#dude was named poof and he's a fairy and he changed his name
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kerosene-saint ¡ 7 months ago
literally don't even go here but I love purple fairy fairies
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ebbpup ¡ 7 months ago
Does Dev remember? Do Cosmo and Wanda ever visit? Do Peri and Irep ever think it’s weird that Irep is named ‘Peri’ but backwards? DO ANTI-COSMO AND WANDA EVER VISIT??? I feel like they wouldn’t care about the rules at least. Also it’s very funny that Irep is stuck as this weird cube head now that he’s human. Good. As it should be.
oh this is a GOOD ask oh ho ho let me cook let me cook
Dev does remember for a bit, but once Jorgen finds out that Peri is human, thus no longer his godparent, Dev does have to forget about Peri being a fairy, just his cool babysitter.
Cosmo and Wanda do still visit, but Peri no longer sees them as his parents, they're just his weird, yet really nice, neighbours. They are still very close, but Peri doesn't really view them as family anymore.
Peri and Irep do remember that they both changed their names (although they 100% remember having different names, not poof and foop. those are not human names.) and they probably remember how it went differently. They both realised they were non-binary, Peri changed his name first, then Irep (as a joke) made his name Irep but then got attached to the name. They find it very funny and make jokes about Irep being the evil version of Peri and them being opposites
Once they figure out how to do human disguises, yeah. Irep does remember them just.. very differently to how they really are. They are still his parents and they will still check in on him to make sure he's okay
While his head is still very.. cubic it's probably a bit more rounded, more natural. Like a really sharp jaw or something. Does not stop Peri from calling him a blockhead and saying he looks like emo minecraft steve
Oh dude thank you for this ask thank you for letting me into the kitchen so i can COOK
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sl-newsie ¡ 8 months ago
Spelled (Carlos de Vil x Sanderson Daughter) Descendants: A Royal Wedding
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Fire burn and cauldron bubble, show me what’s the latest trouble.”
The brewing potion sparks to life and a smoky image of Auradon Castle appears. It’s almost the same as when I left a year ago, only this time it’s decorated for a celebration. Outside Dude is chasing some frisky squirrels off the stone steps.
“Come on! This is a very special day! It needs to be perfect!” The canine whines.
You’re not wrong, Dude.
A month ago I had a visit from an owl. The creature flew inside the cottage and perched right on my shoulder. At first I was confused by my new guest but that was put to rest when I read the scroll tied to its leg.
The Royal Highnesses Ben and Mal invite you to a royal wedding at Auradon Castle. 
So much for keeping me up to date. While Ben, Remus, and the Sea Three have kept their promise of staying in touch, I’m afraid the rest of the VKs have failed. 
“Today’s the day, huh?” Binx asks from the shelf he’s perched on.
“Yes. Yes it is,” I reply, still looking at the swirling potion.
“Do you have a wedding gift?”
A gift. A wedding gift… Good question.
“What gift do I give to my best friend and his bride? Something fun? Something sensible?”
The black cat does a big stretch. “You’ll think of something. Don’t worry too much.”
Broomsticks! I can’t think of something good this last-minute. Maybe I could copy off the three fairies? Grant them a wish? Possibly. On the other hand, doing a magic gift might look lazy and unthoughtful.
“It’ll come to me,” I mutter as I look in the mirror one last time to check my dress: a lavender sundress. Time to fix it. “By the powers of this bewitching book, change the clothes to a wicked look.”
The dress goes stiff and the fabric ripples down to turn into a deep purple gown with a black-laced corset, complete with a matching cloak and Victorian heels. Mother’s spellbook still has its perks.
“Too much?” I ask.
“Nothing is ever too much for you,” Binx chuckles. “You look very pretty. I’m sure people will love it.”
“My name is cleared, but this is the first public appearance I’ve made in a year. I hope this works.”
“And what about your aunt’s spellbook?”
Oh. Right. 
“Not a word of it,” I warn Binx with a narrowed look. “No more evil spells.”
I found it. Mother’s tipoff sent me traveling deep into the Deadwood Grove in search of Winifred’s spellbook. Lo and behold it led me to a twisted tree. Buried beneath it was a wooden chest, and within was the malevolent book itself. Eye and all. And now it remains covered and hidden within the stones of my fireplace.
“How long will you be staying-? Oh my,” father walks in from the kitchen. “You look beautiful, my little witch.”
“Thank you, father. Are you sure you won’t come?”
He shakes his head. “These are your people, Magica. It’s time you enjoyed yourself after a year of solitude. Besides, I’ve got chores to do.”
He’s right. 
“I shall return with haste,” I call before heading out the door. The sight of my broom leaning against the porch sends my heart skipping for adventure. “Fly!”
It all goes too fast. The familiar castle below awakens unwanted happy memories. Deep breath. Nothing will be the same. I prepared for this. What is new is the absence of wanted posters with my face plastered everywhere. All I can hope is that the scene of a witch flying a broom over the village won’t send the residents into a frenzy.
Here we go.
“It’s Magica!”
Magica? Not ‘Sanderson witch?’ 
“Hi Magica!” A little girl waves up at me.
“Um- Hello?” I wave back. What’s happened since I’ve been gone?
“Trixie! Down here!” A familiar voice yells from the castle steps.
My broom sends me down and I land with grace. After I lean it against a nearby pillar I spin around to face Jay with a wide grin.
“Jay, Jay! Thou hast grown!” I greet with a dramatic curtsey.
“Come on, none of that. Get over here!” Jay laughs and wraps me up into a tight hug. “So glad you could make it!”
“Ah! G-Good to see you too!” I wheeze. “How is the lucky couple?”
The VK’s eyes dim and he nods towards the palace. “Oh, you know. Last minute wedding preparations. I’m trying to stay out of it. My job is to be the usher. But I’m sure Mal and Evie will want to see you before the wedding starts!”
Something tugs at my heart. Is that all? Nothing else to catch up on? 
“Oh. I see.” 
I pivot crossly and strut up the stairs, leaving Jay in the dust. My mood is beginning to sour and if this is how today is going to plan out then I’m not sure  I’ll be able to upkeep this happy smile.
I sneak over to peer down the hall to Mal’s dressing room and spot Audrey giving Ben a murderous look with her hands on her hips.
“Get back to the palace, Ben!” She pushes him out and slams the door, then opens it again. “And catch your mother-in-law!”
Ben turns and sees me. “Sparks? You’re here!” He too squeezes me into a hug and I’m surprised my lungs haven’t gotten bruised yet.
“Hello, Brother Ben. It is really a pleasure to see you after all this time.” At least he tried to stay in touch. 
“Are you here to help Audrey with the decor?”
Another tug. Skip to addressing the wedding and nothing else? Granted it’s his special day but surely he understands why I would be upset?
I hold my hands up and walk away slowly. “I don’t want any part of… whatever this is. I’m just here to give you both my best wishes, as well as a wedding gift. One wish.”
The door opens again and Mal notices me. “A wish? What wish?”
My eyes flash but my temper remains tamed… for now. “Any wish you want, provided it’s reasonable of course.”
I huff. “You know, no wishing for more wishes, no resurrecting the dead, the usual stuff. Just make a wish!”
Ben can see I’m getting uneasy. Thankfully he quickly comes up with a solution.
“Um, would long-lasting happiness work? Or is that too sappy?”
I hold back a gag. “Ben, that’s the sappiest wish you could ever think of. Pick something that actually exists.”
“How about having you as our child’s godmother?” Mal thinks out loud.
“What?!” Evie and Audrey shout from inside
“You’re… expecting?” Evie asks with a wide smile and rushes over to put a hand on Mal’s chest.
Mal backs away and both her and Ben shake their heads. “No, no! Not yet. We’re just thinking ahead. Who better would be qualified than Magica?”
Ben comes up behind me. “So whaddya say, Sparks?”
Tug! How many synonyms for pain can I discover? First all this talk of weddings and love, and then they expect me to be a godmother?
“A godmother?” My breath hitches slightly. “Witches aren’t fairy godmothers, Mal. And I- I… I need a moment.”
The gathered crowd watches with confused stares as I push through and sprint back down the stairs. Thump thump thump! Is it possible to die of a broken heart?
For if to grieve is to mourn,
And to mourn is to grieve,
What can a life be if a life is no sanctuary?
Find me a word to describe my pain,
May I never feel its sting again.
Past the doors and into the gardens. Purple flames are beginning to taunt my fingertips. How can they do this? Just- Push it off? 
The hollowness that haunts my soul,
My smile shows one who takes a heavy toll.
For if being alive and ripe alienates me from my peers,
Let me be cursed forever alone to persevere.
Lord’s purpose is ill-defined,
Between life and death can be a fine line.
“Hey, Magica!”
“Hello, sugar!”
My eyes fly up. “Hello Lonnie. Tiffany.” I can’t talk now. Not without breaking apart again. “I apologize but I must be going.”
The two girls wave goodbye and I pull my hood down to cover my glowing eyes.
Some say I look to kill,
But inside I long to love.
If to hate is to love, then in order to love one must hate.
Patience is at death’s door,
And time is weakening the score.
“Magica! Wait!”
My thoughts halt and I’m pulled back to the present. “Wha-? Oh. Hello Remus.”
The redhead jogs up and I see he’s wearing a spiffy suit just like the other men. It’s unclear what he does that calms my triggered pulse. He doesn’t hug me or smile like we’re old friends pretending nothing’s changed.
“Magica… I’m sorry. It- I know there’s nothing I can do to help-”
“That’s not true,” I interrupt. “You’re talking to me. That’s more than anyone’s given me all day. Thank you.”
Remus nods and offers a hand, which I look at with distrust. “It’s ok. I know you won’t burn me on purpose.”
I arch a brow. “Clearly you’ve never seen a Sanderson’s temper firsthand.”
He smirks and takes my hand anyway. “It takes a lot to scare my dad and me. How have you been?”
My heartrate has steadied. This is what I’ve been wanting all year. Closure. Friendship.
“It’s… Been hard. All I want is to grieve properly. Between solving my own family issues and worrying about self image… It- It came out of nowhere.” A building sob escapes me. “And now they want me to be a godmother.”
I anticipate more flames to jump from my hand again but none do. Remus’ eyes stay soft and comforting.
“I can’t speak for the other VKs but I’m sorry they’ve been distant. You deserved to be told.”
His gentle tone soothes my thoughts. “There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he the power in the day of death: and there is no mere discharge in that war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it. Ecclesiastes 8:8. Death always follows, Remus. We’re just not always expecting it.”
Silence inches by. We both know no words can repair. I just need someone to stand by me.
A bright blaze of blue light shines across the grounds. What in the name of Auradon is going on now?
“What was that?” I wonder out loud.
“I’m not sure. Magica, if you need to talk-” Remus says softly.
“The time for talking has passed,” I answer in a determined manner. “Right now I need to help. They may not have earned it but they still need it.”
The chauffeur starts jogging next to me and we head back towards the palace. “Count me in.”
Ahead of us I already see the other three VKs sprinting in the direction of the ocean. What could-? Oh my goodness. The bridge to the Isle is engulfed in blue flames.
“Any ideas?” Remus asks, sounding as befuddled as I am.
“Not exactly. How about you go help out with whatever damage there is to the castle. I’ll go handle this.”
“Are you sure?”
I give a steady nod to try to convince him and myself. “What’s the point of spending a year studying sorcery if you never use it?”
I hurry down the road and notice the captain of the Sea Three herself standing near the edge of the bridge. Mal, Evie, Jay, and Audrey have caught up with her. 
“Uma! What happened?” Mal calls out.
“Hades happened.”
“Wow. When your dad burns bridges, he literally burns bridges!” Jay jokes.
This shouldn’t surprise me. Inviting Hades to an event in Auradon is like inviting the Mad Hatter to a trial. Chaos is sure to spark. In Hades’ situation, quite literally.
“Sparky? That you?” Uma notices me standing in the back.
The other VKs turn around. Jay is the only one to smile while Mal and Evie avoid my gaze with sheepish frowns.
“Hello, Uma! It’s been too long! Thank you again for those powdered cockleshells. They were just what I needed for my draught.”
Uma sees the others’ strange looks. “What’s all this about? Y’all look guiltier than Gil caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Did I miss something?”
Jay is completely oblivious. Mal and Evie exchange glances, trying to decide how to move forward. I’m waiting.
“Um, we… Mal and Ben asked Magica if she would be the godmother to their first born,” Evie answers slowly.
Uma isn’t satisfied. “That don’t explain why you both are so awkward. Spill it.”
Mal clears her throat and lifts her head to look at me directly. “Have you thought about it? Please, Magica? It would mean so much to us.”
I hiss at her words. “Why would you ask me to be someone so important when you didn't even bother to tell me when Carlos died?” 
Everyone goes silent. One could cut the atmosphere with a sword. Here it is. No more beating around the rosebush.
“‘Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it.’ Song of Solomon 8:7. I loved him, Mal. I loved him so much. And now he’s gone.” My glaring eyes catch something gleaming on Mal’s wrist. “New bracelet?”
She sees where I’m looking and stutters. “Yeah, it’s um… All the original VK crests. I…” She can’t ignore my melancholy face and gives a sad sigh. “I- We know how much Carlos meant to you, and I’m sorry we didn’t tell you.”
“I knew.”
She blinks. “What?”
“I knew he died. When you’re a witch and you find true love, you form a love bond with them. An empathy link. You know what they’re feeling, and can tell when they’re -” I sniff. “In distress. When Carlos died I knew something was wrong. I waited to hear any news. Do you know what I was told?”
The three VKs shuffle their feet and look at the ground. “Nothing?”
“Exactly! Not one person bothered to tell me! After the first week I decided to investigate myself, and when I found out what happened-” I can’t fight the tears anymore and my eyes start leaking. Fire is crawling across my hands, which makes the VKs even more anxious.
“Magica, I- we’re so sorry!” Evie tries to comfort me.
“You never told her?” Uma asks, appalled. “Magica, if I-”
“No no, Uma. There’s nothing you could have done,” I quickly assure her. “Processing death is different for all of us. But I cannot dwell on that.” Deep breath. A gentle smile makes its way onto my face. “This is a happy day. Carlos wouldn’t want anything to spoil it. Is there anything I can help with?”
Everyone keeps staring at me. After all these years people’s stares pass right through me.
“So… Hades?”
Uma catches on and fills us in. “I tried to catch him and get him to chill but his fire hair was blowing in the wind and set the bridge on fire.”
Mal steps forward. “I need to get to the Isle and find him. Help me, please?”
“For the queen on her wedding day? I got you!” The aqua-haired pirate runs over and plummets off the bridge into the churning blue sea. Within moments he resurfaces in her octopus form. “Y’all might wanna stand back!”
She does a twirl and her tentacles send a giant wave of water rushing up to the bridge. The only one who doesn’t take cover is Audrey, who’s just walked over.
“Audrey! Look out-”
But Audrey’s too distracted by her phone to notice the giant wave coming towards her. When she gets splashed she lets out a muffled scream, then just stands there dripping wet with a shocked look.
“Thank you Uma!”
“Yeah, Uma. You’re so great,” Audrey says blandly.
“Consider it my wedding present!” Uma cackles. “Now go find your dad and I’ll get all your guests back to the reception.”
“Thank you, Uma!” Mal waves.
Uma gives a sly wink just as the VKs go sprinting across the bridge. When they’re gone she looks up at me with a sad smile.
“Mal is a good person. She’s just not the best at expressing it at times.”
“I know. In their own process of grief my name was at the bottom of the list. It was selfish to hold them to it.”
Uma stifles a laugh. “I would not think you were a Sanderson Sister. That’s got to be some of the fluffiest forgiveness talk I’ve ever heard.”
Still a pirate. I roll my eyes. “Enough chatter. Let’s get this wedding back on the road!”
Audrey really went all out with the decor. Unfortunately I’m not sure if my spells can undo the work of Hades’ power. The blue and gold banners are singed too deep. So… What now?
My head perks up at the familiar face. “Jane!”
She squeals and hurries over with a gleeful smile. “You made it! I haven’t seen you since…” Her voice falters and she gets a saddened look. 
I give her a soft hug. “He’s with us today. Let’s make this wedding the biggest bash of the century.”
Her smile returns. “Right! Where should we start?”
“I’m off to fetch the bride and groom!” FG announces from down the aisle.
“We’ll come too!” 
Ben’s parents join her and in one big poof they vanish. Jane and I exchanged animated looks.
“Guess that leaves us to tend to the guests.”
“What do we say? ‘Sorry but the couple of the day is missing?’”
I shrug. “I could spell them to fall asleep until they get back.”
Uma gives me a pointed look. “As tempting as that is, you need to steer clear of too much magic. Girl you just got your name cleared! The last thing we need is another witch hunt.”
“Alright! Then I shall need assistance.” I throw my arms up and look around. “I need a phone-”
“Right here.” Uma hands me a small plastic tile. Is this what people are using? “Do you not know how to use a phone?”
“And you do? I thought there was no internet on the Isle.”
“That doesn't mean we never knew what a phone is. Here, turn it on.”
Uma presses a small button and the screen lights up with a picture of the ocean. “Behold! What kind of sorcery is this? Explain yourself, magic box!”
The pirate laughs at my flabbergasted surprise and touches the screen. An icon of names pops up and I very carefully click on the name I need. It’s ringing…
“Tiffany, is that you?” I ask.
“Magica? Hi, sugar! What’s going on? I’m here for Mal’s wedding but everyone’s gone.”
I give a nervous laugh. “Yes, um- There’s been a slight delay. Did Audrey already call you?”
“Yeah I’ve got the taco bar set out but people are getting antsy.”
“I was afraid of that. Think you could whip up something if I get you the materials?”
I hear an excited holler. “Absolutely!”
Perfect! “Ingredients coming at ya! Pots and pans, sugar and spice, disappear from here to there when I snap twice.”
Two snaps and a flash of pink sparks and I hear Tiffany gasp. I’ve still got my touch!
“We’ll meet you in the banquet hall.” I close the phone and give Uma and Jane a mock salute. “Let’s go!”
We sprint across the lawn and immediately I spot Audrey’s eye-catching tent that’s set up down the hill. Hundreds of guests dressed in many different colors chatter and mingle. Now we just need to hope that Tiffany’s miracle baking can distract them a little longer.
“Almost there! We need to-”
I run past Mal and- Hold up.
“Mal, guys- you’re back! And all dressed up I see!”
I’m no longer near the palace. Instead I’ve been spirited away to a forest, joining the VKs, Ben, Audrey, FG, Ben's parents, and- Hades?
“Hey, Sparks!” Ben waves. “We had Fairy Godmother bring you here for the wedding!”
“Wedding? Oh! A more private party, hm?” The other thing that’s different is- My dress? “Evie!”
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The blue-haired VK grins. “Now you look like you!”
“You’re a Sanderson witch, Magica,” Mal explains. “We want you to be you for our wedding.” 
I finger the purple locks that have replaced by blonde ones. "The hair too?"
"Dizzy would go nuts if you didn't!" Evie giggles.
I can be me. They even outfitted me with the hat and everything.
Mal looks around the forest and smiles. “Ok, I can work with this! All it needs is…”
“A little VK flair?” Evie inputs.
“That is exactly what it needs!” Mal agrees.
“Let’s do this!”
And here we go!
“Gather ‘round in the forthcoming night, the roaring embers blinking bright.”
I snap my fingers and golden sparks pop to life and sprinkle throughout the waning sunlight. A cozy atmosphere never hurts. Ben returns with Hades and they’re both carrying a red carpet.
“I thought he was all mad and stuff?” I whisper to Mal.
“It really wasn’t his fault. He didn’t do it on purpose.”
Aw! This is going to be a proper family wedding after all! FG waves her wand and pillars form in two rows down the aisle while Jay sets flowers on them. An altar of vines and roses grows at the end. When we all get in position, with FG as the officiant and Evie as Mal’s maid of honor, Hades starts to walk Mal down the aisle to Ben. I feel myself getting worked up and excited, and I can see they’re both really happy. Jay, the ring bearer for Ben, fetches the gorgeous ring.
“Mal Bertha, with this ring, I pledge everything that I have to you. My life, my kingdom, my heart. I promise to always be there for you, to accept everything that you are, and to always put you first.”
Now Evie takes Mal’s ring from Hades and hands it to Mal.
“With this ring, I pledge to you all the days of my life. All of my burdens and all of my joys. I promise to be my best for you, to share all my secrets and to keep yours, and to choose good always.”
No more tugs. My heart is soaring at the beautiful scene of true love. Hours earlier I was terrified to confront true love again but now I’m overjoyed at their happy moment.
“Do you, Ben, take Mal to be your wife, to love and cherish forever?” Fairy Godmother asks.
Ben’s eyes shine and never stray from Mal. “I do.”
“Do you, Mal, take Ben to be your husband, to love and cherish forever?”
Mal looks confidently joyful. “I do.”
“By the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife! Bibbity-bobbity whoo!”
She waves her wand, and in another split-second poof! we’ve been transported back to the banquet hall. 
“There you are!” Uma waves at me. “You just- Poof! Are you were gone!”
I smile sheepishly. “Um, sorry. It’s kinda my thing. But this time it wasn't me.”
“It was my idea!” Ben declares and squeezes my shoulder.
By now the whole crowd sees we’ve returned and cheers loudly. We appeared at the top of the stairs- Much too out in the open for my taste. I start to inch away but Jay pulls me back.
“You’re a part of this too, Magica.”
Something catches my eye. Mal’s bracelet starts to glow, and we see Carlos’ charm shimmers the brightest. Oh, Carlos. Dude comes running up next to me wearing a spiffy bow tie, and I know we’re all thinking the same thing. He’s here, in spirit.
"Mal," I speak evenly. "It would be an honor to be a godmother."
The newlywed smiles and both her and Ben press me into a hug. "Thank you, Magica. Thank you so much."
“Let’s dance!” Evie pulls Doug into the crowd and everyone starts jigging.
“You too, Magica!” Jane waves me over to where her, Tiffany, and Lonnie are.
“It’s the Sanderson witch!” Chad shrieks and all but runs straight into a column.
Audrey rolls her eyes. “Shut up, Chad. C’mon, Magica!”
After all this time I still can have friends. A Sanderson witch having friends. Maybe one day I can set mother free and I can have her back too. But one day at a time.
“Trixie! Wanna join us for sky dancing?” Jay points to the platforms lifting people into the air.
I shake my head. “No, thanks. I think I’ve overspent my welcome. Besides, that looks really dangerous.”
“Says the witch who rides a broom!” Jay taunts.
“At least I have a broom! What’s to stop you from falling off of those things?”
“Get up here, Sparky!” Uma calls, both asking and ordering.
I roll my eyes. “Very well. Broom!” In a split second it appears in my hand. “Fly!”
All of my troubles stay behind. The cool night air refreshes my thoughts and for the first time in two years I’m actually having fun. No more screaming or villagers running away. Even though Willow’s probably still mad at me. 
Someone grabs my hand and suddenly I’m spun into the crowd. Goodness-!
“You stayed!” Remus grins from his own platform. “I’m so glad you’re here! May I have this dance?”
A carefree laugh escapes me and I begin to swing to the music. “You really don’t want to know about my family’s history of social events, Remus. But… Yes. I would love to dance with you.”
Oh. Oh. I wonder if…?
“Looking good, guys!” Jay cheers us on.
Is it possible…? No, life is too short to worry about Fate and true love. I’m finally happy.
We all make mistakes. Some are kind of messy, others… Almost successful in cursing an entire kingdom. But that’s past me now. And not only so, but we also glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulations worketh patience; And patience, experience; and character, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our Hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. Romans 5:3-5. 
You helped me through this, Carlos. We all will remember you. Wherever you are, we wish you all the best.
(Thank you to Cameron Boyce for his wonderful talent, may he rest in peace.)
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sweater-daddiesdumbdork ¡ 4 years ago
This Is Still Marvel, Right?
Summary- 2.5k Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes x Wade Wilson x You. Deadpool the character from the comics is sitting across from the table from you, real right in front of your eyes. Not only is time travel a thing, but dimension travel is as well, and he is here for a very serious reason. Warnings- swears. Written for @what-is-your-backupplan-today​ CATFA 10th Anniversary Challenge. Prompts are highlighted. 
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“You came from where?” Sam questioned with a tilt of his head, arms folded across his chest as he raised a quizzical brow at the man in all red. 
“And why the clown suit?” Bucky right next to him asked, trying to make sense of what was going on. 
“I’m from the X-Men verse, you know… bald dude in the wheelchair, Wolvie with butter knife hands, we have our own pigeon boy. Not as sweet as your wings though.” Wade said with a sigh. “And we had a Peter, but the winds… god the winds were too strong. I will never forget you Sugar Bear.” He sobbed in his hand a moment, sniffling a moment. 
You were thoroughly in shock, your jaw was dropped to the floor as Wade mother fucking Wilson sat in the interrogation chair, one leg crossed over the other, his ankle jiggling as he leaned forward on his elbows, planting his chin in his palms as he made an cooing sound at the two men. “Aww, they are so cute when they are confused, aren't they cute? The cutest little puppies.” He went to boop Bucky's nose, but Bucky reared his head back away from his hand and a whir of his hand closed around Wade's wrist, which caused the masked mercenary to gasp out excitedly. 
“THE WINTER SOLDIER ARM, VIBRANIUM UPGRADE. I keep telling Cable he needs this hook up, his isn't nearly as cool as yours. Mister Bucky Barnes Sir, can you sign my suit? I’m a super fan.” the white eyes of his mask widened and you finally managed to close your mouth watching all this.
Whatever this was, you were actually wondering if you weren't in some drugged hallucination right now. Mission gone wrong? You had eaten that turkey sandwich out of the compound fridge, maybe it was drugged and this was someone's payback for stealing their food.
“Come on man.” Sam snapped out, still trying to get a straight answer out of him. Bucky let go of his hand which Wade muttered to himself. 
“I'm never washing this hand, not ever.” He cradled it to his chest. “Just wait till I tell Chrome Dome who shook my hand.” 
“ANSWERS!” Bucky yelled out and Wade gasped at the outburst. Bucky reached over to grasp the mask and yanked it off, grimacing as Wade's appearance showed. Both Sam and Bucky recovered quite quickly, you were still freaking out in the corner and Wade gave a suggestive wink to the two of them. 
“Names Wilson, Wade Wilson. No relation to this saucy stud though.” He eyed Sam up and down with a purr, who scoffed at the sudden attention. “Don't worry, I know that one is crushing on you hard. The chemistry. I won't make a move on you. Winter Soldier though is fair game, eh?” He made a chef’s kiss motion after pointing at you. “So are you two… do you… fondue?” Wade asked, Sam and You looked at each other and made disbelieving faces at one another. “Oh we're not admitting feelings? My bad. I jumped ahead in the comics. So much sexual tension.” Making a donut shape with one hand and a pointer with the other, meshing them together, you could feel your throat close up and Sam’s eyes widen. Bucky was struggling to keep his calm at this point, Sam too. Wade made a motion to stand and get up. 
“Do we have any eats here?” He puts his hand on the handle to open the door and a knife flung through the air, landing right next to his face. Wade paused and turned around. “Here I thought this was still Marvel and not Dc. Tony would have offered me a snack by now.” He grumbled while sitting back down. “A falafel, blueberries, I know he likes to snack, I've seen the movies.” 
You finally got over your shock and went to sit across from him. “Mr.Wilson…” 
He put up a hand. “Pool please, Deadpool. Or Wade. Or you can call me Captain Deadpool. Too much?” He glanced up at Sam and Bucky. “Yea too much, just call me Wade.” 
“Wade.” you started again, trying to figure out how to approach this. “We’re confused, because you are a comic book character.” You pulled up your phone and pulled up a screen clip of his movie. 
Wade gasped and grabbed at your phone, studying it. “Look at that handsome son of a bitch. I'm so glad they picked Ryan Reynolds for the part, he looks just like me.” He held the phone up next to his face. “He’s so good looking, it's the Canadian genes.” Then handed it back, you tucked it away and he leaned forward to toss what looked like a beat up comic book on the table.
“What’s this?” You question, pointing at it.
“A comic book. You guys are just comic book characters and I'm here to fix your story. What? You seriously didn't know you are comic book characters in another universe?” 
“Our story?” You pulled the comic towards you and sure enough plastered on the front was Sam in his Falcon Suit, Bucky with his own gear and you were soaring in the air above slightly out of focus. 
“Yes, your story. Listen Cable, you all know Cable right? He's like a moodier you Buckaroo…” The name caused Bucky to growl a bit, but Wade continued without noticing. “... hooked me up with this cool device. Not like those stones you all have, this is some actual batman kind of future fuckery that I got rigged to not just travel back in time. But other dimensions. Whoo... “ He made wiggly fingers. “It's like magic right? Cool.” 
You were flipping through the pages as fast as possible, skimming the storyline. Amazingly all of it was there, the mission report Nick Fury brought Sam this morning, you and Bucky sparring and how he pinned you against the mat, the heart to heart about how you two missed Steve. 
Sam pinched the bridge of his nose while Bucky looked over your shoulder at the comic book. “I'm getting a headache, or I'm losing it. Did I get hit in the head?” Sam rambled a bit and you got to the end of the comic, seeing that the mission Fury had given you three was completed, successfully. 
“Says there we did just fine.” Bucky said and you closed it before pushing it towards the center of the table. 
“It's not all just fine.” Wade threw up his hands in exasperation and you shook your head so confused. 
“Explain it to us Wade.” You grasped the comic again, flipping through it, scanning the pages as quick as you can. 
“Go to page 53.” He tapped his finger against the steel table and you did, the panel showing you and Sam standing on a roof top about to enter a building from above and Bucky was shown in another panel scaling a building. 
“I don't see it…” you shook your head confused as to what he was talking about and Wade pointed at the bottom, that was just barely in view. A hot dog cart. 
“You are here, from another dimension of life… because of a hot dog cart?” 
Wade nodded firmly. “If we don't protect that hot dog cart, bad things will happen.” His voice lowered, turning shifty. “Spooky stuff… anal stuff.” He shuddered and sat back, staring at the hot dog cart in the bottom of the picture. “If we don't protect that hot dog cart, it causes issues you couldn't even fathom. Another life just poof… what did y’all call it? Spanked out of existence?”
You just automatically corrected him. “Snapped.”
“Spanked sounds better, maybe consider changing it to spanked?” 
Sam cleared his throat. “You traveled through dimensions to get here so we could save a hot dog cart? I'm just- trying to keep it all straight. This isn't entirely the weirdest thing I have heard, but it's close.” 
Bucky scoffed. “I say this guy needs some help, maybe his brain got scrambled like mine.” 
“Nah, I didn't get the mind trip you did. I was tortured by a guy named Francis.” Wade snorted gleefully. “Called himself Ajax, like the dish soap!” Slapping his knee, he busted out laughing heavily, starting to cry. 
You rubbed at your face and looked over your shoulder. “I think we should trust him guys. What if what he says is true? We’ve dealt with crazy shit before.” 
“You can't be serious Y/N.” Bucky shook his head and Sam looked doubtful. Wade giggled as he wiped a tear from his eye, pointing a finger at you. 
“I like you, you're the smart one here I can tell.” 
You all turned to Sam who hadn't said anything yet. He sighed and rubbed at his face a bit, before finally saying under his breath. “I'm never going to hear the end of this… Lets take him.” 
Wade did a fist pump in victory, leaping up to grab his mask back from Bucky. “X-Force Ass-” You were quick to cover his mouth, leaving the “-emble” garbled. 
“He's going to get us killed, Wilson.” 
“I said to call me Deadpool or Captain Deadpool.” 
“I WAS TALKING TO HIM!” Bucky jerked his thumb at Sam, gritting his teeth while he yanked open the door and left the room. Deadpool followed after him, the next thing you heard was Bucky hollar. “I'm going to kick your ass Prick.” 
“Will you? You're making me all excited. Like a fairy making a little girl's wishes come true, I feel like I could fly.” 
Then you and Sam heard something loud crack and Wade’s cooing grew fainter. “Nice boots, Tinkerbell!” 
You snatched the comic book and stuffed it in your back pocket. “Uh we probably better go stop Bucky. It's pointless for him to try to kill Wade and will just tire himself out.” 
Sam opened the door, holding it open for you. “Should we really take that away from him?” 
“True and it sounds like Wade is having himself a fan moment anyways and doesn't care.” You stepped out to see Bucky and Wade tangled together wrestling.
Just as the comic stated, You and Sam were able to go in from the top. You could see Bucky below you using rigging to scale the building. Down further below you could see a red dot pushing a hot dog cart down the street well out of harm. Speaking into the comm’s, your wings folded to pull you into a spiral, spinning towards the roof. “Wade’s got the cart moved, and were clear to enter.” 
There was a grunt in the comms and Bucky's voice crackled through. “Well damn, I'm glad the hot dog cart is safe… for reasons spanning an entire dimension that we still don't know.” 
“Who are we to question it, Bucky? I mean, we’ve seen some pretty strange shit.” You stated as Sam landed next to you, shooting at the door and ducking inside together. “Maybe this is just another one to add to the pile.” 
Silence descended on the group as you each made to fulfill the mission. Once the building was clear and the three of you were working on exiting, Wade was waiting on the roof, sitting on the edge eating a hot dog and had three more lined up next to him. “I brought you all lunch, you guys do that sort of thing right? Good Mission? yes I bet. Buckaroo has the happy murder gleam in his eyes.” He took another bite of his hot dog and chewed while studying Bucky closely. 
“Don't do that.” Bucky shuddered a bit and Wade proceeded to pop the last bite into his mouth and chewed slowly while rolling the bottom half of his mask down. 
“Do what Buckaroo?” 
“Stare at me or call me Buckaroo.” 
“While eating a hot dog? Only way to properly eat one. I know you love it James. Well my mission here is done.” He pushed off the ledge to give you a hug and handed you a manilla envelope. “This is for you, it explains everything. Toodleloo Kiddies, it was fun knowing you. Oh and if you see Hugh Jackman on the street, tell him his coffee sucks and bitch slap the prick.” He jumped back on the ledge and looked over the edge. “Oh this is gonna kill my knees but this is a true superhero moment. Wait for it…” He gave you all a salute and stepped over, plummeting down. Sam and Bucky rushed the edge, looking over. 
You knew better, a superhero landing wouldn't kill him. 
“NAILED IT!” you three barely heard, then in a flash of sparks, Deadpool was gone. 
“I thought for sure he was going to pancake down there.” Bucky said with a hint of sadness and Sam shook his head. 
“We gotta get out of here before we're caught and get this back to Fury.” Sam held up a chip that held the actual intel of the mission. 
You silently agreed and together the three of you made your way off the building and back home. 
Afterwards once you were back in the tower and changing out of your suit, you glanced at the manilla envelope Wade left you. 
Sitting down on the bench, you opened it and peeked in. What looked like another comic book was in there as well as a letter. Pulling out the letter, you scanned it. 
~To the Super Duper Trio, 
Thank you for believing me. It was crucial. We're not the only comic book verse out there living our lives. Sometimes they cross intersect in ways that I can't explain, go find the wizard, he can tell you more about it. Also ask him to your next party, because he can do the COOLEST TRICKS. But if you take out the comic book enclosed you will see on page 23 there is a hot dog cart as well as a familiar looking dork named Jake Jensen. Alias- Capt Jensen. 
Perhaps your Captain is alive in some way, the DC universe having changed him to a loveable, cat hating, Petunias loving, super smart idiot.
Tell Birdman thanks for the vote of confidence, caw caw mother fucker.
Tell Buckaroo he forgot to sign my suit, I will be back. He is my favorite after all. 
And what I wanna tell you is take care of those idiots so they dont kill each other. 
With Love, 
Captain Deadpool
Ps- Yes Cap’s as awkward with women in DC as he was in Marvel. 
Pss- Welcome to X-Force! I will be in touch. 
You pulled out the comic book and glanced at the cover seeing six people staring down, the title of the comic- The Losers. Flipping to the page, you found a photograph tucked in between the pages, showing another version of the page. One where the street looked demolished and a man lying crumbled by a cart. Also a familiar hot dog cart leaned on its side, demolished. 
Setting the picture aside, now you glanced over this panel to see the same man making a show of pulling out a crossbow, the bubble above his head with the words “That’s right, bitches, I got a crossbow!” 
The scene didn't really surprise you that much, more like the character now alive in the comic looked just like Steve. 
A thinner version, he had facial hair, and the entire get up was never anything Steve would have willingly worn. 
But it looked just like Steve Rogers and for the second time that day your jaw dropped. 
Maybe Wade Wilson was right, after all… 
Nothing was off limits and stranger things have happened.
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jabberwockprince ¡ 4 years ago
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my favorite ship dynamic is neglected rich princes who cope with trauma by being dramatic brats and who only have each other as emotional support 
so anyway here’s some good Red Prince & Prince Average content, just two bros dealing with their curses by ignoring them completely - the fellas in the red shoes server were like “hey, your OCs BUT with the credits’ artstyle” and I blacked out for 2 hours to draw that first pic 
commissions are open if yall interested btw !!
inhales, i’m a Jack simp cause I love pretty french boys that also happen to be blondies but I also love Discount Lucio, so obviously I gave Prince Average rights while making my OC 
I like to HC that Prince Average comes from a long line of known hunters since he IS based on the Huntsman from Snow White - but y’know, his family wanted a hunter and they got a kid who realized he wants the entire royal experience, fancy balls and all of that, instead of the Noble Art Of Shooting Things :tm: 
So with that lack of understanding and support from his family, Average is left to inherit the entire fucking shebang. And it doesnt END WELL because he’s young dumb and full of dreams of grandeur, so he pretty much ruins the entire family name, leading to his unpopularity 
but ALSO he and Red Prince are childhood friends, they met when they were just little dudes dreaming about being big heroic princes. Wonderland was going thru hard times after the disappearance of the White Queen (one of Red’s mothers because if no one else is gonna shove LGTB+ characters in this bitch then I will) and needed allies, so most of Red Prince’s childhood friends were just strategic relationships to strengthen the bond between different kingdoms and powerful families
Back then, Prince Average was your stereotypical starry eyed hero, boasting about his family’s achievements, on the OTHER HAND tho, Red Prince was a momma’s boy, a crybaby thru and thru. And then you know, typical fairytale stuff happens. 
Red Prince gets cursed for being the wolf who cried wolf, Prince Average decides to focus on being an immature hedonist, they turn into the mean teens who judge your shoes and your lifestyle, develop even more dysfunctional and toxic habits due to untreated trauma, enable each other never change, the usual.
then POOF, some girlboss hottie kills her evil stepmother and gets her very own malewife trophy boy and Prince Average is turned into both a fucking tree and a gremlin dwarf in the span of like, a day or two. So obviously the first thing he does is cry about it and then demand that other people fix it. And by other people I mean Red Prince, who is too busy trying to break his own curse after 7 years of doing nothing but sit on his ass and brood. 
and they get their own 2D Animated Spin Off Show where they go around Fairy Tale Island annoying other popular fairytale characters to find an easy fix for their problems until the F7 and Snow show up to teach them about the importance of independence, agency and responsibility for 2 seasons and bOOM then there’s a MOVIE where they finally break their curses by pure unfiltered self-appreciation and love and friendship, none of that romantic love cliche and also solve the 10 different plotholes from the show
no, i havent slept in 20 hours. no i wont apologize for anything
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queenofwerewolves ¡ 4 years ago
Future Hope - chapter 1.5 - Practice Makes Perfect
Our heroes didnt get their powers and knew from night to day how to manage them, especially those who had physical changes to their body. Our soon-to-be heroes were all reunited in Maria's house, they had planed to spend the afternoon practing and exploring their new limits and abilities, all helping eitch other.
They decided since Griff had the biggest change, they would focus on him first. At the moment they were out in backyard, eitch one giving suggestions on what to begin first.
"Pick us all up at once with your new muscles!" Said Muffin excitedly. "That's still too light! Pick us all up plus Maria's car" Said Spike, chewing once again on a bubblegum.
"You all leave Hellride out of this!" Maria responded angrily. "That car was expensive as fuck and I refuse to go back to a life of Ubers!" She crossed her arms, indignified.
"You named your car?" Kip answered from high up a tree branch, as cats do. "I name all my belongings, what of it?" Maria answered. "And they're all cool names, too".
"Hellride? Really?" Spiked scoffed. "Because she rides fast as Hell! Look can we get back on track and find something for Griff to test his strenght?!" Maria answered nervously with a touch of embarrassment.
"Unless we find an Indiana Jones boulder for him to spin on his finger like a damn basketball we arent gonna get any damn progress!" Spike shouted back.
Maria sighed and shook her head. "I hate it when you have a point.." Griff nervously scratched the back of his head. "There must be something we can do.." He quietly mumbled out.
"I got it!" Muffin shouted, they all turned to face her. "I forgot Im a fairy! I can just poof something up!" She said excitedly. Everyone stared at her with either a confused or shocked look.
"..How... Do you FORGET that you're a fairy?!" Spike blurted out nervously. "You have fucking wings! How does one forget they have huge pink glittery wings?!"
Muffin just shrugged.
Maria smiled wide. "OK Muffin, give us something huge and heavy for Griff to use!" Muffin nodded and grabbed her wand which had a muffin on the tip. "Wand cook, beat and bake! Give us a big large and tasty cupcake!" She waved her wand and out appeared from a bunch of pink glittery smoke, a nearly two-story house tall chocolate cupcake.
"... Why a cupcake..?" Blink asked as she peeked behind her mask, in slight awe and wanting to secretly a bite out of it. "I can only make sweets!" Muffin said with a shy tone. "Im not a fighter like you guys, I only want to make people happy and eat candy!"
"That is certainly the biggest pastry I've ever seen! So large and beautiful, I bet tasty as well!" "Not to mention DIABETIC AS HELL!!! We could die from a heart attack eating that! Or worse, we could get fat! Even fatter! And become even uglier then we already are! This is too overwealming I need a nap!"
Rooko and Rooki suddenly spoke, almost taking everyone off guard on how their friend Rook is suddenly two split personalities now based on the Youtube character ENA, one is always happy while the other is always sad, and depending on the situation they can go Manic or Miserable.
"OK Griff, show us what you can do!" Maria shouted excitedly. Without missing a second, Griff bent over and gripped the edge of the massive cupcake, after struggling a bit he slowly but surely, lifted the entire thing over his head, smiling proudly.
His friends cheered and applauded proudly. Feeling satisfied, he dropped the cupcake and dusted the chocolate crumbs off his hands and fur. "Yokusei!" He shouted, and with a naruto-like smoke poof, he turned back to his human self. Maria ran and hugged him tightly, which Griff embraced and hugged back with a slight twirl.
"Griff you were amazing!!" Maria said with a proud tone, Griff slightly blushed pink at the small punk girl and her excitement. "Oh shucks, it was nothing.." He said with a shy tone.
"Well, and seems we concluded Griffin's training." Togekiss said as they took a sip of tea. "He jump twice as high as a two-story house, his punches and kicks can knock down brick walls and possibly more if we werent limited on objects to test it with, he can hear twice as much then a dog could with his ears, and his sense of smell is impecable. Truly Griff is a strong asset to our team."
"I can only train my powers at night.." Said Spooks, holding an umbrella to protect her from the sun, now that it injures her. "Muffin's power is only sweet making. Togekiss has exceptional I.Q and can see simulations in the future like Garnet in Steven Universe, along with their strong telekenisis, and Kip simply draws whatever she desires, whether alive or not and it becomes a reality... That means it's Rook's turn to show us what she can do" She finished.
"Wonderful! It's our time to shine!" "I-I-I not ready! Everyone's gonna laugh at us! I-I might piss myself in fear!" "Oh pull yourself together dear! Our friends wont laugh at us!" "How do we know that?! They're just waiting to correct us on a dumb mistake!!!"
Rook's body shook and twitched as her eyes turned to static, suddenly her entire eyes turned black with a blue iris, she turned Miserable.
"They're gonna laugh and point at our foolish selves, we're gonna be so embarrassed that we'll wish that the Earth will swallow us whole and just fucking kill us now!! Go ahead! Laugh at us and our misfortune!!!"
"ooh shit" Maria said. "can someone calm her down?"
Rook's eyes change to regular as her Miserable side went away. "No need my good Queen! We are completly fine! Now prepare to be dazzled as we show you all what we can do!" q
Rook pulled out a harry potter-like wooden wand, waved it around. "Bloom and Blossom and protect who I love! Rise my pretties, rise high and above!" Rooki shot an orange light at the grass, which made dozens of flowers bloom and grow around Spike and Blink.
"This is only one of my tricks! It's a shield that protects them from almost anything! My main weakness is fire, because while plants are beautiful, they are also sadly very, very flammable"
"Cool." Said Spike before using his bat to aggressivly hit the flowers and the vines aside so he and Blink could leave.
"M-M-My turn I guess!" Rook took hold of the wand and waved it in circles. "Razzle Dazzle Shine and Show, make their body move it low!" Rooko shot a blue light at Spooks, which made unwillingly and uncontrolably start dancing and as the spell said, make her go low.
"O-OH GOD SOMEONE MAKE IT STOP I DONT LIKE HOW MY BUTT IS MOVING THIS MUCH!!" She shouted in desperation as she made a split and moved it even lower.
"M-My deal is with music! I-It works as a way of distraction o-or hypnosis and it lasts for 30 minutes un-le-less I say otherwise! I-I know it's a sucky power!"
"OK COOL CAN I STOP DANCING PLEASE IM GETTING A CRAMP!!!" Yelled Spooks, practically begging. Rooko flicked her wand and Spooks fell on the ground, panting. "OH MY POOR HAMSTRINGS THEY ACHE!!" She yelled in utter pain, meanwhile Maria and Spike were absolutely losing it.
"O-OH GOD MY STOMACH HURTS-" Said Spike in between laughter.
"OK you guys cool it" Said Blink. "It's our turn to practice now. We're the only ones who use regular weapons." She said drawing her sword and positioning her mask back in place.
"O-OK! OK!" Maria said getting up, she pulled out a small staff and whipped it, making it stretch out wide into a full, large red and black scythe, with a rose print on the blade. Spike spun his bat and spat his gum out.
"So. Who's ass Im kicking first?" Said Spike. "Wait on second thought this might be unfair." Said Blink. "Me and Maria had blades while Spike has a bat, maybe we should-"
Before she could finish, Spike swung his bat and hit Blink sword, knocking it out of her hand before kicking her back at the ground. Blink fell back hard before she could even process what happen, dumbfounded but angry, she snarled. "Oh it's on now Motherfucker." She extended her hand and the sword flew back to her hand, as she charged towards Spike, who moved out of the way as soon as Blink swung her sword, which if he hadnt been for Maria's scythe, would have sliced her right up.
"Dude! Chill! This is a pratice!" Maria spoke as both of their blades were against eitch other. Blink hopped and flipped over her and landed on a tree branch, croutching like a ninja. She put her hands together and in a small puff of smoke and disappeared. Spike and Maria were back to back, ready to counterattack Blink, what they didnt expect was for her to attack from underground.
Buring up from the dirt, she got both of them off their feet and charged after Spike, who barely managed to regain his balance before his using bat his block Blink's sword. A back and forth of clash-clings-and-clangs between metal begun, one attacking the other but eitch blocking every attack again and again.
Spike ducked a sword slash and roundhouse kick Blink's leg, which was effective since she's practically a ninja. She backflipped back on her feet and kept attacking swiftly. But a sudden scythe blade cut in between them, stopping the fight.
"That's enough!!!" Maria shouted. "You both are gonna end up hurting yourselves or eitch other! im ending it now!!"
"Oh what the hell dude?!" Blink shouted indignified. "I was about to beat him!!" "Oh please." Answered Spike. "Was that the best you could do? Sakura could do a better job kicking my ass" He scoffed. They began to argue loudly, genuinely angry at eitch other.
"THAT"S ENOUGH!!!!" Maria shouted, making them, and everyone else look at her.
"It doesnt matter would win that fight! This was a practice and not a competition!! The point of us being a team and getting powers in the first place was for all of us to make the world a better place, but the only way that can happen is if all of us work together!! As a team!!!"
They stood in silence, listening to her talk and set them straight.
"As cheesy as that sounds, it's true!! We shouldnt fight eitch other like this, you're not just my friends, we're all friends with eitch other! We all go along well and we know that, that's why I got you all together, because no one can bond better in a team then all of us together!!!"
"... She's right." Togekiss added, walking towards them. "We all started as simple individuals with free time on a website, but we all shared common interests, we grew closer.. And suddenly like that, we all became friends.. A family, if you will."
"We take care of eitch other and look out for one another." Said Spooks.
"Just like how you all did for me.. When I almost died. Almost died because of the shit and violent world we live in." Maria said.. With a slight crack in her voice.
"You're bringing in the same violence that almost killed me.. So please.. Please stop fighting.. We're all in this together.. Right..?"
Spike and Blink dropped their weapons and hugged Maria, and everyone else joined in as well.
"You're right, we're sorry Queen." Said Spike. "We got overwhealmed and we didnt mean it. We wont fight again, because you're right." Added Blink.
"We only have eitch other in this world, and if we want to change it we have to stick together, just like you said." Spike said one more time.
"And we wont let you down.. We promise.." Griff finished, with everyone agreeing with what he said.
And so they stayed for a moment, embraced within eitch other in a group hug. A family isnt perfect, there will be disagreements, but a good bond will always overcome those disagreements, and that's what they had, a good bond.
A bond that's practically unbreakable and untaintable. A bond that will soon be ready, and fight together to make the world a better place.
A bond that will the world's Future Hope..
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brianc521 ¡ 5 years ago
- Better Late Than Never - {Part 1}  A/n: This is my first time posting only OG characters. I’d love some feedback, and truly appreciate the support. Meet, Jacob, Jason, Ellie, and Hadley! Thanks so much!
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“Okay,” Jacob claps his hands together, “So her favorite movie is already in my Xbox.” He points to the gaming system in the storage compartment under the TV in the living room. “It just needs to be turned on after her play time. If you’re lucky she’ll fall asleep to the movie, might make bedtime easier, so I would suggest turning it on like a half hour before bedtime. Chicken nuggets for dinner, they’re already in the oven. They still have like 15 minutes or so, just give her a warning at 5 minutes so she can clean up her toys and wash her hands.” He nods, looking around to make sure he didn’t miss anything. “Oh!” He points to the green beans on the stove. “She needs to eat all of her green beans and cornbread to get a snack okay? I mean it, all of it.” 
“Dude, you literally do this every night. I know how to take care of my niece.” Jason rolls his eyes. 
“I just, it’s the Dad in me okay? I just have to go through the list to make sure her routine isn’t that much off with me gone for the night.” 
“I understand that. But we’ve done this long enough now that we have our routine. She’s playing with her Barbies right now, at 5 minutes before dinners ready we’ll both clean up her toys and wash up for dinner. We’ll use her Frozen plate that has the sauce spots so she can have ranch and barbecue without them touching. Then we’ll both do the dishes and clean up the kitchen so that way we can play fairy princess together before jammies and Monsters Inc. Ice cream when the movie starts, brush teeth and hair after ice cream and then we finish the movie after that. Bam she’s asleep by bedtime.” Jason ticks off his nightly routine with his niece by memory.
“Okay.” Jacob breathes a sigh of relief. “Okay, you’ve got it.” 
“Go, you’ll be late. The new girl starts tonight, so you know it’s gonna be crazy. Teri’s gonna have your ass if you aren’t there on time.” 
“I know.” Jacob nervously runs his fingers through his dirty blonde locks. He’s styled his hair up in a cute but messy manner. He’s just recently gotten it cut, way short on the sides but long on the top. It’s become really popular with his patrons at the bar. “Ellie! Come give Daddy a hug and kiss goodnight! I’ve gotta go to work now Baby.” He calls out. 
His four year old bundle of energy comes racing down the hall. The plastic tiara adorning her messy golden hair is falling halfway off her head. Her blue princess dress hangs off her right shoulder since the velcro has come undone on the back of the dress. Her white shirt underneath reads ‘To Cool for School’ with a cartoon monkey hanging off the O’s in ‘Cool’. 
“There’s my Gorgeous Girl.” He smiles, couching down to catch his daughter. He chuckles when she collides with his chest, her giggles spewing from her bright pink lips. He takes the opportunity to re velcro the back of her dress. “There, a Princess must always wear the best dress.” He pulls back, placing a kiss to her forehead. 
“No!” She huffs, flexing her shoulders and bringing her elbows together to pop the velcro back open again. “Dad, I can’t play with it velcroed, it’s too tight. I can’t move.” She explains, brows furrowed. 
“Time for a new dress already?” He sighs, tilting his head at his adorable girl. She looks at him with her bright blue eyes, dark lashes framing the doe eyed look. 
“No.” She shakes her head, nose scrunched. “This one fits just fine if I don’t velcro it.” She shrugs, as if that solution is the most obvious thing in the world.
“Well can I at least fix your tiara?” He asks with a small smile, trying not to show how his heart is breaking at her words.
She nods her head, making it droop that much further off the side of her head. He laughs softly, quickly catching the bejeweled plastic and righting it. He makes sure the small little comb like features on the ends brush into her hair. He’s learned that those are there to help hold it in place. 
“You’ll be here for breakfast? She asks softly, sparing a glance up at her Uncle Jason who’s burnt pancakes more times than not. 
“I always am.” He grins, leaning forward to kiss her nose. “Be good for Uncle Jason okay?” 
“Okay.” He nods, jumping, making her dress poof around her legs. “Have a good night at work Daddy!”
“I’ll try just for you.” He smiles, caressing her cheek. 
Jason stands behind them in the kitchen, arms crossed while he leans against the doorframe. He watches the interaction between the father daughter duo, like he does every night, and can’t help but be in awe. He’s never seen his twin brother so in love with something before. Watching Jacob’s infatuation with his daughter brought a whole new perspective of life over Jason. It truly was watching someone mature overnight. Something everyone thought would never happen to Jacob. 
“I love you.” Jacob whispers to Ellie, a soft smile on his face. 
“I love you too Daddy.” She whispers back, mirroring his smile. 
“Okay, I really have to go.” He stands, looking back to Jason. “I mean it with the green beans and cornbread.” 
“Yeah yeah, I got it.” Jason waves Jacob off.
“No more ‘Cool Uncle Jason’ who lets her have anything she wants. I’ll be checking the garbage in here, in the bathroom, outside, and the clever little spot you have on the side of the house.” Jacob raises an eyebrow at his brother. 
Jason’s eyes go wide, face blank now that he’s been caught dumping her uneaten food. 
“Okay, I got it. Go!” He pushes his brother into the garage. 
Jason and Ellie stand in the driveway waving at Jacob as he gets in his green 1995 Toyota Camry. How does the poor car still run? No one knows, but it was all Jacob could get when he traded his bike in. 
Teri is standing in the doorway that leads to the back break area when Jacob rushes in. If looks could kill, he’d be dead 80 times over by the look Teri is giving him. He’s 5 minutes late. He thought he’d have enough time to rush into the local Walmart before his shift, and he would’ve been on time if some group of 15 year old boys hadn’t been fucking around in the self checkout and slowed him up. 
“I know, I know, I’m sorry.” He acknowledges, putting his hands up in surrender as he rushes past his supervisor. 
“It’s 6:07.” She says, eyebrow raised, hands on her hips.
“It’s 7 minutes.” He sighs, stuffing his sweatshirt into his locker, leaving him in his black work shirt. It’s a tight cotton shirt that stretches nicely over his biceps. It makes it easy to extra tips with a simple flex to the right customer. Who says girls are the only ones wearing tight shirts to get tips?
“You’re training the newbie tonight Palmer, I needed you on time.” She says, with a harsh voice. He wishes that she’d stop calling him by his last name. The last person who did that was his football coach, and that just brings up a slew of bad memories. 
“I’m here Teri, I’m sorry I’m late.” 
“What was the hold up this time?” She asks, tilting her head as she waits for his next excuse. A man’s late a few times and now he’s got a reputation. He rolls his eyes before he turns to look at her. 
“Stopped by Walmart.” He answers lamely. 
“Palmer!” She hisses. “I can’t accept that answer!” She looks over her shoulder watching out for Fletcher, the owner, who’s still in his office with the door open. 
“I needed to get Ellie a new Princess dress okay?” He hisses back, watching her face soften. “The one I got her a few months ago is too tight and falling apart from how often she wears the damn thing. Before I left she was reassuring me that the one she has is fine as long as she doesn’t velcro it. Teri, that’s my baby girl, you know that. I can’t give her much right now, but the least I can do is take last nights tips and get her a new fucking dress.”
Teri’s eyes go wide when he spits the information out. She narrows her eyes, pointing at him as her hip juts out. “You were gonna put last night's tips towards an oil change on that piece of shit you drive that precious girl around in! We had a deal Jacob! You told me you’d get the oil change.” 
“Tonight's tips will go towards that.” He lies through his teeth, rushing to dump his phone and keys into his locker as well so he can get out of this conversation. 
Teri sighs, knowing that’s not the truth. “Let me talk to my brother in law. He’s got a little shop a few miles out of town. He might be willing to do some work off the clock for a case of beer or some of your family moonshine.” 
“No, Teri no.” He shakes his head. “I’m not using your family like that. I promise, tips from tonight go to the oil change.” He says as he clocks in.
“Yeah?” Teri challenges. “Then what money are you going to use on Monday to get groceries?” 
He sighs, looking down at his holey shoes. “I just wanted to get her a new dress Ter.” He shuts his eyes before looking up at her with a sad face. “She’s four and she already understands what living without means.” 
“Then let me talk to my brother in law. I want Ellie to have everything she wants. I want her to live the most amazing life, and to have the prettiest of Princess dresses. Just make sure you have a batch of moonshine handy and I’ll make the call. You then can hug me and thank me for it. But most importantly that car is getting a fucking oil change or I won’t schedule you until it does.” She threatens.
It’s an empty threat, they both know it. Teri would never not schedule him, this is the most secure job he could ever have. 
“Thanks Ter.” He sighs, nodding at her. It can be so defeating for him to be living this way. He wishes he could give his Gorgeous Girl everything she wants, without having to break bank to do so. 
“It’s now 6:12 and we’re still not on the floor. Get your shit together Palmer, it’s gonna be a long night.” 
With that Teri walks away from Jacob, head held high, heels ever higher. Jacob follows, looking like a kicked puppy on his way to more punishment. He stops by the sink to wash his hands before joining Teri and the new girl standing next to her. 
Looking at them is almost comical. Teri is very Joan Jett. She’s got dark jett black hair, teased and messed up. She’s never been caught dead in the bar in anything other than her lucky black leather pants. She usually pairs them with a dark blood red tank top, that shows off her very big and very fake boobs. She’s got a full sleeve of tattoos on her right arm. Her eyes are always lined thickly with her famous black liner, shadowed with a silver shimmer, and the look is finalized with the longest lashes known to man. 
The new girl? Polar opposite.
She stands out with her auburn hair. The neon in the lights makes it change color from how it reflects off. In one angle it’s gold, in another it’s bright red. Her hair is pulled back into a tight, professional ponytail on top of her head. Her bangs are clipped back in the middle of her head, she’s given them a little poof to add some height to her hair. She’s also in a tight black shirt like Jacob, but she’s modified hers. She’s cut the bottom, making it a crop top. Accompanied by blue jeans. They’re decorated with rhinestones on the back pockets, and they’re distressed looking. 
Either way Jacob can’t help the way he appreciates the look. They cup her ass quite nicely, and it takes him a minute to remember what being a gentleman means. He snaps back to reality when Teri calls his name. He looks up with pink, embarrassed cheeks. It was suddenly like he was back in high school again. 
“Palmer, this is Stevens.” Teri says, pointing to the new girl, whose back is still to him. 
“Ter, I think it might be easier is you said our first names?” He jokes, shaking his head at the fact that she’s so determined to call everyone by their last names. 
“Okay,” She rolls her eyes. “Jacob meet Hadley.” 
Hadley? He thinks to himself. Unique name, something he’s only heard once in his life. There was a girl he went to highschool with. One he had a major crush on. She was cute, very small compared to him. She always wore her hair down, as if she was hiding behind it. His favorite part about her was how she always had a book in her hands. He never saw her without one. She was quiet, smart, a little nerdy. He never really spoke to her, mainly because their circles never mixed. She never spared him a second glance, and he didn’t blame her. He knows now, and knew then that he was a douchebag in highschool. 
He walked around like he ruled the school, because, well he kind of did when it came to social status. He was all the cliches rolled into one. The quarterback, the bad boy, the cute blonde hair blue eyed boy, and a twin. Him and Jason were the kings of campus. Jason dated the head cheerleader, he dated all the others, at the same time. 
So he never ever blamed Hadley for not looking his way. She deserved so much better than him. 
“Jacob Palmer?” Hadley speaks up, snapping Jacob from his flashback. “That’s funny I went to high school with a kid named-” All words halt on her tongue when she finally turns to greet him. Her eyes go wide and her jaw drops a bite.
Jacob just about passes out. There standing in front of him, looking better than he remembered is the girl of his dreams.
“Hadley Stevens.” He breathes out.
129 notes ¡ View notes
vln-vibes ¡ 5 years ago
The Raven and the Robin:  (2)Legacy Day
Thanks for reading this dudes, I didn’t think it’d get alot of traction. Onto the story,
Summary: It’s Legacy Day but Raven knows her heart isn’t set on signing her book, perhaps Maddie knows what to do.
@justafanwarrior @insomniac-nerd-posts-things
Mara Queen walked the halls of her castle, well her and her husband’s, trying to find the little prince and princess.
“Where are my little birds?” Mara called out, keeping an ear out for any giggles.
Underneath the dining room table then.
“Oh where could my birds be? Surely they have not flown out the window!” Mara dramatically wept out, her platinum blonde, practically white, hair with varying shades of purple streaks, swaying as she quickly ducked underneath the large mahogany table. Her violet eyes twinkled in mirth as she heard the two children yelled in surprise.
“Mommy you found us!” her youngest, Robin, giggled as Raven pushed her way out from behind the chairs before helping Robin along. The Tornado Twins, she heard some of the castle staff call them fondly with how quickly they would appear and leave disaster behind. It made things better and worse that they had magical powers.
Robin had her white hair while Raven had James’s ebony locks, both had wavy hair. Both her children were faired skin though that was no surprise. While Raven had cerulean eyes, Robin’s were seagreen, a bit darker than her own before she signed away her destiny.
They were little troublemakers but they were hers.
“Look at you two, you look like a mess” Mara sighed, the grass stains and dust on their faces and clothes not looking like they’d be easy to clean up by hand. Luckily she had just the spell.
“From rags to riches, dull to shine, Clean these twin royals of mine”
“Aww but mommy we want to play here” Robin whined as his little golden crown tilted on his head, Raven following behind her with little prompting.
“Well you could stay here” Mara teased “Or you could accompany me for lunch with the Badwolfs and Hunters”
“Are our friends going to be there mom?” Raven shyly asked, taking a hold of Robin’s hand.
“We’ll find out when we get there”
And with that the three King-Queens headed out for a play date, one of the last they’d go to as a family.
Raven found herself in a state of unease as she walked down the halls of Ever After High on the morning of Legacy Day.
Ever since she was outed as the daughter of the Good King, therefore also the daughter of the Evil Queen, she’d been outcast by most of her classmates; suddenly she was an unpredictable evil witch instead of the quiet but sassy girl most assumed would be a royal. Apple and Headmaster Grimm had even tried to remove her things from Maddie’s room and Raven did not regret the hex she placed on them then or when they tried messing with her schedule a month into the school year.
She hated Legacy Day.
“Maddie, you have to help me.” Raven sighed as she grabbed onto her BFFA,“ I don't feel like I can sign the Storybook of Legends, but I don't wanna let everyone down either.”
“And do not forget the whole, ‘If you don't sign, your story disappears—poof!—and you may vanish into oblivion!’” Maddie emphasized with a large gesture of her hands before taking a large gulp of air “That's a thing you know, and it's gotta hurt.”
“But we don't know if that's true.”
“But what if it is?”
“But what if it's not?”
“But what if it is?”
“You're not helping.” Raven sighed once more, beginning to think that refusing to sign was a hopeless endeavor.
“Wait a tick! I think I know who can help.” with a snap of her fingers Maddie began to bounce excitedly and began to gesture to the library wing of the school. Not a moment too soon as Raven could see Apple White begin to wave her hand at her and make her way towards the duo.
“Ooh! Raven! There you are. We have to talk.”
As they hid behind one of the library shelves Maddie began to knock on the door behind them, a mist surrounding the hidden duo before taking them into another room.
“If anyone knows the truth about the Storybook of Legends, it's Giles Grimm!” Maddie laughed, gesturing across the curtain to reveal a lanky graying man, she could see some similarities with the Headmaster though their way of presenting themselves was like night and day; Giles was casual if a little more hobo looking while Milton always made sure he looked as crisp and pristine as possible.
“Feathers and friends! Together, alone.” Giles Grimm bowed to the young princess.
“He's speaking Riddlish! He was cursed with the babble spell. Makes him sound, you know...cu-roo-coocoo!” Maddie explained as she waved her fingers around her head, “ He says it's nice to have us here.”
“Ask him about the book! If I don't sign, am I really gonna... uh, disappear?” Raven requested, feeling her nerves build up.
“Mmhmm! Can the musical chair change its tone when the tablet of granite is inscribed with a bone?” Maddie translated for her friend.
“Hmm...the constellation lays incomplete in the sky tonight, does this mean the night will not arrive?”
“Oh” Maddie’s demeanor seemed to droop for a second as she turned to Raven “He knows that your story doesn’t have all its active roles but he doesn’t know how the storybook will take it if it finds out”
“Bu-But what about signing? Even if the story doesn’t have all its roles do I still need to sign or will something happen?” Raven could feel as her throat began to constrict, an invisible bile going up her throat as she recalled the missing piece of the story.
“The king who sings with pages of sky fears too much the dawn that rises with lies.” Giles gave a sympathetic look to Raven before talking to Maddie.
“He says there's something wrong with the book, and that if you don't sign, your story will…”
“What? WHAT?” Raven opened her eyes to see Maddie already having set up a tea party and serving a cup to Giles.
“Oh, sorry! If you don't sign, your story will continue.”
“Ah, really? Oh that's great.”
“...I think.”
Raven had to stop herself from glaring at Apple as the girl only stared her down; everyone was surprised when she arrived in her “Good King” outfit.
It was a bit of an old style for Raven’s style but a little bit of magic helped adjust to her taste, just a bit. Raven proudly wore the same white suit all the Good Kings had worn, her father included, a 19th century styled German army suit that the original Good King wore, with golden accents on the shoulders, buttons and embroidery, the original loose white pants with golden embroidery on the side of the leg becoming more form fitting, shiny black leather boots, with some added heel, and white gloves tying it together before adding the finishing touches. Raven had made sure to correctly adjust the clasps on her carmine velvet cape with white fur on its trims and that the crown, a golden trimmed crown with different colored jewels carefully placed on it and a velvet cap underneath it.
“Shouldn’t you be wearing the same thing all Evil Queens wore before?” Apple asked in a forced polite voice, after all her Evil Queen couldn’t be wearing the suit her grandfather wore for Legacy Day… even if her mother never liked talking about him.
“Shouldn’t you be wearing the same clothes the Snow Whites have before?” Raven stared at Apple’s dress, clearly tailored for today even though it was not the way Legacy Day worked; they were supposed to be wearing the suits the Originals wore in their stories. For someone all about tradition, Raven couldn’t help but think that Apple was just full of it.
At that Apple just went back to the unofficial “Royal” side of the courtyard. Raven made her way with the Rebels.
“Fables and Gentletales! It is my honor to welcome you to the newest generation of Legacy Day”
This was so unfairest.
Raven had been clapping politely as her friend’s turn was coming up only to be thrown a curveball.
They were not going in order of Author or even Fairy Tale title; they were just going in random order.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was up first, as it had been during rehearsals.
“I, Alistair Liddell-Wonderland, son of Alice from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, promise to fulfill my destiny as the next Alice and resolve every riddle that stands in my way!” The crowd cheered as Alistair finished his speech, silver key appearing over his hand before placing it in the book. Raven winced from her seat, recalling the fact that Alistair and the other Wonderlandians couldn’t go back because of the Evil Queen’s spell. Well Alistair already completed his story; all Alice’s did before Legacy Day even happened. Every Alice would fall in a rabbit hole and into Wonderland after being spied on by that White Rabbit by the age of seven. It was an Alice thing according to Maddie.
Bunny Blanc was the only “Role” that was unavailable during the ceremony. She didn’t escape with the others and was still stuck in Wonderland.
Kitty Cheshire, Elizabeth “Lizzie” Hearts and Maddie each signed the Storybook of Legends after Alistair was done.
Then Headmaster Grimm just had to meddle; Snow White was going up next.
“I am Hunter Huntsman, son of the Huntsman from Snow White and Red Riding Hood, and I am here to pledge… my destiny” Hunter forced a smile on his face, it's not as though he was ever ashamed of his destiny but well𑁋 As a vegetarian he couldn’t help but dislike certain aspects of his role, namely the slaughter of animals. He faced the crowd as the bronze key appeared before him and inserted it into the Storybook of Legends. The flipping of pages giving a small breeze to his forest green hood as he watched the scenes before him.
He was strolling through the woods, animals on the look for him. The animals rushed to him and gestured to a familiar looking cottage; he had to pull Ramona and Cerise away from a fight, neither looking too happy at old Ruby Hood, the Red Riding Hood before their mom. He just walked away from the cottage with the girls before he received a message on his mirror phone from an unidentified number that “requested his services”. It showed him at the steps of a castle… wait what? The pictures after that were all blurred, as though water had spilled on top of them.
Hunter was snapped out of his stupor as the feather appeared before him; Hunter Huntsman was officially the next Huntsman for the two stories.
“Raven Queen” Headmaster Grimm called out, much to Raven’s annoyance as she walked up the staircase.
“I am Raven King-Queen, daughter of the Good King and the Evil Queen, and I pledge um…”
Raven took the golden key before her, a small crown with a ruby crystal on top, inserting it in the Storybook. With a sigh she twisted the key in the lock as the pages began to fly.
Raven couldn’t control the whirlwind of emotions she felt as the story unfolded before her. She hadn’t realized the magic she unleashed, all the mega mirrors now showing what she looked at.
Raven, at ten years old, stood side by side with a boy with white hair, the duo walking through the halls of the King-Queen “Good” castle. Eleven year old Raven watched as the white haired boy, both now having streaks of royal blue and regal purple in their hair, seemed to be bossing around a younger Hunter Huntsman. Raven was now thirteen years old, watching from her room as a crystal object was being carried away by castle staff. Seventeen year old Raven (this year?) watched as an armored figure leaned forward, a crystal coffin people realized, and gave a kiss to the unseen person inside of it.
Raven had enough. She knew what she had to do.
“I am Raven King-Queen, daughter of the Good King and Evil Queen, here to announce that it is my destiny to become the next Good King” Raven ignored the shocked looks or cheers coming from the Royal side as the Rebels just continued to stare.
Raven shut the book.
“But I will not be signing the Storybook of Legends; I’ll find my own Happily Ever After”
“Oh my…”
“Raven did it!”
All the mirrors shattered once the book was closed. Raven looked around she realized that nothing had happened after that. She was still alive, everyone was still alive.
“You lied! I didn’t disappear” Raven’s fury was directed at Milton Grimm, cerulean eyes lit up
“Are you here to make a fool of me young lady!” Milton barked, his skin gaining a red tint to it, similarly to Apple as she glared at Raven.
“I told you I wasn’t the Evil Queen” she huffed back
“Ho-How could you be so selfish! If you’re not the Evil Queen to my story then who is!” Apple demanded.
Raven stopped herself from losing grip of her emotions again, she turned back and gave Apple a solemn look “That’s another story ever after”
Raven King-Queen stepped down the staircase, towards her awaiting friends, and never looked back.
After the ceremony was postponed until further notice, Milton Grimm stormed up into the hidden entrance of the tower where the Magic Mirror was kept.
She would be talking to him whether she was willing or not.
“What is the meaning of this! Where is the new Evil Queen! What have you𑁋”
Milton Grimm was shocked at the sight within the mirror. No longer did she wear the bird skull crown or have black, purple and magenta hair, or even the same dress she had when destroying the other stories.
It was as though the Evil Queen many had come to fear was gone.
Crying within the mirror was the same Mara Queen he had recognized from her own days at Ever After, amethyst eyes she only gained after Legacy Day looked at him in distress and horror.
“What have I done?”
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orderoftheavengers ¡ 6 years ago
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Summary: Azkaban delinquent turned ant-nimagus
House: Slytherin
Species: Human (Ant-nimagus)
Blood Status: Half-blood
Wand: Cecropioa, 6 inches, doxie antenna core
Patronus: Carpenter ant
Broom: Custom job, by Professor Hank Pym
Specialties: Transfiguration, flying
Familiars: Antony, Ulysses S. Gr-ant, Ant-tonio Banderas, Marie Ant-toinette, the Grand Duchess Antnastasia, Ant-ie Em...
Scott was a toughie. He's got strong traits of every house, so the Hat had to sort him by process of elimination.
Scott was a chillax, open-minded, sociable family-guy, which screams Hufflepuff to many. And his motivation for his crimminal activity was to fight the wealthy corrupt corporations and defend the "little guys." That sounds like a Hufflepuff crimminal... but Scott really struggles to stay loyal and hard-working and responsible. Just because he's he's a chill friendly dude who love his kid and looks like Justin-Finch Fletchly doesn't make him a Hufflepuff.
His crimminal history might say Gryffindor to others, since he recklessly broke the law for his percieved values. But Scott leaps back out of bad situations as qiuckly as he leaps into them. And in any case, his fighting style is too sneaky and dodgy to be Gryffindor. (If simply being any kind of "brave" got you into Gryffindor, this whole series would get boring fast.)
Scott's sneaky and crafty specialties would serve him well in Ravneclaw, and Ravenclaws can certainly be reckless. But if Hank Pym just needed a Ravenclaw to be the Ant-nimagus, he wouldn't have had to look as far as Scott.
The Hat knows it's a stereotype for crooks to be Slytherins. But the fact is, Scott Lang's biggest strength is his cunning, and his biggest weakness is resisting the urge to do what he wants. He may not seem particularly "ambitious," but leading illegal heists is pretty ambitious, and so is trying to leave a lifetime of crime to become a good father.
You want Scott Lang's Hogwarts story, in a concise, summed-up nutshell?
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Sure, no problem!
Scottie starts his wizarding school at Ilvermorny and he's this super-chill guy who's friends with everybody except the assholes and breaks all the rules, and he's into flying and has crazy dark hair like an American Harry Potter, only without the glasses or the lightning-bolt scar or the get-out-of-trouble-free-card-cuz-you're-the-Boy-Who-Lived coupons, so when he teams up with three other pranksters from different parts of the wizarding world he's all like "Hey I'm Scottie wanna go rob Gringotts and be rich crooks and stuff?" I'm all like "yeah man count me in even though I'm going to like a whole other school in Mexico, and our other friend Kurt is from Durmstrang all the way over in Europe, but we coordinated with our owls and made this kickass heist. But we weren't doing it for the money! 
That's a lie. 
We did do it mostly for the money. 
But we were gonna give  some of that money to the muggle-borns and half-breeds and all those oppressed peoples. But still keep enough to have a castle in the Bahamas. We were like Robin Hood. And then we get caught and we all go to Azkaban and get expelled and Scottie's like 'WTF why does that dork Harry Potter get to fly a car into the Whomping Willow and enter a tournament underage and sh*t and it's okay, but we rob one little volt from some trolls and we're expelled?" and the Ministry of Magic is like "Shut up your magical careers are OVER muchachos!" And they broke all our wands in half. And then Scottie's wife divorced him, so when they broke his wand it was like a symbolism of Scottie's life being broken in half and being separated from his "other half."
Wife? Yeah, Scott was married....
Yeah, so Scottie he was married. Yeah, he's still a teenager at wizard school. Yep, he's got a kid, who's walking and talking. No, no, it's not weird! See I'll explain, real quick....
So Scott's this impulsive teenager who does the nasty while he's still in high school, and the nasty is a blond classmate named Maginhilde La Fey, who goes by Maggie. Only Maggie's like half Nymph right? So like two days after her and Scott are rolling around under the Quodpod bleachers she's all "Hey asshole I'm five months pregnant!" and Scott's like "WTF? Oh sh*t you're part fairy-person so our baby's gonna age super fast! Let's get married real quck so this isn't weird." But then we do that heist stuff and he's in Azkaban and Maggie divorces him. So then Scott wants to change his ways and go straight to be a good dad to his kid, whose named Casseiopia, Cassy for short.
I'm outta breath, can I get some water?
* A note from the editors: Our narrator has been given a glass of water, and a sedative, so as to make the story more accessable to an audience that isn't on Speed. You may continue, Mr. Luis.
Okay, awesome.
(Slightly slower bongos)
So this Professor Hank Pym used to work at Ilvernorny, but quit because Howard Stark was an asshole. So now he's at Hogwarts and he's head of Ravenclaw House. And he's thinking, "Harry Potter's retired and the Order of the Avengers are all off their meds and dropping castles out of the sky and stuff, the world needs the Ant-Nimagus again! But I can be the Ant-nimagus anymore. Look at me, I'm like a hundred!"
(A note from Professor Pym: "I'm 74, thankyou very much.) "
Who do I train to be the new Ant-nimmagus? I have this ex-student guy named Darren Cross, who's this buff handsome Gryffindor, and everyone would think he'd be the hero, and he thinks he's supposed to be the hero, but his mind is all corrupt and evil so scratch him out. The Ant-nimagus has gotta be more humble and smarter than a Gryffindor, but he can't be just a boring Ravenclaw, no I need someone who can break rules...."
So Pym, who's this genius Ravenclaw type, deduces that he needs a Slytherin to do his bidding. So he sets up a trap inside Hogwarts for a group of Slytherins who think they're gonna pull some big school prank by stealing an Invisibility Cloak. But Scott unwraps it and "WTF? I can see this cloak just fine, this ain't no Invisibiilyt Cloak. Imma try it on." And then suddenly he's tiny and has an extra pair of arms, and he freaks out, but Pym changes his mind with his ants, who are like his minions, and they bring tea nad sugar over across the table for Scott--
Ant-nimagus. Sorry, right.
The Ant-nimagus is, I guess, like a normal animagus, only with size-changing powers. So he can turn into an ant, but he can be a normal ant-sized ant, or a giant "Them!" ant. And he can also be a tiny human, or a normal sized human or a giant. And the cloak is more just for magical protection, it just mixes badly if someone who isn't an animagus tries wearing it. So Pym trains Scottie, and Scott's doing this kinda Han Solo and Princess Leia thing with Pym's daughter Hope, who's all "I'm not attracted to you, I'm a walking Ravenclaw stereotype, look at my hair, I'm all buisiness, but damn if I wanna kiss you" and they all fight an evil Gryffindor on a wizard chess board, and it's really badass! And Scott's finally redeemed himself and got his kid back, and his ex-wife and her snotty Prefect husband are his friends and his kid has a giant pet ant and it's all happy but then Captain America comes in--
Uncivil Quidditch Match:
--and goes "Yo, be on my team in this totally unauthorized Quidditch match, I'm not drunk!" Scottie, he's all, "Sir, this is an honor, even though I'm a Slytherin and you're a Gryffindor. I hero-worship you man, cuz you stick up for the little guy. We are totally breaking the stereotype here, with a Slytherin gushing over a Gryffindor, and then going on to troll another Slytherin for said Gryffindor! Hey Stark, I'm your conscience! Or your sex life or whatever the funny line was. I'm Team Cap's answer to your snarky antihero!" But then Stark's like "psych, I win, you're all in a giant squid detention now. Only I feel bad about it, but I only feel bad about Sam, Wanda and Clint; you I'm just gonna kind a go 'Who are you again?' so you can do the Star Lord 'why does no one know about me and my badass exploits?' thing."
So Scott gets out of the squid and takes a plea deal so he doesn't go back to Azkaban, he just has to do community service and stay in his commonroom on all his off hours. And Hope and Hank are pissed, cuz they're like "You think we're proud of you for being a dumbass for Captain America? Everyone only loves that guy if his name's in the movie's title. This is an 'Ant-Man' movie, Gary Stu got no power here! So we're through with you." So then Scott has to redeem himself again, and he does! But then the whole Pym family gets dusted, and the giant ant plays the drum set, so we have to wait till 'Avengers 4' to see how Scott's gonna save all their asses and redeem himself again.
(Final round of bongos) 
So just before Thanos’s dusting spell, Ant-Man and the Wasp and the Old Ant-Man and the Old-Wasp wanna help their new ghost friend Ava Starr, and they’re all “Scotty, go to the Spirit Realm and get some Ectoplasm for our ghostly friend” and Scott’s like “WTF is ectoplasm?” and his girlfriend’s like “Ghost sh*t.” And Scott’s like “Screw that I ain’t touching no ghost manure!” But then his girlfriend’s mom goes “Just think of it like ghost-honey.”
So Scott goes to the Spirit Realm and OH SNAP, the whole Pym/Van Dyne family is Dusted! So Scott’s stuck there for the whole summer, until one of the Weasley family rats named Scabbers the Fourteenth nibbles him free, and then POOF he’s back out! 
His half-nymph daughter has had another fairy growth spurt over the three months and is now the same age as her dad, which is awkward. And her mom and stepdad are dust, which is depressing. And me and Scotty’s other two friends are also dust, so he makes our ashes into cute little memorials with our faces drawn in. 
Scott hears what happened with Thanos, and also that Thanos destroyed all of the Time Turners in the world. But then Scott tells the Avengers how the Spirit Realm can be used for time travel. So Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Professor Wolf, Rocket Raccoon/Niffler Hybrid, and Princess Shuri all brainstorm in a lab until they get it to work. 
Scott and Tony put their Slytherin brains together and try to out-cunning Loki in the past, but they get distracted by America’s ass, and Scott does some damage to Tony’s hole, and Loki gets away with the Tesseract. Then Scott’s mad at Tony, and Tony and Steve are mad at each other, but they’re also all mushy for each other, and Scott’s like “Get a room!” So they yeet off to the 1970s and Scott goes to eat a taco, but loses it. 
Then, the final Battle of Hogwarts! Finally, Scott thinks, I can do the badass thing we’ve all been waiting for! Imma go up Thanos’s ass! But fun fact: Titans don’t have assholes. Which means they’re always constipated, which might be why Thanos is such a jerk. (He’s an asshole cuz he doesn’t have an asshole.) So Scott just kicks ass as a giant ant, and is reunited with his girlfriend and all his friends.
Wand, Broom, etc: 
Scott's wand is carved from the Cecrepoia, a rainforest tree that carpenter ants tend to live in. His ant-themed broom can shrink and grow with the rest of him, but he may sometimes lose it in the chaos of a fight and have to improvise with something else, like one of the wingged keys.  Scott relies on the ants to deliver his mail, and is growing to hate owls, who he often calls "murderers!" when they eat his ant familiars out of the air during missions.
Notes: Scott came out looking like a "Fairly Odd-Parents" character, for some reason. Oh well. Gotta be honest, sorting Scott into Slytherin had a lot to do with his interactions with other characters. I really loved the idea of Pym hiring Scott as a Ravenclaw logically deducing that he needs a Slytherin. And a Slytherin teaming up with a famous Gryffindor hero, and sneaking into a fellow Slytherin's broom to troll the crap out of him. Among other things, a sad consequence of Rowling's House stereotyping was the missed opportunity of all the great Slytherin vs. Slytherin interactions there could have been.
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callmetatenda ¡ 6 years ago
thank u, next
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I know I abandoned my blog, a little… I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry. But I’m back & I’m better [in my best Bryson Tiller voice]. See here’s the thing, life just started happening, things were moving and shifting I got caught up in a lot. So I needed some time to recuperate, think and come back as the best version of myself. I’m trying out some new stuff on this blog, on my music channels and my social media presence in general. I just feel like I have a lot to say and plenty ways to release them so bear with me & stay tuned to my other socials for some fun things. I’ve been thinking of what I’d say when I came back to this platform and I wanted it to be right, I wanted to articulate it in a correct manner. I’m the kind of person who has a lot going on in my head but I won’t voice it unless I truly think it will hold some kind of impact… so, here it goes.
I know you’ve heard that Ariana Grande song by now & I’m not gonna lie, when I read about it before hearing it, I was like… eh another pop song about her past relationships that’s cute or whatever. BUT when I tell you I finally listened to it, and it pieced together what I’d been going through in so many ways I’m THRU. Ariana DID THAT.
So, as the year is coming to a close I’ve been thinking and reflecting a lot about where I am, where I’m going and how far I’ve come (won’t He do it?!). A couple months ago I packed up my bags and moved countries from everything I know and am familiar with and embarked on this journey with my studies. Now, combine that with adulting-- you know handling my finances, working, and making my own doctors appointments-- coping with probably the biggest change in my life, and  harbouring certain relationships and friendships that weren’t the healthiest. I was really going through it. But I’m a gangsta so I shed a lil thug tear and kept it pushing. The way I’m used to handling or dealing with things is if you’re not good for me, or good for my well being I will cut you off. Which in essence, is the healthy thing to do right? However, I learned that cutting someone off and being bitter or holding anger or hurt over the situation won’t do anything for you.
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I know that the right thing to do is forgive & forget but if I’m being completely real and transparent. I’m only human. Sometimes-- most times I can’t do that. I can’t easily forgive and I had to come to terms with the fact that’s okay the good Lord is still working on me. What I can do though, is change my perspective.
If God didn’t want me here, He wouldn’t have brought me here. That sometimes means it’s literally time to say THANK U & NEXT to a lot of things. thank u, next.. to that unhealthy relationship. thank u, next… to the friendships that are holding deadweight. thank u, next… to the situation that you got so comfortable in. thank u, next… to allowing people to talk to you anyhow. thank u, next… to staying stagnant and not evolving or growing. Staying in the same place won’t allow you to grow. Granted, the people who you came up with and the situations you’ve become comfortable in is a lot of what has shaped you. But know that God will use certain people for certain eras of your life for a particular job.
I had to come to a place where I asked Him to pull me away from anything and any relationship that He wasn’t in. That’s a hard prayer to pray. Because you’re asking Him to rid you of the people and the things you have grown to love. I kept praying about certain situations and people in my life, saying, God if you’re not in it.. if you’re not in that friendship, I don’t want to be there. I want to be where you are. As much as it might hurt me, take me away from it so I can have what YOU have for me.
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In my perfect world it would work like magic and I’d be a new creation, there would be fairy and pixie dust and *poof* it’s done and everything would be cool and we move on. Obviously, it doesn’t ever really work like that. Over the years, I learned that one of things that triggered my anxiety is being lonely. So I would cling onto people and friendships and tell myself “well at least I’m not alone,”. I’m mentioning this to highlight the importance of that prayer. I literally asked God to take away everything I’m comfortable with knowing it could very well take me to my dark place. I mentally prepared myself like “wow, if I can’t text this person at 2AM or whenever I feel low I’ll actually be a wreck,” and I’m not going to lie and say it was easy, but I’ve handled it like a champ if I do say so myself.
I had to realize that sometimes when God wants to work on you, He has to isolate you from some of the things you love and the people you love. He will put you in a place where you are able to hear him and totally be committed and focused to His plan. The thought of this used to scare me a little bit, [like, can we keep it 100 and be all the way transparent?] because honestly, I’m comfortable with these toxic relationships because it might not be alllll the way healthy, but at the end of the day I’ll still get that affirmation that makes me feel good and happy so like why would I walk away from that. At this point I’m looking at God like, “Come on my dude… I know you probably don’t want me here right now… but like I’m kinda sorta happy, sooo I’ma stay in this until the wheels fall off this thing,” and the tendency is then to run from God because you’re lowkey ashamed. And that’s the funny thing about God, He’s not this huge scary character that’s gonna punish you if you don’t do things His way. God is literally love. He’ll let you do things your way. He will watch you act like boo boo the fool, watch you walk right into the fire and at the end of it He’s there and ready to catch you He is your Father.
I started looking at things without the element of resentment or anger to a point where I could be grateful for certain situations and still say peace out & God bless ya. In everything I was moving on from, one taught me love, one taught me patience and one taught me pain fOR SURE. But here’s the thing, let’s go back to this Ariana song because I don’t think y’all understand the timing it all just fell right in place I’m excited okay. The first verse she’s talking about her ex boyfriends and that one taught her love, patience and pain okay but then she gets into the second verse where she says she’s moved on to some on else [at this point I’m like oh noo baby what is you doin??] then SIS SAYS HER NAME IS ARI. She has moved on to herself! SOMEONE SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK COME ON THAT’S A WORD. Then minister Ariana continues to say, “she taught me love, she taught me patience, she handles pain that []’s amazing”. HELLO?
Once I became committed to actually not letting certain things and people have a hold on me and my life anymore, that’s when God started working. God started pouring out things into me. I started to be with and by myself all the time and was okay with it. I’ve grown to love my own company; I’ve learned that in my own company I do some of my best writing, I sing some of my best songs, yo not to toot my own horn but ya girl is fly. I’m literally living my best life [peep my ig for real life proof] and that doesn’t go to say that there won’t be bad days; it doesn’t mean that I don’t miss certain people or don’t feel empty some days. What I’ve learned in this season of self-love, self-awareness and growth is to stay at His feet. I’ll never lack anything if I keep that relationship with Him.
So for now, I’ll leave you with these gems until we meet again,
BOP OF THE WEEK: thank u, next x Ariana Grande
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VERSE OF THE WEEK: Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
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phoenixofultimatechaos ¡ 8 years ago
Peeves about fanfictions
If you don't like rants, ignore this post. And yes swear-words are included. I am focusing mostly on  Fairy tail FF, but any of this peeves applies to any other FF out there.
Also warning for spelling and grammar.
We all know fanfictions are more or less... “write it freely thing”,no rules or “you must do this and that”. I get it. But for fucks sake, it dosent mean you can blame everything on the write-as-you-want thing. Hell no. Professional or amateur writer docent matter, nobody will read your fanfiction or
Here are some of the biggest peeves about fanfictions:
1)  Despite this fanfic taking existing characters, the characters used could be someone else.
If you use an existing character, get their personality right. If the characters you use act different and talk different than the ones from the anime or movie you chosen to write your fanfiction about, you can as well change their names to something else. Even if we interpret things different,and why they act certain way does not mean a character can do a 180 degrees turn in their personality.
Sometimes the character from anime/movie acts as the real one would do, and then change into a...well.. a really bad OC.
2)   Author says the fanfiction is based in the already existing world of manga/movie, but none of the existing rules we already know exist in the story, the characters are way off (or only one or 2,while the others act as they normally would), the plot of their fanfictions is disconnected from the world and breaks most of that worlds rules.
No. The “Im just creative” - excuse does NOT excuse your ignorance to details,existing most important rules and simply not wanting to keep yourself within those said rules. If you want to bend rules, learn what they are first. When you know them, you will know:
* how to break them in right way
* what consequences and impact it will have on the story line and the characters
* what those consequences will lead to, and with options will be off-limits due to the rules being broken,and what new possible opportunities have opened up and why.
Remember. IF a rule that exists in the world your characters live in is broken, consequences is a MUST. If you re-invent a rule/rules in that world, you have re-made the world itself with is fine, but do NOT pretend that those characters are still in the same world they are in the anime. Be CLEAR about what is different and what isn't.
3) Pacing goes from 0 to 100 within one paragraph.
Chill.The hell. Out. there is so many details and information missing that NOTHING makes sense here. take time to explain how,when,why and where.
Take us slowly from beginning to the middle and to the end.
4) writers OC is the so called Mary Sue.
I don't believe in Mary Sues,only in bad writing.But holy shit, I know what people mean with Mary Sue. Fairy Tail fandom (and a lot of others too) are FULL of those. When your FT character can:
*open gate to Celestial world (or any other world) at any time without consequences, enter that said world without problem, and is a celestial dragon slayer,and then is an amaaaazing healer, and lets not forget that character sounds like a Lucy Heartfilia,Natsu Dragneel and Wendy mix, then you know you have created a character based on traits you admire in main characters, so you take those out,and put them into one character to show how a “good character looks like”. No offence,but if this character can do all this things, whats the point of having any other character in your fanfic? This one can already do everything, knows everything, uses magic left and right, have no issue travelling to other worlds and is well known powerhouse then sorry princess,your oc have serious issues.
*the OC is. EVERYWHERE. At all times. Sees every single crucial to plot thing, sees all problems that  arise, know why and how, and know automatically how to solve them.
*the OC knows other characters from the very beginning even if they haven't met them. If the other character is well -known (like Natsu aka salamander), then they can react surprised or shocked or happy or whatever you want when they hear his name as in “Oh so HE is from FT and he is the famous Salamander”. They should NOT know who is who after 5min with one of the other characters we already know.
The reader is probably a fan,so no need to go into super-deep detail about an existing character people have been followed in the series your ff is based on. the details about your own OC(s) you kick into their world is the interesting part. The new rules that you have added (maybe linked to previous events fans had seen? ) and why they exist is the interesting part, and how the characters deal with that. Does it affect them? Does it destroy their life? Does it interfere with their job or life, making it harder/easier?
New stuff need explanation, the stuff we seen can be named to and described to help us see what is happening where.
3) Flirty characters end up being written as stalkers, perverts, rapists, or someone who dosent respect the opposite genders “no”, intrudes into their personal space and is in  constant “I wanna do them”-mood.
Dude. I know. Interpretation thing again yea yea. There are still lines between “a little OOC” and “so OOC the character became someone else”. 
Yes I look at you who write about Loke damn it. Or Ezio. Or any other existing flirty character. Stop it. Take your time to get FAMILIAR with the character.
If you intend to overdo a character for comedy's sake,you will need to make everyone else behave off as well. If ALL other characters behave exactly as you would expect them to expect in anime/game/movie and only the character you make as the main one for your FF behaves WAY off, it makes your fanfic unbelievable not to mention a pain to read. And IF there is a reason why the flirty one acts off and not the rest of them, you need to have a reason for that.
4) writers dislike of certain character makes them change that character into a total dick who gains everything for free, and any relationship that hated character had is eliminated or changed so much it makes that character into someone else.
Poor Lisanna Strauss.
when she came back, people hated her. For no fucking reason. And most fanfics that involves her (In the Fairy Tail FF-world) go like this:
*Lisanna is a bitch
*Natsu-team is a bitch to Lucy
*Lucy cries and runs away, and either becomes evil, or ends up screwing around with someone 24/7 and now hates FT because Lisanna is back.
What.The actual FUCK.
Okay.If you want to write about Lisanna being mean, you need to start with an idea WHY. Basing it on “she was with Natsu first” does not hold for more than 1 second. They were not a pair when she poofed from FT. They were not MARRIED.
Biggest insult becomes the “Lucy you are weak go to hell”-attitude ENTIRE guild ends up having. You broke the biggest damn plot-related rule.
Second thing you need is slower progression to WHY she is a dick. Why is she going against her nakama? Why are her old friends siding with her?
And no. No. Lucy being weak is your damn opinion. While you can write as if Lisanna thinks that, the OTHER characters change in one second flat. if they start thinking like Lisanna, you need. A freaking reason. WHY. And keep them in character as much as possible.
Can you really imagine Makarov say “yea they are right you suck” to one of FT members? If he decides to side with Lisanna, you need to keep his way of talking intact. Act as an actual old, wise and calm adult, not like some teenager who sides with his bully-buddys.
5) Characters that are not known for being power-houses in series become described as weak-ones. And everyone else thinks so too! No valid explanation, just pure hate from start to end.
Not being a official powerhouse in the movie/manga sucks. If they are not official they always end up being hated in FF. Once again, writers personal opinion takes over and creates this weird “let us kick down this character” instead of neutrally look at the weakness and strengths of that character.
6) “I found a girlfriend for The King so now I can live in human world forever and loose nothing” (Fairy Tail Fandom strikes again).
LucyxLoke shippers. Oh dear gosh,so many idiotic reasons they can find to make Loke stay in human world forever is... countless. few of those reasons are good.
yes Im sure he would abandon his comrades in Celestial World just because of that. Mhm. You are not convincing me with that. Or anyone else for that matter.
7) Blaming every plot hole, bad details, badly laid out information, bad character development, bad personalities mm on “I am amateur author”.
And this is why your writing never gets better.
and with this,I end my peeve rant thingy for now XD this was just the biggest peeves about fanfiction in general. there are more. A LOT more.
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