#dude was going silly times with yuta moments after killing his best friend
3-aem · 2 years
I hate when ppl trash others for mischaracterizing a character. I'm sorry but who are you and who cares?? It's a fictional character people can interpret them however they want. And no seriously who are you, what authority do you have to dictate which cookie cutter you want a character to be fitted into? Mind your own business, chill and just enjoy the media.
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sukirichi · 3 years
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pov. you have a crush on your brother’s best friend
request. Hi! Congrats on 2.4k!!🤩 For the event, may I request an au where reader is Yuuta’s sister? Can be gn/fem reader anything is fine. And they fall in love with Toge? Fluff fluff fluff please
notes. awww i love this request, i have a fat crush on toge so i enjoyed writing this! i made this a modern high school au, by the way!
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You stare disappointedly at the black wrappings of your bento, sighing because your brother took the wrong one again. Waving goodbye to your friend, you made your way to your brother’s classroom, knocking on the door to get his attention. However, it isn’t your brother who’d stopped laughing mid-conversation. Instead, it’s a familiar-looking platinum haired guy, his purple eyes glimmering with mischief as he slapped your brother’s arm.
“Yo, Yuta, I think someone’s looking for you,” you heard him say.
Meanwhile, you just stood there blankly, your throat growing dry because he was cute – like actually handsome boy-next-door cute.
You’ve met lots of cute guys before, but they were all very immature that you found no interest in others. He, on the other hand, was nothing less of polite, shooting up from his seat because your stupid brother was too invested in his video games. The guy flashed you a bright smile, the beauty of his face up close enhanced that you felt your heart squealing.
Not that you’d ever show that, of course, so you just reciprocated with a polite smile to hide your frantic nerves.
“Hi! You here for Yuta-kun?”
Before he could speak, an arm had shoved him aside. Yuta stood before you, his frown apparent while his friend stayed at the side, a smile still playing on his lips. It took all your energy to not stare at him too much in fear he’d easily read through you.
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
“You swapped lunches with me,” you shoved the black bento box to his chest, stepping closer to your brother to whisper in his ear. “Is that a friend of yours?”
“Yeah, he’s Toge. He used to play with us a lot before he moved away, but his family’s back in town. Don’t you remember him?”
“Toge, come here!” he called out to his retreating friend, the guy freezing in his tracks before he jogged up to where you were quickly. Oh crap, you kept gushing, he really was cute. He placed an arm around your brother’s shoulder, nodding at you as a greeting. “Remember my sister? You used to play with her a lot when we were kids. You kept stealing her Barbies, remember?”
“I did?” Toge looked shocked, his back bending into a fake bow. “I’m very sorry for that, but don’t worry, I don’t do that anymore.”
“I don’t play with Barbies at this age!” you defended, heat spreading all over your skin when he winked at you. Both of them laughed at your flushed face, and you crossed your arms on your chest, glaring at your brother. Really though, you were just trying to hide the fact you were very attracted to his friend, even more so now that he was actually familiar. “Stupid Yuta-nii.”
“You’re cute,” Toge randomly piped in.
If you were feeling shy before, you couldn’t speak now.
“Dude, don’t talk about my sister like that,” Yuta gagged, slapping his friend on the chest who effortlessly ducked away, his laughter like music in your ears. You stared at him for who knew how long, his happiness absorbed in your body as you found yourself giggling back. Yuta, on the other hand, wasn’t as impressed, rolling his eyes at his friend before turning to you. “You should go back to class. The bell will ring soon.”
“Okay,” you nodded quietly, hesitating for a moment. Surely it wouldn’t be too weird, right? Deciding to heck with it though, you balled your hands into fists, mustering the courage to look him in the eye as you said, “See you, Toge-senpai.”
He simply shrugged his brows up as a farewell, and just like that, you dashed down the hall so fast you put Quicksilver to shame.
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Great. Out of all the days it had to storm, it had to be on the rare moment you forgot your umbrella. Unsurprisingly enough, it was Yuta’s fault for making you forget it. Both of you had slept in too much, but instead of being the responsible older brother, he left you to prepare the meals all by yourself while he spent half an hour fixing his hair. In your haste to arrive on school on time, you’d forgotten to pick up your umbrella, and now the misfortune of it slapped you right on the face.
“Tch, how can I go home?” you glared at no one in particular.
Yuta had to stay behind for baseball practice in the covered court, leaving you all alone to take the bus by yourself. Well, not that it mattered, going home alone was way better than listening to your brother rant about video games and girls he wanted to talk to in class.
Shifting your weight from one foot to another, brows pinched as you mulled on the different ways you could come back home, you came up with two options.
One, run like hell and risk getting sick from this weather, or two, wait for the rain to subside.
But ugh, you wanted to go home already. Before you knew it, you’d unknowingly pouted, arms hugged to yourself while you cursed your stupid brother a hundred times over in your head. Too lost in your own thoughts, you failed to hear humming from behind you, a scream nearly ripping from your lips when someone planted himself beside you.
“Hey, you’re here!”
You gazed up at him wide-eyed, subconsciously stepping away to keep your beating heart at bay. “H-hello, Toge-senpai.”
“Please, just call me Toge,” he offered, opening his umbrella before his eyes landed on you. Probably realizing you were quite helpless, Toge smiled, nudging you to come closer to him. “Hey, I’ll walk you home. You guys still live in the same block?”
And so there you were, debating that maybe Yuta’s carelessness wasn’t such a bad thing. After all, if it would lead to your crush taking you home, then you weren’t complaining. Funny how the weather seemed so gloomy, a huge contrast to the sunshine you radiated at the sheer happiness of living out your most romantic fantasies. It was silly, actually, to crush on your brother’s best friend of all people, but Toge was so nice and handsome – it was kind of impossible not to like him.
In the span of two weeks that you’d known him, he’d been nothing but friendly. And no, you weren’t going to admit you started visiting their classroom more often than before, simply because you wanted to get a glimpse of him.
Toge pulled you out of your lovesick trance, his arm landing on your waist before he shifted you beside him. You noticed he was now closer to the road while you were on the safer side of the sidewalk, and god, did he just step closer? He was close enough that your arms brushed with each step, sending a wave of heat that you bit back by tugging your lips with your teeth.
“For warmth,” he explained as if reading your mind, arm raised lazily in a shrug. “Wouldn’t want you to get cold.”
“Thank you,” you muttered, hiding your face under your scarf.
You and Toge were silent the whole time, but it was a silence you adored. Very rarely that you found comfort in silence with others, but with Toge, it felt so easy – so natural. You hadn’t even realized you were already at home, Toge chuckling at your spaced out self. He bid his farewell then, his back facing yours as he walked away when you blurted, “Oh, my parents aren’t home. I think you should stay first to let the rain calm down a bit. You live a little far from school, right?”
Toge looked a little surprised, his eyes shooting up to the sky with a sigh. Inwardly, you were screaming because you just invited him inside, but Toge was already waddling back to you before you could regret it.
“Yeah, thanks for the invitation. I don’t think I should go home in this weather too,” he said, following you across the threshold. He looked around in awe, his shoes left in the front door before he crossed the living room with you, his eyes shining with nostalgia and happiness. “Wow, your place hasn’t changed one bit. I missed being here.”
You flashed him a smile. Turns out it wasn’t that bad – Toge being comfortable made you comfortable. Aside from the nervousness partnered with shyness from having a crush, you applauded yourself for being able to look him in the eye as you asked, “Do you want tea, coffee…?”
“Water is fine. Thanks,” he shrugged off his jacket and placed it behind a chair, chuckling when you nodded too fast. Toge, much to your dismay (or delight?!) trailed behind you in the kitchen, having no business looking that handsome as he leaned against the counter. Him being unaware of his effect on you was even worse, and you bit the inside of your cheeks, trembling as you poured him a glass of water. 
From behind you, Toge snickered, “Why are you so jittery? Do I make you nervous?”
“A-a little.”
“Why? Am I intimidating?” he appeared beside you out of nowhere, so close that you could count his lashes. You leaned back with a muffled squeal, eyes wide at the proximity. Toge, as always, seemed completely unaware of it, taking his time to assess your features with a hand on his chin as if all the answers he was looking for was written all over your face. “Yuta told me I was very easy to approach though.”
“No, it’s not that, I just…” you stuttered, giving in with weak knees and turning your head to the side. Your heart, your poor heart! “Crap, I hate myself.”
“You were saying something?”
“I, uhm, it’s just,” you panicked, mind failing to function now of all times. “I think…I have a crush on you?”
The room fell silent.
Realization dawning on you, you flattened your palms together in a begging motion. Toge merely blinked back at you, and you were so close to just kneeling to the gods to rid yourself of this moment forever. “Please forget everything I said, I’m so sorry! Gosh, Yuta’s going to kill me, forget I said anything, I didn’t mean to be weird.”
“Hey, chill, it’s fine!” he laughed, helping you get up just before you fell in exasperation. Then, he smirked at you, wiggling his brows in the process. “I kind of knew that anyway, to be honest.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, I mean, you asked me to marry you when we were kids,” he informed you, but the memory never played back in your mind. It wasn’t a lie though, you really did ask him that when you were kids. Embarrassment taking hold of you, you groaned behind your palms, feeling like your heart was going to explode every now and then.
“Oh my gosh…”
“It’s okay,” Toge peeled your arms away from your face, his grin nothing less of teasing the moment he’s greeted by your shyness. “I did say yes – let’s just wait after high school, yeah?”
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give-seconds · 4 years
Back to You
Summary: You and Mark are all each other have, he’s easily the most important person to you. But something happens and you both are slowly separated, so you work your hardest to be accepted into a college in Korea so you can find your way back to a home with him again.
Masterlist | Main Masterlist
I just want to say thank you to anyone reading, I feel so lucky to have you all.
---Part 7
“Jaemin you are not going to believe what happened,” you say, sliding into the seat across from him in the library.
“What?” He asks, smiling as he looks up from his book.
“I found him.”
“Hm?” he hums. “Found who?”
“My friend from Canada, the one I told you about. The guy I came to Korea for.”
“Oh.” He closes his book, leaning back in his chair. “How was it? Was it how you thought it would be?”
You nod your head, feeling your smile grow wider as you think of the meeting. “He remembered me. He said he was happy to see me, that he missed me. I was so scared Jaemin, so scared.”
“Well I’m glad it went well, you were silly to think he wouldn’t want to see you.”
You nod your head, smiling down at your hands. “That’s what Donghyuck said.”
“Oh?” He leans forward, leaning his elbows on the table. “Is that the cute boy who showed you around town?”
“Not this again. You have problems, my friend.”
He laughs, smiling brightly. “It’s just my personality, take it or leave it.”
“Is leaving even an option?”
“Ha ha very funny. You wouldn’t last a day without me.”
“Try me.”
“So how’d it go?”
Falling back onto his bed, Mark lets the phone rest next to his head. “It went really well, how did you even get that setup?”
“I met her in a coffee shop, she was there at like five in the morning. I didn’t know who she was at first, something just felt familiar. So me being the person I am, sat across from her, and started a conversation. She told me she was from Canada and towards the end of the conversation I guess it just clicked.”
Mark nods his head, feeling a smile spread across his face. “Can you believe she did this? I mean she’s attending school in a foreign country, and it’s all for me.”
Mark chuckles slightly as his brother’s laugh filters through the speaker. “I think you just have that effect on people. Yuta has met you, what, once or twice and he’s ready to kill for you.”
He snorts, rolling onto his stomach and hugging his pillow. “I mean I was going to go back for her, but she actually made it happen. I was too scared to ask mom and dad to go back to Canada. And here she is, braving a whole new language and culture.”
“Are you,” Johnny hesitates. “Are you going to tell them she’s here?”
Mark sighs. He’s been thinking about this ever since he got home from touring the city with you and Donghyuck. He knows his parents didn’t like you, they made it painfully obvious after he had moved to Korea. And while they might not have the typical bond a parent and child have, he is very grateful for all that they have done for him. Lying just feels wrong.
“What do you think I should do?”
His brother sighs. “I don’t know man, I’ve never had a sister my parents dislike. But I mean how bad can it go if you do tell them? Y/n is a grown woman who is here on her own, it’s not like they can really do anything.”
“That’s true. But I mean, won’t it be too harsh?” Harsh in the fact that he would be reminding them that he loves someone else more than he loves them. “Like… yeah.”
“I think they love you, and if you say she’s important to you then they’ll slowly learn to accept that.”
“Oh, that’s a good idea. Or, and get this, I ignore it until the last second. Equally good idea if you ask me.”
His brother laughs, and Mark can see him shaking his head. “Whatever floats your boat, dude.”
“You know she was worried I wouldn’t want to see her,” Mark says, changing the subject. “I mean I think that’s another reason I didn’t try going back to Canada, I was worried she wouldn’t want to see me.”
“Why is that?”
“Because I was a jerk to her. A few months before the police came, I’d been ignoring her to the best of my abilities. And when she was put into foster care, I tried harder but not as hard as I should have.” He sighs, closing his eyes as the memories come back. He really is a horrible brother. “She had it way harder than I did, and I had the nerve to be more concerned about myself.”
“Minhyung, there’s nothing wrong with that reaction. You had just found out that your entire life was a lie, how else were you supposed to act?”
“But the same could be said for her, I mean it was her own father. I was all she had, and I let her down.”
“But she’s here. I can tell you she certainly isn’t here for me, judging by the fact she basically ran as soon as she realized it was me.”
Mark furrows his eyebrows, looking over to the phone laying on his left. “I mean I know you guys weren’t BFFs, but why would she run away from you?” 
There’s a short pause before Johnny sighs. “I said some pretty harsh things to her before we left, I regretted it as soon as we got here. It was a stupid, immature moment.”
“What did you say?” Mark asks, pushing himself up to sit against his headboard.
“I don’t know, I-” He sighs again. “I said something about how you’re not her brother, how she’s bad for you. That no matter what, she was going to be cut off from you.”
Mark never really liked talking about you to anyone, and when he did he always called you a friend from Canada. But hearing someone who knew how much you meant to him, someone who had heard him crying one night because he missed you so much, admit to threatening you. To say he felt betrayed is an understatement.
“Did you apologize?”
“Of course I did, setting up the meeting with you two was my apology. And she said she forgave me, she texted me today saying that. She said she wants to start over.” He pauses, taking in a breath. “I really am sorry, Minhyung. Not that it excuses what I said, but I think I was just jealous. Jealousy is an ugly thing.”
Mark doesn’t hear his brother nervous very often, a person like Johnny doesn't get nervous, so hearing him nervously rush his sentences is surprising.
“It is what it is I guess. Did she really forgive you?”
“Yeah, I can send you the screenshots if you want. What do you want me to do to make it up to her? I don’t want you to be mad at me Minhyung.”
“I’m not mad.” Is his immediate response. He sighs, running a hand through his hair.
He hasn’t felt this in a long time, the overprotective feeling you get for a sibling. It’s something that used to suffocate him, something he wished more than anything he didn’t feel. It’s why he tried to push you away. If you can’t stop the feeling, stop putting yourself in situations to feel said feeling.
“You didn’t mean it, did you? I mean I know mom and dad stopped sending the letters, but you didn’t have anything to do with that did you?”
“No,” Johnny replies immediately. “I didn’t know until they told me months later. Everything else I said, I didn’t mean either. It all came from a place of hurt. I’m not trying to justify myself, but it was hard for me to see my younger brother happier with a stranger than with me. And I know now that that isn’t anyone's fault but Matthews. But I didn’t know it then. I unfairly blamed her and you have to believe me when I say I am truly sorry.”
And there it is, the truth he’s been hiding from. It’s his fault you went through so much.
Because he was scared, because he relied on you too much, you got hurt. It’s been like that your entire life, with your dad and his family alike. He turned a blind eye as his parents made subtle comments, reminding you you were in no way a part of his “family.” All because he was trying to kill that stupid protectiveness.
His therapist had told him it wasn’t his job to look after you, that you were your own person, and could look after yourself. How ridiculous is that? Yes, he wanted to stop. But hearing it from someone else - someone who didn’t know that even though he was trying to stop, he couldn’t - was wrong. His entire life, he had been looking after you, making sure weren’t hurt too badly. And now he’s just supposed to stop because he has better, more responsible adults in his life? You two were by far the most mature ones in the room.
“Mom and dad probably don’t see it like that, huh?”
His brother sighs. “Probably not. But like I said, they love you. So if you tell them she is important, I think they will learn to be okay with her. That’s what happened with me after all.”
He nods his head, letting a few seconds of silence pass. “Well you should get some rest, I’m sure you’re tired. I’ll talk to you later?”
“Yeah, yeah of course.” He mumbles dejectedly.
“Alright, good night Hyung. I love you.” They don’t normally say “I love you” to each other when they end a phone call, but it feels important to say now.
“Good night, love you too.”
And with that, the line goes dead.
Mark shakes his hair with his hand, groaning. Why does life have to be so hard?
Grabbing his phone, he goes to his text conversation with Donghyuck, clicking the last photo sent to him.
It’s a photo of you and him in front of some book store. It had been awkward for him to ask, he never asks to have photos taken of himself. Donghyuck’s comment of “why don’t you ever ask to get photos taken with me?” hadn’t helped his confidence either. But thankfully, you agreed as soon as he asked. And after some more complaints, Donghyuck had taken the photo.
The photo was worth the added drama created by both him and Donghyuck. Because now, he has something to remember you with. Sure, he has the letters you sent. But those were tainted with the stress and sadness from his parents, hidden away in the bottom of his middle desk drawer.
This was only happiness.
Smiling at the photo, he saves it to his phone before opening his conversation with you. He’s going to make it up to you, going to make sure you don’t regret coming back for him.
You should come to mine and Donghyuk’s performance on Monday. Afterwards I’ll buy you dinner
 Thank you so much to @staymoarmyzen for proofreading and making me feel better about this chapter. I fought off writers block to get this out, so I hope it isn't too over the place. I would love to know what you guys think! Have a wonderful day/night!!
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