#durarara x2shou
suzu-kun22 · 6 years
What is up with Shizaya?
Okay, this post is going to get very personal and is very opinion based. Y’all ship who you want to ship, this is mostly just a rant about Shizaya because it is literally impossible to avoid. So I’m going into why exactly this makes me so damn angry. It’s seriously a problem. But if you ship it, this is nothing against you as a person. Shizaya just makes me very angry.
Recently, I felt a sudden craving for Shizuo Heiwajima content. I’m not sure where the craving came from, but I had it. Now this craving is not abnormal for me, Shizuo is one of my favorite anime characters after all, so I decided to search tumblr for content of my favorite angry bartender. Much to my dismay, I had to scroll through at least 10 Shizaya related posts before I even got *one* of just Shizuo being awesome on his own.
Now, this isn’t a problem with Izaya as a character. In fact, I adore Izaya almost as much as I adore his little sisters, who I strongly believe were criminally under-utilized by the series. Izaya is a fun, charismatic, interesting villain who is entertaining to watch and plays off the world around him in fun and interesting ways. The problem with this situation I found myself in is that I utterly despise Shizaya as a ship. In fact, it is the ship I use as an example when I’m trying to explain what a ship I would never ship looks like.
Shizaya is frustrating for me to see because it’s one of those ships that I know would never ever be as widespread as it is if the two characters concerned were not both men. I have no problem with same-sex pairings (just look at like more than half of the fan art I reblog on a regular basis) but I do have a problem with same-sex pairings that only exist because the characters involved are the same sex. It also just straight-up makes no goddamn sense. Shizuo is literally the only person in the Durarara!! universe that Izaya canonically despises. The only one. Minus the fact that I’m not even sure if Izaya is capable of feeling love, that’s a lot of people for him to be into in a sexual way who are not his *sworn fucking enemy.* Shipping Izaya with Kyohei, Shinra, Namie, or even that buff red-haired woman from X2 makes more sense because these people actually willingly spend time around Izaya. They may not like him as a person, but they can tolerate him enough to be around him. Shinra and Izaya are even canonically childhood friends. Izaya seems to actually somewhat care about Shinra, why does no one go anywhere with that?? I don’t ship it, but it would be so much more tolerable than Shizaya.
Shizuo is kind of in the same boat. Obviously he has a lot more enemies (or just people he doesn’t like) than Izaya does, but he also has a lot more legitimate and healthy friendships than Izaya. More people who can stand being around him long enough to cultivate a sincere and genuine romantic relationship. Izaya is not one of those people. When it is actual stated canon that two characters utterly despise each other, that usually doesn’t mean that they secretly love each other. Shipping Shizuo with Celty (they’re my brotp), Shinra (again, brotp), Kyohei (yet again, brotp), or Vorona makes so much more sense to me. I personally ship him with Vorona because I see the ways that their strengths compliment each other. For example, Vorona is strong enough to not get hurt or panic when Shizuo gets angry, but he’s a genuine and compassionate enough person to show her that she had worth and that he loves her for who she is.
Now, look at the alternatives presented, especially the ones I elaborated on, and answer one question.
How could a relationship between Izaya Orihara and Shizuo Heiwajima be healthy for either party?
Izaya doesn’t see Shizuo as a human. Shizuo’s own self-worth is already pretty garbage because he sees himself as an instrument of something he hates (violence) and is scared of hurting people he’s close to, so how would Izaya’s belief that Shizuo is a monster help assure him in anyway?
Izaya doesn’t know how to hold a conversation or even be a normal fucking person for five minutes. Shizuo is not a patient man, and he is certainly not patient enough to sit down with Izaya for hours and hours on end just to get him to function like a normal human being.
TLDR: Shizaya is only popular because it’s a light-dark yaoi ship. If you think about it longer than 2 minutes, the relationship would actually be very unhealthy for both parties involved and there are many alternatives (even other m|m ones) that would be much healthier for the characters involved and wouldn’t involve snapping canon under your goddamn foot because in canon they despise each other almost as much as I despise this ship.
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shizuochan · 2 years
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i've watched the ova of durarara x2shou the other day and oh boy these two
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