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pyratetm-a · 7 years ago
u better get arthur going quick i have the saddest...
👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀
you heard me, ad victoriam.
but seriously.  soon.
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nuclearsteel-blog · 7 years ago
dutylost  but we’re all missing the bigger point here....
time to put the toys away and be a big boy, maxson
look if he wants to play rock ‘em sock ‘em robots with a giant, nuclear bomb-lobbing action figure, who are we to really stop him.
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synthmama · 7 years ago
🎃 only if u want
Send ‘Trick or Treat!  🎃��� for a treat! (selectively accepting)
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agonygiven-a · 8 years ago
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            locked            of  course  the  terminal  was  locked.  tongue  clicked  as  fingers  whispered  across  the  keyboard  with  haste.  just  when  she  almost  had  it:  temporary  lockout.  “  fuck,  “  she  murmured  to  herself  before  picking  up  her  head  to  the  sound  of  creaky  floorboards.  she  raised  her  pistol,  cocking  it  as  she  fled  to  press  her  back  to  a  wall.  she  gave  it  a  moment,  listening  to  the  movements  of  the  other  throughout  the  abandoned  building  before  peeking  her  head  around  the  corner.  he  was  alone,  or  so  he  appeared  to  be.  “  don’t  move.  “  she  warned,  stepping  out  from  behind  the  wall  as  she  leveled  the  gun  out  in  front  of  her.
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steelsworn · 8 years ago
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“I’ve watch duty this evening. Care to join me?”
It’s an honest question truthfully. Watch duty was always something of a mundane task, especially when the long evenings came––but Jamie cared little in regard to that considering he was a man destined to suffer insomnia. He’d assumed Garvey thought it the most logical option since he would be awake anyway.
“...please do not accept if you’re tired though I’d rather you not force yourself to stay awake.”
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superiiorisms-blog · 7 years ago
dutylost replied to your post: dutylost replied to your post: Mystic Messenger...
im mystic messenger trash. i have all the regular rfa routes done, and im ALMOST done with the new one, but my game is bugged and i have to wait for support to message me back.
I just started as I said but I love it. I sometimes forget that it’s not real tho, the chats are written scarily realistic.
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Copy this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the GAME going and make others feel beautiful! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ 💚💚💚💚💚💜💜💜💜💜
{o/////o Thank you.}
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thefrozenriver · 8 years ago
“I don’t feel safe letting you be alone when you’re in that shape.”
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There was a breath as she shifted where she sat, wincing at the pull on dark bruises and fractured bone, “I’m fine, Sarah -- “ she promised gently, offering the woman a shaky smile, “The twins have missed their mother -- you should go see them.”
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synthmama · 7 years ago
♗ if you wanna. i love your icons
Send me a  ♗ and I’ll use my icon style to make an icon of your muse: accepting!
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agonygiven-a · 8 years ago
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written by lucy.
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timoratuus-blog · 8 years ago
okay so there’s 54 ( i think ??? ) of you and i’ve only been here for like a week.  the response to joshua has been INSANE, and i’m so, so thankful for every single one of you, whether you’ve known me since i first stumbled into the fallout rp ( or before ! ), or if this is the first blog you’ve seen me on.  this is an even bigger response than i got when i started writing deacon, which is just crazy to me ?  but i’m glad you all enjoy the way i write this crispy boy !   ANYWAY, onto the love; if i missed any of y’all it’s because i’m a dingo.  i love u anyway babes <3
@platiinvm / @sheriffcd / @sciencemade: TAM !!!!!  we’ve known each other since DARP, although we didn’t really become friends until deacon ( and i, i’ll admit my gayness ) fell head over heels for val ?  for the longest time i was just v v glad that you were following me at all because i ADORE your writing and how much development you’ve put into val and i just ???? i admire you so much tam <3   
@fellvaguely:  RAE my love !!!!!  i remember following you way back on your boone even tho i knew... zero things abt boone.  ( your boone was a beautiful boi and deacon is still, deep down, really gay for him. )  ANYWAY every single on of your logs is a joy for me to look at, no matter who you’re writing, whether it’s crowley or miles or three or benny ( that’s right.  how could i forget casino da//ddy ????? ring-a-ding-ding ;) ).  also you’re just a real quality human & i appreciate & love you !!!
@nucleicity: LISTEN we know i love suria & her tribal backstory bc im ALWAYS A SLUT FOR TRIBALS !!!!! but also you’re incredibly sweet person & talking to you is such a joy — we need to do it more often.
@themostresilient / @emmreth:  we haven’t interacted really on joshua, but fox & deacon are best bros and fantastic partners and honestly ???? thats my jam.  i really REALLY love fox & every bit of work you’ve put into him ( also we need to do more things with him & hope bc honestly ???? get that girl a decent man for once in her life.  her standards have been so LOW ).
@lyoniiisms:  LISTEN you made a barbara which makes you automatically one of the coolest people ever ????? like hoNESTLY i’ve never been happier than when you put out that first promo post for her.  i actually shrieked.  it was embarrassing.  and despite the fact that i still haven’t fallout 3 ( i’m a Mess ), you’ve made me adore sarah !!!!!!
@lastofthepast:  you put up with me screaming about joshua for like,,,, half of the time i was in NYC which also makes you good in my book ?????? AND AND laura is an amazing, complex, beautiful woman who always has the coolest interactions with my muses.
@obduare:  HONESTLY tho when are we going to do a thread ?????  i remember when you followed me on deacon i was really confused because you are just.  so GOOD and i’m in a constant state of “?????” when talented writers follow me lmaooooo.  ANYWAY the fact that you write hector is,,,,,, Beautiful and i appreciate you over there, bringing 8 y/o me’s favorite POTC character ( other than elizabeth because ??? she was a girl of COURSE she was 8 year old me’s favorite ) to life.  i also like reading all of your AU verses because they’re always really well thought-out and interesting and SERIOUSLY we gotta do something on deacon.
@securitrcn: YES MAN IS MY SON !!!!!! and honestly we haven’t talked TOO much but you’re ???? a really rad dude.  i absolutely adore your writing & the way you characterize yes man & your art and ??? p much everything about your blog ????? every time i see you on my dash i’m like “ah yes.  doing the lord’s work by writing yes man” because HONESTLY would the fallout rp even be complete without the mojave’s favorite robot ???? i don’t think so.
@jinglcjanglcjinglc, @twototheforehead, @changing-roads, @dutylost / @thefrozenriver, @damnimitation, @thebxckup, @dinerdad, @hired-help, @irradiated-sheppard, @vicourier, @futureunwound, @bi0w0lf, @betterhealing
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obdurare-archive-blog · 8 years ago
  sxbjectxvii  some salt for you...
fellow southerner v: diD YOU SAY WAFFLE HOSUE
scattered and covered and with ranch dressing, my friend.
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dutylostarchived · 8 years ago
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My whole life has lead to this -- time to test my skills.
The year is 2287, and the great war has had crippling effects on the Earth and it’s land. Radiation storms, lack of greenery. Horrid mutations in creatures -- giving you such beasts such as the Radscorpion and even the Brahmin in place of the standard farm cow.   But, in over 200 years, something else amazing happened. The mutations lead to hundreds of new breeds of creatures. In 2206, a scientist in Rivet City began to refer to these creatures as Pocket Monsters, utilizing the technology of the Pip-boy to create small containers called Pokeballs to harness these creatures in -- creatures that seemed to, more than not, have the desire to have human companionship. The term soon began shortened to just Pokemon, joining humans as both battle partners, and merely just companions.  While some things have changed for the worst since the introduction of these creatures into the wastes -- groups like Raiders and Gunners harnessing them for more evil deeds, and even going as far as stealing other Settlers’ Pokemon -- some of it has been more beneficial. Some have grown more civil, able to use Pokemon battles to settle disputes rather than guns.  But be careful to keep in mind that your opponent may be unhappy with the battle results, and nothing but the rules are stopping them from pulling a gun on you anyway. And, of course, this opponent does not need to heed to mere Pokemon battles and may prefer old fashion fire fights.
I will try and keep these rules as short and sweet as possible, but there does need to be a few in place.
You must either be : a Fallout blog, a multi muse with a Fallout muse, or a character with a Fallout verse.
While I will welcome almost everyone into the verse, I will only accept one of each canon character. And only one of each main character -- ie, one soul survivor, one lone wanderer, etc. However, if you have a different verse where they are not the main hero, you can use that one instead. For OCs, I will only accept one of each FC ; unless the two muns work something out prior to talking to me, then it will be allowed.
You need to post in the group verse at least once a week -- if you have something in real life keeping you from it, that’s fine! Just let me know, and we’re all good.
Please, no ooc drama between members. Of course, ic drama is always encouraged.
Starting out, please only select 3 Pokemon for your character. That being said, they don’t have to be any standard starters -- just try and stray away from legendaries. These can be the final evolve form of these Pokemon if you like ( ie -- a Ninetails instead of a Vulpix ), as it is logical that your character likely has had this Pokemon for a while. In the verse, you may have them “catch” and add more Pokemon if you wish. 
On the application, if you wish to merely use icons from the game instead of a faceclaim, that’s fine. Just ignore that portion of the application.
Regions are in place to allow any Fallout characters to join -- The Commonwealth being a region, just as Kanto is. Other regions will include ones like The Capitol Wasteland and The Mojave Wasteland. On the application, Home region merely applies to where they were raised, not where they are currently located.
You do not have to center your character around a certain type, but you can if you would like to.
Please address any questions, or applications, to DUTYLOST. For organization purposes, I will make the member list on a different post. MEMBER POST.
When accepted, you do not need a bio for your character -- but it would be nice. Please post a starter in the group verse tag, or reply to one already there.  TRACKED TAG:  gv ;; born to be a champion
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nuclearsteel-blog · 7 years ago
⭐️ - What thread currently has you most excited to see what happens?
munday questions : accepting : @dearestjester​
⭐️ - What thread currently has you most excited to see what happens?I actually have two already, so that…That says something, lmao.  It says how slow I really am, it’s shameful.  UM.  One is definitely the starter @dutylost​ kicked me right in the feels with, my heart’s already broken and I haven’t replied to it yet, but it’s coming.  I just want to shore up Arthur’s voice before I try to reply because Lucy’s Danse is literal perfection and I want to be able to offer that same quality back.  The other is the ask I got from @liittlebluegirl​ who has fulfilled a thing on my as of yet unpublished wishlist which is the whole.  Arthur Maxson and Lone Wanderer with Arthur all grown up.  I’ve tucked that carefully away for hopefully tomorrow when I have two brain cells to rub together.But overall, I’m just???  Excited???  In general???  I didn’t ask for this but here I am.  I’ve got plans cooking for this boy, and au verses at the ready in development that I’m also really excited about.
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fatheredlyons · 8 years ago
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                       Limited Activity .  Indie OWEN LYONS from Fallout 3 .                                         SIDEBLOG to DUTYLOST.
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lastfulcrum-a · 7 years ago
NAME:  lucy
BIRTHDAY:  february 9th
ZODIAC:  aquarius 
HEIGHT:  5′3″
FAVORITE BOOK:  the sirens of titan by kurt vonnegut 
FAVORITE ARTIST/BANDS:  fuck if i even know . i listen to way too much shit
LAST MOVIE I WATCHED:  uh ???? i don’t honestly remember. i think it was El búfalo de la noche to icon it.
HOGWARTS HOUSE:  slytherin 
RANDOM FACT:  i was a certified cna at a time ??
DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER BLOGS: lol . matchboxsouls is my multi, even though i’m rarely on it. i have my marni that i need to get on, darlingmarni. and i have my pa.ladin d.anse from fo4 on dutylost. but it’s on hiatus until i decide to reboot him.
WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO GET A TUMBLR:  hell, i don’t remember. prior to this, i had a tw character for over four years.
WHY DID YOU CHOOSE YOUR URL:  i meannnn .. --
TAGGED BY:  @bornranger !! TAGGING: anyone. i suck at tagging people , so if you see the thing and wanna do it, you can say i tagged you.
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