#dumb genuises!!!
theprestigegirly · 7 months
i think shippers and romantics are too hated on by normal society because what’s the shame in loving love so much?
i’m so sorry i believe in love and see love and want to write about love and read about love and experience love i should try and be more of a miserable fuck next time like a real clever person
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aratakatism · 6 months
give me mallas (malice) headcanons
i need it
i'm sure you understand
hello of course. i hope these r ok 😭😭
dallas winston x marcia valentine headcanons (THE LAST NAME VALENTINE IS SO CUTE)
-obviously marcia’s parents wouldn’t be happy with her dating a greaser so she and cherry create whole ass alibis to where marcia goes when she goes on a date with dallas. ex. she says she’s gonna spend the night at cherry’s so her parents call cherry to check in… and cherry backs her up obvs 
-they go to a drive-in and marcia can obviously pay for them both but dally insists that he just sneaks in… instead of going through the hole he dug under the fence he climbs over it and ends up getting his foot stuck so marcia has to watch him struggle and then eventually fall on his ass
“if anyone asks you saw NOTHING of that.”
-you know the posts where it’s like an absolute goddess and her boyfriend who looks like he snuck onto earth? 😭 that’s them
-i don’t think they’d be too big on pda considering marcia still doesn’t want to get ratted out to her parents 
-honestly the greasers are surprised dallas pulled marcia like howwww?! 
^dally forces them to keep it a secret anyway cause again. doesn’t want it to spread 
-sometimes dallas takes two-bit along to a store or something just so they can steal something for marcia cause two-bit is better at stealing (everything dally gets her is stolen)
-when dallas landed in jail for the first time while dating marcia he half expected her to cheat on him like sylvia. she didnt and visited when she could (she was upset obviously but. what did she expect)
-dally called her names like “doll” or “sweetheart” to piss her off one time but then it stuck (speaking of which i see dally say “doll” a lot when it’s a ship fic or something. where did that come from)
-way different from dating randy. randy was sweet but they became a little more distant overtime while dally is now constantly pestering her with stuff. rolls up with a stolen car one day with the gang inside while she’s walking and that’s how the rest of them properly met her lmao
^i think it’d be a little awkward at first (assuming the drive-in scene did happen) with two-bit but it did seem like he didn’t mind so shrug. they get along fine regardless literally besties 
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As a person who is dumb but sweet and trying to navigate my way in a science field (because baby me decided that’s what we’re doing and im no quitter) i really need people to understand that usually those who are so smart you can call them geniuses, are really fucked up
And i know that sounds obvious, but yall dont understand. Not fucked up in a funny way. Fucked up in a way thats poorly socialised, has no proper stance on anything in life. OR fucked up in a way thats homophobic rasist and brings machete and army knives with them everywhere and will use them. Can genuises be normal? For sure, i just havent met them. The ones I met, you can just tell that they studied because there was nothing else for them
One of them has actually won a national competition and took part in an international one. Im pretty sure he didnt win just because he sucks at English. And in our third years he just randomly went into army. The university is still trying to keep him technically connected to them cause the dude is smart enough to make professors flabbergasted.
Those people can have really strong ideologies, and likely won’t listen to anyone ever unless its a specific person they impronted on. Im not joking rn. They’re not fucked up in a fun way, but in a way that you dont really know if they will actually jse that knife on you
Anyway, what I mean is that Gojo is fucking weird for people around him and in this essay i will—
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unfortunate-songbird · 8 months
stupid dumb podcast brainrot
but I did it ok I’m a genuise
here’s how you remeber/categorize the fears
Weird Crap Duo:
Truman Show Existential Duo (alt name: The Problem With the Internet)
Violence Gang (aka anger management):
Self Explanatory:
Depression but it’s Spooky:
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mooifyourecows · 2 years
best part about Glass Onion was Benoit confirming what we all already know about billionaires who want people to think they’re genuises: theyre just dumb losers who get to their level through lying, stealing, and cheating
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tsuy4n · 8 months
Chaotic dumbass x (chaotic) Smartass / Moron x Genius (both still chaotic)
[Leo] >Donnie< [Raph] [Mikey]
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[Y/n]: Dee!
Donnie: Yes?
[Y/n]: Wanna see a butterfly?
Donnie: Wh–
[Y/n]: *throws butter across the room*
Raph: *passing by only to see a butter getting thrown and almost hit him* ???
Mikey and Leo: *wheezing on the floor* THAT WAS GOLD!
Donnie: *shaking head while leaving* You're all dumb dumbs.
[Y/n]: I wish I was a jellyfish. Just float around while looking all pretty.
Donnie: Jellyfish have no brains, therefore you are close to being one.
[Y/n]: Really? That's aweso– are you calling me stupid?
Donnie: *nodding* My point exactly.
[Y/n]: I couldn't sleep last night.
Mikey: *smiles cutely* They say that if you can't sleep someone's thinking about you.
[Y/n]: Who the fuck is thinking about me at 3 AM??
Donnie: [Internal panic]
[Y/n]: I just finished a 50-bit puzzle. It took four weeks.
Donnie: Four weeks? That's long.
[Y/n]: You think? On the box, it says 2-4 years.
[Y/n]: So, what's Donnie's type?
Leo: [h/c], [e/c], [clothing pref.], oblivious, good sense of humor, cute, and funny.
[Y/n]: Sounds kind of like me. Too bad we're just friends.
Leo: Did I mention oblivious?
[Y/n]: Yeah, why?
Leo: Okay, just making sure.
Donnie: When I said 'bring something from the coast', I meant seashells or something.
[Y/n]: *struggling to hold a seagull* How was I supposed to know!
Donnie: I've been keeping an eye on [Y/n].
Raph, Leo, Mikey: *shares a look*
Leo: You mean stalking them.
Donnie: The language of most stalking laws is pretty vague. I like to think of myself more as a guardian angel.
Raph: Is something wrong with Donnie? He's been laying on the floor in the kitchen for fifteen minutes, and Mikey's not looking too happy about it.
Leo: Oh, he's just a little overwhelmed.
Raph: Why? What happened?
Leo: [Y/n] smiled.
Donnie: Are you lying?
[Y/n]: That depends on your definition of lying.
Donnie: It– Its defined as not telling the truth. We've been through this. How else would you describe it?
[Y/n]: Reclining your body in a horizontal position, usually on a bed or couch.
Donnie: ...
[Y/n]: ...
Donnie: Get out.
[Y/n]: Fair.
Donnie: *on 17 different types of energy drinks at 3am, finished making a new invention.* I am fire. I am embers. I am flames. I am DEATH.
[Y/n]: *is having a sleepover at the lair, woke up to the sound of maniacal laughter* A fucking nightmare is what you are. Jesus, dee. Go to sleep.
*on their first date*
Donnie: *already knows but is a nervous wreck atm* So...what's your favorite color?
[Y/n]: *unimpressed* Really? Don't ask me dumb questions.
Donnie: How is fomic acid prepared in a lab? Give me the chemical reaction for it.
[Y/n]: [f/c]. My favorite color is [f/c]...
[Y/n]: *entering the lair* Heeey, how's the most beautiful person in the world doing?
Donnie: I don't know, how are you?
[Y/n]: *blinks then blushes* Gre–
Leo: *shouting from across the room* I'm doing amazing, thank you!
Waiter: How would you like your steak?
[Y/n]: I'd like it a lot.
Donnie: He means how you want it cooked, [Y/n].
[Y/n]: In the kitchen, obviously. Wtf is wrong with you two??
Mikey, Raph, Leo: [ w h e e z i n g ]
Donnie: So we roll, then summersault.
[Y/n]: We'll get caught for sure.
Mikey: Are you guys planning a heist?
[Y/n]: *shares a look with Donnie* No. Raph's asleep and we need to get past him.
Raph: Explain to me how you two got into an accident.
[Y/n: Well, we were driving and there was a deer on the road and Dee didn't noticed so I said, "Donnie, deer!"
Raph: And?
[Y/n]: Tell him what you replied.
Donnie: *sighs* "Yes, love?"
Leo: Only genuises can say these four words quickly: Eye. Yam. Stew. Peed.
Donnie: *Rolls eyes and scoffs* Oh, come on. No one's falling for that–
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so-what-then · 1 year
"Don't complain about the Barbie movie's ham-fisted screed against patriarchy"
Ma'am, literally every ham-fisted monologue in that dumb movie was directed toward lefties who are meanie poos when it comes to Hollywood feminism. Not patriarchy.
Every twitter discourse level dialogue about women hating women and holding women to impossible standards is a preemptive reaction to criticism made by sourpuss critics about how the film is both cynical corporate bullshit and bad. Not sexism.
This is a "woe is me" for the Greta Gerwigs of the world who consider themselves not only the vanguard of the oppressed but also creative genuises.
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orikeepitasecret · 4 years
Hey Stanford, Fiddleford, guys:
why in the WORLD did you make shutting off the portal so difficult?
Like turning three keys in sync to reveal a button that's not even on the same pannel???
That means the portal can't be turned off quickly and it takes a minimum of two people to turn it off.
And then the button: its behind the safety line. As in if you want to hit it you have to cross into the danger line like?????
Like look!!!
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The button is behind him!!!!!
It's behind the line when Stan pushes Ford in and when Mabel decides to trust Stan:
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Then line isn't visible in those scenes but when it is animated in its consistantly behind the two glowing cylinder parts.
The button shifts in how far away from the portal but in every scene we see it in but one it is behind the safety line.
Where do we see it when its not behind the line?
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When Ford trips over it. (Or when it just doesn't exist:
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Anyway both Ford and Fiddleford belong in Bad Lab Safety Jail! Go to jail!!!
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tennessoui · 3 years
I know that the general vibe of PBATMB is extremely unhealthy relationship/murdervibe/kinky sex/possessive behavior and I'm completely down for that kind of cray-cray in this relationship.
BUT, BUT, BUT, Kit, now, BUT...
What if we get to see Anakin getting to shine as a student. He's working on his Master's in Archeology, right? What if he has to write a paper and he is hyperfocused and puts off his Mobi-Wan for a few nights, and while Mobi is Not Happy about having to share his Pretty Bird's attention, he's kind of proud that Anakin still has Life Goals (tm) and clearly exists as an individual outside of The Bedroom or The Killing Floor. And then he casually asks if he can read Anakin's paper??? And Anakin is afraid/worried/ashamed about it, and Mobi-Wan has Cody hack Anakin's laptop and then reads it and Mobi-Wan is FLOORED.
HIS PRETTY BIRD IS A FUCKING GENIUS or something like that. And it makes him hornier than ever. He wants to nail Anakin as Anakin reads it to him.
(And maybe if Anakin's professor doesn't give him a top grade, he'll have to kill the professor himself.)
oh yes yeah!! i've always imagined anakin to be good at school with the addendum of only getting good grades in classes he's interested in, which is why no one's ever really taken a great deal of notice before because his overall grade point average is medium, but his scores in the areas he cares about is/likes are really high.
in the first pretty bird fic, he's getting his Associate's (2 year degree) at a community college and looking to transfer to finish his bachelor's if necessary later, but he's behind because of all the running hiding and scraping by to live. i do also like the idea that now since he doesn't have to work three jobs and take care of ahsoka, he gets to spend more time focusing on school and figuring out what he likes which is why he gravitates towards archaeology (anthropology? can't remember which A named major I gave him)
but no he's definitely good at school (with addendums) and mobi-wan knew his pretty bird was smart (again, its not that he thinks anakin is stupid, it's just that i find using 'silly' to be like a sexy sort of degrading i can see Mobi-Wan using--aka 'his silly little pretty bird' just means he's gotten into his head or for some reason decided to not listen to mobi-wan which is sooo silly) but i don't think mobi-wan would be as interested in anakin if anakin wasn't smart.
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curseofaphrodite · 3 years
our wedding>>>>>>god's wedding ;)
bitch wHAT y'all don't have hindi//sanskrit as a subject???? lucky you😭😭 i had to study hindi compulsory till 8th grade- (hate that subject i swear hate the teacher too ig)
ISTG I BARELY STUDIED FOR MY TESTS BUT IK I STILL DID DECENTLY WELL when you're intelligent and have photogenic memory but give zero efforts for studying>>>
oh oh oh iNEJ GHAFA INEJ GHAFA INEJ GHAFA ‼️ she's mommy i swear sorry i simp for inej nina and kaz- (my biggest flex is that i simped for kaz kaz first not freddy kaz guess that's what happens when you read the books and not watch the tv series 😼🤌)
you have wattpad right?? have you read war of hearts?? it's a kaz brekker story istg it was favourite and i'm pretty sure i read like 4-5 times when i was in my kaz phase- oh well but stasiaj (i hope i spelt her name correctly but in case she's the female protagonist) what a girlboss leave that hot mob and date me pls one of few female ocs who didn't just let go of powerful nature for a goddamn m*n-
but since we're on topic of kaz lemme share my favourite freddy carter picture bc he was my fav white boy of month in february<3
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LOOK AT HIM HE LOOKS SO ADORABLE MY HEART SO PRECIOUS 💗💗 istg this isn't the bastard of barrel he's the baby of barrel 🥰✨❤️
(oh that one sence where he threatens a child omg so hot bruise my esophagus for all i care)
honestly hate men i'm so sorry that guy was truly a dumb bitch for rejecting a gem like you
i hugged nyasa for you heheheh
yk about our farewell (yes i'll sing about it for days cry about it🥰) (#sokind😸🙏) sOO guess who isn't coming
*dramatic pause*
*drum rolls*
honestly ily you literally write a whole ass novel answer to my whole ass novel ask<3
people who write novel long shits together stay together. periodt
well today we did shirt signing and one of my friends drew a mf dick on it😭😭 ffs i was ✨scared✨ that my mum would see it and yell at me but but but my mum ignoring the dick and commenting on every sweet messages and hearts>>>> material girl momma💅
how was your day tho i realised i stopped asking that lmao 😭 take care muah muah
i love you my sweets! ← look how pretty this looks🥲💗
p.s. rewarding you with another poem of mine at night bc why not
doing the cut again gahaha
no no i had hindi up until 8th too! i just did very bad but our hindi sir was very lenient. he hardly even checked what he was correcting lol he marked us all as genuises and just gave us A everytime.
PLS youre smart asf and im not surprised. proud of you mwah.
stasiaj sounds like A QUEEN. not me running to wattpad and checking the book. the synopsis sounds so cool; the author is TALENTED ASF.
speaking of talented people, yes freddy mfing carter. he's adorable off screen and the perfect kaz brekker on screen. adorable and kaz in one sentence lol the day is cursed.
TINA ISNT COMING YAASSS SUE THAT BISH IM GLAD. at least you'll have a drama free farewell. gimme tea on it tho 💋
shirt signing hakjsha I love your friend and your mom like she sounds nice.
MY DAY WAS OKAY I just woke up and I'm yet to catch up on all the asks so I'm queuing some so I think this would be posted some time in the afternoon?? idk how queues work. i hate math exam next HAHA fml thanks.
poem 🔪🔪🔪
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Shinso talking about denki.
“Can i ask a serious question? Why the fuck is denki titled the idiot of the class? Why is that his trait? Not only is that just objectivly fucked up and cruel its just not true? His grading is average from what i know, sorry that he is not super genuise levels akin to the top 5 smartest people in class? Have you heard him speak? Probably one of the most articlate people ive spoken with and uses the most descriptive words when roasting people. I hear the first jab at bakugo was near artful levels of roasting.  He came up with his hero costume support gear on his own and from what i’ve seen it defiantly requires higher brain power then that of an idiot. It seems like a very tactful piece of equipment that not only requires knowing spacial of your allies but your enemies also the requirement to leverage your foes to the spots where your quirk is most effective. Which is hard by the way. that is OBJECTIVLY REALLY HARD TO DO IN THE MIDDLE OF BATTLE.”
“That takes a calm head and calculating prowess that you guys should congratulating his ingenious not calling him braindead and why is he called an idiot? Because he sometimes does dumb things and says dumb things? Congrats that’s called being a fucking teenager. You know the thing so many of you forget to be. God theres like a handful in your class that actually acts your age whilst the rest hold themselves on this status of the old wise man ontop the mountain.  AND IM SORRY GUYS. But you callinjg someone an idiot in endearment isnt kind or funny or nice. Eventually it will begin to hurt if it isnt already. Its cruel and fucked up and honestly you should really reavulate yourself if you think calling people idiots is a way of endearment fucking sociopaths.”
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today-i-forgot · 3 years
Something I haven't seen talked about is how weird it is for deku and katsuki to be smart in more then a fight like your typical shounen protagonist is really dumb but somehow a god of strategy these two are genuises and it makes sense they are able to strategise so quickly on the fly
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cleverpan · 3 years
let me tell you something na mas nakakainis. it's not that they're dumb af, they are smart people who like to play dumb. evil genuises kumbaga. either way, putangina pa rin ng mga nakaupo.
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I can't believe there was a time when we looked down on famous people who tried to sell us bullshit, like for thousands of years humans scorned the idea of artists turning into shills. was there any great artist who ever worked purely for profit? no
In theory this was what punk rock was all about.. once a punk band sold out and tried to leech money off of their loyal fans, they were scorned and abandoned by their fanbase
but now we applaud people who monetize themselves as "successful businesspeople"
so you have people nowadays worshipping and giving money to youtube and instagram nobodies while praising them for being genuises
when all they did was sign a contract with a monstrous corporation to rip off idiots working minimum wage to buy their overpriced products
we've all lost our spirits of resistance and don't have enough anger at being manipulated and abused by capitalist lunatics
tfw Kylie Jenner looks like this under all the cake:
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but has a net worth of 1 billion selling her shitty nepotism makeup to poor dumb young girls and giving body dysmorphia to the world while looking like a 1/10 without expensive beauticians
no I don't feel guilty about mocking her appearance bc lol she has harmed so many girls w manipulation while sitting on their money and never having to work a day of her life
everybody claims to be mad but every time you give these dumbasses your money or attention you are fucking yourself over
like I assure the person reading this that you are probably hotter and smarter than Kylie Jenner but why are you poorer than her and working a low paying job you hate?
we need to all go Lee Harvey Oswald on the upper class @ FBI not endorsing violence I am a good girl but... fuck I'm not working a 9-5 my whole life for peanuts the west has got to collapse soon dajjal is everywhere
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bart-allen-speaks · 5 years
*welcome to the dumb-genuises squad* ~♤
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mansvisharma · 6 years
How Marvel really outdid themselves with Infinity Wars
In last 10 years, Marvel has been a constant with delivering fun, action packed, heartfelt and comical films which somehow or somewhere tied into one big universe. Except of a few films like the first two Thor films, Iron Man 3 and maybe even guardians of the galaxy 2, which were all enjoyable films in their own right, marvel has simply been marvelous. From a deeply personal story which was Captain America: The Winter Soldier to the clusterfuck which was Civil War, marvel somehow managed to squeeze out brilliant cinema. We all knew from last 6-7 years that this was all building towards this mighty showdown with Thanos, the big bad villain who wants to destroy half of the universe and all that, but very few people really expected to see a heartfelt story to come out of this. Everyone I know went in expecting a feast of punches and one liners where somehow, sonewhere the all good heroes will come out on the top. What we got however, was miles ahead of this!
My biggest problem with the film though, was the name, why was it even called Avengers? It was truly a film about Thanos. Besides that except of a few shoddy action sequences, I didn't really find anything bad in the film. I knew I wouldn't get beautiful character moments with all the heroes whom we've seen in separate movies for long enough, I knew that this film was made for those people who have stuck around with Marvel for last 10 years. I did get what I expected too, but a lot more on top of it.
I've got to address Thanos though, what a brilliant villain they created. I expected him to be a dumb vision who was supremely powerful and just wanted to punch the universe, just because. He wasn't though, he was doing something that he genuinely believed in, he really thought that he was the hero of this story, and there were times when I genuinely sympathised with him which clearly speaks volumes about the character development. The moment when he cries for Gamora, so many other times where he doesn't kill the people he could've easily killed told a lot about the character, we knew that he had a heart and he wasn't on any sort of a killing spree, he wanted it all to be random, he wanted fate to decide who'd live and who wouldn't.
Now let's address this for a moment here, Chris Pratt and Chris Hemsworth are phenomenal in this film as actors. There's a scene where Thor is talking to rocket and telling him how everyone he loved is dead so he doesn't have anything to lose, and he's giving a smile and trying to downplay it but you can see that he's crying, you won't realise it until the second viewing, but when you do, you'll appreciate the actor. Chris Pratt, was just great all through the film as Star Lord, the most human superhero among these gods and modified human beings and genuises, and he plays it to perfection. The scene where because of him everyone else gets fucked up, and you are really angry at, after a while you understand it, how was that any different from when Tony couldn't understand reason in Civil War?
Anyways, this film is executed to an almost perfect degree, some of the most hardened critics who never really got superhero films understood it and loved it, and as for geeks, they've already placed this on the top of MCU films already.
P.S. - The CGI in this film is probably some of the best ever seen in the history.
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