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doppel-doodles · 2 days ago
No survivors.
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Projecting my period cramps onto all the bad sanses because fuck em.
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Except Nightmare. He’s my favourite.
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tam-and-her-bullcraps · 2 months ago
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MGhhhhh experimental as fuck but it is what it is @doppel-doodles
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magician-and-maid · 2 months ago
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"Look I cut my hair all by myself!:D"
"Duppel! It's looks really cute, hon! I'm surprised you were able to cut it this well for your age, really." She said, laughing nervously and ruffling her sibling's hair lightly. The hair was a bit messy, but she wasn't about to say that to her sister's face. Still cute though. "However, I've noticed you have a few messy edges here in the back. Would you like me to try and even it out a bit?"
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the-river-to-the-island · 3 months ago
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erik sturm - müllstaub (2024) | photo by viola duppel
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culinarylife · 6 years ago
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Had to come out and support this under served style. I wish more breweries would learn to brew more than IPA. Give me a good saison, trippel, duppel or quad. This was a Cherry Dubbel and it was very good. #texascraftbeer #craftbeer #safoodies (at Ranger Creek Brewing & Distilling) https://www.instagram.com/p/BywHMEKnDKt/?igshid=7nn067h5emri
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oselatra · 5 years ago
Nuevo embajador de Alemania presenta cartas credenciales a la presidenta Áñez
Stefhan Duppel, nuevo embajador de la República de Alemania acreditado en Bolivia, presentó el miércoles sus cartas credenciales a la presidenta Jeanine Áñez en un acto protocolar que se realizó en instalaciones de Palacio de Gobierno, en La Paz. Nuevo embajador de Alemania presenta cartas credenciales a la presidenta Áñez
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chrislaguna1-blog · 7 years ago
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General-Feldmarschall * General Fieldmarshall Graf v. Wrangel inscribed AF = Auguste Francotte Støckel: Liège, Belgium. founder of the gun factory, 1825 - 1878, Army sized Francotte Revolver, caliber 12mm, 6" octagonal barrel with dovetail front sight, rear sight and A. FRANCOTTE / LIEGE inscription on left lug, no visible serial #. Blued finish with walnut grips. The right grip with large, 1 x 3", silver inlaid crest and inscription. please see above. The Cylinder shows mandatory ELG proof and there are several AF (Auguste Francotte) stamps. There is about 60% original blue remaining with the important inscription in perfect condition. In good working order and fine overall condition. An unique historical revolver. The grip right side German silver decorated with crest and inscription = translation Diesen Revolver hat = This Revolver has General-Feldmarschall = General Fieldmarshall Graf v. Wrangel = Count von Wrangel als Kriegsfreiwilliger = as a war volunteer Graf Wrangel (Ostpr.) No. 3 = Count Wrangel (East Prussia) No. 3 des Kürassier- Rgts. = of the cuirassier regiment im Feldzuge 1866 = in the campaign of 1866 geführt und später = used and and later dem Regiment = the Regiment überwiesen. = presented. Friedrich Heinrich Ernst Graf von Wrangel (1784 - 1877) was a Prussian General Field Marshall, nicknamed "Papa Wrangel." He enlisted in a dragoon regiment in 1796, and fought with distinction in the Napoleonic Wars. He later won the Iron Cross in the War of Liberation in 1813. He served in many other campaigns, including suppression of internal riots in the middle decades of the 19th century, as the German states went through their "birth pangs." He was made a Field Marshall in 1856 after 60 years of service. He continued to serve in the war with Denmark in 1864. After the Battle of Duppel, he resigned his command and was made a graf (count). He assisted in the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, but did not have a command. He continued to aid in the reorganization
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doppel-doodles · 2 days ago
Remember how I said I would spare nightmare?
Yeah nah- I got cramps again today so never fucking mind.
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Suffer you Emo octopus.♡
Also if you have no idea I’m referring to this post.
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doppel-doodles · 2 months ago
First post of 2025!:D
Starting strong with sketchbook doodles of my Yuu-Sona for twisted wonderland Duppel being just like me fr fr
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doppel-doodles · 4 months ago
I've been into twisted wonderland ever since the game came out, but last year my obsession with it kinda died down-
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Revamped my oc's for the fun of it, funfact time: the gāuguí brothers originally started as twisted oc's!
Also made myself a Yuu sona just for funsies, I really love how their eyes came out in particular!
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Some rough bonus sketches in my normal style, hoping to draw them all more soon!♡
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doppel-doodles · 4 months ago
Nah dude don’t apologise I absolutely love that take-
We love rambling in this house!
I gotta be honest while I did finish the heartslabyul and start Savanaclaws episode I have not touched the manga since and neither have I had the chance to read the novel, so my knowledge is purely limited to the game.
But I embarrassingly didn’t even think about it being like Alice in wonderland stupidly enough but even if it was knowing that all THAT was just a dream is only like a smidgen better than actually being lost for real.
Because you got attached to these people, attached to that adventure, that world, that life you lived briefly. And just to find out it was all some really weird fever dream that just FELT so real would probably cause anyone to question their own sanity at least a little bit ngl-
I honestly also just have so many thoughts about this and I’m really just waiting to see how this game is gonna end and wrap everything up, if it will give all the answers or if instead we are left with just a lot more questions.
Y’all I don’t think we really talk about the horror that is getting stuck in another world-
Like yay fun magical adventures with pretty boys you befriend!!!
But like…what about the friends you had BEFORE that? What about your family? They must be worried sick, they are probably all looking for you.
Does time flow the same way it does in your world? What if it doesn’t and so much time passed that they’ve all accepted you’re gone forever and moved on?
OR they couldn’t accept it and suddenly you just show back up like nothing happened! How would you even explain that situation without sounding insane?
I dunno man maybe my overthinking makes this ten time worse but shout out too any Yuu that doesn’t have the misfortune of absolutely getting lost in the potential horrors that is thinking about the situation you’re stuck in.
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doppel-doodles · 1 month ago
(Katie, Klara, Arthur and Bai) :3
𝗰𝗮𝗶𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗵𝗮 〜
𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗶 〜
𝗺𝗮𝗶 𝘁𝗮𝗶 〜
𝘁𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗮 𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲 〜
You can find Bais for anything but tequila sunrise here and here!:>
Anyways EEEEEEE thank you Lee!>w<♡ feeding my obsessions fr fr
Caipirinha- What does your oc's voice sound like?
Chocolate Martini- Do they refrence anything?
Mai Tai- What was their childhood?
Tequila Sunrise- What are their hobbies?
Tequila Sunrise
Baí enjoys any and all things fashion, he both learns about it but also makes his own as a pass time. That also led him down the path of collecting vintage items as well as fashion magazines, he has a couple stacks from his favourite models one of which is Adrien Allard actually:)
Yes he also makes theater costumes as well as historical garments so bro does know the difference between Regency and Roccoco fashion.
I do also imagine him dabbling in cosmetics especially making his own! Would flip if you'd let him do your make up ngl-
I'm torn on Arthur on one hand I love him with these super soft almost feminine voice, like the og French singer of that song "La seine and moi" from a monster in Paris.
But on the other hand him with a deep ass morning voice tho-
Either way he would probably always sound sleepy, lots of yawning and words kinda getting slurred. His speech pattern is just very mumbly he stumbles over his words A LOT, tends to be really quiet and soft spoken.
But his tone cane be sharp and ice cold when he wants it to be as well as completely unhinged-
Chocolate Martini
In his more recent design he does not refrence much, the coat tail of his lab coat is meant to vaguely allude to butterfly wings as well as having several gold butterfly accessories for funsies!
His overall attire is just more work appropriate for doing mad scientist shenanigans.
Mai Tai
Bro doesn't have one.
He was born and raised his brother when he was barely out of diapers himself, then his sister was dumped on him to, not to mention the family legacy that he was meant to surpass.
A bloody massacre they called a legacy.
When he wasn't playing the parent he was studying, or working or doing extra activities on behalf of his parents and or siblings and of course looking for a therapist on speed dial once bro turned 18 and had a bank account-
Tequila Sunrise
Well science is Arthur's profession,hobby and life passion it brings him genuine joy to work and learn but he definitely has other interests outside of that.
He likes cooking, it's science but edible!-^- and he can make a few dishes from a variety of cuisines!
He also studies a lot about other cultures, mainly things such as mythology,folktales,legends and the likes! It relaxes him and feels him with giddy wonder!
I always imagine a boisterous lil girl who almost yells out 90% of her sentences, very cute and high pitched! But also big on emotion like you can tell when she is angry, when her voice cracks or when it shakes with fear.
But in the rare quiet moments she has it can be soft,comforting even it will fill you with joy when you hear it because you know it's okay now.
Also a very casual way of speech, she definitely has an accent that she got by imitating Adrien and his way of talking!
Chocolate Martini
As stated in Mings post him and Klara refrence each other but she is also based on old sona designs of mine as she is my very first oc and used to be my persona,(hence why she also shares a resemblance to Duppel, my current human sona).
Mai Tai
As Klara is still a kid her childhood is still in full swing though for her age a lot has happened, while being in a very privileged and loving household Klara is sick and fragile, often having to spend a lot of time in hospitals.
For that reason she also is homeschooled now, though because just like her dad she is a child genius and genuinely needs way more challenging education already just to be kept busy.
And of course there is a lot of pressure to not just live up to but surpass both her folks, and a lot of it doesn't just come from outside parties but from herself.
She already sees herself as a burden, not being able to carry such a legacy would be unacceptable.
Tequila Sunrise
Klara has looooots of different interests, she is one of those kids that tries everything but hey at least some have stuck around!
She is really into robotics, tinkering with machines and scrap junk she finds around her dads lab, a lot of their toys are things made by her!
Astrology and stargazing is also something she likes, she doesn't belive that strongly on stuff like horoscopes but it's very fun to research for her, her and her dad also bond over the learning mythology and stories behind star constellations!
Lastly there is reading, she can't really sit still most days but when her health is so bad she physically can't do anything else getting lost in another world is a better alternative than rotting in bed. Her favourite genre are sci-fi and Fantasy!:D
Katie has a very soft spoken voice, a little meek and hushed but definitely feminine and just as comforting as it is haunting to listen to. Probably also has a slight French accent as she is more used to speaking that language!
And when she was a kid she had a lisp no doubt.
You also don't hear a lot of emotion in her tone, always very calm and composed, her manner of speech is very proper but she definitely speaks as few words as possible when people she is not that comfortable with are in the room.(she doesn't say anything when strangers are around-)
Chocolate Martini
Much of what applies to Klara also applies here just with the addition that Katie was deliberately designed to be her sisters opposite but also her compliment while making sure the two of them are their own distinct characters.
They look their best together but are also great on their own!
Mai Tai
Katie had a lot of issues growing up, she has switched schools A LOT both because of behavioural issues and because she was ostracised and even bullied by some of her classmates.
If she was real unlucky teachers would even disdain her.
Also having a sister who's as fragile as a dried up leaf compared to you made her put a lot of pressure on herself to "not be a bother" and just bottle up a lot of her issues, by the time her parents caught on the damage has already been done.
Despite that her own family loves her just asuch as she loves them and as youngest she is DEFINITELY spoiled rotten just a little bit.
Tequila Sunrise
She has lots of hobbies! Art for one, painting can let her express a lot the emotions she keeps inside, not to mention it's quiet and doesn't overwhelm her, very good when she is stressed or overwhelmed.
Aside from that she is learning ballet, and even figure skating, she is a little bit of a diva who loves the stage but it's another art form that let's her express herself with her body! Plus it's fun!
Very into classical music, I can see her playing string instruments like a harp or something lol maybe even piano with her dad.
She also considers sparing with her mother a hobby, they smash things together!
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oselatra · 5 years ago
Embajador de Alemania advierte que detener el proyecto del litio sería un “duro revés” a las relaciones
Después de que el Gobierno anunció su intención disolver “amigablemente” la sociedad con una empresa alemana para la explotación del litio, el embajador de Alemania en Bolivia, Stefan Duppel, advirtió que detener el proyecto sería un duro revés para las relaciones entre ambos países y que afectaría la credibilidad de Bolivia para inversiones. Embajador de Alemania advierte que detener el proyecto del litio sería un “duro revés” a las relaciones
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oselatra · 5 years ago
Embajador alemán: “Me preocupa el día después de las Elecciones”
El Embajador de Alemania, Stefan Duppel, manifestó que ha advertido en el país desconfianza respecto a los comicios, por lo cual le preocupa el día después de las Elecciones y si todos estarán de acuerdo con los resultados. Embajador alemán: “Me preocupa el día después de las Elecciones”
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doppel-doodles · 5 days ago
Projecting my period cramps onto all the bad sanses because fuck em.
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Except Nightmare. He’s my favourite.
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