jobkash · 1 month
Finance Intern [2025 Internship Program]
Job Description:Are you ready to make an impact at DTCC?Do you want to work on innovative projects, collaborate with a dynamic and supportive team, and receive investment in your professional development? At DTCC, we are at the forefront of innovation in the financial markets. We’re committed to helping our employees grow and succeed. We believe that you have the skills and drive to make a real…
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hi-tech-multiplex · 3 months
Female Coding Pioneer
CODE Ada Lovelace, the first programmer and a visionary mathematician, was chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage’s proposed mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. She was fond of sequences. During her studies she came across an infinite sequence that was generated using the following algorithm, starting with an empty sequence. Starting from step number 1, in step…
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lwcmanagment · 5 months
Der Eth-Kurs steigt: Franklin Templeton listet Ethereum ETF auf der DTCC-Webseite – Eine umfassende Analyse
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Die jüngste Entscheidung von Franklin Templeton, einen Antrag für einen Ethereum Spot ETF zu stellen, hat erhebliche Aufmerksamkeit erregt. Mit einem Vermögen von über 1,5 Billionen US-Dollar zählt Franklin Templeton zweifellos zu den Schwergewichten im Asset Management. Doch was bedeutet diese Entwicklung genau und wie sollten Anleger sie interpretieren?
Wer ist Franklin Templeton?
Franklin Templeton ist einer der führenden Vermögensverwalter in den USA und verwaltet ein Vermögen von über 1,5 Billionen US-Dollar. Die Entscheidung des Unternehmens, einen Antrag für einen Ethereum Spot ETF zu stellen, unterstreicht sein Engagement für innovative Anlageprodukte und sein Interesse an Kryptowährungen.
Was ist ein Ethereum Spot ETF?
Ein Ethereum Spot ETF ist ein Investmentfonds, der darauf abzielt, die Performance von Ethereum, einer der führenden Kryptowährungen, nachzubilden. Im Gegensatz zu Future ETFs, die auf zukünftige Preisbewegungen spekulieren, erwerben Spot ETFs physisch die zugrunde liegenden Vermögenswerte.
Die Listung auf der DTCC:
Die Tatsache, dass der "Franklin Ethereum TR Ethereum ETF (EZET)" auf der Webseite der DTCC gelistet ist, signalisiert, dass alle Voraussetzungen für den Handel mit diesem ETF erfüllt sind. Die DTCC ist ein wichtiger Akteur im US-Wertpapierhandel und ihre Listung ist eine grundlegende Voraussetzung für den Zugang zum Markt.
Aber Vorsicht vor übertriebenen Erwartungen:
Obwohl die Listung auf der DTCC ein positives Zeichen ist, bedeutet sie nicht automatisch, dass der ETF von der US-Wertpapieraufsicht SEC genehmigt wird. Die SEC hat bisher keine eindeutigen Signale bezüglich der Zulassung von Ethereum Spot ETFs gesendet, und Analysten gehen davon aus, dass die Chancen dafür eher gering sind.
Unterschiede zu Bitcoin:
Es ist wichtig zu betonen, dass Ethereum und Bitcoin unterschiedlich behandelt werden. Während Bitcoin bereits als etabliertes Finanzprodukt angesehen wird, ist der Status von Ethereum als Wertpapier umstrittener. Dies könnte die Genehmigung von Ethereum Spot ETFs erschweren und zu einer längeren regulatorischen Prüfung führen.
Die Haltung der SEC:
Die SEC spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Zulassung von Krypto-ETFs. Angesichts der Bedenken hinsichtlich der Sicherheit und Regulierung von Kryptowährungen dürfte die SEC bei Ethereum Spot ETFs besonders vorsichtig sein. Eine Genehmigung könnte jedoch einen Präzedenzfall schaffen und den Weg für weitere Krypto-ETFs ebnen.
Trotz der Herausforderungen bleiben die Märkte optimistisch in Bezug auf Ethereum Spot ETFs. Die Listung auf der DTCC wird als Meilenstein angesehen und hat bereits zu einem Anstieg des Ether-Kurses geführt. Während die Diskussion in den USA noch andauert, zeigen Länder wie Hongkong bereits Fortschritte bei der Zulassung von Ethereum Spot ETFs.
Die Listung des Ethereum Spot ETFs von Franklin Templeton auf der DTCC-Webseite markiert einen bedeutenden Schritt für die Integration von Kryptowährungen in den traditionellen Finanzmarkt. Trotz regulatorischer Herausforderungen bleiben die Aussichten für Ethereum vielversprechend, und Anleger sollten die Entwicklung aufmerksam verfolgen.
Hongkong als Vorreiter:
Während die Diskussionen um Ethereum Spot ETFs in den USA noch anhalten, ist Hongkong bereits einen Schritt weiter. Dort sind Ether Spot ETFs bereits zugelassen und sollen schon bald ihren Handelsauftakt feiern. Diese Entwicklung verdeutlicht nicht nur den globalen Wettlauf um die Regulierung von Krypto-Assets, sondern zeigt auch, dass einige Länder schneller auf neue Finanzinstrumente reagieren als andere.
Potenzielle Auswirkungen auf den Ether-Kurs:
Die Aussicht auf einen Ethereum Spot ETF hat bereits zu einem Anstieg des Ether-Kurses geführt, da Anleger optimistisch in die Zukunft der Kryptowährung blicken. Sollte die Genehmigung erteilt werden, könnte dies einen weiteren Aufwärtstrend auslösen, da Asset Manager gezwungen wären, Ether physisch zu erwerben, was die Nachfrage und somit den Preis erhöhen würde.
Risiken und Herausforderungen:
Trotz des positiven Ausblicks gibt es auch Risiken und Herausforderungen, denen sich Anleger bewusst sein sollten. Die regulatorische Unsicherheit und die mögliche Ablehnung durch die SEC könnten kurzfristige Preisvolatilität verursachen. Darüber hinaus könnte eine Genehmigung von Ethereum Spot ETFs die Tür für eine Flut von Altcoin-ETF-Anträgen öffnen, was weitere regulatorische Debatten nach sich ziehen könnte.
Insgesamt ist die Listung des Ethereum Spot ETFs von Franklin Templeton auf der DTCC-Webseite ein bedeutsamer Schritt für die Integration von Kryptowährungen in den traditionellen Finanzmarkt. Obwohl die regulatorischen Hürden hoch sind, signalisiert diese Entwicklung eine wachsende Akzeptanz von Ethereum und Kryptowährungen im Allgemeinen. Anleger sollten jedoch vorsichtig bleiben und die Entwicklungen genau verfolgen, da der Weg zur Zulassung von Ethereum Spot ETFs noch steinig sein könnte.
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prompt-master · 11 months
The detective conan world is having such a crisis, this is a lot of murders in a 6 month span
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reality-detective · 1 year
She is absolutely right.
But let's add some other criminalities to this.
It's a violation of.
15 US Code sec 45 c,d
That's also deceptive trade practices
👉the violation is by
Creating the problem and the cure.
What is funny ( not haha funny) is most of the holding companies are under cede and co ( the parent holding company). Which hold black rock and vanguard and their holding companies under them are doing all of this from health care- energy - pharma- bio tech, who, wef etc.
👉Cede & co also has DTCC which is a wall street clearing house. They busted their own rules.
And still doing it. It's not us it's them.
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motorsportverso · 2 months
Endurance Brasil-Velocita
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A pole da geral e da P1 foi do AJR #44 com Vicente Orige \ Carlesso, na GT3 do Ricardo Babtista, Rafael Suzuki e Xandinho Negrão  e na GT4 , Jacques Quartiero e Allan Helmeister com Porsche 718 Cayman GT4.
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Na largada Vicente Orige se manteve na frente.
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A disputa entre a Ligier #117 da BTZ Motorsport e a Ligier #9 A.Mattheis Motorsport , disputa da  5ª posição.
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O líder da GT4 era o Porsche GT4 #21 
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A disputa da liderança entre o AJR #444 e a Ligier #31 
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Disputa entre o AJR #35 e o Porsche 992 GT3 R 
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A batida do AJR na reta , que fez a entrada do sefity car na pista.
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Na relargada , o Ligier #31 se manteve na frente, disputa entre Sergio Jimenez  com o Sigma #2 e AJR #444.
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Disputa dos carros da GT4.
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A disputa entre o Porsche 992 GT3 R e o AJR #35 continuava.
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A disputa da 2ª posição da GT4 entre o Porsche GT4 #718 e Audi RS3 LMS TCR e a BMW M2 GT4.
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Momento em que Sergio Jimenez assumia a liderança.
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Momento em que o AJR #444 pegava fogo.
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Que fez a 2ª entrada do sefity car na pista.
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Depois da relargada o líder era o Sigma #11
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Disputa entre os dois modelos Porsche GT4 pela liderança da GT4.
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A disputa entre os carros da GT3
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A disputa entre os lideres da GT3
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A disputa da liderança estava entre a Ligier #9 e Ligier #31
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A vitória da geral e da P1 ficou com a Ligier LMP3 da KTF Sports com a dupla Renan Guerra e Gustavo Kyrilla.
Na categoria GT3 a vitória ficou com a Mercedes #8 da Team RC com o trio Julio Campos, Guilherme Figueiroa e Neubauer, na GT4 vitória do Porsche GT4 # 21 do Jacques Quartiero e Allan Helmeister.
Top 3-P1
1-31-Guerra\Kyrilla-Ligier LMP3-KTF Sports-150 Laps
2-42-Lucas e Victor Foresti-Ligier LMP3-Foresti Sport
3-22-Moraes Jr\Ambrunhoza\Ferrari-Ligier LMP3-Autlog Racing Team +1 Lap
Top 3-GT3
1-8-Campos\Figueiroa\Neubauer-Mercedes-AMG GT3 Evo-Team RC-146 Laps
2-27-Xandinho\Suzuki\Ricardo Babtista-Mercedes-AMG GT3 Evo-Team RC
3-83-Max Wilsson\Mauricio e Marco Billi-Mercedes-AMG GT3 EVO-Team RC
Top 3-GT4
1-21-Quartiero\Hellmeister-Porsche Cayman GT4 CS-Sttugart Motorsport-136 Laps
2-718-Santos\Tesser\Muller-Porsche Cayman GT4 CS-Sttugart Motorsport +1 Lap
3-5-Henry e Enzo Visconde\Kim Camelo-Audi RS3 LMS TCR-Eurobike +6 Laps
4-56-Servidone\Maciel-Audi A3 DTCC-Mamba Negra Racing +20 Laps
5-44-Buzzaid\Gorayeb-BMW M2 GT4-Eurobike +38 Laps
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bpfbanjar · 29 days
Dolar AS Di Jalur Penurunan Mingguan Keempat Jelang Pidato Powell
PT BESTPROFIT FUTURES BANJARMASIN – Dolar AS memangkas kenaikan pada hari Kamis (22/8) di tengah arus perdagangan yang tipis karena pasar menunggu pidato Kepala Fed Jerome Powell pada hari Jumat nanti di Jackson Hole. PT. BESTPROFIT Volume di pasar spot di G-10 berjalan sekitar 60% dari rata-rata terkini, kata seorang pedagang yang berbasis di Eropa; data DTCC menunjukkan arus opsi berada pada…
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gabicna · 1 month
Discover the Top CNA Programs in Delaware: Your Path to a Rewarding Healthcare Career
Title: Discover the Top CNA Programs in Delaware: Your Path to a Rewarding Healthcare Career
Meta Title: Top​ CNA Programs in Delaware‌ for Aspiring Healthcare Professionals
Meta Description: Explore the‍ best CNA programs in Delaware ⁢to kickstart your career in healthcare. Find out​ how to choose the right program for you and‍ take the first step towards becoming‍ a certified nursing‌ assistant.
Introduction: Are you passionate about​ helping others and interested‍ in ​pursuing a career in ⁤healthcare? Becoming a Certified Nursing ‌Assistant (CNA) could be the perfect starting point for you. CNAs play a vital role in providing basic care to ⁢patients in various healthcare settings, such as hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities.
If you’re based in Delaware and looking for top-notch CNA programs to jumpstart ⁢your healthcare career, you’ve‍ come to the ​right​ place. In‍ this article, we’ll explore the⁤ best ‍CNA programs in Delaware, highlighting key features of each program and providing practical tips​ on how to choose the right one for ‍you.
Benefits of Pursuing a ⁢CNA ⁢Program: Before we delve into the top CNA programs in Delaware, ​let’s take a⁢ look at ⁣some of the benefits of pursuing a career as a⁢ Certified Nursing Assistant:
1. High Demand: The demand ‍for CNAs ​is ‍on the rise, making it a stable and secure career choice. 2. Quick Entry:​ CNA programs typically have shorter training periods compared to other healthcare professions, allowing​ you to start working in the field sooner. 3. Hands-On Experience: ⁣CNAs have direct interaction with patients, providing valuable hands-on experience in patient care. 4. Career Growth: With additional training and certifications,⁣ CNAs can advance their careers and pursue ⁣roles such as Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or⁤ Registered Nurse (RN).
Top CNA Programs in Delaware: Now, let’s explore the top CNA programs in Delaware that can help you kickstart your career in ⁢healthcare:
1. Delaware Technical⁢ Community College (DTCC): – DTCC offers ‍a comprehensive CNA program that​ covers essential topics such as patient care, infection⁤ control, and medical terminology. – Program Duration: 4-6 weeks – Location: Multiple campuses across​ Delaware – Website: www.dtcc.edu
2. ⁢Dawn Career Institute: – Dawn Career ⁢Institute provides hands-on training and clinical experience ‌to prepare students for a successful career as a CNA. – Program Duration:‌ 5-8 weeks – Location: Wilmington, DE – Website: www.dawncareerinstitute.edu
3.‍ New Castle County Vocational Technical‌ School: – This vocational‍ school offers a CNA program with a focus on practical skills and real-world experience in healthcare‍ settings. – Program Duration: 6-10 weeks – Location: New ⁣Castle, DE – Website: www.nccvt.k12.de.us
How to Choose the Right CNA Program: When selecting a CNA‌ program⁤ in Delaware, consider the following factors to ensure you ⁣find the ‍right ⁤fit for your career goals:
1. Accreditation:⁣ Choose a program that is accredited by the Delaware‍ Department of Health and Social Services​ to ensure ‌quality education and training. 2. Curriculum: Look for ⁣programs that cover essential ⁢CNA⁣ skills and ⁣provide hands-on training in real healthcare settings. 3. Cost: Consider the program fees and financial aid options available to determine the affordability of the program. 4. Location: Choose ‍a program located conveniently to you to minimize travel time and expenses. 5. Career Services: Look for programs that offer job placement assistance and career support ⁤to help you ⁤secure employment after graduation.
Conclusion: Embarking on a career as a‍ Certified ‌Nursing Assistant in Delaware can be a rewarding and‍ fulfilling journey. By enrolling in⁤ one of the top CNA programs mentioned above, you can acquire the skills and knowledge needed to excel in this dynamic ⁣field of healthcare. Remember⁢ to carefully consider the program’s accreditation, curriculum, ⁤cost, location, and career services to make​ an informed⁣ decision that aligns with your career aspirations.
Whether you’re a⁣ recent high school graduate, career changer, or aspiring healthcare‍ professional, pursuing ‌a CNA program in‌ Delaware can set you on the path to a successful and rewarding career in healthcare. ⁣Take the first⁢ step towards achieving your ‍goals by exploring the top CNA programs in Delaware today.
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mastersofkaosrecords · 2 months
9sd9-ww5t y44k-ws2b yec2-hswx 26hd-vdcp dzcc-6cs2 ptjc-yhcc jhcq-6xsy 6chf-yvwr kscx-39dd njss-h9xc lg4s-5tmw 4tsc-bb9s cnqc-wh6l cw84-c58j shz4-w3bk p42j-wsl9 8sx8-cs5t h738-w2mc hwxy-cdkw hsey-xcg4 447n-jwrm 4cwl-kwc6 ehhj-k4sy g44r-gqwr ycsd-3zdd 2j4c-hzxc d9sc-5gmw st44-b39s xks4-kwc2 jyqh-y4sc 72gs-bqcw llks-wzds 4eye-ctxd c7ug-wbmc clwz-cckw csjz-xwg4 shbu-vsrm s4dd-6sc6 ps4p-klsy jh2e-cdx9 6clg-wcat kssz-cc3b zq4n-xwdx ngsx-vssp wkhs-6sc2 ezes-ylsc b26c-bmcw dxyc-w6ds sekq-cgxd sr39-w3mc x9hh-eyvw hy4s-br6s h2ps-wl9l 4l9c-cagj 4ctc-wbrk ehnq-ccx9 g4d9-wwat ys4k-cw3b tjc2-hsdx 2ghd-vdsp dtcc-6dc2 h4xw-kcs6 jccq-6hcy 9hhf-yvdr z4cx-bkwd ness-h9lc w64s-58vw czsc-b26s c2qc-wh9l sx84-cegj scz4-w3rk ps2j-cwx9 hqkp-c8ld hb38-wrvc 4xxy-cdzw 44ey-xc84 4s7n-jcbm chwl-kws6 echj-6xcy gs4r-gqdr thsd-39wd 2e4c-hzlc d8sc-5tvw u94l-jccp xys4-kws2 qkqh-gxcc fngs-bqsw ldks-w9ws cjye-ctld cbug-w2vc cdwz-cczw s4jz-xw84 scbu-jwbm ssdd-6ss6 h4zs-wrbk jc2e-cdl9 9hlg-wd5t z4sz-cc2b zp4n-xcwx 36sx-jwcp
#sweden #blackmetal
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hi-tech-multiplex · 3 months
CODE You are given a tree with n nodes. Each node has a value assigned with it. The cost of a path is defined as the summation of all the values assigned to nodes that belong to the path. The root of the tree is node number 1. Cost of path example The cost of the path 6 -> 5 -> 3 -> 1 in the above tree is 42 + 31 + 20 + 10 = 103. A Vertical Path in a tree is the path that is going up towards…
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blockchainfeed · 4 months
Amid growing anticipation about the potential approval of a spot Ether exchange-traded fund (ETF) in the United States, global investment manager VanEck's ETF has been listed by the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) under the ticker s #Blockchain #Crypto
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tradermade · 4 months
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Exciting news in the crypto world! https://markets.tradermade.com/cryptocurrency/crypto-surge-ethereum-etf-bitcoin-resilient. VanEck's Ethereum spot ETF is listed on DTCC under ticker $ETHV, igniting a 31% surge in Ethereum price! Meanwhile, Bitcoin remains resilient above $69,000 despite a minor dip.
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market-news-24 · 4 months
Catch up on the most seismic shifts in the crypto world from the past week! From groundbreaking regulations to jaw-dropping Market moves, our comprehensive roundup delves into the key events that have every crypto enthusiast buzzing. Stay informed and ahead of the curve with the latest and greatest headlines impacting the digital currency universe. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] 12h18 ▪ 4 min of reading ▪ by Luc Jose A. Between revolutionary announcements, technological evolutions, and regulatory turbulence, the crypto ecosystem continues to prove that it is both a territory of limitless innovations and a battleground for regulatory and economic struggles. Here is a summary of the most significant news from the past week around Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance, and Solana, etc. The Spectacular Rebound of Stablecoins with a 25% Increase Stablecoins have recently experienced a spectacular 25% increase in their Market capitalization. This notable increase, observed between mid-October and mid-April, reflects a massive influx of capital into cryptos. Investors use stablecoins as a safe haven during periods of volatility, which demonstrates renewed confidence in the cryptocurrency Market. The recent stabilization of these assets’ capitalizations could indicate a waiting phase for investors before new significant moves. 1 Bitcoin Per Day: El Salvador’s Visionary Bet for Its Economic Future The Salvadoran president Nayib Bukele reaffirms his commitment to Bitcoin by announcing that the country will continue to buy one Bitcoin per day until crypto becomes unaffordable with fiat currencies. Since September 2021, El Salvador has adopted Bitcoin as legal tender and launched a daily purchase program in November 2022 to build long-term reserves. Currently, El Salvador holds 5,748 BTC, representing over $360 million, with a gain of $57 million. The government has also set up a cold wallet to secure these holdings. This ambitious strategy reflects El Salvador’s confidence in Bitcoin’s economic potential, despite a still limited adoption among the population. Chainlink Revolutionizes Fund Tokenization with the Support of Major Banks The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) successfully conducted a pilot project on fund tokenization in collaboration with Chainlink and several major US banks, including JPMorgan and BNY Mellon. The project, named Smart NAV, aims to standardize and accelerate the tokenization of traditional assets using Chainlink’s Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) to integrate net asset value (NAV) data across various blockchains. This initiative promises to transform fund management and improve financial transaction efficiency through smooth and secure data integration. 5 Years in Prison for the Tornado Cash Developer Alexey Pertsev, the developer of the Tornado Cash protocol, was sentenced to 5 years and 4 months in prison by a Dutch court for facilitating the laundering of $1.2 billion through his application. This highly controversial decision penalizes Pertsev for allowing the malicious use of his open-source
code for illicit activities, although Tornado Cash is a non-custodial application without direct control over the funds. This verdict raises questions about the responsibility of decentralized application developers and the implications for the future of crypto anonymization tools. Crypto: The Revolutionary Test Between Mastercard and Standard Chartered Mastercard and Standard Chartered have successfully conducted the first live test of the Multi-Token Network (MTN), carried out as part of the Fintech Supervisory Sandbox of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA). This test focused on the tokenization of carbon credits, using atomic swaps to ensure simultaneous and irreversible transactions. This initiative demonstrates the potential of tokenization to improve the flexibility and security of financial transactions. Mastercard and Standard Chartered thus demonstrate their role as pioneers in integrating blockchain technologies into the financial sector. Discover our newsletter This link uses an affiliate program. Maximize your Cointribune experience with our 'Read to Earn' program! Earn points for each article you read and gain access to exclusive rewards. Sign up now and start accruing benefits.Click here to join 'Read to Earn' and turn your passion for crypto into rewards! Luc Jose A. Diplômé de Sciences Po Toulouse et titulaire d'une certification consultant blockchain délivrée par Alyra, j'ai rejoint l'aventure Cointribune en 2019. Convaincu du potentiel de la blockchain pour transformer de nombreux secteurs de l'économie, j'ai pris l'engagement de sensibiliser et d'informer le grand public sur cet écosystème en constante évolution. Mon objectif est de permettre à chacun de mieux comprendre la blockchain et de saisir les opportunités qu'elle offre. Je m'efforce chaque jour de fournir une analyse objective de l'actualité, de décrypter les tendances du marché, de relayer les dernières innovations technologiques et de mettre en perspective les enjeux économiques et sociétaux de cette révolution en marche. DISCLAIMER The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this article belong solely to the author, and should not be taken as investment advice. Do your own research before taking any investment decisions. function launch_facebook_pixel() !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '399446674556272'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); function launch_google_analytics() var el = document.createElement('script'); el.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); el.setAttribute('async', true); el.setAttribute('src', '//www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-MCDLS7NHBD'); document.body.append(el); window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer function launch_linkedin_pixel() function launch_microsoft_clarity() if (typeof window.clarity !== 'undefined') window.clarity("consent"); function launch_loyalty_program_1world() if (typeof window.OWOStorageSolutionManager !== 'undefined' && typeof window.OWOStorageSolutionManager.allow !== 'undefined') window.OWOStorageSolutionManager.allow(); (function(w,d,s,l,i)w[l]=w[l]) (window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-KCC4DFK'); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() var el = document.createElement('script'); el.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
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This made some traders really frustrated and worried about the security and reliability of crypto platforms. What should I do if I want to invest in Bitcoin now? If you're thinking about investing in Bitcoin now, it's a good idea to first do your research and maybe consult with a financial advisor. Remember, crypto prices can be very unpredictable and volatile. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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motorsportverso · 1 month
Inscritos Road to 1000 Milhas Velocita
420-Turco Malik-Mercedes-AMG GT4-AMG Motorsport
64-Marcos Philippe-Chevrolet Cruze Stock Car
4-Murilo França\Orige-Mercedes-AMG GT4-AMG Motorsport
17-José Cordova\Claudio Kyrilla-Fiat Linea
58-Mazzatti\Turin\Pini\Costa-Audi A3 DTCC
25-Ney Faustini\Igor Taques-ABS01-Absoluta Racing
72-Carlos e Yuri Antunes-MRX-ADS
6-Caio Larceda\Guerra-Spyder-HT Guerra
12-Mauro Kern-GEE BEE R1-HT Guerra
7-André Gonçalves-Spyder
960-Alejandro Cignetti-MRX
210-Paulo de Carli\Paulo de Carli Filho-MRX
111-Lira\Teixera\Matos-Ford Corrier
27-Rafael Pombo\Fabio e Eduardo Baggio-Renault Sandero RS-Pombo 27 Racing
14-Geraldo\Felipe\Renato-Ford Fiesta
3-Benedetti\Azzoni\Justo-VW UP TSI-Call Fax Racing
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rauthschild · 4 months
Chainlink (LINK) Price Jumps 7% as DTCC Completes Pilot to Accelerate RWA Tokenization with JPMorgan, Franklin Templeton, BNY Mellon Participating
Unbeknownst to the general public, cryptocurrency is being used by rogue governments and Banks to circumvent their own sanctions, trade embargo and to finance foreign for profit corporate mercenary wars.
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cryptogids · 5 months
Weekend Roundup: Zuid-Korea, VK, ETF's en Ethereum's PoS
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Het afgelopen weekend bracht weer een reeks gebeurtenissen in de wereld van cryptocurrency, van de voortdurende strijd tegen criminele activiteiten tot de evolutie van regelgeving en de verwachtingen rondom Ethereum's Proof of Stake-systeem. Hieronder volgt een samenvatting van de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen die de crypto-industrie hebben getekend. Crypto Criminaliteitseenheden in Zuid-Korea: Zuid-Korea neemt stappen om zijn crypto misdaad eenheid permanent te maken, in het licht van een toename van verdachte transacties. Met een geplande upgrade naar een permanent departement hoopt het land de groeiende fraude aan te pakken en de veiligheid van digitale activa te waarborgen. Deze veranderingen zullen een breder gesprek over regelgeving en veiligheid in de industrie aanwakkeren. Nieuwe Wetten in het VK voor Illegale Cryptocurrency: Het VK heeft nieuwe wetten aangenomen waardoor de politie illegale cryptovaluta zonder voorafgaande arrestaties kan inbeslagnemen en vernietigen. Met deze wetten wil het VK georganiseerde criminaliteit die gebruik maakt van digitale valuta voor het witwassen van geld bestrijden. Deze stap markeert een belangrijke ontwikkeling in de aanpak van crypto-gerelateerde criminaliteit en benadrukt de noodzaak van internationale samenwerking. ETF-verwachtingen en Ethereum's Prijsanalyse: De Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) heeft de Ethereum spot ETF van Franklin Templeton genoteerd voor creatie en inwisseling, wat de verwachtingen voor goedkeuring van ETF's heeft aangewakkerd. Terwijl beleggers wachten op goedkeuring van de SEC, volgen ze nauwlettend de prijsbewegingen van Ethereum en de mogelijke impact van institutionele participatie op de markt. Tegelijkertijd heeft DTCC aangekondigd dat het geen waarde meer zal hechten aan cryptogebaseerde ETF's, wat de complexiteit van het regelgevingslandschap benadrukt. Verdediging van Ethereum's PoS door Buterin: Vitalik Buterin verdedigt de verschuiving van Ethereum van PoW naar PoS en benadrukt de voordelen van deze transitie voor de efficiëntie en duurzaamheid van het netwerk. Met een drastische vermindering van het energieverbruik heeft Ethereum's overstap naar PoS belangrijke vragen opgeroepen over de toekomst van blockchain-technologie en de balans tussen decentralisatie en duurzaamheid. Buterin's analyse werpt licht op de bredere implicaties van Ethereum's ontwikkeling voor de gehele crypto-industrie. Het afgelopen weekend heeft een reeks gebeurtenissen onthuld die de koers van de crypto-industrie zullen bepalen. Terwijl regelgevers hun greep op de markt versterken en investeerders wachten op de goedkeuring van nieuwe financiële instrumenten, staat Ethereum op de voorgrond van technologische innovatie en duurzaamheid. Deze ontwikkelingen benadrukken de noodzaak van een evenwichtige aanpak van regelgeving en technologische vooruitgang om de volledige potentie van de crypto-industrie te realiseren. Read the full article
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