#ds crossberry
ngqueen · 2 years
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Lolz happy Valentine’s day!
Have this redraw from two years ago! <3
Both characters belong to @onebizarrekai
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sanscestships · 4 years
“Deal” DS!Crossberry-Guardian/Destroyer Headcanon (Oneshot, DS!CrossxDS!Blue)
Created on: 10/26/20
Requested by: No one. I got bored again and wanted to do a rare pair while making things more interesting while doing DreamSwap (by onebizarrekai btw you should go check them out. i know they have a tumblr for sure)
as for the "Guardian/Destroy Headcanon" part. There's a headcanon that Cross is the guardian of the AUs and Blue is the destroyer of AUs because their swapped with Ink and Error. While canonically this is not true, there's a headcanon and i decided to try it out.
Cross was ticked as hell. No, he was livid.
Once again, he went to Taco Bell, ate his tacos, Blue had drugged the tacos somehow, he fell asleep, he woke up, and several AUs were destroyed while he was passed out.
He didn't know HOW that annoying blue scarfed destroyer kept doing it, but he needed to find a way to stop it.
Obviously, he had absolutely no intention of stop ordering from Taco Bell. He and the rest of the Meme Squad loved the tacos from Taco Bell and would absolutely live off it along with chocolate. And not ALL of the tacos he got from there were drugged by Blue.
Unfortunately, this also made it difficult for him to know if he should eat a taco or not.
No, he couldn't get one of his friends to try it. He was NOT going to risk Error or Nightmare getting knocked out because he didn't want to eat a taco himself. No he wasn't going to ask a stranger to test taste for him either. No, again, he wasn't going to stop eating Taco Bell tacos.
Then he decided he was going to go to Blue's house in Outertale, kick the fucking door down, beat the shit out of that annoying flirt, and make him stop drugging his GOD DAMN TACOS HE JUST WANTS TO EAT IN PEACE!
With that plan in mind, he quickly made a portal to the small house they all shared. If he didn't come back, he at least wanted his friends to know where he was. Stepping into the wooden floor of their kitchen, he spotted Error drinking coffee again-WAIT HOLY SHIT ERROR WAS DRINKING COFFEE AGAINASGOHISGHASOGIRHAGAERIOG-
"Error!" And it was at the moment Error knew. He fucked up. "I thought Night and I said no more drinking coffee after 4:00 PM! It's fucking 9:37. Wait a sec- DID THAT INK DOUCHEBAG DO SOMETHING TO YOU? I SWEAR I'M GONNA-"
"NONONONONONONO!" The hooded cinnamon roll quickly put the mug down, stepping between me and the door with his arms flailing around. "It's fine it's fine! I just felt like drinking coffee I swear! Ink has nothing to do with it!"
Sighing in relief that the emo bastard hadn't touched the bean, he proceeded to pretend nothing important was going to happen. "I just came over to say that I'm going to Blue's to kick his ass. If I don't come back, it means I did not kick Blue's ass. Okay?"
"Do you want us to come with you?" Error had that look on his face again. The one that said "I'm not 100% sure this is a good idea but if we're going for it I'll absolutely give way more than 500%".
"Nah, I think I can handle Blue. Plus, you should probably keep Nightmare company. I'll be fine."
Cross was not fine.
Not fine at all.
He went to Outertale, expecting Blue to be out so he could ambush him in his room. That way, he'll have the absolute advantage over him. Kicking the door down, the monochrome guardian stepped in ticked as hell to be greeted with being grabbed with strings and being hung upside down.
"Well well well~"
Shit. Flirty tone. Strings. Being face to face with a glitchy eye and snarky face. Yep, it was Blue.
"GOD DAMMIT BLUE! PUT ME DOWN AND STOP DRUGGING MY FUCKING TACOS!" Stupidly, he started flailing in the strings trying to escape. However with each and every movement, he only entangled himself further.
"Oh? And why should I?" The cocky little bastard was definitely amused by this, just standing in front of Cross as he eventually got himself so wrapped up he couldn't move anymore.
"FU-" And like that, he was dropped head first onto the floor. Groaning, he quickly grabbed the huge knife strapped onto his back and got into a battle position. "Listen Blueberry, I'm sick and tired of having to deal with not being able to eat tacos without falling asleep. So quit it before things get messy."
Obviously, that got Blue to stop and think. Though he destroyed AUs, he didn't actually enjoy the blood and misery it brought. Cross could never understand why he destroyed AUs anyway though. Was he hired to do it? Obviously not by that best friend stealer who thinks he has the right to look at one little crime someone made and say "okay you go die now". The knife wielding skeleton knew the string user well. Everything he did had a means to an end.
That didn't mean it was always an actually good reason though.
"How about a deal," Well shit, another negotiation. Cross wondered what it was going to be this time. Another theft from JR? Maybe another prank on Ink? He really didn't know with the destroyer. As much as he knew about him, he could also be unpredictable at times. "In exchange for no more taco druggings, you have to be my new guinea pig."
Wait wha-
"Wait, guinea pig? FOR WHAT?!" Cross did NOT like the sound of being someone's toy to play with. Especially not after what happened to his AU. He'd been a pawn in XFrickster's plan to be the "best story". And he did NOT LIKE THE SOUND OF BEING ANYWHERE NEAR THAT AGAIN.
"Calm down, I'm not going to do any weird mad scientist stuff." The glitchy eyed skeleton folded his arms, shaking his head like he was dealing with an idiotic 5 year old. In a way, he was. Cross wasn't going to deny that he could make some very questionable decisions at times. "I meant I want you to be a taste tester for me. I cook as a hobby but sometimes I'll throw random stuff in a dish to see what it tastes like. I'm merely using you as both a taste tester and a second opinion."
Oh, that was totally reassuring.
Him throwing random crap in food he has to agree to try is absolutely reassuring. But, it was this or not be able to eat tacos without being paranoid and boy would that be hell.
He knew his answer. And he did NOT LIKE that it was between this and either no tacos or AU destruction.
"Fine, but you better not poison me or feed me crap Blueberry."
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onebizarrekai · 6 years
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Oh boy.
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dante1138 · 7 years
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@onebizarrekai here’s a Crue child! XD I don’t know what I’m doing. Name: Ziggy
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ngqueen · 4 years
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happy Valentine’s day!~
Dreamswap by @onebizarrekai
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