sapphire-heart-tippy · 4 months
I was thinking for the part 5 guys:
Bruno: some kind of forest spirit/dryad
Abbaccio: drow/dark elf
Mista: a faun or satyr maybe?
Narancia: harpy/birdfolk
Fugo: perhaps also a naga like Bel
Giorno: a fairy or elf like Dio?
Trish could be a sphinx and Diavolo could be a chimera with Diavolo as the lion head, Doppio as the goat head and King Crimson as the snake tail xD
Oooh yeah!! These are really cool 😎✨
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headoverjojo · 5 years
Human wandering in the woods discovers Forest nymph Giorno! How would they become friends and lead into a more intimate relationship? [ would love a scenario but headcannon is totally fine, please and thank you! Love your blog, your scenarios are really great and they make my day, thank you again ]
Hello there, darling! Waaaaa I liked so much to write this!! Maybe fantasy AUs are becoming a weakness of mine? And thank you for you kind words hhhhn :,)
Human reader meets forest nymph Giorno Giovanna
(Under the cut for length!)
It was such a pretty day. The sun was high and warm, but the leafy trees shadowed you from the direct rays. You smiled, following an old path in the forest not so far from the little town you were staying at the moment; it seemed not to be frequented a lot and the owner of the little hotel you were staying had said that the forest was hunted. How funny! Still, you had to admit that the forest really had a sort of mystic halo…
The air seemed to be pervaded by a low buzz, as little creatures were talking among them. Of course you didn’t believe there were actually little magic creatures in the forest; it was just an acoustic effect. And even the greenish thin haze that seemed to twirl at every step you took, sometimes framed by the rays of sun that filtered through the leaves; this too was a visual illusion: it was the light filtered by the green leaves, nothing more.
Around lunch time -or you thought so; you had forgotten your watch at the hotel- you stopped in a little clearing dominated by just one young oak tree. You sat under the tree, with a sigh of relief, stretching your legs and leaning your back on the trunk. The leaves nicely shadowed your little nest and a soft breeze was brushing your face and hair in a so relieving way… maybe you could allow yourself to take a short nap…
“So you are a human…” you frowned, hearing an unknown voice, in your sleepy daze. It was a really pretty voice, soft, almost ethereal. Weird… you opened your eyes, thinking it was the wind -or a sort of residual of a dream- and found in front of you the cutest face you’ve ever seen.
The boy’s hair was blond, no, not simply blond: it was as golden as the sun, as the summer wheat gently brushed by the warm wind that rolled from the sea… and his eyes! His eyes were turquoise crystalline pools, as the ones you saw just on magazines about far, paradisiac shores.
He tilted his head to a side, his braid gently swaying over his bare shoulder. Just then you noticed that the boy wasn’t dressed, or, better, he had just a cloth around his waist, but nothing more. You blushed, drawing back a little, arousing more curiosity in the strange boy, who followed your movements, keeping his face at a span from yours.
“Hu-human? What do you mean? Of course I’m human. What should I be?” you replied, nervously chuckling. He seemed strange, but not dangerous…
“Well, I never saw a human before. And I live here since long, long time. Humans don’t enter the forest. No one told you? It’s inhabited by spirits.” he said, while your eyes widened. No, it can’t be true… that boy must surely be crazy. There wasn’t other explanation.
Still… you payed more attention at his tanned face sprayed by some pale freckles on his nose and cheeks. All in all… he seemed a bit ethereal? Like he wasn’t totally of this world… and were his ears pointed? Like an elf from a book. And some parts of his neck and arms seemed a bit coriaceus, as they were made by rough wood…
“What are you?” you finally whispering, flashed by a smile from him. He drew back a little, still crouched in front of you, content to have been asked so.
“I’m a Dryad, dear human. My name is Giorno Giovanna and I’m tied to this oak that is shading you right now. What’s your name?” he asked, even with a little bow. You let out a slow breath, admiring the… Dryad? Apparently. The Dryad in front of you, trying to find your voice again.
“I’m… I’m Y/N.” you managed to murmur, rewarded by another flashing smile.
“Such a pretty name! Y/N…” you liked the way your name rolled on his tongue. It seemed almost as a spell, a good one. A really magic word.
“Are… you hungry? Do you eat human food?” you asked, bringing out of your backpack a couple of sandwiches. He studied them, curious and perplexed, shaking his head.
“Usually no… but I could try a bite.” he murmured, pensive. You smiled a little, dividing one of the sandwich and handing it to him. You couldn’t contain the giggle that escaped your mouth at his perplexed face, while he studied the piece of sandwich from every angle. He was cute…!
And, after the first, timid bite at the sandwich, Giorno Giovanna found out he absolutely loved it.
You laughed, seeing the look of pure amazement on Giorno’s face. From then, he started to ask you every kind of things about human world, how it worked, what were all those strange things humans always used, and there were sandwiches everywhere?!
You didn’t even noticed that you had talked with him for all the afternoon until the light dimmed drastically. Giorno got up, now careful, on guard. His eyes gleamed in the twilight, bright turquoise lightnings that flashed in the darker and darker surrounding.
“You can’t stay here at night. Soon the Fairy Queen will wake up from her slumber and ride through the forest. She can’t find you here!” he grabbed your hand, hastily tugging you through the path you walked that morning. His hand was warm and dry, his grip strong, as he ran through the forest, fast and agile, bringing you with him. He just stopped a bit behind the border trees, pushing you out of the forest’s borders.
“I can’t go beyond this point. Please, come again, some day! I’d wish to talk more with you.” he asked, a plea in his eyes. You couldn’t deny this to him. And you too wanted to know more about his world…
“I’ll come tomorrow. I promise.” you said, making him smile again that bright smile that always managed to almost blind you.
“I’ll wait for you, Y/N!” in a blow of wind the blond simply disappeared. You blinked, as you were slowly waking up from a daze, and shook your head. Well, that was a strange dream…
But, the day after, you found yourself in the forest again, as you were pulled by a mysterious force. Again under the solitary oak, again facing the smiling Dryad Giorno Giovanna. And so it was the day after and the one after that and so on, for weeks. From the hotel you had moved to a little cottage from which you could see the forest and work from home. You never told anyone the real reason of your moving house; no one could have understood or believed you.
“But… are you sure that this is the right place for you, Y/N? From your stories, you seemed happy in the city.” Giorno mused, one day, while gently braiding your hair and decorating it with small flowers. You hummed, relaxed, enjoying his slender fingers through your locks.
“Yeah, I was, it’s true. But I am happy here too.” you replied, leaning on his chest, enjoying his nice scent. He smelled of grass, of pine, of wood. It was a earthy scent, something that made you feel at ease, at home. You catched a glimpse of his flashing smile, while his arms came to rest around you, in a gesture that, he had learned, was called hug.
“And you’re happy here with me?” he asked again, nuzzling his face in your cheek, making you giggle. During the time spent together, he had learnt a lot of affectionate gestures, but still not the boundaries. It was natural, for him, to show his affection in a physical way, he didn’t see anything wrong in it. And you never had the heart to correct him: not when you were receiving so genuine affectionate gestures, not when you actively enjoyed them. You, well… you never had a friend like him. He cared, for real. He listened to you, he was interested in what you were saying. He wanted to understand you and, well… he seemed not want to leave you.
It was so bizarre that you had to fall into a sort of magic world to find a person like this.
“I’m more than happy with you, Giorno.” you replied, sincere. Giorno smiled, his eyes slowly grazing your traits, your thin eyelashes, the curve of your nose, the soft hills of your lips…
He never felt a urge so strong. Since he knew you, however, a lot of things changed in his life. He wasn’t alone anymore. With you he felt so at ease, so warm… you were warmer than the sun that always kissed his oak’s leaves. You were making him feel things that he never thought he could feel.
“Y/N… is it bad if I want to kiss you, now?” he asked, almost in a whisper. You snapped your eyes open, turning to him, surprised. Would he really…?
“I-it’s… it’s not bad…” you replied, baffled, feeling your heart galloping so fast that seemed on the verge to break your rib cage. Giorno smiled again, a sweet, sweet smile, before placing those same lips on yours, his fingertips gently brushing your jaw.
He didn’t know how to kiss, it was obvious. But this was not a problem: you gently sank your fingers in his fluffy hair, kissing him, showing him the practical way how to do it. And he was a fast learner: after just a little, he was kissing you back with your same intensity, your same sentiment. You never felt like this before…
After a while, you broke the kiss, pressing your forehead on his, staring in his half-lidded eyes. A bubbling laugh escaped your lips, as you caressed his smiling and dreamy face.
“How… how will we make this work?” you asked in a whisper, gladly welcoming Giorno’s lips for another sweet, quick kiss.
“As we made our friendship work. It will go all well.” he answered, honestly, before kissing you again, sweetly pleading you to keep these thought for another time. Now and here was more important…
Now and here you were together for sure. Now and here you were kissing under the oak which was Giorno’s home.
Now and here you were happy.
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belphiesreverie · 5 years
Dryad!Giorno x reader
The first mythical creature scenario is for @helenapizzatime who gave me complete creative freedom over her husbando
Noise had always been a constant in your life. The traffic outside your house, the chatter of everyone around you; it seemed almost inescapable sometimes. It wasn’t as if you hated noise though. On the contrary noise had often served as a distraction from your mundane life, reminding you that even if it felt like you were stuck in time the world around you was still turning. Recently however, you had been searching for a place void of all distraction which was what had led you to the woods.
Nobody ever dared venture near the woods, refusing to even step foot in the ouskirts. You knew there would be no chance of anyone bothering you here. With your sketchbook clutched firmly in your arms, you slowly pushed your way through the trees that spread far as the eye could see. Another reason for traversing this unknown path was to document the beauty that it held inside. You had far grown bored of drawing the streets you saw daily or the people who walked the same route to work.
There were stories passed around by children and adults alike that a man lived in the woods. But he wasn’t human. The fear of the unknown was what kept people out; they were afraid of this mystery man who nobody knows even exists. Not one to back down to fear, you pressed even further through the trees. If such a man did exist, you doubted you would see him. The woods were too vast and dense that you would easily get lost if you strayed from the path that seemed naturally formed.
The rustling of leaves startled you, but you didn’t think much of it. This was the woods after all and many animals must have been living in here. Focusing back in front of yourself, you searched for a place to sit. A small opening would be nice but you doubted you’d find anything like that out here. Settling for a large oak tree, you set your bag down before sitting with your back against the trunk. Surveying the area around you, you found a clump of foxgloves that were fully blossomed. As you were grabbing a pencil from your case, a voice startled you.
“What are you doing out here?”
Jumping up from your place on the floor, you whipped your head in every direction but you couldn’t find where the voice was coming from.
“It’s not safe to be out here on your own. You could get lost.”
The voice spoke again. It seemed to come from every direction at the same time. The unknown speaker seemed to be concerned but you couldn’t tell due to the heavy distortion of their voice.
“Who are you?”
You weren’t expecting a response but it couldn’t hurt to ask. Yet, the voice spoke again. Clearer. Crisper. You could ascertain the locaton this time; it was coming from the large oak tree you were resting on not too long ago.
“Haven’t you heard the stories? The ones about the man who lives in the woods?”
You expected to feel afraid. The inhuman creature that lives in the woods was taking to you. The same creature that makes everyone afraid of the woods was looming above you, yet you weren’t afraid. His voice had a quality to it that seemed to calm your nerves, make you trust him. There was no hostility in his tone, no reason to be afraid.
“I’ve heard the tales, but I never believed them.”
A deep chuckle came from the being. Yet again, it wasn’t snide or sarcastic, rather intrigued. The leaves on the oak tree began to move as you assumed the creature began to climb down towards the ground.
“And why is that?”
His voice now came from just above the first few branches. If you looked closely enough you could see his feet. Strangely enough, they looked human.
“I had no reason to believe them until now.”
“Fair enough. May I ask again my earlier question, what are you doing out here?”
“What’s it to you?”
Another small chuckle came from him as he lowered himself to the ground but stayed hidden behind the trunk of the tree.
“Well this is my home. Technically you’re trespassing.”
You froze. He may sound friendly and welcoming, but he was correct. You were on his territory and he could attack you at any moment.
“I- I just wanted to draw the scenery. I apologise if I overstepped my bounds. I’ll be on my way now.”
You bent down to grab your sketchbook which you had dropped in your panic earlier, but a hand firmly held your wrist. Looking up from the hand, you saw the face of the man who had been hiding from you so far. He had a rather peculiar hairstyle with three donut shapes at the front leading into a braid that cascaded down his back. All throughout his golden hair was small flowers interwoven with his locks.
Realising he had been holding onto your wrist, he let it go quickly, almost as if he was flustered. He took a few steps away from you which allowed you to see him fully. His skin had the complexion of a normal humans but the green, mosslike substance that covered his whole body indicated otherwise. He wore a small skirt made of leaves and flowers on his lower halve but his chest was completely exposed. Vines seemed to originate from behind his neck and wrap around his arms and upper torso. If you had to describe him is one word it would be breathtaking.
“I-I don’t mind you staying, not at all. Actually... I was wondering if I could watch you draw. Of course you can leave if you want to, it’s just I haven’t had company in a while so...”
Slowly, you set yourself back down against the oak tree and pat the space next to you. The man’s eyes lit up but he quickly regained his composure and took the seat you had offered him. You picked up your sketchbook and grabbed a pencil before beginning to sketch out the foxgloves that you had wanted to draw earlier.
The two of you sat in a pleasant silence whilst you drew. You appreciated that he didn’t try to start any conversation whilst you were concentrating but you could feel that he wanted to talk so you placed your pencil down and turned towards him. He had been sat so close to you that when you turned your head, your noses were touching. Out of refex, you jumped back.
“Oh sorry, was I sitting too close?”
“Yeah... a little bit. Hey, you said you haven’t had company in a while, are there not more of your kind out here?”
“...No. Just me.”
He turned his head to look away from you, clearly upset. Shit.
“Um so, what do you do all day?”
“Y’know... watch over the trees. Keep them healthy.”
“Must get pretty boring.”
“It does.”
You fall into an awkward silence. You wish there was a way to cheer him up somehow, you did bring up such a sour topic after all. Before you could think of anything however, it’s started to pelt it down with rain. Worrying for your sketchbook, you quickly shoved it in your bag and jumped up to get to some shelter as fast as possible.
When you stood up, his hand instinctively grabbed yours. His features were contorted into a look of sadness as he scrambled to stand up next to you.
“Wait, don’t leave yet!”
“I have to, my sketchbook is gonna get ruined and I’ll catch a cold.”
“But I don’t want you to go! Can’t you stay for just a little while longer?”
“I’m sorry but I can’t.”
The hurt that you saw reflected in his eyes was enough to make you want to cry yourself. You could tell just how lonely he truly was.
“Look, I have to go but I promise I’ll come back tomorrow.”
“Really? You promise?”
His eyes shone with hope and gratitude. Just the mentioning of you coming back was enough to lift his mood. The smile that was etched into his face was absolutely mesmerising, even if it was just a small smile. You nodded your head in response to his question and turned to leave, but he pulled on the hand he still held in his grasp.
“Before you go... could you tell me your name?”
“It’s y/n.”
“Well y/n, I look forward to tomorrow!”
He lifted your hand to his face and placed a delicate kiss to the back of your hand before releasing it.
“Y-yeah, me too... uh...”
“Giorno. Giorno Giovanna.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow then, Giorno.”
And with that, you turned and headed down the path you had followed earlier.
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dongiovannaswife · 4 years
I. Tragedy; a parent’s heritage.
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part one (you’re here). part 2.  CW: body horror, blood, wounds, violence, major character death, mentions and use of weapons, alcohol. Stay safe. Feedback is always appreciated. 
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The court of the king Dio Brando. Known for the bizarre individuals that conformed it, serving to a man whose reign has been claiming the lives of innocents from the very beginning, when Brando and his men followed him into the crusade against the King Joestar.
It’s been twenty two years since they took over, killing Jonathan Joestar and his wife, the Queen Erina; taking their son, Giorno Joestar, as Dio’s. Making the boy believe his father was Dio.
Twenty two years and they still judge people like animals.
Just like the unfortunate (Y/n) right there; kneeling inside the cage made especially for humans; but treated as the one used for a bear that goes around the country giving shows with the talents of the caravans that drove around the kingdom.
And even there, she could swear the bears of the caravans were treated far better than she was.
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The rumors around the kingdom are strong; predominant and scary. And they were only rumors before (Y/n) felt them become real. Many men claimed it impossible to escape the king’s wrath. Most of those men were dead by now, having broken the rule to “do not use the king’s name in vain; if you must, use it only for praise.”
The court of the king Dio Brando. Known for its scary and bizarre individuals but feared by their way to make justice. In the spawn of two hours, she had already proved that.
As one of the guards profaned her parents memory with insults and curses, (Y/n) kept glaring back at the King even if her lip was bleeding, adding to the unknown fluids in the floor of the cage; a broken wrist that was the result from a battle against one of the guards in her attempt to escape through the frontier with the West kingdom and the man with two right hands that brought her here, poking her sides with his walking stick.
The King, however, stared back at her from his throne, comfortably sitting with his servant, a woman with brown skin and white hairs, feeding him wine when he turned his head. The mix of hatred and mocking making her feel like, if she could, she would rip off those bars and use one of them to impale the Ki—
The voice of the counselor, Vanilla Ice, resonated through the room, a feral tone on it, “My lord, if her parents had a debt with our kingdom then we shall take what’s ours!” The king looked at him, not liking the “our kingdom” part: for him, the Crimson Kingdom was all his.
Looking over at his counselor and glaring at him —effectively getting Vanilla Ice to lower his eyes like a scolded dog— and then, thinking about his suggestion for a moment, the King looked at her once again, amber eyes piercing through her; her courage, however, strong and unbreakable.
“What can you say on your defense?”
(Y/n) shook her head, hitting the bars of the cage, screaming in her mother tongue insults the King choose to ignore; but keeping the offenses as an extra punishment.
The executioner, a large man with a strange black hat —that gave the impression to have remnants of cloth sewed to the ends of it— got closer to the cage, dragging his axe through the floor with the sound of death; as he got closer to the cage the muscles of his arms flexed, lifting the heavy axe and hitting the bars with the end of the handle. The echo of the hit making her sit down, hands in her ears and whimper falling from her lips.
On the other side of the cage, Melone, —the one who saw her while she tried to escape through the cursed forest, ruled by the spirit Kira, the dryad no one wanted to come across with— laughed.
“Talk.” Commanded the king, a furious look on his usual stoic and sardonic face after being ignored and mocked.
The girl sat properly and with more effort than she thought she’ll need, spoke between elaborated breathing, her hearing still dizzy. “I can’t pay the debt.”
“And?” Dio asked, expecting something more; perhaps a certain addressing.
“—King Dio.” She mocked and Risotto hit the bars again, the metallic ringing making her to muffle a moan of pain on her palm.
The door opened and the prince Giorno entered, a sigh escaping his lips when he noticed the same routine from years now; his father and his court of assassins hurting someone. The King laughed, a welcoming laugh that echoed through the room, vigorous and juvenile; fake and venom like. “My son! Come here! Let’s show this poo—“
“I told you, father, ending an innocent life won’t make you a good king, you’re ruling with chaos and hate and those won’t make you wise; they make your reign useless.”
“Giorno.” Murmured the king, a fake admiration tone laced with his words, “You’re always so compassionate.”
”Useless, useless.” The prince said again, a mocking tone on his sweet, baritone voice; the same venom of his father reflected on his son. The difference, though, resided on their souls; one of them merciless and evil and the other, compassionate and kind.
 The king Dio felt his blood boil. He looked between his son and the girl, finding the resolve almost instantly.
“I won’t kill her.” The girl looked up, hope shining on her eyes. A hope buried by the next sentences. As the king kept talking his features turned darker, if he was named after a god then it was the god of the death.
“She’ll die here—” then, he looked briefly at her, and kept talking “—the debt will be paid with your services as a maid, you can’t go out. You can’t eat from here; the trash is your food. You’ll take a bath once a week but if you want to bath twice you must ask for permission. You won’t see the lights again— your rights don’t matter anymore; you’re a pet.”
Melone whistled; Risotto let his axe on his shoulder and even if the mask covered his face his red and black eyes held a mischievous light.  Vanilla Ice smiled, triumphal. The rest of the court erupted in a series of laughs, clapping and whistles, being followed by the signature anthem; “Hail to the king!”
Giorno looked at the girl, feeling culprit for his intervention; it was clear that his power as a young prince wouldn’t make anything against his father, a king with a long road of cruelty.
As the prince saw how the girl trembled between sobs and his father’s club of clowns laugh, the will to take over the reign became stronger than before. Buccellati’s words echoing through his mind, convincing him. The plans with the Reign of the south proving being the only way out, Bruno was a young king but, as his mother used to say, hope was the one to make things possible. And Bruno brought hope to his life.
Hope, as he always thought, almost as if that thought was a memory, “hope is our most treasured value.”
 Giorno couldn’t do anything, just watch as they took the cage with them, between laughs and mockeries. He couldn’t sit and see how they kept treating people like that so he turned his head to the opposite side.
“My son,” started Dio, walking down the steps and sitting in his throne; dismissing Mariah with a gesture. As soon as she left, Giorno approached his father, choosing to stand before him, just were the cage had been before. “You need to learn we can’t live from good intentions; if people see you as a kind hearted king they will try to climb over you.” Just like Jonathan. Dio thought as a twisted smile lifted the corners of his lips; Giorno’s teal eyes full of rage and impotence.
“You are clearly twisting the meaning of those words.”
The king snorted, dismissing his son with a gesture.
One day, Giorno thought, one day you’ll be the king of nothing.
   It’s been two years since (Y/n) started working for the King. In fact, she was supposed to work for the royal family, but Giorno never asked for anything.
They say that love is magical; your first will be that one that haunts you for the rest of your life if they really are your first love. And if they happen to be that person you’re destined to be with, things will be better.
If there was something he had shown towards her that was compassion and kindness. He had a certain way to say sorry in this subtle way that would make her question his motives; after a while, every time he would get her a small vine from the surroundings of the castle, she would take it, save it until Risotto smashed it with his feet when he came over to check on her.
They say that love is real, but hard to find. It’s a magic certainly, a magic that not even the witch Yukako could recreate, as she claimed.
And still, a year and half later, when a shy, first kiss was shared between the young lovers a promise, pure and longing like the love they held for each other started; blooming and bringing a sense of happiness to her sad heart and his enraged one.
 As the prince Giorno entered the canteen to reunite with Fugo, one of King Bruno’s men infiltrated in the kingdom living as a farmer, he could hear the exasperated rambling of one of the villagers towards another man at his side.
“I tell you, man, if the King Jonathan—“he dropped his voice when he mentioned the name, “was here he wouldn’t have us in this misery; the kingdom was such a brilliant place before he came.”
That made the prince’s ears peek.
Looking around once more and finding Fugo’s confused eyes directed at him, he quickly gestured for him to wait there, as he took a seat next to the man, dipping his head back and faking an accent. “Hey, who’s that king Jonathan you’re talkin’ about?”
The man looked over at him with fear, thinking it might be one of Dio’s men. “Uh- I was talking about a story. Yes.”
The prince couldn’t help but feel the need to reveal his identity, but he decided against it and instead, choose a lie. “Sir, I am a storyteller, and there’s no story that talks about a King Jonathan. Besides, you were talking about this kingdom. You were referring to… Him.” Giorno couldn’t bring himself to pronounce that name, he didn’t wanted to anyway.
The men moved uncomfortably in their seats. “How is it possible that you don’t know about him? You should know —everyone knows! I’m surprised the Prince hasn’t tried anything yet. I suppose he was too small to remember his own parents; if only he could remember his mother. The Queen was such a sweet woman.”
Giorno’s chest tightened with fear; the realization that maybe he was right, and those doubts about his own family were real.
“Sir,” he started, no longer faking an accent, whispering after. “I am the Prince.” Under the men’s surprise he lifted the hat of his cape, revealing his face to them, and proceeding to hide again when he saw the flash of recognition through their eyes. “And I need to know the truth.”  
The men scooted over to him, giving him his greetings and hopes before anything else. Fugo joined them; gentle eyes when Giorno asked if he knew. Hope growing there; the Prince was awakening from his of lethargy induced ignorance.
But none of them noticed Vanilla Ice slipping out of the canteen.
“My king.” Vanilla Ice bowed as he opened the door to the King’s room; the man and the woman that spent the night with him coming out of the room as he entered. “I’m afraid Giorno knows the truth.”
Dio chuckled, swirling his glass and staring at the liquid there; then, as he looked back at his Counselor, a twisted smile taking over. “Bring the girl, we know she’s his weakness. As he so often says, weaknesses are useless, useless.”
Nodding, Vanilla ice walked out, closing the door at his back.
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ari-arrivederci · 5 years
If Bruno's gang were to have monster girl S/O's. Just what species of girls would they date/marry.
I hope this is okay! I put a lot of thought into this, and really hope you like what I came up with!
Mermaids or Sirens. Seriously, just the thought of him encountering a beautiful mermaid that had washed up onto the beach near his home - with him taking care of her until she was able to return to the sea, only for the two to fall in love. He may also fall for an Alraune, perhaps finding her growing nearby, in need of water and some love and care.
Lamia. He’d love her beautiful snake half and human half, finding himself enchanted with her beautiful tail and how smooth it is. He’s also go for a Medusa, hopefully one that won’t turn him into stone.
He’s like a lively type of monster girl, though anything with 4 arms is a deal-breaker. So to keep it simple, a Zombie that won’t eat his brains. One that has brain function and just likes to eat with him and chill. He’d be pretty happy with a Dullahan too, even if the whole losing her head thing might scare him at first.
Narancia would love a Cyclops, being able to make up for his vision being a little impaired. He just thinks she’d be super pretty too. Narancia would also be down for an energetic Kobold. He loves to be outdoors and have fun, so any easy going, and energetic monster girl would be perfect for him.
While it seems odd at first considering his temperament; a cute Elf girl would be right up his alley. Elves are typically rather smart, and he’d love to hear about the history of her race. He would also find a Shapeshifter to be interesting.
He’d also be a fan of Lamias, but simply because he likes snakes. He’d also be down for a Dryad, being able to share his ability to give life with her, just as she does the same for him.
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abbacchiosbelt · 5 years
You know one of those RPG game where you're a knight and go off to fight monsters? Imagine that, but with out monster bfs(Basically if ya wanna live ya gotta breed)
each new monster you meet is very different! there’s those who aren’t interested in sex and are just playful - perhaps willing to give you information for friendly company, like dryad!giorno and the elves who live in the forest around him, fugo and narancia. if you meet her approval, fairy!trish might appear.
but once you get past them... you’re in for quite a time. it’s likely the only truly friendly monsters you run into will be drider!bruno and werewolf!mista - but they still want more from you. if you give them their wish, they’ll be more than happy to share info with you. best watch out for medusa!abbacchio, though - he’s not known to be kind to strangers.
it gets even more treacherous from there, although... offering them your body is a sure way for a little kindness to be thrown your way. there’s rumors of naga!risotto who has the same powers as a basilisk. in the shadows near him, werecat!formaggio and harpy!illuso lurk. two vampires, prosciutto and pesci, have a keen awareness of you, as their newest target. drider!melone is much different than bruno... be careful around him. yuki onna!ghiaccio is vicious and unrelenting in his search for a mate. it’s best you find information to avoid him, lest you want to be stuck with him for a long time. stay away from incubus!gelato and demon!sorbet unless you want certain death - they like to play with their food, too.
along they way, although it’s best to avoid them, you may see wendigo!cioccolata and zombie!secco. run far and fast from these two.
if you go near the waters, you may run into merman!squalo and siren!tiziano, who are never too far apart. they may help or hurt you, depending on what you say.
if you’re unlucky (or perhaps lucky, depending on what your goal was), you’ll almost certainly find doppio, who claims to be a human, but there’s something off about him...
he’ll lead you right into dragon!diavolo’s lair, who rules all the monsters in the area and is looking for a human mate. well, i hope you’re ready...
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notsodailygionara · 5 years
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(btw here’s a ref of how they look, gnome Narancia and Dryad Giorno)
(not pictured: narancia’s toe beans)
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mons1erprom · 5 years
Have you ever watched JJBA Vento Aureo? If not, ignore this ask. If so, then what monsters do you think Bruno's gang would be if they went to spooky high? And how would they interact with the other students?
Yes. I have.
Let’s see.... Giorno would be a dryad/nature spirit of some kind. Naturally, since he abhors drugs, he’s got some strong opinions on Polly.
Bruno strikes me as a mummy at first, but given what happens in the second half (minor spoilers, I think) I’d probably think he could be a living doll. If he had the chance, he’d probably invite as many monsters as he can into Passione.
Mista’s a tricky one. With his need to count things and avoid the number 4, I’d say he could be a vampire (what with the whole arithmomania).
Narancia would be an “airperson” ofc. Some sort of flying monster like a harpy. Miranda doesn’t like him one bit.
Abbachio could easily be a witch/warlock. He just looks so much like he belongs in the Coven. That and his sour sass makes him connect with Liam right away.
Fugo would be something venomous, obviously. Maybe a snake-person? He could probably get along with Vera given that. Damien certainly approves of his tendency to blow up at the tiniest things.
-Mod Frosty.
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sporefare · 6 years
Giorno dryad!
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pow and what not!
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 3 months
Since Dio is an elf in the fantasy AU, what if his children were different half-elves? Giorno is half-fairy, Donatello is half-dryad (earth sprite), Ungalo is half-orc and Rikiel is half-minotaur (because of the cow theme lol).
Ice of Creamerton: (seeing Dio's assorted children) "Huh. You seem to really get around a lot, Sire."
Omg!! 😭😭
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beautyscenario · 5 years
di Andrej Babicky
Con l’autunno che tinge le foglie degli alberi di colori vivaci come se fosse un pittore, e il giorno che cede il suo posto alla notte più velocemente, cresce anche il bisogno di un comfort caldo ed avvolgente come una morbida coperta di lana. L’inverno sembra irraggiungibile, l’estate ormai rimane solo un ricordo. L’alternarsi delle giornate fresche e quelle ancora calde, rende difficile la scelta delle fragranze da indossare. I profumi che ho selezionato sono quelli che mi rappresentano di più in questo periodo.
  Dryad di Papillon Artisan Perfumes
La fragranza trasporta immediatamente sotto una quercia centenaria. L’odore del muschio e delle foglie cadute, si mescola a quello della corteccia bagnata dalla rugiada. La brezza che anticipa i primi segni di freddo sussurra una cantilena nel fruscio delle foglie, portando con sé un ricordo lieve di fiori testardi i quali si ostentano ancora a fiorire. I raggi luminosi di agrumi, trapassano la folta chioma per accarezzare gli steli di erba ancora verdi. Respiro l’atmosfera quasi surreale che si crea cercando di imprimerla nella memoria. Dryad è una fragranza complessa ed evocativa. La trovo perfetta per questa stagione, quando la nebbia avvolge il paesaggio nel suo impenetrabile abbraccio.
Sultan Vetiver di Nishane
Vetiver, vetiver, vetiver! Amo tutte le sue sfumature: la ruvidezza delle radici, il sentore lievemente dolce di liquirizia, l’umido odore della terra… Sultan Vetiver è diverso: morbido e legnoso allo stesso tempo, immerso nei fumosi sentori cuoiati e nelle dorate note ambrate. Gli agrumi insieme al neroli aggiungono luminosità. La delicata dolcezza di fava tonka che traspare sullo sfondo, è una coccola nelle giornate che ci sorprendono con mattine frizzanti.
Clubs of Iris di Regalien
Un iris che fa capolino da una pozione magica di patchouli, ambra e muschio. Le note umide di vetiver, aggiungono un sentore più terroso al rizoma. L’apertura delle foglie di violetta introduce una nota anisata a quella speziata del garofano. Gli agrumi, i frutti rossi e la rosa creano un alone di nostalgia delle giornate assolate.
Patchouli Nero di Strega del Castello
Parlando delle pozioni magiche Patchouli Nero è una di queste. Un patchouli denso e canforato, solo leggermente ammorbidito dalle note ambrate, sembra essere stato trasportato da un’altra epoca. Intenso, oscuro, gotico per chi ama patchouli nella sua pienezza. Mi immagino di leggere un libro di Gaston Leroux accompagnato da questa fragranza.
The Unicorn Spell di Les Nez
Isabelle Doyen gioca con la violetta effimera e traslucida, immergendola nelle note verdi e umide di una foresta incantata. Sulla mia pelle la fragranza è un mutaforme: a volte assume l’aspetto legnoso delle radici ricoperte di muschio, altre volte si scalda come un raro raggio di sole che penetra tra le fronde degli alberi. The Unicorn Spell è la mia arma segreta per le grigie mattine autunnali sature di acquerugiola.
5 profumi per l’autunno da provare di Andrej Babicky
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belphiesreverie · 5 years
I never knew i needed Dryad Giorno until now
Neither did I anon, neither did I. But he’s alive now and if I could draw human anatomy properly I’d draw a sketch of him. You might get one from the shoulders up tho 👀👀
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