#durable water filter
mananwatertech · 2 months
Comprehensive Guide to the PP Screen Filter Y Shape ¾” or 25 mm
In the world of irrigation and fluid management, ensuring the purity of water or any liquid passing through your system is crucial. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by using a screen filter. Among the various types available, the Product PP Screen Filter Y Shape ¾” or 25 mm stands out for its efficiency and reliability.
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What is a PP Screen Filter?
A PP (Polypropylene) screen filter is a type of filtration device made from high-quality polypropylene material. Polypropylene is known for its durability, resistance to chemicals, and ability to withstand high pressures. This makes it an ideal choice for filtration in both agricultural and industrial settings.
Features of the Y Shape ¾” or 25 mm Screen Filter
Design and Structure:
Y Shape: The Y-shaped design ensures minimal pressure loss and efficient filtration. This design allows for a more streamlined flow of liquid, reducing the chances of clogging and ensuring a longer lifespan for the filter.
¾” or 25 mm Size: This size is perfect for a variety of applications, making it versatile and easy to integrate into existing systems. It is suitable for medium to high-flow applications, making it a popular choice among users.
Polypropylene Construction: The use of polypropylene provides several benefits. It is resistant to a wide range of chemicals, making it suitable for various applications. Additionally, it can handle high temperatures and pressures, ensuring reliable performance under different conditions.
Filtration Efficiency:
Screen Filter: The screen filter efficiently traps debris, sediments, and other particles, ensuring that only clean liquid passes through. This is particularly important in irrigation systems where even small particles can clog nozzles and damage equipment.
Easy Maintenance:
User-Friendly Design: The filter is designed for easy disassembly and cleaning. Regular maintenance is simple, requiring minimal effort and time. This ensures that the filter remains effective over long periods.
Applications of the Y Shape ¾” or 25 mm Screen Filter
Agricultural Irrigation:
Ensures that water supplied to crops is free from debris and particles, which can otherwise clog irrigation systems and reduce efficiency.
Industrial Applications:
Used in various industrial processes where clean fluid is essential. It helps in protecting equipment from damage caused by impurities in the liquid.
Domestic Use:
Ideal for garden irrigation systems, ensuring that plants receive clean water, free from harmful particles.
Benefits of Using a PP Screen Filter
The initial investment in a PP screen filter can save significant costs in the long run by reducing maintenance needs and preventing damage to irrigation systems.
The high-quality polypropylene material ensures that the filter has a long lifespan, even in challenging conditions.
Improved Efficiency:
By maintaining clean water flow, the filter ensures that irrigation and other systems work at their optimal efficiency.
The Product PP Screen Filter Y Shape ¾” or 25 mm is an essential tool for anyone looking to ensure clean and efficient liquid flow in their systems. Its robust design, efficient filtration, and ease of maintenance make it a top choice for agricultural, industrial, and domestic applications. Investing in this filter can lead to long-term savings, improved system performance, and peace of mind knowing that your equipment is protected from potential damage caused by impurities.
For more Products Visit Manan Water Tech .
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owlf45 · 9 months
romance me with mosquito facts
mosquitoes, when in a condensed enough space, sound like gentle rain.
i work with a specific mosquito species, called the aedes agypti, which carries diseases like dengue virus, west niles virus, and yellow fever. the males are generally smaller than the females, though emerge into adults sooner. you can tell the difference between males and females by the fluffy antennas of the males.
gay mosquitoes everywhere.
mosquitoes tend to be social, if stupid creatures. if you stick two mosquitoes alone in a cage, they probably wont chill (and wont mate). it's just not their style. this is especially frustrating when trying to set up specific genetic crosses.
although i never met them, there used to be a researcher at the lab who did the most batshit stuff. we keep our mosquitoes in mesh cages, so they can't escape but they can feed through the mesh (so we don't have to reach in and out of the cages and potentially let some loose). this old researcher used to grab the morning newspaper, roll up his pants, collapse in a chair and settle his calves over the mesh cages for literal thousands of mosquitoes to feed from him. for hours. i want to meet this man so bad.
mosquitoes are stupid and annoying and prone to killing themselves akin to a goldfish constantly getting stuck in a filter. but strangely enough, you grow to love them. they are simultaneously fragile and durable, easily discernible and difficult to hunt. you can tear their hind legs off and put them through shock a few times and they'll be fine, but a single finger will smush them (quite inconveniently, when you know that bitch could've moved!).
directly after bloodfeeding a female mosquito, if you kill her—often by clapping her directly between your hands (female mosquitoes are the only ones to bloodfeed)—the blood will still be warm.
although i dont screen larvae for traits as often as I used to (I tend to do more database/mosquito caretaking work now), certain gene-linked traits can be found physically in the larvae and pupae stages—sometimes they glow bright blue/green under fluorescent lighting, for example.
like I said though, i mostly work with caretaking. i do the bloodfeeding, i replace their food and water, and i make sure they're in good health and can lay eggs on a proper surface. the mosquitoes under my care live for about a month and a half, though if they're still alive by the time we need to hatch the next generation, we simply fridge them and kill them off. put mosquitoes in the fridge for a few minutes and they'll go to sleep. put them in for a few hours, and they'll usually die— we keep them in for 24 hours to make sure, though.
mosquitoes are difficult to contain. compared to other biochemistry departments, you have tiny creatures that are mobile and can fly, and can't always be seen by the average person unless they're specifically looking for it. I've worked in microbiology labs before, but if there was contamination, it was solely on the researcher. contamination from a loose mosquito is hard to track. this is all to say that I work in a bunker—double doors, minimal vents, no windows.
mosquitoes are the deadliest animals in the world. mosquitoes kill over a million people a year (hence my research). i sit in the back of the bunker sometimes, in the side warm room where we keep our cages of mosquitoes, hundreds of different genetically modified lines in progress at a time, and I have blood on my palms— blood that I fed to my subjects before I squashed them because they escaped from their cages, and I think about the fact that for over 200 lines of this species, I grow them from eggs to adults to death and hatch their offspring again and again and again. i think of lovecraftian horror and I hear gentle rain and remember images of war that keep me up late at night, and I wonder what's the point, for a few numbers in my bank account, and then another mosquito has gotten loose and lands on my arm and doesn't bite me, because it's already full; because i already fed it; because it's just looking for a small, dark place to rest in the folds of my jacket.
mosquitoes love to hide on black surfaces.
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theglamorousferal · 7 months
Liminal Amity Park
Danny is being crowned Ghost King soon. The entire town, as they are protected members of his Haunt, is invited. Danny has told his parents about him being Phantom, they set up a press conference for Phantom to tell the town they were invited.
This is an Amity that has come to terms with the fact the dead float along the streets. An Amity that realized around the time the town was pulled into another dimension that their lives were never going to be normal again. The Fenton's build a portal large enough for a tractor trailer to drive through in the center of the city that lets out in a newly formed town in what previously was the wasteland in front of Pariah's Keep. It's the new capital of the Ghost Zone and Phantom's Keep.
The newly formed ghost town and Amity essentially evolve together until they're essentially the same town but half of it is in another dimension. The human residents start to notice they're a bit more durable. Their eyes glow and teeth sharpen when angry. The realize they're ecto-contaminated.
So, to keep it from happening elsewhere, the Fenton's put a giant shield that filters out ectoplasm so it doesn't contaminate the air, water or ground outside of the bubble. They have a giant wall built around the city and distribution centers set up just outside of town so shipments can still be received so they don't run out of supplies.
There are shops in the newly dubbed Ghastburg that sell things thought lost to time. Dishes that people have only ever read about are available at little mom and pop shops run by ghosts whose obsession is cooking. Ghosts whose obsessions were collecting rare plants had seeds that they now could grow in Amity because the Ghost Zone didn't have proper sunlight. Fiber arts and blacksmithing techniques that died out now have new people learning them. A ghost with a similar obsession to Skulker but instead basically ran a zoo now has people they can infodump on about the rare or extinct species they have collected throughout the centuries.
Just, humans and ghosts thriving together and building a community and accepting that they are just a bit different and that's okay.
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cure-icy-writes · 2 months
Skykid speculative biology
-Skykids, within the ecosystem, take the role of scavengers. Their primary food is a form of entropy created whenever a candle is lit; essentially, skykids consume the leftover energy. Because they are sacred and spiritual beings, it is considered good practice to place candles outside of your home to feed the skykid population. (Note: Ushering Stargazer's memory indicates that skykids and ancestors did, in fact, exist at the same time. Also, Aviary village contains candles to support this theory. Candle cakes may be shrines of a sort? Wasteland seems to be lacking in candles, while the palace in Crescent Oasis has many. So this is also a classism issue.)
-Skykids are not actually anything like ancestors, but rather a species of bird that happens to be humanoid shaped. They travel in flocks and are excellent mimics; their childlike stature is believed to be a defense mechanism, and they can imitate the cries of many other species. They also have a love of music (source: season of Aurora, season of rhythm, season of duets) and can be seen at concerts. It is said that if the dead are buried with an instrument, the skykids nearby will learn to play from their spirit.
-Due to their odd reproductive cycle, Skykids are lacking in primary sexual characteristics and do not appear to engage in sexual behaviors. (Source: default moth hairstyle is androgynous and game never asks your gender.) Skykids will learn how to style their hair and wear clothing from ancestors, which may often give the impression of gender, but it is important to remember that they might be wearing long hair and a pink flowery cloak simply because they thought it was pretty, not because of any feminine inclinations. The vast majority of skykids seem to be agender, with a small amount displaying gendered preferences. Occasionally, a skykid may be goth. It is uncertain if goth is a gender identity to them.
-Some skykids have been witness engaging in traditionally romantic behaviors, but it is unclear whether they understand romantic attraction or simply see this behavior as an extension of platonic love. It's theorized that they make no distinction between the two, as they will get down on one knee and present their candle to a potential friend.
-Skykids are extremophiles, who are very durable and hard to kill. They love being flung around, shot out of party cannons, and blasted by a boiling hot geyser. It's enrichment for them!
-Darkness plants, as they're commonly known, serve the purpose of absorbing pollution and converting it into a waxy substance that skykids can burn, much like candles. This spreads their seeds and restarts the cycle. Aquatic darkness plants are known as dark marimo, and usually don't clog pipes but rather drift around freely. If you place a small one in a mesh bag, you can use it to absorb the pollution in your water, creating a personal filter.
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pumpsoul-oct123 · 2 months
The Importance of Preparedness: 10 Essential Items for Your Survival Kit
1. Water and Water Filtration
What to Include:
Water: At least one gallon per person per day for at least three days.
Water Filtration System: Portable water filters or purification tablets to ensure you can make any water source potable.
2. Non-Perishable Food
What to Include:
Canned Goods: Fruits, vegetables, and ready-to-eat meals.
Dry Goods: Rice, pasta, cereals, and protein bars.
Specialty Items: Baby formula, pet food, and items for dietary restrictions.
3. First Aid Kit
What to Include:
Basic Supplies: Bandages, antiseptic wipes, adhesive tape, and scissors.
Medications: Pain relievers, antihistamines, and any prescription medications.
Specialized Tools: Tweezers, a digital thermometer, and a CPR mask.
4. Emergency Lighting and Power
What to Include:
Flashlights and Batteries: LED flashlights with extra batteries.
Solar-Powered Lights: Solar lanterns and portable solar chargers for electronic devices.
Hand-Crank Radio: A multi-function radio that can receive weather updates and charge your phone.
5. Shelter and Warmth
What to Include:
Emergency Blankets: Thermal blankets or sleeping bags.
Tarp and Duct Tape: For creating makeshift shelters.
Warm Clothing: Hats, gloves, and extra layers of clothing.
6. Personal Hygiene Items
What to Include:
Sanitation Supplies: Wet wipes, hand sanitizer, and biodegradable soap.
Toiletries: Toothbrushes, toothpaste, and feminine hygiene products.
Waste Bags: Plastic bags for disposing of waste safely.
7. Important Documents
What to Include:
Identification: Copies of passports, driver’s licenses, and Social Security cards.
Medical Information: Health insurance cards, medical records, and prescriptions.
Financial Information: Bank account details, credit card information, and insurance policies.
8. Tools and Supplies
Why It’s Essential: Having the right tools can make a significant difference in an emergency, allowing you to perform necessary repairs, signal for help, or navigate your surroundings.
What to Include:
Multi-Tool: A versatile tool that includes pliers, a knife, and screwdrivers.
Whistle: For signaling for help.
Maps and Compass: Local maps and a compass for navigation if GPS is unavailable.
9. Communication Devices
What to Include:
Cell Phone and Charger: An extra charger or power bank.
Two-Way Radios: Battery-powered radios for communication if cell service is down.
Emergency Contact List: A written list of important phone numbers.
10. Personal Protection Equipment
What to Include:
Face Masks: N95 respirators or other protective masks.
Gloves: Durable work gloves for handling debris.
Protective Clothing: Long-sleeved shirts and pants to protect against exposure.
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candidscape · 24 days
Eco-Friendly Interior Design: Sustainable Solutions for Your Home
As awareness of environmental issues grows, eco-friendly interior design is becoming increasingly popular. This approach not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home but also contributes to a more sustainable and healthier environment. Here’s how you can embrace sustainable solutions in your interior design:
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1. Choose Sustainable Materials
Opt for materials that are eco-friendly and have a minimal environmental impact. Look for:
Bamboo: A rapidly renewable resource used for flooring, furniture, and decor.
Recycled Glass: Ideal for countertops and tiles, recycled glass reduces waste and adds a unique touch.
Reclaimed Wood: Salvaged from old buildings or furniture, reclaimed wood offers a rustic charm and helps reduce deforestation.
2. Opt for Low-VOC Paints
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in traditional paints can negatively impact indoor air quality. Choose low-VOC or no-VOC paints that are less harmful and contribute to a healthier living environment. Many eco-friendly paint options come in a wide range of colors and finishes, so you don’t have to compromise on style.
3. Incorporate Energy-Efficient Lighting
Energy-efficient lighting solutions not only reduce your energy bills but also minimize your environmental footprint. Consider:
LED Bulbs: They use up to 90% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and have a longer lifespan.
Smart Lighting Systems: These systems allow you to control lighting remotely and set schedules to minimize energy use.
4. Use Sustainable Fabrics
When selecting textiles for your home, choose fabrics that are both stylish and sustainable. Options include:
Organic Cotton: Grown without harmful chemicals, organic cotton is soft and eco-friendly.
Hemp: A durable and versatile fabric that requires minimal water and pesticides.
Recycled Polyester: Made from recycled plastic bottles, it helps reduce waste and can be used for upholstery and curtains.
5. Invest in Energy-Efficient Appliances
Modern appliances that are ENERGY STAR® rated use less energy and water, helping you reduce your household’s carbon footprint. Look for energy-efficient models for your refrigerator, dishwasher, washing machine, and other appliances.
6. Embrace Upcycling and Repurposing
Give old furniture and decor a new life through upcycling and repurposing. This approach reduces waste and adds unique character to your home. Consider:
Painting or Reupholstering Furniture: Transform outdated pieces into stylish, custom creations.
Repurposing Materials: Use reclaimed materials for DIY projects, such as creating a coffee table from an old door or shelves from wooden pallets.
7. Integrate Indoor Plants
Indoor plants not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home but also improve air quality by filtering pollutants. Opt for low-maintenance plants like snake plants, pothos, or peace lilies, which are known for their air-purifying properties.
8. Choose Sustainable Flooring Options
Eco-friendly flooring options can dramatically change the look and feel of your space. Consider:
Cork Flooring: Made from the bark of cork oak trees, it’s renewable and offers natural insulation.
Linoleum: Made from natural materials like linseed oil and wood flour, it’s biodegradable and comes in various colors and patterns.
Recycled Carpet: Made from recycled materials, such as plastic bottles, it provides comfort while reducing waste.
9. Implement Water-Saving Fixtures
Conserving water is an essential aspect of eco-friendly design. Install:
Low-Flow Faucets and Showerheads: These fixtures reduce water usage without sacrificing performance.
Dual-Flush Toilets: Offer two flushing options to minimize water consumption.
10. Support Local and Artisan Products
Choose locally-made and artisan products to reduce transportation emissions and support local economies. Local artisans often use sustainable practices and materials, adding a unique touch to your home while minimizing your environmental impact.
By integrating these eco-friendly interior design solutions, you can create a home that reflects your commitment to sustainability while enjoying a stylish and comfortable living space. Embracing these practices not only benefits the environment but also promotes a healthier lifestyle for you and your family.
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wizardothesea · 1 year
Hi there! I’m a wizard o the sea! I live in my tower on the ocean floor, just a bit northwest of wizard island. I do your general water spells, so let me know if the water to your tower goes out, I may be able to help. Was in general magic studies during wizard college before going into water magic. Asks are open and welcome!
Art of myself I drew is below the cut
Bonus drawing of me and Danny the squid familiar.
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Here is my water gun, the Super Soaker
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Materials list: white is sea leviathan eggshell (for magic conduction) red is magma worm skin (to heat water and take in excess heat) black is cursed steel (for durability) gold is melted down protection amulets (for a curse ward) purple is dragon scale (for shot strength) brown is centaur leather (for control) and finally blue is mana infused water, coming from a tube stuck in the wrist of yours truly. I keep the gun in my robes cause it’s not registered with the wizard council and it is a very modified firearm (and definitely not cause I can’t draw hands)
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Here is my heart along with a key of what’s what. Some notes to make 1: Conduits carry mana rich water taken in through the skin. Arteries carry pure mana and veins carry plain water (with very trace amounts of mana not filtered out by the lung) 2: the hydrothaumic lung (8) operates quickly forcing mana rich water next to (9), which draws out the mana leaving water. The water is then taken out with the veins. 3: the hydrothaumic pump is fueled by the pulmonary arteriole. The reason the pump is necessary is because the heart, with its modifications, lost much of its original strength in order to manipulate mana. 4: The vena cava (18) splits in order to dispose of waste water and to fuel the super soaker the aorta carries mana through arteries to the rest of the body. No runes on this as it’s older hardware and also organic (sorta); the (1) and (8) as well as the(9), (11), (7), and (17) are not.
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chandapai · 3 months
Apply These 7 Secret Techniques to Improve Your Jug
Bubble Bratz In the realm of beverage containers, the humble jug often goes unnoticed. However, it plays a pivotal role in our daily lives, from serving drinks at gatherings to storing liquids in the kitchen. Improving the functionality and aesthetics of your jug can enhance its usability and appeal. Here are seven secret techniques to elevate your jug to new heights.
1. Choose the Right Material
The material of your jug significantly impacts its performance and longevity. Traditional materials like glass, ceramic, and stainless steel each have unique advantages:
Glass: A classic choice, glass jugs are non-reactive, making them ideal for storing acidic beverages like juices and wine. They also allow you to see the contents, adding a visual appeal. However, they can be fragile and heavy.
Ceramic: Ceramic jugs are aesthetically pleasing and can keep liquids cool for longer periods. They are also non-reactive but can be prone to chipping.
Stainless Steel: Known for its durability and lightweight nature, stainless steel jugs are excellent for both hot and cold beverages. They are also easy to clean and maintain.
2. Ergonomic Design
An ergonomic design ensures that your jug is comfortable to use, reducing strain on your hand and wrist. Look for jugs with handles that fit your grip naturally and spouts that pour smoothly without dripping. A well-designed jug should have a balanced weight distribution to prevent spills and make pouring easier.
3. Innovative Spout Technology
The spout is a crucial component of any jug, determining how smoothly and accurately you can pour liquids. Some advanced spout technologies to consider include:
Drip-Free Spouts: Designed to prevent drips and spills, these spouts ensure a clean pour every time.
Filtered Spouts: Ideal for jugs used to serve beverages like iced tea or fruit-infused water, filtered spouts keep unwanted particles from entering your glass.
Adjustable Flow Spouts: These spouts allow you to control the flow rate, making it easier to pour without splashing.
4. Insulation for Temperature Control
Insulated jugs are essential for maintaining the temperature of your beverages. Double-walled insulation keeps cold drinks cold and hot drinks hot for extended periods. This feature is especially beneficial for outdoor events or long gatherings where you want to ensure your drinks stay at the desired temperature.
5. Aesthetic Appeal
A visually appealing jug can enhance the overall dining experience. Consider the following elements to improve the aesthetic appeal of your jug:
Color and Finish: Choose a color and finish that complements your kitchen or dining decor. Matte finishes offer a contemporary look, while glossy finishes provide a classic appeal.
Patterns and Designs: Unique patterns and designs can make your jug a focal point. Hand-painted ceramics or etched glass can add an artistic touch.
Custom Labels: Personalizing your jug with custom labels or engravings can make it a special item, perfect for gifts or special occasions.
6. Ease of Cleaning
A jug that is easy to clean will ensure hygiene and longevity. Here are some tips to enhance the cleanliness of your jug:
Wide Mouth Openings: Jugs with wide mouth openings are easier to clean, allowing you to reach all corners and remove any residue.
Dishwasher Safe: Ensure your jug is dishwasher safe for convenient and thorough cleaning.
Removable Parts: Jugs with removable spouts or handles are easier to disassemble and clean, ensuring no hidden spots for bacteria to grow.
7. Multi-Functional Use
A versatile jug can serve multiple purposes, making it a valuable addition to your kitchen. Consider these multi-functional features:
Infuser Insert: An infuser insert allows you to add fruits, herbs, or tea bags to your jug, creating flavored beverages with ease.
Measurement Markings: Jugs with measurement markings are useful for cooking and baking, allowing you to measure liquids accurately.
Stackable Design: Stackable jugs save space in your kitchen and are convenient for storage.
Improving your jug with these seven secret techniques can enhance its functionality, aesthetic appeal, and overall user experience. Whether you're hosting a party, preparing a family meal, or simply enjoying a refreshing drink, a well-designed jug can make a significant difference. By choosing the right material, focusing on ergonomic design, incorporating innovative spout technology, ensuring proper insulation, enhancing aesthetic appeal, making cleaning easier, and adding multi-functional features, you can transform your jug into a versatile and indispensable kitchen tool.
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corvidmasters · 10 months
macha combat notes
Paper Supply
The case that's always at her hip has approx. 550 sheets of printer paper in it at the start of a mission. (When they have extremely limited resources pre-Wandering Sea arrival, this amount begins to dwindle until she's out halfway through LB2. That triggers a whole breakdown but that's a story for another day.)
Prior to Orleans, her magecraft could only go so far in reinforcing the paper to be durable against water and retardant against flame. If the paper is damaged before she can apply magecraft, she is shit out of luck.
Da Vinci begins providing her with perfectly fireproof and waterproof paper after fires in Fuyuki screwed Macha over. ("I wondered what that case you asked me to make was for! Why didn't you also ask me to enchant the printer paper you stole? I'm a genius, you know?")
Paper Magecraft (Papercraft) Capabilities
Macha is well-versed in reinforcing and altering paper and paper-related products (papyrus, amate; also including some other things made from plant fiber like cardboard and filters). Their structures are so inherently understood to her that she doesn't have to think about them when changing them. Fibrous structures could in theory become her overall speciality with training, but perhaps due to a strange side effect of her family's Thaumaturgical Attribute ("Obsession"), she stubbornly always tries to stick to paper.
With the listed products, Macha can:
Fold it any way she likes
Extend the fibers to a certain degree
Overlap fibers to fuse pieces together
Sharpen them until they cut like a blade
Make the fibers strong enough to stop bullets
In the same vein, apply a degree of waterproof and flame retardant properties to paper that does not already have these qualities (if she obtains such types of paper she can push the quality to a higher degree as well)
Control paper she's already modified from short distances
She can apply these capabilities to many different things. Because she often makes things out of paper using her magecraft, she calls her own talent "papercrafting". In addition to all of this, she can recreate a lot of things she sees with paper, as she spent 20 years of her life doing exactly that ad nauseum.
When it comes to measuring the paper amount required for a given craft in writing, printer paper is used as the standard; in other words, "guess how much is needed when one material is a head tall and thin". The more thickness+surface area = more paper needed. The larger a craft, the more magical energy she needs as well. A paper recreation of herself would take two and a half Machas worth of energy as a standard.
Paper can be reused as long as it is not heavily damaged and is safely returned to her case.
Papercraft examples: 1, 2, 3
Magus Stats and Magecraft Knowledge
Both her Origin and Element are Paper. This is caused by the aforementioned Thaumaturgical Attribute, which enables mages of the Schmied lineage to have their Element be their Origin from birth. They will also deeply and inherently understand the qualities of things connected to their Origin, and any magecraft related to it will require significantly less preparation to pull off (in many cases only necessary materials are required).
Her Circuit quantity is average, quality slightly above average—a second-rate magus. She can support many Servants on her own, but backup is required from Chaldea to bring out the best of some. Of course in any case a Command Spell will always be what will bring out a Servant's full might.
She primarily relies on her papercraft. Until Tanya properly taught her before Septem, Macha didn't even know how to use her Command Spells and Mystic Codes. (This is mostly excused by Macha being omitted from a lot of basic civilian training due to Romani prioritizing treating her mental & physical ailments in time for her to be reasonably ready for the second Rayshift experiment.)
She also struggles with Shadow Servant summoning until America, where she's basically forced to use Shadows anyways because she's Servant-less for a significant period of time.
It's not until Camelot that she begins to fully understand the range of potential both the Command Spells and MCs have. By the Lostbelts she's started trying out other magecraft, particularly anything that gives her advantages in combat.
In Combat
Macha is the most confrontational Master in the team (prior to her even more confrontational little brother joining). While she has enough sense to delegate most Servant fights to her own Servants, she will often get directly involved in many monster and human battles of her own initiative. Even when relying on a Servant, she will provide offensive backup when the opportunity presents itself.
She likes to fashion her paper into rudimentary swords or throw sharpened pieces at enemies like throwing knives. She is strangely well-versed in the ways of killing humans through cutting and slashing. Macha has trouble with people with more combat experience than her...in the beginning, at least. Over time is a different story...
She can block unenchanted physical weapons of human make with her paper on her own by making shields on the fly. Defense against enchanted weapons and spiritual attacks requires backup from a Servant like Medea, and even with such backup, defense against divine constructs or any blows from a Noble Phantasm are extremely difficult if not outright impossible. Even daring to try and defend from a Servant's punch like this could seriously injure or kill her.
This all is not to say that she deliberately gets into fights, however. She actually tries to mitigate the amount of battle encounters the team has through careful planning, and is all for eliminating potential threats before they're actualized. Since she's usually trying to do this alone without anyone noticing, this won't always work. Sometimes she won't even be honest with her intentions with her own comrades on impulse. She's only honest about her plans with her Servants. ("our insane master is plotting something utterly off the rails again" - macha's servants; "LMFAO" - archer (oda nobunaga) (macha's servant))
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theterribletenno · 1 year
Thought about writing some new unique materials for the Umbriel Reef and then I was like naah man that’s just homework.  That’s not an exciting new warframe, or an overpowered new weapon, or even a boss with deep lore. That’s just fucking filler text.
No fucking body needs to know about Hermitweed, an ocean plant that grows in midwater suspended by bladder-like leaves filled with fresh water so thoroughly filtered that Uranians use it as a source of drinking water during long trips, nor do they need to know its hardy stems are an organic carbon fiber which makes a highly durable, flexible, and renewable building and crafting material.
The number of people that would have even a detectable amount of unironic excitement about the existence of Hermitweed wold fit in the back seat of my 2014 Hyundai Accent.  And they’d probably start making out.
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jmccwaterfilter · 4 months
Do not buy JMCC filters
Do not buy JMCC filters if you really do not wish to elevate your filtration experience with premium selection of high-quality filters. JMCC filters are meticulously crafted to deliver unparalleled performance and peace of mind. Unlike conventional options; JMCC filters are engineered to excel in both efficiency and durability, ensuring optimal water quality in every application.
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ratasum · 9 months
Tyrian Plants for Breathing Complications
Researched by Pazz, chief of the ALERT Krewe. Research dedicated to his youngest daughter, for whom his research has made life less stressful.
A strange, delicate fruit bearing flower with a large, many-petaled blossom native to the Maguuma Jungle, driftweed is a parasitic plant that grows in the lower canopy, and their heads - almost the size of the fist of a fully grown norn - can be seen from the ground. These blossoms eventually change over the course of a year to a hard, vibrant, toxic berry. During the blooming season, however, the tissue thin petals are commonly gathered by asura (and, later, sylvari) living in the region. Though the fruit that will eventually come from the flowers may be deadly if ingested, the petals are frequently crushed and boiled, treated with special oils to be used as a treatment for various respiratory disorders. The raw flower has a noxious aroma, however, and many believe the oils are used to make it less nauseating when prescribed as a mist inhaler or when filtered into the air of atmospheric breathing rooms used for the treatment of more severe breathing problems. Due to a short blooming cycle and its specific growth region, it is difficult to obtain driftweed outside of Metrica and Caledon. As a result, the plant is not as popular through the rest of Tyria, with other “hedge remedies” more popular in other regions.
A newly discovered plant to greater Tyria, the Olmakhan charr have been cultivating this strange plant - native to the Sandswept Isles - for generations, and its been found to have many beneficial medicinal properties. The thick, watermelon-sized ball resembles a tangle of fragile dried vines at first glance, but its name is a misnomer. Brittleblossom is surprisingly durable, but the roots are what can be found to be quite brittle depending on the circumstances. Similar to tumbleweed, a brittleblossom plant will pull itself out by the roots and allow itself to be blown or moved by wildlife to a new location if the soil in a region becomes to dry. Rumored to be nearly immortal if planted and watered regularly, the plant becomes a fiery shade of orange when in a healthy environment. Cultivated when the leaves start going red at the tips, it’s a popular remedy for a number of different illnesses, from nausea to headaches to respiratory distress. Recent experimentation by asuran physicians have found that when boiled similarly to driftweed and incorporated into an aerosol spray, it has a longer and stronger effect than driftweed for respiratory disorders. It’s also become popular for those who are pregnant, as when brewed into a tea, it fends off most symptoms of morning sickness. Chewing the leaves has similar effect, but while it has a surprisingly minty scent, the leaves are very bitter.
Bubble Lily
A large, wide-petaled flower resembling a lilypad that thrives in brackish water, this plant can be found in estuaries and river deltas all along the coast of the Unending Sea. A favorite of herbalists, alchemists, and apothecaries due to its wide growth region and exceptional durability, the plant was named due to the bubble shape of the stamen. This sweet smelling plant has roots that reach down to the sandy soil below, and the roots themselves are popular in teas and ointments. Blended into a gel, the bubble lily roots have a particularly strong scent which - while not unpleasant - is effective at cutting through congestion and easing muscle spasms that result in coughing fits. It’s also a natural stimulant, making it a popular additive for coffee around Tyria. While not as effective as driftweed or brittleblossom for treating respiratory distress, it can be useful as a remedy in emergency situations when treatment made from one of the other plants is not viable. People with chronic respiratory issues will often carry dried roots to chew on in the event of a rapid deterioration in breathing conditions, as it can provide temporary relief until proper treatment can be obtained.
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I dozed peacefully on a mossy riverbank lulled by the murmur of the lapping water.  Lying perpendicular to my companion, my head was lovingly cradled in the midriff of the other, a long finger gently circling across my forehead.  My eyes lazily followed the pillowy clouds floating above, in between fleeting winks of sleep. 
Contented. . .only to be startled awake by a loud, shrill, staccato tone. Blindsided by the sound, my eyes sprang open.  I was confused and disturbed by a crimson world pulsating around me.  The companion – gone.  As if pulled by an unseen tether, I arose.  My fingers plugged my ears to lessen the painful blare.  I stumbled forward into the stand of trees lining the bank, drawn to a red light flashing in sympathy with the intense sound. When I reached a clearing, all turned to black.
I violently shook my head trying to banish the insistent beep ringing in my ears. 
Shit!  The alarm.
Yawning, my hand searched the bed covers for the phone to end the obnoxious sound.  I groaned finding I was still dressed from the prior evening.  My fists twisted against closed eyelids to dispel the muzziness in my head. 
Ugh. . .jet lag. . .Fuck, fuck, FUCK!  What time is it?
I sprang from the bed and beelined to the kitchen focusing on the cell screen.
Okay. . .Seven. . .I can do this. . .
I hastily slapped a filter into the basket, dumped in the coffee and turned on the machine. Leaning low to the counter stretching my back, forehead on folded arms, I waited for the machine to stop gurgling, trying to wake up.  A competing sound – insistent and close by - drew my attention.  Turning my face to peer at the living room’s glass doors, a deluge curtaining the patio made itself known, raindrops bouncing high off the bricked deck. A grimace in resignation at the unexpected glitch spread across my face.
Of course. . .  
Standing by the patio doors sipping the much-needed coffee, I rethought my attire for the meeting in light of the uncooperative weather.  The reflection of my unruly tresses ghosted in the rain-greyed glass.  I mulled over options for taming them into something more professional looking than the spawn of Medusa.
My hair and rain just do not mix. . .
I sighed and wandered back to the bedroom closet, coffee in hand, sliding each hanger along the polished wooden rod selecting pieces to fit my mood.
Almost everything I brought is black. . . how appropriate. . .Black it is, then.  Professional. . .yes. . .but perhaps just a bit off center.
Selecting straight-legged pants and a soft, silky tunic from the hangers, I threw them on the bed. Still not satisfied, I spied one of my more durable vintage pieces – a velvet cape-like jacket with a burgundy and gold paisley running through it – and gently placed it with my other choices. The 40’s spectator pumps completed the outfit.  I rummaged through my accessories to locate the final pieces – two large, carved rosewood hair combs and dangling garnet earrings.
This will do nicely.  All black with a splash of red and a bit of gold.
After finishing my ablutions, I quickly slipped on the outfit, before tackling the hair situation.  I gathered the long spirals into a thick ponytail and fashioned a twist, secured with the two combs; two strands liberated at each temple.
Too poufy. . .but it will have to do. Ha, ha! Gibson Girl to go with the jacket. . .If I had more time. . .fuck!
I thought that glamming up a bit might distract from failed hairstyle.   Make-up was not something that I ever cared about, even though I did own some basics.  I chose to follow my usual path of foregoing any addition, other than a swipe of lip gloss.  A bit of scent was called for, though, and I dabbed drops of musky patchouli oil on my wrists and behind my ears.
I think that’s the best I can do, considering. . .
Slipping on the jacket, I checked my phone.  It was 8:15. I topped off the coffee and sat nervously on the edge of the couch – waiting.  Promptly at 8:30, three metallic taps clacked on the front door.  Through the peephole, I observed a pleasant looking middle-aged man slightly rocking back and forth under a large golf umbrella.
I unfastened the chain and opened the door.
“Good morning, Ms. Mott,” he nodded through the streams of water dripping from the tips of the canopy.  “I’m Mr. Page’s driver, James.  Do you need a few minutes?”
“Hi. . .Yes, just a minute or two.”
He stepped back slightly from the door.
“No – please come in, come in.” I waved him inside.  “This weather - ugh.  I’ll be quick.”
He moved to just inside the door, leaving the open umbrella resting on its handle on the doorstep. “Typical for this time of year, I’m afraid.  Don’t rush, we have time.”
I started to collect my laptop, papers and keys but stopped to turn back to him, puzzled.
“Wait – how does that work?  You’re James, right? And he’s James.  Ever become a tad confusing?”
“Not anymore,” he said with a toothy smile.  “I’m James; he’s Jim or Jimmy, mostly.  I’ve been with him for a very long time so it's worked out just fine, but we do have a few laughs about it now and then.”
“Huh. Okay.  Ready.” I followed James out the door, under the shield of the huge umbrella, hastening up the stairs to the waiting car.  Sheltering me from the downpour, he opened the door and I slid across the back seat.  He quickly threw in the umbrella and dove into the driver’s seat to avoid being drenched.
“Not the best welcome for your first full day in London,” he commiserated, glancing at me in the rear-view mirror. “I’ll leave you to your thoughts.  Just tap on the glass if you need anything.” The partition closed between us.
James took a route that passed some of the iconic sights of the city. I leaned my head against the window, taking in the London scenery through the raindrops.  Hyde Park’s greenery loomed to my left and as we skirted between the boroughs of Mayfair and Soho, Marylebone and Fitzrovia, I wondered what the day would bring.  The grandeur of Regency Park and its wrought-iron gates appeared through the rainy mist. 
I dug out my Blackberry to confirm that it all was, indeed, real.  There it was – the photo – Jimmy hovering at Perry’s shoulder with a sweet, goofy grin and mischievous eyes, silver-white hair loose and flowing. The date and time stamp revealed it was snapped just hours after I ended my January call with “Mr. Hudson.”  Its greeting flashed from my phone when I awoke the next morning.
Mmmm. . .that was. . .indescribable. . . And here we are. . .
James cracked open the partition.  “We should be arriving shortly, Ms. Mott.”
“Great, thanks, James.”  I took a deep breath and nervously bit my lip catching his eye in the rearview. Resting my head against the chilly leather seat, I was lost in the possibilities to come as the car halted at 12 Oval Road, Jimmy’s manager’s office.  Thankfully, it seemed the rain had passed.
I started to open the door, but James was quicker. “Ms. Mott, allow me, please.  I’ll be waiting here when you’re done, okay?”
“Oh, thank you, James.”  I scanned the façade, sighing deeply, “Okaaay. . .here we go!”
“You’ll be fine.  See you shortly.”
Perry was waiting just inside the doors.  “Jane.  How are you this morning?”
“Nervous, Perry, for some reason,” I creaked.
“No need, no need.  We’re just on the next floor.”
I followed him up the carved, mahogany stairs admiring the 19th-century features blended into a very contemporary design.  “Interesting mix of periods here. . . wow!”
“Yeah, it’s a converted warehouse.  They tried very hard to keep what they could.” He swung open a door to reveal a large conference room.  A dark-haired woman sat at a long table, flipping through a few papers.
She rose and walked the length of the table to greet me.  “Jane. So happy to meet you.  I’m Angela. . .Angie, Bill’s staff attorney,” holding out her hand.
“Angie, hi, likewise,” using my most professional handshake.  “You’re American.”
“Is it that obvious?” she laughed.
“Well, yeeaah, it is.  New York?” I teased.  She nodded. Following the normal greeting when attorneys meet for the first time, I continued, “So, where did you go to school, Angie?”
“Uh. . .Columbia, then here for a bit.”
Hmmm. . . I know that tone. Ha!
“Please have a seat, Jane. How about you?”
“Georgetown. . .” I slid into my seat at the center of the table opposite her. 
God, I hate that ass-sniffing ritual. . .very tiresome.  She seems to hold it in the same regard, though.  Ha.  Good.
“If you have time, I’d love to talk to you about your school experience in Britain while I’m here.  Very interested.”
“I’d love to fill you in. I’ll give you my card. . .Umm, Perry. . .you have everything?”
“Yeah, yeah, I do.”  He scrambled to take his seat at the table.
“Okay, why don’t we start with the non-disclosure?” She queried me over her reading glasses.
“Alright.  No changes from the final draft?”
I shook my head.
“Great.  Here are two copies.” She placed each side by side in front of me.  “Please sign each one.  I’ll do the same as Mr. Page’s representative. Perry will witness.  We each will have an original execution.”
“Perfect. . .but, uh, can you give me a few minutes?” I unzipped the case and grabbed my laptop.  “I just wanna. . .you know. . .not that I don’t trust you or anything, but – “
“Right, understood, of course. . .Perry?” She nodded to the far corner of the room and stood up from the table.
“Oh. . .okay.” He joined her.
“So, what is the plan for. . .”  Their conversation quieted as they moved to the end of the table.  My focus centered on the screen, comparing it to the documents before me.
What the hell are you doing? This is not at all necessary. . .I know. . .I know. . .it's just a formality. . .but I don’t want any surprises. . .
Once satisfied there were none, I called out to the corner.  “Okay, all good.”
The couple retook their seats.  “The pens are right there.” Angie indicated a small, ornate box in the center of the table. 
I opened it to find crimson fountain pens nestled inside.  Unscrewing the cap, I circled the gold nib across a spare bit of paper. 
“This is a lovely touch.” 
A deep, rich, aquamarine-colored liquid flowed smoothly as I scribbled.
“Very, very nice pen!  Definitely no problem recognizing the originals,” I chuckled, “. . .interesting shade of ink.” 
I signed and dated each of the agreements and slid them to Perry for his witness.   After Angie scrawled her signature, she waived around one of the documents to dry the ink.  She folded the papers and slipped them into an envelope, pushing it across the table. I reached to return the pen to the box.
“No, no!  Please keep it – a memento.  Perry will discuss the remaining details with you.  I’m staying on just in case there are any questions.”  She turned her focus to Perry.
“Right. . .Jim. . .uh - Mr. Page. . .is currently at Sonning-on-Thames. It’s about an hour’s drive west.  He thought it would be an agreeable place to meet. . .it's a little village.”
“It sounds great!” I bubbled like a thirteen-year-old, much to my embarrassment.  “Sorry. . .go on, please.”
“We arranged lodging for you at The Bull Inn – lots of history there and Mr. Page would very much like to absorb- “
“Uh. . .Nope, Perry.  I believe we discussed this, did we not?  This is on my dime. . .or. . .pound or whatever, right?  Now, we don’t need to sign something, do we?”  I fluttered my eyelids, smiling sweetly.
“Yes, we did and no, we don’t,” he laughed. “I had to try.  Soooo, in that event, the innkeepers have offered a very nominal rate for your stay.  James will ferry you to Sonning and then back to London in a few days. That will give you a chance to enjoy the village."
I glared at him with somewhat feigned displeasure.  “Perry. . . now how is that any different??  Offered and nominal? Isn’t that still – what did you call it – absorbing?”
He remained silent, expectantly, brows raised.
I resisted a bit longer, really not wanting my adventure to be subsidized by Jimmy in any way. But. . .I gave in. “Okay, okay. . .deal.”
“Alright, good.  You haven’t made any firm plans as of yet, right?” I nodded. “Mr. Page was hoping that you would arrive later this afternoon, get settled in, and meet with him tomorrow.  We’re unsure of the exact time as he has some business calls scheduled.  I’ll figure that out and ring you with the time.  Is that to your liking?"
“Yes, that is absolutely to my liking.  What happens now?"
“James will pick you up around mid-afternoon and get you checked in at The Bull.” He stood, followed by Angie.
Apparently, we’re done.  Very painless.
“God, Perry, I am beyond excited!” I hastily stuffed the envelope, the laptop and the pen back into the case, zipping it closed.  “Thank you both for everything. Angie, I look forward to our chat and thanks for the. . .uh. . .memento.”
As Angie walked me to the door, her hand grazed my arm as she slipped her business card into my hand. “Jane, that is a great wrap! Is it original?"
"Oh, thanks. Uhh. . .I have a thing for antiques."
"Mmm. . .Beautiful. There are some great shops to check out then while you're here. I'll give a list to Perry for you. I have no doubt you going to have an interesting experience.  Have fun.  Please do call me when you get back.”
“I will.  See ya, Perry.”
James was waiting, as promised, as I flew out of the building’s entrance and down the marble stairs. 
“All good?” He asked with a knowing look. 
“Way more than good.”
I couldn’t suppress the thoughts of the "interesting experience," as Angie put it, looming over the next few days.  Gazing out the window, I saw no landmarks only the possible scenarios I was conjuring.  When we arrived at the flat, James and I set the time for the trip to Sonning. 
“Thanks, James.  See you soon.  I can get this - really – don’t get out.”
I sprang out of the car, rushed down the stairs and through the door, hooking up the laptop in record time.   Draping the jacket over the back of the chair, I started a quick internet search, googling The Bull Inn, Sonning-on-Thames.
Historic is right, 16th century!  Regardless of how it goes with Jimmy, this is gonna be extremely cool.  Ha! Like everything so far.
I excitedly investigated the village and environs, finding that Deanery Garden, Jimmy’s home, was right up the road from the Inn. I grinned. 
Okaaay then.
After the laptop was back in its case, I twirled to the couch and flopped enjoying a delicious prickly excitement. 
I have a few hours to kill. . .may just a tiny shot. . .What the fuck, Jane? . . .It’s only 11 o’clock- in the morning!. . .Yeah, well, it's afternoon US time. . .I definitely need to mellow out or I’m going to go insane. . .I'd kill for a joint. . .Ha!
Reasoning that food would take away the guilt of alcohol mid-morning, I searched the fridge for something appealing.  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a blue and white something on the counter. A basket had appeared in my absence, covered with a checkered cloth with a note on top:
Jane – sorry to barge in while you’re out.  I dropped off linens and a little treat. Please enjoy! I forgot to mention that Rob and I will be away for a bit.  We have friends visiting while we’re gone, so don’t be alarmed if you hear knocking about upstairs.  Just in case it’s needed, there is a spare key to your flat in the urn by our front door – a little key box mixed in with the greens. We’ll see you in a couple of weeks.  Dinner when we return?    Emily
I folded back the corners of the cloth to find fresh scones, clotted cream, and homemade strawberry jam.
Wow. . .so nice of her!  And just what I needed. . .ooooh. . .they’re still warm.
I put on the teapot after deciding it was too decadent to pair the scones with whiskey at mid-morning.  The late breakfast was divine.  As time was becoming short, I hastily poured a shot topping it with a splash of water and sauntered to the closet. I carefully placed my most treasured pieces into the waiting suitcase and bag, along with the deep red velvet tarot bag slipped in among the folds.
Precisely at three, the familiar rapping sounded and I threw open the door. 
“James, come in.  I’m ready.”
“Ms. Mott.”
“James. . .It’s Jane, please.”
“Right.  Let’s get you to the car, Jane,” he said as we grabbed my bags.
Once on our way, he called back through the open partition.  “There's lovely countryside along the way.  Let me know if you have any questions or want to stop, we’re not on a set arrival time.”
“Thanks. I think I need to do some reading to. . .uhm. . .stay calm, you know.”
“Jane, you’re not going to an execution!  Just tap the glass if you need me, okay?” he said as the partition slowly slid shut. I saw the amusement in the eyes looking back at me in the mirror.
I forced myself to focus on the new client prospectuses crammed, last minute, into my laptop bag.  Plugging in the flash drive plucked from the first folder, rhythms and melodies raced from the computer through my ear pods.  I gazed out the window as we sped by patchwork fields and hedgerows, listening to a sample from the short sets of three new bands seeking representation. They were all good – raucous and driving, but I kept returning to the tight grooves of the yet unnamed southern rock band.  “. . .heavy. . .somewhat complex. . .definite blues undertone. . .singer - a plus,” I wrote in the band’s workup.  I rewound their set to hear it in its entirety.  The opening number’s distorted low-down licks chimed with the cowbell intro of Honky Tonk Women, rough and gritty, followed by the unmistakable opening riffs of Custard Pie.
"You-are-fucking-kidding me," I snorted with laughter, apparently loudly.  I looked up to see a chuckling James glancing back at me in the mirror.  Grinning, I shook my head, shrugged my shoulders, and resumed noting my impressions of the bands.  In no time, the car slowed to a crawl.  The Bull Inn, a sprawling dark timber-framed country inn with white-washed walls and gabled, latticed windows came into view. We entered to find a warm and inviting atmosphere - a small reception desk to the right with a cozy bar visible thru an arched entrance in front of me.  Peeking into the room's entryway, I found a lovely brick and marble bar lit with stained glass lanterns near a massive brick fireplace with yellow-white flames dancing in its center. The sweet scent of birch wood tinged the air. The only other illumination in the room was the sunlight beaming through the row of tall, paned windows set into the exterior stone wall.  Sparkling motes of dust danced in the space between the windows and the tables in the shadows.  I was transfixed. 
“Jane?” James called from reception.
“Oh, yeah, sorry,”  I said as I slowly backed out of the bar, not quite ready to leave, and returned to the desk.
“This is Moira. She and her husband Kirk are the innkeepers. She’ll handle the registration, then I’ll get your bags upstairs.”
“So glad you’re joining us, Jane.  Just sign here, after you read thru, and then I’ll take you to your room.”
As we navigated the very steep and very narrow staircase to the next floor, Moira chatted about the things to do and see in Sonning.  I turned back to see James attempting to maneuver my large suitcase and bag up the stairs.  “God, I’m so sorry, James. . .I didn’t take into account 16th-century stairways when I packed!  Can I take that bag??”
“Ha!  Not a problem, Jane.”
With bags deposited and the low-down on Sonning received, I closed the door and explored my second temporary residence in as many days.  A couch and coffee table were tucked away in an alcove.  The bathroom contained a walk-in shower and a very roomy clawfoot tub.  As I lifted my suitcase onto the bed, I noticed an ecru-colored square propped against the dark blue pillows.  “Jane” was very neatly printed on the front in a now familiar color of ink.  I plopped on the bed, grabbed what I realized was an envelope, and turned it over.  There I found a dark red imprint.  My fingers traced the small dragon raised in the wax. Utterly amazed, I lifted the seal, as sparks of anticipation swirled down my spine.  Tucked inside was an ecru note card matching the envelope. As I pulled it out and flipped it over, I found a Gorey pen-and-ink overlaid on the front.
Wow! How could he possibly know that?
Gorey was a favorite of mine. Many of his books were tucked into my bookshelves at home. On the face of the card was drawn a woman, adorned with a wild hat of large snaking black lilies, dancing through a maze of tall drapes with a man garbed in white. When I opened the card, flowing penmanship in the same rich aquamarine was revealed.
Hello, Jane~Let’s meet tomorrow at half noon, shall we?  The Inn’s Hidden Garden is quite a lovely place to chat.  Moira or Kirk will show you the way.  We will have the garden to ourselves for your “brain-picking” session. I look forward to meeting you.
Till then ~ J.
Collapsing into the pillows, I giggled until I was breathless unable to contain my joy! I was certain it could be felt by everyone in the vicinity.
Oh my god. . .he is too much!!  He took the time to write me himself.  . .and the ink! Ha! I must ask about that! And Gorey - what the fuck? But how very sweet and so very. . .personal.  Not typewritten on JP letterhead!  And the seal. . .my, I think it's. . .definitely going to be an adventure.
Unbeknownst to me at the time, in the bar directly below, the writer was secreted in a far dark corner.  He had decided to observe my arrival from afar and now pondered the possible effect of his note in the room above.  Sipping his tea, he glanced up at the beams.  As a slight shiver twitched across his shoulders, he half-smiled into his cup; my mirth apparently had sought him out, found him, and made its presence emphatically known.
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[BTW - I don't profess to be an artist - so my apologies to those of you who are 😊 And yes, Jane does have hands and facial features 😁]
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CHAPTER LIST https://www.tumblr.com/letmewanderinyourgarden2022/701210499738714112/chapter-list-let-me-wander-in-your-garden?source=share
@firethatgrewsolow @foreverandadaydarling @laluxea @lzep @sassybouquetrunaway-universe @jimmysdragonsuit13 @jenyj89
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aikoiya · 2 years
DP HC - Ambient Psychomagnotheric Residue Theory
I just saw a picture that really fits with my hc of Ambient Psychomagnotheric Residue.
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It appears to be by @menta-art.
The fact that it looks like this suggests that something bad must've happened there... possibly multiple times... & the emotional residue in the area hadn't been purified or filtered in a long time, leading to the negative emotions caused by whatever happened to fester there & become a sort of spiritual rot.
Which is usually the reason why places without specific ghosts or spirits haunting them become haunted.
It's basically what I mean when I talk about how natural portals are necessary as they filter out used up ambient emotional & psychic energy so that things like this don't happen.
Like, you know how some places just instill you with a feeling of dread or hopelessness at the scenes of murders or great, tragic battles? It's due to a portal not having opened in the area in a long time or in the case of a huge & particularly tragic battle or multiple tragedies over a long period of time, not enough portals have opened there to fully purify the area or even keep up with the level of tragedy.
And, if this residue remains for too long, it can fester & become what the Japanese refer to as On'nen (怨念) or Malice. On'nen is a feeling of unresloved hatred, malice, grudge, & resentment that can make ordinary spirits furious & evil ones even more so.
If it remains like that longer & grows, it can further process itself until it manifests into an ever purer form known as Miasma or Shōki. Shōki being a sort of harmful, malignant spiritual pollution. It is never a good thing when this happens.
Anyway, it's extremely likely that places like Chicago, Gotham (especially places like Crime Alley & Arkham Assylum), Bludhaven, Salem, the concentration camps of the Holocaust, prisons with bloody histories, & places where frequent executions took place, are known to have a lot of really bad spots.
Lazarus Pits being in the area also tends to exacerbate the situation if said pits aren't cleaned regularly or has been purposefully corrupted such as is the case with Nanda Parbat's Lazarus Pit. It having been suffused with a complex, dark, necroturgic energy via multiple blood sacrifices & dark animantic (soul magic) spellwork in an attempt by an ancient evil necroturgist to create beings that he could control, but were more durable than living humans & corpses.
Not to mention the isomorphic blood bonding ritual that made him & his kin all-but immune to these effects. Thus allowing them to use said pits as an artificial fountain of youth & 'healing.'
The dark necroturgic & animantic curse upon the waters is supposed to steal the soul of any corpse not related to the warlock & make them his puppet while said souls are used as the fuel for the continued enchantment.
As one might guess, Ra's Al Gul is a descendant of this warlock. The Demon Head originally found it upon reading his great grandfather's journal about it.
He's always wondered; if the pit was supposed to keep members of his family alive & young, why had his great grandfather died? The truth is that prolonged exposure to the pit waters causes a warping of the mind that eventually leads to a type of insanity that reduces one to something not unlike the Joker if he were also a rabid dog.
The warlock had either realized what was happening early on & decided to have his fun while he could & accept his natural death (if with a fallback so that he could come back & continue his reign of terror) or he was reduced to little more than an animal & was put down by someone when he attacked them. In such a case, he would've entirely forgotten that he could use magic or any other form of defensive measures other than attack, attack, attack!
Or, maybe the warlock has a sickly son or daughter besides Ra's grandparent that he regularly put into the pit in order to sustain them, but the frequent use of it eventually lead to them going feral, so he had to put them down. As such, he knew to just accept death (with a back up as mentioned above).
Going back to the spiritual rot thing, most places in Gotham & Bludhaven look like this at least to a degree.
Something similar can happen in places where a lot of good things happen, but in the reverse direction. This is partially why places like churches & other sacred places often fill one with a sense of peace or calm.
If you walk into a church & you feel a fear or dread that is unrelated to your personal concerns regarding the safety of your soul due to committing sins, then it's very likely that that particular church has experienced more tragedies than joys or miracles.
Though, whether it's due to external troubles or internal corruption is something that you normally can't just know unless either you investigate or you are spiritually gifted. In such a case as being spiritually gifted occurs, some are able to better discern the nature of the negativity. Whether bad things happen here because of outside forces, thus giving the place a more sad or frustrated atmosphere, or if bad things happen here because of internal forces such as a serial murderer for a pastor, thus giving the area a much deeper sense of fear & dread with an edge of maliciousness.
If you want to see more of my Ghost hcs, go to my full Ghost Zone Masterlist.
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riseupfromthepain · 6 months
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Easily Build a Multi-Step Waterfall in Your Backyard
Transforming your backyard into a tranquil oasis can be a rewarding endeavor. One way to achieve this is by adding a multi-step waterfall, which not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also brings the soothing sounds of flowing water to your outdoor space. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the process of easily building a multi-step waterfall in your backyard, turning it into a serene retreat.
Planning Your Waterfall Design
Before diving into the construction process, it's essential to plan out your waterfall design. Consider factors such as the size of your backyard, the desired location for the waterfall, and the overall aesthetic you wish to achieve. Sketch out a rough design and decide on the number of steps you want in your waterfall.
Choosing the Right Location
Select a location in your backyard that offers sufficient space for the waterfall and complements the existing landscape. Ensure that there is easy access to a power source for the pump and that the terrain allows for proper drainage.
Designing the Steps
Decide on the number and size of steps for your waterfall based on the available space and personal preference. Opt for natural-looking materials such as stone or faux rock to create a visually appealing and durable structure.
Gathering Materials and Tools
Once you have finalized your waterfall design, it's time to gather the necessary materials and tools for the construction process. Here's a list of items you'll need:
Pond liner
Water pump
Flexible tubing
Rocks or stones for the waterfall steps
Rubber mallet
Waterproof sealant
Building Your Multi-Step Waterfall
Now that you have everything you need, it's time to start building your multi-step waterfall. Follow these step-by-step instructions for a seamless construction process:
Step 1: Excavate the Area
Begin by digging a shallow pond at the base of your waterfall. Use a shovel to excavate the area, ensuring that it is slightly larger than the dimensions of your pond liner. Level the bottom of the pond to ensure stability.
Step 2: Install the Pond Liner
Place the pond liner into the excavated area, ensuring that it overlaps the edges by at least 6 inches. Smooth out any wrinkles and folds, pressing the liner firmly into place.
Step 3: Position the Water Pump
Place the water pump at the base of the pond, ensuring that it is securely positioned and level. Connect the flexible tubing to the pump, running it up the backside of the waterfall structure.
Step 4: Arrange the Rocks
Start arranging the rocks or stones to create the steps of your waterfall. Begin at the base of the pond and work your way up, ensuring that each step is securely positioned and stable. Use a rubber mallet to adjust the rocks as needed.
Step 5: Create Water Flow
Connect the flexible tubing to the top of the waterfall structure, allowing water to flow down the steps. Adjust the positioning of the rocks to control the flow and create a natural-looking cascade.
Step 6: Seal the Joints
Once the waterfall structure is in place, seal any gaps or joints between the rocks using waterproof sealant. This will prevent water from leaking out and ensure the longevity of your waterfall.
Maintenance Tips
To keep your multi-step waterfall in optimal condition, follow these maintenance tips:
Regularly check the water level and top it up as needed to prevent the pump from running dry.
Clean the pump and filter regularly to remove debris and prevent clogging.
Trim any overhanging vegetation to prevent leaves and debris from falling into the pond.
Inspect the waterfall structure for any signs of damage or wear and tear, and make repairs as necessary.
Building a multi-step waterfall in your backyard is a rewarding project that can transform your outdoor space into a tranquil retreat. By following the steps outlined in this guide and incorporating your own creative flair, you can easily create a stunning water feature that enhances the beauty and ambiance of your backyard.
Q1: How much does it cost to build a multi-step waterfall in your backyard?
A1: The cost of building a multi-step waterfall varies depending on factors such as the size of the waterfall, the materials used, and whether you choose to DIY or hire a professional. On average, you can expect to spend anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.
Q2: Do I need any special skills or experience to build a multi-step waterfall?
A2: While some basic DIY skills are helpful, you don't necessarily need any special expertise to build a multi-step waterfall. Following a detailed guide, like the one provided here, and taking your time during the construction process can help you achieve professional-looking results.
Q3: Can I incorporate lighting into my multi-step waterfall design?
A3: Yes, incorporating lighting into your waterfall design can enhance its visual appeal, especially at night. Consider installing waterproof LED lights along the steps or around the pond to create a stunning nighttime ambiance.
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ec-aircon-singapore · 7 months
Your Perfect Aircon Maintenance For The Year 2024
In Singapore's tropical climate, aircon maintenance is essential to the durability, energy efficiency, and peak performance of your cooling equipment. Here are some vital upkeep pointers:
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Continual Cleaning: To maintain enough circulation and avoid dust accumulation, which can lower performance and air quality, clean or replace air filters every one to two months.
Maintenance of Outdoor Units: Maintain the outside unit tidy and clear of dirt, leaves, and branches. To allow for enough airflow, make sure there is at least two feet of space surrounding the unit.
Verify the refrigerant levels. A leak or other problems may be indicated by insufficient refrigerant. If necessary, have a qualified technician check and replenish the refrigerant levels.
Examine and Clean Coils: Dirt and debris buildup on evaporator and condenser coils over time can lower efficiency. Make an appointment for routine cleaning by a qualified technician.
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Examine and Clear the Condensate Drain: A clogged condensate drain can lower interior humidity levels and result in water damage. To avoid clogs, regularly check and clean the drain line.
Examine Fan Blades: Look for any damage or obstructions on the fan blades. Damaged or bent blades can reduce efficiency and airflow.
Plan Professional Maintenance: You should think about making an appointment with a licenced HVAC professional for yearly maintenance. They are able to provide comprehensive tune-ups and inspections and spot possible problems before they become serious.
Make Use of an Adjustable Thermostat: When the aircon is not needed, use a programmable thermostat to effectively control the temperature and save electricity.
Monitor Performance: Keep an eye out for any strange smells, sounds, or variations in the cooling system's functionality. Make quick work of any problems by getting in touch with a qualified specialist aircon system.
You can guarantee that your  runs effectively and dependably, offering comfort all year long, according to these maintenance recommendations.
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