#duplicate jack o'neill
all of them for stargate ask 😌
1. how would you stop a wraith from feeding on you?
"you don't want me, I'm gamey" either that or swatting his hand
2. do you think you'd have the ATA gene?
3. goa'uld, Ancient, wraith, or Asguard technology?
asguard tech is so cool but I'd rather a city that loves me 😌
4. if you were in the stargate programme, would you prefer to be stationed at Cheyenne Mountain, Atlantis, or Area 51?
re : the last question, I'd rather a city that loves me
5. would you be willing to join the Tok'ra? why or why not?
I think they could fix me
6. what's your opinion on the Ancients?
fuck em
7. would you like to fly a puddle jumper?
I can't drive a bloody car
8. wraith stunner or zat gun?
I don't have enough hand control to use a weapon that kills in 2 shots and disintegrates in 3
9. what alien language would you like to learn if you could?
✨️all of them✨️
10. which character(s) most matches your vibe?
I'm a mix of Daniel and Rodney but I'd love to be like Sam
11. what would you do if you found yourself in a time loop/dilation field?
depends where I am. if I'm in the stargate programme, I'd do stupid shit knowing I have no consequences. if I'm just at home, I probably wouldn't even notice for like 5 loops
12. what would you do first with access to a ZPM?
movie night in the hologram room
13. what's your favourite ship?
relationship? Sam x jack. battleship? The O'Neill. amazing ship with such a short lifespan and I love Jack's reaction to "the asguard named a ship after you and I blew it up"
14. what's your favourite goa'uld and/or wraith?
goa'uld - I forgot his name but the Greek one that all he did was eat, make jokes, and solve complicated computer problems. what a life.
wraith - Todd 😌
15. you run into your robot duplicate. how do you react?
welcome to the family. time for some parent trap shenanigans.
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cinemapsychosshow · 10 months
Dutch (1991) - The Forgotten John Hughes Thanksgiving Classic - Episode 293
This week, we here in the states are celebrating Thanksgiving! The time honored tradition of gluttenous eating among family and friends, football (if you're into that sort of thing), and avoiding the inevitable clash of politics that comes when you invite your boomer Uncle Larry to dinner.  
But aside from food, there are a few movies we've come to associate with the holiday. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (see our back catalog) is one of the go to films to come from the mind of John Hughes.  But did you know there is another Thanksgiving classic out there. Dutch, the 1991 family/dark comedy starring Ed O'Neil hot off the success of Married with Children and a super young Ethan Embry try to replicate the formula that Steve Martin and John Candy perfected but add a spin about the complexities of class and the struggle within a family dealing with divorce. 
Does this classic from yester-year hold up? We'll find out today!
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indianasolitudes221 · 2 years
So...do we think Jack and Sam's android duplicates were in a relationship?
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walks-the-ages · 4 years
AU where Duplicate O'Neill is.... Adopted by Jack??????
Like. Are you serious? Why on EARTH wld he want to go back to highschool????
He would be sitting in math class for about five seconds before realizing "oh shit this was a horrible idea; I hate math why am I here??"
Actually no, he wouldn't even get across the lawn of the school when one of the girls starts flirting with him, and he'd spin around on his heel, shout, "NOPE! NOPE! ABORT MISSION! ABORT MISSION!" while booking it back to Jack's car in horror at having a kid that's younger than CASSIE trying to FLIRT with him!
Anyways yeah. AU where Jack O'Neill adopts Jack O'Neill Junior and they both have fishing partners and argue over the remote and Janet gets on him to go sober (both of them) so that Jack Junior stops trying to drink beer while in the body of a fifteen year old and Jack sees Jack Junior eating nothing but takeout realizes he needs to learn to cook properly at some point and signs himself up for cooking lessons. It's weird enough sharing a house with a younger clone of yourself, let alone when you start feeling bad... For yourself.
Jack Junior (JJ) has no need and NO DESIRE to repeat Highschool all over again but there's also not a whole lot he can do outside of the base without an escort and no actual reason that he CAN'T be on base in an official capacity considering that everyone already is in the know, JJ, while no longer being on the frontline team (or at least, not fulltime, he does join them on occasion after being cleared for active duty), does join one of the other SG teams in exploring the more "boring" planets already cleared of initial hostiles by SG1.
JJ does not get into ANY kind of relationship with ANYONE because it's creepy on too many levels, both for him and the objects of his affection, what with him being a forty-something year old in the body of a fifteen-year old.
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stargatecaps · 6 years
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Jack O’Neill the Icon
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Definatly the best. His best lines: 
I would like to apologize in advance for anything that I do or say that could be considered offensive as I slowly go NUTS!
Fancy that. We’re famous. 
Ok we came rhere in one peice and we espect to go in one....piece. 
*Talking to a dying Daniel Jackson*:  Because despite the fact that you've been a terrific pain in the ass for the last five years, I may have... Might have grown to admire you. A little. I think.
Someone duplicated the duplicatiors?
*talking to Thor about an Asgard ship, trying to get advice from him though he is not allowed to interfere* Jack O'Neill: "Alright, send me back. Wait! Ah! Right there. Is that a head nod? A nod is usually down then back up. Your head went down... Wait! I'll tak..." *O'Neill is beamed back to Earth* Jack O'Neill: It's always suicide-mission this, save-the-planet that. No one ever stops by just to say 'hi' anymore. Jack O'Neill: You know, we really should come up with a new strategy. One that does not include us dying. Jack O'Neill: You know, Harry, it's not that I can't believe you lied to me again. It's that YOU LIED TO ME AGAIN! Jack O'Neill: Do you read the Bible, Teal'c? Teal'c: It is a significant part of your Western culture. Have you not read the Bible, O'Neill? Jack O'Neill: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Not all of it. Actually, I'm listening to it on tape. Don't tell me how it ends. Narim: No harm will come to you. The Tollan will guarantee it. Jack O'Neill: Is that a "money back if you're not completely alive" guarantee?
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professortennant · 5 years
Sam/Jack Rec List, Part 2
more fics since i put the part 1 list together.  i hope you find something here you haven’t read or haven’t read in a while! if you have a favorite fic, send it my way! only 55 fics on this list! 
The Love That Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger--AU exploration of a Stargate world where Sam has a kid: As she works to balance saving the planet with being a single mom to a sweet little girl, Jack finds himself accidentally falling in love with not one Carter, but two. This fic starts at the beginning of the series and takes a nice long meander through the first four seasons as Sam and Jack go from strangers to friends to something much more. 
Infinite Possibilities: Doctor Carter/Jack AU. 
Fleeting: Not long now, she thinks as she closes her eyes and tries not to scream. Not long now until she ceases to exist.
Chrysalis Unbound: (WIP) Doctor Carter AU. One day, in between the stars and a cluttered lab, she found herself without realising it.
Let The World Spin series--SG-1’s stranded off world. Some of them are having a more difficult time accepting it than others.
Past the Breakers and the Markers-- SG1 gets stranded off-world as they escape Anubis and Jack and Sam work through some unspoken feelings.
You Just Might Find--Sam and Jack, stranded. (How much do I want to summarize this: They lost everything . . . and found each other? LOTS.)
Jaunt to Paradise: A Stargate malfunction strands Colonel O’Neill and Major Carter in a cliché. 
Work: Her hands were covered in dirt and whatever else was down on the ground around the guts of a DHD that had seen better days. They were light years from home. The thing between them was new enough that it still felt wrong when she moved away from him.
Continuum Interrupted: When Jack O'Neill is assigned to evaluate the threat Colonel Samantha Carter poses to his world he gets caught up in more then he could ever have imagined. 
Desperate Times: As the unimaginative title suggests, this is a tag for Desperate Measures. This story picks up where the episode leaves off. Implied S/J, but this is not a romance. SG-1 has to get Sam home, and Sam has to come to terms with what happened.
Never: Post-Death Knell.
After the Storm: He doesn't call her and tell her he's making omelets with beer, they don't have stupid bets to see who can finish a crossword puzzle the fastest, he doesn't invite her to go fishing, and they rarely even end up in the commissary at the same time.(set around the events of 8.18, "Threads".)
Things Owed: Over the years they've sacrificed countless times for each other. Every once in a while, they try to repay their debts. A series of Ficlets carrying the same theme. 
Strangers on a Train: It began with a train ride. Jack isn't sure he wants it to end. And he doesn't know why. Set during the vague "One Year" of Continuum. 
The Principle of Cause and Effect:  After the couple of days she'd had, she wanted nothing more than to lie there and breathe and think about nothing at all. (Post-Ep for Foothold)
Sleeping Beauty: Once upon a time, under a faraway mountain, there lay a Major in need of her Colonel. An AU of Divide and Conquer. One-Shot.
Supposition Series: This story is the first in a series of tags that, while sticking strictly to canon, explores the theory that Sam and Jack were engaged in a clandestine romance off-screen from Season 6 onward.
No Absolutions: If Carter dies, a part of him will die, and he’s not sure it’s a part he can live without. Post Upgrades Tag.
Dark Switch: It happens so fast. Post-100 Days/Shades of Grey.
Carter ex machina: Post-100 days.
three by five: post-fair game; the speech that jack never got to give
Minos Does Not Rule the Skies: The maiden flight of the USAFS Homer.
Aliens Made Them Do It/Talk About it:
No Holds Barred: Jack’s eyes snapped open and he popped up onto one elbow to eye his bedmate. He wondered who she was for only a millisecond, because he would know that blonde head of hair anywhere. Which meant he had a big problem, because he had no idea how he ended up in bed with Major Samantha Carter.
Hope Lights: After a difficult few months, SG-1 is sent to a planet in order to attend its most important festival. During the proceedings, Jack and Sam find themselves alone for a while - giving them time to say things that need to be said. Jack/Sam angsty-fluffery-guttery Ship with a hint of Christmassy goodness.
Barrier: (technically alien tech made them talk about it) When Colonel O’Neill is placed in harm’s way by an abandoned, automated defense system on a deserted planet, Major Carter must work against the clock to free him. Her actions may change things between them forever. 
A Drink From the Lotus Chalice: A powerful being turns the lives of everyone on SG-1 upside-down. Be careful what you wish for...
The Rite of Rarevanu: When Sam and Jack are forced to participate in an off-world ritual, things between them get heated.
Memory May Be Paradise: While on an alien planet, Jack picks up a nasty case of amnesia. At first lost, he must be found and then he must tackle the issue of his missing memories and what that means for his position on SG-1 and for his relationships. 
Overload: He’s trying really hard not to think about the fact that he’s in bed with Carter, and she’s not wearing any pants.
A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing: All in all, it could be worse. 
No idea how to categorize these:
Close: They work together day after day, side by side, mission after mission. It's only a matter of time before events from the past return to haunt them. When they find themselves alone and too close, can they keep their honor intact, or will they succumb to their deepest wants? Sam/Jack ship. (Season 5-ish.)
Cause a Day Can Get So Long: Jack and Sam hang out on planet Earth.
Plan C Series: Sam throws her back out the same week the Colonel is scheduled for his third knee surgery.
Reflection of Us: I often think about the duplicates and wonder what their story is, and how they came to terms with their exile and the fact that they're no longer human, but machine. Anyway, I figure they deserve a bit of happiness!
Clocking Out: It’s Jack’s last day at the SGC. Naturally, something goes horribly wrong.
Let Go and Hold On: With the team moving on to new assignments after the defeat of the Replicators and the Goa'uld, SG1 reunites for one last mission while Sam and Jack wonder if it's too late for them
A Brother, His Sister, and her Jack: Mark and Jack have the chance to talk while waiting for Sam to recover.
Falling: Sam and Jack and a "close shave."
Four Times/Five Times
Out Go the Lights--4 closets and a happy ending.
Five Times They Visited Boring Planets: Not every planet is a thrill ride.
Five Times They Met In Another Life: ...And Then One More Time They Also Met in Another Life
Five Times Sam Gets Married
Five Times O’Neill Thought Carter Was Beautiful (and one time he told her)
Embrace Me: This came about from a discussion on the GW Family thread about the great hug Sam and Jack shared in Threads. Somebody, I don’t remember who, asked us to think of other times they might have shared that kind of hug. This is my response. S/J.
Five Christmases
Set in S9/10 and/or post-series:
Domesticated Equines: Sam and Jack’s first year of marriage.
This Close: Jack’s last mission doesn’t go quite the way they planned.
Bygones: He doesn't say much, at least not the words that she specifically wants to hear. Jack's more a man of action. Even knowing this, it takes another woman to make Sam understand how he really feels. Sam/Jack established relationship. Unabashedly romantic/fluffy/kind of angsty.
Ticked Off: Jack is just as ticked off as I am that Sam got bumped from command of SG1, but Sam calms him down.
Fine With It: Jack’s with another woman and Sara is fine with it.
Winter Solace: Sequel to Fine With It
Taxi Service: When Cam, Teal'c, Daniel, and Vala get themselves captured on what was supposed to be a simple mission, it's up to Sam and Jack to mount an equally simple rescue. An alternate version of Bad Guys.
Out of the Ashes: Jack is left to pick up the pieces of his broken life after Sam and the Hammond disappear. Post SGU premier episode but there should be no spoilers here.
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ao3feed-samjack · 5 years
Obelisks and Existentialism
read it on the AO3
by spatulacity
"I thought Thor put preventative measures in place to deter Loki from attempting to clone you again, O'Neill." His face was perfectly straight except for the slight crinkle at his left eye, which only those who knew him well even knew to look for.
"Not Loki." the two muttered in tandem.
Words: 1512, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Stargate SG-1
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jack O'Neill, Samantha "Sam" Carter, Teal'c (Stargate), Daniel Jackson, Janet Fraiser
Relationships: Samantha "Sam" Carter/Jack O'Neill
Additional Tags: duplicate, clone
read it on the AO3
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imalifegen89 · 3 years
A Legacy Left Behind - Chapter 3 - The Origin Stories
Part 1
John's settling in at the SGC and slowly becoming a part of the team while Steve's back in his hometown, Hawaii, enjoying his leave. This chapter kicks off from the moment John's back at the SGC after his visits to the graves and starts learning about the origins of the Wraiths on earth. The Goa'uld are busy doing what they do - making trouble as usual. An investigation uncovers something that will eventually bring the SGC and the SEALs together, paving the path for a shared adventure.
Fandom : Stargate Atlantis, Stargate SG-1, Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
Relationship : Steve McGarrett/John Sheppard
Characters : John Sheppard, Steve McGarrett, Adam Noshimuri, Laura Cadman, Alicia Vega, Kono Kalakaua, Bates (Stargate), PO Higgins (OC), Evan Lorne, Danny "Danno" Williams, Miko Kusanagi, Marshall Sumner, Joe White, Original Goa'uld Character(s), Jack O'Neill, Catherine Rollins, Billy Harrington,
Additional Tags : Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Crossover Pairings, No DADT, Alternate Origins, Swearing
Beta : Salchat - As always, she's the best!
Officers Quarters, Level 14, SGC - Colorado
Sheppard returned to Cheyenne Mountain after his visit to Hawaii around six in the evening. He thought about taking a nap after a quick shower, deciding to go for dinner a bit later. When he finally settled on the bed, he found that he was not sleepy at all. Even though the long journeys to Arlington and then Hawaii had left him feeling physically exhausted, his mind was still stubbornly active. So he decided to spend some time on his required reading. He had a ton to catch up on after all.
‘So, Colonel Carter was right. They had only known about the Wraith for about ten months.’
John reflected as he read that particular mission about Sumner's entanglement with the alien menace. He had a comprehensive summary Dr. Jackson had put together from all the data they had gathered from the Outpost and other sources, open on his PDA, to compare notes with Sumner's report.
Aftermath of Battle with Anubis
Few weeks after the initial discovery of the Outpost - Antarctica
The Marine teams had been conducting thorough searches in and around areas of the Antarctica Defense Outpost when they had come across the much smaller and somewhat older facility. It had been buried under the ice. But a wayward explosion that caught the area had caused half of it to become visible from the ground.
The unfortunate team of four Marines who had gone inside to search and secure the building had never made it back. The two hibernating Wraith Drones had woken up the moment they had entered the facility and fed on them before they could even utter a call for help. Colonel Sumner had been in the Outpost at the time co-coordinating the teams for security for exploration, science projects and helping to activate some of the Ancient equipment when he had felt the change overcoming him in response to the attack.
(He had written the mission report with unusually vivid details. John guessed that this was probably because they needed all the information in order to educate everyone on this newly discovered threat.)
It had taken several hours of brutal fighting between the two Wraith Drones and eight more Marines with Sumner on the lead until they had managed to neutralize the threats. There had been three more fatalities and everyone else had acquired varying injuries before it was over.
After securing the area of the attack and the facility, a team of scientists had gone in and downloaded whatever information they could from the old lab. And then they had leveled the facility to the ground, not wanting to take further chances.
This millennia-old information cache had been the SGC's discovery of the ‘Species of Wraith.’ The meticulous Ancient experimentation logs had shown how the pet project of the few overzealous Alteran scientists had gone terribly wrong and out of hand.
Summary of Reports from old Ancient lab & Terra Atlantus
The Origin of the Wraith
Over 10,200 years ago
They had started innocently enough by looking into the quite interesting species they had stumbled across during their visit to an unnamed planetoid at the edge of the galaxy. They had brought back a sample because the leading biologist of the group had thought the little black & red carapaced creatures that drained life from other living beings for sustenance was the best thing ever. The studies had progressed to the revelations of the longevity these creatures enjoyed due to their unique sustenance and that had been the point things had started to go downhill.
They had thoroughly mapped the genome of the creatures and had tried to duplicate the life-extending characteristics into a serum that they could inject their people with. When those trials failed they had gone to the extreme measure of feeding one of their own to an Iratus bug to manipulate a direct transition. Somewhere at this point the rest of the Ancients had caught a clue and shut the whole thing down. But somewhere down the line some of the bugs had escaped and it was speculated that this was what led to the beginning of the new species called "The Wraith."
Further information SGC had later uncovered while interacting with Terra Atlantus corroborated the records from the destroyed lab. This had produced further information and evidence of how the Iratus bugs had begun to feed on the Ancients on earth and other humanoid species on some of the other planets. This new feeding habit had started a mutation incorporating Ancient/Iratus DNA in the bugs, giving birth to the new Wraith species that grew to more humanoid proportions within mere decades.
The Ancients or the Alterans had not seen the ramifications or recognized these accelerated mutations for the threat they could become. Over the years they had grown in numbers and it had come to a point where the two species were locked in a war for survival; a war that had spread through the earth and few other planets in the Milky Way galaxy.
In a desperate attempt, a group of Ancient scientists had produced a retrovirus that could supposedly suppress the Wraith characteristics of the species and return them to humans. This had been released into the atmospheres of all the planets that were connected through the Stargates and even some that were not.
The results were not as advertised.
Instead of conversions, the Wraiths had all died in droves leaving the Ancients with a bittersweet victory. The peaceful societies the Ancients enjoyed had begun to fracture during this time due to the never-ending war that had been going for years and the somewhat abrupt end of it due to mass genocide.
About 10,000 years ago, a few more years after the supposed eradication of the “Wraith”, the majority of the Ancients had decided to leave the galaxy. From the best SGC could tell by the various accounts they found, the Alterans had lost the will to live in a world where their actions had almost led to the extinction of their species and the extinction of the Wraith that they had given birth to in the first place. Facing the evidence of their failure every day had become too much for them.
The mass exodus of the Gate Builder race known as the ‘Ancients’ had begun; they had been more focused on attaining inner peace and atonement by this point, towards something called 'Ascension' where one left behind the physical body to live in incorporeal form roaming the universe, according to the data from Terra Atlantus. They had not left any records as to where they had gone, taking their great city with them.
Another group of the fractured Ancients had been playing with a concept that not all the Wraiths had died as believed and that some of them might have gone into long-term hibernation scattered around the worlds. They had further contemplated the possibility of Wraith surviving and adapting to the virus slowly throughout the years only to become even a bigger threat in the future.
Unsurprisingly, this group had not become very popular among many with their Gloom & Doom predictions. So they had implemented their solution to the possible problem. They had manipulated their own genome with the ATA capability to act as a deterrent to the presence of anything related to Wraith. This was done in the hopes that if the Wraith were ever rediscovered as they feared, they would not hesitate to take swift action to annihilate the Wraith; thereby preventing another all-out war for survival. This same group had been instrumental in making sure that a part of Atlantis stayed behind in Terra Atlantus in order to help future generations if things were to become dire.
Information about this little revelation had been even more obscure than the Wraith. But the SGC now had an idea about what happened to the Marine Colonel. The 'ATA gene online experience' was a primal and visceral urge that was buried deep in the ATA genome that drove the gene carrier to utterly destroy anything and everything related to Wraith. While the gene carrier could activate Ancient Technology according to the strength of impression of their gene, this side effect came to the fore at the contact of anything related to Wraith; usually during combat. The purpose of it was to give the gene carrier an advantage over the Wraith, boosting physical strength, all senses, and perceptions enabling him/her to act swiftly.
According to Dr. Carson Beckett's reports, who discovered its existence, the ATA gene was always on, instructing various cells in the body to produce a series of proteins and enzymes that interacted with the skin, the nervous system, and the brain, allowing gene carriers to operate 'Ancient Technology' by thought alone. And when the online experience occurred, it interacted with the parts of the human brain sort of activating an extreme survival mode.
The ATA gene was introduced into the human population through interbreeding with the Ancients who stayed behind, resulting in a small percentage of humans from modern-day earth inheriting the gene. However, since nearly 10,000 years had gone by since the massive exodus of the Ancients to parts unknown, the gene had become exceedingly rare among humans, and rarer still for those who possessed it to have much proficiency in its general use.
John felt a headache coming in, as his poor mind tried its best to wrap itself around the millennia-old origin story of the Wraith and the Ancients who had their careless hands deep in it. He shivered at the thought of being locked in a war of survival for decades. And now the same things were popping up around them and he understood the importance of the war that they were going to have to wage against the Wraith, as Sumner mentioned.
Then he turned his concentration to the revised report on Wraith biology. Although he had contributed to most of it and was still carrying a cache of info in his brain, he had to catch up with everything SGC had documented.
SGC called the Hybrids, ‘Bug Experiments.’ John recalled the horror he killed back in Afghanistan and wondered what they had blended to produce something like it. Cameron Mitchell had his experience just a month back when he raided a suspected Wraith compound in Canada, of all places.
They had discovered a lab abandoned in haste and managed to capture one Hybrid bug that they had later tried to transport to Russia for study. (That had been the mission Hart and Co. had been involved in, that later went sideways). The other Hybrid had been killed by the Air Force Colonel. The operation had been a joint one with Canadian Security Intelligence Service and the ambitious leader of the native team had been adamant in capturing a specimen alive.
The Colonel had not taken kindly to that plan. An unconscious SIS team leader with a broken nose and a concussion, and one involuntarily sedated SG-1 team leader later, their 2ICs had managed to secure the facility with one live specimen, which they had sent away before either leader was brought back to consciousness.
"Now, I would have paid to just watch that raid." John chuckled to himself.
Then he sobered up immediately when he thought about being in Mitchell's shoes in that situation. No. John was quite sure that it would have ended quite differently if that were the case. He remembered exactly how he felt and what he was capable of during the period he was "Online." No, he would not have tolerated anything that stood in his way and his objective, and things would have ended very badly indeed.
He made a mental note to discuss this with O'Neill, Sumner, and Mitchell. Interference with the destruction of anything Wraith-related had to be stopped, especially since this thing they all went through was going to be a recurring experience. They needed more solid procedures and protocols in the field on this subject to avoid friendly fire incidents. Whatever studies the scientists wanted to conduct would have to happen on dead Wraiths; not live ones.
The next category they had was the Wraith Drones. They were as the name suggested, not quite sentient, but with basic animal drives and a taste for sucking the life out of humans. The Ancient data revealed that these sub-species were created by Wraith themselves to use as soldiers, bodyguards, slaves, and other assorted activities. Marshall Sumner, and soon after the General himself, had had their ‘Online experience’ while engaging these Drones.
Although SGC had documented information about basic make-up, biology, and sketches of what they looked like, none of them ever had even seen a male or a female fully-fledged Wraith before. It was theorized that another reason the Wraith preferred to use the Drones, instead of themselves, was that they were actually rare and they were protective of their species that could procreate.
This explained the rapt attention and the awe-filled fascination that was directed towards him during his debrief, John realized. He wondered how he had managed to kill two Wraiths relatively quickly when compared to the other field reports. The Wraiths and their Drones were highly advanced predators in their own right with long lives and enhanced physical and mental strengths. Moreover, a recent feeding would highly enhance their normal performances, acting as a drug that would last a couple of hours.
‘Maybe they were starving by the time I got to them,’ John thought to himself. But he remembered the way they moved and how the female was just playing with him at the beginning; so probably not starving, he amended to himself.
‘Or maybe because they were already messing with the minds of others - it could be that it makes them tired.'
Whatever it was, John decided not to dwell on the implications of that just yet. He had enough to worry about already.
John only skimmed over the next bit of the report, because it mostly had what they discussed when John had met with the doctors two days ago.
He was saved from further headache-inducing studying by a knock on the door. Glancing at his watch, John noticed it was just past eight pm.
"Come. We are going out for dinner. You are buying." Captain Laura Cadman of the Marines informed him with a confident smirk on her face when he opened the door. He could also see Major Lorne, Captain Vega, and Dr. Miko Kusanagi behind her, wearing smiles and expectant looks directed at him.
"How nice of you to remember." John countered with a matching smirk. Taking a few seconds to grab his wallet and a jacket, he joined the group to go in search of food.
O’Malley’s Bar & Grill
“So Sheppard, usually the ‘Flight Pool’ is run by Sergeant Markham, funnily enough. Anything and everything flight-related, your sims, mock battles, and evals and whatnot, he’s the man to go and say, place your, ahem… ‘Predictions.’ And if you have certain feelings about anything PT related, you go to Teal’c. He is very, I mean very serious about it. And Vala Mal Doran is definitely your girl if you come across any juicy bit of gossip or see somebody hooking up…”
An eyebrow wiggle and a wicked grin, as she paused to gulp down the rest of her beer.
“Then we have all things related to the Gate - now, for that, we have Harriman and Miko here in a joint effort. Because you see, it could be related to either one of ours or a geek…”
Marine Captain Laura Cadman was patiently breaking down the SGC Betting Pool's Organizational hierarchy to John, using the same serious tone she used when she conducted ‘Demolitions 101’ classes.
“Really Cadman? Is this the first thing you want to start telling the new guy? How the betting pool works?” The other Marine Captain, Alicia Vega decided to interrupt; adopting a mock superior tone. She was holding a glass of wine by the stem delicately, a picture of a dame at a palace function.
“Hey! Of course, it is. It is the most sacred tradition of all! This is the beginning where the ‘wet behind the ear newbie cautiously dips the shiny tip of his…” Miko snorted a laugh and almost choked on her water. Her glasses went askew as she erupted coughing and laughing at the same time. Vega thumped her on the back, in a decidedly un-lady-like manner. Lorne gave up and banged his forehead resoundingly on the table. John could see his shoulders vibrating with a silent laugh.
John was doing quite a good job maintaining composure - still pretending to listen attentively as if he was learning field surgery.
“Ha then, what would you tell him?” Cadman challenged Vega.
Vega turned her head towards Sheppard in a queenly manner. Then flashed all her teeth at him in a lecherous grin.
“Tell me, Sheppard, are you seeing anyone? If not, who do you prefer? Tell me specifics, there’s already a long list of people with varying levels of interests…” A loud chorus of groans - including John even as he was laughing - put a stop to whatever was about to come out her mouth.
Despite Cadman’s earlier threat, John hadn’t had to buy the whole group dinner. He had bought the first round of drinks and they had all chipped in for their dinner. They had then ordered another round of drinks and it would be the last as well because they all had to report for duty the next day. Well, everybody except John. He had to see Heightmeyer, the psychologist, in the morning and she would decide if John was fit for active duty or not.
“Hey, did you guys hear about that dignitary visit?” This was from Miko; the diminutive Japanese scientist wrinkled her nose as if she was inquiring about something nasty.
“It’s the annual visit doc. Although come to think of it, they are visiting a little early this time around. Scuttlebutt is that even the president is planning to pop by,” Lorne reflected thoughtfully.
“It’s a bunch of top brass from other military branches plus some diplomats from a few other countries. Oh and every one of the IOA. They visit every year. They usually walk around some of the labs, gawk at the Gate, eat the canapés and go back home to write reports or something. The General hates it. The officers have to put on dress uniforms if you are on duty.” He explained to Sheppard.
“When is it?” John asked.
“Thursday, next week. They get there around nine in the morning and only leave a couple of hours after lunch.” Lorne informed.
“I have a ‘Road Trip’ so I won’t be there for the circus,” Lorne used the term they used to refer to the Gate missions while they were in public. And he sounded positively happy at traipsing in another world doing trade negotiations than kowtowing with the dignitaries.
“Ah crap, I have some flight sims scheduled at Peterson that day. But I think I might be back before the visit ends. Do I still have to dress up?” John was hoping that he didn’t.
“You might.” Evan Lorne grinned, not very sympathetic to his colleague’s plight.
“Argh, I hate you people. You just have to dress up, flash a pretty smile and scatter. And Lorne, you lucky asshole, it was Kent’s team that was supposed to go on that trip in the first place. I have to follow them around the whole day, fucking escort duty. No talking, No smiling, No shooting, No blowing shit. Ahh, what a shitty way to spend the whole day following a bunch of ass-hats around!” Cadman moaned.
Vega shared the rest of her drink with Cadman; she had performed the same duty the year before; she knew it was decidedly an annoying task.
Cadman gulped it all down in one go and stared at Lorne sourly. Lorne gave her a grin. Cadman flipped him off. John shook his head and chuckled while Miko grabbed her purse, getting ready to leave.
They all left soon after settling the bills. They all piled up in the SUV they had signed out and John took the wheel. The whole ride was full of complaints about the visit, Miko’s hypothetical plans about sending the Mountain into a lockdown to cancel the whole thing, Cadman’s attempts at re-negotiating Lorne’s Gate mission, and all sorts of other insanities. By the time they returned to the Mountain and parted ways after back-patting and shouted good nights, John realized he was truly relaxed and happy. His mind had calmed down, releasing the tension he’d been carrying around. It dawned on him then; that had been the plan all along. The teams rarely went out during the week when they were mostly duty around the clock. This had been the first time John had been invited out for dinner; an unofficial integration ceremony of a sort and to make sure he was okay, especially after the visits he just came back from. John smiled to himself. He did have good people around him after all.
Stargate Command, Cheyenne Mountain - Colorado
Thursday: Annual visit of the Dignitaries
The week since John had gone out for dinner with his friends had been hectic. He had visited Dr. Heightmeyer, the psychologist, as scheduled the next day. She had served in the Army and had done three tours before completing her doctorate to become a psychologist. Her husband still served in the Navy. John had been apprehensive about the whole thing but had been surprised to find how easy it was to talk to her. She understood the job and didn’t waste time with unnecessary, soothing psychobabble. She had asked direct questions and John had answered honestly. They had talked about his visits to the cemeteries as well and she had frankly told him that she believed he was ready for active duty. She had instructed him to see her again in a month for a follow-up, or even before that if he felt the need. And that had been that.
So John had been busy with mandatory physical training sessions with the Marines and other lectures that were supposed to bring him up to speed on the SGC mandate. He had just begun to learn about another menace roaming the galaxy conquering worlds known as “The Goa’uld.” John hadn’t been able to hide his grimace, looking at the nasty and slimy snake-like things that burrowed into people’s heads and wrapped around their spines. He felt like an extra in the movie ‘Aliens.’ He still had to go for two more one-on-one sessions with Dr. Haroldson and Dr. Jackson who would be back in the Mountain next week. And there was still a bundle of After Action Reports on Goa’uld related missions to read through. John was not looking forward to any of that.
‘Now, Imagine what would happen if a Wraith met a Googadoodle and said ‘Hey buddy, let’s double up and screw this little world together.’ John’s mind was busily stirring disastrous scenarios while cackling evilly. He felt a shiver running through his spine at the very thought and almost fell on his face as his foot got tangled in the leg of his BDU pants he was in the process of shedding.
“Damn it, John, stop brewing up imaginary trouble. You’ve got plenty of crap to deal with for real already,” he berated himself.
Then he finally managed to put on his dress blues and the shoes. He had to hunt for his hat around the quarters and found it on the floor in the closet. He shook it off before placing it on his head, firmly hiding the cowlick that valiantly tried to push the offending item right off. After a stern tug on both sides, John convinced the hat to stay where he put it.
He checked himself in the mirror, making sure everything was neatly in place before leaving the safety of his quarters to brave the gathered sea of the top brass in every known military branch in the States. And of course the gaggle of visiting VIPs from the IOA as well.
The Goa'uld called Nerus grabbed another canapé from a plate at the refreshments corner and inspected it thoroughly. He was bored. These 'people' he was supposed to mingle with, had absolutely nothing to contribute to an intelligent conversation. They were all right here, in the place that housed one of the greatest scientific creations in the galaxy, the technological marvel still, despite being a few million years old, the Stargate. Oh, the beauty of the complexity of the science behind it, the infinite possibilities that stemmed around it, waiting to be exploited, to be developed, so many scintillating theories that could be discussed...
But no!
He had to listen to these fat, accented assholes talking about the unlimited budget that had been pouring into this project and the scheming ways to bring more profit out of their investment. Then he had to pretend to sympathize with the old goat from the army or the navy, snidely commenting on how he'd have done a much better job than this insane maverick who was currently in Command of the SGC.
Nerus had gained access to this tour and reception posing as the PA of Shen Xiaoyi, the Chinese representative of the IOA, who happened to have had some dealings with the human he was occupying. She hadn't been any better. The woman had talked nothing about anything of importance either. What an utter waste of his time! He thought he felt his precious brain cells die, every time he participated in these progressively stupefying 'chit-chats.'
Well, not his brain cells, per se, they belonged to that human Wo Fat. But he wasn't there anymore to make any claims. Only Nerus was here now and everything that once belonged to Wo Fat was now very much his. Not to mention all the fuck-ups he had made along the way - now Nerus had to fix them as well. Hah. Well. No matter. He was a genius with millennia of experience to draw from after all. Fixing the mistakes of that insignificant human barely required anything out of his vast intelligence.
Now, what was up with the story of this pesky pilot Sheppard? Nerus hadn't seen him anywhere yet. Definitely not in the infirmary which was included in the tour. He had made a few discrete inquiries; never directly inquiring or mentioning any names, but everybody seemed to be firmly silent on the subject. Even talking to the fidgety scientist who supposedly just returned from Antarctica, hadn't revealed anything of value. The man had given him a suspicious look and Nerus had had to do some fast smooth-talking to pacify the man. Maybe this whole thing really was a waste of time. Maybe they didn't want to talk about the pilot because he was already dead. Humans got all weird and uncomfortable when they had to talk about their dead, didn't they?
Nerus almost choked on the canapé he had just popped into his mouth when the subject of his musing chose that moment to walk into the reception area he was unsuccessfully mingling in. Nerus was coughing self-consciously into a closed fist when a glass full of clear liquid appeared in front of his face.
"Hi, I thought you could use a drink. I'm Stephanie, by the way." The smiling blond told the Goa'uld when he focused on her face.
"Thank you." He said politely, taking the offered water and gulping it down to clear his throat.
"I know the feeling. Got quite a shock myself. Looks rather handsome in his dress blues, doesn't he? I wasn't sure if it was him at first, but when Henry cornered him and took him away for a private pow wow, I figured that must be the guy."
Nerus carefully blanked the face he was wearing and gave the talkative woman an attentive stare. As luck would have it, he finally had someone willing to spill something on the subject of the mysterious pilot; the pilot who looked quite hearty and hale for somebody who was supposed to be dead. And the woman had it right. What with all the colorful military paraphernalia decorating half his chest on the sharp uniform with complementing shining boots, the man did look handsome indeed.
Noticing that she had the attention of her one-man audience, she moved closer to Nerus and lowered her voice conspiratorially.
"And to imagine this whole place and that secret base in Antarctica went completely haywire over this guy? Can you believe it? Henry almost had it blown to hell. But the geeks managed to sort it all out in time. Or so we were told."
She rolled her eyes at the incredulity of the story she just related. Nerus was thinking fast. This woman obviously had information. And he distinctly remembered her being introduced as an aide to someone in the White House. Since she was referring to the president of the United States by his first name, maybe she was the aide of someone in the inner circle. He needed to ask her more pointed questions; so to speak. And this was not the time or the place. He had to move her someplace else for that. Now how to go about doing that?
"Stephanie, my dear, I agree. As handsome as he is, blowing up a base for him does sound rather outrageous, doesn't it?" He said to her charmingly with what he figured was a witty smile. "Besides, why are we talking about someone we barely even know? I'd much rather talk about you. To be honest, you are the only person with whom I feel like I can have a lively conversation. Among all these dreadfully boring people, you are like a breath of fresh air."
Nerus briefly wondered if he had maybe layered it up too thick. But then he was rewarded with a chorus of giggles from her as she threw her head back and laughed. Then she extended her hand to him and he took it in his. He led her out with a smile that promised wicked things in the near future. Unfortunately for Stephanie, it was not going to be the type of wickedness she enjoyed.
John had figured that he would enter the reception area where the visitors had gathered for refreshments, sidle close to Mitchell or maybe even Colonel Sumner, smile at some brass, and then make a discreet exit. But that plan got shot to hell when the President of the United States, flanked by General O'Neill and Colonel Sumner, followed by two of his Secret Service agents, came directly at him like a guided missile. John stopped his forward momentum, stiffened into attention, and saluted the Commander in Chief smartly.
"Relax son, relax. I just wanted to see you in person. Now, Jack tells me there's a meeting room over there we can talk in private. Let's go."
The man casually waved a hand in an approximation of a salute, pointed, and walked off, fully expecting John to follow. Taking deep breaths to calm his rapidly beating heart, John did as ordered. The barely-there snicker General O'Neill sent his way helped John to regain his composure into something a little more dignified than a hyperventilating mess.
"You see Major, it's not every day I have to give the order to blow up one of our bases. And when the entirety of the National Security gets compromised over one man's safety, you could say I get a little curious about the whole thing," the president, Mr. Henry Hayes was scrutinizing Sheppard with intensity.
"Sir." John didn't know how to respond to the statement, or whether he was supposed to respond at all.
"Anyway, I'm glad I didn't have to go through with it. I'm reading reports saying the productivity of the Exploration Project there has skyrocketed since your arrival. Isn't that right Jack?" President Hayes had a gleam in his eyes that said he was enjoying his pun at the General's recent experience.
"Yes. Mr. President. Rockets in the sky." The General agreed sardonically. The president laughed heartily and patted Jack O'Neill on the back.
"Well, Son, I wanted to meet you. I have seen your jacket and I can see your decorations. Jack tells me he's got a good feeling about you, and he tends to be right on these things most of the time. So good luck and try not to let the Ancient gadgets go psycho all over us again, yeah?" This last was directed at Sheppard and he managed to string together a coherent response just in time;
"Thank you, Sir, and I will do my best."
"Good man." John also received a pat on the shoulder as president Hayes made his exit the same way he made his entrance; taking his entourage away with him like a sweeping tornado.
John took a couple of minutes to just stay there in the relevant privacy of the meeting room to get over the shock that he had just met the POTUS. Nothing drastic had occurred. The man hadn't been angry; in fact, he seemed to have taken the whole thing in good sport. 'Well, he's read into everything that comes through the Gate and whatever the Gate teams bring back with themselves. So maybe he's just jaded,' John thought to himself.
When he finally exited the meeting room himself, Sheppard found Colonel Mitchell just outside as if he'd been waiting for him.
"I was just about to call a medic or a recovery team." He grinned at Sheppard.
"You know, I wasn't sure myself. I had to make sure I was still in one piece." John agreed with the course of action the Colonel had almost taken.
"He has a way of making you feel like a hurricane refugee, you know, leaving you wondering what the hell just happened." Mitchell sounded like he'd faced the same experience before.
"Anyway, come. Let's go get something to eat. This circus is about to wrap up soon." Food sounded like a wonderful idea and John followed the Colonel towards the area they had arranged the buffet.
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stargatecaps · 6 years
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