#dude learning things like this in other languages gives me life
beachbabe000 · 2 months
Anything For You // Chris Sturniolo
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Summary: You just went through a terrible breakup leaving you completely broken inside. You turn to the triplets as your only comfort. Chris is heartbroken seeing you in the state you are and does anything he can to help.
Content warnings: 18 + , Chris x y/n, fluff, smut, depression/heavy emotions, penetration, fem!reader, pet names, some language
Note: This is a oneshot and won't have any more chapters! ❤️
"I'll lose to time, I can't hold on."
"I have loved you all along."
Over the past few years the group of triplets had become a big part of her everyday. She met them at a point where things weren’t going exactly well for her. Their uplifting and genuine spirits really caused a difference in her perspective on life. She actually wanted to live, had something to live for. To see those smiling faces, watch them and their brotherly moments, see how unconditionally they loved each other. It gave her so much hope.
You can imagine how devastating it was for that feeling inside her to change when she found out her now ex cheated on her for months without her knowing. The once positive experience she had learned to have with life, came crumbling down in a matter of a few minutes. Everything had changed, she had changed. Everyone around her could see it. Her once so confident smile and loving demeanor, that the triplets had helped her build, was changed into a numb and lifeless shell. She was hopelessly in love, and now she felt nothing. And for this to happen after rebuilding her ability to love for years, was heartbreaking for everyone to watch. Especially them.
Shuffling her way through the apartment door that belonged to the three men, she kicked off her shoes and carelessly dropped her black backpack next to them. “Y/n!” She heard Matt pipe up from the trance his phone had on him in that moment. She looked over and gave him a small smile before walking over to sit next to him on the couch. She slumped down, sinking into the soft pillows. Matt was so sweet and gentle. He was the one that taught her there were actually people in the world that could be that way. That there would be nothing wrong with accepting it.
He wrapped an arm over her shoulders bringing her more into him. Except this time she couldn’t feel the warmth he once brought to her. Now she just felt coldness, mainly from herself. He was still the amazing person he is, but now she couldn’t let it in. She had built up a wall so high even he couldn’t penetrate it. “How ya doin love?” He asks with his head resting on top of hers, his other hand giving assuring rubs on her arm. “Oh you know, I’m here.” She chuckled. She could feel his small sigh, likely hurt that she felt this way. Hurt for her that someone ripped away those feelings for her.
Chris came jogging from his room. “Hey kid! I thought I heard someone walk in.” He jumped and landed on the other side of her, causing the couch to move with him. “Here I got you this.” He said handing her the drink he knew she loved. A can of sprite. She couldn’t help but break a small smile. “Thank you Chris.” She popped the cap and took a small sip. “What do you want to do today? We could go get some food. What about the park, or shopping. OH WHAT AB-” “Chris! Chill bro!” Matt said in the loudest voice he could let out. Which wasn’t too loud. Chris reached over me and punched him in the chest. “I’m just trying to help dude.” Matt let out a grunt, trying to catch the breath that was just knocked out of him. “Well help a little less loud.” He struggled to get out.
Normally she would have laughed at this scene. But she just didn’t have the energy to find anything funny. Chris was the one who taught her to let herself laugh again. To be able to not care what anyone around her thought and be herself. She used to be so lively and constantly laughing with him. And it hurt him in this moment when she couldn’t even chuckle. He knew that normally she’d be at least giggling. He missed those laugh lines and scrunched up eyes that would show. And the sweet sound that was her giggle. He dropped back into the couch looking at her, his smile now gone. “Hey, y/n.” he nudged her. She was able to lift her chin to look up at the jokester of a boy, now becoming a bit more serious in this moment. “I missed you.” He smiled down at her. Reaching up he scraped his fingers against her scalp, eventually turning into him completely messing up her hair in a wild action. He then chuckled and shot up running away from her possible anger. But she had none. She just calmly reached up and fixed her hair with a sigh.
“Have you eaten today?” Matt asked giving her shoulder a small squeeze. She shook her head, looking at her hands. Getting up and holding his hands out for her to take, “Come one let’s get some food in you.” She took his hands and he pulled her up.
After having a sandwich and some chips Nick comes into the room. “Hey y/n! You guys wanna watch a movie tonight? I’ll make snacks.” He said in a cheery tone. She smiled and nodded her head, speaking the first words she has since she walked in, “I’d love that Nick.”
Nick was the one who helped her build her confidence. To not be scared of what anyone thinks, to speak her mind and be authentic with her words and thoughts. He built her up any chance he got, supporting every choice she ever made. He told her she was capable of anything she wanted and to go for it. With the past events she couldn’t help but question her choices. Now she barely even trusted herself, let alone other people. The wall she had built up around her has caused her to even keep them at arms length. But she was still trying. She knew they were good people, she knew they would never hurt her or fuck her over. Those subconscious thoughts that have been engrained into her brain now caused her to still keep her distance. She couldn’t be herself around anyone, couldn’t let anything out. Keeping it all bottled in.
Though they had no problem having her around, even in her current state. They knew she needed people like them around her right now. They helped her once, they could do it again.
It was a moment where she unknowingly let out a small giggle that Chris looked at her. It was as if it was the first time he heard her laugh in his whole life. He had forgotten the sound of it despite missing it. It seemed he was the only one who noticed it. Maybe because he was the one always trying to cause it. He loved making her laugh.
It was when he reached over and sneakily pinched one of Nicks nipples, causing him to loose it as Chris just laughed at him. “Chris I told you to stop fucking doing that! What is wrong with you! Fucking hell. Grow up.” He was so dramatic, and Chris couldn’t stop laughing at his brothers reaction. His laugh was always so infectious. Y/n didn’t even notice her own small laugh that she had let escape. They were all standing around the counter putting together snacks for the movie. Nick and Matt were still laughing as Chris’s faded off hearing her. He just looked at her, feeling a sense of adoration take over.
He didn’t realize how much he had been staring at her until she met his eyes. “What?” She asked, breaking him out of his trance. He shook his head in a small motion with his lips sucked in with a smile. “You’re just beautiful. I hate that someone took that feeling away from you. You’re so special.” He was almost whispering, no one could hear him but her. She looked into his eyes a little longer the silence almost deafening between the both of them. The sounds of Matt and Nick bickering faded into the background. Her eyes darted away at the realization of what was happening, but his never left her face. “Thank you Chris.” The soft words ringing in his ears like music. He smiled to himself and brought his attention back to what was happening on the other side of the kitchen.
“Alright, you guys ready? What movie are we watching?” Nick grabbed some of the snacks as Matt grabbed the others. She didn’t hear the decision made as Chris held his hand out to her to grab while still focusing on what his brothers were saying, adding his own opinions. She took his hand hesitantly. It’s not like it’s weird, they’re all very close. But something about letting herself open up in the slightest to allow the action of placing her hand in his was causing her mind to concave on itself. She was almost shaking. Chris could feel it in his hand as he looked back and grasping it in his own, giving an affirming squeeze. He lead her into the bedroom they all chose to watch the movie in. It was Nicks room, as he had the bigger tv.
Nick closed the black out curtains while Matt turned on the movie. Y/n took her place on the bed which happened to be between Nick and Chris. Nick placed a bowl of popcorn between her and him, he had mixed m&m’s in. He knew she loved them in her popcorn. It was just a queen sized bed so between the four of them it was tight. Chris sat on the outside of the bed. He threw an arm up behind y/n and Nick making himself comfortable. Y/n snuggled down in the blanket between the two of them. The close proximity with other people making it hard for her to fully relax, even though they’ve done this thousands of times. She was stiff and tense. Nick and Chris could feel that and noticed it. Nick reached down and grabbed her hand holding it in his at attempt to help. After 10 minutes or so of the movie playing she was finally able to slowly relax. Chris had ended up with his hand on her head, stroking her hair also doing his best to help. The combination of both kind gestures ended up being helpful.
Chris looked down as he felt her body melt into a relaxed state and smiled. He was glad she was finally warming back up bit by bit to them. Being able to be the one to help her brought so much joy to him. He caught himself staring at her again while stroking her hair in gentle motions. How had he not noticed her importance to him before? It was a new kind of loveliness that took over. Not that her being in this state is a good thing at all. But he wanted to help. He wanted to pick up every broken piece that son of a bitch cracked and glue them back together with his love. No matter how long it took.
Once the movie was over Matt got up and grabbed the empty snack bowls to bring them to the kitchen. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow, I’m going to bed. Goodnight! Love ya y/n.” She picked up her head to look at him, she smiled “Good night Matty.” The sincerity in her voice saying those words cause him to grin before walking away. We were going to get her back out of this place of hopelessness.
Nick was already asleep. Of course. She started to get comfortable in his bed like she was also about to fall asleep. Chris moved his hand from her head and got up. Turning around he placed a hand on her shoulder. “Hey y/n. Do you wanna come sleep in my bed tonight?” She knows he hated sleeping alone, and all he wanted to do right now was cuddle some love into her. Moving her head towards him she smiled and nodded. “Of course.” She moved her way out from under Nicks blankets and picked them up to cover him.
They climbed into Chris’s bed and he covered them both with the blanket then wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. He felt her tense up again, “Chris I-” “shhh you can trust me.” He leaned his head on top of hers and she relaxed. She knew she could trust him, but that didn’t make it any easier. She decided she deserved to allow herself a bit of love tonight. The action and thought of doing that was another step towards herself again. She noticed it and so did Chris. She has let him not once, not twice, but three times that day to comfort her and allow someone in.
After a while of laying there he couldn’t help himself but take in her scent. The smell of lavender and jasmine filled his nostrils. Without fully thinking he placed a light kiss on top of her head. This action confused her. She pulled herself away from him enough to look into his eyes again. She could see the love and kindness in his eyes, and he could see the uncertainty in hers. “Let me help y/n” He whispered to her. “Help what?” He placed his forehead on hers and closed his eyes. “Let me help you love again.” The whisper that left his mouth caused some kind of feeling to stir inside her. In her heart. A feeling she hadn’t been able to feel in a long time now. Warmth, a warmth that began to defrost the coldness that took over. She closed her eyes as well and leaned into the feeling that she so craved to come back to her. Hugging him tighter, he felt the acceptance. He brought a hand down to her face and nudged it up towards his. They shared one more glance into each others eyes before he slowly moved his lips down to hers forming a passionate yet gentle loving kiss.
Her grip on him tightened so she could deepen the kiss. She was too caught up in what was happening to even think about it. He explored her mouth with his as he grabbed the back of her neck pulling her closer to him as well. Their bodies molded into each other. His leg found its way between hers so he could easily roll over to hover over her. He broke the kiss looking into her eyes, he couldn’t stop looking at them. He wanted to see the life come back into them, he wanted to witness her letting go again. The moment he saw it, because it was there as she looked back into his, he crashed his mouth back onto hers. She let out a moan as he moved his kisses down her jaw and to her neck. “Let go baby, just let it all go.” As he said this into her neck, she let her head fall back into the pillow. The feeling of his skin on hers, his grip on her waist, his mouth moving over her body all becoming so much.
She felt her shirt moving up so she lifted herself to help him remove it. Hands massaged her breasts and his mouth moved down to take one in his mouth. The contact causing her breath to hitch. She could feel a heat coming over her lower area as his hands roamed down her waist. The whimper that escaped her mouth as his hands reached the hem of her shorts drove him wild. He wanted to pull any sound from her that he could. He wanted all that silence from earlier to become vocal. He wanted to make her moan, whimper, laugh, cry. Anything he could get he was going to pull it out.
She watched as he pulled his own shirt over his head before returning his hands to the outside of her shorts. Leaning a hand next to her head his adventuring hand found itself on her now wet area. He rubbed his hand over it, bringing a whimper. “Is this okay? I can stop.”
She shook her head, “Please don’t stop.” Her hands moved to his shoulders digging her fingers into them. He let out a groan at the pressure. He reached down and removed her shorts and underwear, as well as his own. Looking down at her he took one of his hands to her stomach and rubbed it up between her breasts and back down. “You’re beautiful. So beautiful y/n.” His words putting her more at ease. Every compliment and touch he gave rang in her ears like an alarm waking her up again. She reached to him and pulled him back down to her, kissing him with more enthusiasm than anything she’s done in days.
He pulled her hips closer to his and she felt his tip rub at her entrance. It sat there for a moment as he went to rub circles on her clit to ease the discomfort of pushing himself inside her. The pressure started to build as he moved more inside of her. “Ugh, Chris. Move faster.” She just wanted it. She wanted to feel more. She needed to feel more.
“Anything for you angel.” With that he quickly pushed into her causing a yelp that turned into a whimper. “More.” She demanded. He was so happy to give her more. His pumps intensified. Faster and harder. Her moans filled the air like a symphony to him. He couldn’t stop or even slow down. “Harder!” She moaned loudly. So he went harder. He listened to every demand she made, building both of their releases. “Oh fuck, I’m almost there” Her whimper bringing him to his as well. “Let it go baby. Let it go.” He grunted in her ear.
And she did let it go. Her release came over her like a high. The tears that built up in her eyes rolled over and down her cheeks in the intensity of the moment. He pulled himself out at his own release quickly grabbing his shirt he discarded on the bed and cumming into it. He threw it aside before landing back over her. Her tears filled the air, her cries of release. Not only from the pleasure, but the tension it took away from her left her in relief of the emotions she’s had building up over the past week. He landed himself next to her and immediately pulled her into him and she cried into his shoulders. “There we go. I knew you could do it.” Placing a tender kiss on her head. She wrapped her arms around him and kept crying until she was dried up. “Thank you Chris.” She sighed into his neck. He smiled down at her, “All for you love. Anything for you. I’m happy I could help. I love you.” She looked up at him, all feeling returned to her. He couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. “Why are you laughing?” Her own chuckle coming out. “I don’t know. I just knew I’d be the one to make you feel something again.” She hit his arm. “Cocky bastard.” She laughed leaning into his chest.
“There’s that laugh I always love.” He smiled to himself holding her in his arms as if he was protecting her from everything that could hurt her. “I love you too Chris.” Was the last thing he heard before they drifted off to sleep.
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heartsforhavik · 9 months
sugar daddy! johnny cage x reader hcs
warnings: established relationship, gender neutral reader, slight angst if you squint
summary: sfw hcs of johnny cage being a sugar daddy in your relationship
a/n: howdy y’all. guess what. i wrote this outta nowhere cuz i saw someone thirsting for a sugar daddy johnny sooooo. here we are. i love writing this goofy goober hes so silly. sorry for all my late updates these days btw. ive had this in my drafts for weeks istg.
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- dating a rich dude has its perks. like being spoiled 24/7!
- johnny doesn’t have a specific love language. but if he had to have one, it would be gift giving.
- it’s not *just* because he has the financial stability to do so, but he loves showing off his knowledge of your taste by giving you gifts catered towards your interests.
- if you ever happen to dislike something he got, even if you hid your disapproval, johnny would immediately notice and replace it. only the best for his beloved!
- he probably would notice right away if you didn’t like something. you don’t show it with your face, but he can just *tell* sometimes. it’s like a gut feeling to him. spidey senses, even. sugar daddy senses.
- “johnny, there’s no need to waste your time returning it. i like it, i swear!”
- “no you don’t. but no worries, honey. i’ll be back in a jiffy! i’ll come back with an even better gift. a gift so good, it’ll change your life! trust me.”
- if you ever mention that you like something, johnny would be searching for it in every store he enters and he would spend hours looking it up online. he wouldn’t just buy *all* the stuff he sees for you, he must find only the best of the best for you.
- let’s say you mentioned that you liked ducks one time. that night before going to sleep in your shared bed, johnny would turn away from you and he’d search all over the internet for anything with ducks on it. or a giant duck plush. you would try to look over his shoulder to see what he’s searching for, but he’d childishly wiggle his finger in front of your face and say “no peeking!”
- expect large packages to show up at your door every day. johnny loves online shopping, and you’d have to pry his phone away from his fingers to stop his addiction.
- 90% of the packages aren’t even for him. most of it is for you. clothes he thinks would look great on you and show off your body, accessories you showed the slightest bit of interest in, or cds/vinyl of your favorite artists (some are even signed, thanks to johnny’s connections.)
- he doesn’t want you to pay him back. johnny spoils you because he loves you. he is fully aware that he doesn’t have to. it’s just his way of showing that he loves you and he can provide for you for the rest of your life, if you’d let him.
- you don’t even have to lift a single finger! let him buy you clothes and food and other necessities, he loves doing so.
- no matter how badly you wish to pay him back, johnny would not let you. he doesn’t want you to pay him back as if it’s debt. all he wants in return is your affection and validation.
- he would never admit it, but he craves validation from you all the time. he lost his ex-wife because he was so caught up in the money and fame in his life, and he doesn’t want to repeat history. if he ever accidentally overwhelmed you with his job or money, he would feel extremely guilty about it. it’s pretty much his greatest fear.
- overall, johnny loves spoiling you. you’re such a sweet and precious thing, so of course he must treat you well! you deserve the greatest luxuries he can provide, whether you asked for it or not. if you ever ask for anything, don’t feel like a brat, he wouldn’t mind! in fact, he would love to grant your wishes every time you ask for a certain gift. if not, no worries. he can learn your likes and dislikes the longer you’re together, no need to tell him what you want. he’ll figure it out.
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thatbennybee · 4 months
do you have personal headcanons about broppy and the snack pack? and creek relunctunly...?
For Broppy
• Branch fell first a LONG TIME AGO but Poppy fell harder after getting to know him inside and out.
• Poppy's love language is physical and Branch's is listening/gift giving based on what he's learned.
• Branch is always second guessing about making a move first, but Poppy jumps right in and does it first as if she knows what he's thinking (Maybe she does? 😏).
• Poppy has added more calm and quiet activities to her days because Branch still prefers a quiet space. Competitive puzzle building has become a favorite. :]
• Poppy flirts a lot with Branch and it's much more to the point and obvious. Branch is naturally poetic with his words and doesn't really notice that it flusters Poppy to no end (Flirts but isn't always doing it on purpose like Poppy is).
The Snack Pack
• Smidge is a big sister figure to Poppy.
• Chenille acts annoyed by a lot of things but she's usually willing to help a friend even if she complains the entire time. Though, she doesn't like doing reckless things because her life is shared with another person's.
• Satin is more reckless and adventurous and yearns to do more exciting things because Chenille lives her life so safely. (Satin doesn't know that Chenille is this way to keep her safe.) It's a hard trade off. :[
• Cooper was adopted by Peppy and Poppy!
• Fuzzbert is selective as to who can understand him. They use sign language or symbols to communicate. Most fuzzlings are this way and they are very intelligent trolls! (Fuzzbert has a surfer dude accent)
• Creek is quick to panic and make rash, last-second decisions when he feels his life is out of his control.
• He can be impulsive when stressed and partakes in meditation and other mindful activities as methods of escapism from said stressors.
• He plays up the calm and collected persona because it yields positive responses from peers. He has a bit of a savior complex (Understatement).
I actually like writing for Creek, there's a lot of room for figuring his brain out and finding an answer for his behavior. He's a very complex guy to me :]
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Platonic yandere yautja x human child reader
Aww dad yautja😊 I didn't write for yautjas in months!! Hopefully u enjoy it!! Also i used they/them for kid. No tw, only cuteness and wholesome dad figure yautja👹 request open
Dad yautja with human kid
Bro is confused ??? Tf??? Why is there a child here??
He either found them abandoned in middle of nowhere or accidentally killed their perents, by 'accidentaly' i mean ofc he wanted to kill them he just didn't know there was a child nearby and now he feels bad
Kinda finds human pups ugly😭 why are you so smol and loud wtf
Dad!yautja after he kinda adopts y/n he gets too overprotective! Like dude won't leave their side at all, especially when you guys are outside; dude will pick them up and just carry around.
Can't cook to save his life, he kinda set kitchen on fire. And humans cant eat raw meat, so now you are on fruit diet for now (and veggies)
Had this parental instinct to teach them everything, how to shoot, find food, basic self-defence, overall taking good care of themselfs. But he kinda likes that he has to provide for them, it gives him control yknow
When he carries them around everywhere! He acually lets them sit on his shoulders or just hang on his neck😓😍
Cant say no to those cute big eyes! Yes he will let them 'decorate' his armor (with glitter and stickers) and he will let them paint his nails and he will lisen to them gossip about their friends.
If his kid is a little artist and walks up to him and says "papa i drew you!" He does not care that he looks like a lizard nor that they didn't color it perfectly. Dude is purring, picking y/n up and he carries this drawing in pocket everywhere
Other yautjas say that he spoils them, but he disagrees! Your a HUMAN baby, i mean yeah your basically one of yautjas now but!!! Your tiny! And your skin is so squishy!!!
He had to learn how to comb their hair cuz at some point y/n simply refused to cut it (me too lil guy) and he respects them so much he won't just do something against them
Kinda wishes he could understand human body language more
Also about body language i can imagine kid just kinda mimicing yatuja body language and habits. Like dad!yatuja will say "child please go to bed its late" the kid will just angry respond with a hiss👹 "hsssss👽🦎" "?????" If yaujtas had eyebrows, he would rise them
If y/n is a girl, and she has her first period? Dude panics! HUHH WHAT BLOOD??? FROM WHERE!?? UHHHH????
Dude tries to be a perfect father figure, he tries to have similar intrests with his kid so they can connect more, but if y/n is totally not into hunting, collecting, nature themed stuff, Yautja is more than happy to catch up with whatever teens are into this days, but he will judge the hell out of tv shows (if they watch any)
I kinda forgot it suppose to be yandere so it turned out to be just wholesome im so sorry
Understands that kid needs privacy but he will just go invisible mode and lurk in shadows! Like what if somone attacks you??? Or worse! What if you meet some humans that he doenst like??? What if they will tell y/n all lies about what 'bad war crimes' he commited and what 'murderous' his kind is!! Those are lies pls dont lisen to humans
No boy/girlfriends!!! Nuh uh!! Your his little baby you cant go doing all those... things... with some human. ugh! this person probably can't even hunt for you!! Or give you nice treasures!! Or build a pretty nest!! Why would you like them my child?? Look at all those trophies i gathered for all those years! You should stay here!
He loves the fact that he lives in some wild ass jungle and y/n cant leave him due to all those dangers around, plus he loves that y/n will always stay tiny(in comparison obviously) and weak so be basically needs to provide for them! Right???
I used x reader tags ONLY to reach bigger audience
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jjkamochoso · 7 months
JJK Characters and Songs that fit their Love Lives
Warnings: none, but some lyrics in the songs are a bit suggestive!! Also I’m mostly just an anime watcher so if this info isn’t up to date on what’s going on in the manga I’m sorry!!
Choso: I Wanna Be Yours by the Arctic Monkeys
Choso would do anything for his partner and would also be absolutely obsessed with them!! He would try to prove his worth at every given second and acts of service is for sure his love language. He’ll be anything his partner want him to be, as long as they call him theirs.
Gojo: Boombastic by Shaggy
Y’all already KNOW this is Satoru’s jam!! He’s a chill dude that lives to please his partners, romantically and otherwise. Smooth like silk and can take rejection like a champ (though, let’s be real, who’s rejecting him?), he is Mr. Lover Lover!!
And here’s a more serious one for him because I feel like people sometimes only focus on silly Gojo
Gojo Pt. 2: Hanging By a Moment by Lifehouse
Even though he has a happy go lucky side that usually shows, Satoru is a man that feels and cares so deeply. I feel like this song represents the part of him that’s trying to find himself beyond being a strong jujutsu sorcerer and the right partner could help him through those anxieties. He would want a partner to live in the moment with him and be the missing pieces to each other’s puzzles.
Geto: Roll to Me by Del Amitri
Suguru, though he’s been through a loooot, still has a good heart imo. He would be there wholeheartedly for the person he wants to date. Like in the song, he’d be there day or night to talk or be ready to support the person whenever something goes wrong.
Shoko: My Friends Over You by New Found Glory
I had a younger Shoko in mind when I chose this song but I feel like it still kinda applies to older Shoko as well. If she was seeing someone, it most likely would be low commitment and not that serious. Her friends come first, always. If her partner was dragging her down and boring her, she’d have no problem cutting them off asap!
Nanami: My Heart I Surrender by I Prevail
If there’s one thing I associate with Kento, it’s YEARNING. Yearning for a life he truly wanted, yearning for the safety of the youth. Would it be fair to assume his love life follows that pattern? He wouldn’t know if the person he liked returned his affection but that wouldn’t stop him from giving away his whole heart as he waited for the answer.
Yuji: The Way You Are by Babe Patrol
Yuji is great for this song. He holds strong conviction for doing what’s right and is always supporting those around him. As seen with Yuko, he appreciates people as they are and doesn’t expect them to change or conform to arbitrary standards. He would love his partner for being completely, unabashedly themselves.
Nobara: Wake Me Up Before You Go Go by WHAM!
Nobara is filled with fun energy and loving (in her own way) vibes so using one of the literal meanings from this song, I would think she’d be so down to go dancing with her partner! I could also see her complaining of a fast heart rate around her crush since she’s always hyped up and being around that person certainly wouldn’t help.
Megumi: And I Love Her by Kurt Cobain
Megumi is a straightforward, low key moody, no nonsense man so this song is perfect for him. It doesn’t dance around feelings at all and tells the audience like it is—a love between him and his partner will never die.
Panda: The Power of Love by New Found Glory
Panda has endless amounts of love for his friends and I know he believes in the power of love, 100%. He’s surrounded by it every day—Yaga, his classmates, even his teachers. Panda has a lot of love to give and isn’t afraid to show it!
Maki: SUGAR by Brockhampton
This song has a lot of lyrics that mention not needing anyone help and being able to do things individually and that’s Maki’s core belief. However, there are some mentions of learning to be okay leaning on a partner and I think that’s how she’d be. If she ever opened up to a partner, it would have to be her and them against the world forever.
Toge: Josie by Blink 182
Inumaki would need a partner who was there for him, no matter what. Someone who would laugh at his jokes, because let’s be honest, he’s hilarious, and someone who would bring him food just because they remembered his order. He would also love someone who shares the same crazy sleep schedule he has so if they were up at 3am watching “Vacation,” like mentioned in the song, that would be his dream.
Yuta: All 4 Love by Color Me Badd
This whole song SCREAAAMS YUTA!!! This certified lover boy would do anything for his partner and be their knight in shining (white) armor (jacket). He would never fail to tell his partner how lucky he is to have them and how attractive they are as well!!
Todo: She’s So High by Tal Bachman
I am 1000% convinced Todo would treat his partner like royalty and hold them in the highest regards. His passion for literally everything is unmatched and I absolutely expect to see that in his love life. Like in the song, he would equate his partner to icons like Cleopatra and Aphrodite because he thinks so highly of them.
Mai: I’m Thru With Love by Marilyn Monroe
Mai is definitely through with love. I feel like she’d fall in love once and completely give up the idea of finding someone else if it didn’t work out. She can’t stand being vulnerable and warm to others so this song is high key perfect for her.
Noritoshi: If I Could Ride a Bike by Park Bird/Chevy
Noritoshi deserves better!! There, I said it!! My boy doesn’t get enough love and that’s reflected in this song choice. The pressure to be a perfect member of the Kamo clan is a lot for him and having a partner that fits those same standards to be accepted is impossible so he’s left imagining what it would be like to love and be loved. I think he would want nothing more than to wake up and see his partner’s smiling face looking back at him and be able to go on carefree adventures with them.
Kokichi: Heaven, Iowa by Fall Out Boy
Poor Kokichi :(( I went a bit literal with the relation of the lyrics “scar crossed lovers” since his whole body was littered with messed up skin but I do feel like this song captures his vibe well. I feel like he wouldn’t ask anything of his partner and would just be beyond grateful he finally had someone there for him. He was doomed from birth with his heavenly restriction, thus having a dark outlook on life and further relating to the lyric “kiss my cheek, baby please, would you read my eulogy?” since I think he would like his partner to be there for him even after his death.
Miwa: Everywhere by Michelle Branch
I feel like Miwa is a hopeless romantic so she would relate to this song in that no matter what she does, it relates to her partner. No matter if it’s closing her eyes to sleep or keeping her partner in her thoughts wherever she goes, Miwa has a big heart and just needs to be hugged!
Momo: One Love by It’s Benzzo
I don’t know much about Momo but I know she can’t stand sexism so her partner would have to be open minded and kind, never failing to make her smile. She would just want someone to treat her right!
Yuki: Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer
This is the perfect song for Yuki imo. She seems like a flirtatious girl and would love a partner that went all out in romance for her. I think she’d like to get dressed up and then get swept off her feet every date night. Telling her partner to kiss her under the stars would be a great way for her to end the night!
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Rescue Bots x Reader romantic hcs
[A/n: I know its weird that i like these four. Shish.]
Anyways here yall go.
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Beeg frumpy man
Literally just picked you up and said, "I love you. You're mine now." And walked off with you
Hes a tsundere at first but grows softer the longer you're with him.
Fr he needs someone who'll listen to him rant or smth without making fun of him
Give this big boi a hug
He'll be confused, but he'll grow to like it
Kiss the big man.
He got BIG soft lips, well, big compared to you but you get the point.
You may be wondering how the flip they're soft.
The answer is, 'a flip ton of bendy cords and fuel lines layered with some memory foam and waterproof carbon fiber cloth' (same goes for the others)
Another thing you can do is pepper his face plates with kisses
Automatically starts blushing.
VERY protective and lowkey jealous
He carries you around like a baby. Theres no reason for it, thats just what he does. If Kade has any snarky remarks to say about it, you bet Heatwave is gonna clap back with something better.
Treats you like glass.
You're just so teeny tiny compared to him and he doesn't want to hurt you.
He'll feel absolutely terrible if he does.
Despite all of that though, he does generally treat you like a normal person. As well as letting you have your own life.
Do NOT make self deprivating jokes around this dude. For multiple reasons.
1, they make him stressed and sad (he won't admit that hes sad in front of the others tho)
2, It automatically triggers him to be even MORE protective
3, Heatwave will aggressively tell you how much he loves you and how pretty/handsome you are
For example,
'*Squishes your face with his fingers*, "Shush. You're fragging amazing. Say anything like that again, and i'm snuggling you for the entire godamn day."'
He doesn't yell at you though. Just has an aggressive tone.
He does the same for any insecurities you have too.
Oh, and he means every word he says when it comes to his bellicose praises.
"...I warned you, Dear."
*proceeds to pick you up in his hands and lay down somewhere while holding you against his chassis*
LOTS of kisses. Like for real you'll be out of breath when he's done with you.
It doesn't end there either.
He sometimes puts you in the passenger seat if there's an emergency so he can still keep an eye on you.
Depends on the emergency
He gets angrier than usual if you're the one in danger, he only calms down once you're safe.
He loves and supports you so much aaa-
He was VERY blunt when he confessed to you
"(Name). Forgive me for saying but I have fallen in love with you, and wish for you to be my conjunx endura. You don't have to feel the same, but you have the right to know."
He was lowkey surprised when you said you felt the same
Chase proceeded to kneel down and pull you into a hug. You responded with hugging him back along with a kiss on the faceplates, the rest is history.
He loves any kind of affection you give him, just don't use sarcasm, he can't pick up on it.
His love language is usually physical touch, words of affirmation, and quality time
Chase only wants three things from you throughout this relationship.
Your happiness, your affection, and your safety.
Though he does want to keep you safe he's not really overprotective.
He insists on carrying you if you're somewhere where one of them could step on you.
You used to go on patrol with him...
Until you almost got merc'd by a haywire lawn mower.
Since then you stay at base, and he always looks forward to seeing you run up to him when he gets back.
Hes not a fan of scary movies, but he'll be fine if you're holding his hand or hugging him.
Bring an inhaler, you'll need it for how much he'll make you laugh
At this point he's still trying to learn human culture... that (un)fortunately includes slang
"(Name), look. I have acquired an 'annelid on a string'"
"Dearest conjunx, what is 'Goated with the sauce' and why does a caprine have a condiment?"
"(Name), what does it mean to 'simp' for someone?"
Whether you feed this fire or not is up to you.
Pet names include; Dearest, Honey, Love, My Light, My Conjunx Endura, ....scrinkle (I'm not sorry)
Despite the mixups with slang, hes still pretty damn blunt.
Not to mention, even with how monotonous Chase is pretty romantic when hes talking to you.
This means that you can tell that he's being honest whenever he starts whispering sweet nothings to you.
And Chase mean everything he says.
And he always looks you in the eyes when he says one specific line, just so you know he really means it.
"I love you"
Oml hes so friggin nervous.
He didn't confess to you... Kade did
He heard Blades talking to Dani about you so he decided to mess with him.
He only admitted it once you said you felt the same
"...you do!? This isn't a cruel joke right?... I.. love you too."
He leaned down and gave you a kiss on the forehead
Lots of snuggles, hand holding, kisses, hugs, carrying you around, you name it!
Flip, he loves touching you in general.
You're just so squishy compared to his kind, he can't help but be enamored
Big touch-starved snugglebug
He likes watching tv with you on his chest
Sometimes the baking shows he comes across motivate him to bake something for you.
Half the time its good, half the time it isn't.
Pet names are; Sweetie, Honey Bunny, Cupcake, Lil Squisha, and My Spark if he's feeling really romantic
Don't yell at him please :(
He will be more anxious and sad if you do.
Its enough from others, it hurts more if its from you.
Unless you're happy and excited. He'll be yelling with you.
Very protective and jealous
He isn't too overbearing with it though
Hes just nervous and scared
Nervous about something/someone hurting you, and scared that someone will take you from him.
Thats why he doesn't take you with him on missions, even with how much he misses you.
Please comfort him when hes scared, he REALLY needs it.
Blades loves your laugh so much
He'll find the cheesiest jokes to say just to get the smallest noise out of you.
He'll be very impressed with whatever talent you have, and will try his best to support you.
He needs it... badly.
Will immediately turn blue and get extremely flustered, but he loves it and won't stop you
He gives you little trinkets he finds at random... well, they're little to him.
"Y/N! I got something for you :3" *Proceeds to place the biggest tumbleweed you've ever seen right in front of you*
Sometimes, Blades legit out of nowhere picks you and and carries you somewhere where nobody else is around
He proceeds to lay down and put you on his chest
Totally peppers your face in kisses before looking you right in your eyes and saying how much he loves you.
"I love you so much, Honey bunny. You're my little cupcake and i won't give you up for anything or anyone. I promise."
Hes so sweet to you
It took some encouragement and advice from Gram for him to confess to you, but he did it!
He went out and picked a bouquet for you too
He sat down criss cross applesauce and told you how he felt after taking a deep breath.
"(Name)... I have.. developed some strong feelings for you.. romantic ones. You don't have to say yes, but i still want to ask.. will you please be my love for life?"
You of course said yes and gave him a hug before he could even give you your bouquet
He closed his eyes and returned the hug, all the while rubbing your back.
Dates at the zoo are a must. Obviously. Like cmon now. This is Boulder we're talking about.
Will bring you random plants and animals and ask if he can keep them
If not that, then he'll pick flowers and other plants for you. Ofc he makes sure theyre not spiky.
He paints for you.
Theres nothing he loves more than your lips
Well- he loves your tummy too.
Its a tie
(They all do but you get the point)
Like Heatwave, he carries you like a baby. But he just does it because he thinks you're cute.
Like for real, to Boulder, you're the cutest little fleshy he's ever seen.
Until he sees a baby.
He looks at you with the most "🥺" expression ever
"No we're not having a baby, bubbas. Sorry"
His pet names for you are; Dearest, Bunny, My Flower, Small one, Sweetie, Dove, Angelfish, Wifey/Hubby/Lovey (whichever you prefer or identify as)
He loves you, but no. You can't go w him on emergencies.
Literally on the verge of tears if you're the one in danger
If that happens, prepare to be snuggled for 3 days straight.
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
hxh chapter 395
IT HAS BEEN 22 YEARS SINCE CHROLLO WAS FIRST REVEALED IN THE MANGA... 23 SINCE HE WAS FIRST MENTIONED... AND FINALLY........ WE ARE GETTING HIS BACKSTORY . all in god’s (togashi’s) timing. i literally couldn’t believe my eyes when i woke up to baby chrollo on the tl wednesday morning. i’m just now getting the time to scribble down all my thoughts that have been haunting me since then. is any of what i’m about to say coherent? probably not. i’m just so excited that i can barely put it into words. like. how am i supposed to function. i sure don’t know. i’ll put all my screaming + rough analysis under the read more then summarize what new things we learned about chrollo and the phantom troupe. idk how to format this so i’m sorry for anyone who braves the abyss below. anyways , without further ado ... 
(the link to the chapter for anyone who is curious)
nobunaga frames the flashback with the statement “fueled by despair and anger, we were searching for a purpose...” which more of less confirms the widely accepted notion that the phantom troupe was formed to give these people something to do. after reading that, i was expecting to go into some depressing stuff right away, but instead we get to see the baby phantom troupe members kinda roughhousing each other? acting like lil rascals. so i’m assuming nobunaga’s statement comes into play a bit later. 
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the spiders seem to have been split up into smaller cliques before they eventually formed together, these groups being chrollo/franklin/shalnark (HIS LIL MISSING TOOTH OH MY GOD), machi/uvo, and phinks/feitan. 
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this more altruistic viewpoint further convinces me that something major must’ve happened for chrollo’s worldview to shift so drastically. here and throughout the rest of the chapter, we can see him championing the cause of sharing knowledge with others around his age instead of hoarding it. this immediately sets him apart from the uvo/machi and phinks/feitan cliques who want to keep anything remotely valuable to themselves. Hmm.  
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i could be wrong, but the architecture of this church having crosses + pews seems reminiscent of the abrahamic religions, leaning more toward catholicism perhaps? this must play into chrollo’s fascination with catholic aesthetics in his adulthood. it seems that compared to the rest of meteor city, this church was somewhat of a safe haven. 
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NGL it’s kinda funny little baby chrollo looked @ phinks and uvo and went hm. yeah those dudes are definitely not the church crowd. baby chrollo being able to teach himself various languages just from watching tapes that everyone else his age finds too boring to sit through though... he’s always been a little genius. interestingly enough, the compliments on his intellect never seemed to have gotten to his head? he always took them in such a good-natured way. he seemed like such a kind boy... meteor city’s elders mention how bright he is in the next page too. i wonder what they expected from little chrollo though? 
“perhaps he could be of use to the elders? you think he may be able to solve the problems plaguing the city...” 
very curious to know if they meant now or when he’s older. anyway, the elders took an interest in him from a young age, only for chrollo to completely disregard them when he became an adult (chrollo stealing one of their abilities for his fight against hisoka). 
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i’m in ABSOLUTE agony. while this interaction is so cute, i can’t help but think about how paku prioritized chrollo’s life despite his philosophy that ‘the head of the spider [himself] can always be replaced’, which lead to her own death 🙁 OUCH OUCH IT HURTS... her care for chrollo and the troupe ran so deep. now we get to kinda see why. chrollo so brazenly telling paku that he loves her when it’s very likely she’s rarely (if at all) heard those words growing up in a place like meteor city......................... ah...........AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 
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‘no way he was born here...’
it makes sense that chrollo ended up getting voted to be the leader of the troupe since his intelligence has been universally praised all along. a smart lil guy. i really can’t get over the fact he did all this just so the other kids could understand/enjoy the cartoon more 😭😭😭 that just leaves me with the same, pressing question that machi has here... 
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‘is that chrollo?’ 
she must’ve been shocked to see him go from :D to :| ........... what happened to my MANS...
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crosscalipso · 1 year
South Park Character Headcanons (Tweek + Craig)
Tell me if you want me to do more of these
Craig ★
• Transgender FTM (He/Him and It/Its Pronouns)
• Autistic
• Literally so gay, like, man has never liked a woman
• Peruvian + White, was darker as a kid but his skin got pale as a teen since he didn’t go outside much anymore
• Ayesha Erotica fan
• He’s chubby!!!
• In elementary school he’s the tallest boy, and second tallest kid overall behind Bebe, but once they hit high-school he’s mid-way between tall and short. Tweek is taller than him.
• Other than Guinea Pigs he really likes cats!
• Chronic pains in his back, hips and legs
• Wants to be an astronaut, ends up being a veterinarian
• Can’t draw to save his life, still draws silly pictures for Tweek
• Calls Tweek the dorkiest of pet-names like “Honey, Cupcake, Pookie” etc
• Love language is Physicalness and gift-giving
• Adopted
• Was four when he was adopted by Laura and Thomas
• Thomas gave him his hat when he first came home, and now he never takes it off
• Came out as trans at 7, started his social transition soon after
• Gets top surgery in his late 20’s
• Decides to not get bottom surgery
• had braces his entire childhood all the way till he was 20, his parents didn’t have the money to get them removed so he suffered, had to get them again at 25 but they still wouldn’t straighten.
• Crooked teeth for life
• tooth gap!!!
• Doesn’t smoke like the fanart shows, this kid would vape
• An utter dork, literally obsessed with Space his whole life
• Hyperfixations switch every 2-3 years
• Has a crooked nose, he broke it during the fight he had with Tweek when they were kids
• Can play the piano a little bit, he learned from Tweek
• Has a flat affect
• Picks up in Tweek’s vocalizations and makes them himself sometimes, not noticing where he got it from
• twitches his nose like a bunny
Tweek ★
• Gender-fluid (He/They/It pronouns)
• Identifies as Queer, has only ever had feelings for Craig
• White
• Autistic
• Pulls at his hair so much that he starts developing bald spots in middle school, Craig buys him a hat that looks like his own for him to wear when stressed
• Can’t button his shirt well due to shaky hands and disoriented vision, so Craig does it for him their entire lives
• Picks at his skin, eyelashes, eyebrows and finger nails, lots of scars and scratches
• Gets clean of his meth addiction at 19 after going to rehab as soon as highschool lets out
• Ends up owning a bakery
• Despite being clean he still lets out grunts and vocalizations at random times
• can play the piano exceptionally well
• Love language is words of affirmation and gift-giving
• Can speak English, Dutch, German and French
• Bakes things and does chores for Craig all the time, usually when he’s asleep and can’t protest
• Chubby!!! He gains weight after being clean and is very happy with his build
• Takes up boxing in middle school, helps get frustration out
• Feels terrible for breaking Craig’s nose, but finds the after affects cute nevertheless
• Wakes Craig up by peppering his face in kisses, Craig doesn’t oppose
• Uses “Dude, Man, bro” on Craig until they’re engaged, then he uses cuter nicknames like “Honey, Baby and Puppy”
• Had bad baby fever from 22 and onward, constantly wanting to have kids with Craig
• Has a collection of glued together Lego sets from his childhood, he keeps them down in the basement on a wooden table he built for them
• “Death metal soothes me to sleep!”
• one if his vocalizations is whistling and then making a *pop!* noise with his mouth
• Lost one of his incisors during his fight with Craig, got a fake one pretty quick, he wore the actual tooth on a necklace for a while
• They still have that tooth somewhere in their house
Silly Quotes I think they’d say
Craig : “The hat stays on during sex.”
Tweek : “Dude can I turn on some white noise, it helps me sleep.”
Craig : “Sure honey.”
Tweek : *Turns on Cannibal Corpse*
Craig, happily : “Honey I made you cupcakes!”
Tweek, chewing a cupcake that’s practically still batter : “They’re great honey.”
Craig, offering him another : “:]”
Tweek: *Bites into it and it’s rock hard.*
Tweek : “Craig you can’t keep eating candy all the time! It’ll rot your teeth.”
Craig : “So does coffee and meth.”
Tweek : “Touché, fucker.”
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justelib · 11 months
My Katsuki Bakugou Headcanons!
let’s start of simple.
• a lot of us headcanon Bakugou as Deaf\half Deaf due to his quirk, and im all for it, but I also believe that Mitsuki had Bakugou learn sign language at a young age, worried that he would eventually lose hearing.
• no one can convince me otherwise, this man is a raging bisexual. He honestly doesn’t care about dating but he’s totally attracted to men, women and those in between.
• His bestfriend is Kirishima, but im pretty sure that’s Canon.
• he absolutely hates himself for how he treated Izuku.
• he smells like cinnamon…I just- I can’t, he has to smell like Cinnamon.
• I Don’t know why but I fully believe that Bakugou knows how to braid. Like, he’s able to Plait, Dutch braid, French braid, everything.
• for his S\O, he’ll always call them ‘Dumbass’, even if it’s in a harsh tone of voice he means it affectionately.
• he has piercings. He does. Lip, tongue, nose, eyebrow, ears. They’re all pierced, some are removed occasionally.
• he loves reading. All genres.
• he can play guitar but prefers drums.
• total germaphobe.
• we all now this dude loves his spicy foods.
• he’d beat the shit out of anyone, ANYONE, if they purposely Deadnamed, Used the wrong pronouns for someone. It honestly doesn’t even matter who they are, it doesn’t matter if he knows them or not, he’ll defend the person with his life when it comes to things like that.
• he makes little booms from his palms when he’s anxious.
• I believe that he loves cuddles when sleeping, when he’s tired that’s when he’s soft and quiet.
• …he slept with an Almight plushie until he was ten\Eleven.
• he loves to watch movies\TV shows in bed, it has to be in bed. He’ll sit on a couch and blankly stare at a TV and have no idea what is happening because the couch is so uncomfortable.
• if his S\O or a close friend as long hair and is sitting in-front of him then he won’t be able to help himself, he’ll subconsciously start braiding. (Am I thinking of giving Bakugou a little sister Oc…yes TT^TT)
• he’ll show respect until disrespected. He believes in respect is earned, it doesn’t matter if it’s his elder or not.
• he absolutely loves teenage mutant ninja turtles 2012 (I’m not reflecting…IM NOT!)
• ^ his favourite characters Are Raphael and Casey, you can not convince me otherwise.
• he goes all out on training, I believe that on weekends, specifically Saturdays, he will train from 6 am to 7 pm.
• …he loves watermelon, I don’t know why, he just does.
More headcanons to come, any idea on who’s next?
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bardy-boy · 1 year
Who Is Who Within The Mystery Gang and Bad Kids Mash Up?
Disclaimer: none of these mash ups are identical. These are just the closer comparisons that I believe to be correct. And yes, for an even number I had to include Scrappy. I love the person that I paired with Scrappy so there’s no hate to that character. Also, I realize that the intrepid hero’s have many characters. I chose the bad kids because they are the most like the mystery gang, not because I don’t like other seasons. I love other seasons. Now hear me out, gang.
Fred is Riz. This probably has to do with the autistic boy swag I get from both of them. They both are so passionate about mystery solving and charismatic, although not always great with people. Though neither of them are natural born leaders they manage to keep the group with a focus on mystery because these dudes really truly love mystery. They’re passionate and cute and terrible at reading social cues. While neither of them are necessarily prone to romance, they are filled with love. Their friends are one of the most important things in their life and they have a complete dedication to them.
Daphne is Fabian. Both of these two come from a rich and privileged life style. They’re not super accustomed to norms and can sometimes struggle with understanding their privilege. That being said, they are protective, caring, and willing to learn. Both of their love languages is gift giving which is great coming from someone with such amazing fashion sense. They can be easy to over look, but in reality they are so kick ass. Either of them could easily kill a man and look hot while doing it. They are more than just looks and money, they are fiercely loyal and insanely active!
Velma is Adaine. This is something we can all agree on. They’re the smarts, yes, but they’re also soft and nervous. Each have a need to be perfect, to strive for the best. And as nice as they are, you do not want to get on their bad side. There is a deep buried rage in there. They both love their friends, but also enjoy time to be alone and recuperate. With all the chaos of a big group it’s okay to need moments to calm yourself. This is very different from loneliness which (I think) both have a deep fear of. Without these group members, the rest of the group would fall way off track. Sometimes taking your time and slowly solving the puzzle is the best move. Velma and Adaine already know that.
Shaggy is Gorgug. This lanky loser can fit so much love inside of them. They are both very low key and chill on the outside. Neither of them are great at expressing their feelings (albeit in different ways) but they know just how to comfort someone when they are down. Maybe neither of them are the brightest in the bunch, probably because all that metal music they listen to at full volume blew out some brain cells. Also, each of these dudes are so awkward when it comes to romance, but that never stops them from trying. These dudes are a glue in the friendship. You just can’t find anyone who dislikes them.
Scooby is Kristen. I know this one is weird, but hear me out. This clumsy idiot would die (and in both cases (if you know where to look) has died) for their friends. Each one is always down for a joke and uses humor to cope with bad situation. And, out of the group, talks the most about food. Even though both of these characters don’t come from great situations (in the majority of Scooby media, Scooby was a misunderstood stray before the gang) they go through life happily and with love. They choose worship as a form of love (food vs a deity) and are both attracted to dogs. THE lovable goofball.
Scrappy is Fig. I know this is going to be controversial, especially since I hate Scrappy and love Fig, but when I’m right I’m right. The sheer amount of confidence and chaos displayed within these characters make no sense, but you love to see it. They get the rest of the gang in so much trouble. As naïveté as both of these guys are they do it to protect their friends (and show off a little bit). Although there has been a change of writing for the mystery gang, the original group loved and was dedicated to scrappy no matter what. Yes, they make mistakes but both of them look up too and honor their friends so much. They love a good joke and to encourage others to put themselves out there. Maybe they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but fuck everyone else. Those who like you are the only people you should care about. Also they both love the word fuck.
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kobbers · 6 months
Been poking at this list a while, for my favorite Solid Guy. It's a reflection of our time with Varl, largely constructed of Vibes but also laid out chronologically.
Song choice/vibe notes under the cut.
[Here I Am] - Just... baby Varl running around the Embrace. Out in the wilds, learning everything he'll need to grow into the warrior he becomes. I also like it in context of the Nora people in general, coming out into the world for the first time all those years ago.
[Hip to Be Square] - a cheeky nod to the fact that Varl is the exact flavor of dedicated, mostly-serious Good Dude that I'm drawn to in fiction.
[War] - Both in the matter of winning vengeance for his fallen sister and the decimation of Nora lands late in HZD, Varl is deeply grateful for Aloy's spear and bow at his side when things were at their worst.
[Let Me Try] - After Aloy saves the remainder of the Nora and asks for their aid on the Alight, Varl is eager to answer the call.
[Fatalis suite] - The Battle of the Alight, a fight against terrible odds and an enemy almost beyond comprehension.
[Into the Unknown] - Once the battle is won, the rest of the Nora gratefully return to the Sacred Land, but... Varl feels drawn to Aloy's side, to back her up no matter how far off the map she goes.
[I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)] - Seriously. You're not going to be able to shake this golden retriever off your heels.
[Someone to Fall Back On] - Rebuffed, but not willing to give up. He knows he's not up to Aloy's level, but that doesn't mean he's useless as an ally.
[Hey Brother] - the sibling language makes me happy here - I like to think that Varl mentally takes Aloy on as a sister once he gets past the whole Anointed thing.
[Battle Scars] - Especially appropriate for Aloy being injured post-Latopolis. Varl "carries her home," but also reminds her they both carry scars and are going to need each other.
[Count on Me] - Also good for Aloy recovery context.
[Accidentally in Love] - suddenly, T-boned by the most incredible Utaru woman.
[Shivers] - giddy infatuation ✨
[All Love Everything] - Varl as wife guy. I just. it's so cute to me.
[Conquest of Spaces] - Establishing the Base.
[Children of Planet Earth] - Study group begins. I'm devastated that in canon he wouldn't have made it to having access to the Voyager golden record.
[Count on Me] - a softer reaffirmation that Varl's got you - this time for Beta.
[Never Look Away] - Things are getting tougher and more complicated, but he's still dedicated to being the anchor point.
[Saturn Return] - More vibes than a literal match to anything specific, but things continue to get rougher and more dire leading up to the big mission.
[The Final Countdown] - Throwing a bone to myself here with something a bit silly, referencing the big Gemini mission and the fast approaching... end. There's also space imagery, which is a bonus. The aliens are not friends though :(
[Saturn] - Somber mood, reflecting on the beauty of life, a decent bookend to the opening song. Incredibly bittersweet. My boy didn't deserve this, in or out of fiction.
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kastelpls · 1 year
steam visual novel fest sale recs
i like visual novels and there's a vn fest going on, so here's a thread on titles i like:
i recently finished this title and while the topic is certainly relevant, what drew me more was how it depicted the traumas of tech startup culture. whether intentional or not, the dreams and aspirations of tech workers to solve problems become tainted by capital and hubris.
the protagonist is jaded as fuck because she's seen her creation take over the world. but she's not as melodramatic as dr frankenstein; she is still gauging how things are going. her alienated view on the world around is intoxicating and i really found the pov very charming.
the experience of playing this game made me feel like i've returned to my unpaid internship days for better or for worse. it's a story that will forever remain relevant until silicon valley and the tech industry as we know it are over. wonderful title.
i have personal stakes in seabed since i'm one of the two non-translators credited to bringing this yuri vn overseas. my bias aside, i think this is one of the most unique video games of all time.
you follow a bunch of adults aimlessly wandering around as the world around them reflects their mental states. things just happen, but everyone takes it in the most matter-of-fact fashion. the writing is intentionally tedious at times because it is in love with the mundane. it's a story all about grief, but it is also about how to approach the ebb and flow of life.
as a friend once said, "it's a mystery where the characters don't realize they're in one." or as i like to put it, "a mystery in search of a mystery".
Christmas Tina
set in the notorious bubble era of japan, this may look like a romantic encounter between a chinese dude and a japanese girl at first glance. however, it drops that premise by having them squabble forever and not learn each other's languages.
the game is instead about minorities struggling to survive. the chinese guy left china for various reasons and wanted to make a name for himself while the japanese girl got into a car accident with a person engaged in the sex trade because she was looking for money to pay for her sister's surgery. later on, you'll read about different chinese members, a woman raised by a chinese-japanese couple, and other interesting people that make up japan today.
if there is a game i like to credit for inspiring my interest into connecting with my traumatic chinese history again in my own writing, it's this title. there's a section that surprised me because it was, after all, a title mainly developed in china and it's still very recent history. but i'm glad the developers took the risk and it's an impressive episode.
i'd seriously recommend this game if you haven't tried it. it's seriously a sleeper hit.
the first of an ongoing series, chuusotsu 1st is about a bunch of middle school graduates who can't graduate into high school for various reasons. stories about their traumas are interlinked with the chaos of japanese social media.
likewise, it's also about trying things that they are scared to try. the protagonist is an anxious girl who wants to do art, but she keeps failing at socializing. she's cute.
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
since this was featured in the festival, i might as well give it a shout. this is more an adventure game in the Ace Attorney series, but i consider it to be the best game and everyone should play it.
it explores a historical period dear to my heart: the era of meiji japan and victorian england. here are two imperialist nationstates, but the latter is stronger than the former and is secretly dictating how japan should behave.
not only does the game explore this colonial dynamic but it also looks into how racism functions in the british justice system. any pretense of democracy and fairness is ultimately failed when the british jury sees the protagonist and calls him an ape.
i credit the final chapter for changing my dissertation thesis when i was still doing my masters. if i ever do a phd, i'm going to continue studying the history of international students and what it reflects about us as a humanity.
Return to Shironagasu Island
a surprise doujin hit in japan, this visual novel written by an ex-mystery writer is very old-school to a fault. you are exploring one of those MURDER ISLANDS and there's orthodox mystery tricks, but it's well-executed.
the main star is neneko who's a little cringe beast. she's cute.
games i've heard are good but haven't played yet
Taisho x Alice
The Flowers series
Symphonic Rain
Tangle Tower
Fatal Twelve
Furikake Spacy
A Year of Springs
Narcissu 10th Anniversary Project
2064: Read Only Memories
Analogue: A Hate Story
if you are looking for more recommendations on steam, i have a curation page.
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cthonic-bunny · 6 months
Girlie pls help me, what can i expect from a gemini sun, mars and venus dude 😭😭 he looks like a total disaster but there’s still something that i see in him LIKE-
This made me laugh LMFAOOOOO
I feel like this guy might come off as a “total disaster” because his thoughts are like ping pong balls going 1000 mph ricocheting off the edges of his skull 😭
For example, if thoughts were compared to atoms in a solid, liquid, or a gas, his thoughts would probably resemble that of a gas at high temperatures LOL (air!)
He is probably someone who loves to learn about a bunch of different things, and is obsessed with conceptualizing them. I feel like he might be someone who needs a lot of time to properly sit with his thoughts so he can understand them, even if he comes off as someone who is social. He might love to engage people and soak up as much as he can from the interaction, but has to (and wants to) go home and really process it in its entirety. He is probably highly attracted to someone who can stimulate his mind and teach him new things. He can get bored very easily and does not like this feeling. I feel like this is someone who probably sleeps very lightly from all the mental activity going on that he seems very flighty and “tweaky” in waking life.
I feel like he is someone who is attracted to someone’s music taste, and can appreciate someone who is a bit more eclectic because it gives them a puzzle to work out. He’s probably very funny and needs a partner who he can joke around with. He probably finds it easier to commit to someone who he feels like might even be funnier than him, because it keeps him on his toes. He might appreciate a bit of unpredictability!!! 👀
I think he would be best with a partner who gives him space to engage his interests so he can come back and rant about all the cool things he learned.
He might appreciate observing the process of falling in love with someone just as much as the feeling— learning about love and relationship dynamics might be just as fun as feeling it out. He is very good at noticing changes in energy around him. He might get a bit scared in more casual connections when it feels a bit too emotional or vulnerable, just because he’s probably more used to navigating interactions logically. There’s too much confusion that comes by trying to see through the murky waters of emotion. They can make you fall in love with them with their humor and conversation. If they like you, they are texting you allll the time. They’ll send you the funniest things and it’s like they always have a reaction pic for everything you’re talking about. Once they feel comfortable with you, they’ll open up pretty quickly. Their love language can be telling u every little detail that’s on their mind. Gemini Venus men might give you a lot of attention to see if you can hold theirs, but then might disappear the moment the connection feels stagnant. They’ll test out soon into the interaction if they see you as someone they’ll be comfortable talking to everyday. If not, your name is probably removed from their roster LOL.
There was a time I was close with a Gemini mars man, and he let me know he’s actually very selective with choosing a partner to be intimate with. He noticed everything and got icked out very easily. He said he wouldn’t feel true to himself if he got physical with women who he didn’t feel connected to on every level. I feel like he always has great points in an argument and can be intimidating to argue with, not because of aggression, but because of his wit. He’s like a lawyer when he feels passionately about something. He actually found it “ugly” that other men would get aggressive or violent when mad, instead of handling things rationally.
He’s probably very open minded and creative. :)
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yeonjuxine · 2 years
Txt members' love language.
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#yeonjun :
when I tell you this man is just hella affectionate
will randomly attack you with kisses and hugs
will just hug you for eternity if he could
when he gets sad, he definitely needs attention
no attention means extreme sulking
loves to hold your hand be it in public, at home, at work
he also loves doing chores together
like on a random Sunday or wtv, just cooking or washing dishes together while music plays in the bg
he loves kissing your face, neck and hands
he loves it when you stroke his hair like he's CRAZY for it
just super clingy or not depending on his mood
get ready to cringe cuz he will use his cheesy pick-up lines any chance he gets
random night drives are the go-to for him
going to the park, walking around the streets at night is his vibe and he does it very often and drags you along
life is never boring with yeonjun ;)
#soobin :
this boi is so soft I can't
he loves loves loves cooking together
loves doing everything together honestly
like cuddling, watching movies together, learning something new together
he's definitely shy of showing affection in public, but when he's feeling confident he will randomly hug/kiss or hold your hand
he's always caring ab you like he remembers the little things you like, supposing a thing you used to like when you were a child, he will make a mental note of that
always brings you to his home to take care of odi together and just talk ab odi for hours
he loves kissing you on your cheek, jaw and shoulders
loves it when you play with his fingers it just brings him some sort of comfort
he makes the worst jokes but it's funny cuz it's rlly bad
#beomgyu :
first of all, you can't tell me this dude ain't hella clingy
he loves hugging you like JUST YOUU
he's the type to make a bunch of playlists just for you
even makes songs regarding ab u
he's so sweet like sugary sweetttt
he also loves teaching you ab music or instruments
creating music together is his muse
late night skating yeeeee
stargazing with you is one of his favs
makes the dumbest jokes but he's funny that way + his laugh is contagious
defo loves kissing your lips and the crown of your head
mans will peck you every second he gets
gets mad and sulky when you don't give him attention ;-;
he loves it when you hug him/kiss him/call him your pretty boy
#taehyun :
protect this man at all costs
um gym dates with him HELLO
him helping you with your workout omgomgomg
he always has his eye on you, helps you whenever you need it without even asking
he is a man of service
will do anything for you like lich rally
he honestly loves staring at you like he will stare at you 24/7 like 👁️👄👁️
you wake up and you see him like 👁️👄👁️
always listens to what you have to say, be it ranting ab random things or anything rlly, he always listens
he loves cuddling like frfr
singing love songs with him before going to bed <3
will kiss you on your forehead, lips and the palm of your hands
he loves it when you put your head on the crook of his neck and kiss him on the neck
just full of fluff hours with this man
#hueningkai :
ultimate Loverboy </3
he's a very shy boi but he'll do anything to initiate the conversation first
always tries to make you comfortable and knows how to keep the atmosphere lighthearted
definitely gets shy in public but he doesn't tell you to stop holding his hand or hugging him (he likes it hehe)
when you randomly kiss him on the cheek he gets so redddd like RED from his ears to his cheeks
he definitely loves gift-giving
will give you cute love letters since he can't rlly express his feelings well
will give you plushies :')
he LOVES it when you play with his hair, pinch his cheeks and showering him with kisses
he loves kissing your cheeks (not the other cheeks guys)
I want a kai 😔😔😔
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Heartlands (2002)
Summary: A Road Movie about kind hearted Colin (Michael Sheen), who has his world turned upside down when his wife Sandra (Jane Robbins) runs away with a policeman. He sets out on his moped and starts the journey through the country to bring her back home.
No spoilers watch the movie This movie feels like a warm hug, a cozy blanket and hot cocoa on a crisp autumn day. It’s a delight. I’ll do things a bit different this time, I won’t go in too deep because I want as many people as possible to just experience this film. Because that is what it is, a experience. It has some very beautiful shots, great humor and very charming characters. And it takes it’s time when it needs to. One might say it’s a bit artsy but I like it for just that.
Okay maybe some spoilers there are a few things I’d like to talk about
Colin is THE Cinnamonroll, he doesn’t deserve any of Sandras bs, but it does provide the incentive for the journey of his life so it’s fine in the end.
I love how when Sandra tells Colins friends, that she will leave him for the Police Captain (JIm Carter), they are just as irritated as I am while watching. The worst part is, that the Captain proceeds to throw Colin off the Darts Team (they are set to compete in a turnament the following weekend) and with that he robs our poor guy of the two things he loves the most at the same time. WTF I’m mad, what an asshole do you have to be? And Sandra just tags along? What did Colin ever do to you? Poor man is sitting in his shop balling his eyes out, they just robbed him of everything that was important to him.
A good friend of Colin convinces him to follow the darts team to Blackpool to win Sandra back, and although at this point I would personally think "fuck her actually", he didn’t even have the chance to talk to her about this, so fair enough. What else should he do now, sit in his store and mope? This is the better option.
Enter beautiful shots of the english country and small towns coupled with folk music, I’ve never felt this comfy in my life. I can’t even imagine how this movie hits if you actually grew up in the UK.
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This movie is beautiful
Colin's first overnight stop is at some kind of cottage Inn in the middle of nowhere. There he meets a lovely couple, who are the first people so far who treat him nicely. Or rather like a normal human being. Up to this point I noticed two things: First: Colin is framed by the movie like he is still a bit of a child inside. He’s not immature I think, but a bit naive, very quiet and a bit socially inept, like he hasn’t quite arrived in the real world yet. Second: Other characters in the film notice this and some tend to treat him a bit lesser because of that. Doesn’t hit close to home at all, noooo… Buuut our boy Colin doesn’t really care about that, he just does his thing and is his most sincere self, even if he’s still on the way to finding out who he really is and what he wants from his life. I love that for him.
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Anyway the guy (from that couple) gives Colin a haircut and a new shirt so now he looks like a whole different person. (This visibly kicks his character developement journey off and I love that visual language, plus the haircut really suits him, dude did a really good job)
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Cue a shot of Colin being sad, listening to a folk band playing in the Inn and my heart is melting this is movie is so precious.
I don't want to spoil what happens in one of the following scenes, my thoughts are confirmed, Colin is a kid and I love him for that.
Colin, I’d like you to please stop doing and saying things that make me go: “Ha, I do that!” Thank you very much.
I won’t go into much more detail from this point on I will just say he eventually gets to Blackpool, talks to Sandra and makes the best decision of his life. He really learned a lot about himself in those few days. The ending fills my heart with butterflies everytime.
A pure, lovely, gentle and genuine performance by Michael. I don’t know how, but his acting in this feels like a hug from a very good friend. It’s so warm and sincere. Of all the films and shows I’ve written about until now, this one is by far my favourite. This is the kind of movie you turn to when you're having a hard time and want to work through it.
If you can, watch it in autumn. With a nice cuddly blanket, a person you love and a nice tea or hot cocoa. But however you do it, if there is one film from my blog you should watch, it's this one!
PS: If you should ever have the chance to meet Michael Sheen in person, please tell him a random guy called Cosmo on the internet loved this movie very much and would like to thank him for this extraordinary genuine and heartfelt performance. This film will stay with me for a long time <3
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9800sblog · 1 year
Hi! I really like how informative San’s future Spouse reading is. I was wondering if you could do the same kind of reading for Joshua from Seventeen’s future spouse reading? I’ve alway wanted if he would marry a regular foreigner, another Kpop idol, or foreigner celebrity or a regular Korean person. And i wonder what the marriage will be like and how he will be like as a husband? Thank you in advance if you do this request - 🧜🏽‍♀️
Joshua Hong tarot reading - who is his future spouse?
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-> member of K-POP group Seventeen. through tarot, he told me the characteristics of his future spouse, this is how I interpreted those messages.
-> do I have his energy permission to do and share this reading? page of swords
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a hopeless romantic, sweet and kind, loves to daydream and play with animals. i think they have gone through difficult mental health period and now they use their experiences to help those who need and have big confidence boost. they love animals, may specially like cats or really big dogs. this person may feel like a soulmate for joshua! they may be both dreaming of having someone like the other, even if they haven't met yet, love at first sight, I think. they're probably cute and sweet in public and only sexy if they're in privacy. may be into vintage vibe or lifestyle (mostly 50-70s) and mostly listens to rock music, I think? may look more intimidating than they actually are, maybe dark eye makeup, chains and teased hair (that is trendy in korea currently, doesn't surprise me). they're probably skinny but physically active, like someone that exercises to maintain their weight and body type.
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career and fame
i think he doesn't wanna marry a celebrity and, with the king of swords, he probably wants to be the main provider in the relationship.
his person probably helps those with emotional needs, helps people learn and accept reality; they're likely to be a lawyer or a judge and, less likely but still possible, a psychiatrist.
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the chariot, justice, 4 of pentacles reversed, queen of swords reversed
they might be legally and ethnically a Korean, born to korean parents, but moved elsewhere for their career or school. probably somewhere with hot sun, mostly tanned and/or black people, I'm getting a sense of South America or deserted places in Africa, mostly the first tho because I think they currently have opposite timezones, because I am getting messages of sun and moon in the cards.
if they already know each other, they likely don't talk as much - this might be someone he knows from school and they lost contact because of life, but will end up crossing paths again because they're just perfect for each other. alternatively, they were in a relationship and broke up because of distance, but miss each other, idk.
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joshua as a husband
he glows as a husband! that's a big dream of his probably and he definitely wants children, at least 2. he is a jealous partner, because he thinks his environment has too many good looking and nice dudes, so he wants to protect his person from possible different opportunities. he looks like a gentleman, treating this person like they're his entire world, he would flirt and treat them even after a long time, he would never fall out of love and just never let things fall in routine. he'd be playful and make them feel like they're 2 children living inside a mattress fortress they built. he'd do anything for them, make their dreams come true no matter how difficult they may look. like I said, he probably wants to be the main provider and gift giving seems to be an important love language of his, he'd give them all this expensive stuff just because he thinks they'd look nice and they deserve the best, I guess it's about quality over quantity for him, but he definitely wants quantity too. at the point they get married, he'd rather stay home with his family than going out to party and he'd love to do just that, laugh his future spouse and his future children seems like one of his biggest dreams.
>n< very cute
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