘Fermiamo la manifestazione fascista a Prato’, promossa da una sessantina di soggetti tra partiti, associazioni e sindacati, che chiede a questore e prefetto di revocare le autorizzazioni alla manifestazione, è arrivata a circa 15 mila firme. L’assessore Benedetta Squittieri ha annunciato che la giunta comunale ha concesso il patrocinio del Comune di Prato alla manifestazione antifascista e antirazzista di sabato prossimo in piazza delle Carceri: «La città di Prato non si farà intimidire da queste minacce fasciste e aspetta parole chiare dallo Stato per impedire il corteo nazionale di Forza Nuova».
(foto di copertina: ANSA)
L’articolo Prato, una svastica e la scritta «Dux» sui muri della sede dell’Anpi proviene da Giornalettismo.
Sul pavimento il messaggio minatorio: «Arriviamo». E sabato è prevista la festa di Forza Nuova per i 100 anni dei Fasci italiani d’azione
L’articolo Prato, una svastica e la scritta «Dux» sui muri della sede dell’Anpi proviene da Giornalettismo.
Enzo Boldi
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luv-engineering · 7 years ago
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Four Commanders and their Methods John Keegan's penetrating look at four military commanders, "The Mask of Command" is a wonderful examination of war, strategy, and generalship. One of our finest military historians, Keegan brilliantly examines the role leadership has historically played in ancient and modern warfare. His case studies include Alexander the Great, whose daring, even reckless disregard for danger earned him the respect and devotion of his Macedonian force and its Greek 'allies'. Keegan's careful breakdown of Alexander's force, the strategies it employed, and Alexander's overall flamboyance on the battlefield contribute to a greater understanding of the period and military realities of the day. The second study, the Duke of Wellington, offers a more detached, though still fully engaged mind. Keegan describes Wellington as the anti-hero, in contrast to Alexander's heroics. A British aristocrat well aware of his station, Wellington employed all of his resources and cunning to win, but did so without Alexander's dramatics. Third, Keegan explores U.S. Grant during the US Civil War. Grant is the democratic soldier, committed to the republican ideal. He is engaged in prosecuting the war and always keenly aware that war itself lifted him out of obscurity and placed him in the critical leadership role. Finally, Keegan explores the twisted, though occasionally militarily brilliant mind of Adolf Hitler. Hitler commanded far behind the lines and continually inserted himself further and further down the chain of command. His justification for his own military judgment was his experience in the trenches of World War I. Hitler's growing disconnect with military reality as the war progressed spelled ultimate doom for Germany. Go to Amazon
Engrossing and flawless Prior to the publication of "The Face of Battle", much of military history focused on leaders and not on the led, set pieces and "macro" developments. With "The Mask of Command", Keegan returns from the raw shellshock of combat and furnishes four accounts of famous military leaders. However, his focus is not on strategic or tactical decisions, but on how these men led, the theatre and persona that these leaders cultivated to provide the trust and moral fiber which motivated their men. This is what Keegan means by "the mask" -- the image, the spirit, the incarnation of what subordinates needed to believe in order to fight. It is in some sense combative to claim that this persona is a "mask" -- that is, an artifice contrived to motivate and not strictly who these leaders "were". To some extent, it is impossible to know what any historical figure actually "was", or simply what we even "are", but in any event, these particular leaders had very interesting masks and Keegan does a superb job in each account. Go to Amazon
Personalities, leadership, heroism, and the future Dr. Keegan has another masterpiece. This book details leadership styles and techniques by answering a very simple question: "In front? Always, sometimes, never?" The historical perspective on the question is provided in 4 fascinating biographies of Alexander the Great, Wellington, Grant, and Hitler. Amazingly little changed in terms of how war was fought between Alexander and Wellington and yet the cultural impact of their societies had profound impact on their power of authority and the means in which they wielded it. I personally found the biography of Grant to be the most interesting and how the influence of rifled muskets and the large presence of cannon drove commanders farther from the front line and how democratic society supported that removal of "shared risk". Hitler's biography clarified a great deal of history and myth that I had not read previously: Hitler actually had a much more distinguished career as a soldier than I had previously understood and that had a profound effect on his understanding and misunderstanding of the circumstances of the Second World War. Hitler appeared to understand a large portion of the mechanisms of leadership and warfare but misunderstood the key lessoned to be learned from the First World War: that the leader on the scene is often capable of the best decisions. Go to Amazon
Five Stars Reads like a subject matter expert venturing to build on a canvas of ideological sprawl A Commanding Roman Historical Tale! A great historian and Dux Limitis Five Stars Five Stars A very good read! It's ok, author has a lot better books out on this topic. Five Stars
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jaimeariansencespedes · 8 years ago
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Viriato fue el líder lusitano que se enfrentó a las legiones romanas que pretendían la conquista de Hispania. Se le consideró la “pesadilla de Roma”. La mayoría de las fuentes romanas, como las de Titio Livio, nos hablan de que Viriato fue pastor y cazador, y que se convirtió después a guerrero. -
Su nacimiento nos es desconocido, debido a la escasa información recibida. Algunos autores están convencidos de que nació en la Beturia, un territorio situado entre los cursos de agua del Guadiana y el Guadalquivir al suroeste de la Península.
También se ha hablado de que su origen pudo estar entre los ríos Ebro y Tajo como así dijo Anselmo Arenas López, historiador del siglo pasado, que lo relacionó erróneamente con la tribu de los lusones cuando en realidad habría que situarle con la tribu lusitana.
Adolf Schulten le situó en la Portugal actual, debido a la presencia de lugares que utilizó durante sus enfrentamientos contra el poder romano. Hay otros autores que lo han situado en Valencia, o incluso que no fuese lusitano, sino céltico.
Las penurias sufridas por la tribu lusitana ante la tiranía de Galba, provocaron la cólera de Viriato, que se alzó en armas hacia Turdetania. Allí, fueron acorralados por el pretor Vertilio, que les ofreció firmar la paz.  Las tropas lusitanos escaparon, y consiguieron causar miles de bajas, incluso la muerte del pretor en el río Barbesuda.
Posteriormente saquearon la Carpetania venciendo a las tropas de Gayo Plaucio, nutriéndose de víveres que escaseaban en el pueblo lusitano por el yugo de Roma. Viriato continuó sus ataques, venciendo a los ejércitos romanos de Claudio Unimano, gobernador de la Citerior.
En el año 144 a.C. Fabio Máximo, cónsul romano, obligó a que las tropas lusitanas se retirasen. Frontino escribió lo siguiente:
��Viriato, que de ser un bandido se convirtió en líder de los celtíberos, en una ocasión, mientras pretendía retirarse frente a la caballería enemiga, les condujo a un lugar plagado de huecos en el suelo. Allí, mientras él cabalgaba siguiendo un camino que conocía bien, los romanos, desconocedores del terreno, se hundieron en la ciénaga y murieron.”
Viriato no se rindió y organizó nuevos ataques en los que conquistó la ciudad de Tucci y la región de Bastetania. Los lusitanos y los vetones fueron ayudados por arévacos, bellos y tittos. La alianza con los pueblos hispánicos desencadenó la tercera guerra celtíbera.
En una de sus batallas en las que resultó victorioso contra Claudio Unimano cerca de Ourique, Viriato cogió estandartes romanos y los colocó en las montañas. Un hecho que para él fue trofeo de guerra, pero para Roma era un insulto en toda regla. Los lusitanos pasaron a controlar gran parte de la Ulterior y todo el sur de la Citerior.
Pero la suerte de Viriato se volvió en su contra cuando Roma acabó su guerra contra Cartago. Ahora podían mandar más tropas para combatir en Hispania. Fabio Máximo Emiliano fue el encargado de sustituir al derrotado Cayo Plaucio por sus constantes derrotas militares.
Se instaló en la ciudad de Orsona para dirigir sus estrategias de ataque. La llegada de Quinto Fabio Máximo Serviliano, junto a miles de soldados de infantería y caballería romana, a las que se añadieron tropas provenientes de Cartago como jinetes y elefantes, provocó la reconquista de Tucci y la huida de Viriato hacia Lusitania.
Pero en Erisana, Viriato cercó a las tropas de Serviliano, al que obligó a firmar la paz en el 140 a.C. y a reconocer la dependencia lusitana. Los romanos accedieron y le reconocieron como dux (jefe) del pueblo lusitano. También le otorgaron el título de “amigo del pueblo romano”. Aquel pacto lo llamaron el foedus. Pero en Roma el foedus no estuvo bien visto por algunos generales, que lo consideraron una ofensa a su poder.
Serviliano fue sustituido por su hermano Quinto Servilio Cepión. Con el permiso del senado reanudó la guerra con la intención de poner fin a la rebeldía de Viriato y sus pueblos aliados. Viriato se vio obligado a abandonar Erisana hacia la Carpetania, pero las constantes guerras contra los generales romanos le obligaron a un nuevo intento de pacto para firmar la paz con Cepión en el 139 a.C, pero el senado romano no quiso ratificarlo.
Apiano nos cuenta que Cepión prometió riquezas, tierras y poder a tres de los hombres de Viriato, a cambio de dar muerte a su líder. Según cuenta la leyenda, Áudax, Minuros y Ditalcos, asesinaron a Viriato mientras dormía, clavándole un puñal en la garganta. Murió en el 139 a.C.
Los asesinos volvieron al campamento romano de Cepión, dispuestos a cobrar su recompensa. Sin embargo la respuesta de Cepión fue tajante y contundente:
«Roma traditoribus non praemiat» «(Roma no paga a traidores)»
No obstante los historiadores posteriores aseguran que aquella frase pudo añadirse más tarde, con el fin de mostrar que los romanos no habrían permitido que su rival hubiese muerto a manos de sus propios hombres y mucho menos pagasen por ello.
Viriato recibió un digno funeral. Su muerte fue el fin de resistencia lusitana en Hispania. Su sucesor, Táutalo, firmó la paz con Cepión tras sus intentos sofocados de querer conquistar Sagunto y el valle del Betis.
Autor: Augusto Alejandro Peña Díaz para Revista Historia
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