#dry super shock shadows
sebstanaddict · 17 days
The Weight of Love
Bucky Barnes x Reader One Shot
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Summary: Bucky Barnes never expected to fall for Y/n, the nurse who helped him recover after he got severely injured from a dangerous mission. Six months later, their love is tested as Y/n becomes the one who needs help. When she collapses in his arms, Bucky must find a way to support her and face their challenges together.
Pairings : Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warning : none I think, let me know if you find any
Word count : 4k words
Read more Bucky one shots here : The Stan and Barnes Oddyssey
The Weight of Love
The first time James "Bucky" Barnes laid eyes on Y/n, he was bleeding out on a gurney, the sharp sting of pain dulled only by the disorienting fog of shock. The mission had gone horribly wrong, leaving him with a deep, jagged wound in his side that refused to stop bleeding. As he was rushed through the sterile halls of New York Presbyterian Hospital, his vision blurred, and he fought to stay conscious. Despite the chaos surrounding him, a calm, steady voice broke through the haze.
"Stay with me, Mr. Barnes. You're going to be okay. Just stay with me."
Her words were like a lifeline in the storm, anchoring him to the present. Bucky had faced countless injuries in the past, his body a patchwork of scars from battles that spanned decades. The super soldier serum coursing through his veins had always ensured that he healed faster than any normal human could. But lately, he'd noticed a change-a slowing down that was unsettling, to say the least. He wasn't healing as quickly as he used to, and this mission had proven that in the worst possible way.
The fluorescent lights of the emergency room passed overhead, casting harsh shadows that danced in and out of his vision. He could feel the life draining out of him, a coldness creeping into his limbs. But that voice-soothing, determined-kept pulling him back from the brink.
"Don't give up on me now, Mr. Barnes. We're almost there."
Somehow, he managed to focus, his vision sharpening just enough to make out her face. She had a mask on, but her eyes-their gentle concern, their unwavering focus-were enough to imprint on his memory even as he slipped into darkness.
When Bucky next opened his eyes, the world was quieter, the frantic urgency of the ER replaced by the steady beeping of monitors. His side ached, but the pain was duller now, a mere echo of the agony he remembered. He tried to sit up, but his body protested, and he let out a low groan.
"You're awake."
The voice was familiar, and Bucky turned his head slightly, wincing at the stiffness in his neck. Standing by the foot of his bed, holding a clipboard, was the nurse who had spoken to him in the chaos of the ER. Her face was calm, her demeanor professional, but there was a softness in her eyes that put him at ease.
"Y/n," she introduced herself, as if sensing he wouldn't recall much from earlier. "How are you feeling?"
Bucky swallowed, his throat dry and his voice rasping when he finally spoke. "Like I've been through a meat grinder."
Y/n nodded, her expression empathetic. "That sounds about right. You were in pretty rough shape when you came in, but the doctors were able to stabilize you. The wound was deep, but it didn't hit any vital organs, which is why you're still with us."
Bucky glanced down at his bandaged side, the stark white gauze a reminder of just how close he'd come to not making it. The serum should have helped him heal faster, but lately, its effects seemed to be... waning. He wasn't bouncing back the way he used to, and the thought sent a chill down his spine.
"How bad was it?" he asked, though he wasn't sure he wanted to hear the answer.
"Pretty bad," Y/n admitted, her voice gentle. "You were bleeding heavily, and with the serum slowing down... well, it took longer than it should have for your body to start the healing process. But you're stable now, and that's what matters."
Bucky nodded, his mind still processing her words. The serum had been a part of him for so long, a source of strength that he had come to rely on. But if it was weakening... what did that mean for him? For the future?
As if sensing his unease, Y/n stepped closer, offering a small, reassuring smile. "You're going to be okay, Mr. Barnes. You just need to give your body time to heal."
Bucky managed a faint smile in return. "Please, call me Bucky."
"Alright, Bucky," Y/n said, her smile widening slightly. "How about I get you some water? You've been out for a while; you must be thirsty."
"Yeah, that'd be good," Bucky replied, his voice a bit steadier now.
As Y/n poured a cup of water and handed it to him, Bucky took a moment to really look at her. She moved with a quiet efficiency, but there was a warmth in her presence that cut through the sterile coldness of the hospital room. When their fingers brushed as she handed him the cup, he felt a strange sense of connection, a fleeting moment of human contact that made him feel... less alone.
Over the next few days, Y/n became a familiar and comforting presence in Bucky's life. Each morning, she was there, checking his vitals, administering medication, and asking about his pain levels. She seemed to know just when to offer words of reassurance and when to give him space, an intuition that Bucky appreciated more than he could express.
Y/n had seen her fair share of wounded soldiers over the years, but there was something about Bucky that set him apart. Perhaps it was the weight he carried in his eyes, the haunted look of someone who had lived through more than most could even imagine. She couldn't help but wonder about the man behind the soldier-the person who existed beneath the layers of trauma and scars.
One afternoon, as she was adjusting his IV, Bucky broke the silence that had settled between them. "You must see a lot of guys like me in here."
Y/n glanced up, meeting his gaze. "We get our share of soldiers, yes. But none quite like you."
Bucky raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his expression. "What do you mean?"
"You're... different," Y/n said carefully, choosing her words. "Most soldiers who come through here are dealing with physical injuries, but there's something else in your eyes. Something... deeper."
Bucky's jaw tightened slightly, the memories of his past flashing through his mind like a reel of horrors. "I've been through a lot," he said simply, his voice tinged with a weariness that spoke volumes.
Y/n nodded, her eyes softening. "I can see that. But you're still here, still fighting. That says a lot about who you are."
Bucky looked away, the weight of her words heavy on his shoulders. He wasn't sure how to respond. He had spent so long trying to distance himself from the Winter Soldier, from the man who had done so many terrible things, that he often forgot who he was beyond that. But Y/n's words stirred something in him-an inkling of the man he used to be, the man he wanted to be again.
As the days passed, Bucky found himself opening up to Y/n in ways he hadn't with anyone else in years. It started small-comments about the weather, the food, the monotonous routine of hospital life. But gradually, their conversations deepened, and Bucky began to share bits and pieces of his past.
He told her about Steve Rogers, the friend who had always believed in him, even when he couldn't believe in himself. He spoke of the 1940s, a time when life had been simpler, before the war, before everything had gone wrong. He even hinted at the battles he had fought in the shadows, though he kept the darkest details to himself.
Y/n listened with a quiet attentiveness, never pushing him to share more than he was ready to. She could sense the pain in his words, the guilt and regret that lingered just beneath the surface. But she also saw the strength in him, the resilience that had kept him going all these years, even when it felt like the world was against him.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow through the window, Y/n sat by Bucky's bedside, her shift nearly over. She had been thinking about him all day, wondering what it was about this man that made her care so deeply. It wasn't just his injuries or his past-there was something more, something that drew her to him in a way she couldn't quite explain.
"Bucky," she began, her voice soft in the quiet room. "Can I ask you something?"
Bucky turned his head to look at her, his blue eyes searching her face. "Sure."
"Why did you become a soldier?" she asked, her tone gentle, not wanting to pry too deeply but genuinely curious.
Bucky was silent for a moment, his gaze distant as he considered her question. It wasn't one he had been asked often-most people assumed they knew the answer. But Y/n wasn't most people.
"I didn't have much of a choice," he said finally, his voice tinged with a hint of bitterness. "The world was at war, and everyone was expected to do their part. But for me... it was about protecting the people I cared about. Steve, my family, my country. I wanted to do the right thing."
Y/n nodded, understanding the complexity of his answer. "And do you think you did?"
Bucky let out a humorless laugh, shaking his head. "I don't know. I tried, but things didn't turn out the way I thought they would. The world changed, and I... changed with it."
Y/n reached out, placing a hand gently on his hand. "You're still here, Bucky. That means you're still fighting for something. Maybe it's not the same as it was before, but that doesn't make it any less important."
Bucky looked down at her hand, the warmth of her touch seeping into his skin. For the first time in a long while, he felt a flicker of hope, a small spark that maybe, just maybe, he could find his way back to the man he used to be-or perhaps, become someone new entirely.
He wasn't sure what it was about Y/n but he found himself wanting to talk to her, to share the parts of himself that he usually kept hidden and he also wanted to get to know more about her.
"Why did you become a nurse?" he asked, his voice quieter now, almost hesitant.
Y/n smiled softly, as if she had been expecting the question. "My brother," she said simply. "He's autistic. Growing up, I spent a lot of time taking care of him, making sure he had what he needed. It wasn't always easy, but it made me realize that I wanted to help people-people who couldn't always help themselves."
Bucky listened intently, sensing that this was something deeply personal for her. "That must have been hard," he said, his voice gentle.
"It was," Y/n admitted, her gaze distant as she recalled those early years. "But it also taught me a lot about patience, empathy, and resilience. I knew that I wanted to make a difference, even if it was in small ways. Nursing felt like the right path for me."
Bucky nodded, feeling a strange sense of connection with her. They were both people who had seen their fair share of hardship, who had been shaped by the challenges life had thrown at them. "Your brother's lucky to have you," he said sincerely.
Y/n's smile widened, a touch of warmth in her eyes. "Thank you, Bucky. That means a lot."
They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, her hand still placed gently on top of his, the hum of the hospital's night shift lulling them into a sense of calm. For Bucky, it was a rare feeling-peace, even if it was only temporary. He hadn't felt this way in a long time, not since before the war, before the Winter Soldier.
As the days turned into weeks, Bucky's wounds began to heal, though not as quickly as he would have liked. The serum was still working, but its effects were slowing down, leaving him with a lingering sense of vulnerability that was unfamiliar and unwelcome. But with Y/n by his side, the process didn't seem as daunting. She was patient, understanding, and more than anything, she made him feel... human. Her presence became more than just a comforting routine; it became something he looked forward to, a reason to keep fighting, to keep healing.
Y/n, for her part, found herself drawn to Bucky in a way she hadn't expected. There was something about him-his quiet strength, his haunted eyes, the way he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders-that resonated with her. She could see the pain he tried to hide, the scars that ran deeper than the physical ones, and she wanted to help him, to ease his burden even if just a little.
One evening, as Y/n was finishing up her shift, she found Bucky sitting up in bed, a rare smile playing on his lips. It wasn't the first time she had seen him smile, but it was the first time it felt genuine, like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
"What's got you in such a good mood?" she asked, her tone light as she walked over to his bedside.
Bucky looked up at her, his blue eyes bright with something she couldn't quite place. "I'm getting discharged tomorrow," he said, the words almost hesitant, as if he wasn't sure how she would react.
Y/n felt a mix of emotions-relief that he was well enough to leave, but also a pang of sadness at the thought of him not being here anymore. "That's great news," she said, her smile warm but tinged with a hint of melancholy.
"Yeah," Bucky agreed, though his smile faded slightly as he looked away. "But... I'm gonna miss our talks."
Y/n's heart skipped a beat, the sincerity in his words catching her off guard. She hadn't realized just how much their conversations had come to mean to him. "Me too," she admitted, her voice soft.
For a moment, they just looked at each other, the unspoken bond between them growing stronger with each passing second. Then, Bucky cleared his throat, breaking the silence.
"Would you, uh, maybe want to grab a coffee sometime?" he asked, his voice almost shy, as if he wasn't sure if she would say yes.
Y/n's heart swelled with a mix of affection and something deeper, something she wasn't quite ready to name yet. "I'd like that," she replied, her smile genuine.
Bucky's relief was palpable, and for the first time since he had arrived at the hospital, he felt like maybe-just maybe-there was a future worth looking forward to.
The next day, when Bucky was discharged, Y/n walked him to the entrance of the hospital. They exchanged numbers, promising to keep in touch, and as Bucky stepped out into the crisp New York air, he couldn't help but feel that something had shifted within him.
He wasn't just leaving the hospital behind; he was leaving behind a part of himself that had been stuck in the past, weighed down by guilt and regret. And in its place, something new was growing-a hope, a possibility, a future that he hadn't dared to dream of in years.
As he walked away, he glanced back one last time, catching a glimpse of Y/n standing in the doorway, watching him with a soft smile on her lips. It was a sight that he would carry with him for days, weeks, and months to come-a reminder that, even in the darkest of times, there was still light to be found.
Six months had passed since Bucky left the hospital, and in that time, he and Y/n had built something together - something real and fragile and beautiful. They had moved into a small but cozy apartment in Brooklyn - not far from where Y/n's father and brother lived - a place that had quickly become a sanctuary for both of them. It wasn't much, but it was theirs, a space where they could be themselves without the weight of the world pressing down on their shoulders.
But as much as Bucky had found peace in this new life, he couldn't shake the worry that gnawed at him every time he looked at Y/n. She had always been a hard worker, dedicated to her job and her family, but lately, it seemed like she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders.
Bucky knew about Y/n's family. She had told him about her father, a man who had once been full of life and strength, but who had been worn down by time and illness. Her father had raised her and her younger brother on his own after their mother passed away, working tirelessly to provide for them. But now, the roles had reversed. He was elderly, frail, and needed Y/n's help more than ever.
Then there was Y/n's brother, Austin. He was autistic, a gentle soul who saw the world differently than most. Y/n adored him, had always been protective of him, but his care was demanding. He needed structure, routine, and support that only Y/n seemed capable of providing. She had been his rock, guiding him through life's challenges, ensuring he had everything he needed. But it was exhausting work, both physically and emotionally.
Bucky admired her strength, but he could see the toll it was taking on her. He noticed the way her hands trembled when she thought he wasn't looking, the dark circles under her eyes that no amount of sleep seemed to erase. He had tried to talk to her about it, to ask her to take a step back and rest, but she always brushed him off with a tired smile and a promise that she was fine.
Bucky knew better. He had been in enough battles to recognize when someone was pushing themselves too hard, and Y/n was well past that point. But no matter how much he tried to help, she insisted on carrying the burden alone.
One evening, Bucky was in the kitchen, putting together a simple dinner. The sun had just begun to set, casting a warm, golden light through the windows. He was humming a tune under his breath, something he had picked up from the radio, when he heard the front door creak open.
"Hey, doll," he called out, turning to see Y/n stepping inside. "You're home late."
Y/n gave him a weary smile, her shoulders slumping as she closed the door behind her. "Yeah, it was a long shift," she said, her voice laced with exhaustion.
Bucky frowned, concern etching lines into his face. "You've been pulling too many of those lately," he said gently, crossing the room to take her bag from her hands. "You need to rest."
"I'm fine, Bucky," Y/n replied, though the strain in her voice betrayed her. "Just a little tired."
But as she stepped further into the apartment, Bucky noticed the way her legs wobbled, the way she seemed to be struggling just to stay upright. Before he could say anything, Y/n swayed on her feet, and he rushed forward just in time to catch her as she collapsed into his arms.
"Y/n!" Bucky's voice was filled with panic as he lowered her to the floor, his heart racing in his chest. Her eyes were closed, her breathing shallow, and for a terrifying moment, he feared the worst.
"Y/n, please, wake up," he whispered, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. His hands were trembling, the fear coursing through him like ice in his veins.
After what felt like an eternity, Y/n's eyes fluttered open, and she looked up at him with a dazed expression. "Bucky...?"
"I'm here, doll," Bucky said, relief flooding through him as he cradled her against his chest. "I've got you."
Y/n blinked, confusion clouding her gaze as she tried to sit up. "What happened?"
"You fainted," Bucky said softly, his voice thick with worry. "You've been pushing yourself too hard, and your body just couldn't take it anymore."
Y/n's brow furrowed, and she looked away, shame creeping into her expression. "I'm sorry, Bucky. I didn't mean to scare you."
Bucky shook his head, his grip on her tightening slightly. "Don't apologize. You have nothing to be sorry for. I just... I need you to stop doing this to yourself."
Y/n sighed, leaning her head against his shoulder as exhaustion weighed heavily on her. "I can't, Bucky. My dad and my brother... they need me. I have to keep going for them."
Bucky's heart ached at her words. He knew how much her family meant to her, how deeply she cared for them, but he couldn't stand the thought of her destroying herself in the process.
"I understand that," he said quietly, his voice filled with sincerity. "But you're no good to them if you run yourself into the ground. You need to take care of yourself, too."
Y/n closed her eyes, a tear slipping down her cheek as she whispered, "But who's going to take care of them if I don't?"
Bucky felt a lump form in his throat as he listened to her words, the sheer weight of her responsibility crashing down on him. He knew what it was like to carry a burden like that, to feel like the whole world was resting on your shoulders. But he also knew that no one could carry that weight alone-not even someone as strong as Y/n.
"You're not alone," Bucky said, his voice gentle but firm. "We'll take care of them together. But right now, you need help."
Y/n tried to protest, but before she could say anything, Bucky reached for his phone and quickly dialed 911. "I'm calling an ambulance," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument. "You need to be checked out properly."
"Bucky, no," Y/n murmured weakly, but she didn't have the strength to fight him. Her body was betraying her, exhaustion pulling her down like an anchor.
"I'm not taking any chances," Bucky said softly, his hand trembling slightly as he held the phone to his ear. "You scared me, Y/n. I can't-" His voice broke, and he took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "I can't lose you."
The minutes that followed felt like a blur. The paramedics arrived, moving quickly as they assessed Y/n's condition and prepared her for transport. Bucky stayed by her side, holding her hand, his heart pounding in his chest as they wheeled her out of the apartment and into the waiting ambulance.
The ride to the hospital was tense, the ambulance filled with the sound of medical equipment and the soft murmur of the paramedics as they worked to stabilize Y/n. Bucky sat beside her, clutching her hand tightly, his mind racing with fear and worry.
When they arrived at the hospital, the paramedics rushed Y/n into the emergency room, and Bucky found himself pacing the hallway outside, his thoughts spinning in a chaotic whirlwind. He had faced down enemies, survived wars, and fought battles that seemed impossible, but nothing had ever terrified him as much as seeing Y/n like this.
Hours passed, and Bucky was eventually allowed into Y/n's room. She was lying in a hospital bed, looking small and fragile under the stark white sheets. Her eyes were closed, her breathing even and calm, but Bucky could still see the signs of exhaustion etched into her face.
A doctor approached him, explaining that Y/n was severely dehydrated and suffering from exhaustion. They had administered fluids and were monitoring her closely, but she would need to rest for several days.
Bucky thanked the doctor, his mind barely registering the words. All he could focus on was Y/n, lying there so still and quiet. He sat down beside her bed, his hand gently resting on hers as he watched her sleep.
Time seemed to stand still in that small, sterile room. Bucky lost track of how long he sat there, his thoughts consumed with worry and guilt. He should have seen this coming, should have done more to help her before it got to this point. But he had been so caught up in his own struggles, in his own fears, that he hadn't realized just how much Y/n was carrying.
As he sat there, the weight of everything hit him all at once. The life they had built together, the challenges they had faced, the love they shared-it was all so precious, so fragile. And in that moment, Bucky knew he couldn't wait any longer.
Without thinking, without planning, he reached for Y/n's hand, holding it tightly in his own as he leaned forward. "Y/n," he whispered, his voice rough with emotion.
She stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering open as she looked up at him. "Bucky...?"
"I'm here," he said softly, his heart pounding in his chest. "And I'm not going anywhere. Ever."
Y/n blinked, still groggy and disoriented, but she could see the intensity in Bucky's eyes, the way his jaw was set with determination. "What is it?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Bucky took a deep breath, his mind racing as he searched for the right words. But in the end, it wasn't about the words. It was about the promise he was about to make, the life he wanted to build with her, the love he felt deep in his soul.
"I love you," he said, his voice trembling slightly. "I love you more than anything in this world. And I know I'm not perfect, I know I've got a lot of baggage, but... I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
Y/n's eyes widened, her breath catching in her throat as she realized what he was saying.
"Y/n, will you marry me?" Bucky asked, his voice filled with raw, unfiltered emotion. "I know this isn't how I wanted to do it, and I don't even have a ring, but... I can't imagine my life without you. I need you, and I want to be with you, through everything."
Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes, her heart swelling with love as she looked up at the man who had become her everything. She didn't care that there wasn't a ring, didn't care that they were in a hospital room instead of some romantic setting. All she cared about was the man in front of her, the man who was offering her his heart, his life, his future.
"Yes," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "Yes, Bucky, I'll marry you."
Bucky let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, a wide smile spreading across his face as he pulled her into his arms, holding her as if he would never let go. "You've made me the happiest man in the world," he said, his voice full of awe.
She smiled as she released herself from his arms and reached up, cupping his face in her hands as she pulled him down into a kiss-a kiss that was full of all the love and gratitude she felt for him. In that moment, all the worries and fears melted away, and it was just the two of them, their hearts beating in sync.
They might not have had all the answers, and the road ahead might still be uncertain, but one thing was clear: they were in this together, and nothing could tear them apart.
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aphidclan-clangen · 2 months
Gym Leaders
Grass type
Psychic type
Fire type
Bug type
Flying type
Dark type
Ground type
Fairy type
Elite 4
Steel type
Poison type
Ice type
Electric type
Fomantis (lvl 15)
Razor leaf
Fury cutter
Sunny day
Ability : Leaf guard
Morelull (lvl 15)
Mega drain
Confuse ray
Poison powder
Ability : Effect spore
Deerling (lvl 16)
Leech seed
Double kick
Sand attack
Ability : Sap sipper
Solosis (lvl 21)
Ability : Regenerator
Ralts (lvl 21)
Draining kiss
Double team
Ability : Synchronize
Espurr (lvl 21)
Disarming voice
Ability : Keen eye
Fletchinder (lvl 27
Fire spin
Ability : Flame body
Houndoom (lvl 27)
Thunder fang
Ability : Early bird
Torkoal (lvl 28)
Lava plume
Clear smoke
Rapid spin
Ability : White smoke
Ninetales (lvl 28)
Fake tears
Ability : Drought
Anorith (lvl 33)
Bug bite
Ancient power
Ability : Battle armor
Centiskorch (lvl 33)
Skitter smack
Abilty : Flame body
Leavanny (lvl 34)
Fell stinger
Razor leaf
String shot
Seed bomb
Ability : Chlorophyll
Heracross (lvl 35)
Horn attack
Brick break
Struggle bug
Seismic toss
Ability : Guts
Altaria (lvl 40)
Dragon breath
Feather dance
Disarming voice
Ability : Natural cure
Staraptor (lvl 40)
Aerial ace
Close combat
Air slash
Ability : Intimidate
Togekiss (lvl 40)
Sky attack
Fairy wind
Water pulse
Extreme speed
Ability : Super luck
Archeops (lvl 41)
Dragon claw
Rock throw
Wing attack
Ability : Defeatist
Pangoro (lvl 46)
Bullet punch
Low sweep
Night slash
Ability : Iron fist
Sableye (lvl 46)
Night shade
Zen headbutt
Knock off
Confuse ray
Ability : Prankster
Zoroark (lvl 47)
Night daze
Shadow ball
Ability : Illusion
Zoroark (lvl 47)
Night daze
Brick break
Sludge bomb
Ability : Illusion
Umbreon (lvl 48)
Dark pulse
Confuse ray
Ability : Inner focus
Garchomp (lvl 53)
Dragon claw
Ability : Rough skin
Mamoswine (lvl 53)
Ancient power
Ice fang
Ability : Snow cloak
Sandslash (lvl 54)
Stone edge
Gyro ball
Poison jab
Ability : Sand rush
Nidoqueen (lvl 54)
Sludge wave
Earth power
Ability : Poison point
Mudsdale (lvl 55)
High horsepower
Heavy slam
Double edge
Ability : Stamina
Clefable (lvl 60)
Meteor mash
Ice beam
Ability : Magic guard
Florges (lvl 60)
Solar beam
Magical leaf
Sunny day
Ability : Flower veil
Gardevoir (lvl 60)
Dream eater
Dazzling gleam
Shadow sneak
Destiny bond
Ability : Trace
Grimmsnarl (lvl 61)
Foul play
Play rough
Nasty plot
Draining kiss
Ability : Prankster
Alolan Ninetales (lvl 62)
Aurora beam
Dazzling gleam
Ability : Snow warning
Metagross (lvl 70)
Meteor mash
Zen headbutt
Hammer arm
Iron defense
Ability : Clear body
Lucario (lvl 70)
Close combat
Dragon pulse
Steel beam
Quick guard
Ability : Inner focus
Genesect (lvl 70)
Metal claw
Bug buzz
Zap cannon
Shadow claw
Ability : Download
Corviknight (lvl 70)
Brave bird
Steel wing
Ability : Pressure
Aggron (lvl 70)
Metal burst
Iron tail
Rock slide
Dragon rush
Ability : Sturdy
Seviper (lvl 70)
Iron head
Ability : Shed skin
Drapion (lvl 70)
Cross poison
Toxic spikes
Ice fang
Ability : Battle armor
Toxicroak (lvl 70)
Gunk shot
Bullet punch
Sucker punch
Swords dance
Ability : Dry skin
Toxtricity (lvl 70)
Shock wave
Gunk shot
Ability : Punk rock
Dragalge (lvl 70)
Poison tail
Hydro pump
Play rough
Ability : Poison point
Alolan Sandslash (lvl 70)
Icicle crash
Metal claw
Leech life
Ability : Snow cloak
Glaceon (lvl 70)
Ice fang
Shadow ball
Ability : Ice body
Weavile (lvl 70)
Dark pulse
Icy wind
Metal claw
Ability : Pressure
Lapras (lvl 70)
Freeze dry
Hydro pump
Ability : Hydration
Walrein (lvl 70)
Aurora beam
Ability : Ice body
Zebstrika (lvl 70)
Wild charge
Eerie impulse
Ability : Lightning rod)
Luxray (lvl 70)
Wild charge
Take down
Thunder fang
Ability : Intimidate
Boltund (lvl 70)
Electric terrain
Play rough
Ability : Strong jaw
Ampharos (lvl 70)
Dragon pulse
Zap cannon
Power gem
Ability : Static
Raichu (lvl 70)
Draining kiss
Iron tail
Focus blast
Ability : Static
Galarian Rapidash (lvl 75)
Smart strike
Psycho cut
Dazzling gleam
Ability :Pastel veil
Mismagius (lvl 75)
Phantom force
Power gem
Dark pulse
Night shade
Ability : Levitate
Steelix (lvl 75)
Ice fang
Double edge
Iron tail
Dark pulse
Ability : Sheer force
Bewear (lvl 75)
Brutal swing
Dragon claw
Abilty : Fluffy
Goodra (lvl 75)
Power whip
Muddy water
Poison tail
Ice beam
Ability : Sap sipper
Absol (lvl 75)
Future sight
Sucker punch
Swords dance
Ability : Pressure
okay. this is fucking awesome. and it’s always interesting to hear your guys’s headcanons/perspectives on the characters.
but “giving non-Pokemon OCs Pokemon teams and imagining their role/jobs in the Pokemon universe” is a very specific hyperfixation of mine. i have been doing this with my OCs for years. and you bet your doggone dollar that i have fuckin OPINIONS on what teams my characters would have and what their roles would best fit. and you know what that means.
(Obviously in this au, they’d all be humans, but I do not have the capacity to make up human designs on the spot for 16 different characters right now, so this is all you’re getting) As always, you play as the player character in a non-descript undecided generation that takes place either in or after Gen 8. You are the newest student of Professor Pearlstar, who is both a man of science studying new Pokemon and the champion of the region. He is regarded as the expert on all things Pokemon and is excellent at taming and raising the creatures (hence why he’s so powerful, and your mentor). He encourages you to go out and explore the region to discover new Pokemon for your Pokédex, and encourages you to do the league challenge while you’re at it. (“but sir, won’t that mean that if i get to the end of the challenge…I’ll be challenging you?” “Yup! Good luck! ^w^”)
Your companion is Lilacpaw. She’s this rebellious preteen brat that you meet on the road, you battle her on occasion but for the most part she’s here to help you out when you need it and continuously check on you as your brand new best friend.
Your rival is Oleander. In my mind, Oleander is too baby to be a gym leader (same with lilac, who in this universe is younger than him. she’s like, 10-13, and he’s 15-16ish), so he’s your rival instead. He bares a resemblance to Gladion in Sun and Moon. He’s a member of the local “evil team,” The Saint Tines, a cult-like organization that keeps stealing and trying to “sacrifice” other people’s Pokemon. You continuously catch fern in the act of participating in crimes that you have to stop by battling him. However, they become your friend over time, slowly realizing how bad news their organization is and leaving it to help you defeat the evil final boss, The Reverend, at the end of the game. The Reverend would be the Giovanni/Cyrus/Lysander/etc character in the game. Oleander and Lilacpaw are siblings that bicker all the damn time
The first gym you face is the Normal type gym, run by gym leader Pigeon.
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For ease sake I’m gonna say all gym leaders have 4 pokemon. Pigeon owns a Stoutland (his prize Pokemon), Tauros, Ursaring, and Diggersby. His Pokemon are early lvl 20s. I wanted to give his team a farm theme, since he lives on a farm. He’s the farmhand countryboy man,,,
Next, the Dark type gym, led by Goldshine.
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Goldshine owns a Mimikyu, Sableye, Absol, and an Umbreon. His Pokemon are mid lvl 20s. I wanted to give him the most emo misunderstood team possible
The fourth gym would be the fairy type gym, run by Titania.
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Titania would have a Togepi, Milotic, Blissey, and a Wigglytuff. She has a very cute and beautiful team, all around late lvl 20s. Shes married to Pigeon and Alder and can frequently be seen hanging around Pigeon’s gym and vice versa. Alder’s role in the game would be closer to a “nurse joy” figure, he continuously pops up around the region throughout your journey, where he heals your pokemon and can sell you various berries and healing supplies. Hes a sweet, traveling old man following the league trail to make sure all those kiddos take care of themselves <3
Next, the Bug type gym, ran by Spiderglade.
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Spiderglade owns an Ariados, Parasect, Scyther, and a Dustox. His Pokemon are early lvl 30s. I wanted a strong poison type secondary theme for him, his gym would be heavily centered around poison, toxicity, and pollution. Parasect for mind control symbolism. He’s very much in touch with his little brother, Blisswhistle, though he hasn’t sent his parents letters in a while… also how the hell would he not have at least one spider pokemon
Next, the electric type gym, ran by Sparkspeckle.
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Sparkspeckle uses a Flaaffy, Toxtricity, Electabuzz, and a Dedenne. Her team are all mid lvl 30s, her gym probably has a stage built-in with a band playing all the time, and it’s all very crazy electric punk (with a touch of cutesy).
Next, the water type gym, run by Stormwhisper.
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Stormwhisper would own a Lapras, Azumarill, Lanturn, Carracosta, all late lvl 30s. He would be a very nice and merciful gym leader, especially in comparison to his siblings. He gives you free healing items before you battle <3
Next, the ice gym, ran by Icesheep.
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Icesheep would own a Snom, Aurorus, Beartic, and an Alolan Ninetales. His team is all early lvl 40s, and he’s very friendly as a gym leader! He does warn you about his sibling, however…
The explosive and intimidating poison type gym leader, Shadebreak.
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Shadebreak would own a Liepard, Toxtricity, Crobat, and a Gengar. All their Pokemon are mid lvl 40s, and they are merciless. They are the final gym leader. ((Spark likes to talk about how they’re “twinning” with the Toxtricity and similar gym themes, but Shade absolutely hates it and makes a grumpy face every time Spark talks about how they’re so totally twins))
Once you’ve defeated all eight gym leaders, you move on to the…
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Gonna be honest, the only two I had actual solid typing in mind with was Gravel w/ Steel Type and Paradiseskies with Flying Type. But Blisswhistle and Firebeetle I had little to NO clue what to do with, so for the most part I decided the elite four’s teams with varied typing in mind for all of them. Gravel is based around dark/steel typing, Paradiseskies is flying/water/fairy based, Blisswhistle is ice/normal/fairy based, and Firebeetle I divided between fire, water, and fairy types because I couldn’t pick between the three.
Blisswhistle, the first Elite Four member you face and the weakest, uses an Aurorus, Cinccino, Frosmoth, Lapras, and a Togekiss. Shes very sweet and loves her gym leader husband very much. ((there really needs to be more rainbow pokemon……))
Firebeetle, the second member you face, owns a Walrein, Primarina, Volcarona, Granbull, and a Centiskorch. He’s happily married to his wife, Gravel.
Paradiseskies, the third and second-strongest elite four member, uses a Florges, Hatterene, Togekiss, Altaria, and a Gardevoir. She’s very happy to work alongside her husband and children.
Gravel the Brutal lives up to their title. A former member of the Saint Tines, she would appear frequently in your continuous efforts to stop the organization, aiding your efforts in taking them down. They use an Obstagoon, a Pangoro, a Steelix, a Garchomp, and a Metagross. All four members are mid lvl 50s to early lvl 60s.
Pearlstar is very proud of you and your progress! You’ve come a long way since you first started your apprenticeship under his wing. But now it’s time for the final test, and stars not holding back. Let’s see if you can handle Pearlstar at his best, hm?
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Pearlstar uses a Clefairy, Gallade, Bewear, Galarian Rapidash, Kengaskhan, and a Starmie. They’re all mid lvl 70s. After you beat him, he happily retires the position and tells you how extremely proud he is of your growth as a trainer.
Then Oleander challenges you. All his Pokemon are early lvl 50s (the phantump probably would’ve evolved into a Trevenant by the end of the game, but for the most part it stays a phantump). He uses an Alolan Muk, a Weezing, a Phantump, a Mimikyu, a Vileplume, and a Decidueye (regardless of which starter you chose). By this point, you’d have gone through quite a lot together, and now this battle is more a triumphant rival-to-rival fight for old times sake. He loses, and takes his defeat in stride, thanking you for everything you’ve done for him and all the wonderful times you’ve had together. He hopes to keep in touch.
And I think that’s everything <3
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hottpinkpenguin · 2 years
"Just because all the others never showed you love doesn't mean no one ever will." This one with the Darkling with angst to fluff? Like maybe he keeps pushing the reader away because he's new to affection and doesn't know what to do?
A/n: this request felt so spot on for our favored tortured villain <3 thank you for the message anon!!
Darkling X Reader Word Count: 1656 | Warnings: not proofread, brief mentions of battle, hints at past abuse if you squint, super angst turns to tooth-rotting fluff
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Note: dorogoy is the Russian for 'sweetheart' “Leave us.” 
The Black General strode in, his eyes murderous and his fists balled at his sides. Despite the warm summer night, the chill in his voice was enough to send a shiver up everyone’s spine. The two Healers rose from the sides of your cot where they’d been tending your injuries. They bowed quickly and kept their eyes glued to the ground as they scuttled out of the tent, leaving you and the Darkling alone. 
When the sounds of the retreating Healers’ footsteps had been swallowed in the gentle murmur of the camp outside, his eyes finally met yours. He looked as if he were about to break apart, his body practically abuzz with barely contained rage. 
“Aleks, I’m fine,” you chided him, rolling your eyes at his dramatics. “It’s just a burn. I’ll survive.”
Darkness blossomed around him, swallowing the dim candlelight on the inside of your tent. His jaw was clenched so tightly you worried he’d break a tooth, the veins in his forehead pulsing as he tried to regain control of himself. You’d seen his power a thousand times, but even still it startled you. You smoothed your face into a mask of calm, refusing to show him your instinctual fear. 
“You almost died, dorogy.” He sank down on the edge of your cot as the shadows receded into him like water soaks into a sponge. “You are decidedly not fine.” 
You smiled at him, shifting slightly to make room for him on the cot next to you. He was watching you, his eyes drinking you in. You could hear his next question before he even asked it. 
“Are the Healers treating you fairly?” The whisper of a threat hung off Aleksander’s words. You knew that his fear was that the other Grisha would shun you because of his affection for you. A fear you’d tried to quell a thousand times before. If only he knew how terrified the others were of hurting you, of disappointing you, or of otherwise mistreating you… 
You reached out, running your fingertips lightly along the back of his hand. He watched you, waiting for an answer. 
“They’re treating me perfectly,” you assured him emphatically. “I have everything I need.” 
He didn’t respond immediately, transfixed by the circular patterns you wove along the back of his hand. His eyes glazed over, his shoulders dropping slightly as he let the facade of the Black General relax in your presence. You watched him carefully, wondering how he managed to maintain such composure and control in the midst of battle. You’d seen him out there, on the battlefield: an avenging angel, all rage and cruelty, his black kefta fluttering like a flag, cutting down wave after wave of Fjerdan. He’d barely flinched, barely shown any sign of his powers draining him. It filled you with a strange combination of sorrow, pride, and lust. 
“Aleks?” Your voice, though quiet and gentle, snapped the moment like a dry twig. He looked up at you expectantly. “Are you alright?” 
You could tell as soon as the words left your lips that you’d said something wrong. He recoiled away from you as if he were the one that had been burned. His eyes widened in a mixture of shock and horror, followed immediately by self-loathing. You reached out, but not quick enough. He rose from the cot, stepping away from you. 
“How can you ask that of me? After what you saw today? After what I put you through? You want to know if I am alright?” His composure was unraveling, his dark eyes turning into bottomless pits of fury with nowhere to go but inward. He’d once told you that the most unexpected part of living so long was the extent to which he had come to loathe himself. You hadn’t understood it then, but now you caught a glimpse of just how deep Aleksander’s malice towards himself actually went. 
The shadows sprung from his fingers with ease, devouring the tent’s light and swarming around you like bees. The air around you crackled with their presence, although they didn’t touch you. Across the tent, consumed by a darkness so complete he almost vanished entirely, Aleksander shook with the explosive force of his power. His chin was tipped back and his mouth open as if screaming, although the only thing pouring out of his throat was more darkness. His eyes lost their whites, now just two blackened sockets, lifeless and unholy-looking. 
Terror seized you. Your heart jolted as adrenaline ricocheted through your veins. You knew Aleksander would never hurt you, although you weren’t sure how much  of the man you loved was still with you in that tent. 
You called out to him, but somehow your voice vanished in the space between you two. As if you’d been plunged underwater, your scream sounded distorted and dull. Aleksander didn’t even flinch. 
Wincing through the pain, you flung your legs over the edge of the cot. The shadows made way for you like a river parts around rocks. The hairs on the back of your arms and neck stood up straight, your instincts screaming at you to run! Leave! Kill him! Get out! 
Summoning your strength and with a sharp inhale, you forced your legs to hold your weight as you stood. The burns that climbed up the left side of your body from your kneecap to your jaw felt white hot, but you grit your teeth against the urge to pass out and took a shaky step forward. Again, the shadows pouring out of Aleksander moved to allow your passage. A distant part of you idly wondered what the rest of the camp could see, if anything, of the spectacle unfolding around you. 
Your feet almost slipped out from under you in the damp grass. Your reflexes dulled by exhaustion and pain, you lost your balance and pitched forward. You struck out with your arms to brace your fall, twisting your face away from the direction of impact. There was a moment of free fall before you felt strong arms catching you, artfully avoiding your burns. 
Aleksander lifted you easily off your feet in a sweeping motion. You didn’t open your eyes until you felt your back settle against the cot. When you did, a familiar face hovered over you. All trace of his shadows gone, all you saw now was a man. A leader, a saint maybe, a King certainly: but a man still, exhausted and confused. 
Before he had a chance to speak, you pressed a finger to his lips. Your head was spinning with pain, but you forced yourself to stay present. 
“I’m not afraid of you, Aleks,” you insisted. You held his gaze defiantly, challenging him to argue with you. For once in his stubborn life, he held his tongue and let you finish. “I don’t resent you for who you are. I don’t fight because you command me as my general, or even because you ask me as my lover. I fight beside you because I love you, and I believe in what we’re doing.” 
For all his wisdom, you knew that there were parts of your heart that Aleksander would never understand. You’d accepted as much a long time ago. But you’d be damned if you let him rip himself apart over it. 
He swallowed thickly, as if trying to take in what you’d told him. 
“I don’t… understand. How you can feel that way. About… someone like me. Someone who is what I am. There’s… sometimes-most of the time- it doesn’t seem like there’s enough left of me to love.” You let him finish, his words coming out chopped and halting. It seemed to take almost as much out of him as his powers did, and the sincerity with which he spoke made you smile gently. When he was finished, you reached up and cupped his cheek, your thumb carefully tracing the ragged volcra scar that bisected his cheek. 
“Aleks. Just because all the others never showed you love doesn’t mean no one ever will.” 
You watched as his memory clicked into place, recognizing the very words he’d said to you the night he’d finally gotten you to tell him about the others. The men before him. The ones who’d tried and failed to love you, and the ones who’d only wanted to hurt you. Those had been the words he’d said, and the reason you’d fallen in love with him. You hadn’t realized how long you’d been waiting to give those words back to him. 
He marveled at you for a moment as if seeing you for the first time before he spoke. “I wasn’t talking about any others,” he said quietly. 
You shook your head, smiling. “Of course you were,” you answered. “The other lives, the other versions of yourself. That’s all you talk about because it’s all you know. You’ve lived with yourself for so long you’ve forgotten that there’s any way to feel about yourself but hatred.” 
You let your hand drop, a sudden wave of exhaustion crashing over you. He noticed, catching your hand halfway down and guiding it to the top of your sheets. 
“Dorogoy,” he started, hesitating a moment on the pet name he’d given you. “Where have you been all my lives?” 
You beamed at him, finally hearing a break in the tension of his voice. He smiled back - not a broad smile, but enough to touch his eyes. 
“Right here, Aleks,” you replied as you let your eyes drift closed for sleep. 
You didn’t let yourself fully succumb to rest until you felt his warmth lay down next to you, his arms ever so carefully snaking around your torso. He tucked you closer to him, and you buried your head in his neck, breathing in the scent and the feel of him. You felt yourself slide off into sleep just as he started singing you an old Ravkan lullaby…
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oh-hell-help-me · 1 year
Day 19: Hungry
-please stop-
Super Dimentio cackles in delight as Mario tumbles from a swinging hand, feeling a crunch that has a trembling part of it finally still.
A finger twitches, but it doesn't prevent Paper Mario from getting a missile to the face, or Bowser tanking a headbutt as Peach dashes between its legs in hopes of attacking it from behind-
-you're... hurting them. stop-
Paper Peach is desperately keeping her ground as her parasol blocked projectiles, only to be sent careening back by Paper Bowser and Mario, who has been bodyslammed by a sliding shoe-
The entity cranes its head unnaturally as its eyes follow Peach, whose attacks simply bounce off.
It raises its hand-
And spasms.
It’s fighting with itself.
Mario would have thought it was just readying another attack, but-
The things arms seemed to wind themselves around the neck- squeezing as the rest of the body jerked in disjointed effort.
His head feels like it's splitting open- no one is shouting but the words are loud enough to feel them crashing into his skull.
He looks up (when did he fall to his knees?) and sees the thing's face stretch into a crazed grin.
"hahaHAHAHA!" He hates how the laugh echoes in this place- how it sounds like Luigi but just. Not. "YOU REALLY THINK IT WOULD BE THAT EASY, LITTLE 'HERO'?" It wrenches its arms apart, making a crackling sound that sends Mario's stomach lurching.
The thing has its hands loom over him, now, and while it felt like another blow might end his game-
The hand snaps backward, fingers twisting behind the 'wrist' as the thing wails-
He can't help but feel hope.
"Lu-" He coughs and ignores the iron-tasting wetness clogging his mouth. "Luigi?"
It's not paying any attention to him, or anyone for that matter as the spasming sends it crashing to knees-
The voice sounds nothing like Luigi, but also not like the thing.
"YOu- YOU- ArE NOT The SHowRunNer here-!"
"ShUt... UP!" The thing(?) screams- and shoves a gloved hand deep in its mouth.
It's disgusting to watch, especially as fluids start seeping out-
There's a squelch-
And there a jester is, wrapped in a darkening hand- frozen in shock. as the 'thing' seems to catch its breath.
Mario tries again. "Weegie?"
It's a split second, but he still feels unimaginable relief to see it- no, Luigi, it's Luigi- glance over to him with a tired but warm look.
And then his brother looks back at his hand-
And Mario tries to not feel fear when he sees that familiar face contort into something- dark.
He's never seen Luigi angry, nevermind whatever it is that he sees aimed at Dimentio (and it has to be him, especially as the jester seems to try to squirm out of its Luigi's grasp).
In his peripherals, he sees everyone else in their own state of anticipation, maybe hints of trepidation, and he couldn't blame them-
He wasn't expecting that expression to smooth out.
He definitely didn't expect Luigi's arm to condense with shadows and-
They spread down to his hands, bubbling around the wrist, up the hand-
And then Dimentio is screaming.
Mario isn't sure what to feel when he sees the figure get enveloped by those shadows-
The screaming cuts out.
He... feels horror. He hates that it's caused by Luigi. He feels like he's been dunked in an ice bath and left to dry in a freezer. Was that Luigi?
And did it matter, when he sees that towering figure tremble and shrink?
Did it matter when that figure starts to look less like that 'thing' and more like Luigi?
Did it matter when Luigi, and it is Luigi, he could hear his voice, see his face even if a bit lacking in color...
He doesn't hesitate to run towards him when he looks ready to keel over, doesn't flinch when he catches him and leads him down to the ground and into his arms-
He decides that it doesn't matter, when he hears his baby brother cry.
It doesn't even matter that he can feel Bowser approach in heavy steps, plopping down near them only to scoop them both in a hug.
It doesn't matter to him, not when the other half of his world seems to be breaking just the same as ever.
He just isn't sure what the others are feeling.
The sudden silence rings loudly in here.
Bowser would never say that he was scared.
With Luigi, he could say -with surety- that the Green Bean could never manage to scare him at all.
Strangely, even with the things that play out in front of him, he doesn't feel scared either. Not with the protective rage (something almost unrecognizable on that face) aimed at what used to be a threat.
He doesn’t give a damn that Luigi isn’t… the same, or that he’s technically hugging the red menace as well.
Luigi's fine- they're fine.
Everything's fine.
He feels the way the brothers shift closer, yes, but also feels a colder hand reach above his upper plastron, patting around for something-
He does his best to curl inwards, letting his muzzle nuzzle into Luigi's green-capped hair(?) and the searching hand does its best to curl around his head in a familiar hug.
...What does he feel then?
It's... something warm, maybe even hot, sitting in the bottom of his stomach. It flares up when Luigi calms down enough to pet his mane, nails scritching satisfyingly yet sending shivers down his spine.
He is... also tense? Bowser isn't nervous, or waiting for something, per say, but the world also feels strangely intense. He can feel his heart beating faster than usual, even though everything is done, and-
He stills, and is very grateful that neither human notices.
He'll deal with those feelings later.
Bowser is quick to stand up, lugging the two brothers up with him (he is smug to hear two startled yelps from that) and stomps over to the group of Paper versions and Peach.
He tries to not feel hungry.
The conversation with the Paper versions is... enlightening for Peach. And maybe them too, considering the thoughtful looks towards the unlikely pair huddled together with Mario.
For one, they are incredibly sure that -whatever Dimentio did- he hadn't bothered to keep tabs on their Luigi. If he wasn't this careless -or reckless- enough with the merge into 'Super Dimentio', there might have been a good chance of none of them surviving this.
Another is that Paper Bowser seems... stumped, realizing that his other version has fallen in love with someone who isn't Peach.
(She tries not to acknowledge the warning look Paper Mario shoots him with.)
Their last revelation is that whatever Dimentio did to summon the Chaos Heart this time hasn't ripped a hole in their reality.
It has also not really left.
Peeking back at the trio, coming closer due to Bowser, she is still off-put by the shock of white hair next to Mario's brown.
Never mind the lingering (but thankfully fading) pulses of emptiness that surround Luigi.
She's... not sure how to feel about Dimentio's... death? Is he even alive still, or was that truly...?
Regardless, they needed to go back. If not because of how unsure she is of this place's stability-
A stomach growls, and the only reason she knows it's from Luigi is becuase he shrinks into himself with a whine of embarrassment.
She tries really hard to not be incredulous, considering he just ate-
She is sure no one here has eaten since this morning...
How long have they been here?
She claps her hands together, startling everyone with the broken silence.
"Let's go home!"
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Your Kiss Is On My List by Hall and Oates
“Kiss me.”
“…Excuse me?” Steve looked at Eddie, who was slightly out of breath as he burst into the Family Video, clutching a paper and camera.
“Kiss me so I can get a picture.” Eddie clarified, thereby making shockingly even less sense.
Steve put a hand on his hip and arched a brow, “Why?” He highly doubted it was a spur of the moment thing, though there was the less logical part that screamed at him to shut up and accept the man’s offer.
Eddie let out a long, dramatic sigh before slapping his paper onto the counter, “I’m doing a scavenger hunt. You know, the one the radio station’s putting on?”
“And the more outlandish the thing you can bring in, the more points you get.” Eddie stopped there as if that should be obvious, and Steve was impressed by the much longer, far more dramatic sigh when he realized there were no dots being connected. He wondered if he should applaud, “I have everything except the last thing, and that’s worth the most.”
Steve’s eyes trailed down to the bottom of the page before he frowned, “‘The impossible’? Eddie, if this is because it’s impossible for me to kiss boys, I think I’ve been out way too long for it to shock anyone that I’m bi.” And he wasn’t stupid, knew the influence of the Harrington name protected him slightly from the backlash Eddie received for the very same ‘crime’. Well, similar. Eddie was completely gay, and Steve wasn’t planning on looking too deeply inside of himself to figure out why that delighted him.
Eddie rolled his eyes, “No, it’s because it’s impossible for King Steve to be kissing The Freak. I’ll get, like, a billion points for that!” He grinned like he hadn’t said something that absolutely broke Steve’s heart.
“Hey, why do you think that?” Steve frowned, the joyful air sucked out of the room.
“Because you’re perfect and I’m literally just me.” Eddie crossed his arms and looked down, toeing the carpet with his sneaker, “You’re everything I’m not, so it’s kinda tough to think you’d ever go for someone like me.” He shrugged his shoulders, “Not exactly a catch as a super super super senior.”
“You only had to repeat because you were in a coma.” Steve argued, “And you were in a coma because you were saving Dustin. That deserves some accolades.”
Eddie shrugged again then sighed, but this time it was far too real for Steve’s liking, “Look, can I get the picture or not? Daylight’s burning.” He waggled his Polaroid.
“…Fine.” Steve nodded, grabbing a sticky note and scribbling something down. He leaned over and there were sudden sparks waiting for him. He was sure his heart was about to beat right out of its chest as he was enveloped by the scent of cigarettes and cologne, the taste of Hubba Bubba, the feeling of slight chap and the beginning of a five o’clock shadow. With a flash of light, it was over far too soon for his liking.
Eddie grabbed the picture as it printed, shaking it to make it dry faster, “Thanks, I’ll be sure to buy you something with the prize mo-“ His voice caught in his throat as he stared down, face becoming a new and exciting shade of red. Yes, there was the kiss but, below it, was a post-it note clutched between Steve’s thumb and forefinger, facing the camera: ‘Eddie, will you go out with me this Friday? -Steve’
Steve decided to break the stretching silence, “You could buy me dinner.” And his grin grew to match the one before him, both equally delighted by the possibility of the impossible.
The newest prompt by @steddie-week, and you can follow along on AO3:
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hollywoodxwhore · 1 year
Ours | Chapter 18
Colson x Presley (Original Female Character)
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Synopsis: Presley and Colson fell in love accidentally, but they were meant to be. Now that all the obstacles have been removed, they're moving in together in LA. Now, they have all the time in the world for Colson to teach Presley all of the things he knows. This fic is the sequel to Mine, which can be found in my masterlist!
Warnings/Content: A little more angst but it's wrapping up I promise, mentions of suicide, mentions of panic attacks, mentions of not eating due to mental health issues, smut (18+), oral sex (f receiving), desperate sex, col coming in his pants, swearing, squirting, fluffy sweet aftercare
This is the final chapter of Ours (excluding the epilogue but it's super short) and I'm so grateful for everyone's love and feedback for this series. If you don't already know, there will be a third part and I'm so excited to write it. I hope you all love it!
I can’t believe I lost it that badly. 
I sleep for hours on Colson’s chest. When I wake up, he’s asleep, too, and I study his face, memorizing his features over and over again. The tightness in my chest is not normal. This is not just depression or anxiety. This is something deeper, and that really scares me. 
I wish like hell that it was easy to move past it, but how am I ever supposed to let go of the fact that if I hadn’t left Colson, he would never have put the wheels in motion to kill himself? How can he say it isn’t my fault – how can anyone say that? I know they’d all blame me if Colson had gone through with it. I can see it now – everyone trying to be sensitive at the funeral, but someone would lose it, point their finger at me, and say, “She’s the reason he killed himself!” 
God, I don’t want to have another panic attack. I’m already so weak and exhausted from the first one. My entire body hurts, my head throbbing. I haven’t eaten anything today, nor have I had any water, and I feel like almost every physical need anyone could have is plaguing me right now. 
But I can’t let go of my husband.
My mouth is so dry that I can barely breathe. My stomach twists with nausea, an ironic reaction to hunger, and my bladder is so full that it hurts. But despite all this, despite knowing my water bottle is right there on the table, that a toilet is right around the corner, I can’t get off of Colson. Jesus. Am I going to piss myself lying here because I’m so attached? Get it together, I say to myself, and even though it makes my blood pressure hike, I extricate myself from Colson’s arms. 
After emptying my bladder, I chug down half of my water bottle before taking a breath, and then I drink the rest of it. Colson starts to stir as I drink. He blinks his eyes open and then looks down at himself, eyes widening a little with worry when he doesn’t see me. He snaps his head over and relaxes as soon as he sees me. “Hey,” he rasps sleepily. 
“Hey,” I say, voice small. 
“Did you get some sleep?” he asks. He looks so endearing and adorable right now, his bleached hair all fluffy from sleep, his long eyelashes shadowing tired eyes. 
I nod. “Yeah. I’m starving, though,” I admit.
Guilt crosses Colson’s features for a millisecond. “You haven’t been eating,” he remarks, almost as if he’s just now realizing it himself. With that, he hops off the couch and lifts me into his arms. I can’t help but smile a little, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck like a koala bear. 
Colson sets me on the countertop and pecks my lips softly before turning to open the fridge. “What sounds good?” 
I’m weirdly relaxed, despite what happened earlier. I’m not hiding anything from Colson anymore, and that in and of itself is a relief. “Anything,” I say.
Colson nods. “Got it.” 
Colson makes me crispy chicken cutlets, a salad, and garlic mashed potatoes. I’m shocked by how much I’m actually able to eat – two full plates. The food is incredible and I feel so much better after eating. We eat on the floor in the living room with a candle lit, passing a joint back and forth. We talk about everything but the bad shit, and before I know it, Col has me laughing and smiling. For the first time in forever, it finally feels like us again. Our journey is far from over, but what I do know is that I don’t have to do it alone. 
The next day, I sleep in. I wake up to the sound of Colson’s voice. He’s on the phone, clearly trying to be quiet, but I know he’s still in our bedroom because he didn’t want to leave me. 
“Thank you. Alright, bye,” he says, ending the phone call. He glances over at me and when he sees I’m awake, he comes over and crawls back into bed. “Hi, love,” he murmurs, wrapping around me.
“Hey,” I say, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. “Who was that?”
“My psychiatrist,” he says. “We’re going to go see her today and get you some help, okay?” His voice is gentle and so kind, and even though it's a little scary, I relax. 
“You’ll be with me, right?” I ask.
Colson nods, nuzzling into my shoulder. “Of course. I’m not going anywhere.”
We’re quiet for a moment and then I roll over in his arms and look up at him. He wears nothing but a pair of boxer briefs that hug his butt perfectly. I haven’t felt desire since the first day he came home, but all at once, it rushes in so intensely that I feel a little dizzy with it. Using my legs, I pull his thigh between mine. Colson arches a brow but lets me pull him closer.
“Baby?” he questions. He doesn’t need to, though. He knows me well enough to know exactly what I want. His throat bobs as he swallows. “Are you sure?”
I nod, suddenly feeling absolutely desperate for him. “I miss you,” I say quietly. “Just want to be close to you.”
“Don’t do it because you think it’s what I want,” he murmurs, tucking my hair behind my ear. “Just holding you is enough for me.”
Boldly, I slip my hand between our bodies and grip his cock, already hardening in his boxers. I arch a brow, smirking just a little. His words definitely don’t match his body’s reaction. “Well, it’s not enough for me,” I say, and with that, my husband’s eyes darken. I can see the moment when he gives in. 
“Then get on your back,” he says. I do as I’m told and Colson instantly disappears beneath the blankets. I let out a shaky breath in anticipation of what’s coming. Colson slips between my thighs, big hands lifting each one over his shoulder at a time. I fell asleep in a big t-shirt of his and no panties, and when he notices, the breath he lets out is so warm it makes me shiver.
I lift the blankets to look down at him and his eyes lock on mine, his pupils so wide the iris is almost invisible. He brings his gaze to my pussy and bites his lip as he studies me. When his thumb lightly brushes over my clit, my hips twitch and Colson chuckles low. “Sensitive,” he murmurs, and then he presses a kiss to the crease between my thigh and my pussy. I hold a whimper in my throat as my legs start to tremble with anticipation. Just having him between my legs has me so aroused that I’m sure I’m already wet.
Colson presses a tender kiss to my clit, sweet and loving, and the gesture makes my breath catch in my throat. His eyelashes flutter as his eyes close, and the next kiss is open-mouthed and wet and hot, as are the ones that follow. Just his kisses can undo me, can make me so wet that it ruins my panties, and when he kisses between my legs, it heightens the experience tenfold. Sparks fly, electricity zinging through my body at the sensations his talented mouth can bring.
When my husband moans with my pussy in his mouth, my spine arches off the bed and my hands fist the sheets, effectively dropping the blanket. I can't see him anymore so I scramble to push the comforter out of the way. The morning sunlight peeks around the curtains, illuminating his white-blonde hair and eyelashes. He is a devil that looks like an angel when he takes care of me and I don’t think I’ll ever get over the way he affects me.
I gasp when Colson’s hands brace beneath my thighs and shove them up, lifting my lower half off the bed. His dark eyes lock on mine as he moves his tongue lower, swiping over everything before returning to my clit. I tense up, a little surprised. We’ve of course had anal, but he’s never had his mouth anywhere near my ass. I never saw the appeal; why do that when I have a much more sensitive clit right there? But it’s so erotic and almost…forbidden and it takes my breath away. Colson repeats his motions, moaning against me before his tongue lands on my clit and twists around it in circles.
“H-holy fuck,” I choke out, shoulders lifting off the bed in response to the pleasure. My stomach is rock hard with tension, so hard that I’m starting to tremble. Colson can’t stop moaning against my pussy and the vibrations are making me see stars. The room heats and my vision starts to flutter around the edges. I’m practically hyperventilating as he has his way with me, showing me just how perfectly he can use his mouth.
Half of me wants to beg him to put his fingers inside me, but I’m curious to see if he can actually get me to come without putting anything inside of me. If he can do it with just his mouth. As his plush lips close around my swollen clit and suck as his tongue continues to work, my stomach starts to knot up, telling me that, yes, my husband can make me come with just his mouth.
“Cols,” I practically wheeze, grabbing a handful of his hair. “Holy shit, baby, ‘mgonna come.” My words slur together; I’m drunk with pleasure as my pussy starts to clench around nothing. My heart races and I let my head fall onto the pillow as tingles creep up my spine and my stomach ties itself in such a tight knot that it almost hurts. And then, the knot explodes in my belly as I let it all go.
My body moves erratically beneath his mouth, even as his hands hold my hips down. I sob at the pleasure, hips twitching upwards as my clit throbs on his tongue. I’m just starting to come down when Colson comes up, slotting himself between my legs. He presses his clothed cock to my aching clit and grinds forward. I look up at his face and notice how tightly his brow is knitted together. His lips are parted as he pants and the way he ruts against me is so familiar that I reach down and grab his ass to help work him towards his own rapture.
“Fuckfuckfuuuuuck,” he chokes out. “Baby–” I watch his face, reveling in his unabashed pleasure as he comes from nothing other than giving me head and a little bit of grinding. It will never not shock me how I, some girl who was a virgin less than a year ago, can get Machine Gun Kelly, a well-known sex god, to come in his pants. And I love every fucking second of it.
Colson relaxes on top of me, our hearts fluttering against each other, and then he lifts his head to kiss me hard, so hard that my pussy already aches for him again. “I’m not done, I promise,” he breathes. “Just couldn’t help it. Your taste, your sounds, fuck.” His words melt into a moan. “Love you so fuckin’ much.”
“Get on your back,” I say, touching his cheek. Colson’s eyes sparkle. He loves when I ride him and I love it just as much, but I’ve got something else in store for him. I’ve been doing my research, or at least I was before everything went to shit. There’s something I’ve been wanting to try forever and now I finally have that chance.
I drop my shirt to the floor and help him out of his boxer briefs, and for a second, I’m tempted to slip my hand into his boxers, to feel what I did to him. Jesus, Colson has made me filthy. I drop the soiled boxers onto the floor and climb over top of him. There’s still cum on his tip and smeared slightly on his belly, and my eyes darken. I can’t help myself, moving down his body to lick up the leftover spend from his skin. Colson shudders and moans and his cock twitches, already hard again. 
He reaches for me and I come up, but then I turn around. “Holy fuck,” Colson says when he realizes what I’m doing. I smirk as I crawl over his body and position his cock at my entrance. It’s a little difficult to situate at first; I’m so used to the way he fits perfectly when I’m riding him the other way. Reverse cowgirl is more difficult than it looks but I’ll do it for Col. 
With his help, I finally sink down on him, and while it isn’t the most comfortable position for me, I don’t care. Because Colson’s hands have a bruising grip on my hips and he’s already moaning shamelessly behind me. I tip my head back, letting my long hair graze his chest, and he grips onto it, tugging. I moan at the slight roughness and try to move, but it’s tough, until Colson bends his knees, giving me his thighs to use for leverage. 
When I start to grind back and forth, Colson curses loudly. “Th-that’s it, baby, h-holy fuck,” he says shakily. “So good, Pres. so fucking – oh shit – perfect.” 
I love how powerful I feel, unwinding my man the way I am. “Colson,” I moan as pleasure starts to creep in. I won’t be able to come like this, but that’s okay. 
After a few minutes, Colson slows my motions, and I look back at him over my shoulder. He grins at me. “As much as I love this, I want to see your face,” he confesses, and I melt a little as I lift myself off of him and turn around. But instead of letting me ride him, Colson flips our bodies over and settles his weight onto me. With a slow grind of his hips, his cock slides back inside of me until it’s home. His hands slide beneath my ass and squeeze, pulling me closer to him, and with his eyes on mine, he starts fucking me hard.
Pleasure rushes in so fast that I can’t stop the moans bubbling out of me. I can feel myself getting wetter around him as he pounds into me, our skin slapping together. “Colson,” I whimper. “Fuck, baby–”
“Yeah,” Colson grits out, squeezing my ass even harder. “Fuck, I love you. So good to me.” He presses kisses along my collarbone and over my shoulder. My eyes are practically crossed at this point, the pleasure so overwhelming in the best way.
“H-harder,” I manage to choke out, because I know he can go harder. He lets go of my ass and lifts up a little, planting his hands beside my head. He brings his legs up and bends them, sliding them beneath my thighs, and then he starts to fuck me at lightning speed. “Oh god,” I wail, digging my nails into his shoulders as he absolutely pounds into me. I’m going to feel this later and I love every second. 
He keeps up his rapid pace but manages to get a hand between us to play with my clit, and that’s what sends me over the edge. A scream rips from my throat as I come so hard that I swear to god I black out for a second. It’s the best orgasm I’ve had in a long time, and Colson always makes me come hard. With that, Colson flips me over, lifts my hips, and slams back inside me. I scream again, squirting all over his cock and thighs, and Colson growls, “Fuck yes.”
I’m practically drooling on the bed at this point, Colson's hands being the only things keeping my hips up. “I’m close,” he manages. “Fuck, Presley, oh my god–” He thrusts four more times, slamming his hips against my ass, and then he seizes up with a gasp as he buries himself as deep as he can possibly go, painting my insides white. His orgasm triggers one more of my own, and that’s it – my legs give out and I splay on the bed helplessly, unashamedly. 
Colson stays flush against me for a few moments as we both come down, breathing hard and sweating. “Christ. That was fucking amazing,” he says, voice gravelly as he kisses my shoulder.
“Yes it was,” I croak, my walls still fluttering around him. When he pulls out, I can’t help but whine, and instantly, his cum trickles out of me. I shiver at the feeling and Colson moans, sitting back on his heels to watch it happen. He drags two fingers over my pussy and I hiss in overstimulation. 
“Sorry,” he rasps, pulling his hand back. “Shower?”
“Shower,” I say weakly, reaching for him. 
In the shower, Colson is pure love and care and safety. He hums while he washes every inch of my body with loving, gentle touches, and I let him. He washes himself quickly and steps out of the shower first, holding up a warm towel for me. He wraps me up in it and hugs me tightly, pressing a long kiss to the top of my head. He takes his time drying me off, too, looking up at me with love in his eyes. I let myself be cared for; we both know I need it right now. 
When we’re both dry, Colson scoops me up and carries me back to bed. “Your appointment is in about an hour and a half,” he says. “Will you get dressed while I make you something to eat?”
I hesitate. I’m scared of him leaving the room, leaving me alone. His expression softens and he thumbs my cheek. “Let’s both get dressed and go to the kitchen together,” he says. I nod gratefully. I’m sitting on the bed and he’s standing, but I reach for him. He hugs me, wrapping long arms around my body, and I slide mine around his neck, holding him close. “I love you, Presley,” he murmurs. 
“I love you too, Colson,” I mumble against his neck, closing my eyes. After a few moments, I let him go and he smiles softly at me. We both get dressed and head to the kitchen where Colson lifts me onto the countertop and presses a kiss to my nose. I can’t help but giggle and he winks at me as he turns to the fridge for food.
As my husband makes us breakfast, I feel a wave of calmness wash through me. Everything is going to be okay. Colson is going to make sure of that.
Taglist: @triplexdoublex@jaxbreaker@mgklove99xx@jinx-on-mars-19xx@iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker@anonymousme86@whiteleoqueen@feroniakutenpuu@hxllywoodwhxree
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tokuteasings · 2 years
Meeting - MetsuBouJinRai
I WILL NOT STOP TALKING ABOUT MBJR OKAY? I LOVE THEM SO MUCH THAT IT H U R TS Warnings: This can be read as platonic or romantic and is dedicated to @melting-morning-blues a fellow MBJR (and naki) simp lol. Probably spoilers....yeah...def spoilers. Also this is sad kinda?
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The only time you’re gonna be able to meet Horobi in a positive aspect is after this man has reformed himself. He’s hiding in the shadows of the world now, he’s protecting it in his own way. He’s ensuring the Ark does not come back and he takes his job oh so seriously. He does not need to sleep and is reluctant to ask for help from Aruto (for obvious reasons) or even AIMS. He’s better at asking for help from the other members and his own son but it’s still...um...difficult. 
Your first meeting is that he’s protecting you from an attack somewhere or from a malicious human. It’s a nonlethal blow and Horobi just stands over them and then looks over at you. You know who he is, he was all over the news once upon a time and as he turns to leave, you speak, “Thank you.” it’s honest and sincere and this catches his attention. So he turns to you and asks, “Are you not afraid of me?” and when you shake your head no...Horobi is confused. He was...ya know...not a good person...
“You’re helping now, so there is no need to be afraid of you.” and this shocks him for a good while. He’s deathly silent and his glare could kill people. But he doesn’t speak as he leaves and you are left. But what you don’t know is that Horoboi is secretly following you as you walk to your destination in the dark, wanting to ensure that you’re okay before actually leaving.
You uh...end up meeting him again when he rescues you from yet another fucker. You chuckle and state, “We gotta stop meeting like this.” which causes Horobi to roll his eyes. “It is merely chance, do not get in trouble again.” and then...ya keep meeting again. Whoops. You swear you are not stalking him and he is definitely not stalking you. But it is chance and well...ya better off getting to know this dude anyway.
Ya somehow end up with Horobi on speed dial and you tend to text him about things about your day! He doesn’t respond quickly as he takes his time to come up with the proper responses (sometimes hijacked by Jin who’s happy that his papa has a friend) and sure these responses are dry as hell and he may not fully get things even using the internet...but Horobi is honestly trying. He’s not going to open up right away bit he’ll get there...and he considers you interesting either way...
The only way to meet Naki is technically through AIMS, especially through Yua. Naki is a homebody at heart and they tend to keep to themselves. They only interact with people when they deem it necessary and other than that, they really only hang with like...Yua and Fuwa? You meet Naki because Yua introduced you to them, in order to consolidate better camaraderie between members. Naki was difficult to get used to, honestly, not because they’re a Humagear but simply because Naki is just very hard to talk to. It’s kinda awkward and silent for a while.
Naki is super professional, however, so it’s difficult to make small talk with them. They’re focused on their work and it’s difficult to mesh with them. However, one thing Naki does enjoy talking about is their dreams and MBJR. Though it is slight, you see this...strange glimmer of artificial light within their eyes when they speak about it. It’s quick and ephemeral, you need to catch it before it dissipates altogether. They’re affectionate towards their comrades, their family...and it’s so sweet to see.
If you all have seen the Zero One anime, you know Naki is...secretly a bit of a lil shit. Ikazuchi did break the rules and Naki is secretly rather competitive and they don’t really notice it until someone has to point it out to them. Naki had been invited to a group party and they started to play games and Naki got super into it and honestly, Naki probably got it from Fuwa...
It takes a long while for Naki to warm up to you, even then communication verbally is sparse. But it helps that you have Yua to help mitigate the tension just a bit. Though, it soon ends up becoming comfortable silence between the two of you as each of you do your own thing. You just pass information to each other in this dance of quaint trust that speaks volumes within the silence. Naki shows it with cues you honestly almost miss. Perhaps small nods and a slight change in the openness of their body language.
Naki whispers a genuine and kind, “Thank you.” to you one day when you had complimented them. It’s robotic a bit but there’s this twinge of gratefulness and lightness to their voice in the end. This soon spirals into asking them to possibly some down time outside of the AIMS office and they accept, perhaps one of the few times they have an actual human friend that isn’t Yaiba or Fuwa...and it’s nice.
Meeting Jin starts when he finds you repairing a dumped Humagear, after all...it must have belonged to someone and lived out his short life to its fullest. So you wanted to at least give it something. He’s surprised that you are helping, and he eventually helped you bring it to Hiden Aruto who fixed it up real quick! He thanks you of course, and then he is on his way. He’s surprised that you are helping Humagears but knows that they’re aren’t bad humans out there and inwardly, he hopes he gets to see you again.
And then he did. He finds you ending up working for Aruto’s company and meets you again when he visits him! You two get formally introduced by this time and you end up...not really tailing Jin (even though he jokes that you are) but keep on meeting him whenever you work for Aruto. Jin is the only member of MBJR that visits Aruto the most and it’s not a surprise to see him in the president’s office just chatting with him or learning about the happenings of the day. Thus, you kind of end up getting to know him during this time. 
You two end up becoming work buddies and whenever Jin visits, half of it is now to visit  you! It’s like patrol but not really patrol because he’s here to kinda goof-off half of the time. He takes his job seriously but like...there are times when he wants to be himself, and experience things for himself. It’s human-like and childish, yes, but honestly...it’s worth it to see him smile. 
He’s very much the easiest out of all of MBJR to get along with, and soon enough you are pretty much going flower shopping with him. He has a garden back in Daybreak Town and loves finding little whacky pots and new flowers to plant! Hell, if you two go paint flower pots together, he’s over the moon!
Jin is the most receptacle to texts from you and tends to randomly send you texts as well! It’s things like you two exchanging greetings, things about your respective days, where to meet up for a job, where to meet up for another shopping trip, etc! He has come to enjoy hanging out with you and honestly looks forward to it! Expect him to text you in the middle of the night just because he wants to hang or something, lol.
You met him when he was still known as Raiden and Subaru was by his side. He was probably sitting in a planetarium at his workplace, mapping out this false map of stars and there’s this twinkle in his eyes like a longing...he’s seen the real thing but sometimes, here on earth...it’s beautiful to see them plastered on to a simple ceiling. He hears you and wonders if you had gotten lost, laughing if you are and trying to take you back. 
He introduces himself as Raiden and you two spend time talking about the stars and planets. As he has spent so much time up there, he tells you about the beauty of it, how small everything was from his point of view. He knows you cannot see it but ends up giving you photos he had snapped while up there. “For a keepsake.” and he gives you a playful wink and ruffles your hair. “See you around, some day!” You visit him often now, wanting to learn more, understand more, and are magnetized to his energy...
When he is destroyed as Ikazuchi, you go to spend time with Subaru now...in mourning, perhaps. You two have gotten closer since meeting with Raiden and it’s this silent moment between the two of you as Subaru is processing his grief. It’s a new emotion for him and he can’t shed tears but it’s these sobs that threaten to tear out his sensors and voice box and he clings to you tighter than ever. You can’t do much but just hold him...
When he comes back as Ikazuchi, it’s awkward but you ran up to him with the brightest sparkles in your eyes and almost tackled him into a hug. “You’re back! You’re back Raiden!” and he stiffens. He hesitates to embrace back but pushes you away and tells you, “I’m...part of Metsuboujinrai...you’re not scared?” and you answer him no...because...why would that make a difference??? If Ikaika could cry, he would have.
Ikazuchi spends equal times with MBJR and equal times with Subaru and you now. You tend to visit him at the space center of course as he returns to working there. But he spends a lot more time down to earth (ha) now. This means he’s up for like random lil hang outs and dumb shit to do together. Fuwa sometimes checks on y’all as does Aruto and one of these days you and Ikazuchi are legit gonna disappear because you two stole a car and are going on a road trip-
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faustquillpen · 2 years
Wayward Academy
Heya, finally actually posting the story where these weenies came from.  It’s in a script like format beginning with a narration bit, because i kinda want it as a visual novel or comic or something. Shrugs. Anyways I'd really appreciate any interaction with this post, I worked hard and I'm a little sad I don't have many people to yell about my Ocs with lmao. This blog is strictly art writing and oc rambling if that's interesting to ya!!!
It all started with a turtle. Yes, a turtle. No, I don't know why it caught my eye and no I don't think it's destiny or anything of the sort. Just... The right place at the right time?  Or... Wrong place at the right time?  ...Maybe it was the right place?  Whatever. It all started with that turtle.
It wasn't the kind of night you'd expect it to be off when this sort of thing happens.  It wasn't- It didn't- it *was* normal.  Warm with a cool breeze, the kind of night that gently reminds you that colder seasons are coming, the heat of a summer day giving way to a cool, refreshing night.  It was nice, is what I'm saying. Just a nice night.  Peaceful, quiet.  I was walking along a fence that marked the edge of a private hunting property, listening to the last crickets and peeper frogs singing their last songs of the season before they slept.  Or died.  For the crickets at least.  It had been a long day at a mindless, soul crushing retail job, and I just wanted to get back to my flat.
Then I noticed that turtle.
It was stuck on its back, i-i always heard they can't really get up once they're stuck like that but I never actually saw it. You'd think after, like, millions of years of evolution they'd learn how to flip themselves back but, whatever. It was a pathetic little thing, waving its little feet in the air and rocking back and forth.
Obviously I wanted to do something, why wouldn't I?  I'm not, not some, some ass who just leaves a poor animal in trouble. But what was I to do?  The fence stretched for as far as I could see in either direction, and the top was fitted with some nasty looking barbed wire to keep out trespassers.  I remember kneeling on the damp ground, ignoring the chill and looking at the poor thing, trying to think of what to do.  Was there a stick nearby?  Maybe if I... Just tried to get my hand through the chain link?  No, no, it was too far for... Either of those things.  And then I.. I..
You... You ever drop something when you're younger, and you try to just... *Will* it back to you, like maybe you have some sort of latent super power you'll suddenly realize by making your pen or-or remote fly over to you?  I guess I was trying to do that, as I watched it struggle, imagining a mental push from underneath, enough to nudge it over.
And... It did.  
At least, I think it did. I saw a blue... Swirly bit of light, kinda like those orbs on those... um, paranormal.. video... Things. It started next to the turtle, and-And it moved up and towards it, it actually moved *up* and the turtle, it... he Moved with it!  
I think I kind of... Dissociated there.  Maybe?  Or just a regular panic attack. Or shock, I guess. I remember... Staring, at my hands, just, staring, trying to... To see if maybe, I dunno, they looked different somehow?  Glowy like that blue mist too?  But no, they were normal.
Then I remember a shadow passing over me, and getting up way too quick, and tripping backwards over the curb and... Then nothing. I guess I passed out?  There's... No way to really know I guess, but I'm pretty sure I did.  It's really disorienting to be doing one thing and suddenly be snapped to another moment, like no time passed at all between me falling and me groggily listening to the conversation around me.
Voice 1
*Dry, uninterested* you killed him.
Voice 2
No!  He erm, he's just uh, I...
Voice 3
It's my fault anyway, I should of been more... Humany when I went to greet him. The look on his face though?  Like he never saw a giant lizard before!  Hilarious.
Voice 4
Well, we can't do anything about it now--
Voice 2
H-hey I think, I think he's coming to!  Is.. that the right word?  “Coming to?”
Voice 1
*M.c. (main character) opens his eyes, wincing as he slowly sits up, groaning weakly* 
Voice 2
Oh yeah!  The turtle!  
Voice 4
Keep your voice down Dylan, poor thing probably has a headache from that tumble.
Right right right right *backing away and getting quieter*
Voice 4
Hey there .... Buddy?  Are you doing okay, ah... That wasn't uh, what we meant to do-- do you even know what happened?
Mmmmnnnoo? *Still out of it*
Voice 4
Good!  Uh. Forget everything I said just then.  I'm sure that won't be hard to do, you seem uh... Not quite ready to understand words just yet.
Voice 1
Maybe he's just stupid.
Voice 4 
*Shrugs with a grunt*
Voice 4
... Rude asses aside... *Focuses back on mc* I'm Josephine
Voice 3 
You're 'supposta tell us your name now.
*Quietly, in a slightly sing song voice* told you...
*Glares at lucas, who seems to not care in the slightest, then turns back again to mc* you can take your time, love.  Ignore these louts
Voice 3
*Quietly* What's a lout...
I-- my name is- uh... Faust. Call me... Faust.
Ooookay then... Faust?  So uh... What do you ah, what do you remember?
*In background* I think it's a type of fish...
*Groaning again and rubs his head* theeere... was a tuuurtle...?
*Continuing in background*  why are we fish...?
Okay.... Okay you know that's good, actually.  I know uh, some people with head injuries only remember half their day. At least you uh, probably aren't too damaged?  Maybe. We hope so. We had nothing to do with it by the way.
Wait, I thought Riley--
Shush, shush shush...shhh *covering Dylan's mouth who says something muffled but that vaguely sounds like "what about the fish?"*
Voice 3, probably Riley
*Muffled laughs*
Uh...  Can I go home now? *Unsteadily getting to feet*
Maybe that's for the best--
*Loudly interrupting* We gotta talk about the thing!
Wh..what?  Thing?  I .. what?
*Getting louder* the thing you did!  We saw you do the thing!  *Excited pointing*
He's right 
I don't-
The-- the turtle thing, you made it go... Woosh?  No no, not a woosh.  More like a... A... Little... Tap...?
Look, I don't know what you saw, but it's not anything you need to... Do anything about. A turtle was stuck on his back, I... I watched him, some wind or-or something blew and he walked away. You can't... *Prove* anything else happened
Ain't getting away that easy bud, I asked the turtle, she said she was good and stuck before she felt a gentle push over.  I asked about the wind, she said there weren't any.
... You asked the--
Doesn't matter.  ... So do ya know the x-men?
We are *not* the x men
I'm more of a y man myself.
*Urgently* You guys are gonna overwhelm him...
*Incoherent chattering and bickering as the group discusses what they're going to do. Some words are discernable, such as "how are we gonna tell 'im" and "the professor said..." "hey what about the fish"*
Faust takes advantage of this by edging along the wall of the alleyway they had taken him to before breaking into a sprint when he clears the group. 
... Should we chase him?
Riley and Dylan (overlapping with each other and Josephine)
Majority rules!  *She breaks into a sprint into the darkness of the night, her form shifting into a sleek four legged beast as she runs*
Yeah!  *Runs towards where Faust went as well*
Wait-- no, stop. Ugh.  Can you believe these guys *she turns to Lucas, but sees that the spot he was in is now empty*
*Muttering* dammit...
Faust is breathing hard as he runs, finding himself in a nearby shopping district.  He loops around a few times, coming face to face with a giant reptile like creature with glowing markings that he fled from with a scream
*Between breaths* I... Have... *No* idea where I am.
He ends up at a dead end and looks around, it's empty and seems like a safe place to bunker down.  He turns to the entrance of it and takes a peek out, seeing no one but hearing running in the distance.  He turns back around to see if he can hide behind something, only to literally run right into Lucas.
OH JESUS F-- what, Why,  ...How?
*Lucas shrugs, his face indifferent as he leans against the wall of the alleyway, sliding down and sitting on the ground.*
Um... Aren't you gonna like... Grab me and take me back?  That's how this works right?
*Grunts and shrugs again, taking out a pack of cigarettes*. Want one, blondie?
Uhm... No, i-i don't think they're very y'know, healthy?
Well, picking your gums when you’re stressed isn’t healthy either.
Faust, stopping what he was doing
Fair enough....
-silence for a bit-
So uh...  What... Kind of music do you listen to...?
*Quietly stares* that... Was not what I was expecting you to ask.
Faust sits down next to Lucas, deciding that he was safer in the alleyway than running around a place he didn't know at whatever time of night it was.  They sit in silence for a while. 
Faust nervously looks at Lucas and then away from him a few times, trying to stutter out words. 
(interrupting the stuttering) So, blondie, seems like you have a fun little party trick you can do, hm?
I don't...
Listen, I don't know what you want but--
Listen.  *He throws aside the cigarette* There's nothing wrong with what we saw, exactly, but there are people out there who can and will take advantage.  If you just... Hear them out, I think it would make a lot more sense.  I don't really like being pulled around either, but at least we don't have to deal with fighting government goons or whatever would come after us. 
I-- ... I dont-- ... *takes a breath* o-okay.
Lucas nods as the sounds of footsteps come closer, Faust turns his head to the source of the noise. 
You never saw me. 
*Turning back* I-- *the alleyway is empty*. .... Right, might as well, I guess.  *Sighs*
Dylan is panting and leans against a wall while trying to get his breath back 
Hey... Faust...  Don't skip leg day... Or you'll end up like this.  *He half sits down and half collapses*
*Josephine and Riley wave as they walk over*
Told ya I smelled him over here
... So you could of tracked him without giving him a heart attack this whole time?
*Considers for a second* ... Nahhh.
Josephine rolls her eyes before addressing Faust
Sorry about ... All this *she sweeps her arms around as if referring to everyone* We want to talk to you, truly we do.  The rest got ahm... A little excited?  We didn't think we'd find anyone like you this soon to be honest.
It's, it's fine, I needed to get some uhm... Exercise anyway.
where's Lucas?
Probably jumped off a building to get to bed faster
Wait what, what did you, what?  Wait w-wait --wait!  Is-is he okay?
 *talking over Faust*. So anyway,  We got a proposition for ya.  How'd ya like to live with all your living expenses paid while learning how to use your powers n'... Other boring education stuff.
not going to lie, that sounds like a scam.
... yea I said that too. 
It's not though!  Truly, the Professor seems like a really nice dude, if not a little...
he's super weird dude, but not in a bad way, like cool weird.
... Eccentric.
Faust: ... Not sure if I can deal with more of that, to be honest.
Listen, we really think that it'd help, we... Haven't quite started yet ourselves but... It all seems really nice.
 ... So you're bringing me into something that you don't even know 
 I.. uh...
We get extra credit if we help find more people!
 *grabbing at Dylan to try to quiet him down, he tries talking while muffled by her hand*
Oh.  *Sounding legitimately disappointed* so... It's not me.  You just want to get some extra benefits then?
*Sheepishly* I... Was going to tell you?
I'll try this... This whatever it is out.  It's not like anything can get much worse, could it?
*Confidently* things always can get worse!
*Cutting in* but they won't!  *Quietly* I hope...
*Handing Faust a bit of paper* here, this is supposedly when the first orientation is, we'd really really really like it if you came with us?  No pressure.
Faust, reading out loud
Dear Student,
To my momentous delight, it has come to my astute attention that you have the unique requirements to be invited to the brand new prestigious Wayward Academy. This is a place for those who do not belong anywhere else, who could not possibly come to their full potential without the support of our diligent staff... (Jeez these are a lot of big words) ... And we wish to formally invite you to our orientation and interviewing process to find out where you can fit in our family.  Any who bring a friend or enemy who also shows potential will receive extra amenities that have not yet been decided upon, but we promise they will be quite a treat! I am excited to also inform you that this letter of invitation also serves as a confirmation of a grant that will be awarded to you if/when you are approved for admittance which will pay for lodgings on or off campus.  I would be honored if you would allow me to interview and learn about your talents and how you would fit in here.  Please consider a visit!
With utmost respect and excitement,
Professor Xavier J. Winter
*Everyone is quiet for a while*
well, see ya!  *Leaves*
I- uh- we'd really like it if you came.  At least to let us treat you to a meal as an apology for... The trauma of tonight.  Please uh, consider?  *Coughs awkwardly* I'll uh, hopefully see you there...?
*As he's walking away* I... Guess?
*after a few more seconds*
... I still don't know where I am.
I found my way home eventually, of course. I guess that's kind of obvious since I'm here and not uh, frozen to death or mugged or eaten by animals.  And uh... I-im honestly not quite sure... What else to say...?
"My dear Faust, welcome to the Academy."
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mochitoaster · 2 years
Dead Weight, Cosmic Embrace
He feels adrift, the tides of non-existence pulling upon his mind as the waves of the void he finds himself in keep him afloat.
His name is William, he recalls.
He is William Wisp and his soul has lost its tether. He is William Wisp and he is adrift in an endless sea of unconsciousness.
William is adrift with no anchor. Dakota struggles to tread enough water for the both of them. Their bodies may be on dry land, but their souls are being swallowed by the sea.
☆ You can also read this on ao3! ☆
Reblogs are super appreciated ^_^ <3 Happy reading!
This fic features stylized blood, blood loss, dissociation, and derealization. It’s not super graphic, but do approach with caution if these things make you uncomfortable.
This fic contains spoilers for season 2 episode 22 of Prime Defenders.
He feels adrift, the tides of non-existence pulling upon his mind as the waves of the void he finds himself in keep him afloat.
He thinks maybe he could see stars, if he could figure out which direction was up.
He’s fuzzy, faded, like a video transmission sent through twenty layers of concrete, soil, and the thick, cold oak of a coffin.
Who was he, again? Does it matter, really, when nothing else around him is anything either?
He feels as if he should have a name, perhaps a family, friends, maybe a dog or something. Not that he really knows what those things are. They’re more of a concept, really.
He can feel the waves of radiation that beam endlessly through the universe refracting through what must be his body. He is suspended, the only thing keeping him present that gentle yet sturdy ebb and flow beneath him.
He focuses on it, reaching for something to hold onto and tether his soul to again. That steady motion, like waves, or a march, or a heartbeat. Perhaps it’s the beat of a distant star’s funeral dirge.
His name is William, he recalls as the sensation beneath him grows firmer. He is William Wisp and his soul has lost its tether. He is William Wisp and he is adrift in an endless sea of unconsciousness. He pushes further, grasping with his mind for any shred of sensation.
Something sturdy is holding William up, something strong and firm. William can feel its pressure, the way it presses up against his neck and the backs of his knees.
His name is William.
William has a physical body.
There is light seeping through the thin skin of his eyelids, garish in its brilliance as William manages to drag himself back to the world of the living. He attempts to crack an eye open and immediately winces as it blinds him, its presence so intense after the darkness of the beyond.
He hears someone gasp somewhere close by. William’s head is pushed a little as the surface he’s resting it upon moves with the sound.
“Will? Will, are you awake, man?” they ask urgently, the anticipation in their tone grating against his ears.
William grunts a little, still struggling to open his eyes.
“Oh, thank—shit, man! Don’t try to move too much, you’ll hurt yourself even more!”
William manages to frown a bit, confused by what this increasingly familiar voice is saying. Surely if he was hurt he’d feel it.
“What.. happened…?” he struggles to get out, his teeth grinding and his throat feeling as if it was rubbed raw with sandpaper. “Where…?”
He feels the ebb and flow of the pace beneath him quicken into a jog.
“Don’t try to talk, dude! You’re fine, you’re gonna be okay, I promise! Just—just, uh, stay still! I’ll get you somewhere that can help, probably. You’ll be fine!” the person carrying William stutters out rapidly, sounding a little breathless.
Naturally, he immediately ignores their advice and takes a stab at opening his eyes again.
The light is less sharp, this time. Bearable. It leaves dappled shadows on William’s face from where it shines through a verdant canopy. The sound of dirt and gravel crunching beneath boots mingles with the babbling of a creek nearby.
There’s a shock of red disrupting the scenery, frizzy and splayed in every direction.
Dakota glances down at William, his pupils pinpricks of terror. “Don’t fucking talk, dude! You’re fine! We’re fine! It’s fine!”
“What the hell are you talking about, man?” God William’s head fucking hurts.
Dakota is blinking rapidly, as if he’s fighting off tears. His hold on Will tightens. If this were any other scenario, William would probably be blushing. Internally, at least.
“Look, dude, you just—fuck, man, you just fucking collapsed out of nowhere! There was, like, blood and shit, I don’t know! You said you were just going for a walk but I followed you cuz you never fucking do that and then you dropped! You scared the shit out of me, man!”
“Dakota, it’s—it’s fine! I feel fine, man, it’s all good!” William is pointedly ignoring the strange blue substance that’s left streak marks on his arms. “I can’t even feel anything, Dakota! Can you slow down?”
Dakota is speeding up, now at a full run as he crashes through bushes and ducks under low hanging branches.
“Dakota, come on, I’m fine! I don’t get why all this is about—“
“You’re supposed to feel, William! I gave you my fucking heart!”
“Ah, right…”
“I’m taking you to Dr. Cross, okay? He’ll know what to do, maybe! We would’ve driven but even without the crazy heart I’m still the fastest out of all of us.”
William is beginning to think he might be in shock. That’s what happens when you experience traumatic bodily injury, right? He thinks so, at least. Although, it’s a bit hard to tell if he’s just numb from adrenaline and pain or if his heart has stopped beating altogether.
A pang of guilt flies through his gut as he looks up at Dakota’s panic stricken face. Sure, it probably wasn’t the smartest idea to go try to find a ping on the Trickster’s location alone, but he really didn’t want the others to know he had a lead yet. It wasn’t so much that William was keeping it from them, but more like he just wasn’t ready to accept the reality of the situation himself.
He wishes he could remember why he collapsed. He wishes he could wipe that look off of Dakota’s face even more.
Shakily, William reaches a hand up to Dakota’s cheekbone, a smear of dark blue painting his skin as William’s fingers ghost over it. It’s kind of pretty in contrast to Dakotas bright cherry red hair.
William thinks there might be a bit too much of this blue stuff leaking out of him. His vision is starting to blur, the colours all bleeding together like some kind of abstract art.
“Yeah, Will?”
“Has anyone ever told you you’re really pretty?”
Dakota makes a sound like someone had just punched him in the throat. “William, I think you’re bleeding out, dude.”
“Eh, who needs blood anyway? Just give this stuff back to Vyncent.”
“This is serious, dude. Wh—are you closing your eyes?!”
William shoves his face into Dakota’s shoulder, trying to ignore the way the world is spinning. “Mm just.. a lil tired…” he mumbles into the thick fabric of his flannel shirt.
“William, hey man, come on don’t fall asleep on me here!” Dakota sounds a bit distant, like he’s calling to William through a layer of gelatin.
The person carrying him smells like cedar. At least, he thinks that’s what scent it is. There’s something wet trailing through his fingertips. He’s not sure he cares too much to remember what it is.
The darkness is ebbing and flowing beneath him, supporting him upon its intangible waves. He forgets his name again as he allows himself to be lulled into its embrace.
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reesiewrites · 7 months
OC Kiss Week 2024: Day One - Almost
Kindly ignore that this is a few days late <33
“My Dad isn’t going to go down easily, you know.”
Charlotte sighs, swiveling away from her screens to look at Octavia. As long as Charlotte’s known her, Octavia has always been so vibrant. Loud and confident and unapologetic. Brash in a way that was endearing. Octavia was the kind of person everyone looked at when she walked into a room. Or, at least, she had been.
Dr. Otto’s plan had shocked them all but Charlotte knew no one was taking it as hard as Octavia. It wasn’t every day that you found out your Dad was a supervillain deadset on killing one of the richest men in the city.
Personally, Charlotte thought they might as well let him go through with it. It wasn’t as if Mr. Osborn was a good guy. Salem has his whole “every life is worthy” thing though, so.
“They won’t kill him, Via. If that’s what you’re worried about.”
Octavia scoffed, crossing her arms and leaning back on their shitty sofa. She looks so… depleted. Long blonde hair left free of its typical braids, tangled and shadowing her face. Clearwater eyes dimmed and downcast. A storm had rolled over her and now it threatened to break all over Charlotte’s apartment. “I don’t care if they kill him. It doesn’t matter if he dies or ends up in prison. He still-" Octavia cuts herself off, biting down on her quivering lower lip to silence herself.
Charlotte can hear the end of that sentence though. He still chose this over me. Because the reality was Octavia couldn’t go home after this. There wasn’t a home for her to go to. With her Mom out of the picture, Charlotte doesn’t know where exactly Octavia can go. The foster system, maybe? Did Octavia have any other family?
Leaning forward to take Octavia’s hands in her own Charlotte sighs. There isn’t much she can say; it won’t fix anything. Still… “You aren’t alone in this, Via. Salem and Kumo are here for you. I’m here for you. We’ll figure something out.” Maybe Salem and I can take her in. It wouldn’t be the first illegal thing we’ve done.
Sniffling, Octavia reached up to wipe at her eyes. “Thanks. I’m fine, I swear. I know it’ll work out.”
“It’s okay if you aren’t. This situation is all kinds of fucked.”
Huffing a dry laugh, Octavia leans forward to tuck a dark curl behind Charlotte’s ear. Charlotte freezes, all her focus going to the hand currently cupping her cheek. “Via?”
“Would it be totally fucked if I kissed you right now?”
Just as Charlotte is about to say no! No, definitely not! I would actually really like that. I’ve been thinking about kissing you since I met you, actually. When she’s cut off by a crash resonating through her earbud.
Kumo’s voice comes through strained as he shouts in her ear. “Super happy for you and all, Char, but uh-“ another crash, “could really use our girl in the chair, right now!”
“Are you serious?” Grumbling, Charlotte presses a quick kiss to the palm of Octavia’s hand and pulls away. Not daring to look at Octavia’s expression she focuses in on her screens. “Next time you and Salem plan on kissing I’m going to interrupt you. See how you like it.”
“I’m going to sing the kissing tree song every. Single. Time.” Octavia adds in a sing-song tone. When Charlotte finally gains the courage to look back she’s relieved. An obvious scarlet flush is working its way across Octavia’s pale, freckled cheeks. Neither of them is sure what’s going to happen after they defeat Dr. Otto. One thing Charlotte does know though, is that she’s not about to let Octavia go through it alone.
For now, Charlotte has to save her idiot brother and his equally dumb boyfriend.
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an entry in the tim&steph role swap au
"And what's a little birdy like you doing out on a night like this?"
Robin spun around, rainwater splashing away from those bright yellow combat boots of hers, and gasped. "Oh my god!" Except she didn't sound shocked, or scared, or even righteously angry to find herself mask-to-mask with Catwoman. She just sounded excited, like any other teenage girl.
Selina raised her eyebrows, and dropped sinuously from her perch to join Robin on the rooftop. "What?" she asked, amused, as she paced a slow, wide circle around the girl. Curiosity would kill the cat one day, she knew, but there was no way she could pass up a chance for a good look at Batman's new Robin. The streets were positively abuzz.
This one was blonde. This one was a girl. This one--according to Eddie, nursing a broken nose and looking downright murderous--was just different.
Robin made an annoyed noise, flicking at the small white nub of the commline in her ear. "'Oh my god' like oh my god, B, shut up will you?"
The white out lenses of her domino mask hid the motion, but she could not be more obviously rolling her eyes if she tried. Or maybe she was trying--she pointed at her ear, scrunching her nose up, and made as close to eye contact as she could with Selina through the mask, as if to say, "This guy, huh?"
Selina snorted, the inelegance of the noise washed away beneath the patter of the rain.
"Your costume is absolutely spectacular," Robin chirped, bounding towards Selina--who danced back, staying out of reach, and shook a teasing finger.
"Uh uh, birdy. Flattery won't get you everywhere, you know."
"What? Ugh. No, I'm serious!" Robin rolled her eyes again. "I mean, eggplant would have been better, and I'm kind of crazy about purple pizzazz--you know, like the crayon?--but this is definitely like solid top five for shades of purple. Way, way better than that weird mauve the city uses for the sign backgrounds in Robinson Park. And your boots are cool! I don't think I can pull off thigh highs--"
"No fourteen-year-old can pull off thigh highs," Selina assured her, dry amusement rumbling through her chest. She didn't think the chatter was what Eddie'd been talking about, but he was right: this was a change.
"Well, that's a relief. But I'm not sure if I'll ever get there, you know? There's a specific kind of confidence to wearing thigh highs, and also a proportion thing, and you're definitely, like, 15% more leg than my mom is, which is more or less how I picture myself as an adult. But like, cooler. And with better taste in men." Robin wiped rain off of her face, a sparkling grin lighting up her face, and her cape snapped out behind her as she spun to keep Selina in view. "What are you doing out here, by the way? I thought cats didn't like rain."
"This, that, and the other," Selina purred. "But you never answered me, birdy."
"What? Batman and Robin always patrol. You're the one being weird." She turned her head, pointy chin nearly poking herself in the shoulder, looking back the way Selina had come. "I mean, you engaged me, so it's not like you've got stolen goods on you right now. But you wouldn't be out here in the rain if you didn't have to be either, which means you were doing some time sensitive recon. What's caught your eye at the Gotham Museum of Art?"
"Maybe I just think it's romantic to take a walk in the rain," Selina countered smoothly, refusing to acknowledge the shrewd deduction either positively or negatively. "Where is that hunky shadow of yours?"
"First of all, ew. You also need better taste in men. Second of all--" Robin leaned in, hand next to her mouth as she said, conspiratorially, "Honestly, I don't really care what you're trying to steal? I mean, we break into places and steal stuff all the time--sure, B." She rolled her eyes again, straightening, and placed her hands on her hips. "It's super different, because we're doing it to protect people. We have the hubris to move mountains, laws don't apply to us when we don't want them to, and the Commish has definitely never yelled at you about your methods ever in your life, especially not just a couple days ago about the Maretti case." Her face was pure innocence under the mask, her voice sparkling as she chirped, "No, of course I wasn't eavesdropping, Bossman. You asked me not to and I pinky promised."
Selina couldn't help it; she tipped her head back and laughed. "I like this one," she told the shadows on the next roof over. She'd heard the softest of rustles of his cape when he touched down, the quietest of sighs as his sidekick teased him. "She's got spunk." Selina turned her attention back to Robin, not surprised to find she'd taken advantage of Selina looking away to move in close--a lesser thief may not have noticed the tracker lightly pressed to her belt, but Selina was no lesser thief. She picked it back off, an amused twist to her lips as she flicked it away (Robin pouted), and tilted the girl's chin up with one clawed finger, smirking. "You know how to pick locks, kitten? What about a safe?"
She couldn't see the girl's eyes, but Robin's entire body language lit up. "Oh my god, please--"
"No, Robin," Batman rumbled. He was trying to sound stern, but Selina could hear the amusement underneath, and something in her own chest loosened.
He hadn't sounded like that in a while. Their tussles since... the last Robin... had been lacking that certain je ne sais quoi that Selina had always so savored. He had been laser focused on The Mission, getting back whatever she'd stolen, and not so much on... her.
But she had his attention now.
"C'mon, Bat," she purred, moving to stand behind Robin with her hands on the girl's shoulders, dropping her chin to damp blonde hair. "Let the kid live a little. All work and no play makes Robin a dull sidekick."
That got her a light elbow and a huff. "Partner," Robin corrected her stubbornly.
"Oh, darling, if it's a vigilante partnership you want, you've got better prospects than Batman. Don't you know the Black Canary's somewhere around here in Gotham, too?"
"B-man says I'm not allowed to meet any other Justice Leaguers until he can guarantee I'm not going to cause any trouble."
"So, never?" Selina guessed.
Robin cackled, bright and more than a little creepy, just like the two before her. Had Nightwing been giving lessons, or did it just come naturally once you found yourself dressed up like a traffic light?
The Bat opened his mouth, no doubt to say something annoyingly controlling yet inexplicably charming, but a gunshot rang out a few streets over, and it turned into a bark instead. "Robin!"
"On it!" She ducked out from under Selina's hands, her feet light as she splashed across the roof, grappling gun appearing in her hand almost like magic as she took the last bounding step up to the edge.
He was already turning to follow her, caught in Robin's wake like he really was her over-six-foot-tall shadow, but his gaze swept over Selina before he'd fully turned away. "We'll pick this up next time," he promised, a thread of heat in his voice, and with a great swoop of his cape he was gone.
Robin's faux gagging noises rose high above the distant sounds of violence, and Selina's laughter followed it into the sky.
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pastelbatfandoms · 7 months
The Red Widow- A Marvel AU
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A/N: This is an Alternate Timeline set in the Marvel universe. As I am a reality shifter and this is one of My Desired Realities, most of what I write come from memories as Lilianne mixed with scenarios. So if things seem out of chronological order or "characters" seem different that is why. Also Black Widow is still alive in this.
Part 1
My name is Lilianne Liandre'. But you may know me by My vigilante name Shadow, an Agent of Shield, part time Avenger and X-Men (Woman) but before that I was...well let me start at the beginning.
I don't remember much of my childhood in Canada if I even had one...other than I could speak french and english. My parents and I moved around a lot, then there was a year of my life missing when I was around 6 or 7 I'm still not sure.
But I was told an organization took me in, convinced I had powers they could use, but gave up once they figured out I wasn't ready to learn how to control them.
My parents and I moved to Ohio,that was when I met and became close friends with Natasha and Yelena Romanov. Natasha taught me how to fight, where she learned it she never told me.
Then My parents died in a car accident when I was 9 years old, later I learned it was no accident. I was taken by that same organization that called themselves Hydra, for something called The Widow Project.
It was 1995 I was reunited briefly with Natasha and Yelena but they seperated us again, the sisters went with other girls crammed together in one military vehicle while I was taken by someone who they thought could control my shadows, my literal demons. A master of Mind Control, Baron Zemo...
Where I would be known as The Red Widow.
28 years later...
I woke up in a cold sweat again, another nightmare, the same place like every night. That damn Red Room, the memories haunting me of being strapped down while they tore me from the inside out at only 12 years old.
A familiar russian male accent, calming me, the words soothing "It'll be fine Princess. You can handle this, just a bit more." Zemo did nothing to stop them though even as I begged him too, as he placed his hands on either side of my head and I screamed as they took my choice away.
I gripped the sheets, willing the memories away, as I got up. Even so I punched the wall angrily making a large hole into it, damn super strength powers, the serum hadn't made us super soldiers like Bucky or Steve but we had above average strength and agility.
Shaking off the nightmare that was all too real. I looked around the room, confused at first then remembered this wasn't my room it was a guest room and it belonged to Baron Zemo...yes that Zemo, my mentor, my tormentor (or at least accomplice) and former lover for 10 years until I'd escaped with the help of Bucky Barnes then The Winter Soldier.
I was upset with Bucky for breaking Zemo out of prison, but he insisted we needed his help, so I let it go for now. I didn't have much choice in the matter, I mean I could leave but I didn't want to leave Sam and Bucky high and dry against The Flag Smashers (stupid name btw) especially since Bucky was My boyfriend now.
Oh did I forget to mention that? Yeah we've been dating for awhile ever since we reunited after the snap....Although the reunion didn't start off great.
4 years earlier...
A hand made of vibranium wrapped around my throat, slamming me hard against the wall outside the apartments in Budapest. His icy blue eyes stared into my hazel one's, emotionless and cold. "For the last and final time...who are you?" He ground out his tone sending shivers down my spine.
"Bucky...It's Lili, you don't...remember me..." I gasped around his strong hold.
He froze then, his expression changing as he realized who I was finally. We had been fighting for over an hour, it was about time he remembered me. His grip eased as he released his hold on. His breathing uneven and and his eyes wide with shock. "L-Lilianne?" His voice hoarse with disbelief.
I took a breath, smiling in relief. "Didn't think that would work...Hey Buck."
"I can't believe it. I-It's been too long. You're actually here. It's you." Bucky reached out to touch my face but froze at the last second, his expression faltering before he continued. "So much has changed." He muttered. It was impossible for him to hide his surprise. The snap had only been a year but to them it felt like 5 and it showed the year had left their mark on both of us.
I looked down for a moment. "I know...Maybe we should go somewhere else to talk."
Bucky nodded in agreement, "Yes that would be...smart." His tone as serious as his expression. It was clear a lot was on his mind, I could feel the tension in the air as we walked side by side.
"Let's go to my place. It's more secure." Okay so it wasn't actually my place it was Natasha's she was letting me use it until she got back...whenever that might be....I grabbed the keys opening the tall ornate but worn doors.
The place was small but cute despite being an assassin Natasha had good taste, but then so did I if I say so myself. Even if mine was more on the alternative side and hers was more kitschy.
we walked through the living room and straight through to the kitchen as I opened the retro fridge trying to appear calmer than I felt as I rummaged through it before finding some drinks. "Beer?" I offered him, holding up the glass bottles.
I could feel his eyes boring a hole into me, noticing how different yet the same I was. He nodded, "Sure." His response seemed nervous as he took the bottle I offered him and sat at the round table in the center of the kitchen, the chairs mismatched in bright orange and teal but still cute.
I stood then staring at him, trying to appear calm, detached like I had been bred for but inside I was a jumble of nerves same as him. "So how'd you find me? Where did you think I was this whole time?"
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Bucky opened the bottle then taking a drink. After a moment he took a breath, setting the bottle down. "I don't know...I looked all over for you after the snap...when I couldn't find you I panicked...I started thinking the worst. I thought something had happened again." His eyes dropped to the table not looking at me.
I took a sip of my beer, surprised. "Really? last I heard you didn't care what happened to me, I was just a burden. Something you to deal with." But to me he had been my everything. I thought.
A look of confusion spread over his face for a moment before the memories started to resurface, of how he treated her, basically ignoring her while in The Avengers and then going back into cryo sleep. "I was scared after what had happened before...after what I was made to do. I thought it better to keep my distance then risk hurting you that way." His voice was quiet, the regret in his eyes clear.
I just looked at him then still upset. "The Winter Soldier's words then...not yours?"
Bucky gave a small nod, "Yeah, I...the time I spent as The Winter Soldier has always been hazy. I was on edge, paranoid most the time, hoping I wouldn't lose my mind again. I was different then, nothing like I am now. So yes those words were his."
I gave a small nod of my own, not looking at him, "I thought so. Are you better now?" I asked. Well as better as we could be, I knew working for Hydra what they did to the human psyche. Saw what they did to him, what Zemo did to both of us...I took a breath, willing the memories away.
Bucky sat in silence for a few minuetes, reflecting on my question as he tried to find the right words, "Yes, I mean I'm a lot less on edge then before. After everything that I happened, I've had time to make amends to change, I'm still working on it."
I gave a sad smile with a nod, "Me too. I found a balance. I don't work with just shadow anymore." A glow seemed to light up around me then faded as I said that.
Bucky raised an eyebrow in curiosity at that, leaning forward. "You learned more? You use light as well now?" Bucky hadn't thought someone could control both light and shadow.
"Yes. Well Lucifer's lighter side. Demon's don't just work in the darkness. I've been laying low but I do still help The Avengers and XMen occasionally. I'm sorry I wasn't able to do more against Thanos, it's just The XMen needed me and I was helping Yelena."
Bucky nodded in understanding, he knew we had also been avoiding each other at the time. Which seemed petty in the scheme of things. The new information about the demons though surprised him, he knew I was into magic, that I had that potential that's why Hydra had wanted me after all but... "So you actively work with the demons now like as equals? So you can control light and shadow?" His expression was stil stoic but I could see a flicker of something else in his eyes.
I smirked, "Ah yes I was still developing that when you met me...still just being an agent. I can still fight as you saw but yeah things are different now."
Bucky looked impressed, his voice laced with admiration and interest. "I had no idea you were so powerful...controlling both light and shadow. You may be able to give Wanda a run for her money."
I smirked at that. Knowing she had been the one to teach me how to practice real magic, as well Magneto but I decided not to mention that...only replying with, "I had to do something. I only ever worked with them for small things before and what Zemo tried to get out of me...but after I left Hydra and Shield, I made some more deals, they helped protect me." Illyana Rasputin had been the one to introduce me to most of them.
Bucky nodded, still trying to process what I told him. "Makes sense. You said you were laying low after the snap, what have you been doing all this time?"
I sat down across from Bucky then as I answered, "Odd jobs mostly. I've also been working with Natasha and Clint, they needed help with some young supers. I met Kate Bishop, I like her, we became fast friends. But otherwise I've been trying to lay low, May and Coulson know where I am but thankfully they haven't been pressuring me to come back to Shield."
Bucky listened intently at me, then said "Sounds like things have worked out for you. Have you ever thought about coming back to Shield? Maybe we could work together again?"
I looked at him, frowning. "Aren't you worried? what if Hydra tried to infiltrate again?"
Bucky paused at that, as he seemed to mull it over, leaning back his eyes wandered from mine as he gave a small shrug. "Honestly? I haven't had the chance to worry much about it. I've been more focused on...other things."
I look curiously at him now, "Such as?"
The corners of his mouth turned upward slightly as he met my eyes. The look on his face hinted at what or rather who he was referring to. He seemed unsure how to say it but ultimately gave in and spoke, "Such as...you. I've spent the last year thinking about you. I've missed you."
But not enough to come find me....I hesitated for a moment before replying, "I missed you too...despite everything that happened..."
"Despite everything, despite what I said and did. I regret letting you go and I...I'm sorry." It was the closest he'd ever come to apologizing and I knew it took alot for him to say that.
"It's alright...I know you were just protecting me by getting me out of Hydra. I get that you coming after me also wasn't personal, that they made you." I replied a bit softer than before, referring to when he was still The Winter Soldier.
Bucky nodded glad I understood him for who he really was not who they had made him. "It wasn't personal, you know I would never want to hurt you." He said softly looking into my eyes.
"I know." I looked up at him then not being able to contain the emotions in my eyes. Despite the fear of getting hurt again, of losing each other, the feelings I held for him never went away no matter how much I had tried to bury them.
Bucky couldn't help notice the emotions in my eyes. Seeing how much I cared, I always had. "I...I thought I'd lost you. I've carried that guilt with me for a long time. i felt powerless, I couldn't do anything to protect you, I couldn't stop them from...." A sigh left his lips as he shut his eyes to try and block the memories, of Zemo making him hunt me down, to either bring me back or kill me...
I wanted nothing more than to hug him then but I held back speaking softly, "Hey we were both being controlled. You had no choice...I get it...I honestly never thought I'd see you again."
Bucky shifted his eyes from mine, I noticed his hand squeeze around the beer bottle trying to keep his emotions in control. "I'm glad you get it....and I know...I didn't think I'd ever see you again either."
I notice his change in demeanor and knowing he was not good with emotions decided to change the subject. "Oh I heard your working with Sam Wilson now? Falcon? Here I thought you didn't get along."
Bucky laughed slightly a bit embarrassed, taking a swig of his beer before replying,"Sam and I have our disagreements sure...but we work well together. Though I will admit when I first heard he was going to be the new Captain America, I was not impressed."
"Of course not. Wish it was you?" I give him a knowing look, Bucky had been Steve's best friend for well centuries of course he'd feel like he deserved it more...or maybe he didn't and that was the issue.
Bucky looked at me his eyes widening in surprise as he chuckled and shook his head. "You know me too well. Though I think it was for the best. I think Steve would want Sam to be Captain America...It's a different lifestyle, one I'm not entirely ready for. I feel like Steve was made for it literally. whereas I fit better with the fighting and action. I'm not sure if I'm ready for a role like that. At least not now anyway."
I nod in understanding, "I get it. Despite my new...gifts. I'm not sure I want to be front and center or a leader again."
Bucky couldn't help but laugh at the irony that the both of us held so much power yet were content staying in the shadows. "I guess that makes two of us. We're more suited to the fight, not the politics. I don't know about you but I prefer the chaos to those meetings."
"Definitely. I knew there was a reason we got along." i joked. Not like we weren't similar in other ways...
Bucky seemed to relax more then I noticed. he took a long sip of his beer, I noticed his eyes roam over me. And took a sip of my own beer,smirking.
"You know me so well...maybe too well." A playful smirk crossed his lips but he was only half joking.
"Same goes for you." I agreed looking at him, "But that's not a bad thing right?"
"I guess not..." The playfulness in his tone disappeared then, his growing more serious. "I guess we have always been close...you always knew what I was thinking, didn't you?" Bucky shifted in his chair, turning slightly to avoid looking at me. I could tell he was reliving something he didn't want to.
I narrowed my eyes in concern, "Yeah like right now...Bucky what's wrong?"
Bucky took a deep breath before answering, "It's just that...I'm remembering things. The memories have been resurfacing and their bringing back other feelings I was suppressing. I know it's stupid but I don't like thinking about the time I was with Hydra...or when we fought...I never want to be that person again."
I nod in understanding. Knowing just what memories he was thinking of, not just being brainwashed and coming after me but the same thing happening to me as well. "Yeah...me either, trust me those demons are a lot harder to deal with then the real ones."
"that's the thing..." Bucky shifted in his chair, leaning on the table. his voice becoming more gentle, "You're a survivor...I should have known you'd be able to handle yourself as everything that happened."
I sighed,looking down. "I shouldn't have to deal though...WE shouldn't have too." Then I asked him "Do you still get nightmares?"
A hint of sadness crossed Bucky's face then as he nodded, "Yeah...I still get them...you too?"
"Yeah. Almost every night. My guardian demons try and protect me but they can only do so much." Not to compare but Bucky had been an adult when all that happened. Lilianne had been a child, for along time Hydra was all she knew...
Bucky looked pained at my answer, "I'm sorry...I'd take them from you if I could. I know how hard they are to deal with..."
"I know you would. I am grateful you got me out when you did, yeah I was almost an adult and Hydra ended up infiltrating Shield anyway...but at least you tried." I smile at him, wanting to take his hand but not sure if it was time yet.
Bucky looked at me, knowing what I wanted he held out his hand towards me. I smiled at him, squeezing his hand.
"I'm glad our reunion didn't end up in a fight well mostly." I grinned.
Bucky laughed softly, "I guess I've mellowed out with age. You did try and kick my ass."
I scoffed, "You started it. That metal arm of yours hasn't lost it's grip that's for sure."
Bucky smiled back, "That's true. And you haven't lost your touch either. those kicks are still powerful."
"Good to know training teenagers hasn't made me weak." I joked.
Bucky laughed, his eyes lighting up in amusement, "I don't know anyone else that can fight that good, especially with how small you are." He joked.
"I mean I was trained by The Black Widow and then was made leader of The Widows which was ironic." I mused.
Bucky chuckled at that, "I always thought it was strange and ironic for a teenage girl to lead The Widows. I guess being around them helped your skills..."
"Oh yeah I mean I had no choice really..." I trail off at the memories then try and lighten the mood again. "But I'm glad I haven't gotten rusty."
Bucky seems to know what memories I'm referring too, he had been Natasha's instructor in The Red Room after all. But he didn't bring it up, instead he smiled and said "I think you could still kick my ass in a fight...again."
"Wanna bet?" I smirk giving him a look.
A smile spread across his face then, I had his attention now and he was intrigued. He'd never pass up a chance to spar with me. Bucky looks at me a small smirk and hint of confidence appearing on his face. "You think you could still take me?"
"I know I could." I grinned back.
"Is that so? You think you have the upper hand?"
Suddenly I disappear into shadows only to reappear behind him. "I know so." I whisper into his ear.
I noticed Bucky's breath catch in his throat, the smug smile turning into an amused chuckle, "Alright then, I won't argue with that. Maybe you do have an advantage." Bucky gets up from the chair now turning to face me, grinning in amusement.
"Alright I'll make it easy on you. No powers. just strength and skill." I smirk backing away and geasutering for him to come towards me, it had been awhile since I'd had real competition. I was also glad I had worn my black tactical outfit instead of street clothes.
"Deal." Bucky nodded, stepping up. "Cmon on then." I wink at him.
Bucky smiled back at me before raising his fists, waiting for me to make the first move, to see what my strategy would be no doubt. His eyes glued to mine. More than ready.
I smirk, feinting a left kick then use the wall to push off into the air and kick him with my right leg.
The sudden kick catches him by surprise, my move faster than expected as I kick the side of him sending him back a few feet. Bucky kept his composure though raising his guard against me. He took a defensive stance not wanting to leave himself open again. This fight wouldn't be so simple.
I notice his stance, getting him off his feet wouldn't be so easy. Good thing I was quick. I used my momentum to leap over Bucky then, "Surprise." Putting a foot in front of his to catch him off guard. "No one said we had to fight fair."
To be continued...
A/N: Thought this was getting too long, more sparring with Bucky will continue in part 2 and a bit of Angst...cause we know how he is with feelings.
Part 2
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ataraxetta · 2 years
Trying to brute force my way through this years long block and wrote a little Jason and Dick fic. I'm at 6k words but it's not ready for ao3, so just putting this little (very rough) intro here for fun and attention? validation? just because? who knows. I am weak! It's got a tiny bit of nc17 reminiscing, but otherwise safe I think. Jaydick, established-ish relationship (fwb type thing), 800ish words.
Jason is slouched on a broken wooden bench in a private corporate courtyard, sucking aggressively on a milkshake when the deactivated comm in his helmet bursts into sudden, shocking life. 
He startles hard, a closed-mouth gasp dislodging the chunk of strawberry stuck in his straw and sending it rocketing straight into the back of his throat. Barbara tolerantly waits out his violent coughing fit before speaking again. She says, "Hey."
"Jesus Christ, O," Jason swears, voice hoarse and racing heart trying to slow. "Almost shit my fucking pants."
"Sorry," Barbara says, sounding anything but. She makes a noise like she's trying not to laugh. "You okay, there, scooter?"
Jason coughs a bit more and belches painfully, wipes his mouth and re-engages the faceplate of his helmet and says, "blow me," through the voice modulator. Barbara really does laugh this time, and the tension that's been stiffening the line of Jason's shoulders since the moment she contacted him ebbs a little. Oracle doesn't fuck around on the job, so whatever it is she wants to talk to him about must not be that serious. He tosses what's left of his milkshake into a nearby trash can and leans comfortably in the shadow of a 'No Trespassing' sign where the security cameras he disabled point right at him. "So did you need something, or just dropping in to scare the holy ghost out of me?"
"A little of both," she admits. Jason can hear the clack of her keyboard in the background. It's still evening, setting sun painting the horizon a deep pink that's faintly visible under the thick grey Gotham smog. She's suited up early tonight, but so has he, and he doesn't ask. Still typing, she says, "I hear you're teaming up with N tonight."
"Where'd you hear that?"
"A little birdie told me."
"Funny," says Jason, bone dry. Find a Robin, pick it up, all day long you'll have a loud mouth. Barbara sounds entirely too amused with herself, though, so he breathes like Darth Vader through the helmet and grins when she makes a disgusted noise. "But yeah, later. I need his bendy shit for some recon. Why?"
Barbara says, "He's in a mood."
The way she says it like a warning stokes the beginnings of a fire inside him, a burgeoning electric spark lighting him up. Instinct and habit have him scanning the rooftops across the road despite knowing no one will be there. He's glad the helmet masks his too-interested tone when he says, "Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. Just wanted to give you a heads up."
Jason and Barbara aren't super close these days, and she was hard to read even back when he still had all his marbles. He doesn't know how much, if anything, she knows about what he and Dick get up to lately, can't tell from context if this courtesy call is for him specifically or if she's had the same conversation with anyone else planning to cross Nightwing's path tonight. Whatever the case, it's undoubtedly well-intentioned, so he says, "well, thanks," kind of dumbly. The courtyard gate creaks open a couple hundred feet away and he slinks into the shadows. "I've gotta go do a thing. Stop fucking with my comms."
"Sure," she tells him. "Good luck with your thing."
She clicks off. Jason turns off his comm again.
A few hours later, exactly on time, Dick comes to a light-footed landing on a warehouse roof a few feet away from him. His hair is exceptionally tousled, his eyebrows exceptionally expressive, his Nightwing getup exceptionally tight. Smiling, he tilts his head and puts his hands on his hips and says, "Knew I'd find you here."
"I literally told you to meet me here," Jason points out.
Dick ignores him. He stretches out his shoulders and arms, touches his toes and straightens, bends back until his hands touch the roof, hefts himself up onto them, turns in a circle on his palms and tips backwards until his feet touch down, then straightens again. Loose, he tosses Jason another grin. "Ready?"
Jason’s brain stutters a little. The last time they fooled around, less than a week ago, Dick had shoved him against a wall with a grin on his face just like this one and climbed him like a tree, rode him rough, slutty, shameless, and so good Jason shot off like a rocket inside him. Then he'd turned Jason around and fucked between his thighs and jizzed all over Jason's balls and cock and a little bit on the pristine white wall of his pristine white living room in his pristine white apartment. 
Jason says, "Ready."
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To the Shadows that Cry Witch /// Chapter 8
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Good evening! (For me anyway) This one is going to be another short one, but I promise the last two chapters of Part 1 are over 1.5k words each so you'll get plenty for the final two parts! If you're enjoying it so far, do message or comment to be added to the taglist. Enjoy :))))) <3
Summary: Welcome to Middle Earth! Though not in a nice way, you've got some challenging things to experience. Enjoy your stay!
Tags: Kíli x oc/reader - Fíli x oc (POV to be written soon) - Thorin's company x ocs/reader (platonic) - fluff - angst - SUPER slow burn - crack - Bagginshield
Word Count: 948
Warnings: Mentions of Minor and Major Injuries from last chapter, People waking up and panicking a bit too much.
Taglist - comment or message to be added!
Want some background music? Check out my Soundtrack Playlist!
Now available on Wattpad and AO3 (please let me know if links aren't working)
< Chapter 7 // Chapter 8 // Chapter 9 >
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PART 1: Chapter 8 -
How it feels to chew five gum.
Jamais Vu (definition): translates to ‘never seen’. When one experiences being unfamiliar with a person or situation that is actually very familiar.
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Twisting around in my sleep was a bit of a mistake, seeing that I ended up leaning on practically every injury I had.
Not to mention the loud voice that sent Kay into hysterics. But what really had my eyes shooting open was that she had accidentally planted her foot right where I felt it in my ribs. Broken bones remember?
Sitting up on my good arm, I faced over my shoulder to where I had heard Kay land unceremoniously on the floor, her legs the only thing I could see kicking about as she tried to untangle herself from the covers. I blinked at the early morning light, getting my bleary eyes to finally open up properly, when I froze.
Well, we were certainly no longer in the middle of nowhere, instead a completely strange place, as if we had gone back in time. By the looks of it, it was definitely a bedroom of some sort, though it looked as if it had shrunk ever so slightly, if the feeling of my feet hanging off the edge of the bed answered anything. It was also concerning as I had no recollection of arriving here, and I doubted Kay would either.
Regardless of how much it resembled the definition of an age old English cottage, the one thing that stood out to me was the weirdest feeling that I somewhat knew what this place was. A familiar place that I had never been to. Thankfully, my questions were answered when I looked towards the foot of the bed.
My face went slack with shock and all I could do was stare. He stared back most of the time; his eyes darting back and forth every once in a while.
Kay was still flapping around, though now only her arms as she brought herself to her feet. She looked at me, then to where I was staring, only to fall silent herself, her eyes stretching wide as her mouth fell open.
The miniature version of Martin Freeman himself was stood at the foot of the bed, looking like this was the last place he wanted to be right now.
He became easily flustered, redness crawling up his neck and over his round face. We were staring after all, gobsmacked, in absolute silence at him as if he was some sort of zoo animal. I opened my mouth slightly, chapped lips cracking after drying out all night. I wanted to say at least something before this non-existent conversation become even more awkward as it was. I didn’t get very far though, since anything that once was died back down my throat, and I pressed my lips back together.
Seeing that we weren’t going to move at this moment, he stuttered out that breakfast was ready, before darting out of sight, scurrying down the hall before either of us could say a word.
It wasn’t like either of us were planning to say anything, considering we spent the next twenty seconds or so gaping at the empty door frame, before slowly turning towards each other.
I was the first to rouse from our mutual state of shock, silently mouthing ‘WHAT THE FUCK’, as I pointed my finger wildly, whipping my head back and forth at Kay and the door.
‘I DON’T KNOW’ Kay mouthed back as she flailed her own hands around in confusion.
I frantically beckoned Kay towards me, waiting until she had clambered back on the bed before slapping my bandaged hand on her shoulder.
“That isn’t the actor.” I murmured.
“Uh-huh.” She nodded.
“He’s far too short to actually be Martin Freeman.”
She nodded her head eagerly in anticipation.
“Do you realise what this means??” I hissed. She stared, waiting. My eyes became wide and unfocused, as it finally dawned on me.
“We’re in Middle Earth?!?!?!”
Kay took a deep breath, seeming to hold it in as she tried to contain herself. However, we were soon both flailing slightly in excitement.
“Holy shit you’re right.” She answered with a laugh, as she bounced around the bed, eagerly taking in what was around her. I wildly grinned back with the same enthusiasm. Placing my hands on my lap, I took them off less than a second later at the unusual feeling. Looking down, I let out a whine at the sight of dried mud on my trousers.
“Though we didn’t exactly arrive in the best of conditions.” I added, flicking away bits of mud and dried blood. Kay looked down at her own self and let out a groan at the sight of her cargo trousers on the verge of becoming completely ruined.
“Forget that.” she replied, picking at the material. “If this place doesn’t cure my goddamn depression, then I really don’t know what will.” I let out a short laugh at the statement.
The sound of teacups clinking together from deeper in the house somewhat managed to knock us out of our state as we realised we were currently in someone’s home as guests. And very dirty ones at that.
Kay swiftly slid off the bed onto her feet, picking up anything that her unruly wake up technique had knocked off the mattress. I followed suit, standing up to stretch as much as I could without disturbing my fractures. Though that proved to be a mistake as I ended up colliding my head with the ceiling, Kay letting out a cry of laughter when I yelped in surprise.
Now weary at the height of things, I tried my best to recall what Bilbo had stuttered out about where to go, then turned to lead us both through the door into the rest of the hobbit’s home.
< Chapter 7 // Chapter 8 // Chapter 9 >
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Can't wait to see you on the 12th May for Chapter 9! Also please comment if you want to be added to the Taglist <3
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vensulove · 2 years
2022’s favorite skin care, makeup, and fragrances
i was tagged by @chiveburger (💕🌸💗✨🌸💗) and i really loved reading through theirs and the user that tagged them and on and on! i love makeup and skincare, but it can be hard sometimes because I have really bad eczema and get it on my face and neck a lot!! i tag @cheekblush @artismonkeys @nosekiss and anyone else who wants to (seriously) bc i want to see everyone’s faves!!!!
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s k i n c a r e
1. vanicream gentle facial cleanser for sensitive skin
$9-14 average
this face cleanser was like a miracle for me!!!! it’s really hard to find good facial cleansers for people with really dry and sensitive skin like mine due to eczema, but this one ticks all my boxes! it’s gentle, but still leaves my face feeling nice and clean!
2. cetaphil eczema restoraderm soothing moisturizer
so this pretty pricey to me for a face moisturizer, but it is really is worth it. i was having the worst dry skin and eczema with flaky and dry skin on my face and after one night of using this i instantly saw results. so it’s definitely worth the money if you get eczema on your face!
3. chapstick total hydration soothing vanilla moisture
$ average around 7ish
a really good and solid chapstick. instantly made my lips feel sooo much better and kept them better! also good for small places on your face that are dry as well!
4. jasmine tea lip mask moisturizer
$12 on colourpop
Idk if this works or not. I bought it mainly for the packaging because it has uncle iroh on it. it’s really soft and feels good putting on though!!
m a k e u p
5. between the sheets super shock blush
$9 on colourpop
the best blush omggggg will never go back to powder !!!!! so soft and velvety !!! you just dab a little on your fingers and then tap tap tap and blend it onto your cheek wherever you want it!! can be super subtle or super prominent depending on how much you use. oof I love it so much
6. revolution golden bar eye shadow pallet
my go to eye shadow pallet. like if you have green eyes these are some of the best daily colors for you!! i mainly use the three golds in the middle and the brown on the bottom for everyday looks
7. too faced triple scoop hyper-reflective highlighting pallet
$ i can’t find it new anywhere so i don’t think they sell it anymore :(
literally smells so good. all the colors look super good as well!! im pale (aka white) and even the brown highlighter is cute on me! great for matching highlighters with your outfits hehe
8. total temptation washable mascara
my favorite mascara ive tried. the brush is a perfect size, the application is great, and I love how it makes my lashes look!!!!
f r a n g r a n c e s
9. coach dreams sunset
$ averaging around 50 bucks, but the bigger the size the more $$
so i first got this in one of those little sample bottles you keep in your purse because I just could not help myself it smelled sooo gooodddd. and then my parents got me a big bottle for Christmas and I almost cried! I love this scent so much like I can’t even describe it tbh it’s just goodness~
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kariachi · 2 years
Okay I talked about doing random ‘why do I keep finding these’ shinies for characters, so here we are. This may take a bit, so we’re gonna start with the Plumber Spawn. And Argit because I love Argit and wanna do stuff with him today.
Also, some teams just for shits and giggles.
Kevin - Seel x4
Banette [Phantom Force/Trailblaze/Psychic/Thunderbolt]
Seel [Ice Shard/Aqua Jet/Thief/Rain Dance]
Seel [Water Pulse/Attract/Encore/Icy Wind]
Dewgong [Aqua Ring/Rest/Smart Strike/Drill Run]
Dewgong [Megahorn/Ice Beam/Surf/Perish Song]
Garbordor [Spikes/Toxic Spikes/Cross Poison/Drain Punch]
Manny - Delibird x4
Gigalith [Rock Slide/Earthquake/Iron Head/Explosion]
Hydreigon [Dragon Pulse/Dark Pulse/Flamethrower/Surf]
Delibird [Drill Peck/Brick Break/Foul Play/Seed Bomb]
Delibird [Ice Spinner/Thief/Snowscape/Present]
Delibird [Ice Beam/Water Pulse/Tera Blast/Swift]
Delibird [Tailwind/Spikes/Helping Hand/Aerial Ace]
Alan - Gastly x4
Arcanine [Extremespeed/Ice Fang/Flamethrower/Outrage]
Parasect [Spore/X-Scissor/Aromatherapy/Dig]
Gastly [Thunder/Shadow Ball/Nasty Plot/Giga Drain]
Haunter [Dazzling Gleam/Spite/Toxic Spikes/Focus Blast]
Gastly [Destiny Bond/Dream Eater/Taunt/Dark Pulse]
Gastly [Will-O-Wisp/Mean Look/Curse/Protect]
Pierce - Goomy x3
Ninjask [Double Team/Swords Dance/X-Scissor/Baton Pass]
Shedinja [Phantom Force/Dig/Metal Claw/Toxic]
Lilligant [Safeguard/Aromatherapy/Petal Blizzard/Energy Ball]
Goomy [Rain Dance/Water Gun/Dragon Breath/Absorb]
Goomy [Dragon Pulse/Thunderbolt/Sludge Bomb/Mud Shot]
Goomy [Sunny Day/Water Pulse/Dragon Breath/Absorb]
Helen - Heatmor x6
Heatmor [Scorching Sands/Flamethrower/Giga Drain/Focus Blast]
Heatmor [Throat Chop/Shadow Claw/Thunder Punch/Hone Claws]
Heatmor [Hone Claws/Dig/Bug Bite/Drain Punch]
Heatmor [Stockpile/Swallow/Spit Up/Giga Drain]
Heatmor [Sunny Day/Stockpile/Round/Facade]
Heatmor [Sunny Day/Solar Beam/Fire Lash/Rock Tomb]
Elena - Tangela x5
Electrode [Gyro Ball/Electro Ball/Swift/Thunder Wave]
Tangrowth [Ancient Power/Shock Wave/Giga Drain/Sludge Bomb]
Tangrowth [Brick Break/Earthquake/Aerial Ace/Payback]
Tangrowth [Ingrain/Giga Drain/Amnesia/Facade]
Tangela [Knock Off/Sleep Powder/Tickle/Thief]
Tangela [Stun Spore/Attract/Flash/Confusion]
Mike - Rattata x6
Raticate [Hyper Fang/Crunch/Super Fang/Iron Tail]
Raticate [Grass Knot/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam/Work Up]
Rattata [Toxic/Endeavor/Sucker Punch/Quick Attack]
Raticate [Swords Dance/Dig/Pluck/Zen Headbutt]
Rattata [Roar/Endeavor/Sucker Punch/Quick Attack]
Rattata [Super Fang/Counter/Sunny Day/Thief]
Argit - Numel x4
Glalie [Freeze-Dry/Water Pulse/Dark Pulse/Scary Face]
Salazzle [Toxic/Dragon Pulse/Venoshock/Corrosive Gas]
Numel [Curse/Amnesia/Iron Head/Body Press]
Camerupt [Earthquake/Lava Plume/Rock Slide/Trailblaze]
Numel [Incinerate/Charm/Scary Face/Zen Headbutt]
Numel [Stealth Rock/Will-O-Wisp/Tera Blast/Sandstorm]
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