#during geeked week too which is SO good
deadboyagency · 5 days
Please continue interact and share articles about what Netflix has done to our show. Sharing and reposting these articles are incredibly important.
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Eddie develops a strange habit after sex. It’s not exactly cute or romantic or nice. Nothing bad either. It’s just… well, Steve isn’t too sure what it is. But every time, it’s the same damn thing.
He collapses onto Steve’s chest and says:
“My boyfriend is a cyborg.”
Usually, Steve is still recovering from the fucking downpour of post-orgasm endorphins. So he doesn’t question it. Hell, he stopped challenging Eddie’s tolerance to geek out months ago. Dude holds fantasy knowledge in his brain better than he holds his liquor.
Which is saying a lot.
Anyways, Steve never has the mental capacity to react or respond. Instead, he runs his fingers through Eddie’s sweat-soaked hair for awhile. Scratches out little patterns on his scalp because it always makes Eddie go limp. Quiet.
Quiet is a rarity for him. And while Steve is totally weak for Eddie’s chattiness, the quiet can be nice too.
The only reason Steve finally decides to ask about it is because Eddie slips up. Says it before they have sex.
Steve is against the bedroom door, his nails dragging down Eddie’s back. God, he loves this kind of kissing. The lung draining kind. The type that’s sort of filthy from all the heat and grinding. 
Eddie hasn’t marked him up this bad since that time someone at work noticed his neck. Asked if Steve was having an allergic reaction during an office-wide meeting.
And this is going to be even worse. Steve can tell by the sounds and the soft pricks of Eddie’s teeth. He can tell by how long Eddie spends over each spot, like the bruising skin needs more attention than the rest of him. Like licking them over will make the colors last longer.
The damage has been done. Really no point in stopping him when it feels so fucking good. Steve forgets to worry about  how mauled he’s gonna look tomorrow because his head is swimming with Eddie’s lips on his neck. His collarbone. His chest.
That’s when it happens. That’s when Eddie’s strange habit makes an early appearance. 
He kisses over the blistery mess he made, practically growls the words out this time: 
“My boyfriend is a cyborg.”
“Okay, time out.” Steve says. Heaves some air back into his lungs. Pulls Eddie’s face up before he can continue making Steve look like goddamn target practice. 
Eddie blinks a few times. “Did I do something wrong?”
“No.” Gonna have to wear fucking high-collared shirts all week, but whatever.
He’ll bring that up some other time. “Why do you keep saying that?”
“Saying what?”
“That… thing.” Steve barely can spit it out.  It’s like his throat is physically rejecting the nerdy shit he’s about to say. “You keep calling me… a cyborg or something.” 
“Oh that.” Eddie sighs. Casually shrugs to one side. “It’s your fault actually.”
“How is it my fault? I don’t even know what fucking language you’re speaking.”
Eddie walks over to the bed, chanting Steve’s name over and over. Definitely not in the way Steve prefers him to chant his name. Very un-sexy chanting.
“Remember that day you asked me to grab your car keys?” He asks, patting the bed for Steve to join him. 
No. “Kinda?”
Steve hesitates before walking over. He didn’t necessarily wanna stop their primal makeout session. But it was bound to lead to the bed at some point, so…
Just not like this. Not talking while fully clothed. Blech.
He sits next to Eddie. Hands awkwardly fidgeting in his lap.
“Well, I couldn’t find them.” Eddie admits. “So I ended up going through your desk drawers.”
Of course he did. Perpetual snooper.
“Ended up finding a binder full of medical records.”
Well shit.
Steve’s throat tightens. Swells around the sudden guilt he feels for keeping this from Eddie. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you had a metal plate in your head?”
“Dunno. Hardly even remember it.” That’s only partly true. Steve doesn’t remember the surgery or much of the recovery process. He was only a kid when it happened.
But he does remember the hospital smells. He remembers the sounds of his IV bag dripping throughout the night. All the sensory indicators are still fresh in his mind.
“Well, that’s why. You're part-machine.” Eddie points to Steve’s head, expression softening. “And every time we fuck around, I think about your bionic skull. And how glad I am that it keeps your brain from leaking out when I bend you over the way you like it best.”
Steve laughs. The jokes help lighten the mood. Not enough to replace it entirely, but enough for it to be easy to swallow again. 
They’re both quiet as they get ready for bed, folding the covers down. And yeah, sometimes quiet can be nice. Just maybe not right now.
“Hey, Eddie.”
Steve stares hard at the pillows. “Are cyborgs like… cool?”
Eddie pauses for a moment, then hops onto the bed. Starts crawling over to Steve with a smug grin. He lifts up to meet Steve’s lips. Kisses him sweeter than normal. Lighter. Starts nodding his head mid-kiss, keeps nodding as he breaks away.
“Yeah, babe. Cyborgs are so fucking cool.”
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bluesidez · 1 month
Gym Rat Miguel Part 12
content warning: Miguel is very dramatic in this one, mentions of food
word count: 4k (SHOUTOUT TO MY BETA!! @slushycoookie 🩵)
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DISCLAIMER: This story is not canonical. 😒 Most, if not all, of the characters used are OOC. I literally can not stress this enough.
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GymRat!Miguel who tries not to dwell on the fact that it’s been just about a month since he’s seen you. It’s the middle of the week and if he thinks about it too much, he’s going to go crazy.
It feels odd because you’re on the same campus as him. You’re not across the country. You’re not out of the country. You’re literally a short walk or drive away and neither of you have time to see each other.
He’s considering printing your pictures out and walking around with them like a forlorn lover looking for his lost soulmate. It feels like he’s back in his bedroom staring at your pictures for hours like a man at war aching for home.
He’s exhausted all of his options.
The couple-lunches have all been rain-checked, the weight of your workload trapping you in the Art building.
Your sleep schedule was terrible, if the late night TikToks and reels were anything to go by. He knew you had morning classes too so he could only assume you’ve had a few hours of sleep during the weeknights.
The weekends were for rest and he didn’t want to disrupt yours.
Your dorm tracked visitors which means he’d only have a few hours with you before curfew if you were even there.
GymRat!Miguel who misses you so bad he’s temporarily replaced his gym playlist for the one you gifted him.
His face is set hard, feet heavy as he sprints over a curved treadmill. After a few minutes he stops, takes a small break, and runs again.
Even the melodic and somber voice playing over a groovy piano couldn’t soothe his thoughts.
His heart rammed in his chest as sweat trickled down his face, his tank drenched and clinging to his chest.
Just a few more sprints to go.
GymRat!Miguel who slides the ear of his headphone off because Xina is standing in front of him, blocking his path.
“Anymore sprints and you’re going to pass out,” she hands him a towel.
“Maybe I want to,” Miguel grumbles, nabbing the towel and rubbing his face like someone spit on it.
Xina grabbed her ponytail and pinned it up, loose hair sticking to her neck. “Don’t say that. It’s not funny. I can only manage pulling your body to the entrance to the gym.”
Miguel snorted.
GymRat!Miguel who fills up the time that he used to spend with you to get to know his friends and meet others.
This meant having game nights with Peter and Ben. They were so close, not really, to convincing him to join their DND parties.
If he wasn’t with them, he was occasionally calling The Geek Squad and catching up. A Friendsgiving date was now tentatively on his calendar because of it.
Of course, his robotics team was still going steady. Aaron was interesting, if nothing else, and Margo was like the little sister he never had.
Then, there was checking up on Gabriel like a Tamagotchi. Was he eating ok? Did he need some money? Is he trapped in the subway? Did a rat eat him?
Gabriel had sent him a screenshot of his contact with his name being changed to “Mom #2.”
Miguel only scoffed and told Gabriel his name was going to get changed to “pain in my ass.”
The newest development, however, was Xina. Her transferring here felt like middle school when they used to be attached at the hip.
They had their programming class together two days out of the week, biweekly study sessions, and the occasional late night excursion.
It also explains why she’s eyeing him from the stairmaster while he heaves over the handles of the treadmill.
GymRat!Miguel who thanked Xina as she handed him his jug of water. He sat up from the bench to let her take a seat.
“So,” she started.
“I’m not helping you hack your professor’s dashboard. While you could do it, it’s not a good idea and quantum physics isn’t that-“
“It’s not that, you dick,” Xina pinched his side. “It’s you. What’s up with you?”
“Nothing is up with me.”
“Now, you’re being a brat. Something is definitely wrong.”
Miguel picked at the peeling Game Over sticker on his bottle. He needed to tape it down or he’d lose it.
“I miss her.”
“Miss who? Your mom?”
“What? No. I miss my girlfriend.”
It was quiet between them, the sound of chatter and the clanking of equipment filled the white noise.
Xina tilted her head, “That bad?”
Miguel nods.
“When’s the last time you saw her?”
He takes a dramatic breath, “Our anniversary date. Last month. I feel…”
“Like you can’t function? Like it’s hard to think?”
“Is that pathetic?” Miguel winces. “I have a feeling you’re going to say that it is.”
“No, I don’t think that.”
Miguel pouts as he looks up. Xina shrugs and slides her hands on down her leggings.
“Remember the times I went boy crazy? All the times I came crying to you after they screwed me over, even when you already warned me they weren’t good guys? I think you deserve to be crazy about your girlfriend.”
“Thanks,” Miguel blinked. “You were way too nice to those first guys.”
“I learned though, didn’t I? I know a good guy when I see him, now,” Xina pushed at Miguel’s shoulders with hers.
“And now those self-defense lessons won’t go to waste, right?”
Xina snorted as she recalled the time she managed to flip Winston on his back at Miguel’s instruction.
GymRat!Miguel who watches Xina’s eyes grow in shock when he tells her how long he’s been dating you.
“Dang,” Xina stops in her tracks. “A year?”
Miguel puffs up his chest and stands a little straighter, a confident stride in his step, “One year and counting.”
“That’s,” Xina turns and waits for a car to go by. She readjusts her gym bag. “That’s awesome, Hare-Hare.”
GymRat!Miguel who feels the mood shift by the time he drops Xina back off. He’s not sure what’s brought it up, but now he’s nervous about upsetting her more.
He taps on the wheel, after he pulls into a park.
“You sure you don’t want me to get you anything? You don’t need to go anywhere?”
Xina unbuckles her seatbelt, “Nope. All good. See you tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” he watches her close the door before he can even finish. “See you.”
GymRat!Miguel who obliges when Xina texts him the next day to switch up their study session location.
Miguel wanted to keep the busy calm of the 1st floor of the library but Xina insisted on giving him a change of scenery.
“It’s good for you! You stare at the screen all day when you’re coding,” Xina slams Miguel’s car door to which he sneer at her for. “You need to look up and smell the coffee sometimes.”
“You just want a reason to not do your work.”
Xina turns around and walks backwards in front of Miguel, “And that’s completely fine. We should live a little.”
She trips over the edge of the sidewalk with a yelp and Miguel is quick to catch her, the panic on his face evident.
“See,” she grins as she pulls herself up by Miguel’s shoulders. “Living!”
GymRat!Miguel who lets Xina order for him while he finds a table.
The cafe was bright, white wood accenting the walls with vines and plants adorning the area. Salmon pink brought a pop of color to the sandy-looking tables and fairy lights hung in the corners of the room.
Miguel’s eyes grew as he saw the variety of desserts on display, his mouth itching to take a bite.
“No, no, no. Go away. I’ll pick something you’ll like,” Xina blocks Miguel’s lingering eyes.
Miguel clicks his teeth, “If it’s not good, I’m going to be really upset.”
“I doubt it.”
GymRat!Miguel who walks deeper into the cafe. He’s dodging ceiling plants left and right, but he’s sure that the best seats are in the furthest of the building.
He shuffles around a corner, eyes adjusting to the sun coming through window.
He blinks a few times and takes in the spacious area.
That’s when he sees you.
He walks fast, the strides of his steps wide.
The closer he gets, the stronger the smell of peaches builds. The sun was shining down like it granted Miguel one the greatest gifts of his life. Its rays danced across the spot that you're in.
He gets to your chair and pulled it out with ease, the sound disrupting the hushed corner.
A pen falls to the floor, voices are cut short, and arms are flailing but Miguel’s nose is buried deep into your neck.
Your arms tighten around his neck and your voice skips across his ears.
“I-” a kiss across your face, “missed you so much.” Miguel looks at you like you hold the stars in the sky within your palm.
“You scared the shit out of me, Miguel,” you say with no really malice in your voice. Your thumbs run across his cheeks, watching as he beams at you. You kiss him once or twice, heart fluttering as your feet dangle in the air.
“I hope there aren’t many people picking you up in the middle of establishments,” Miguel mumbled across your lips.
“Guys, there’s people staring at us,” a voice creeps in from the side of Miguel.
Miguel’s eyes follow it to see a deer-looking kid with hoodie pulled up over his ears.
“Who is this?”
GymRat!Miguel who is introduced to Miles, your freshman classmate that you’ve taken in.
He’s sitting across the table nodding along to you as you rave about Miles’ work. The entire time, his right hand didn’t leave your left one.
“So,” Miguel chimes in when there’s a pause. “Have you both been coming here a while?”
“Nah, I just dragged her out here recently. She never leaves the art building when a deadline is near. It’s kind of depressing-“
“You know, Miles.” You're holding back an eye roll. “There are times when you could just not talk.”
“No, actually tell me more,” Miguel insisted, attentive.
GymRat!Miguel who hurries to help a struggling Xina when she rounds the corner with a tray full of goodies.
A cinnamon roll, a lemon tart, a tall purple drink, and some warm tea is placed on the table while you and Miles clear the area.
You sit up straighter to watch Miguel pick up the tea cup and blow over it. “Tea? No milk with a pinch of coffee?”
Xina looks over to his cup, “Did you want something else?”
“No, this is good, I haven’t had this in a while,” he takes a sip and hums while explaining to you. “I’ve been on this sweet drink kick since she let me try her frappe last year.”
“That’s rich because you always hated it when I got those.”
“To be fair, you downed like four of those in one day. I’m surprised your body didn’t go into shock.”
“I don’t know,” you shrug. “Four in one day must have meant you were going through it.”
Xina smiles and nods her head, “Exactly. And I told him-”
“We’re not doing this,” Miguel grumbled and stabbed his fork into his roll. “Four was way too much and she was bouncing off the walls all day just to crash and throw up on my shoes.”
“I said I was sorry about that!”
GymRat!Miguel who cuts pieces of his dessert to feed to you. You look at him incredulously as he insists on giving you bite after bite.
“Is it good?” Miguel asks chewing his own piece. You nod and he grins, happy in the bubble he’s created.
When Xina reaches for his plate for a piece he slides it away with ease, a move he knows too well.
“Why can’t I have some? I bought it.”
“You didn’t even ask!”
“Neither did she!”
Miles leans over to you, “I feel like I’m watching a fight between me and my baby sister.”
Miguel is pushing Xina’s hands away from his plate while she laughs up a storm. You think that it does mirror something like Gabriel and Miguel’s relationship, but something about Miguel isn’t the same.
GymRat!Miguel who continues his Tom and Jerry act with Xina even when the food is gone.
They were bickering over some formula that you couldn’t begin to figure out by yourself. To Miguel, it’s easy. To Xina, the setup makes no sense.
“How did you survive Ivy League without me?” Miguel asks as he reaches over and erases an error on her page.
“Like I do anything else, with peace.”
“So what you’re saying is,” Miguel points his pencil at Xina, “you hate me and I am not needed for problems 4 through 10.”
“No!” she panics, pushing his pen back to the paper. “I need you to start this one. I don’t understand it.”
“We just did one like this, though. It’s just the imaginary number all over again.”
Xina groaned and slumped in her chair while Miguel just turned back to his on work.
GymRat!Miguel who peers up from his computer to watch you work. You eyebrows pinch as your wrist moves across the large sketchpad in front of you. Your hand is moving fast and you’re so focused. Miguel hasn’t seen you like this before. In your element.
He leans his head on his hand, cheek squished and staring at you like he’s never seen you, like you were something to be admired.
You were pretty today, a sweater with some cartoon on it and some jeans that flared out at the bottom. Your bunny necklace was dangling around your neck and your glasses were falling down your nose.
You push them back and a smudge of charcoal from moving Miles’ artwork gets on your cheek.
“Stare at her any harder and she might grow something freaky,” Miles whispers.
Miguel falters and grabs a napkin, leaning to wipe your cheek, “She has something on her face.”
GymRat!Miguel who tries to be even more discreet as he watches you fill up the page. It’s mesmerizing seeing what you come up with.
He’ll type a little bit then look at your sketches, he’ll click a few links then look at your face. Sometimes, you would catch him looking and smile at resulting in his heart picking up.
Occasionally, Miles would ask your opinion on something and you would give him pointers, the two of you discussing something about focal points and rule of threes.
Miguel just wanted to put his stuff up and listen to you all day.
“What are you working on?” Xina asks, her voice breaking the silence. She’s staring directly at your drawings, fingers tapping against her notebook.
You perk up and flip your pad around, “It’s some ideas for one of our bigger projects! The theme is reinventing a classic, so I’m thinking something like a spin on Lady Godiva with a haunted theme and darker palette. Or The Fallen Angel with a bird’s eye perspective of him on the ground.”
You took a breath and flipped the page, “And then there’s The Kiss which I wanted to actually do a glaze to really give it that ‘mosaic’ look.”
Miguel leaned in with Xina to take a closer look.
The sketch was exceptional to say the least. Miguel wasn’t too sure how the original painting looked, but your drawing detailed a woman wrapped in these angular, moving shapes. Her face was angled up and a far-off look adorned her features. To her right sat a man whose lips were on her neck and his attention solely on her.
It was soft, yet strong. How you managed to put so much intimacy onto a single page was beyond him.
The feeling of it was familiar and when he looked up at you, he knew.
Miguel opens his mouth, “It’s..”
He turns to Xina with a frown on his face as she flips back to the front page.
“I mean, I think one of the other two is better, you know? More of a twist on the originals. The last one feels safe.”
The table is quiet as Xina’s comment marinates. She’s flipping further into your book and Miguel promptly snatches it from her and closes it a bit harder than he needs to. Miles shifts in his seat, chewing on the straw of his drink.
“Can you explain why it feels safe to you?” your fingers pick at a nail.
She looks up, “Well, don’t you want to stand out? Out of the others, I don’t think this one is that unique.”
“The point isn’t to stand out,” Miles chimes in. “The assignment is about remixing a classic and all three of these do that pretty well.”
Your smile is small, “Thanks, Miles.”
“So which one do you think is better?” Xina asks.
“The last one,” both Miles and Miguel say.
“It carries the emotion of the original while also bringing more focus to couple rather than the abstracted cloth. You can see the love between them in a way that the original doesn’t have and it’s not even painted yet,” Miles talks with ease. “But! That’s just my opinion.”
“I think it’s powerful,” Miguel hums. “You should go with that one.”
You nod, thumbing over the corner of the pages.
GymRat!Miguel who watches Miles nearly fly out of the cafe.
Something about catching the bus to go see a friend perform.
“Poor thing,” you mumble. “He didn’t even buy the tickets yet.”
GymRat!Miguel who can almost see the stress coming off of you in waves the later it gets in the evening.
“Are you alright?” Miguel places his hand over yours.
“Yeah, I think I need a nap.”
“Need me to drive you back?”
“No, it’s fine. You need to drive Xina back.” You start to pack up. “I brought my car anyways.”
Miguel follows your movements, hands putting his laptop up as well.
He hurries to pull your chair out and you thank him with a quiet voice. He follows you from the table to the door to your car. The scene is almost comical the way he’s in your peripheral.
“Will I see you again soon?” Miguel leans on the hood of your car, body practically falling onto you in the driver’s seat. “We gotta set up a date.”
“I’ll see what I can do, baby,” you rub his face and kiss the kicked-puppy look off of his face. “I’ll text you once I get back.”
GymRat!Miguel who throws his backpack in the backseat and slumps over the wheel once he’s certain your car was down the road.
“What now?” Xina patted Miguel’s back. “You miss her again?”
Miguel just dug his head onto the horn, the effect alerting anyone within 50ft radius.
“Ok, ok,” Xina yanked him up by his shoulders only for him to drop back down again. She sighs and grabs the back of his head with a slight yank to his hair.
Miguel swats her hand away with a grit to his teeth and a pinch to his brows.
Xina only holds her hands up with a grin lining her lips, “Calm down.”
“You’re really annoying me today.”
Xina drops her hands and her smile falters. Miguel straightens up with an apology on the roof of his mouth before Xina picks back up with joy.
“What I think you need is an awesome rager for your birthday.”
“Why not? It could be fun!”
“I’m all partied out until next year.”
“Not even with your friends? People from your department? A couple of classmates? The robo nerds?”
“That’s robo rockstars to you.”
Xina laughed and buckled her seatbelt.
“I think it could be great, seriously. We’re doing it.”
Miguel only groaned and turned on the ignition.
GymRat!Miguel who wanted to use his Sunday for relaxation, a cheat day, maybe a game or two with Gabriel, Peter, and Winston.
Instead, he’s lying on his bed listening to Xina rant about one of her roommates using the sink as a trash can.
“Like we have a ridiculously expensive trash can that’s less than a foot away from the sink. It’s a simple spin and drop.”
“Ok, I get this is really gross, but don’t you have other friends you could bother?”
Xina pauses, and points her finger at him, “Hey, I’m here to help you out. If I wasn’t here, who knows how down in the dumps you’d be.”
“This isn’t helping me.”
GymRat!Miguel who answers his phone while Xina has managed to pull Peter into a game of Overcooked on his Switch.
“Hey, Ma.”
“Miguel! How do I connect your father’s computer to the TV? He found a movie that we could watch but the screen is so small.”
“He found a movie but can’t connect cords?”
“Just answer the question, mijo.”
Miguel sits up, prepared to spend at least forty minutes trying to explain what an HDMI cord is.
Xina gasps, pauses the game leaving a displeased Peter, and hops into the corner of Miguel’s phone.
“Hi, Mrs. O’Hara!”
“Hola, mi dulce niña! Hace mucho que no te veo. ¿Que tal te ha ido?“ (Hello, my sweet girl! I haven’t seen you in a long time. How have you been?)
“Más o menos, pero me alegro de verte.” (So-so, but I’m happy to see you.)
“No, Xina! ¿Qué tienes?” (What’s wrong?)
Miguel just plopped the device in Xina’s hand, “I like how you both started a conversation on my phone.”
“We’ve got important things to discuss,” Xina waved him off while she and his mother continued to fawn over each other.
Miguel just slid off the bed and joined Peter.
GymRat!Miguel who doesn’t get his phone back until curfew hours are around the corner.
Xina and his mom discussed everything from reality TV to recipes to her time up north. Xina left happier than when she came in which Miguel didn’t mind. He just wished he could have had the room to himself.
GymRat!Miguel who doesn’t see your message until he’s about to go to sleep.
“Let’s do something together on your bday”
Miguel unpeeled his eyes and typed swiftly.
“Best birthday ever already”
“Someone’s excited”
“I haven’t even said what we’re doing yet”
“What are we doing”
“Tell me please”
“It’s a secret 🙂‍↔️”
“I can wait”
“That you are”
“But mi luz I think Xina is trying to plan something too”
“Should we raincheck then?”
“I can do both”
“I’ll literally split myself in two”
“You don’t have to choose”
“My gift is small”
“I want you to have fun on your special day”
“Can you come to the party?”
“I don’t want to miss it but I’ll have to see”
“If anything it’ll be much later”
“As long as I get to see you I’ll be happy”
“Good night bebé”
"Love you"
“Love you more"
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divider by: @plutism 🩵
a/n: I have no notes other than school is starting back up so my posting schedule will be even more irregular. 🤠 Please bear with me.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Cass joins Team Phantom
So, we all know how Cass escaped her terrible dad at the age of 8 right? And how she is adopted by Batman at the age of 16-17 right? Well, what happened in between that time?
Cass has been on the run for Years now. She is 13, and at this point she has been on the run for nearly half of her entire life. So it's really no wonder that when she finally got to a relatively safe place after weeks of little food, little rest, and constant attacks by her pursuers, she accidentally fell asleep.
She woke up in a nice comfy bed, in a room that looked like an Astronomy Geek's dream. Once the people who found her noticed she was awake, they explained what had happened.
Their son, a boy named Danny, had found her passed out in their Shed the previous day while cleaning up. He had quickly brought her in and offered his Room so she could rest comfortably.
Cass doesn't really trust them, and tries to run more than once, but her weeks of constant exhaustion have finally caught up with her and she is stuck staying with them until she is fit to leave.
And unfortunately for her, the Fentons are very Endearing.
By the time she is healthy enough to leave, she genuinely wants to stay. So they unofficially adopt her, letting her stay in their house and sharing a room with Jazz (Danny did kind of need his room back, and Jazz was a good sister like that)
She ends up going to the same school as Danny and ends up befriending both of his friends, Tucker and Sam.
The day of the Accident, Cass is right there alongside Tucker and Sam as the Portal kills Danny.
After the Accident, she is a great help in teaching him some calming routines and meditation techniques so he can get a handle on his Powers much easier.
They also find out that standing in front of a Portal as it rips reality apart is just as bad as being inside of it. They all end up extremely liminal and get Powers. Tucker has Technomancy, Sam has Plant Powers, and Cass gets Shadow Manipulation (or whatever you think fits her)
She is having the best time of her life, but unfortunately it can't last forever.
About 2 years after the Accident, the GIW get a lucky shot on Danny. They were using one of the inventions the Fenton's had made before the Reveal (which was a good one) one that made Ghost Powers weaker for easier capture. While it didn't hurt Danny too much, it did weaken him enough that he flickered into his Human Form for just long enough for the GIW Agents to see him.
Now with Danny's identity exposed, the GIW could track down the Identities of the Humans who had been helping him all this time, aka, Tucker, Sam, and Cass.
During a Raid on Fenton Works, they all got seperated somehow.
Danny got injured protecting the Team, and had to be rushed to the Ghost Zone by Jazz, a stray shot from the GIW blowing up the Portal behind them. They ended up in the Far Frozen, to get Danny fixed up.
Tucker was arrested and sent to prison for a little while before a glitch in his cells Security System allowed him an opening to use his Powers to escape.
Sam was chased out of the Town by the GIW and ended up in the Forest nearby. She had to use her Powers to run away, disappearing too deep into the Woods for the GIW to follow.
Cass managed to sneak out, and ended up trying to save Tucker on his way to prison. She failed though, and the GIW chased her all the way to New Jersey before loosing her trail.
This is how she ended up in Gotham, and got adopted by Bruce Wayne. But she would never forget her first Family, and would try for years to see if she could find where they ended up.
Potential Part 2? Maybe, I have some ideas...
What do you think?
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Game Night
Note: just another silly little fic that turned out longer than planned. Also; I use the terms geek and nerd here in a way that some may find rude, but it's written from readers perspective, and not my own, just fyi. 
Warnings: 18+, smut/fluff.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: a game night turned steamy. 
wordcount: 3,1k
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Osferth was without a doubt the biggest nerd you knew, but also one of your best friends regardless of how much of a geek he was. He always told you about the latest card game he had scored or that sick new board game that just got on the market. You didn't care much for it but always let him ramble on. And now, after years of begging, he had finally persuaded you to come to one of his game nights, which he held weekly in his basement. You knew he had several friends who participated in the games and shared Osferth's enthusiasm, but you had never met any of them and only heard of some by name. You figured them to be just as passionate as Osferth, and probably less good looking than your best friend too, because he may be a huge nerd, but he was a handsome one and even you couldn't deny that. His dating game was quite good and you knew he saw multiple ladies at once sometimes, which was a big turn off for you and withheld you from even entertaining the thought of dating him. Thus you were more like brother and sister.
The main reason why you had agreed to join one of the game nights was so Osferth would finally stop nagging about it, and you were curious what was so interesting about those games anyway and what actually happens during those famous nights. You were also curious about his friends, and fully expected them to be the stereotypical nerdy dudes who still didn't know deodorant is a thing they could use, and you thought they would probably make for good gossip material with your girlfriends. 
But you couldn't have been more wrong. 
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You were greeted by three handsome men, who were seated on separate couches around the large table in Osferth's dimly lit basement. You were introduced to Finan first, an Irishman with dark hair and a good beard, who gave you a flirty wink upon meeting. Up next was a guy named Uhtred, who's accent you couldn't quite place, but with his long locks tied back and the sides shaved he was pleasant to the eye, and he flashed a friendly smile. Lastly your eyes landed on Sihtric, who was immediately intrigued by your presence, which didn't go unnoticed by Osferth, and the pretty dark-haired boy with the bold haircut perked up as he eyed you up and down with a curious smile. Just as you wanted to make a positive remark about his half shaved cut, you were interrupted when an older man rushed down the stairs onto the basement, panting while he apologised for being later than usual. You learned that the man who had joined the party was named Pyrlig, and he announced that, 'The brothers are coming.'
Shortly after Pyrlig's announcement you heard the sound of heavy boots stomping down the stairs along with a howling laughter, and that's how you were introduced to the brothers Erik and Sigefrid, who were clearly the life of the party, and with them the group was complete for the night. Everyone had taken their regular seat while you still stood awkwardly as you took everything in; the massive boardgame upon the table, the deck of cards next to it and the multiple dice along with enough booze and snacks to last a whole week. You also took notice of the lack of women and, being the only lady, you felt a little nervous. Osferth came up to you and told you to just pick a seat and join the table, promising the game wasn't hard to understand, but you protested at the suggestion of playing.
'But I don't know this game… I'd rather just watch,' you chuckled nervously, 'I can sit back there,' you pointed towards a couch in the corner.
'Don't be silly,' Osferth smiled, 'join us, you can just tag along with one of the guys.'
You shrugged lightly and reluctantly agreed, then asked who you should tag along with as you looked at the few empty spaces left, contemplating your options. The only couch that had no space left was that one the brothers sat on, which was a relief because the one named Sigefrid was pretty loud… and drunk. Osferth hadn't forgotten about Sihtric's interest upon seeing you, and it was hard to forget as the handsome stranger kept eyeing you up, so Osferth nonchalantly cocked his head towards his friend. A visible disappointment appeared on the face of each man in the room when you made your way over to Sihtric, apart from Osferth and Sihtric himself. Osferth had never been romantically interested in you, so he didn't care where you sat and, naturally, Sihtric flashed a cocky smile toward the others as you sat down next to him. Everyone made peace with the decision merely a split second later, and their regular chatter and laughter filled the room again while you got comfortable.
Sihtric leaned in immediately and held out his hand, 'I didn't quite catch your name, darling,' he lied with a warm and low voice.
You felt your cheeks heat up and repeated your name as you took the hand of your gaming partner for the night.
'Beautiful name,' Sihtric smiled and kissed the back of your hand, while his mismatched eyes remained locked with yours, 'for a beautiful lady.'
You giggled softly and waved off the compliment, but the damage had already been done. Sihtric's eyes lingered on you after he had let go of your hand. He placed his arm on the backrest of the couch, around your shoulders without touching, and he then sat back, relaxed while manspreading. You swallowed hard and checked him out from the corner of your eyes, as he casually drunk beer from a bottle while Osferth tried to get everyone's attention so the game could start.
Your eyes were pleased with the sight of the man on your left, who was dressed in all black; black boots, black skinny jeans with a black leather belt, and half buttoned up black blouse on top. His dark facial hair matched his dark eyeliner, and the few scars on his pretty face didn't bother you. You found it hard to believe that this guy, who was quite intimidating with his good looks and visible tattoos, was as much of a dork as your friend was. 
Everyone listened when Osferth spoke to the group, except you, because you were too busy distinguishing what Sihtric smelled like. Your conclusion was that he smelled like cedarwood and amber, accompanied by a hint of mint and the faint smell of cigarettes. And then, as if to nudge you out of your thoughts, Sihtric bumped his knee lightly against yours, which made you look up at him. He winked with a sly smile after having earned your attention, and you knew you were in for an interesting night.
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About two hours had passed since the game got kicked off, and you still had no idea what was going on at the table. You had witnessed grown men argue, trying to cheat, curse at each other, and you were sure some of them kicked each other under the table every now and then too. It was an eventful sight and it looked like the game was still far from over. You didn't mind it though, because the pretty boy next to you had scooted closer not long after the game had started, to show you the cards he was to keep hidden from the others. According to Sihtric he was in a good position, for he held important parts of land and had an army closing in on the other gamers. And despite the fact you had no real idea of what his cards meant, you were impressed anyway for some inexplicable reason.
Sihtric seemed smart and patient during the game, despite the rash decisions he can make in real life, as he had told you, and he leaned in closer every now and then to discuss what his next move on the board should be. You loved the fact that he tried to include you, and that despite the fact your advice was useless or simply non-strategic, he never stopped discussing the options with you. You also enjoyed how he had smoothly lowered his arm off the backrest, and eventually rested nonchalantly around your neck, while you had placed your hand on his thigh under the wooden table, out of sight for everyone else.
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As the hours passed by and the game progressed steadily, the rivals of your game partner became more and more drunk, until a petty argument broke out and everyone was accused of cheating. Osferth desperately tried to calm the competing men, while Sihtric just threw his cards on the table and dedicated his full attention to you, for there was no saving that game anymore. Sihtric wasn't drunk, perhaps a little tipsy, but the others were so far gone they couldn't even stand on their feet anymore. And no one even noticed how you and Sihtric had eventually moved to the lone couch in the darkened corner.
Sihtric had pulled your legs over his as you sat back, and he leaned in close, one hand on your thigh while his other held your chin lightly and his mismatched eyes looked you all over.
'So… how did a girl like you end up in a place like this?' he smiled with hooded eyes, completely smitten and captivated by you.
'Because of Osferth,' you replied, returning the rather dazed look as you were just as head over heels as he was, 'he's been telling me about his game nights for years, so I finally came over to make him stop asking me to come.'
Sihtric hummed softly with a smile, his hand moving moderately up your thigh as he nuzzled your nose, 'well… I'm glad you're here.'
'So am I,' you smiled with warm cheeks, your hands trailing mindlessly over his muscular chest, feeling the warmth of his body as your fingers grazed his exposed skin.
'You liked the game then?'
'I didn't really care about the game.'
'Then why are you happy you're here?' Sihtric asked playfully, already knowing the answer but wanting to hear it spill from your kissable lips.
'I think you know,' you chuckled and moved your fingers through his dark, soft curls.
'Do I know?' he taunted and leaned in, his lips faintly touching yours.
'You know,' you whispered, not telling him what he wanted to hear just yet.
'Hm… I know I wanna take you home,' he smiled and squeezed your thigh, 'and I also know I want you to tell me where you are most sensitive.'
You grinned and played with the pendant he wore around his neck, 'And what if I won't tell you?'
'Then you can show me.'
'Show you?' you feigned confusion, 'how?'
'By taking my hand and guiding it.'
'And then?' a cheeky smile appeared on your face.
'And then,' his breath tickled your lips as he chuckled, 'then I'll make you feel really good, darling,' he husked, 'would you like that?'
'Yeah,' you breathed, almost desperately, and you trailed your fingers down his chest to undo another button of his blouse, aching to see more of his scarred torso.
'Yeah?' Sihtric murmured and dragged his lips down your neck, where he left you short, mischievous kisses and wet kitty licks in between.
'Fuck,' you exhaled sharply with a smile, your hands on his chest underneath his blouse, feeling the rapid beating of his heart while you felt his lips curl into a smile as they were pressed onto your neck.
'Fuck?' he repeated with a devilish tone, 'you wanna fuck?'
You hummed approvingly as he leaned back to look in your eyes. He took your chin, his thumb circling your parted lips while he bit down on his lower lip before he brought face closer to yours again.
'Yeah?' he whispered, smiling, 'you want me to fuck you, darling?'
'Please,' you almost whimpered as you struggled to downplay your desperate need.
'What was that?' he clearly jested and shoved his hand between your thighs.
'Please,' you giggled and mindlessly grinded against his hand, 'please… I want you to fuck me.'
Sihtric smiled, and he took your hand as he got up, leading you discretely up the stairs while the others were still arguing over the game. Upstairs, in the hallway, Sihtric turned to you and placed one hand on your waist, pulling you closer, and the other on the back of your head as he finally kissed you after having endured hours of unbearable tension. He pushed you up against the wall and kissed you deeply, his tongue down your throat while you felt his trapped arousal pressing through his tightened jeans. You rubbed your palm over his hardened cock and he moaned into your mouth while he grabbed a fistful of your locks, and he yanked your head slightly back to make you look up at him after he broke the kiss.
'Upstairs,' he uttered, his enamoured look never leaving his face.
You knew Osferth's place all too well, and clearly Sihtric did too, for you both knew of the spare room on the second floor and you were quick to pull him with you up the stairs. You began to unbutton the rest of his blouse while he kissed you, and you both nearly stumbled as you clumsily climbed the steps while being all over each other.
'We should be quick,' you mumbled in between kisses as you reached the bedroom, 'before anyone will notice we left.'
'Trust me,' Sihtric husked and pulled you in the room, 'they won't notice, so I'll be taking my time.'
He kicked the door shut and buried his face in your neck, while his hands held your waist as he pushed you backwards to bed. Your hands were in his hair, your head thrown back while you enjoyed the touch of his lips on your sensitive skin.
'What's your favourite position?' he murmured in your ear as you slid his blouse off his shoulders.
'Doggy,' you grinned, 'but…' you paused and took his face, 'you're too beautiful. I want to see you while you fuck me.'
Sihtric chuckled, and it was evident that he enjoyed seeing you as well, so he cocked his head towards the desk with a mirror above it, and he smirked. You kissed him as he unbuttoned your jeans, and he spun you around to face the mirror once you reached the desk. You giggled with anticipation when Sihtric pulled your jeans and panties down, just low enough to have quick access, and he did the same with his own jeans, then he took off your shirt.
'Anything to worry about?' he asked and pulled out his cock as he stood behind you.
'All clean,' you smiled, 'and protected. What about you, handsome?'
'All clean,' he reassured with a wink and lined up with your soaked folds, wasting no more time and pushing himself inside you with ease.
You gasped and grabbed onto the desk as you felt him twitch inside you with each slow stroke, hitting all the right spots, keeping a steady and calm pace while filling you up entirely. You felt his big and warm hand on your waist, while he slid his other up into your hair, and he grabbed a fistful to pull your head back and make you look up into the mirror, locking his dazed eyes with yours while you were both smiling lustfully. You quickly started to curse under your breath as you watched him take you, to which his parted lips curled into a smug smile, and he leaned in closer.
'Does that feel good, darling?' he murmured in your ear, along with his raspy breathing while the desk rattled with every deep thrust.
'Mhm, so good,' you hummed.
'Yeah?' Sihtric chuckled, 'so do you.'
Then, he suddenly picked up his pace, and he fucked you with fast and short thrusts until you couldn't think straight anymore and your tongue hung out of your mouth. You struggled to keep your eyes open while Sihtric dumbed you down, and he yanked your head slightly backwards again when he noticed your struggle.
'Don't look away from me,' he growled sweetly, 'I'll stop if you won't look at me,' he threatened and moved his hand from your hip down to your core.
He stimulated you with with his fingers while he continued to fuck you, making you a trembling and moaning mess until you both came and then started to laugh, out of breath, at the impulsive absurdity that had just occurred in your best friend's spare bedroom. You gasped lightly when you felt the pretty boy pull out, after making sure you had taken his entire load and wouldn't waste a drop, and he gave you back your shirt before he pulled his jeans up again. When you were both decently dressed again he carefully took your face in his hands and kissed you admiringly and sweetly. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he leaned his forehead against yours, and you sighed softly.
'It's late, but I don't think I want to leave you just yet.'
'Good,' Sihtric whispered and nuzzled your nose, 'because I wasn't going to let you leave yet.'
You smiled and he captured you in another kiss, which was rudely disturbed when suddenly the bedroom door flung open and a drunken Irishman stared at you both as you were all tangled up, leaning back against a closet. You and Sihtric looked at Finan with wide eyes, knowing you got caught and he had the ability to make it a whole happening in front of his friends.
'Uhh,' Finan sounded and then burped loudly before he turned and closed the door again, 'nope, I don't see them anywhere either,' he shouted and stumbled down the stairs again.
You both sighed and laughed with relief, then kissed again before Sihtric took cupped your cheeks.
'Are all game nights like this?' you asked.
'If you mean getting drunk and arguing, then yes,' Sihtric chuckled, 'but this… what we did, that is new,' he smiled and pecked your lips, 'are you coming next week too?'
'I don't know,' you shrugged playfully, 'will you make me?'
'Yeah,' Sihtric said with a cocky smile, 'I'll make you come again, darling.'
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama @lexwolfhale @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a @verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50 @succnfuccubus @hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305 @carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @il0vebeingdelulu @thenameswinter99 @deathbluestar113
If you want to be added to/removed from the taglist, message me 🖤
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avelera · 6 months
Oh GOD you, too, are an online lectures geek pls consider this your invitation to talk about favs--ones that stuck with you, current obsessions--the more the better! In trade, I'll tell you the two things I'm currently adoring: Yale's Open Course podcast on The Civil War to Reconstruction done by David Blight (man forgot more than ten other civil war historians know even if he mumbles *constantly*) and A History of Christianity by Diarmaid MacCulloch (so! worth the Prime BBC free trial <3)
Hiya! Don't mind if I do!
So 99% of the lectures I've watched lately are on the Great Courses Plus which was recently and stupidly renamed "Wondrium", which I find profoundly stupid because instead of just saying, "Hey, check out the Great Courses, yeah you can kinda guess what the streaming service offers," I have to instead explain what this nonsense term "Wondrium" means, ANYWAY, they've got lectures about basically everything.
Essentially, it's Netflix but for college lectures. YouTube has become so unreliable as far as what's actual information and what's completely made up or even racist conspiracy theory BS that I find it completely untrustworthy. Also, most documentaries are trying to prove something new, or offer a new angle on something, OR they're SO rudimentary and 101 that even for topics I know less about in history I tend to already know everything they're going to say.
So I pivoted to college lectures because 1) it's a whole series so like, dozens of hours I can just throw on in the background while doing something mindless and 2) I know it's going to be trustworthy, reliable, and provide me a baseline on a topic instead of some "new controversial spin" on it. Like, goddammit, sometimes I just want to better understand the history of Ancient Egypt, not your stupid theory about how they were secretly all space aliens or that we've got the carbon dating all wrong or whatever made up nonsense.
So, here's a list of some of my favorites!
Hannibal: The Military Genius Who Almost Conquered Rome - I consider myself about as near an expert as a non-academic can get on Rome and this lecture actually taught me some things, which is rare, so I recommend it as a fantastic deep dive!
How the Crusades Changed History is a pretty good short version that I recommend to anyone who enjoyed The Old Guard's Nicky and Joe BUT, for the best Crusades lecture, I'd recommend this History of the Crusades podcast. Sharyn Eastaugh is not just insanely informative, but her dry wit made me laugh out loud at least once an episode at the sheer hapless ineptitude of the Crusaders.
In the Wake of the Plague is a fantastic new lecture by Wondrium, the lecturer is amazing and it provides a lot of objective insights into how humans react to plagues that is VERY relevant to current events, BUT their lecture on **The Black Death in general is the one that got me obsessed with their lecture series. I watched it in the first week of Covid lockdown and let me tell you, having this super in-depth, objective look into how people behaved during the Black Death was incredibly valuable (and chilling) going into those years because it all played out with astonishing similarity. Also, anything by that lecturer, Dorsey Armstrong, is awesome. She's a Medievalist of the highest order. I also recommend her lecture on King Arthur.
**The Birth of the Modern Mind: The Intellectual History of the 17th and 18th Centuries - this one wins the award for "Lecture I thought most likely to bore me to tears that ended up being the single most fascinating I've heard in YEARS." Seriously, the way it explores the evolution of how we think in the modern era, through the philosophers who first conceived of these ideas, was jaw-droppingly fascinating. I also recommend it to writers of historical fiction and fantasy for a crash course, by proxy, of how to write people who think differently than you.
The Other Side of History: Daily Life in the Ancient World - I once had beef with a post here on Tumblr that claimed that academic Classicists don't care about slaves or normal people during the Roman Empire, which is just profoundly absurd. I pointed out this lecture to them if they actually wanted to learn more about the subject instead of complaining that an art history professor may not have been prepped for a lecture about the lives of enslaved people in Ancient Rome. If that is a subject of interest, this lecture is great.
The Real History of Pirates - a must-listen for OFMD fans who want to get an introduction to historical pirates and the history of pirates in literature, which "Our Flag Means Death" owes as much if not more to than the historical figures.
**Turning Points in Middle Eastern History - One of the first lectures I listened to and still one of my enduring favorites. It's the first one I picked up for writing my Old Guard fic, Lights Out, when I wanted to write Joe from a more informed angle and I learned so much.
Understanding Japan: A Cultural History - One of my favorite lectures based on format, the lecturer picks a literary work or cultural concept as the entry point to explore the timeline of Japanese history. It's a fantastic way to give a wider and more holistic look at each era, pairing it with a cultural touchstone.
Shout-out to "The Mysterious Etruscans" because I just think they're neat. The lecturer is also very good and I highly recommend his lecture on ancient cities as well which taught me a lot that I didn't know.
Also a shout out to, "Warriors, Queens, and Intellectuals: 36 Great Women before 1400" for its subject and the lecturer who is great and she also has a really fascinating talk about the history of Spain.
Ok, I THINK that's some of the top ones! ;D
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eskawrites · 1 year
okay i’m officially obsessed with robin’s high school band experience (i say officially, i’ve been thinking about this for a while and now i’m finally caving and writing about it), so here are my Robin Buckley Band Geek(TM) headcanons for you to enjoy or ignore at your leisure
Robin is actually surprisingly into basketball. did you see her at that game? yeah, she’s there to shred the melody line on 25 or 6 to 4, but she’s also here cheer on/laugh at the Hawkins High team
you bet your ass she has had a crush on like half the girls’ basketball team btw
some of her first jabs at Steve were actually about some of his worst moments on the court. until she saw that those actually hit kind of hard, and then she laid off and started mocking his inability to talk to girls instead
once she and steve become friends, he’s actually surprised when she can keep up with his and lucas’s basketball chats. they ask her to practice with them exactly once, and it goes as terribly as you’d expect. but she still hangs out sometimes and gives lucas pointers when steve isn’t there
her favorite pep band song is Sweet Caroline. it just is.
sweeeet carolliiiiiiine. dun dun DUNNNNNNN
she is not supposed to be standing next to Vickie during Lucas’s game (seriously what even are their lines?? trombone trumpet clarinet? a random baritone row behind them? @ hawkins pep band wtf is going on here)
but she’s a senior and she can do what she wants
Vickie lets her, which is very cute imo
she has a vendetta with the percussion line
this is band kid law. you have to have a vendetta with either the percussion line or the trumpet section, and since she plays trumpet, she only has one option
she’s actually not bad at marching band. she has the discipline, she can think on her feet, she can focus on her steps and the angle of her trumpet and the set list and everything all at once with no issue. it takes her a while to stop stumbling over her feet freshman year, but once she has the fundamentals down, she’s absolutely fine
she took a french horn solo to state contest her junior year and actually ranked pretty high. but between the stress and the ptsd, she just didn’t have the motivation to do it again her senior year
it’s just as well. contest would’ve been after the events of spring break, and even if hawkins high had the resources to send a group of band and choir kids to contest after the “earthquake,” she definitely would’ve backed out
speaking of spring break, the first time she tries to play trumpet again after facing vecna hurts. that’s a lot of air to get through a throat that’s been nearly crushed by upside down vines. she fakes a lot of her playing for a few weeks, and by the time graduation rolls around, she’s mostly just going through the motions
it’s another thing the upside down has taken from her, and it makes her livid
Nancy absolutely understands why Robin is pulling away from band, but sometimes she thinks back on her vague memories of Robin in the bleachers--the crisp jacket, the clean white gloves, the sharp angle of her shoulders as she snaps her horn to attention--and she wishes she’d paid more attention to her back then
Will joins band his sophomore year! he wants to try something that’s just for him. he asks Robin for advice and she tells him how to get on the director’s good side as well as which kids to avoid. she also tells him that if he joins percussion she’ll never forgive him.
i think he’d play sax personally--lots of melody, great for solos, but also not the center of attention and really good at blending in
Robin finds herself going to a lot of hawkins high games during her gap year, which is completely unexpected but also a lot of fun. she and Steve sit in the stands and cheer Will and Lucas on in equal measure
(Will being there for all of Lucas’s games, too <3 it’s what he deservessss)
Robin’s parents are broke and she never ever spends any of her money on herself, so she doesn’t actually own any of the instruments she’s played. which means after high school, she has no access to any of it even if she wanted to keep playing
Nancy, Steve, and all the kids pitch in to get her a really nice trumpet a couple years after high school. we’re talking King brand, silk-lined case, the works. she cherishes that thing like it’s the fucking crown jewels
if/when Robin goes to college, she won’t join band but she’ll befriend a lot of the band kids. they’ll find out she used to play a couple different brass instruments and encourage her to pick it up again, even if it’s just in her free time
she does, and she joins some small groups--not class related, just having fun and performing with her friends
(steve goes to every single performance, even if it’s not even a show or anything. he’s been known to sit in on practices and grin at her with the proudest, dorkiest look on his face)
(Nancy also goes to every performance she can. she surprises Robin once, flying in at the last minute to go to one of her concerts. she shows up with a bouquet of flowers and it takes all of Robin’s willpower not to fall to her knees and propose right there)
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home-of-renn · 2 years
Lame HC: Dash is popular cause he's mean and rich and good at sports. His parents don't pay attention to him and he's dating Paulina cause she's cheer captain and the prettiest, most popular girl at school. He and the A-listers dropped Valery cause she's poor now and they all bully the trio cause they're weird and a bunch of geeks.
Totally Rad HC: Dash has parents who do pay attention to him and while he certainly is very comfortable he isn't a millionaire and his family is honestly pretty average, all things considered. He's not even dating Paulina, they were a short-lived item but are now just good friends. People still think they're dating cause people love making assumptions and gossiping about other people's business. He plays football cause he genuinely enjoys it and while he isn't stupid he worries he's not smart enough to get into college with just his grades alone - he knows it makes him a cliche. He's not a part of the A-listers cause they're all popular - he's actually friends with everyone. He and Kwan used to be neighbours and grew up together. Valery had always been judgey and a little volatile so they were never really that close - she was more Star's friend that anyone else's. You could never bring anything up around her without it being interpreted as an insult. He has an actual reason for disliking the weird trio. Sam is somehow even judgier and entitled than Valerie and is always going off at Paulina while being a complete hypocrite. Dash knows that eating less meat is better for the environment and has considered eating less meat during the week. But Manson's condescending, saviour, holier-than-thou bullshit makes him want to eat a steak right in front of her face just to piss her off. Tucker's turned down his pervy comments but is just cringey in his attempts to flirt. He tries way too hard to be seen as 'popular' and his borderline inappropriate obsession with his tech is just way too weird for him - and it's not like Dash has to like every person he's ever met. In all honestly, he's got nothing wrong with Danny - at least not personally. They'd been going to school together since forever and he'd always been a quiet, surprisingly funny kid who was always top of the class. But now Danny barely passes, even though everyone knows he could if he just put in the effort. Now Danny keeps skipping class, only to turn up with busted knuckles and terribly hidden bruises. He's a Fenton, which means he probably hates ghosts just as much as his parents and Dash has no problem with the ghosts who don't go around messing up their town and bothering Phantom. That and there's just something not quite right with Fenton. Dash isn't sure when that actually happened - when Danny went from being someone he could walk away from without a second thought to something that makes his forehead sweat from the mere thought of showing him his back.
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reniworks3106 · 10 months
My Thoughts on The Cuphead Show
Wow, cuphead is trending?! Well, in that case, it is a good time to discuss my latest podcast.
I loved The Cuphead Show! I first discovered it during its development stage in like May 2021 (or something?) and when I saw the leaks, I figured that I would love The Cuphead Show and I'm glad I was right! The problem was at the time the Cuphead Show came out in 2022, I didn't had Netflix, so I watched clips of the show posted on YouTube. Then, fast forward to June 2022 during Geeked Week: I got to see a sneak peek of "The Devil's Pitchfork" Table Read and let me tell you my reaction on how that episode ended (Spoilers): When I realized that the Devil kidnapped Mugman, I was shocked to sickness, as my stomach got really sick!! I didn't feel well for a few days. It took a lot for me to process what happened and then wait for what happens next.
As I was predicting what happened next prior to the release of "The Devil's Revenge," my thoughts were that once Cuphead found a way into hell, he would have to face Vile Mugman in an epic battle to get him back to normal before facing off the Devil. However, too bad it didn't happen, but despite that, I kinda liked how it actually ended. Looking back, I could see why Vile Mugman wasn't added yet: it's only the 1st Season and it's way too early to add serious epic battles in this Season, such as a would-been Vile Mugman battle. But nonetheless, I loved the Pitchfork Saga as it is (as well as the rest of the other episodes).
Now if the Cuphead Show were to be renewed, I had an idea on my mind: remember how in Cuphead's Nightmare that Elder Kettle became a skeleton? Well, since Mugman being kidnapped in the game came true, what if (since it's confirmed that Evil Cuphead and Vile Mugman will be added in the possible 2nd Season) the Evil Cup Bro. clones would kidnap Elder Kettle too, which would then result in a dark tragedy of Elder Kettle by either the Evil Cup Bros. or the Devil (in my opinion, it would definitely be the Devil!)
Well, that's all I wanted to say. I just hope the Cuphead Show gets renewed next year (fingers crossed) since it's the key part of me to finish up my Cuphead AU called "The Inkmaster Chronicles". My pilot of it will be on AO3 by the end of this month (or the end of this year). Thanks for reading my ramblings!
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bardicfrustration · 2 years
Screening Process
"We need shirts." The DnD club had finally come to an agreement during lunch, and as leader, Eddie had to agree. The yearbook had started taking club photos and he knew from yearbooks past that to finally be taken seriously as a club, they would need shirts. 
"We need shirts." He echoed, nodding his head. "How do we get shirts then?" 
They’d tried the copier store before, but the prices were a bit too high. Seemingly because the owner was not well inclined to printing ‘satanic propaganda.’ Eddie had tried to be nice and explain that it was basically a book club for nerds who liked math and maps, but that only hiked the price five dollars extra. 
Normally, they could’ve pooled together enough money to scrape by against the bitter bigotry, but Eddie knew the entire club was going through a monetary dry spell. Himself included. 
In a moment of revelation, his black sheep prodigy piped up from the end of the table, "The AV Club."
Eddie cocked his head in confusion, and Jeff asked, “The AV club makes shirts?”
"No," Dustin's smug grin lit up his face, "But because no one really thought it would survive, the school wouldn't hand over the money to get shirts made. So our AV teacher had someone else make them." 
"Homemade? Henderson, we want to look good, not like we’re modeling mommy's craft of the week."
"No! These are good quality!" He pointed to the infamous ‘thinking cap’ adorning his head, “Where do you think I got this?” 
“Geeks ‘R Us.” Gareth replied without a second thought. 
But Dustin continued, “Seriously  guys, they look legit. The other clubs started asking where we gottem because they looked waaaay better than the iron on crap from the copiers. It’s top secret though; nerds, rejects, and losers only.” 
Eddie squinted, “So, where do we find this elusive vendor?” 
Dustin promised to lead Eddie there, as long as he promises not to snitch. Eddie scoffs, “You think I would snitch? Really, dude, and I thought you respected me.” 
After lunch
Dustin only shared away from the cafeteria (‘away from prying ears!’) and after Eddie promised not to snitch (‘you think I, of all fucking people, would snitch?’). 
Once lunch was over, and most of the afternoon classes had settled into routine, Eddie entered the dark, empty art class gingerly, trying to be discreet. This is why he liked his picnic table, no one there but trees. 
It was quiet save for the soft hum of a radio playing somewhere nearby and the gentle scratching of pen on paper. With a second take, he looked around the dim room still to find no one. The only light he could see was streaming under a closet door. So, he knocked. 
The scratching stops and the door cracked open a sliver, just enough for a face to pop through and ask, “Waddya want Dustin-oh.” 
Your hair was pulled away from your face, but it still had managed to fall awry from the motion of art making. Eddie couldn’t see much in this surprisingly well used closet, but he could see the angled desk behind you covered in ink and paper and tape and other wayward materials. 
“Uh, Dustin sent me. Sorry.” He holds up a plastic bag of baseball tees he was able to afford. “We require your assistance.” 
Your face dropped from curious to bereaved. “I told that little snotrag I’m not making him any more personalized crap unless he pays me. I’m not gonna do it just because he sent a pretty face with them.”
Eddie looked behind him, expecting a pretty face to have appeared out of nowhere, which allowed you to slam the closet door when he turned back. 
“WAIT!” He hears you turn up the radio through the door, “It’s not just for Henderson! And I’ll pay you back in time, promise.” 
He’s hanging in anticipation for a response. The pen doesn’t start scratching, but the door doesn’t open. He could practically hear the wheels turning in your head from beyond the barrier between you. 
The door opened wide like a tiger's maw and you snatched the bag of shirts out of his hand before he could even react. 
“Promise?” You held out a hand covered in ink. Eddie shook it without a second thought.
“Fine, enter the studio.” You pushed your chair back into the corner so Eddie could have room to step in. 
It wasn’t much of a studio in terms of size, but the walls were covered in shelves of supplies; paints, glues, inks, papers, brushes, knives, anything an artist would crave while wandering the aisles of an art supply store. His own fingers itches to reach out and test things out, but he was there on a mission, for the club. 
He dug through his pockets for a carefully folded piece of notebook paper. He unfolded it and started to explain his design in mind. “We were thinking something devilish, to match with the Hellfire theme, and maybe a cool flaming sword, oh and some dice, like a d4 and a d20. Uh. I can bring those for reference if you need.” 
You waved the thought away. “I know what nerd dice look like, dude.” You took the paper from him, not unkind or rough, but to take a closer look, “Did you draw this?” 
He scratched the back of his neck, “Yeah, I mean. It’s just a doodle. Ideas, brainstorming, whatever.” 
“Hm.” You looked him over, more thoughtful than before, “I can get it done by the end of the week. I take cash and cookies.” 
“An artist requires sustenance.” You pointed to the tin of sugar cookies on a short table in the corner. “And my preferred method is sugar. Are you good for that?” 
Eddie nodded, “Aye aye cap’n.” 
You smirked at him, but turned back to your work table, “I need to start now if I’m going to get this done soon. Come back with cookies.” And you shut the closet door in his face once more. 
He stood there for a moment, grinning to himself, before heading off to find someone who was willing to bake. 
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sleepy-vix · 4 months
hello hello hello!! i hope this day is treating you well <3
so. erm. i finished if we were villains one second ago. there are tear tracks still glistening on my face. and i have Thoughts TM
to be frank i wasn't a fan of most of the book (i found the very excessive shakespeare-quoting stilted, pretentious and cringey — and i'm saying this as a person who quotes shakespeare too much for the average sane person and is very annoying about it) but something changed when i was reading act five. i then proceeded to cry through the end bit of act five and the whole epilogue.
i have no idea what i feel about it skjfksdfj i have no idea when i started caring about these pretentious ass bitches enough to cry over them, seeing that for most of the book i was just incredibly annoyed by all of them. although i am proud to say i clocked james and oliver for what they were in their first few interactions. the power of the gaydar ladies and gents
i think part of the problem was that i was comparing it to the secret history so much in my mind (which is practically literary perfection in my mind. i personally believe that donna tartt is a greek muse in disguise and should be treated as such/j) it just paled in comparison — honestly, people need to stop comparing the two or just lumping them into "dark academia" (i'm personally not the hugest fan of aesthetic-based grouping for book recs, but that's a rant for another day)
i think it's a one-time read for me. like yes it was definitely an... interesting experience but probably not good enough to reread? i don't know?? i have zero idea if you like this book or not i just know that you've read it — so apologies if i accidentally offended you or something 😭😭 i would love to hear your thoughts on it though (especially the ending)!
im like ehhh about it now 😭 which is sad because i was so obsessed with it i made a playlist for james and oliver (im such a geek it's actually so embarrassing 💀)
also i completely agree with you about the shakespeare quotes. it got to a point where i would just skip the quotes and only read the actual writing because is it ever THAT serious?
also i have a few other icks about the book:
- oliver and meredith getting together (that was so ???? like i lowkey hated oliver for that)
- filippa's character. it was so ?? like m.l. rio did such a bad job writing her... the idea of her character is awesome but the execution was really not, which was disappointing.
but in general i really liked it :) i read it before the secret history, so thankfully i never unconsciously compared them with eachother (which i've heard is actually really common between people who read tsh first).
i agree with you in the dark academia lumping thing sooo much. like, you often see them side by side, but the only thing they have in common is a friend group + one person dies + school setting. which really doesn't mean much considering that alot of stories are set in schools and include friend groups.
also not to mention that tsh is twice the size of iwwv 😭 idk i get so defensive when ppl bash iwwv for being worse than tsh (even tho i agree)
tbh i loved it alot but i wouldn't reread it either because the oliver and meredith parts where so 💀
m.l. rio is writing another book btw! its called grave digger. im looking forward to it because i'd like to know if she's actually a good writer or if she was only good in my 13 year old mind.
im so happy that u sent me this ask :)) its not very often that i get to talk abt iwwv with a person who agrees with me that the book is sad but not that good
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gloombeauty · 4 months
I discovered something about Lana's show in Fenway Park in Boston. It's not sold out at all. You can Google it and check other sites but here are the tickets for Lana's show for sale at Stubhub. Some are descent prices like $200 and some tickets are almost 3k. But tickets are there to buy and some are being sold by bots. Her fans were complaining on her managers page. His name is Ben. He deleted all the comments but one stan confronted him and I found the screenshot on X. I don't understand why lanaboards and Ben shamelessly lied about the show being sold out. Lana has stayed silent so far. 🤷‍♀️
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Let me swallow all this in.
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So, the official tickets from Ticket Master are 100% sold out.
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However, the tickets are being sold at these sites:
1 - Vividseats
2 - Ticketboxofficesales
3- Seat Geek
The prices are ranging from $200 to $5,000.
So technically, it's sold out but not really sold out because ticket scalpers are now re-selling them.
I solely blame this on Lana Del Rey.
If The Cure, Tom Petty, Foo Fighters, Yungblud, Greta Van Fleet, Bruce Springsteen, Nine Inch Nails, Metallica, AC/DC, Radiohead, Pearl Jam and many more artists can stop ticket scalpers, why can't Lana do it too?
All Lana has to do is click on a button online that says "do not allow re-sale of tickets" and that's it. Taylor Swift could have done it as well, but she let that slide through because what does she care? She made her coins. She couldn't care less that some poor dad working 60 hours a week has to pay over 10k to get his 3 daughters Taylor Swift Era's tickets. Taylor is a multi millionairess as is Lana. These people couldn't care less for the common man or how expensive concert tickets are. That's just how rich people are. It's rare when they do care, like Pearl Jam and the other artists I mentioned above.
Lana's manager Ed is an asshole. Always has been. He deletes comments all the time for the stupidest reasons. Of course these are gone. All this just makes Lana look bad because she is basically sitting back and watching her fans spend thousands of dollars on re-sold concert tickets.
Lanaboards - don't even get me started on that dumpster fire cesspool trash site. The chick who runs that page literally looks like a blowup doll.
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Anyway, all this drama just to watch a 38 year old woman sing the same exact tired setlist. Adding the fact that she only whisper-sings nowadays and points the mic at the audience so they can sing her songs. She doesn't even do the whole song. She whispers-sings a little, does a little half-ass shimmy move and cuts the song onto the next one. All this while a back track vocal recording is playing in the background with 15 tacky dancers.
People actually are willing to pay for this?
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It's one thing to buy the albums and watch the videos, which is all I do - but what else is there to do? I'm not putting any of my hard earned money to see this boring mess. That is where I draw the line.
I won't even buy any of Lana's official merch tees because the designs are so hideous. Overpriced hideousness. No thanks.
Lana is a great singer (in the studio - not in concert) and songwriter. Nobody can take that away from her. In a live setting? Boring as hell and not worth all the money fans are paying to see her whisper and half ass shuffle on stage.
This is the Lana worth every penny to go to:
This Lana Del Rey is gone. Has been gone for 6 years.
The last time Lana sang with heart and soul was in 2018 for this concert in Brazil:
That's all I really have to say on this sad subject. I miss the old Lana Del Rey. The Lana who use to sing and made an effort on stage.
Lana was at her best on stage during the years 2011-2016, although that 2018 Brazilian show wasn't bad. It just wasn't her best. It was the last time she actually opened her mouth and sang which is why I added it here.
There is an interesting thread on Reddit about artists preventing this re-selling crap from happening. It's a good read.
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lestappenforever · 7 months
Quick and Weekly (or rather race week specific) kind of analysis, basically just my takes on what went on during the race.
WE NEED TO GET THE YOUNGER ROOKIES SEATS. Ollie was an absolute beast yesterday, finish p7, managing the tyres, MANAGING A 7 TIME WORLD CHAMPION BEHIND HIM, holding off the rest of the pack, close to overtaking george, just Nico with his experience was able to hold him off a bit longer. Scoring more points in F1 than F2. Scoring more points than almost half of the grid. All with just one free practice session. This kid has a future (the only driver I could actually call kid😂)
Ferrari look fast. Finally being able go see Charles’ pace yesterday, in addition to not being fucked over by strategy or any shit, they’ve done a pretty good iob on that car. I mean, a rookie scored on his debut, and so far, a Ferrari’s always been on the podium. Of course this is just the second race, but still.
Haas aren’t that shit this year. The car looks good. Kevin was an absolute MENACE yesterday. Holding off Yuki, Esteban, Zhou, Valtteri, Alex, Logan, Daniel ALL WHILE HE KNOWS HE HAS A 20 SECOND PENALTY. Also Nico’s pace was pretty good, holding off Zhou and Alex, and kind of with ease. Apparently having a TP other than Guenther is proving to something quite positive.
RB are in shambles. Like, Yuki was pretty good, but wasn’t able to convert his p9 quali to points, and Daniel is just not doing well, that even with that 20 second penalty to Kevin, he’s still dead last. (Maybe it wasn’t McLaren, it was the choice of leaving red bull back in 2019) (I have a whole thing in my head about Daniel, and I still want to make sure if the facts and data before sharing it). But it might have been a miss that RB didn’t get Liam in this season, but we never know. I mean, Helmut Marko did say that there could be mid season surprises. And so far, non of the RB drivers seem or look to be even in contention for that Red Bull seat, in all honesty, it appears so far that Checo is more likely to keep his seat for 25!
I am not 100% convinced with either McLaren or Mercedes. Like yes both are consistently scoring points, and gaining, but I can’t really find that speed. Like they are okay, better than last year, but not Ferrari level improvement. Also, the strategy that both teams put Lando and Lewis on (especially Lando) cost him a better position, more points, maybe even a podium let’s be real.
Williams are okay. Ngl, I love James Vowels, his technicalities and as he said in DTS his geek-inees (hoping to be like him honestly one day). I feel like, Saudi and Bahrain aren’t really their tracks, because they did well, both Logan and Alex gaining positions. They are a team I’m waiting and hoping to see thrive, because Alex and Logan both deserve it.
Stake were okay, especially with that Zhou crash in FP3, like he couldn’t even qualify, but strategy kind of wasn’t ideal, and in all honesty, they’re just kay, not too fast, but not too slow.
And finally, our leaders. Despite everything, they do be cooking (Adrian and Max, you’ve both done it). That speed, the tyre deg, just everything about that car is phenomenal. And Max deserves it, after everything he’s gone through in his life, and he deserves to re-write the history books, which he already is, with re-reaching seb’s record not even 6 months after breaking it. This man who everyone is bored of his dominance are all going to be crying and missing him after he retires (I DON’T WANT TO THINK OF THIS DAY, BECAUSE I’LL BE THE FIRST ONE IN TEARS) but Max Emilian Verstappen is something that hasn’t come and probably won’t come again in Formula 1 and Motorsport history.
So yeah, that’s kind if my inital takes in the race, kind if a mini summary as well, and may we always listen to the Dutch National Anthem because I’ve been emotional this week with Max and everything happening around him.
This is such a wonderful analysis that really doesn't need anything added to it because you've got this spot-on, so I will try to keep my own thoughts relatively brief.
Ollie did incredible and I am so excited to see him in F1 permanently. Him and Liam? The future is bright.
I am cautiously optimistic about Ferrari and I really hope that, for once, they won't fuck themselves over which is in no way, shape or form a guarantee.
K-Mag did so fucking well, and it brings me so much joy seeing my fellow Scandinavian putting on such a performance. And Nico had a decent race, which also makes me happy. It's obviously far too early to be sure, but their new team principal seems to have been a good choice.
VCARB are just... Well, I'm not even going to utter my thoughts. All I will say is that there is no way in hell Daniel will be a good replacement for Checo. Claiming Daniel is better than him is just laughable.
McLaren and Mercedes are giving Ferrari 2023 vibes with their strategy calls yesterday, and it will be interesting to see how they develop over the season.
I truly hope Williams will improve over the course of the season, because I want to see Alex and Logan do well so fucking badly.
As for Stake: they were unlucky, and I'm just glad Zhou made it out of that crash unscathed. It's a shame he missed out on being able to qualify because holy hell did that team do their fucking best trying to get his car ready. I want to see him, and Bottas, do well.
As for Red Bull, they are as impressive as I hoped they were going to be so far this season, and as a Max girl it makes me laugh seeing Max haters bitch about his dominance making the sport boring. I, for one, am having the time of my fucking life. I won't even think about him retiring at this point, and will just keep enjoying every race for as long as I can. And seeing Checo starting off the season in such a strong manner fills me with joy. I am by no means Checo's biggest fan, but the shit he went through last season at the hands of disgusting Helmut Marko and the F1 community at large has me wanting him to suceed. Put some respect to his name because God knows he's fucking earned it.
Thank you so much for sharing yet another wonderful analysis, my darling. You have no idea how happy it makes me, and how much I appreciate it. ❤️
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dokuixote · 2 years
[12:29] | 📓 librarian!wonwoo
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“Hey, thought you might like this too. :)”
a boyish handwriting scribbled in a yellow sticky note is taped at a book placed on your favorite spot at the library. again.
it’s the fourth time this month, you recall as you carefully fold the note and store it safely on your pocket. “I think you’ll have fun reading this. :)” “Try this. :)” “This is my favorite author. I think this book is up your alley. :)” you now have a growing collection of book recommendations lacking a name of the sender but always with a signatory in a form of a smiley face.
‘The Miracles of the Namiya General Store’ the cover reads. you scan the room for any sign of the mysterious sender, but to no surprise, everyone within your eyesight is too occupied to care hunched over their papers, books, and laptops. you also flip through the last page and scan the borrower history of the book only to find it empty.
you sadly sigh, wondering when you can meet this person to talk about the story and personally thank them for recommending books you have been genuinely enjoying reading for the past weeks. nameless and faceless, how are you supposed to say that you kept all the sticky notes of annotations in a clear jar at your desk back at home because it makes you smile when you catch a glimpse of it?
defeated albeit eager for a new read, you walk back to the librarian’s desk to officially borrow the book and consume it in the comforts of your own home.
“you again? i’m surprised there are still books here left for you to borrow.” wonwoo teasingly chuckles when he sees you approach with a book and your worn library card at hand.
“oh don’t you worry, i won’t steal your biggest geek world-title.” you roll your eyes at the librarian-turned-friend which earned a laugh from him. from the numerous small talks you had with wonwoo, you discovered he’s few years your senior, likes (and is alike) a cat, prefers mystery over coming-of-age, and he’s on duty during tuesdays, thursdays, and saturdays because he attends classes during the rest of the week and sundays are reserved for campaign mode in his newly-installed RPG.
“hmm, interesting choice.” wonwoo comments while he flips through the book for information.
“you read it? is it good? oh and have you noticed anyone hanging out at my spot recently?” you fire away questions, subtly keen on discovering any clue on who’s been leaving books for you.
wonwoo looks up at you and raises his brows at your flushing cheeks and almost sparkling eyes. he puts his fingers up, “1, yes, i have read it. 2, yes it is good. i liked it. and 3, no, i haven’t seen anyone in your so-called spot which, by the way, isn’t just reserved for you even though you’re our secret-favorite customer. why are you asking?”
“nothing, just curious is all.” you clear your throat and pretentiously say with nonchalance, hiding the disappointment from thinking this is the day you finally have somewhere to start on finding your incognito friend.
wonwoo, knowing better, only gives you a pointed look.
“okay fine, it’s just someone’s been leaving all these books for me and i love every single one of it and i appreciate it and i just,” you explain and mumble, “i want to at least take them out for a coffee or something.”
“oh, then i’ll let you know if i notice something.” wonwoo bites back a smile and hands you the book now permitted to leave the premises of the local library. “hope you’ll like it as much as i did.”
you nod and thank him. “alright, i’ll get going now and trust your word. see you in 3 days! don’t miss me too much, wonwoo!” you jest as you exit.
wonwoo quietly laughs and shakes his head at how goofy you looked while giving him a salute through the glass door. once you were beyond his sight, he goes back to his desk and gets ‘Dollar Good Dream Department Store’. he reaches for a nearby yellow sticky note and writes, “Give this a try. :) <3”
maybe he’d give this book in a coffee shop soon.
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extramundi · 3 months
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Sorry Arnold, Michael Biehn is the real star of The Terminator.
Biehn initially perceived the script as potentially cheesy and worried it could result in a silly sci-fi movie if handled by a less skilled director. However, he was drawn to the complex character of Kyle Reese and believed he could deliver a strong performance regardless of the film's success.
He told SyFy in 2019: "In the hands of anyone other than Jim Cameron's, it probably would've been a silly movie. This story about a man sent from the future to 1984 to save a woman from a robot also sent from the future.
"The reason I took the role was because I really liked the character of Kyle Reese and I knew I could play that character really well. Even if the movie didn't do well, that was a really good character: a great fighter in love with the woman he was sent to protect. That part made me think, 'Well, I can probably come out of this unscathed.'"
Biehn says his memorable audition for The Terminator saw him initially bring a Southern accent from another role into the reading. It didn't go down too well and he thought he had blown his chances of the part. Yet, despite this hiccup, he impressed Cameron.
Biehn's confidence in the project grew after spending time with Cameron during a delay in production. He was impressed by Cameron’s serious approach and deep understanding of the story, which gave him more assurance about the film's potential.
"[Cameron] could answer any question I had about the story and how he was going to shoot it. When you're around Jim, even for a little while, you're quickly aware of how extremely talented he is. And so I had a little more confidence when we started making the movie than when I first read the script."
Yet, despite the film being iconic today, it didn't make Michael Biehn a star. It did enjoy a solid performance at the box office, making around $40 million on a $6.5 million budget, but The Terminator did not initially rank among the top 20 films of 1984. It received mixed reviews, including criticism from major outlets like the Wall Street Journal.
Biehn recalls, in an interview with Den of Geek: "What happened was that everybody starting getting their VHS recorders, and they started buying the tapes, and the video stores started opening up right around 1984, 85, and that’s where everybody saw the movie, on their cassette players.
"So it was a hit, but it had been a slow build. You know, people talk about it being an iconic movie, with iconic characters and so on – it was never that back then, and you have to remember, too, that Arnold was not a superstar. He was basically a body builder and Mr Universe and, with all respect due to him for being Mr Universe, but all he had done at that time was Conan, and people didn’t take him particularly seriously as an actor. And he only had two lines in the movie!"
Biehn believes the film's popularity grew in popularity as Schwarzenegger's celebrity grew. "It wasn’t like that movie came out and [people thought] “Oh Michael Biehn’s a star! He’s getting offered stuff right and left!” It just didn’t happen that way. It just came out slowly, and so I didn’t realise it was going to be anything until… I don’t even know when!
"Maybe, like, the early 90s, when they made T2, I figured, 'Okay, they’re gonna make T2, that’s Jim… and then they’re gonna make T3.' And then you realise this is a big deal, but it’s very hard to pinpoint the time when I knew it was going to be very good."
One of Biehn's favorite stories from making The Terminator was when he was called by Cameron to watch a rough cut of the Tech-Noir shootout.
"We worked eleven weeks on The Terminator, and they were hard: streets of Los Angeles, night shooting, etc. We finished shooting on a Saturday morning (when the sun was coming up) and I got a call from our producer, Gale Anne Hurd, on Sunday. Jim had a rough cut of the Tech-Noir scene and he wanted me to come to see it. I wanted to stay in bed all day, but I went over to his office.
"When I arrived, he was manically typing something, and he didn't even realize I was standing in his doorway, watching him for about thirty seconds. Before he showed me the rough cut of the Tech-Noir scene, I asked him what he'd been working on. He said, "Well, 20th Century Fox is interested in doing a sequel to Alien, and they've asked me to write a treatment." That's Jim Cameron for you. He doesn't have an extra 10 minutes."
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suspectjpg · 3 months
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[     lola tung ,  cis  woman,  she/her   ]     ⸻     have you seen CRYSTAL "MOONEY" SONG? yes, the TWENTY - ONE year old JUNIOR that’s usually wandering around campus? they’re currently focused on BIOLOGY, so we’re sure they’ve been super busy with studying. according to rumors, they were michael’s HALF - SISTER and he knew they GRAVELY INJURED SOMEONE IN A HIT - AND - RUN. does it make sense considering they’re known for being DRIVEN as well as BLUNT? either way, the phantom is threatening to bring scary things to light, but let’s hope whatever they’re hiding stays in the dark.  [  maria,  21,  she/her,  mst,  body horror ]
rly quick stats
introducing crystal moon song
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known as. mooney
dob. 2003 march 23
zodiac big three. aries sun, scorpio moon, virgo rising
sexuality. bisexual
extracurriculars. model un, book club; i think she'd also be in an intramural soccer or volleyball team and i am *palms out* asking for her teammates
inspirations. kim kelly (freaks and geeks), mandy milkovich (shameless), kat stratford (10 things i hate about you), jade west (victorious), miranda hobbes (sex and the city)
tw car crash
mooney was born crystal moon song to her mama, esther song. the way she came wasn't very conventional. esther & michael kepler's father were friends from college, still so close decades later that esther asked him to be the sperm donor for the child she was hellbent on having after coming out of a loveless marriage and a career she hated. he agreed! it went well, and esther moved to cottonwood, arizona as soon as she knew she was pregnant. while mr. kepler wasn't involved in her life all that much, mooney and her mom would often make the drive to california to pay the keplers a visit during school breaks, and even christmas/thanksgiving a couple years.
if mooney's full name didn't gave it away, just know that esther is like the final boss of all hippies. she moved to cottonwood to start a psychic business in downtown sedona, which was only a short drive away. she's big on spirituality, connecting with nature, mediation, and whatnot.
esther always said that mooney was the universe's ultimate test of patience for her, with her sarcasm, dry humor, and iron will-- all decidedly the very opposite of esther. but mooney would argue that she needed traits like that, to keep her mother's feet planted firmly on the ground and reel her back in through every disastrous fling.
mooney always had a bit of a temper too, and she started playing soccer to have some kind of outlet for it. she's good too! really good. esther's got the money to really pimp her out, with her own soccer coach, soccer camps during the summer, etc. she plays all the way through high school, team captain and the whole nine yards.
it ends badly. mooney was only 15 when she gravely injures a pedestrian during a hit-and-run. she had taken her mom's car to go to a party. it was dark. she was still a little drunk. it's bad. it's worse because she ran away. three weeks later, and she finds out that the person suffered a head injury that landed them in a coma.
much to her luck, esther used to be a judge. she talked and talked and pulled strings she hadn't pulled in years to get mooney out of the situation scot-free, all on the condition that esther pays for the family's medical bills. that meant no more investing in mooney's sport. it also meant dipping into her college fund. it was tragic, but it was also esther's version of a 'lesson' for mooney.
slowly, she fell out of love with the sport. all of her club friends drifted away from her and she quickly found out that the only reason she really liked playing it was because she liked the people she was playing with. that, and the guilt just weighed on her. she looked elsewhere for her passions, for her comforts.
she just so happened to find them in the sciences, specifically biology. it turns out she got more out of the hikes and the camping trips her mother forced her on as a kid than just realigned chakras, or whatever her mom said. she loved nature above all else! wanted to understand the why behind everything she saw and so she saw to it, devoting a huge chunk of her time to academics through the rest of high school.
she gets a pretty nifty scholarship from golden state for her stellar grades. it's not everything she hoped. it's not playing on the women's soccer team for some ivy league miles away from home, but it's fine. she hustles to pay for what her scholarship doesn't cover every term, and that's been her life for three years.
mooney is aggressive. in everything she does. she's abrasive, irritable, rough around the edges, and highly! judgemental! can come across as a know-it-all, and a snob, but it's just because she knows better than you do and she can prove it. her words. has made her fair share of people cry because of her need to punish idiocy.
but she's also incredibly loyal to the few people she's got in her corner. while she will go to extreme lengths to get revenge, she won't shy away from helping her loved ones with the same ferocity. she is equal parts brave and hard-working. an academic, even now. definite gym bro too, with the highlights of her workout pics and everything.
loves fiona apple and mitski and telling people 'you just don't get her like i do'.
wordle and duolingo streak warrior!!!
doesn't wanna admit it because she's so science and logic driven but she so buys into the whole nature-spirituality-yoga-pilates-green-juice-every-morning schtick her mom's got going on. she's the plant mom friend. she's a birder too, like seriously. has a note on her phoone full of all the different birds shes seen.
doesn't drive anymore. could never get over that mental block to get behind the wheel again; it makes her too anxious. so she either walks, skateboards, or ubers everywhere.
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