#during sex i cant escape it im literally going insane thanks to it. no more no more no fucking more i promise. Im lowering my performance
job is still going THRU it right now and boss is like "wah wah can the afternoon shift come in earlier?? double shifts have been approved" bitch I AM THE AFTERNOON SHIFT WHO ELSE ARE YOU TALKING TO????? and the answer is go fuck yourself. My shift starts at 2 pm anyway and ur telling me to come in and do a double shift at 11 am? ill get there like at 1 pm. Whats the point. If i had any use for a double shift i would have liked to be let known about it last night at 8 or 9 pm are you insane. Do you know how time works? Also you knew this would happen cause its been happening for a week straight like why are you so goddamn incompetent just hire more people jesus h christ we TOLD you we were understaffed, we TOLD YOU multiple times this would eventually happen if you didnt start taking hiring people seriously and now you wanna cry cause i dont give a shit about staying a single minute overtime or do a double shift? get real
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